Oregon City hntcrprisc. I'UIKAY, MAIU'II 10, IMIKI. CHAT AIJOUT TOWN. 1 ('utility court it In wmnion this week. t I.imk l tin new nil (or IIoIiiiihi & V'mIIIiiK. Tliim. Illuiirliuril of New Kri, wuh Id thu city on Kriiluy uti IhihI iidhh. ; ( yuii linvo it lot mill want to lmill a ln)iiiutt'ly to O.O. T.WIIIIniiia. Tim Intent In vIbIUiix curilit ut t It I'.N Tkiii'iiihk Okcii.k, I'rii i'B to mill you. Tliu f tiilM of H John's nrliool will luve vm ullon on Hi I'utrlc k' iluy. ; 4(1 ti'itniH wuuttul lo ti will wood liy luy Or coril. A j i 1 y to H, I'm In", Oruuon City. 41 : II. II. Kymiiii of Mirrwood, lint form f rlv til till county In town lt Hat Unlay. I". T. Hrowu, Mini li vm iieur tlio U. S. (lull Imtilicry culled Kl thin ulllce lant r-uturiluy. i - i $.10,1100 to loan on luiirovi! Cliir'aainiiii County farm. Wuilii II, Hii(!ir Oii'ifon City, Ori'uoii. 41 ' New (iutiin(, tihyrit. Klnuliitni kutix'iiN, fin t roi l-r and Mirui novel tie ut tliu 1'ttrk rim e Store. Kntlnr ililli'tirmiil wUlifM tu minouiii'u Iuhhk Ht tin Catholic church on St. 1'nt'iiV iliiy Ht 0 uVliH'k . in. ; Call mitl mil tint loiiiiKi' ut lloliimn A nl you will m noine kchxI uca which they aii eelliiiu uliimut at li ininifiicl n r r'n pi ice F. K. i'iiml.ni lian been on the nii-k 1 1 Ht till! I'ltxt WlM'k, llllillf Wllil'll ti 111(1 1 1 ih aintcr, Min I '.mill (, MHHinti'il with Iiim J art ol dm woik in H'i bank. i J After Miirch flrl you will flml Wil Juno' tin- grocer, oiu door iiorlli ol lil jirrM'iit Im-m( ioii whrr Ini will lia't a lull line ol I lie rlinlci'Ht ifri h im 1c. x j TIik cli'i'lri.: roit-1 in now nuking hour v trip" i'uviii Ou'tfnii City on tin Imur tod I'uitlaixl on tin- half hour. A litllu tvir iiiiii Imur U ri'iiurtl (or tliu trip. Captain Swi'i'iicy, C. S. A., San Menu, Cut , Miiyit : "Miiloli'ii Catarrli HiMiii'ily n tin lift medicine I liayi wit foil rut that would do mi any good." I'rite M (ftn. SoM liy C (J. Huntley. l.arun Block ol i urx'tn, nutttiliK and fun Price nil twenty xr rent lor (lia iii'xt thirty duv, II you want a CariN't now in the lime to buy nnd Have fnoney. Sen Iti'llomy At Hunch, x TIiohi attending Itev. Poiighcrty' aturdiiy evening. hihlecliiHii l!:nl Iiim ex- tl'I'llillttlV Well TlMU'llCrH I'H- I'ciiilly llnd thu hour very vhIuiiIjIi to tlicr,. Tliu iiltenduncu unl IntcrcHt in iicreiming,. Tin Huiiiluy Welcome' in Hpcuking nl liii iroHiwd iliiily, HiiyN : "Thu Oregon ity FnlcrpriNt. will Ihhuu a daily oditinu n or niter thn I .Mil hint. A net, clean, tiixp, newity daily ought to pay hand 'iiui'ly ut Oregon City. If given denerv ng mipport It will Imj a laborer for thu town that will inivKriirow weary." j When one llilnkn of tin priced they b ive lieen paying for their liphulNtnrtid IkhIm, or lu'dHti'udH, It In not Htrann1' Unit they am mirpriHecl when they learn tl in V cun get tlrHl-claNM nprintt lied lining! (or $11'. 60, hard edi for $1), a box mattri'NH, now' and without a lileiu lh (or M IX); hran new hedHleiulH $ 1 .5(1. Call on llohnan & Wulliim and you will QiiderHtund thn reuNoim thereof. x Dry Goods, Notions, Fancy Goods, Clothing, Furnishings, Boots, Shoes SPECIAL SALE FOR THE NEXT 3 DAYS!- We will give you io per cent off on any goods you buy in the store This is a chance you don't get every day, consequently you should not miss it. Niniillpox otCliickaiiiiin. J.iiHt Muiiduy inoriilliK O. ', llihhiiril of CluckuiuiiN hrouuhl word to IhU clly that llieru wiim two ciinki o( mnullpox at CluckitinuN, Or. Hundiiy Mm. Ilenjuiiiln Knox mid her yoiinneHt child were Ntrlcknn with thu dieaded dUciiM. The clti.eiiN mini (or a apeclul pliymcluu from I'lirtliind to attend thn ihhkh. They liavu nIno prociirred a iiiirmi and ijiiiircn. tilled the houm ; hut It In ilouhtful If thu upreiid of thu iIIhi'iihii can hi pievenliil, an John Knox, from whom they ruti(ht It, W6 ull tthniit tin town . Thn ritlr.mi ara tiiklnx vlxoroim niemoireii to proli'ct tin co n i in u ti i 1 y from rontuiiloii, 'lliu Teh'tiraiu KivcH IIiIn hUtury ol the cmhii: Knox, it will I hi reiueinlieri'd, took a hlrl which heloiiKed to the inun Itrown, w ho waa thn Unit pal lent taken ill with tin mnullpox in rorllutid aeverul weekN uko. At thu time it wuh not known that Itrown hud the hiiiiiI1hix Knox put tin xliirt on and wore it. and In that iiianiicr coiitrui led the ciiiitunioi!, Alter hcliiK thim exposed, Knox con tinued to circulate aroiiad hi hoine at Clai kumuM. In thin way iniiny jutwiiiii were cxHiM'd to thn iliwiice Soon ufler Knox wuh taken aick and then di'teriiiiiied to coiiiu to l'lirtlund for medical treatment. An rxumiiiatioii of hla iBHe Nhowed Unit he had the miiullHix. HewHHut once removed to the iH'HthoiiM, where he Ih now, nnd in reKirled doiny well. The city plivhiclun tttuten that if the mtimtiun U-conies neriomi at Cluckumiia hu will plui o the tow n under ipiureiitlmi ri'KiilutloiiM, and not (HTinit any traiim to atop there. The Southern 1'ucillc coinpuny hb)' that they will ht K'lidcd hy the winhea ol the hourd ol health o 1'ortlund in thin mailer. When Knox wan taken from hi hrother'a hoiiHe to the tiuin to he lukcn to the Inwpital in I'orllund tin wan cut r ted on a lci in an expreoa wuunii, the nop pufition Mux that In hud a relaimu ol typhoid fever. While waitiiiK for the train he Wuh in (he poKtnlllce where iiuitn a n mi 1 1 K-r of in'ople met him. ; I'eople on the train weie aluo cxkc. fur it wuh tint known till he rcu hed I'orllund that he hud the hiiiiiIIhix. i From thin it will lie nxen I hut Clu. kauiHH ; hud a t.oo'l i huiice to cutch tin huiiiI1hjx audit will not Im! Htruiie if there are j M'Verul more cuea U'foro the eoplu , are free from it. ! Mr. S, W. Mokh Ih ahle to he out ut;a'n I after a hint: i!lnc. Kilty yearn ate i lunt iHii'iiiU'r Mr. Moan aurveyed the ! I.ittli Mllit .f ftrt..r.iti ilt. fur llr .Itilin McLaughlin iminK a rope nnd a com parm hrouifht in liia MH'ket acroM the pUiiiu. JiihI llfiy curn ujio thin iiionlh of Murch, Ir. Whiluiun arrived in Wanli i niiton alter Ilia fuinoiiH winter ride on lioMchack from Oregon to the cluteH. Mr. Moaa talked with him at Walln Walla jiint he lorn huKtuited and enter liiined li tit here on hia retiliil in iHlil. Tliut wuh the Kieat lioom yeur for Ore Kon City when a thouniiuil ieople camo with 1 r. Whiteman from the ttulea. Thin week'i I'ucltlc, Sun KianciNco, coiituiiiH portioim of an adiniruhli di:: courHii recently deliveied liy Kuv. M. A. Iioiih'hcrty from hia pulpit in Ihiucily. Such HermoiiH, lull of lire, Ionic and Bound theology, ureBeliloin heard on thin count un full from hia lipH Sunday after Sundayi Shiloh'a Vitutir.er ib what you need for IyHH'pKitt, Torpid I.iver, Yellow Skin or Kidney Trouhln. It in nnaranteed to llivi you mitiHfuction. Trice "fc. Sold hy C. tl. Huntley. Shiloh'a Cure, the lireut Coiih and Cwnp Cure, in lor null hy uh. 1'ocket ai.e contuiiiH twenty-live iIohch, only ITic. Ciildren love it. ('. (i. Iluntlev. IJqLJd .ai.k. tiaV.afilai Ji f I Circuit Court Actlonii. J. J. Leavltt pllfa va II AiiHten et l. Hull to cuncel nnd Net aaidu uiorlKatfe, eiiiltv. Ilrownell Premier. Addle II. McMilluu. Suit for divorce on account of hahitual and groHN drunk enuiiHH, Ilrownell & I'remuir. Thura Kramer va Itudolpli and Mar Kuret Wlnteur and A. T. Lo-wIk. Hull In eiplity to net aiddu deed, lirownoll A DreHHcr. U-u Joneii va i: (II o June" milt for di vorce on Krounda of adultery, Ilrownell A I)'CHer, MaryF. Wrlhl va Havld Wrlhtuit lor divorce on account ol cruel and in human treatment. Ilrownell & Prcaaer. Uvlniu Myera va Win. Mvera auit for divorce on account ol cruel and inhuman treatment, Ilrownell and lri'aer. C. M. quint va 1'. II. and Mary Mil ter foreclimuio of mechanic" Hen. C I). A I). C. Latoiiretle. Mary A. Steven va Oeo. and Cather ine Miller. Foteclomire ol mortKaK". II. K. (Voh. Mary Kline va O. C. Hiinllnijton et al, ivpiily. Koreclomire of mortxaKe. C. D. A I). C. Utouretto. Prolmte Court ntea. In the mattiir of the entalo of Sofa Ann Sconce, deceaand. Order for nulu ol realeatuto ixBUed. Ilrownell A Premier attorueya for S. W. Hardurly, aduiinia trutor. Sale of reul i-Htatn of John I). Colaon, deceuNed ordenil. Ilrownell A Pri'HKer, attorney!. Will ol Oliver W. Muniuuiii filed for prolmte and commiMtiion inmied to a pruiHerii. Filiate of John Hell wood, duceaHed, final notice ordered puhlifhed. V. H. Kflloirtc M iBBliiift One wer k uk'o hint Friday W. 8 Kel liKi left hia home in Cunhy on the even ing train, to go to Indi-icnilcnce via Salem where he intended to Mop over liilthl and proceed to Independence Sat urday inorninx. Since he left Cunhy no trace ol him can he found. He wuh K"ini( to liiieH'ndeiice to Hturt a butcher fliop and had on I. in pcrnon when he left ahout IIHI. No reHin ran he a Binned for It ih uiyHterioiiH diBuppeurauce except foul play. He ia dcBcrihed an heing ulxjut live feet eleven, lit'lit com plexion with liti'it blue even, dark hair and Bund v inUBtuche. Ili features were Bharp and hi) uhuuIIv leaned forward and walked with an cany Bwitininu gait. The eve of St. I'atrick'a Thuinduv, Muicli 111, will lie appropriately oliBerved by St. John' pariHli in litis city hy a hy a piihlie enlerlainment al 1'ope'i hall, at which will he jiivon ln-Bidea reci tal ioiin and vocal and instrumental in u Bio, a lecture hy the famous blind or- I ator, (iilmun McCiiun ol Portland. Sul- ject ol the lecture, "Ireland and Home Knle." Mr. Mctiiun is a brother ol Hon Henry K. Mctiinn, und ia an ahle lawyer nnd an ehpient nin-ukcr. Tick ela M rtmta. Iteserved seats at Hunt ley's hixik store without extra charge. Tkamstkiis' Comiiinic One ol the con tractors ic. town Bays that the teamsters liuve entered into u combine and fixed the price for wood haul i lit! Ht one dollar ier cord irresiectivo of distance und wiiiffii at four and a half dollais per day for man and team Our ('undid Advice. It ij seldom that we appear in the roll of spiritual adviser or liiinily livsi ciun, hut there are times when we feel sutiHlied in calling the attention of our many subscribers to an article of true merit. Wn feel instilled in say inn that Mooro 'b Hevealed Remedy contains more actual merit than any medicine it has ever la-en our good fortune to test. One triul bottle will make you as enthusiastic as the wiiter. For Bale by all dnik'u'ixtx. BOSTOM PERSON ALNOTES. Louis Jaipur was up from Portland on visit last Sunday. Hon. (I. J. Currin was In the city Tuesday on busiuesii. It. K. Haiinu, :ity distributor, upon the O.AC, mail cars was in this city on Sunday, E. O, Caufield, cushier of the Hunk of Oregon City made a trip to Halem the last of the week. Mm. C. J!. Montague of Leabunon, while en rou to for Olympia stoped over Wednesday night with her daughter. Mrs. (i. Win. (iibonev. I On Kundav Win. Trullinger of the As toria electric plant ojierated by the West Shore company was in tow n and visited the electric power station, which he admired veiy much. ValllliKtoll .Niites, Senator Pol ph wua in his m-at in the senate for the (list time since lie was taken sick. He ia still fur from well, but managed to go up to the capitol and remain a few hours. He lis made a lucky choice of seal and has secured that formerly occupied hy Senator Puwes,of Massachusetts. It ia in the second row next to the aisle and one row in front of Senator Mitchell. Senator Mitchell gave a luncheon today for the Oregon democrats in this city. Ilcsids himself, Senator Ihilph and J. U. Montgomery, there were present and representing the democratic party: C. A. Cogswell, state senator from Ikeview; John Lane, of Kose burg, and Z. T. Siglen, of Cooa county. i Candidates for office in Oregon seem to be rather plentiful Those w hose applica tions have just I Men placxl on tile are: Itlackinun of Heppner, Charles Nickell, of the Jacksonville Times, and W. L. Weutnerford, a nephew of SeiiHtor Hate. All three want to tn collector of internal revenue. The present roll-call of the senate shows : pemocruts 44 He publicans 3H . Populist 1 IndeH'ndeiit 1 Farmers' alliance 1 Vacancies 3 The vacancies are one each in Mon tana. Washington and Wyoming. Should the republicans eventually fill all of these vacancies, which can scarcely he the ca-ie in view of Heckwilh'a apointinent in Wyoming, it would give them 41. Should thethird-party senators then all vote w ith the republicans (an unlikely supposition), the senate would still be a tie, with Vice President Stevenson holding the control ling vote. t'OMI'OHino.S or TIIK HOI'S. The houe, as shown by the unofficial returns, will be made up as follows : PemiH-ruts 217 Republicans 128 ThirJ party 8 Street i.otniniwHioner Iloberg is able to lie out attain. PORTLAND, Pacific Coast Agents for D. II, Sixvlal prices to "first buyers" in IMS OR. A Pel SafeiisTipce Earned! A QUARTER OF A DOLLAR BUYS Either of the following: 5 lbs. extra C sugar. 5 lbs. rice. 5 lbs. Arm and Hammer Soda. A sack corn meal or hominy. 6 lbs rolled oats. A dozen lemons or oranges. 7 spools thread. A pair of infant's shoes, 1 to 3. A silk handkerchief. A pound Mokaska Coffee, (which surpasses Arbuckle's;) with two packages, a white metal spoon free. THE f RED -f FRONT. HAMILTON & ALLEN, Props. Court houBo block, Oregon City Oregon. f r '' v" W "! 0 A I PORTLAND SEED COMFY, 171 SECOND ST., PORTLAND ORECON. C. P. WISKSKT. WIXESET & SCRIPTURE, UNDERTAKERS & EMBALMERS. Largest stock ol Comns and Casketd kept South ol Portland. Also cloth covered and Metallic Caeketa furnished to order. Ladies Burial Robes and (.tents' Burial Robes in stock. Also Wagon and Carriage Making, Horse Shoeing and Gen eral Blacksmithing on short notice. Our irrow. We war rant them pur aud (roth. W e ere Cot Menu (or A. I. Root in this line and can turn Inn hl KiKHle cuiuper then yuu rou Id lajr them duwu (or direct rom the Uctorjr. Wemakealliinda. Youean't afford to do without them. To prove it we will M-nd a trial parkam II jou will tend ut your name. Ferry k Co. new localities. Send STORE -AND- SAVE THE CROP. THE CLIMAX Is of Convenient size, is Durable, and sells at reasonable Figures 8. P. BCKIPTCEI. SEEDS BEE SUPPLIES FERTILIZERS for Catalogue (English or German.) TJHTIE BOSTON TOEE.