Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 17, 1893, Image 4

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Oregon City Enterprise.
Iublihecl Ever' Friday.
PI m.lMIKR AM) rml'KlKTlR.
On (r.
Hi i mouths.
Tbrnt moruh.
8utKTlptiniis payable Is tdtanr
Aderminc ratea fuen on application
t 00
Several year aco low nshi sii nl vni
north, in ranc Hire west, wrr inpro.erly
suneyeil in.1 thrown o n for settlement.
Settler who tiled oil land therein had to
en. ploy surxr yor to run their line as the
irovrrnineiit surveyor Jul not lo hiork
properly. The Mini: of the plat mid usual
notice recently published are not intei ile.l
to interfere with settlers tit.ilrr the former
tiling of the plats, but simply to mrm t cr
run. Thf register of tlie Ofrpm City land
ollice say concerning llm matter:
In t lie nutter of llit tiling of the township
A (jrnftint Cntret-Nfeteil Improvement
Vteral ArrldenU.
Mitwai in, XUrch II -Mr.. T. J. llene
kio, of Silne, Wa-liint.m, it i.itiim her
parent. Mr. and Mm. Ichman.
II. (juanl ha l.l.'-l a long w.mhI hcl ami
pjimi" er kil I. 11 to bin pl.ii.
I. rant Mill ha contracted a latve Job f
grnlting anil budding nrar Mount Talxir.
eiiallint: him to gne employment to soma
lift p 11 c.f the young men lu re.
N..w tint the iiirtioii of a new school
i hone i being agitated by tlie people why
Entered at th Pot Office In Oreoo City, Or.
a Kcuml c.m matter.
. ... 1 : 1 . 1.. .......
iiKiiui lomii ?i auu nni iiuiiii, 111 lan- .
three we-d in tt.U oil',.. 01. April t.l.ar.J mt consider one of the ne xt lead ng ,.,c
! llth. Jstfl, 1 wnoj.l state that mid plat are
' evidently to Correct the mrvey previously
made of raid to nship. A it an-ar 011 I
tl.f records of this ollice Dial said town-
ship were previoulv platted, and there is)
, but very little i-nhlic land in either town
I ship that will be subject to entry upon the
i hlu.g of the map above referred to.
Highland Stt. 1
Ili..ui !n. March II. -The regular an-.
nual .hol meeting .r llnldaml Jf'"'l
aa held in the wlmol !'- and r. ulnd
ill the ele.-ti.iii of K. HarriiiKtoii hr Jmrlor (
to au.ree.1 J. Mer. and Itola-rl Uiith. rf. id
cl. rk to nu.vee.l (i. It. Miller. I
The nnnilwr of w li'-d i-hildien of wh'Hil
awln tluadi'lrict Ihiiyear i H'1 1 f
ill tie no Ii.kiI thin spring omg to an In
nillii u-iu y of fundv ,
MiuTi'iniiK Maylleld lm been rngntt'-J ,
to teach the spring term lit flaik. Mi
S.nn will tearh In tl'.e llolroinb di-trli t, ,
l'ha. KntherforJ at Viola, and Mi Myrtle
Taylor will wield the rod at Minks.
lie. I'. II. Harper ol Vancouver will,
preach at the Highland t lKir. li next Niinr
.lav and Sunday.
i 1 x ' r
address: SAN trancisco, CAL
The ENTEEVBISE juarantees a lanrer b.na
ide (irrnlatioa than tbat of the other three
papers In the enonty eombined.
I'nioo kills,
Mewlnw Brook.
w Era.
WIlannTllle, -
l-ari Pine,
jile Creek,
fl. W. Prmser
Geo. Knight
A. Mmher
Gary A WlMner
G J. TriilUiner
E. S Bramhall
Chas Hoiman
W. S Newberry
Henry Milejr
Hamilton A Wahburn
Mrs. G. A bheppard
Thi prositioti of J. W. Totts to go
over the records and list all lands to which
the county has a shadow of claim was an
eitreniely nuxit st one. inasmuch as at er
ery tai sale for years pa.t the county has
bid in a large part of the prOrty advertised
for sale simply because no one had conti
deuce enough in the law governing lax sales
to risk his money. Should tlie list be made it
is not likely that the county could collect one J
half the amount of the bill for compiling
lions which i new sidewalks? Milwaukee
is a sorry looking sight in summer or win
ter lor the people who expect to enjoy a
ileaant si ml I altit the town. Kuhher
hoois have been a necessity. 1-et us shake
.r 1 . 1 1.-1.. U ..... .
, on our nio a roue bm.i nci(. u. o7.. uur , , j.i,,....
( . . 1... 1 - .. ... .1.- r-... ' : in v eiiirrs mo w o"
While the electric car "Alva" was return CliutnlierUin'a lough Keii.c.ly in tluj
ing from Oregon Citv Monday it in some , liutmo tora g.HHi many iuii.-i- 1. n..... .....
way sprung an aile ami was run into the
shop for re) airs. It will be out in a few
.Mnthi'lV llecoiiiiiii'iiiliitlnii.
We ar ttciuuinled w ith tunny iii.dlicia I
Cap. Kerr, our blacksmith, was unfortu
nate enough to be bitten by a dog. We hop
the bite w ill not prove serious.
Toney Ingram! cut his hand severely the
other day while splitting wood.
Our postmaster, J. C. Hungerford. is sick
with a light attack of the grip. We have
several other people on the sick list with the
whi. h would i.mbahlv be about one tenth of 1 "" cum !"
, j
the valuation of the county. A soft snap
T M. t r.s
J. y. Gi. ; that contract would bare been, surelv.
C. T Howard
R. M C. per : -
M Miolr Tu i,!.m m ,i ,,, ..v.i;irillr It
M. Hartmanl . .. ' , " .. ...
B Jenninis is w nmn me range 01 me lossiouiues 01 me
LJ pr,')r near future that the (sjwerof tha Willomette
- " -" H. WUhern I fall" a Oregon City will be used to draw
John Welsh (electric cars hither and thither all over the
J V" Crlch al H 'l,ll",e,,e vall,v' a,,(1 10 liL'h'
Mrs. W. M. Mc'ln'tvre I tmf towns in the circuit, including the Capi
tieo. j. Currin I tal Citv. With the new inventions for the
Mrs. M. J. Hammer ; transmission of power and lit'ht currents of
Adolph AH-hnrt
The EMrsraisi bfe published numerous
resolutions trom various par's of the county
condemning the county court tor various
ami sundry acts. These resolutions have
in the main copied after the first set
which were published in this paper, and it
is not necessary or wise to take up valua
ble space each week reiterating the same
Wnen the first set was published we said .
it was but fair to give the new system, I
which the court has deemed best to adopt,
a fair trial before condemning it. The j
course pursued by those objecting is calcu
latej to bring the plan into disrepute before
it has been tried. These resolutory would
hung a man ami afterwards have the trial,
which is manifestly unfair to the party
For forty years the old plan has been tried
and signally failed in most localities. It is ;
time to try some other plan for securing i
good roads. As the roads which we now j
have are as bad as they well can be, we are i
not likely to be any worse off than we are
at present, and with a fair trial of the new
plan wettand a chance of having much
better roads. Let those who are resolving
against the court for its action in changing
the Mad system turn to and give their aid
and moral support to the new plan which
bas the merit of having worked well else
where, and tbey will probably have the sat
isfaction ultimately of knowing that they
heled to improve this county by encour
aging the building of better highways. This
is no time and Clackamas county not the
place to clog the wheels oi progress, and ev
ery man lending his aid in opposition to im
proved public roads is making a vital mis-
electricity long distances, this is entirely
practicable. Jiut the people of Saieinwill
be fully satisfied with motor lines with
steam traction for the present. Might hitch
onto the falls later.
Is letting the contract for improving
Main and other streets it should be stipu
late.! that all the material that can posibly
I ha.l here should he procure.! in Oregon
City. This should be the case with the vit
nlie.l brick especially. They ought to be
made riiiht here if suitahleclay can osibly
be obtained. Not only w ill this employ la
bor at home but it will probably be the means
of building up an imK.rtant industry
which will add to citv's wealth.
As propi.1 become accustomed to the cars
Marks Prairie
Muks 1'KiiHti. March 17. The meeting j ai!e
at Marks Prairie school house was but oor
ly attended la-st week owing to the stormy
day. Hes des this there were several sick in
the neighborhood. It has been decided to
unite the class here w ith the one at Harlow
early in the spring as it is thought that
both will be strengthened by the change.
Fanners here are rejoicing in the fine
weather which Is drying out the soil so that
they can resume work which was interrupt
ed by the rain of lat week. There will be
a larire increase in the acreage of hops on
the I'rairie this spring.
Your correspondent visited the couty scat
on Tue'day and viewed with pleasure the
electric cars gliding along Main street. Ver-
! ily Oregon City is getting to be a goodly city,
j S. J. Ogle-by, who has lieen away from
' here for some time, is inakiiigarraugeiiieiits
! to move back on his place. He has an eye
to the future and his children's future, for
I he is setting out fruit and walnut trees.
P. J. Disney of Ilutteville was visiting
friends on the I'rairie last week.
I There is soon to be organized a lodge of
K. P. at Aurora, The petition containing
j over twenty names has been sent on and we
'eiect soon to see a strong lodge organized
'there. Several will join from this locality.
a in riifoniiiieiiilimr it every day. From
IKTsonal exiH-rionco we inn wiy Hint it
has broken up !''! cMh for children.
(Vnlcrvillo, South Piikolit, Citicn. M
cent Ixittli'n for wile by tieo. A. Harding,
ntlce to lollies.
Will the lailiea ol Oregon City please
tuke notice that I am prepared to go
out eewing. My terms am am dollar
per day. Anvone wishing to omploy
me cat) call at the K.vangelical purson-
Amklia Kits NT. -U
order bixiks
i taiisi ;
lUunk note, receipt and
at the KsTKW'KMi oil'ice
If you want
ply to C. O. T
to buy lota in liolton ap
WilliuniH, agent
and their passage along the street they do e hoi to see a goouiy nunnwroi -.mums
not see the objection which seemed to exist j present from Oreg-n City, Portland, Wood
when the track was being laid. It is Muiie a j burn and Salem, to help give the new hnlge
convenience to stei. on the cars at one's j a -'0'l -nd off on the night of organization,
ow n door and to be left there when return- j On Saturday last the ople of this local
ing. Altogether the cars are verv popular, "t.v joined with those of Harlow and organ
and when the service will warrant their ue.l a grange with about twenty-live mem
nmnineeverv ten or fiftet-n minutes thev ! I- tseveral more are intending to con. e
will bave more short distance passengers.
Ihm't fie hnnd-IrmAi-if
by d.salera
w h pretend that
th.'V inn w'll lr.
i lenv'a y.-iiiiiii
lutdiciriea lit ta
thnn thi long
ostiiblislusl nrutw:
liold.'ii M.slntil
IhMtnerr (for
I.iver, lil.ssl and
I. img Ihmwhsii,
II. KI T Ulttltt.
tion (for womnn'a wmkneHM mid adinentsi,
41. Ul mh- bottiu. 1 Viwint lill. ta llor the
hven, it cent per vinL Coi:i;siund Kxt.
of Smart Wissl, .id onts r U'ttio. I r.
Snire's Catarrh Iu-uicdv. .'ill tviita T bottlo.
'1 be ii iiume ii.tsii. .in ( can only l sold by
&rv-i-i at tlx a'.y ve rusn.
Tliere are inoru ways than ono to mnkea
Smtit, even at "cut prm." l'inTupuloim
mien tajnier with tlie bottl.t, or rellll
emjitv ones nd such mixtunsi enn I sold
cbeuily. But every Isittlo of Ilr. I'ierit.'s
prnuui nnsliriii'si m iimiitni-ed. If it fail
to give siitcfartion in any iiim1, you have
your money lack.
Can anything else, at any price, l nlly
at chtp ( You puy only for vuluo nsviveJ.
Wo havo them and carry first class goods
prices usually charged for inferior ones.
Thirty-six cases of
Ladies', Gents' & Children's Shoe
Just opened and ready for inspection. These
shoes are bought direct from tho manu
facturers, aro noted for their woaring
quality and marked at figures
that will readily sell them.
Don't Forget the Place
Park Place Cash Store.
in soon, and we expect to see a strong soci
ety toruied there. Occasional.
If school districts find themselves dis
commoded in matters financial by the new
law, thev may find consolation in the
thought that hereafter the tax payer and j
assessor will not be bunting for tuxatile I
prorty every month in the year. It is :
slightly inconvenient this year but in
the hereafter it will a whole lot better all!
Sevcbal farmers who have recently inves
tigated the plan of road improvement adopt
ed by the county court, for themselves, and
now understand its provisions, admit that
take. Something bas got to be done, and j they were laboring under a misconception
the way to do something is to set about it;
and it is time enough to growl about this
when it has been tried and proved a failure,
.as it costs no more nor as much as the old
plan which at best has been a failure.
I estimating and ordering the improve
ment on Main street the committee and
council should take into consideration the
immense amount of travel which will be
necessarily thrown upon the street and pro
vide for such permanent improvements as
shall be lasting. Washington street, Port
land, is already giving out under the steady
strain of constant travel, and unless the
coating be renewed within a short time that
fine thoroughfare will speedily fall into dis
repute and disuse. The experiment is like
ly to prove an expensive one for the prop
erty owners of Washington street and it is
not desirable that it should be repeated in
Oregon City. Vitrified brick, which is the
material selected, is without doubt good
of the facts, and that since they under
stand the plan they believe it will be an im
provement over the old way. They say
boldly that it can be no worse than the old
Gem. Weaver, the populite, made one re
mark of truth and wisdom in the course
of a speech in Boston last week. In refer
ring to anti-liquor legislation he said:
" Rum drinking is a voluntary act, and ev
ery person has the power to avoid it by es
tablishing a prohibitory law for himself
without the consent of the legislature."
The .Salem city council obtained from
their city attorney an opinion on the legality
of the council's making an assessment, and
he said be thought it would be unwise for
the city to levy a tax this year. Oregon
Canny News.
Canhy, March 14. The nurserymen are
again rushing in their groftiug as the rains
put a stop to the business all hi.-t week.
Some of the nursery boys have been try
ing their speed in grafting with the follow
ing result: David J. Cox put in LTnoand
Clyde Phillips 2-.' in ten hours, each one
cutting his ow n scions.
I.uelling ,t Co. made unite a shipment of
trees Tuesday, clearing out most of their
stock for the season on Canby prairie.
Henry Knight bas just finished setting out
ten acres of hops.
Shank Bros, are busy setting hops and
will finish in a few days.
Geo. Lonsbatir has just completed a new
picket fence around his residence. Mr.
sjtoggsdill has also enclosed his residence
w ith a new picket fence.
The Canby Good Templars will give an
entertainment and oyster supper in Knight's
hall nexf Saturday evening. Tickets in
cluding lady and gent to supper SO cents. A
cordial invitation is extended to all.
A party was given at the residence of H.
A. Ie last Saturday evening, and al! tn
joyedagood time, dancing being the chief
amusement of the evening.
Misses Klla and Bertha Knight returned
to Wood hum Monday where they are at
tending school.
Prices on furniture, loungej
mattresses, etc., have taken a tun
ble. By judiciously buying of fir
nifnrp nnH htr mnnnfnr.tiirinor m
0rTI I al kk v "s- j ..v...v..w --"O
SOOTH ING 3 i i. :
POWDERSJ! own luuiigesuiutu u&&us uiu., wuiu
ftrCHIlDRiN CURING TEETHJ .' able tO Sell at tllC follOWSUg PTlCt
BELIEVB FEVERISH HEAT, -TTV, , n V, n y,a OK rtOV flfltlf hfilriVlT Pflf
Sanhy, March l'l. Quite a serious acci-
I City will probably not attempt to wake a dent happened to the eleven year old son of
levy. Without either city or school tax our j Mr. I'idderbusch which may cause him to
I people ought to be happy, but won't it be j lose his sight. While a few of the boys were
and substantial, nrovided the brick be thor-! tounh next year? ; out playing they got a barrel
to endure the great
Bm that the words " JOH.t STEEDMAX, Cbem
iat, Walworth, Burrey," aro engraved ou Uio
Government Blarap affixed to each packet.
M-8old by ail Leading Drugguiu.
A new and complete trestment, conslstfuc nt
3iippuf.il.rieii, Ointment 111 Cspsulrs. also In
Box and Pill: a jwsitlve cure for K'ternal,
Internal, Rlind or bl.-e.lini. Itrhliif. Chronic,
Keren! or Hereditary Plies, and msny ill-ease-and
f.-nisle w.-aknesei; it U always a ureal
benefit to the reners health The first dis
covery ol a medical cure renderltif an operation
with the kulfe tinnere-.ary herenfter. This
rsmeily has never heen known toUll. $1 per
box. 6fi.rf'i: sent by mail. Why siirTer from
this terrihle ijlsense when a written guarantee
Is given with six hoxe to refund the money if
not cured. Semi stamp for free sample, tinar
antee I ne.l Ly Wuoi,aki HKKr. & Co, whole
sale anil retail drugirisis. sole sueiits, Portland,
Oregon. For tale byC. O. Huntley, Oregon City,
ougbly vitrified so as
strain to which they will be subjected upon
our own thoroughfares. There is but one
w ay of securing tbis and that is by a thor
ough test of the material to be used and a
rigid examination ol the work during every
part of construction.
of an old
matchless air Kim which they filled with
The concertive attack upon the county I powder and shot. One of the boys then set
court and latterly upon the legislature , it oil' with a mutch, and the powder ull cn
which bas taken the form of a series of res-j tered his face and eyes, burning them se-
While it seems hard lines that the p ro
prietors of the boat line, which bas done
much towards building up this city and
practically secured for it cheap fares to I'ort
' land, should now find its business sadly
crippled by the completion of the motor line
which is now largely patronized to the ex
clusion of the boats, we believe that with
the exception of a present loss the ultimate
result will be such an increase of trade be.
tween the two cities as will give to both lines
a good patronage and adequate return upon
their investments. Each will find business
much increased and both will be important
factors in building np a city here which will
support both.
The. "Cross road law" has met with such
general approval throughout the state and
particularly the Willamette valley that its
condemnation by the resolutors of High
land savors of something rather more
tban an interest in progressive road build
,ing, which is the most crying need of thin
county today. The laws passed at the re
cent session of the legislature relative to
road matters are in the main good, and such
as have the merit of baying stood tlie test of
rial, the Cross la morrg tire rest.
olutions, seems from their nature and most
of the localities represented to have taken
a political significance having for its object
the bringing of the republican court into
As stone suitable for curbstones is a scarce
article hereabouts and much of that usually
employed not strong enough to resist the
elements and use, it will be well to consider
the advantages possessed by concrete which
is strong, durable, clean and conducive to
good health.
People taking a daily paper will read the
adversiscments, and if within reach trade
with the advertisers. Oregon City business
men should encourage a home daily for
their own protection.
Letter List.
The followine is the list of letters remain
ing in the post ollice at Oregon City, Oregon,
March Vi. WI2:
Jones, Miss Oreta
Johnson, Grant
Iiw, Joseph
Muir, M G
Muir Harry
Modie, K L
Hmith, Chas B
Baker, Mrs M E
Haker, J W
Bayler. W H
Croxford, X J
Cason, Ernest
Dabl, Annie
Foster. Chas
(iandavan, Lawrence Williams, David D
Hillearv. Mrs Flora Wetherell, H O
Johnson, K W Section 4
If called for please say when advertised.
E. M. KAXDS, P. M.
verely, but he escaped luckily for it might
have proved much worse than it did. It is
said that he can only see a little out of one
eye tip to this time.
Hello! how alHiut that young man com
ing from Sunday school and taking a tum
ble? It is said the ground was badly bruised
where the horse pitched him.
Bull Hun work is still going ahead, and
the men are having ipiile a time in crossing
the river. The other day two of the men
started across on the raft but did not land
w ith it. When about half way across the
raft left the men to paddle their own canoe.
One lauded on the same sitle he started
from, but the other being a good swimmer
made the opposite shore all right. It is
good bathing boys, with no mosipiitos to
Salmon Notes.
Salmon, March 11. II. 8. Campbell and
J. T. Mclntyre are erecting a blacksmith
shop at this place for the accommodation of
the neighborhood and travelers to and from
Eastern Oregon.
W. F. Welch has taken the big cougar
which he killed and roughly sttifled, to Ban
dy, where it may be seen at F. A. lleinig's
store. .
J. N. Jennings is intending to remove his
family soon to Portland to reside.
Raymond Kaiser will soon remove his
family from Fulton, California, to this
Land Oflieeat Oregon I Ily. Oregon,)
March a, 1:i:i. i
Notice I" hereby given thnt the f'.lliiuliig
nnm.'il settler has filed notice nf his Intention
to ninke film proof in support of riis rlitim, mim
thst snlil proof will be mule hefori' the ItegNter
and Receiver of the C. H. Land Ollice al Oregon
City, Oregon, on May 4. I -:. viz:
Charles OnUirn.
Homestesd entry, No ylln. for the N W xi See.
Iff. T. 't sj li. ; E. He names the following w It
ne.t to prove his continuous rc'ld.-ucc upon
and cultivation of said lam!, muler Hec. '.Mo I,
k. H viz: Henry Liilgert, Alfreil II. Ilalnea,
Kre.l A. Thompson. Knuik L. Kldrlilge, all of
biilmon. Llackainasrouiiiy, Orecou.
S-17 4-14) J T. AI'I'KllsliiN. Register.
1 1
land prices or any ever given
Oregon City Before today.
Lounges, common, ....
Bed Lounges, hard edge, -
Bed Lounges, spring edges,
Box Mattresses, upholstered, 30 springs,
Woven Wire,
We lo this in order to keep jionjilo from noing to
land, where they, not knowing our prices, aro talked v.'
Inlying at fahuloua prices hecause they aro in Portland. I
Call in and see us when you are iu town. We havi
completely new btock of WALL PAPER which you
find as low as tho lowest.
Undetaking and ISmbalmin
(-'an Always turn out n ncut outfit on nlmrt notice j
Notire of Appolntmont of Kieetitur.
Notice Is hereby given, that the iimlerslgneil
has h'en appointed hy the County Court of
Clarkamas county, slate of Oregon, executor of
the 1hi will aniltestamentofOliveW. Mnriiiam,
deeeaseil. All peraonr having elaiins HgHlust
i ne estate ni trie sain onve w Mariiinin are noli
fleil to present tho same for pnyineut to me,
Uiilv vermeil, or at the ofllee of Hrownell A
Dresser III Oregon city, within sl months from
thlsilnte. A. K. MAKO.CAM, Kxecutor.
Oregon City, Oregon. Min h 17, 1 H'j:t
Hrownell A bresser, Atl ys for Kx'r. :t-17:-7
In the mitterof the estate of Charles II. Myers,
Jim., deceased.
Notice Is hereby given, thai the undersigned
was, on the Huh day of March, 1s.j:i, duly ap
pointed as administratrix of the estate nf Chas
11 Myers, Jim., deceased, hy the Honorable
County Court of the state of Oregon fir Clacka
mas county. All persona having claims against
said estate are hereby notified to present them
with the proper vouchers, within six months
from tlie date of this notice to :he undersigned
at the ollice of Thus. F Ryan. Main street. Ore
oil 'hty. Oregon. Coknri.uK Mvkkh
, :-17 4-7 J Administratrix.
Datcil this lr,th day of March, Ihim.
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
Double and Single Rigs, and Bad
die horneri always on hand at the
lowest prices. A corrall connected
with the barn for loose stock.
Information regard in? anv kind of
stock promptly atum.led to by pernon or
Horses Bought and Sold.
tviooriii V'S
f?cMDY J$&--
Woman's Friend
Ho PiicccHKfiil (iiwl delightful liavf been
till! cllectH of "Moori-'H Itcvenlcil U-m-civ"
upon the delicate nil n nf Uh of
womankind, tlmt Hiia womlcrful romi-
(IV liuHlii'iin called "Voinan'Hl''riend."
Moore's Revealed
In a few doBpa hIiowh woiminkiiid its
peculiar virtues for tlieir HilmentH. It
effects- are (fentle, Hootliin and uniform
ly ailCCCHHflll.
HundredHof UiHtiinoninTt! from ladies
ail over tlie count bear witneHg to its auc
ceH. W"8olI by all dnignUta.
Cooke's Stable'
W. H.COOKE, Managor
Hiinressor to V. II T A I.. Co. f
Corner Fourth and Main Stn
of the City, HiH of any dtwri)'
fiirniKlieil on nhort notice.
All kimlH of Truck and Delivery f'
ncHK promptly atlutidiul to.
lloracit Itourded and Fed on ref
a'lle terniH.
Photocrranh fi.illci
ox j
If you want a good iiltotograjih f
him a call at his old stand 0
Iosito Farr's butcher shop-?