Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 24, 1893, Image 5

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    Oregon City lintcrprisc.
In I'hto mma n, wi
Mlimnorn Al.loNA V IIAMONA:
i oimuMNi'inf. i mvii niuti iNi.
U :ui. in,
J ui , i,
B i 1 1' III,
1 :w a. in.
II U. in.
V "I It III,
la III.
tl.M II. III.
Time rant itlijxt'l In rlmniiit wllliuul hullio
1 l i. Ill
H. 'Ill II MM'N.
Allmliy l,oc rny nlnllmial
I allluinla K.anriot MliniiiKli)
Uu.vImuk l.,al way mil, ,lla )
m Til inn mi.
lliiM-liiirK l.iir.l lwy ii.iliniil
A 1 t.o II ) in ,i (Hay ,i,,i .
I alilnnila h i.u.a (II, i. mill)
MalU Her KoiitK NiiiiIi.i a. in
9 HI a in.
m in.
' I n ii in.
HI a.
A li p.
7.M i
Malla I'liiao Kulug Hniilli, V . in,, 7 .ao
in., i m.
II. Mut'TKa.
Ori-unii I'lty tu Kly.t atiia, MuIiiihuikI MnUlla '
leavpa at i ut. ami arilvra al Ii m. ilnlly
lirf ton I lly In Kljr. Mink .CUrli Mi'aiiiwlrKii
t'nlini MIH, Miilliin ami I olimi, Iravva at 10
m rui-.y. llmt..L, ami Halunlay, ami lu
lunia mi Inllnwlni ilavi al I ,111 i. in
Al l lllKNT AT TIIKCboWN Mll.l.N. TllHt
wmnh tiTrilU mclilmit w hich tH't-iirrtl
At tln ( piwu utNr iiiIIIn IuhI Hiitunluy
luorniliir Jttit after tlitt iluy h) i if t went on
duty 1 ,011m Hh.it wan ruiitflit In 11
linn nlmft wliilii in lint tti inl at.iry ovrr
tlm lnit:ii cookliiK ryliinliTB, twinti'il up
mid rrrli-(l uroiiml uinl rotiin whilii
lio wit lit'utiiitf uKainnt irojiM'llni
liinliiTH, till liia i lotlii-H iive way mnl
Iia w un thrown to Urn lliMir IhiIiiw l.rnlwil
unit lTtil.lv inanuliMl. It a aiiiii',
thut the an iilelit WNNcatim'il ,y a lo.e 1 1 1 1 . '. , . . . .
, . , , . ' hail w renrh ol t.n niikle lo Im'lier him,
Nhirt Nleeve, the liiitluii ln'iliir nir, which L 1 ,,, , , ., , , ,,
.. . I am) that In why he iiiiIin en liroaolv
raiiglil 011 the mini, nl.aft which waal,, , ltf ,,.,, .
...U..I..1 . il... . .. .....
ii'uiiK mi me ruin 111 imi revolll-
tloiiN ht mlniile, while hew oiling a
hearing Fellow workmen 011 the main
flour lieanl din cry when caught, ami !
alw heard a h'iinkler (all which he hud
Hlrin k while revolving around ihu living
hIiiiII, hill Udore Ihey could cliuih up
the two flighla of .tuira to hiii aid he hud
h 1 throw to llm II, ir all Inokeii and
bruised, lie a iiiii kly brought to ir.
Carll'a ollice where bin Injuriea Weie
found to couaint of IIimhi broken riba,
bolh 111 iiik broken, one of Iheiu in two
('laced, ulaive and Indow the ellxiw,
liuuierolia aeveie hriiiuea and iiobubly
iulernul injiiriea. IIik woiiiiiIn weie
dri'NM'd and he wimcuiried hoiua wheie
he rH-nt a cotnimiiiive!y coinforlahle
night, ciitinldering the terrible mangling
which be had teccived. Stapler wait a
Young mall L'l) yearn of age, of good
liahiln uml well liked. He had a w ife
ami one child. 1 lu came to Oregon
City from .Mnwoiiri uhoiit nix lii"lilhn ago
and bad been at woik in the puur mill
four montiiN. He in ri.tui to have been
earn ing an uccideiit policy of l.ri H) at
the lime o bin death.
A Sii.vkii Wkihiisii. On Friday even
ing Mutch 17, l'.U, a large company of
invited giienlN met ut the renidence of
Mr. and Mm. (ieorce V. Iloyluit ol thin
city, to celelnate with them the "Mil
aiini vernal y of their UiuiTliigv. An ex
rellent nm ial tiiuu wiin hud. A Nilinotu
utiH repimt wnn Nerved, a number of
prcnentN were given uml excellent in
Ktrumenlul nitinic whn rendered by th
Aldridge Itroa. ami otliern. Appro
priate reniiukn and prayer whn ofl'ered
by Key. I'. H. WllliiiuiH, puntor of the
U. II. church. Among thonu preneut
were: I'. H. Wililonm of 1'urtlaiid, Mr.
and Mm. John 1. Sumner, Mr. and Mm.
(leo. Iloylun, Mra. and Mra. Will Al
dridge, Mr. John Aldiidge, Mr. and
Mra. Frank Aldridge, Mr. Joe Aldridifp,
Mr. Ueuhen Aldridge, Mra. Sudo Sui fiiM,
Mr ami Mm. Will (ireen, Mr. and Mra.
A. I'. Ciinnoti, Mr. mid Mm. Juiiich
Miller, ChiiH. IVtcrHon, Mm. Mary
Stewart, Mr. O. M'airen, Mr. A. Oui
11011, Mr. .Icnm! Milligun, Mr. Chim.
Milligun, Minn Winnie Iloylun, Mr.
('Iiun. Iloylun. Mr. M. Murrun, Mm.
Fdnu (irigKN, Minn Mutlie Iloylun nml
Minn Cynlhiii UruHHick. The affair wuh
a niicci-nn in every renpect.
Cl.AI'KAMAH Col'NI V lluVH. TIlO W(nl-
buin Independent contuliiH the follow
ing notico ol two ol CluckiimiiH fonnly'a
young men who moved lo W'oodbtirn a
couple of yeum ago: "The planing mill
of l.ivenny I Iron, in running on full time
mid In ' turning out a auperior nihil
ity of work. Mr. Livenuy told iih that
they would do Inlly 51)0 worth more
woik thiHi Ih than in the rorrenpotid-
ing inonlh of hint year. They will mum
put In more machinery. SuhIi, doora
and blindH will coimlitule a HiK'ciul feat
ure of their ImnineNH."
Skvkn Nkw Mkmhkiih. FhIIh City
Lodge No. .r1 of thin city in in a moat
proHperoiiN condition. 'l 'H rupidly
building up a good ineniborHliip. The
applicants for nl Friday night num
bered Heven and ntill they are coming.
The march aHMenHinmit wan puid out of
(inula on hand n l'1"' nminbeni had
nothing to pay for thin month. There
are now 118 inciiilierH.
Ai koua'h Nkw Ofhukhb. The city
election occurred for the first time laat
week in the young city on the southern
boundary of Cluck aiuas. The olllcora
choHen wero aa follow: Treamiror, Frod
Will; recorder, A. H. (iieay ; murHliul,
Win. Miller; triiateeB, Win. Fry, C.
Snyder, Oeo. Kraus, Stophen 8mitli and
Win. Milcy.
'I'll I'lIMN Til K I.AKKH. I'llll hImiIuIM III
iliiiiniiiU what U known hm "tU lukc"
I ly'HK imrlliciiHt of town Im oflwi lnvli
ri'iimikinl, Imt mi mo vr Ihih uvit ln-i'ii
inmlii In Unit ilnrrliun till riTciilly wlii-n
I ( '. 1 1 A I In lull I liml u iM'liiiilinirv Hiirvcy
Himhi liy Sidney Hin)tli wlilrli ilmnon
Minimi tint fnixihilily ut liriiliiliiK
liiki'x Into tlui Alimiii'lliy. I If Iiun alum
ir'Mihtcil lint inailiir tn tlm ituiirty
lii.lilurn ttliouH ii tlni liiki mill ii'ljun nt
j territory mnl tin y Intvn HiKiiilii'il Umir
williiiiincxH to i'i-iiii'riilii In tlm inovu
HK'iit. Tlm wink vi I II I in iliiim liv a
nyNti'iii n iimliT-ilriliiiiKK li'mliiiK l'i
1 u r k in u i n Kliirli Hill cinply into tlm
Alicriiclliy ni.nr tlm lirli k ymil, himli-y
Smyth In iki w I'ligni'il in niukiiiK u
xiirvfy mul plain xlmwiiiK I In- jlu,en
wIiitu tiling nhuuld Im l.tiil t'vi'lln-r
with i'"tiniHl' of cunt. It In i-xhtIi'iI
thai I Im work will lw ilonu tit im Hiiiiiini-r.
I!i-hIiIi'n rcili'finiiiK a Urii iin-H of rich
ulluviul linttiiin Imiil it will relieve tlm
lower cinl of lli I'ity of u fever mnl ml-
M"lii4 Itreeiler tt liii li w ill iluv (iixl-
ni'ImI lo tliimn inciiniiil to inuliiiiii.
lloiiNK Kki.i, on Him IIuvb you
imliii'il John Nolilctt limjiiiiK aliuni
town? Well, whiUtyoii 111 11 y think It
niifortiiiiiiic Unit he Iuim to walk about
wilha nine, John llnnka hiiucclf the
liiikii'Kt limn In town jiiht U'cannH Im
lun'l wori iihimI tip. You m-c hn wbh
rilling hIoik 011 hoiachui k wlii-u In crufN
Wik 4 walk thi horRi-'H f. i-l ilii (rum
iiihIit him nnil ilown c.i ini Iioihii ami
riih-r in a hrui. It who done o iuu k
lllllt John I'll tl l I II ' t 1 If 1 1 1 IliniH-lf hill
hU leg w hli'li waN miller the home j'.lxt
eleiirml the walk ami lil in u hollow
lii'lwi-rn lint walk ami a It 11 no that
It W'nn (initei'leil ami iimleiul of Immm
lttl,Utll Htlll Mtllilkl,l ItMt !. f.l.ll u
".' '
Tim Caiin auk I iki.i hi 11 l.a-l I'ri
iluy llm rorthiml (ieiienil F.lcrlnc
,0"M"".v I'hiced the order for the carN
lor (H went rode roud Willi I '. 1 1 -1 uml
( oiupiiuy of I'liiluileli'hia. Thie cum
W III bv ;ill feet lnlik' and nine feet wide.
Thia w ill yive uh 1 11 lie ti room in te.itn it',
a puNfc tiger couch on a htamlnrd gauge
railroud Intn. The car will be venlibiiled
no thai liie UK it' ir 111 mi iiinlead of Htuml
ilig oulHide exponed to nil the ini'lenieii
ciea of the weuther will lie innide. The
ti in k hi will he of 111 11 x i 11 111 111 iructioc. and
npee.led lo liiilen per hour w bit h will
enable them lo tun tl eeiriie h iiiii(
the roud ill li nntliun cix iniiinten if they
ilenire. The inrn will be puitited a
liaiiilHome 1 ream, liiliimed with gold
and will he the llnc-l in the male. In
twouionlliH they oiiuhl lo be here.
bunion To Kanimk CitV. Siiuie lime
nince the Hople of "Kaiman Cit" Net
ahnut celling a bridge ucr'ifN I'mir
teeulli nl reel tiulcli oh .Mudinoii ntreet
nml at one lime tliev Her.- ii-hiiihI i f
nucceN, but the plaun did tint niulerali.e
and they h nl lo hmk to iinnlher ijiuirtcr.
They how lind the blidu'e ag'iin 111 n u'lit,
111 tln-y have the imitiey rained which
udded to that which the city council
ntutiiln ready to allow w ill build it ant
II. K t'lonn Iiun hk 1 eel lo put it up. An
part payment he in to take three lo'
mfnacribed by K. M. Aikinaon. Sam
Uiiuk", and Nick Story, tin I have entered
into a bon I to uiiike good ihe hiiiouiiI of
the NiibncriiliniiN. They expect to ace
the bridge built at mice. It w ill be a
great convenience lo that part of the
city when completed.
IiKTi HNKii ro Ohkiion. Mr John M.
Crawford ol rorthiml, a brother of Mm.
II.C. Stevena nniiI Sunday in town.
Mr. Crawford hun junt returned finin an
Kur(iM'Uli tour of neveral uiontha till
ratinii. lie NMut coimideruble time
amid t!io liintoric hcciicn of Knglatid,
Ireland mnl Scotland. Aniiinii other
tliinga he niivn he enj ived the art of
I'uriN but to all American "London iH
the city." Mi. Crawford in an Oregon
hoy, a Hon of the lute Hon. Mcdnri 111
Crawford, the pioneer of 1S42. On the
way Inline he tonkin the inauguration
and the Woild'u Fair. At the former
ho huw Senator IMpli ami CongrenHinan
1 1 cm ut 11 11 . And now he nnyn rortluml
ni'cii.n to have nliruiik nince be went
away .
Tiik Wiikat Orri.ooK. Kepo't" from
the neveral paitu of the eoiinty are
encoiiriiging relative to the appeal mice
of winter wheat. 1 here wan a gimd
iicrcagu nowii hint full and the winter
wan in the main favorable. For 11 time
theie wiih frosty weather which would
have hurt the wheat hud it been cxpoNcd
but fortunately dining most of the cold
weal her it wan protected uml no Buffered
hut little injury, and the outlook in now
very favorable for a good crop.
A Nkw Fiiim. The ineinherHaio II. II.
Johnaon.T. I'. Uundiill and I). W. Kin
nurd all well known in thia commun
ity where the II rat Iwo mimed were
brought up. They will ollice in the new
Hiiite of (illlces being titled up over the
Hunk of Oregon City where they will
eHtablmh a general Hiiiveyitig, engineer
ing and druiighlHinaira ollice, The new
firm needa no aund off in thia com
munity. Foumino a SYNiiic'ATit. For Home
pant parties have la?cn engaged In or
ganizing a syndicate for the purcluiHO of
the Dan Magone tract of 200 acres, the
price being $2-5 per acre. The plan ia
to allow each acre to reprcHcnt a ahare
and to permit each one in the pool to
lake an many Bharea us lie like. The
lirat of the week 125 shares had been
ImI'iiovkmi'.ntn at iiik C'iiowh, Inaj
few ilaya thn Crown l'ner lullla will
0I111I iluwn ami give thn mill a thorough .
oierhiiiillng, I'onveilliig it fioiit coiirwi
iiiiinillii mnl Nlrnw mill Hilo u Mliaw, lini)
uiiiliillik mnl liewN mill. The hixt run of ,
Ntriiw imi'iT In now on prior to tint clone
... ... . 1 ... .1 . .. I
down which will riqill'U aooui inren 1 111 Mii'iinif iniiieriui reiiire'i lor oilier
weeka lo gel ill il.lce lh lhre cur lobila ' litiiroMineiitH.
of 111111 hlnery which Iiun arriveil and In "
enroule. TI.h elll. ient HU.erii,ten.lent, In.f l.iiiiiiilry.
VV. I. Ilawley, will Imvn charge ol tliia! T'" Troy Hlemn luumlry, of I'orllaml,
work. When the mill r-lnilH ilown lie T'-ml an agency In Oregon City
will i.iihIi the work i.n rapidly aNiM.MHihl.1. I'1'' V.X. Wadd.N.k at tlm jwat ollice
For h few ihivri hiHt week w hile out of ! 'or.fectioiiery ami cigar ataml, where
... 11 II ... ...Ill I - t... I I a I
lock nU of Hie big drying cylinder
were removed lo make room for the new
Want Fuck JIki.ivkhv. Some time
nince the I'omoua grange mNcd renolij.
tnuiN opposing furlher induction ol
iNtagn until after free delivery has been
generally entablmlied, Ueplyiug lo
tlii-No Hon. Ilinger lleruiuu wrilea to
l)r. J. Canto an billow: "1 beg to
acknowledge the receipt through the
Necrelury of the reNolulioim paNNed by
I'ouioiiu grange I', of II. oppomng any
further reduction of pontHge until the
several coin inn nit ii-m are aupplieil with
free delivery. I am heart and mini with
you in thia resolve and on neveral occa
sions have placed myself on record in
coiigresa on each of these prosmilion."
P.IHTHOAY I'aktV The 2'Mh of March
was F.. I'. Hand's 7-'d hirthduy and the
Satuiduy previous w lien the little folks
could bo at home from school his daugh
ter, Mm. W. A White gave a hiriliday
dinner in honor of his anniversary to
which she invited all Ins grand children,
who presented him with an cany chair
as a token of their love. Those present
were Wilfred and No'inan White, Jean
While, (ieorgeaml Nellie Sw afford mid
Nellie Swull'ord, Thurlow and Kulalie
Had I'iack to Woim. I.snt week
leorge Ilro'ightoh's sawmill had to be
nh'it dow n lor a couple of days ow iug to
an accident to t'.c log wuy caused by
iicciliiiuluted Mind ut the foot, which
threw the chain oll'ot the pulley at the
bottom. As the chain was caught and
the pullev 12 (ret uud.-r water therp was
no way lo ri pair the daiiiiue but to cut
the shute loone at the bottom and permit
it lo rine lo the surface when the chain
could be pel in place itguiu.
Mount I.ivk to llii.i.niioiio Suiveyors
Winking in the intcrt-ts of the Cornell A
Hun t's Heights ,loi or Line ccmpanv
Ii ave set pieliniiniiry stukes in the prin
cipal nlreets of II llsl'oiofor Ihe pronsed
line to connect thut city w ith rorthiml.
1 he llu'iiri-n produced by lliem show Hills
to ls a fraction over M miles west of
rortluml. The citizens are very hoie
lul thut the connection will nikiii Is'
made, although retail mercliHiits do not
like the idea so well.
1'i'MiMA liltlM.K Mcktisii The
Miilimuiiiih liintrict 1'oihoiii.i (irmige
will meet at Milwaukee on the 1st Wed
nesday in Apill, thai being the 5lh day
at 10:::0 o'clo, k a. lu. The roads,
finances and other ipienlioiis of Impor
tance will be discussed. A full attend
ance is de.-iied from all the grangea.
Mary S. Howard. Secretary.
WotiKiMi Oven Timk. Ileginning hint
Monday the woolen mill began working
extra hours in Ihe weaving room to
catch up with ciders. The hours are
from half pant six in the morning till
half past seven in the evening with but
half an hour's nooning. Thia makes
pretty long hours.
I1Iin't I.IKT TIIK COVKH. SotllB Utile
since Thomas Shute traded property
in this county for Iota in Port Discovery,
Coos county. He claims to have
''looked into the pot" since the trade w as
made and finds that the lots are value
less so he bus brought suit to recover bis
property in this county.
Treasurer's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that there are
funds on hand sullicient to p iy warrant
No. 2! indorsed December 12, 1SSU.
Interest ceases with date of this notice.
1'. J. Loris, City Treasurer.
Oregon City March 111, 1 81111.
(iiiilei'ine In t'eiiunylvmilH.
U...1..I.1... i. M .. i. ...i .... i......
.n it iw.-j , i mi. v iiiiii uh t'l'i'i. id-
itt ol cholerine, as our pnysicliins called
it, in this place lately and I made a
great hit with Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhea li.uiieily 1 sold
four dozen bottles of it in one week and
have since sold nearly a gross. This
Heinedy did the work and was a bii; ad
vertisement, for me. Several persons
who hud been troubled with diarrluva
for two or three weeks were cured by a
few doses of this medicine.
1'. 1'. Knait. I'h. U.
25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Oeo.
A. Harding, druggist.
The New Mmlcl Hall Typewriter.
A perfect nuicln iie writes in 82 char -
liiiuii. nun nine, iius inn. iiun
aclers.can he used in all I a ni; unites, can
., , , , , ,. i , ,. .
manifold, and ilo all kinds ol duplicate
work tiiMiilv i;ir,.r..i.t aiid.'M of Ainnri -
woik, lenty (lillerent etlea ol .imeri-
can type, linhtnnd handy to carry, wites
on ruled or unruled niK'r, any size or
quality. Kiisy to learn and as rapid as
any, a perfect paraxon of usefulness. It
ia acknowledged to lie one of the very
best writers in Hie market. Warranted
as represented. Send for ciiciilura and
samples to T. P. Ponies, Agent, Mar
quani, Or.
Ilolman A Walling are prepared to fit
up your house below Portland prices
TiikTiai.a tin I)oi k ItlHto lnHOxllO
ami will he huill on tlm i:oin uny' :
laml on ll.c Vet hIiIii of Hid WillumetUi
iieur tlm uioiiih of llm Tiialmin. Tlm 1
I'lmm ami necillciilii,iiN were ti-j-tired
the IumI of tint week, mnl it ii to he.
hiiilt al once l,y coulrm l, an it In rienli-i !
I 1: I I 1 .. .1 i
1 '"""" receiveu ami reiumeo
tiisnis leu ut ollice by liiesdny noon
will he returned Saturday morning.
Iliicklen Arnh'M Salve.
The lient Salve in the world for Cuts,
I'.riiiseN, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Klieiiin,
Fever Hdrc, Tetter, Cliapied Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin F.rtip
tioiis, and positively cures 1'iles, or no
pay reipiired. It is guaranteed to give
perfect salinfaction, or money refunded.
I'rice 1'.') cents a;r box. For sale by U
A. Harding.
Keceint, note ami order books at the
Kntkkthisk ollice.
Honey on I er hi
T. III him..
Pure Drugs,
Honest Prices
and the most
care in
Drug Store,
Near the
Court House.
Figures and
In the World almanac
for 1S!I3. If you want
the figures fur all im
portant events ol "J2; if
you want maps and
guides to the city toward
which the eves of the
whole world are turned
this year; if you are a
professional man, busi
ness man, politician or
sjMrt, you will find facts
and figures that you are
looking for, in the world
almanac for 181)3. Trice
23 cents at
Huntley's Book Store,
Sent by mail on receipt of price.
Stricken Down with Heart Disease.
I. Mile Mrdioal Co., Xlkhart, In.
Gkntlf.men j I fool It my fluty, as well as a
pbasuro, lo piiMlsh, unsolicileil, to the world the
bcuviil received from dr. Mili' Rcitonativi
Rcmcdics. I strUken down wub Heart
In at uie and Its comnlieat ions, a mold ntilso varv.
InifnimUO to HUbcau ncr lu nuto. a choktneor
I biiruiiitt Kosation la the wind pipe, oppression
I mm. mm M sv vi rm, I" Uto cbc.:l,
i 1 MUUSstt VUS3! P
! irlon of the heart and below lower riKpulii in tho
, 8)l)rtne nf truutti. alw'plcssiit.v.8, weukiicsa
and rcneral dchility. The arwrlea In my ncclc
would llm vlolemly, the thiobbingofniy heart
Col, be beard acroM a lare roem and would
I hake my whole body. I a nervoui that I
could not hold my band ateady. laiMtmi
- - - in
the ro-
under Iht trnilnual of awtiMml phyirinnm.
not have tnkrn gallant of mwii meatmnm
with"! the lenit benrU. A friend reconi
niendod your rerncdlee. She wa cured by lir.
Mllee' reniedtd Ihaveuken n
three boiilea of your MUntlJ
Heart Cure and two bottlea 7 T
Nervine. My pulae I" normal, I hav DO mom
Tiolent throbblnnof the bean, I wtn
I hieerely rewimmeud every one with nytapuiuia
of Heart Wane to Dr. Mil ' Jtettorm.
nafdl mnd wrsl.
Uypauni City, Kane. L. I. CAlona.
For pale by Charman & Co.
I a" "
OFFICE Next door to Caufield & Huntley's drug store.
The Finest Line and Best Quality Ever
Brought to Oregon City for
Men, Youths and Boys.
Prices That'll
Complete line of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes,
Groceries and Hardware. Five Stores in one. Your order
Filled Whatever it may be.
Oregon City Iron Works for all kinds of Machine
work and Casting.
To Traction Engines, Threshing Machines, Har
vesters, Mowers, Etc., promptly attended to.
Are equal to the lowest to be had in Portland'.
Shop on Fifth St. near Main, Oregon City
J. ROAKE, Prop.
Manufacturers of tnd
Eoth rough and dressed for lawn and division fence, also
Hartman Steel Picket Fence,
And Wire Panel Farm Fence, also Expanded Metal Fence.
Call and see Samples and get Prices.
Shop over Bestow's Snsh & Door factor', Oregon City, Or.
-ssSpeclal Bills Cut to Order-
MU1 and Yard on the River, Foot of Main Street.
Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubbery, Eta,
C. 0. T. WILLIAMS will
lean you all ilie money you
want on irnjirovwl farnw at
the very lowest rates. Special
rates given on largo loans.
No I'luiMing and Ian Asso-
Iciation but straight good?.
. a 1
After thirty years residence
in Oregon City I feel safe in
refering to the public in gen
eral. Clothing,
Surprise You.
the Place.
dealers In all styles nt