JVfS ON NUTO AND APPLES. i. I" Fair la Vigil arlmi, aarleim Mini it ( lull WiiniHii, fr. Curiii'U l.n l''iivni, uf ('lilt-iuro, Hvi'rul cIiiIiiih to illHtlnrllnii not nvm' liy iniiny wuiuon, In tint llrnt in, hIih Iii it vi'io'tiirlati ho iriiiuiiiii'i'il r vinwn on Hi" milijii't of vi'nclalilo d alone) Unit It In ten yi-iiro ulinti alio nV'ii IiihIimI niiyllilnu; out of tint lmnf ri'truU, frulta, vi'K''tl'li ihiiI H, i Slllt alllmlht 1 II I K 1 ' " llpnll tllll lift i . : li i um 1 ui lit In of illi't, iiikI rt'K'irtln ti ill m una it l -ft lin tlio Im-hI iumI III out I'll'VlltillK fiHNl for mini kind. Ourn nIiii IIvimI tlinMi wri l ii on a p p I ti nluiiii. t til Wed, lilllllll, IhiIIimI hihI fried lint nl wiiyi nt I'll. Mm. Fnvrn's !)' x t rliilm toilU tliirtion In Unit aim In a )i'l mirti'mi who lot IIURHOlluil In mliiitlnt( I n I Hiirtn prlni'lplcN How to nirry nn MHt. IX HVHK. virvdiir lif. l.rfllii," "llnw to k t HuwcTn" Mini walk.- "How to How to Imw" urn 'Mr If If oll tlm lli-cc till 1 lull Jlli'll tJ tllllKllt ly . , Ia Kiivrn. Him Iihn written lav r Iniiliy uliort iirlirli N ncVitkI liooka, nnjr wlilrli lira ".Mntlier's Help and ild'a Frii'iid." "l'liynlriil Culture on :uiiiii I'nn. mill "lliiyiil Itoiul lltiity mill Ilniltli." ilrs. L(i I'livrn i a tiii'inlH'r of tlm mum's I'ii-hn rluli of Now York, the iimm'a I'nn rluh of .'liiniK. the irrli'nn Hm-ii-ty for tlm Promotion of villi ul t'lilturi', AiiHTti'iiii KiH-li'ty of th(m. tlm Anii'i Ii iin IMwirti' louxx-iiv-ii, ih" Ni'w York cliih ninl nIx otlnr l4 llllll M N'il't ll'M. ImhIiIiii Im'Ihk iv vt, on I'lm uii'iii In tlio Touripn con vnt'iry of Clm-iiu". llpwilmn linn woiiiiiii iimiuiKH to iir nilih no ninth?" l fniiii'iilly nkiil nibnirliiu i-li'r who tlm) limn prmA ; Willi i"'t Imlf mi liuitiy iiiiK'iiiaiit tlipir lunula. ,V ell. no out' known. Hut thlalan-r- it I TI iirrrtH- Mr. Ia I'uvrn llii'U u to itt ti-tnl to all n-r ntllriul ilutii'H. tuf. a rlni'. I'll'. And III mMltioii tltr" ulii ki' "i Iioiiw, Una ninny -I u iniiiiiln. ilri'Kw in t'li' lati'Kt Ntyli N I Is iiIwiivn ii H'rfii t iiiiiin of lilotiil tit)"'". Mm any It i Ui iiiiimi aim i thiamin Ahum Pukhiiitt. t TIQUETTE OF WINE DRINKING. ? I Applied lo AI.Matliier unit Their fca ! I Irrl.llirr. j jliiw ilit yn of ilitiuiT kH'Iiik nml of ;Vfry iikiihI mTVHitf of w iih' iihhi the (r4 of tin' ru li iiinl wi'll to lo tliix'on- tllt'XIH IlI'MllllHT HiiiIn it lllflll'lllt IM r in ilo Iiib iluty. lln i oft in tlm ml nf ti iff i nml woiiii'ii wlioiii linfii'lN xt iii liuitiy r'nKi tN fur U'tti-r thiui jrnjf. nml yi't tliry m-rvo wim, which ;iu'i of riK'lit will not nllow him to hki I if rourMi lin ul low thi mTvimt ttl Inn k'Iii n. If toimtN ur' olTrri'il ha f hit itl" lo hlN li I in. ( )f rounw ulw) kliy-i llotlllllK to mi' olio UlllrnN Dlll i 1 to iln mi ri''iirilliiu hi" fii'liliKN ill llUlltlT .Tllllc III nil 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 V I'lllill cihIii, it 0l4 mi'ln, for till' liont lllul lionti'HN of ill I Ku,'nl' '"'t from tliii fiirt that it IK l..Dt oIimtvi'iI it may lint 'rhiii Ik) in hi olivioiiN an at tlrxt it iipM'am. i'l'iiii ri'iiw miililfi that n liont or Iti'l-i. n in olwrviiiK that ii K'Ht xitN tuj;h rourMi iiftrr courKi without chjtitf lilt wini'. Khoiihl n lhvt that n bti n of tin- milijii't would vit)' liki'ly diH n I'liilmrriujoni'iit. It inn rule of kl l.x'icty that no worl nIioiiIiI I hi tit j Ihi'i' iu which may priMliicu rui-fria-'iiii'iit. Tlm K,"'H' pnnniiiahly U"t cam to iiilinit to ono nt wIiono Jo Im in NittinK, ami whom hu mi'N tul iiiK cf wiiu' and pri'MinK it upon irv. that In' iIih'n not think it ri'lit rij,iy that In-vitiik'". t'lilyi phuri ift tin" phariwcN could rclinh lumh a t4 hn that. f fttli'litlon, thrrrfore, in rullrd to hill tim nco hi' can only, iin thoiiRiinik ,e (lone licforo him, make homo pro- U covi'r hiH iivriitricity. Ilo run , "Wine iIim'h not iiK'ri'o with ino," or iu alfi'ctH my hcinl," or hm ncrvin diflt 'Htioii or Hoiiirthintf of that Bort, III ('no of which liniHt he trui'. If biuj fin ll:cr ho iniiHt of cmirMH admit t l)L- coiiKcii'iicn mi ilii'H hit chief rrn- t) : 1 1 m iudiit'ctly coiuli'iiiliiiiK hiH j ij.il IiohIi'kh, and very likely every er giicHt at the tiilile. 'Ipnt hIhIiiik tlm ciihii in this plain f tli' breach of propriety cominittod Jh(" who queHtion n (,'iient I'oiicein ,s hit rciiNiniH for refuniiiK to drink U WoiiicH Khiriii(,'ly evident. Yet it i! do.Hi coiiHtantly by othenviw) 1 Ifreil pi'ophi, A hoHt nnd lioHttiw 'fiti ni'ter iieetii to olmerve that a ft doi'H Hot drink Iuh wine. Holms bif-li'il his Kood opinion of them, in finnal way, by appearing lit their ilo. Tin y hIioiiM not ilrivo him to Jihueize, in mich n ilnci, whiitover dif SnceH there may bo between them. 1 lufly viiH once entevtaininKatlnnch I a H oiinin whom hIib had Hiipixwed to a huly ulwi, and whom, althuUK'h a (inp'r.rhtliad called ujion nml Invited bej table out of regard for the Uintnill Hid for whom the juirty wim Kiv''" i wino wiih Hcrveil with thia luncheon, e of the ladies prexeiit, a warm pro liti'fliiNl, injiidiciouMly reiniirki!d ujkiii ) f.iOt. The HtrangiT took up tho hu1 t wil h nnneceNsary energy and calm ih clnred amid the silence of the as ilslied company that iilie was rendered y uncomfortable by buiiiK obliged to '. a meal without wine, nml hoHtoss, unable to endure the re-i-i i thut a purtiikcr at her table jnhi be nniicted with the jmnKH of in-:o;-ti(in in conseiiuence, mannRed to Kr with her strange guest for a few iiii 'Dtn afUr the rest and ordered ;:bt for hor a glas of peptonized n f , the only drink of the kind which f.GiuH contained, and which ahe con . jJlnjjly drank. t Katc Vno Clax. PiiIiIp hfliiinl ute. It Imin lii'cn h m1!' Iii lliii ncliool for the hiH) tli i ' yenrN lo Iiiiiik a banner In the loom that hud the best lilloniliiilee for the previoiiN mouth, II now Ionian In 1 1 lie mIxii Krade. j Mrs, liriiliiuii In nimiti nble to rfxiline I her work iin teai her ol the fourlli K""l'', ! after nn nliNi'iiro of two moiitliN, The I 'li 1 1 mi it I licttii Noclely met iin ii"iiul 1' il'luy eveiiiiiK. willi a veiy Inter ' en HIK plornm piepnieil. After the llxilal onler of bliHiiiexN the lileimy pro- K'iiiii vtiin caini'd out, I no llml miin 1 h ii ri'lldillK by Hade Cliiine of the I'liiloiuil llii'oii Journal, which i'oiihUin of NiH'iety iiotm, i-rx iiiii I h . inkcrlli'iuioit, it con liniii'd stoiy entiileil "(iolileii N uuuet" by l.i'itihtoii Kelly, mid tmelei v i'oiiiiokci by JitineN Church nml LHWi rin e llrlnfn, I would like to (lve Nome (piotnlioiiN from ' he Joiirmtl but Ni'itce will not ii'linil, The next wiin n remliiiif ly Ada lliiflien, nnd 1 liltil, llie ili'lmle, KeKolved that "dniiil wiin n (iri'itler lieiiernl than Nilnileon " Which WilN ilecidinl in la vor of the lietfntlve. Thomi on llie alllrmittive were l.awreuce lliifn, Fva Meldrmii ami Piiniel Tompkins on the ) neiiilive, ('liireiu'H Purdimi, Kmilv Toinpkii.Nmt.l Charl.-N Wil-on. ' i The recliuiii.il by Miss l.uni Mllh-r wiin well rendered. h-llfhtuii Kelly and Fred Iledifs i ileerve milcli credit for the way ill i winch I In-v reudereil the farce "Too ! Ij.le (or the Train." i M.ileolni McCown mid Hurley Steven i wi re inlinitli'd to tlm N's iely us active ii.ls.rN. The imi'titiK then adjoiiriied to meet , Friday t'toniii March III. j Pll'll.. ! Vtalioia lo Ilia t.rrsl failr. Ai'iorilinir to present iml lent ions there will Is- lurc trunnfers of sipuluiou Isi-; twis'n New York mid I'IiIciiko next sum-1 iner The ('hicii'jo w omen w ho urn not ! ! ideiitillinl with the various movements : j that their 'x are midcrtukiiiK iirols-trm-1 i liliiir to iinlli'ipale with illhinav the ln.- ' l , . , ' . . i pilithllei. tin- Kr.-at show will enlall. iiicm- j. n. ..- to let their iioiim s in l m- ciihii lor II..- niiuuiii r tnoiillin. and take i lo-!;:in;: hi I !.i- i it or is cupy cott.ijje lit the M'.iii' Wli-lt tlie-e opportuni j Hi liavi- im-ti iiuii ! known such of j the Ni-lf Vm K ople an e.n-i t to Visit i the tair llllte HViilli-d Ihetliw Ites tif lilt) ('Inline il ih llpllu! the l fott in at tin) li"- j ti ls mid tile i liiiin en i,( Ih..Uihu houses, and eli;;ui'. Ih. -e ariil. il house, A ! ..i.l. I! r.dlp of n-ople tilt Hie tin- time lllnon tin-Ill "iiccii-ililitf one it'i.'lhi r in such ill- ., Mull iiln as tin y may arrange, mid W illi llietr own si rvanls live its comfort- j ably its If at home. Many New Yorker i i would gladly avail theiuselves of such iipsiriuuilie if they could lie made, known. If mnuecoiiveiilentexchanKeof i irosrties could be established it Would , Is- mutually Is-iictlciiil. New York hvenillK Still. ' . i 1'rui.iiiirlntl.in if Two Namea. I It iiiuv ain'in likn trvimr to irihl ri-flneil ' i ,, , ,, . ... (fold or palllt tho Illy to SUHp-st tho pos-, aibllity of an iiiiprorcmi'iit in tho pro- . . 1 . 1 1 . nunciiilloti of prois-r iinuics adopted Py , ! Mr. L)llly' Company of pluycrs, but I havo always immfimil that tho horoino In "As You Liko It" WHS Kos-tiliud. with tho ttcccnt ,. tho lirst syllabi,., and that ! Shilki'Ks'iir(l tilildo II humorous point in , the s,rc.cl,.,. of tho pronunciation in I ( Irllllliln's lllVU VlTM'S. I his iHllIlt is I'll- liei.K- l.u.1 l,v i,r.,i,,,ni,,.i,nr lln. ii.ini.i li.w ! - J 1 H , , aaliiid. with loiitf"i, and cijiml stress on illrstiind last syllables, all throtiKh thu ; 1 1 m, ,, ., . . ., ... 1 piny. Tho fimt Intimation that tho IIU-1- , aiicholy .lacqne was a ruralized proto-1 1 .. . , , ' , ' typo of tlio ( Illinium street charicter ; also comes from Mr. Daly. Cleoriro I Uark Is addressed in his "Aa You Liko : 1 It" roh) as Jiikirs. Is there any author ! Ity for uithcr of thoso novelties'f Cor. 1 Now York Advertiser. A (irl ll.lil Kail. Killed. I Tho largest bald l-aglo CVt-r killed til I tills vicinilv u-iui shut in thu town of ! lllta VHIIIIiy Wlia SIKH III UIO WW" I Concord, a few miles west ()f CVouotllU- ! n-.M- Wis rix'i-iitlv bv Uichiird Yntes lytot. wis., mi nil) i) mtniiru lima. ( It tneasurcd 7 feet U inches from til) to 'tin. ami wvlu'htxl eleven iKmnds. Tho 1 1 . .. . 1 ..1 ..... iilioiis, iiieasurcii iiioiih 1110 convex eur faces, nro nearly two inches in length and very strong. It wits isTt'lied upon a lofty elm. when Mr. Yates tlischnrvtd both barrels of his shotgun ut it wniul tuneously, after which tho bird flew a few hundred foot and suddenly foil to tho ground (lend. A golden ragle, measuring nino feet from tip to tip. wiih captured by Johnnie KpiilinhuiutT. a sixteen-yciir-ohl boy, a few miles south of West Demi, Wis., on tho name day. Milwitukeo Sentinel. Iluiigli Treatment. "Well. Kastus. how did Christums treat you?" "Chris nmsdono treat mo woll enough, ,,.,,... 1.1 1 1I1 hut dn Christians dev a btnm hiu-aas-1 luih. but do Christiana dcy'a been luu-aaa- In of mo. "How was thatr "1 gibs yar my wo'd, wth, a great fat plump chicking done flowed into do winder o' my homo do day befo' ChriH' inns, sub, and 1 was nrrcHted on Chris' uiiiH day, Bah. for habin dat chicking in my possession, sail. Said 1 gtohther film Majali Yancy, sahi "nd jes' Isjcause I couldn't provo what dey culls, a yallorby when Moso Thompson said ho seed mo at do coop do night bofo' dey finod ine fo' dollars, sail." Harper's. Dazar. A Gift to Gladstone. Thero Iiuh lieen forwurded to Mr. Qlad Btonu from Biu tiiotitli mi iilbutn 111011111011 in Kold pinto In coniinunioriition of hit visit to Hnowdon and Barmouth. En (rruved upon tlio largo gold pints is u sliiuld bt-Htiitg the anna of Merioneth anil the WoIhIi leek, and around the edge of tlio pluto are the words, "Made, of Welsh gold from Clopin wines, Bar mouth, North Wales." New York , I'ress. I Voice of a Philosopher. The man, be he editor or reader, who imagines that the public feels the faintest degree of interest in his envies, jealous ies, complaints, grumblings or quarrel ing! is an ithot. PssoagouU (Miu.) Hiinmof Milk, Milk I In vliitf iiNNiiined entire control of the Mentor Park dairy by tlm purclntNo of Mr. IIi'IiioIkumi'n intcn-Ht, 1 am pre piareil to fnriiinli pure milk delivered lo uny part of the clly ut reasonable rules. Order rail lie left III O. W, 1-ovcjoy'N an I F. T. I'nrlow'a on Main ctreet or J. I). Keiiner's on Meventli street. M. W. IUsuai.I.. If MA II KIT It I) POUT. Ili low hi kI vi-ii llie Orison Clly Market I ; . I .i rt . corn" led Mioclil', Imhii iiiiilnlioii l'i i r 1 1 1 x I ii' I llie I'm mil' ii i in hy Iih iiI iner cliitiilN : inuin. Whi'iil, viilli'V, per himlii'l $ 'fl Ulll, per lltlnlil'l -l-V It M.iH'N, Orrnon Clly Mills, piirtlniul hrund... 3 IIS rrxii, HIiortN, per toll ?0 00 i Until 17 ) Clover lin V, hiili'il 1'.' '10 Timothy Imy, lulled I IW llllllll'IIC. Poliiloes, per Kl lln 70 lo so Hiiloiin, 1 1:HI i Api'len, ifri-i-n, per Imx Apples, dried, per Hi. . . ' '''' Turkeys, per Hi ,i,",,i I' "1 Hutli r, per III Krn, -r do Honey, s-r III pri,m., ,r,., pi,,,,,, .. ' rt. H-'i'Mive, ,s-rll. I1''' '- dn-nne-l Minion, .Ivc, n r Innd I'ork, lite perlh .... I'ork, iln-sM-il, per Ih , Vi-ul. lite, perlli .i,....!.,!, ,it Hi.. . n1i jrt.r n, ti,,,.,,,, lidUOc 1! 110 to 4 00 r.' ..10 onto II 00 JiiittfW I') 10(11.1 ...SdCIS lid" 3 "Oc'.'t .VI Oft . . OH H .... 07 PI n id ,,( m'mmons. lo tl"- -lrcult ri.nrl nl tin- Mts- ol uri-iem for Hit- I ' ) nl v of I Ini'li ilnna. t Ksiilkm-r. ,liiuiil, J ! Kaiilkner, di 'endnnl ' I'ii J !l Faillkni-r. llie nlii'Vi-lintn.'d defenilsllt: III the nntnt-'il the Stile nl tir.'fill yell are rriii.-tr't ! .wiiii-ar nlnl iii.air tin- einiialiit nl III.- lalllllll In-r.'ln. ell MnlnlnV the l.lll d ay I Ai-lll. A Ii I nnd II yen (nil tiianaiaer, llie pl iiinirr n III n.ply m lln i-nurl (. r tin- r.'ll. l pin.''l li.r III llie riilnplnliit, In w it: h.ir a di .T.'f diailt ' I . i if llie IiiiihI- n iiiiitrltnimy linw ei ("Unit Ih-imm.i ynii nlnl lite plnmttlt: Hlid lli.tt I.m . .. .!. ...n. ..ii. I. ..li' hii.I .. I...r mitini ehilil, Kusi-in- Knnlkni-r. And Inr aneh inner ii'nei a in ti e renrt may irein i'iiiltnlil and Jtit And Inr her rnata .,) ,.i,rwin.'llla III till, anil I ln uniiin'iia l t.ul.li.h.d hy order nl Jli.n. i"ini ii. i-i-nriira. jinik-r in on-ruiiriii jiniiriai , oi-uii-t nl tin-s I uri-imi. I'nu-d. Kehruary . l -ci ... I s , SJ Ati.'.rn'ey. ..r plslntlff. - - . . himmuNS. In the ('Ir. ull i nuri "I the Hiale ol (lre.iti. lor the fiitnily nl t.larkamna. m: Marjr K. Hteiem. ilaliilllT, liei.rire Milter slid (.'stlurlne A. Miller, d.-lend- aula. IniKiirae Miller and Catherine A. Nlller.asld ,,.(,.n,i,i. the name nl the Stale nl On-cui. Ynu are hi'ri-l.y reiiiilie.l In ais-ar ami aniwer the ei'iii. .,, n, Bin, y ,,e at...ve .-ntltleil -1111 h the llr.i .ly ..I tin- m-n regular term ..I tin-alKive entitle. I court. In wit . the term !- ,,.,,. Al,rl. ,h.M: ,. v..n tail . m signer. Im want there.. I the fUmlllT Mill ap ;.;.,!, lm , n i, , j,,,,,,,,,, K,i.t v..n lt tin- .nn t tr.m. In r. S g.A.I ri wiih It. ' X'X'XnM ! hmi'lie.l ami rift . I . 1 1 1. r ailnnii'v a le.-. ami lZXWfl ...r.,( ll.l. i.UllitllT a nil ri-.-..r.l..l In ll..k '-I I'lK - H"' lw'r. ill limrlKSitea Inr sli I i-iiuiitv ainl kti.te. alul fur a HMli-nt nalil prtitierty nll, i,,r i.,..i ami iiihiireiiieiit. "mm.m- l 1.11 l.ll -lit In the (re.iii nil)' Kiitert.rle I'V "oler nl the lliill. II. Hurley, .,u,. il,elih Jmlli-lal .lUtrl. l. nia.ie at I'ort lii'l. 'r.-nii, March it. l'. ::- H II. K. ( Itiisst. Alt y for IM IT. . hi mmons. I" h 'lr.-ult Cniirt i.l the Htale of Oregon, tor Mrs. Melials AMU Teeier, plaintiff, Mural) 1.. Murk. Pyele A I'ope. PavM 1. Poe. Kriient r. I'"'i-. Iianlel K. I'ot'e. Manly M. A. I'one. ami t'larenee Klovil. d.-leliilalita. ... ., , - , . E rope, ami llsr.ly M. A rnie,ileleiiianl: In llie name ol the Htale ol Orenon, Vou are h!-ri.,y mpilriHl in ''ir nml ni.i'r llif nun- plaint flli .l aitalnm you In the almveentitle.l "U on or before the ftrl .lay nl the nejl lerm ii((h() tliri, ,,.,, rnllr, lo wh. ,,. trrm ,.. ninnlmt MnmlHy. April i;ih. Isi.s; ami II yon lil" tsn.wei for want thereol the p .hitlft will uke a ileeree Hirtlmt you lor the relief ile imoi'leil In the coinphilnl. to wit: for rt ileeree partitioning the N '.. of the R. W. 1 . of neeilon In. ami the N. W .', of th.-S. V. of m-i-tion III. In I . 4 S , H. 1 K. In I'lnekamaa county, Oreiton, ai'ionllnit to llie respective rlRlita of llie pari lea, ami (or an eiiial illatrlliullon nl llie eoati here in, ami for aiii'h other relief aeeina mi el ami proper. Thin summon la maile hy pulilleiitlmi In llie oreiton t Itv Kiiterprlae hy nnler of the Hon. K. I) shiiitiiek, ininle at Tertian.!, in.-uoii' ami en lere.1 o( r.-e.ir.l on the JTth ilav ol Kelirnsrv. IS'U. i.-t:U II K. t Kii.-s. An y (or pi ll. MH'll'K (K KINAI. HK 1TI.KM KM'. In the futility Coiivt ol Clai'kaniaa t'o., t)rei(oii. In the niaiter n( the entHte of Kulu-r M. Lyons, lll'CI'rt-U'll. Notlre la lierehy nlven that the iinierlitneil executor of the lM will of Kmlier M. I.yona, ileeeaaeil, has llleil lier dual report, soil aalil t'oiirt hna fleil Momlav, April H. li'.iS. hi eleven o'clock A. M. for the nearlnit ami settlement of ahl matter. All piTnona having nlijei-tlona i" iil repo-t m;;t me tu sanie neion. ain ily. MA Y M. Mct.hKHAN, Kxeeutnr. .....?. l-.... ... ...... Uri'iton IMtv. tin-Kon, Feb. '.M, l.-MKI. f. II. DVK, Alt'y 3;3-S:'i4 K COMPANY, nitsT KKUIMKNT, O. N. (i. Armory, Third ami .Main. Itexular drill nlirlit, Momlny. Iti'Kiilar liualneas mi-elllliti, Hrat Momlny of each iminlh. orriiKRa. J. W. (Iiiimnu, - Captain K. S Kelley, - - First MeiHenant, L 1.. IMckena, Hei'oinl l.ieiileiisnl. TTAMTIN (ill AN OK, NO. Ill, 1". of II, Meeia lust Hatunlsy nl each month st Ihelr hull In Wllsonvlllc. K. II. II KNrY, Miss IIkiia SlIAKf, See'y. Mssler. SEND US YOUR QE1IT ORDER. We sre Pacific Coast Agents for D. M. Ferry & Co.'s Seeds, and we sell them the same right here as they do in the Kast We are also Coast Agents for A. L Root's Bee Supplies; and are the largest manufacturers of Fertili zers west of Omaha. Ceiiili'iiiiiabiry Iti'siilnllniiN. Thu following resolutioiiN were udoptod ill Highland prei'inct, then) bu Um about forty voleN ireent: ,,, , li'. i , til i'i'rnr(i, una mr'l ion II u o F' li'-n " We, the people of HlKhliiml piecini't ; ,., ,,l,i.iri.,rln ) .-..i m r -.'ir l Hu mid vicinity in lu.liiiialion iisseml led ; '''" "," '"' "XJ'Tl i'Vlil VTll 1 , Nli llml I ili-nlni. till' llth ilny of A prll, nM. l tills 4tll (lay of March, IH'.I.';, drew Ulld I HI iiVlm k a ., l l'l emiiitv mn. Ii" In-i-n iiminiiiioiisly piised the followiiiK resr 1 ti l ion h : Kemilved, That we are ninilleriilily opposed to the division of this count v into five roud districts mid the appoint ment of hn many road siin-rvinors at hih salaries, which we declare to le a Itross injuslicu to the taxpayer of the county. Uesolved, That wo condemn our present county court for the ex penditures of the county funds in a lav ish ami unreasonable manner; we, also condemn our recent legislature for pass iiiK the obnoxious "('toss" road bill and for c xlraviiKitnt expenditure of the pub lic funds for appropriations, Uesolved, That we are in favor of creating each school district a road dis trict and i-k-cttiiK the road siix-rvisor by the people, like all true servant of the H-ophi should be ami abolish the nefar ious system of apsintiiK m-ls. Hi-solv -d, That we endorse the ac tion o' (Jovernor I'ennoyer in hi man ful endeavor to reduce tho expense of the slate, and by ressctiiiK the rights of thu people in vetoiriK the various ap propriation bills passed by our last li'is hit lire. Kemilved, That a copy of these reso- j r.Ksar, I'aati.r. pnarlung aervli ea everv lotions la) pn-sented to the county court, j '.'"'.'.Vh -Uh.I "erHun.Uy'.UO a!M. Unlu, also a copy to the KntkiiI-Kink and : llarrliln-no r. Hupt ) Weekly Prayer Meetlm ......... .. i every Wednesday evenlnx ( oiiru-r for publication, and we nrme the i-itu,, bkkthkkn (lirRCH.-Rev P. B ts-ople throllL'hoilt the cotllltv to assetll- Wiu.ta. pa.n.r. Hervirea llrt and third Hun ' . , ,: , . I day niiirnliiKa and the pri-i-edln nsiurday b e ami oim)S the liroccedllv'N of ttie I .,1,-lit In each moiilh at (in-..ii city, at II a. m. county court everywhere. M. F.. Km.i.k. (i, K. Mil i.kk, President, Secretarv. CommiUei U. Miller, A. NicholuN, K A' Mi"''r .... 1 " . PltoTKCT 1 01 ItsKI K. Insure your prop- erty in the (iuarduin Assurance c-on..it- iv of London. Cash asset J3,(l(K,IKiO. F. K. HoNAI.DsoN, Oretron City, ( Ireon Holinan & Walling are prepared to fit up your bonne below Portland prices. A GOOD INVESTMENT Is one that brings big returns. A GOOD MEDICINE Is tlio one that does what Is claimed for It. OREGON KIDNEY TEA will oirr nil tWr.r of the Kiel in yni rrimry uiy.inv Conti ik.1M.111 Di.itwtt Ki.il.lnitr I'ntti when I'riiia' ;ii(r, i'uin in thfl Itnt W n ml Lnnl.'i. Irntution of thr niii.Mrr. Hru-k liut lciKii; auU HiiKht'a Disease, CURE YOURSELF and Live a Long Time with out paying Interest on your Lease of Life, by suffering. W. S. MAPLE, Blacksmithing and Repairing. iliivin", ono (iT the best bIiihts In the stale in my employ, 1 make IIOKSliSIIOEIXG A SPECIALTY. ALL WORK ATTENDED TO PROMPTLY. Shop opjMisito corner from Tope's hardware Btore. 0REC0N CITY. 0RECC.W Portland-Clatskanie R-O-U-T-E, STR. G. W. SHAVER, J. AY. SIIAYKK, Muster, Leaves Washington street dock, Portland, every Monday, Wednes day ami Friday, at 6 A. M., for St. HeleiiH.Kali.nia, Kainier, Oak Point and intermediate points, arriving at CLATSKANI I At 3 o'clock p. m. Return trips for Portland following mornings at ti a. in. For freight or passenger rates apply to dock clerk at Portland or on board stamer. This is the nearest and most di rect route to the Nehaleni vallev. PORTLAND, OREGON. This advertisement cut out and gent to us with a request for Catalogue (English or Gennaa) to good for fifteen cents on your first order. NoTICK OK rt.NAl, MKTII.KMKNT. Ill Ilia miller Dm Ut i.l John Hi llW'xnt ili'ifnii'il In whnin II rnny nuin-rn: Nnlii'H U livn-li wi v-ii. Hint lln- iiinti-rli(ii"I a I in ! f I t r H'"r ul Hit- lnH-nl Jnlill Hi'll nl tin' n-ulriiii-iii ill miWI llri.il ri'ii' rt mi'l tei-muit, ii t-i nii'i ni-ifiiii.T-i nn iiii inn-. u- ytn " ' 1 ml Din lii-nrliiir nii'i iIi ii-iinIiiIiik "I miy Kiel ill iiliji-ialmia tln-ri-Hi. J II N nKI.I.VMioli. A 'I III r III lli- f.lnli-iit .lotifl Hl'llwinnl, l "I lulwl innreli . ".S. a-III 4-7 SundHy Services. i.IIKIhtiaN lli'l;il-srvli'i- every him I nnv Nl II A. . St nuiveiy linn, r irni'iuin a.-i iiiel ami (mirth Snielay tu -n h inoiilh li) Knr. I'. I HlniilfV. Kiiihi (:os'iHK'iATioNAi.:iiri;ii.-Kxt 0 W. I.l i a, r-l..r. hit una at a. m. an'. 7 mi r . Huinlsy Helns.1 slu-r mornln ! vie, flayer min-llii WHneailay eveninx 7 Wiii rlm x. I'ray.ir nii-rliii "I Vouri l'en.lr, Hix'l.'ly ul 1,'hrlatlan Kielcavir every Mnieln) veiiuiN at 4 bUpraiipt. KII1ST HAPTIST t:ill,'KCH.-KKV. Gn.M Ptssr.s Psa-.or M'iriiliix Hervlix at II H.in,) Hi'lun.l at l Hi; Kvi-iiIiik Hervlee 1 Ml; Iti-fiilai rirayir iiieetlnx WVilnei'lay ev.-niiiK. Munilip riivenant Meetliif evi-ry Wfliiemlay evrnlio limi-'lliix the Drat Mioelay In the month. curnlal Invitation lo all. HT. I01IN M I.IH IKJII CATIUjI.IC Ht.1. A IIili.kiikaMi, fnfUir. On Hiiielny innaa at 8 ami lo.iu a. a. Kvery ni-emul ami Inurth Humla) Herman wriiiiin alter the N oeliK.k ma At all other maaaei Kuxllab n-rmona. Hmula) Hclnml at I M r. . Veanva, afoloKellc a tul.J. .!, ami tlericilletlmi at 7 :) r. . MKTIIOIHMT KI'IHCOPAL Cllt'KCII. Ki O. srsrn, Paatnr. Mnrnlnt service at 11 Hinelay Hi-hwilat YI V: hveiilintai-rvlee at7:Wi Ki-wi.rth lai(iit ineeiiiiic Hiimlay evenln al Ml Prayer Weetlini 1 hurailay evening alb Ml straiuti-ra cnrillallv invlteil. KIIIHT PKK.HBYTKKIAN CIIPRCII. Kxv. 0. W.oisiiskv. FaaUir. Hervicea at 11 A. H. (nil 7 Ml r M. Hahliatli Hohiml at 10 A. M. Vouiii Penile a H'sricty nl C'lirlatlnn Kinleavor meet, every HmnUy everiinx at ft 'Ml. Weilneailay evenlnx prayer niei-ting at 5:30. hta tree. vt'iS.'ii'M ii- I i lli-:('ll l.l'kUAN Acu ami 7p ni. a BUI nr nrat Buiiusy aiteruinin ui e.uli miiiitii at rant view. NKW Kit A W. C T. t'. Mepta first Bilurilay In each month at their i hall In New Kra. I'rlenda nl theranac are In kAe,.de!; M ha. CAKEY JollMMtS, IAM.VI.Ol.-K,.N0 0..T. ! Meets flrt and third Hnturday evenlnc al i Knlidifa hall Canhy. Viltin members alwayi j '"i'lV.i.ri.'J.T?:'. Hms "c-ljU"""' W-C-T' I - '-- -"- i E. P. Hi ker Ciihii, No. Is. m-cta every Aral bo,!!) ur r,ir.nfl.'n. ami tnlnl Tlmrsilay evi-i liif ol each month t A IIKItMANS.Jr .1 apt. Winn It I.ton 1st I. lent. r. y lin Ki.i, :M I.ient FAI.I.i CITY L'Pi.K OP A.O f. W. Me. ts every renn'l aiel ti nrth Frl-tayeven r ot each nioritn in uni reiiows riuii'iiiic All noJoiirnuiK brethren eonllallv Invlteil to at ; temi. I). fAlHH.li, M. W. CiK'i (.'ai.irr. Heennler. CI AI'KAMAS l.dlM.K, No. 67, A O. U W. Meeti tlr.l ami thlnl Vomlay In each mnnlh. at HtralKht'a Hall VMtliiK brethern weli-ome. t. K. I'ka-k s. llou ows. Kee. M. W. FAI.I.S KNCAMPMKNT. No. i. I. O O.K. Meeia lltat ami thlTil Tiiewlayaof each month, at ll.lil Fellowa hall. MrinkT. ami vlailin psirlareh. enrillally Invlteil to atteml. J. A. 8TKWAKT. W. II rlDWKI.I, 1 Scribe. Chief Patriarch. WAKNF.K OKANtiE. No. 117, P. of H. j I Meet fourth S itnrdav of each month, st theli ' hall In New Era. r. :. llllam. Master I I Ml kb Matntle llrjwu. Sec') i ! llfTTK CKKEK UKASUE, So. si, P. ol h. j Meeti at their hall in Muniiiam. a.-conil Sat- ' iiii.Ny In each monlh at 10 a. m. Viaittni ' I nicmiieraalwaya clcome. 1 J. E JACK. J. K. WHITE, i i Secretary M Hater. I GAVF.l. LODtiK. NO. VI. A O. V. W I . v c i t Meet, vec.n.t an.l .hint Situnlay eveninea at ' Without ft JS-er. r OT firft-clasS, re Knlnlit ut hall. Canliy. VIiiitiK brutlu-rs made liable COO(l8 hl8 ptore is SeCOIld tO welcome. a- l. i w tisiBBt.it, o i- Babiw jtione. Irvhini! ftecordeor. Mas'.erworkinRti , COI-lMlilA HOOK AN II LAIUEK CO. Meets first Friday of ich month Fountain emtlne hnine. Chas. Athrv. Fre, C B. I'iixow. Sec'y. Chas Kitzir. t rm FOl'NTAIN HOSE CO., No 1 Reiriilar meetin?, second Wednemlay in eacl mnnlh at emtlne house east tide Main street, between Seventh and Eliihth. I Ai'KKBMAS.See y. Lance Gardnir. Prei Et. Nkwton. Foreman. ST. JOHN'S KKANC1I, NO. M7, C. K. of A. Meets every Tuesday evening st their ball eorner Main and Tenth Streeta, Oreitou City. Matt. jtTiN,8ec'y. T. W.Si luvaN, Fret KAMaaaati tlti. Appel's Parisian Enamel For th, Creation of t perfect Cuiuplcxion, Th favorite French Cosmetic. Appel's Complexion Cream Ersdt cutet Wrinkles, and give to the Skin thi Texture ot youth. Appel'8 Skin Bleach, Eradicates al blemishes, and discolorationaof the akin aucl a Tan, Sunburn, Freckle, Swarthy am greasy appearance of the lace. Appel's Orlontal Powder in Flesh White, Pink and Cream shades. Rives to th' face a beautiful clear and transparent ap peumnce, Appol's Natural Blush TheoniyRoup- true to nature, when applied to the fuce o lips, cannot be detected, put up in twosliude Li-ht fur Blondes, Dark for Brunettes. Tin Ai?ol C::not:c Co. Sm TraBc:::o, Cal. A puinplili'tou lion to Creulo a cuuiplvxiou frei nnd goods For iile Ry CHAE-MAN & CO. ;"f -.sjy ;?jj-rc - Ml km FOR- ABSOLUTELY" PURE DFJJGS Q A. HARDING. SUNK PIT COMPETENT PHARMACISTS EMPLOYED rice Perfumeries and Toilet Articles. Alan lull tK'k (if FIlTTy- OILS, KTC. TREES! TREES 1 1 Twenty thoiiHand ITALIAN AND FETITTE FRUMPS For nale cheep at the PRAIRIE NURSERY Firt clas.B Pruned, Cc. each in lot. Second claHH, 3c. each in 10 lot. For further information, call on orad.lreHH, DAVIU J. COX, Clackarnaa Co. Canby, Or. Do Not Climb the Hill ! -4ST0P AT George C. Ely's POSTOFFICE STORE, Elyville, - Oregon, Where you can pet the highest canh prine for Butter, Eggs and Other Farm Produce. Full line of new prxxlH at prices j lower than Orjjion City. DR. L. WHITE", DENTIST. Over Caufleld'a Dm Store, Office ilaT front the lt to Uth of each month. Artificial teeth on rubber, flrM-claaa, Gold flllliiEa 'mm 12 up. All work nuarameed. JOHN A. BECK, THE RELIABLE JEWELER Corner of Front and Morrison, PORTLAND, OREGON.. IS STILL OX EARTH. Pnr cwnprnl Tpnnlrintr hp stands ;,NEW YORK GALLERY. riiotogmplis Dulivered Promptly in the Finest Style o( Art. Fine Crayon Work a Specialty. i Old Pictures Copied to Any Size. Satis- faction Guaranteed. Oallery Hcsr Poit Office. 0KE00H CITY. OB. EAST AND SOUTH Southern Pacific Konte SHASTA LINE. Express Trains leave Portland Daily. jou.h I 1 North. W P. M. Lv Portland Ar Lt Oreeou City Lv Ar 8. Franoiseo Lt 9 Wa.m. 48 A.M. 9 00 P.M. 7:15 r. M. d loA.a . Ahove trains stop only at the following sta tions north of Kosebnrir Enst Portland, Ore- on City, Woodburn, Salem. Albry, Tangent Shedds." Halney, Harrisburg, Junction City. Ir ving and Eugene. Pullman Buffet Sleepers. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. ForaccommndatlAD of Sefond-Class Passengers attached to Express Trains. K0SEBURG MAIL (Pally). S.0 A. M. I 9:0fiA.M. I Lv Lv Ar Portland Ar Oregon City Lv Koseburg Lv 4:00 P.M 2:59 p. M 6:'20a. m j:I0 p.m. I ALBANY LOCAL (Daily, except Sunday.) von p. m. Lv Lv Ar Portland Oreiton City Albany Ar Lv Lv H n.. A. X 7:M A. M S Oti P. M. i:tX) p. M. West Side Uivislon. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND CORVAUIS. Mall Train, Dally (Except Sunday.) THROUCH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH, For tickets and full Information regarding rat is. maps, etc, call on Company's agent at Oregon City. R.KOE1ILEK, E. P. ROGERS, Manager. Ass't G. F. and Pass. Agent. FRANK NELDON, GUNSMITH AND LOCKSMITH Oregon City, Oregon. Full Stock of Guns Ammunition. Repairs on all kinds of small machines promptly made. Duplicate keys to any look manufactured. Sbop'on Main Street, next to Noblitt'a Stables. I I