Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 17, 1893, Image 8

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j At ChHtniat time the fletdtar whirs
Ami hill ami valley nil bmltiiht
"With saowy ilrnilir, while on hiirh
Th black crown Mil athwart th k,
Uouruiiut fur tmmner ilaye gum by
At Chrtaunas time ths air l chill
And froten llee the babbling rill;
While fobbing! tli tree make titoM
For leafy grwunea one their on,
I Tor bltmoint deail unit blrtUinga ftoia
Al CUriMmat time.
1 At Chrivtnuw time we deck the hall
I With holly hranehee brave and tall,
W ith eturtly nine nd hemloek bright,
And In I lie yule leg' dancing light
We tell olii tain of field and fight
At Chrutinas time.
At Chrtumaa tiro we pile the board
W'ith flesh Mid fruit and vintage stared.
And mid (he laughter nd th flaw,
We tread a meaaure eoft and alow.
And kite beneath the miatleto
At Chriaimaa time.
O Ood, mil Father of na all.
List to thy kiwlleat creature's call.
Give of thy Jojr to high and low.
Comfort the aorrowitig In their won,
Hake van to rean and lor to grow
At Chriatmaa time.
Let not on heart be tad todar.
May every child be glad and gar,
Bleae thou thy children great and small,
In lowly hut or caslle hall.
And ma; each soul keep festival
At l hnMmaa time.
-Now York Tribune.
When a man has buttled with poverty
11 his life, fearing it as he fought it,
feeling for the skinny throat to throttle
it, and yet dreading all the voile the
coming of the time when it would gain
the mastery and throstle him when
nch man is told that he is rich, it
might be imagined he would receive the
announcement with hilarity. When
Richard Denham realized that he was
wealthy he became even more sobered
than nsnal, and drew a long breath as if
be had been running a race and had won
it. The man who brought him the news
had no idea he had told Denham any
thing noreL He merely happened to
ay, "You are a rich man. Sir. Denham.
and will nerer uiisa it."
Denham had never before been called
rich man, and np to that moment he
had not thourlit of himself as wealthr.
Be wrote out the check asked of him,
and hi visitor departed gratefully, leav
ing the merchant with something to
ponder over. He was as surprised with
the suddenness of the thing as if some
one had left him a legacy. Yet the
money was all his own accumulating,
but his struggle had been so long, and
be had been so hopeless about it, that
from mere habit he exerted all his ener
gies long after the enemy was overcome
just as the troops at New Orleans
fought fierce battle not knowing the
war was over. He had sprung from
nch a hopelessly poor family. Poverty
nM tne raver. tine w.thtniy worn An
In the world with whom he was on
peaking terms, and he knew her merely
because her light and nimble fingers
played the business sonata of one note on
bis office typewriter. Mlas dale was
pretty of course all typewriter girls Are
and it was generally understood in the
office that aim belonged to good family
who had come down in the world. Her
somewhat Independent air deepened this
conviction and kept the clerks at dis
tance. She was a sensible girl, who re
slued that the typewriter paid better
than the piano, and accordingly turned
the expertness of her wnite lingers to the
former instrument, Richard Denham
at down upon a park bench. "Why
notT he asked himself. There was no
reaaou against It except that he had not
the courage. Nevertheless he formed
desperate resolution.
Next day bnsiness went on as nsual
Letters were answered and the time ar
rived when Miss Gale came into see if he
had any further commands that day,
Deuhaui hesitated. He felt vaguely that
a business office was not the proper place
rora proposal, yet he knew that he would
be at a disadvantage anywhere else. In
th'i first place, he had no plausible ex
cuse for calling upon the young woman
at home, and in the second place, he
knew if he once got there he would be i
stricken dumb. It most either be at bis
office or nowhere.
Sit down a moment. Miss Gale," he !
said at last; "1 wanted to consult you j
about a matter about business mat- .
Miss Qale seated herself and automat
ism wonimrt do, I would mncb rather
settle everything by eorrepondouoe,H
"I m afraid I shall not lw able to
compos fitter that will uit you.
There seem to be o many difficult it.
It is very unusual. "
"That is true, and that Is why I knew
Tha Slat Rltiiulil fajr fiir the Stain ItoaiU
and Ilia t oniity fur tha llianehee.
The Philadelphia IVa steaks edito
rially as follows:
The work f road construction and
bo one but yoncould help me. Miss Uale. ro1' Improvement lielonga to the slate,
U It piei you It will please me." i nr v least to tile counties. New Jersey
Miss Uale shook her bead, but after a ! 1111 optional system of road iiuprove
few momenta she said, "How will this ' went by the counties, and where it has
dT been adopted it has giveu grt'at satisfao-
"IVnr sir" tion. The Improved roads constructed ,
"Wait a momentt cried Mr, Denhami ' under this law have added immensely to
"that seems rather a formal opening, j the attractiveness of the comities, in
dtwwn't itf How would it read if you j creased their population, and to as
put it 'Dear friend!' " ; essl vitlue of their mil estate has risen
"If you wish It o," Bhe crossed out; to a degree which more than pays the j
the "sir" and substituted the word ug- j cost of the roads. I
fvstmL Then she read the letter: j The defect of this optional system is j
"Dkah KKiKNtv-l have for some tinu i that only the more intelligent and pro-!
past been desirous of takhig a partner, gresaive counties adopt it. Those which j
and would he glad if you would con- i need it worst are fearful that the expe-
tiler the )utstlon and consent to join rirnces of tither counties will not Iw re-I h i -nrni ' "
me in this business. The business is, peated in their case, and they are content f ''"" I"1'1" !' ',' ' .
i . - . . .. . ' - V 1,1. in, ii, I III iiiiitiiTimi Hltilil"ii
aim nas ueen for several years, verr w wallow along in the old way up to the ,Mt.,, ,i .,in.u, .ii.ei ..i..iem. ui an in
prosperous, ami as I shall require no uu" m mini tu wet months and (titliil . di.f
.... uH s t4,'h
r-:. !rr.';,-.i.j o iIm taiex ft"""s I
luftuuuHli'ii n "I" Mwiiw"" """" J
in I rait i.
NliTli K t'f rUlU'otU to IMfUiiVII uA;i
S Mr, k X 1 i
Nullra U li.rtb Sleall Ihal llm nil. I
i iiiea t'br l;i"f" "l'"i''"a ili.t u,,,,, j
) Moll! ! ll ll'S betweea Ml. I , J(
,l (itie l'l aSld ll Sllillha ltu,,
di. iflfllilh tlleiii. a i" " i l Hie i.i....
....! ami the kl aid Hilla., o,,,,,....
I.i Hr adins thai titi uMl , '
Uic H III ,'liil mi sld Hie! lie,, ,(,, .
hall "I III" ""raenl mill Cu.e l,
it,, ii. mil llli "I Mntirl lii lb imi,.
(,,, mill lit m.Iii ma lull j
.llllllr.l lull- aailH i
1,1 hi IkiiIiii "f iifilliif ii'( ili,l
mnl unit i"ci'- n iiu j
,i,r-l I lli eillh lllif l lllll, iOo! ,.
Li ll iidlli thai I'att "1 kUlli iim i.i.
Iwiworu 111 "l"l Ml'" "I laelllll tt4 u I
the iii'M h 1 1 H in ri'ii'iwi'iii i0 in l!,
, ll.hr.l iiada, m l 'Ui Hi ., ,t
i l.ll till urinal i" 1 T00
' lili 111 hflils'ns it l'Hli' llial Mil irf M.
i ilieel llli l"Jl" Hi" liu'ltl llll l fA
II m aim uia nunii iiiiiii
Uu, lull al'tih
i uh hi WtiuS ! "a l 'ill iu...
' tM 11101 ("'in lb x'ilii nil Mid W4 1h-
i lh llii iliall 'l i'i eriiieui nun ei.i .
Ml Ui Hi" sunn mi" i" ni0lll m,.i
; yI'Ii-I In-""-' that " "Id" lk hail Ik I,,
' ,. .ill, huw laid am It, ,i.ul M.',,. Ai
e liniii ll I u( i,tih and ii ii lb ulluii4 tm,
1H al-iiil ; (I,,),,!,!,,,! . unlel id lli rll n,,
' ''" ,.!,, hl.l fWii I. '
tlar In Lite ll"ll'f -lira m"10f aim
eanitnl from von I think v.. tn S...1 with .Inat I., lb. ,!. n,i. .,. ! l'l""i" """, ' ",T,7 . i
- - j " . imi H'vii M,i (, me Ui0.itl.ui" altriiiit0. i i"p "
mv offer a vnrv advaiitui?M.,i, I fetete ainl a lnii,l., rv.,.,, aii,,ii.liiv ,i.1 ....i... ti. i.titi .i.irt,. am'Hia ,-.,m,'it:0a ,
' - ,. : '""' : .. .'. I I.I. .Ilia.l.a au.lll.
W1U. T. ignorance, mid Hmlitl In from gener- 1 r": ' " , ", ,",, .. . i,.i.,i ,.i . n ami i.u i N-" "' i
"I 1 donl think I arm.1.1 n.,t It l, 1 .,1..- I., ' 1,M ' '. 'V .. '. '. . . , .... , i...il liaiu..l attllel ha. B
- - b'...,,!,.,, aiii'i, ,m ai 11,-inniiu mini nii'm iiii'riita. , iiinr in n. 1 1 i '!,- - ?
that wav " aillil IImiiKai,, uilk 1 I,, IK ....l..l a !'!. . I ...I. . I Mtllcll ! ,il lllli-re-i in an0tl I lie aeilai i
k.-....; l i. r.. ,, , ,. . . ., T " .WJllll
t"0i miivm. i, iv;iii aa wvrv ouer-
1. I. I'l I II I HI Ker..u,
Mm. n rmi rt'Hi.ii Atiux
I mil mil'
the niilnlon of The Ledger, "ths
Philadelphia thiMry Hint the iirotterty
ing everything, sml that my ivartuer owners along the line of a road shoiil.l
well, yon see what I mean." I be aMinnsl for the Hint cost of Its Im- '
"It's the trutli," said Miss Oale, de- ! provement and that the county keep it i
Bntly- i In nitir after Is the law! one, This U 1
"Hotter put It on the friendly basis, as the rule for municipal sti-eet improve. I
you suggested a moment ago." I m,.t n over the state. Where land Is I
"I dnlnt suggest anything. Mr. Den-1 priml by the foot and pniimrliee are S
ham. IVrhara it would be better if vou aiili.ir .i.h.ii ..i....!. .i... :
. , . . ...... .Miiini'iw mi
I. tail
., allet IW.alll an. I Ilia
I Iirlltli0 Imllum' HrlO'l "III I'ltlil.ll
icallv placed on her knee the shorthand ! ulJ l'c'' the letter exactly as you
writinir naJ. rea.lv to Inta ilna-n hi. in. knew I could not write one
structious. She looked up at him ex- I th"' W0"M pl,,,we r0"-"
pectantly. D,uham. In an embarrassed ! "U iUh' ' but I ra thinking
manner, ran his fingr through hU hair. tu,ur Irtner. Vou are dung
"1 am thinking, he began, "of taking ur" mm C4,ull a
partner. The business la very nroe- ' ust lnlt u on ,,,e friendly basis.
peroua now. In fact it baa been for ! A uuui,,t later slie reakL
sometime." ! "Join me in tins business. I make
'YesT said Miss Uale Interrogatively . - " oner entirely from a frieud.y seats and large tow ns. Much Mads should
'Yes. 1 think I should have a part- m "", m,,u n'""'"" staunpotnt, hop- be well built at a heavy first coat The
ner. It is about that I wanted to sneak : m ,,ml -Ton ,lk mo a "tgh to be farmers along the Mad would beiu llt l.v
I .. w,,'w- w,,,ll'l the inhaliitanls of
Anything else, Mr. Denhan.r the city, which is largely the gainer by
No. I think that covers the whole Unproved means of acceas to It.
ground. It will look rather short, tyr- I The whole i.nlilic i. tlm ...aim. l, !.
I erliai you mighl construction of durabl.-. welt itra.le.1.
wuoothrouds.nnd the whole public sliould
mle works fairly well, though as ap
plied to suburban land it is often very
oppressive. As applied to farm lands it
would often mean coullscatlon.
In mountain regions, where land Is not
Tery valuable and nuidinakiug is costly,
this city rule of assiwiinent la not to lie
I thought of. Its principle is wrotui as
aimli.i.1 I., 01..,.. 0.....!... i )"' '' Hi i"l
I " ......I. v- 'llll,', llUK IUUII I J n
to you.
"Don't yon think It would be better to
consult with Mr. iiogen, lie knows
more about business than L But per
haps it is Mr. Rogers who la to be the
"No, It Is not Rogers. Rogers la
i good man, but it is not Rogers."
j "Then 1 think in an important matter
! like this Mr Rogers, or some one who
; knows the bnsiness as thoroughly as he
does, wonld be able to give advice that
j would be of some value."
! "1 don't want advice exactly 1 have
made up my mind to have a partner, if
the partner is willing."
iwnnam moppeu nis prow It was I
iiraelleal aetlra. elillllnl " II tli l"Hl
lltae kliiil.lilli" Iti 'ili" Wlllrr ami I imlwi
VI heeler all! I hr nivi.t ...iiliil.nl.'ia I Ii
! n 0 ell In the I uliim Nail . I i"!ll"ll
Mill he fully re.ie.0iiu. with main lliu.lra
tlnlia. 1 VV . Iliajl'li" ll. I" VV ,'HirM all. I Well,
a ill lea.i a niUii -u ,1 au.lleiM
Ii-r trurt
It liff If M l" lISr. Ii i"
II IKI'I K tt M Kl V I
II ilil'l Ii a h V lit
II vli I'l. K a Vol Nil I'tull V J i'
1'iiaUife Kret in all viUi'tl)'! IS lit 1 ltilt-1
Nluiea, I aliail. ali.l Me,H i
Hie Vultiuiaa nf the tin. a ixcln aith Ilia
Sr. I nuiiilii'f I. it Un ,af nl erh el VV In o
un lime I. iitriitli'iiril 'il,, rl-iliuit all! I'!"
a llll Hie li'ltnU'i tMlltitit at Ihotluiet'l tha,
eeifi l i.fl.-i
iimiliil ,niimr ul Ufi-ei a llar l.-l linn
III l-tii. Itn. a ill he eiil
ll. IUtfe .,l'l nf hi ri,f.,, lire ..f 01
e (rni 1.1,-i the It, Ml ,1. - . tfl r I, , el eli
ar err ii.iinoe I . i' i-f ..iiiiitta
I I. 'ill ra.ea l.ir reli luiiliii .ui1'0 luf ',
hili ltui; , a ;il Ui inn ,y mail. (1,11 fai-l nil 10
rl. "I II Ii'
lieiutt'.ahi .Ii, mi. I ti tua te i I'nat ..It.ee
V'.'liel Uriel !.r I'nll l, at." I t )..ui-r ul l,
Nea.i,er. li.. t.i i.., Oil. lli.i'lw
It'eiil aflli.iiit the f iwi.i ul lef .l llailr A I
11 iian.i.ik t'i iiata.it,
J"U ll. imi ,
aliei llial in I 1,, .,,
Iiaiuc.l Mllirl ha SlrU unlie ! Ilia lliliuo.j ;
uiakr nnal 'i,. ill 0.ihmiii ii nn eia.w,.
tee l" II . awl Ihal aahl in,., I l,llai,,
lKil lliaieal.'ei aim I0l r r Ilia t aii,.
aialra faii-l lime al li.un 1 iij, iik(u, ,
Matvh . I "St. lit
ll.l 1-e.Vrf
. . 1.1, .'e. I li t lh I. ul K I I, Ml I.,
I lire a. I II lali I K II" Iini0 la !
Innliit ilii. In 'l". hli e.'iil 11,11, .144 10,
ilffi' 11 a. ii tut I'liilliali'iH ul aal.l la-l in
I. una la'haill lall I al0iiahi0l, S la ti
aal.ti, llrlilt llauiauu, all ul HalHiu I iat
n,ai"iinii titrf'M 1 ai r mus
I' t H Kl(llUt
Niitnn rmt ri in ii tuns
I aii,l liifle al lllet'itt I Ity Hi.,)
( i la ,
S"lli la hrlrl-l tllrli thai lh ,
tianir.l r Ull baa ntcl n 'ltr (l hla ililri oa 1
niaae Slial fl,0'f III aul t-'ll i'l til ei alia a,
ilel re ;l. a t , au-l lhl aal.l ar,'fii
ma le l-h.i lh ifltm tint 100-0t.it nf i A
I lillr.1 aialra I ati.l 1 -ihea al I 'leg.MI I ill,llfvi
nil VlaieU a, , II
la.- ! Uualaa'ie
II liir,1. l S.i l"l I11I !' S '.ail a W ',
,.1 ', a. ; i, ,,.v ii I n
K 1 Ha !,.u.-. i'i.- f.i'.li.a 11, ( il.,r.M.,
11 ii-1 hla ei.ii'. in ti. ui a le.l.lrne ,1 i-.a k,1 ig 1
,.'l,,i, ,,l aal.l au-l in lll.l II Hau.a.Juj
ln.,ti 1 ii. i llein 1 I miI i. aaiui.ui, ,tif 4
li-l-e'l la l I'liltiali.!, ttleg-ia Initial
aeau 111 "aimiOI. I leai'U
1 .v 1 , 1 r Ai ri iiSiis k.
written, wont it?
add something to show that 1 shall be
exceedingly ili.iappointed if my offer Is
not accepted. "
"No fiar." said Miss Oale. "I'll adl
that, though. 'Yours truly,' or "Yours
ery trulyr "
"Yon muM end It 'Yonr friemL'
llrnOii ra
II Vill i It Ultiil IU l.
Vr V l
pivy. The state should pay fur stetu Mails
which cross county lines, the county fur I
branch roads that begin and end in Mm
county, but are not purely local, and the ;
cities, boroughs and townships for inn i
mails wholly within their limits A.ir '
Harper's .Mairainc.
The rapid click of the typewriter was oilier rule fur gtaai Mad
llll M ; U ill.
bearvl fur a few moments in the next
room and th-n .Miss Oale came out with
the completed letter in her band
"Shall I have the boy copy it?" she
going to be even more difficult than be
had anticipated.
"Is it then a question of the capital
the partner is to bring inr" asked Mia
had been their inheritance from genera- Uale, anxious to help him
Ko, Rogers, thank ' made the mistake.
mind on that.
tion to generation. It was the invariable
legacy that father had left to son in the
Denham family.
All had accepted their lot with uncom
plaining resignation, until Richard re
solved he would at least have a fight for
it And now the fight has been won.
Denham sat in his office staring at the
dingy wall paper so long that Rogers
the chief clerk, put his bead in and said
in a deferential voice:
"Anything more tonight Mr. Den
ham?" Denham started as if that question in
that tone had not been asked him every
night for years.
, "What's that, what's that?" he cried.
I Rogers was astonished, but too well
trained to show it
"Anything more tonight, Mr. Denham?"
' "Ah, quite so.
yon, nothing more.
I "Good night. Mr. Denham."
"Eh? Oh. yes. Good night, Rogers,
good night"
i When Mr. Denham left his office and
went out into the street everything had
tut unusual appearance to him. He
walkd along, unheeding the direction.
He looked at the fine residences and real
ized that he might have a fine residence
if he wanted it. He saw handsome car
riages; he, too, might set np an equipage.
The satisfaction these thoughts produced
was brief. Of what use would a tine
house tr an elegant carriage be to him?
He knew no one to invite to the house or
to ride with him in the carriage. He be
gan to realize how utterly alone in the
world he was. He had no friends, no
acquaintances even. The running dog,
with its nose to the ground, sees nothing
of the surrounding scenery. He knew
men in a business way of course, and
doubtless each of them had a home in
the suburbs somewhere, but he could not
take a business man by the shoulders
and say to him: "Invite me to your
house. I am lonesome; 1 want to know
your people."
If he got such an invitation he would
' not know what to do with himself. He
was ftCailiar with the counting room
and iU langnago, bnt the drawing room
was an unexplored country to bim,
where an unknown tongue was spoken.
On the road to wealth he had missed
omething, and it was now too late to
go back for it Only the day before he
had heard one of the clerks, who did not
know he was within earshot, allude to
him an "the old man." He felt as young
as ever be did, but the phrase so lightly
spoken made him catch his breath.
As he was now walking through the
park and away from the busy streets he
took off liia hat and ran his fingers
through his grizzled hair, looking at his
hand when he did so as if the gray, like
wet paint, had come off. He thought of
girl he knew once, who perhaps would
have married him if he had asked her,
as he was tempted to do. Hut that bad
always been a miutake of the Denhams.
They had all married young except him
self and so sunk deeper into the mire of
poverty, preased down by a rapidly in
creasing progeny. The girl had married
baker, be remembered. Yes, that was
s long time ago. The clerk was not fur
' V- I J L -
i .in, ui uou i wutn any capital, i
have enough for both. And the business
iis very prosperous. Miss Uale and
and has been."
1 The youug woman raised bcr eyebrows
In surprise.
, "Yon surely dont intend to share the
profits with a partner who brings no
capital into the business?"
"Yes yes, I do Yon see, as 1 said. I
have no need for more capital."
"Oh. if that is the civso. I think yon
should consult Mr Rogers before you
commit yourself."
"But Rogers wouldn't understand."
i "I'm afraid I don't understand either
It seems to me a foolish thing to do
that is. if you want my advice."
i "Ob. yes. I want it tint it isn't as
, foolish as you think. I should have had
! a partner long ago. That la where I
I re made np my
I tin. bleeai yon. no," answered Mr.
i Denham with evident trepidation,
j The young woman said to herself: "lie
: doean t want Mr Rogers to know, and
' no wonder It's a most unbusinesslike
I proposal."
Then she asul aloud. "Shall yon want
! me again today?"
"No, Miss Oale. and thank yon very
I much."
Next moming Miss Oale came into
' Mr Denham ' office with a smile on ber
I face.
I "You mailea funny mistake last night
Mr Deuhaui. she said as
i ber wra
! "Did ir he asked in alann.
'Yes. Yon sent that letter to my ad
dress. I got it this uiurning.. I o'ned
It. for I thought it was for me. and that
perhaps you did not mail uie today. Cut
I saw at ouce that yon put it in the
wrong envelope Did yon want me to
davr (t was on his twiguo to ay, "I want
you every day." but he merely held out
either piles up a mnmtiuii of debt orli.i
poveriKhes the rural landholders, who
Will resist to the death the advent of good
roads if they must be paid for out of then
diminishing farm earning.
Iliheit .Hi.
liiilltli'ii the u
leii.-e ahii li ha.
K ' ii ii I ti at .Vim,
l I s a (, Iwl
Hal. .'.,h
'i'ai tell ir.;
tile li.'l.'. e
leal there lll !
I'm i t uii.iaii.'e KetiHii'ife
II III hUl V 111' It l.i'f e, 1
hi Ihe lii"t l-i uUi arllrra
alii r.'iitlii'ie tu
Ui I u riiel
ii fruit lite !
frarire uf Ihe
ela hf I .matt
'i.'H. ait'l VI 11
II e.iUlil,u!r.
' Ihe .lai, turlit.t
Hi( M ar i r H 1.H110 lil. har.l llai.llut liaila. ,
M traaret I'e m, llraii lrr Vlallliraa. all. I luaiii j
"tiler. I he lll'i.lrale I .lewrtj.u, ialra a ill ;
rliihraee ar'li le. h I. ill. u I. a , a.,., it, I
em ami Ue.ieril .'il.l.el, I,, S,e....l I liilit ,.u
In.lla hf l'.,.i'(ti. i I 0 ,. H'iaaia ainl i.a ,
rainy h, lll. hal'l llar.llli, i,, I, , .),,n ,
M..... l.jfl uhmei r V ll, I.e. ,.l,lu Hi-lei.
Ill a III X .Vh lie v Clu.lr.'.i. ti, ,.l ,iai'..earr a .
I". IlieOlea alii i'e e,uillliiie, lile'alt aMtrlea
alll I. i'i li'rlli'ite.1 I,, I harlra I in. I V ill, ,11
Mra J.mea r lienl. William Kan ll.aeUi
In. M. I. r VI. the ., an, I ulliria
I .vim r ruit i t hili ti"N
I aaJ iiitv at ti'tifua t'nj nieav
i le 511 !. .
S lii ll hft't at,ra that lh f.,l.,'ii
ltat,0l ntlin haa Sit, I u.m.vul hla ItoeitHv,
In ttiaV Si" I if.0'l In a it'ti1 t,l hla r,i a a;
ler lee ,11 II ! Itial aahl .i0. a wl
ma le 11. -i lh la iter ami el , l ,4 i.
I niie. laii.l - Si. al VH'U tili.Wf.1
f.ll ,itt Mareh . 0i, in
I t!e. H llai ,.
II ,0..ie. I S., ant I ! ill a ',.. i,)
',.( ',, .n,i '. ul t W , e Ii t
. H :i ll. u.H.e. tl.a I. 1,. 11,0
lii f.i0 h'a e-.i1lii, ,a le.i.leli.' u."i
"I'll ml a.l.l .at.. I lit H I' U u.ltav. ;
llelif, 1'Hfeil I...1U (.tic-au all .l a. or. U:
et-'li. all, I lli.llt tl.t.tfii full. all. I. I'niA
n in; 11 ai ii itihi.t. if, u
Nutlet, run ' hlli ttliiM.
I.tn.l inr,.
"Then I don't see that I can be of any
nse if your tiuud is already made np."
"Ob. yes. yon can I'm a little afraid
that Uiy otter may not be accepted
"It is sure to lie if the mail has any
sense. No fear of such an offer being
refused Oilers like t lint are not to be
had every day It will be accepted."
"Do yon really thiuk so, Miis Oale? I
am glad that is your opinion Now what
I want to consult you about is the form
of the offer I would like to put it
well delicately, you know, so that it
would not be refused nor give offense."
"I see. You want me to write a lettur
to bim?"
"Exactly, exactly," cried Denham
with some relief. He had not thought
of sending a letter before. Now be won
dered why be had not thonght of it. It
was so evidently the best way out of a
situation that was extremely disconcert
ing. "Have you spoken to him about itr
"Tohimr What him?"
Uuaxl Itnailt I'ruiuut Trada.
We have giaal roads in the cities,
where we call them streets or avenue
and that is the reusnu why a team of
buraes can tlraw trucks and loads of mn li
weight, and do it easily, as would give
any team on a country mad a siiftleieiit
excuse for Woming bulky. If the coun
try Mads were what they ought to U ; HAKI'KUS I'K It I( M il "AI.S,
the fanners would save much wear and i ,''r ' ran
tear of wagons and horses and tie able to JJ '.'J "'s
carry lurger loads to market, ami city ' 11 win h a n w iV t
.hat,.!, Jf '""ho go out walking or driving for i " i'i" !' " u" s" r'-l-rr , ,e
took off llrMxin BM(, Wltb wutiM u t
ni'iire tmtli.
Kven in rainy weather traveling Would
not lie unpliimaiit. Certainly It would
not lie dangerous or tin-ax. me. as it is now,
In the bad spots or bad Mails, and pitlm-triiini-m,
equestrianism and vehicular
trav el would be largely encouraged and
the people's knowledge of other peoplu
and other places than thoan about them
would lw largely increaatvl by imtsoiioI
hia himil fur tlia l.,lt.r u,i i,.L0.i.. 1. observation, and these are both very d iimnier.
..,fh. 1,1. ... 1. Zl ' sirable ends to seek. I '''"" H viil'l ii a liiim ni ha
.. ...... ,u ,,,, ,, M uHYing . ...
gone astray. T1't trackless forest belongs to the say-
The next day Miss Oale t ame lato and fKB tt' t:e f'10tPftll ' the barbarian
he looked frightened. It was erli'.ent 1 bnt kuh1 ,,,a1 ' ""krk "J triumph
that Denham was tos'.ng his mind. 8he ! f clv'hitlon. It not only encourages
put the letter down before bim and said fn'l,"'"t' perhaps constant. Intercourse
"You addresKeil that to me the second ""," th" people: It also helps trsde, and
time. Mr Denham." , ln" ""ercuange of commodities is as im
There was a
about Mr. Denliuiii thut
her suspicious lie felt that It was now i n"'"t " "ttlu ov,,r,'''wni "to fur as tho in
or never flueiicoof gixxl mails is concerned, but
"Then why don't you answer It Miss ""'v niUHt lwi 'he sort who never make
e al HIT,!" I ty, life ). .
Jail ll
S.-llee la Hervhi tllaa that lh f'.lifatl
HaBie.1 aettl! haa nfcl li-meir .f hla ItilaaiH.,
In mate (llial .r.-,l la ii.-n l hla e.aita aa
Ihal aai.l l,..l alll I n.a.l I.I. ., h le,M
a ii. I re..i,rl I'.e t a laa.1 mi al l,i.
II I . meg -H, ,. Hare!, la, IMil , ;
V lei i .!.,(,
ll.ifni .te I am, , s , aa.-i. Im ll, S , V
, r. , n , w , t. ., w tt. T 5a a tl
lie liamra tha li.'lua iii( i ueaaea l l-r.iV
rulitluii.i.ia te.l.tetii- M(.,.r, ,ti riiltlnllnl I
aa,, ian.l III H t en I et . J W K I i
11 n I rlu.l,, ,, .,,, a , !,,
e-iillt, iii.t .n ....I lalliek llatiti l rw
I -ee. I 'a. aan,aie..'int, lire..i
I", I 1 l l I l,nN. Hrt.ltel.
imi. r rmt rt in i. ti.
lau l lit,
The .ililliiea ,.f Ihe M.r.ilne lli, allHIhe
i ll'lllll-la fur June ai O, , e,i, r ul eaeh et
VV hen hi. I Hue I. ,.M ,.,,. ,,, ,,,,,,.
j liettli a II h ihe iiiiiii0, rufreiil at llu tune .,(
'e, e,.i ! ur.ler II i,.l ,i,r, ,t,0,, ,
M'ltrailhe Im three ear. I,.,,, u, i,rl ,1,1,
; hlliillt,. Will leraetll li mall, ,,.. ,; ,
el. ill i.,, , ,,,, ,
, hllullllic. :al renlararh I,, ,,il , ,,,(
j KenilllaiH'ea ' ; U. m. le I,, i ,,Mr
I mu'ler unlet ur ilrall I,, an, I, I ehalu e ul I,.,,
j ea....ra are n t r, tXli, ,.,.,(u.
inent animui exi.re.a i.nler ul ll.u., a
lllllllll. ( .....0 w mn ill,-
a look of haggard anxiety JP'r,""t B t,,e ttrchange of opinion,
lenliiim that uave color to T1"'r8 l,1,,v l "u''ho think thisstate-
Galr be said gruflly.
tihe backed away from him.
'Answer it?" she repeated faintly.
'Certainly If I got a letter twice, I
would answer it.
uae of roads, except railroads. Urn
lyn Citizen.
at ntrjuli I Hi I lief .
J.u I V ll
f lea la hefel.i flea Ihal lh t..l!. l
nam. ,1 aelller haa Slr.l n,a. uf hla Intealw i
Iu mate nu.l ,i,.. I It, ... ,i.,,
mat aal.l fu,.. . i;l Im, ,ir .. (h, Keia.
0ii i ne. 0t,er ,. n,0i lai, I lulu a al nrea.
. 11, . or, (-ui, u N.h-li 10,1, ,ia
1 ail I Ir . h
luniealeail enli, ,4 tn, t. I, M '
: I 1 . M I II. ii.mea ll.e I0II .1
inr wnneaara I.. ,,,.,, ,, K, ,,, ,, Ir
iil-ll all l euHl. all.ai ..I .l, l.. alt"
"i lll.a hee l.l, l,, ri.rt ,
i"H. all "I aehull a f.u, VV ..l,l,.,t., .an
Ol.tm It ,l j r AI'IMiHu.N H.,'-.
Society DirtH'tnry.
'1HK..0M inv iHiAHiior raink
Uee'a al l imit ll.uii.. uu Ser,ii, M iA lar t
tai hrounih V 1. il.ua aeleum I
V K iMiNAI.IiaiiS. IIAitvrVK rUiw
Seer.l.r. -ll'lm
I MIV 11' 1 4 II 11 nr THaliK
ii, ..",' 'Hhl Halt. I anhi. nit Aral aal
till 1-1 Irt.la, r,,h m.mlh V l.lti.ra welri.
Iltai'as't Wtt.i.v l.a.li..wl!,.., ,..,. 1 ,,,' a,.. fret
1... r.t am,.,,, lll....r,t,V.Vir ln.a ti.., """,'Nli ' 1
III Amnrlea. II iwr,iea rlt e m l a eeh lhat I ., . emiiliuilil, ,. liaa
"f 111" Billrl. il ,1,11. '., ., ,, .7 1 "'I hliil lalmiUj, e. I, ,..,!, . J a, r T
" t'""i aiaii'nm are im lie. I in allraia
New Vitrt.
11 i.inmn.
I'allita In Itiiad C.'iiiialriirtliin.
The iiattiroof the trafllc which Is to iro
What do you meanr she cried, with ov,'r " highway is an important element
ber hand on the door knob.
"Exactly what the letter says. I want
you for my partner I want to marry
you. and financial considerations"
"Uh," cried Miss Oale in a long drawn,
quivering sigh. Hhe waa doubtless
In determining both the width nnd char
acter of the construction. The main
point to m ascertained is tho numlier,
weight and width of the carriages of all
kinds which aro to fraverao the way. If
the trnflio is likely to be large, tho road
will need greater width and morn
e., u.i.uim, nuik-aillie 1 Itu li,,, ,i. 1..
ratiira ami Ilea,. ,,..r,. wllh r
furi-e ami feluliy Hie real event. ,..
lent hlalury ami Ihe lm,itlii,ii,e thernea f
(lull. 111. tin an 11 f 11. " '
I of lllil.trallmia uf the Wurhl a K.tr 11 will la.
i ll"t"lllHhelK'.l.,. ,e , yt
1 lull al.ii II. he.t .imn-iil, r , ,., . .,..
'. .eneral Imere.t , lr v , .,,
I lit (... I.e.,,,1, I Ik-Im.I,..,,, ,1,0
I"""," "1,IU", 111 '"'I ' HI). H .III
; t title III eirrl In lllerhlur.', Ilea , i,, '
inula, ail inner il ll.'iilm,. n, rU
HAItrKK'S 1'KKIf ilfi.s.
i 1 curt
lUKi'iirH m.viivzini':
J r MTyManN. W. M.
T f KVjVN. Nrereiatt
iillKniiN I nlu.ic S I ,, ,
Meelt ,,r, Th.ira.lae e .,, T rl,
f In Ihe I....I r-elluw Jl.ll MaiB
VJeinhera ,.l the llr le, . ,,.i , ,.4
Hrtir.leri.f W A Mullein,, . N
lll"t. Il)tn, ekiTetaff.
Heel a fli.l an, I t, le,.
I H'1'1 lulluwa hall M
1. II J,s
He 1 1 he
1 11 11 r
earl, r,l"titfc-
0U..I 01. 111,0
nllallr lllvlle.1 iu alien,)
i VV in..,, all,
I hie! l altlarek
imil'Uls WrKK'l V
1 A It I'M! n llA.AIl
IIAIll'KKS VdlMi I'l'dl'l ,
I Kl
I im
4 tm
1 111
1'u.la-,. Kr,i. all .l,.,.,,.r, , .
Hialea, t.'aiiaila. ami Mealrn.
Tl. V..1
""" '"' ui i'hi'ii year
in; llill'laiiieiiilui,,.,!, a,il,'rii,ili,a ui
shoi'keil at the word he had nsod and
"To your future partner about the nro- fled to her typewriting room, closinit tho tr,'nth near its margins than where It
posaiT I door behind her. to "Tve the need of but few vehlcli-i
"No, no. Oh, no. That la I have Richard Denham paced np and down T'18 'itary driver may Im trusted to
spoken to nobody bnt you." the floor for a few minutes, then rappvl the middle of tho way, horses In-
"And you are determined not tospeak j lightly at ber door, but there was no re- 'h""1 incline to do so of their own inn-
to Mr. Rogers before you write?" ! sponse. He put on his hat and wentrr.t thm; thus the marginal wearing of the
inainiy not us none of Rotters' into the street After a long arid a m- r""" wl" 1,0 "imumi to tlioso tKiints , ii.t ul hpi.t
less walk he found himself again at his wnero venicies pass end) other, and tho ' v.'"'. 7' ,""!'" "' ""'I'"' " vvkiy trii,reii
tlliu e of lina tieaa. IVIiiin hu lamit In WflOlO amollfit Of Such Wniirllirr w lui , . . . . ., ' " .'" nat. w 1 11 t.ti
, i i.i.,.i, nr....... ' 2,'." v';" rl.r.....fr..
ivouers sani 10 nun: "im'"iii'i. iiihtu, uowover. ine "" . ni'inni nur
"Miss Oale hits left, sir."
"Has she?"
Yes, and she has given notice. Bays column on the margin of the roadbed.
iimWKmi I.IH.HK. Nil m, I ii it r
Sao:'.'!"."' "'M , ,,"' "'"
' '.. 11,11, I I . HI tit lilethl
J K llial.tv, Kee.
II W I'lliiHar.H, H
Tf ff
; Willi ihe II ii in li,.r
I'lirn iii at il,u n,e ( ,), ,
"Oh, very well," said Miss Oale short
ly, bending over her writing nad.
It was evident that her opinion of Den
ham's wisdom was steadily lowering.
(Suddenly son looked np
I "How much shall 1 auv the annual she is not cominir back.
profits are? Or do you want that men- "Very well."
I tioned?" j He went into hia room and found a
I "I I don't think I would mention letter marked "Personal" on his desk.
; that You s, 1 don't wish this arrange- lie tore it ot en and read in neatly type
ment to be carried out on a monetary written chsracters:
ai' III hy
I nun 1 1 ,1
carriages aro numerous they often drive 1 "GuJZ v'"','"" '""l"'"
in ,,arall,d lines, the oubir whind of each F'"1" e-.r,:::!:!:;;;:;';!,
.nlnnin nn ilia irtii0,eln UA . ll..i tl IIU 1'tell. I
wrong when be called him an old vw
Suddenly another girl arose before I'll
mental vision a modern girl very &t
ynt Indeed from th one who had mar-
, basis not altogether.
j "On what basis then!"
i "Well 1 can hardly lay. On a per
sonal basis perhaps. I rather hope that
the person- that my partner wonld,
jrou know, like to be associated with me."
"On a friendly basis, do you mean'"
asked Miss Oule, mercilessly.
i "Certainly. Friendly, of course and
perhaps more than that".
i Miss Oale lookmj up at him with a cer
tain hopelessness of expression.
i "Why not write a note inviting yonr
future partner to call upon you bore or
anywhere else that would be convenient
nd then discuss the matter'"
Denham looked frightened.
I "I thought of that, but It wouldn't do.
I I have rui-lin f(l my place at typewriter girl,
tVAvlnv In i n I'iliTril s batter situation, i am
ofTeri'il h i it' u'lulilii in the liouae of Hlcliaid
llriil.ur i l i" f ili't lili'd tacept the pualUoq,
sm " ' " iin mintof lit financial attrac
tlfiti i I eltull Imi sliul, on a frfanipf
biu.1 . 'ii lanil with the genflemaa I
have i . It) tlltl you put me to all llit
wort) i.ii.,i iIihi lillotlc letter when a hit
wunlaui. i i i '.I'Miveil ever to much hothurr
Voiieiiilinil. eiil a pari tier. My mother will
be pleunvil in i..ei' ynu ttny time yon tall. Voa
buvs the tvililri'an V'liu fl ini'l.
.VIaiioahkt IJai.s.
"Rogersl" shouted Denham, joyfully.
"Yes, sir," answered the etiniiible
man, putting bis head into tho room,
"Advertise fqr another typewriter
irl, Rogers."
"Ye, sir," said Rogers. -Robert Ban
fa Detroit Free Pre"
K.eniioiny of Good Ituaila.
At a receut meeting of tho Fanners'
Club of the American Institute held in
New York C. L. Allen, a Long Island
fanner, gave the following testimony:
He stated that notwithstanding their
strong objections made at the time tho
new Jamaica road was built the fann-
ers, who hail to pay tho tax, now felt j
siuihiiuii tiiiti; mo move nail been a most
wise one. Farm wligons loaded with
prodnce for the New York markot now
hauled loads of three tons where for
merly over the old roads they conld hard
ly put on half that much, and the throe
tons wore now easier to. haul than the
ton and a half had boon a state of af
fairs that was sufficiently proved by the
fact that the farmers had always been
compelled to send "tow" team over a
great part of the old roads, whereas now
they tent their produce right through
with one team.
HAHI'KK A Hilt l llf na,
few Vtiik.
IXlllillakl IMI...
N. tan,
Transfer" and Ex;pie$,
Freight and parei'lg (lolivero.l
w all purtn of tho city.
..,0 ",A.nA(;l "OHK (it). n
,l0,0., j w.o'cosN.Li,r'
MKAHK. I'llHTiN.i 1 A li..,M.Tj,r.ST
u . 0 OIlfiiON.
P IMl" 1.1" M".":'"' uf eu h tmitilh at K of
,y Vl,l""ir.'"mra;irt t,..4t
j. HH,itv,:l!v',vNI'MlKK"r
UKN. I'lliMiK I'.iHr.Nn. ii (i A 11 , l are
llielll III lln tuii.
nnl r.!.."nih'ml h:M"" ' n Ural H.t-
c iiiiiu ... .? ht " 1 "'''"' I- " "
cmn.iul,.. ,,,ie .. .,,, .., .
,J1- "'"""""""I-"'
I'KI UtiiN UllxtK NO. IM, A. O. II. W.
ivT"ji'.ii ,Th 'irr.r "v,,""i """'
tultie Vl"'ll" hri'lloeii alwava tl
II trii.i .. I, , J. II. t'MI'llH
it STiurtt, Itnrnrilar vY,
J W. TiiiiMAt, ((,,
T. . srirr, M, W.
MOI.AI.I.A UIIANilKiNt). 10, . ,,f H.
Haoi'r'iu'r!!, V'rlhl" ""'lit-
J- llAHNAI.L, H!n"' ""N Wl"""T'
MhNf OK OKKdllN.
i. m. rnarman, .
Mf. V.J.. (looliratis..
mi". .. ii, Harding,
,0 ,tu nrti
Hoe. rotary.
snroatl, onrillally wtiltiouied.
AftmiXKH tafllHlN. Mo. ML K OK P.
t-Hta, Ai.n,HT, fj,
J. K K inn,!, , K, ul U. slid -