Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1893)
Oregon City Lntcrprisc. kiiiday, ri:nmunY m, mini. Cumuli for i(f I'lMnliif KvrnU-tot I'M- llrul.n twt IumI I ulumin. KMll'A Y - TlilUnnailii'aii uwii iKtH'linit t 7 i i. ii. t'rtt rvmllng nmm tiu.lii mvriliiK l rvmllnit rtHiiu al It ! , m, HI" N 11.4 V. tliiarlnrlv llmlllill l III U. K. eliurvli. MUNHAV of trada mat in 7 ..Hip. lu, Prlinut In el't. Tl IK STATE CAPITAL A ItiTonl MkrrliMl'l)((lnpNH mill MoHkk Tat I-hw. TIIK WOKI.W'H rUK MIX VKTOr.l), Oregon Otf.f milij and aurora ( hurU r I'dhiril-rimrliT I'IkIiI. lYraonal NuU. I'orliap ll I tint iiiKriilly known U llie iiipiilx'mij(llili'KUIiiliirt.llial una at ltant tlin ( niiMiilxir oltholiouw Imavon- iluilm! fully that lulxith ainvfawir CHAT AUUUI iUWIN. l.luinr ul wa In town tut MmwUv, Tim wplrimiti fln U'limi lulllim Wed' ilny atlriiHiu. M. II. Xi;illuir o( 1 1 1 liUmt waa In town Ull WdiliiriuUy, II you hay a ll and w aul to build Ihjiiiv apply lui'. . T. Williama, Tlin lall in vinilliiK will at llm Ki-tHi-ni t)sri.M. 1'flrra Ut anil ynu. Minn Ni'llin ti I rrl ul .rlland Kji'iil Friday with ln'r iiir, Mm. A It, tiralmm. Monday I'liun. Jannry ridurmd t thin i lly alti-r an nl'wiu l anvnral tiiontlia. Ittiv, (i. W, lillMitiry lia Inh-ii aniat liiI iliiriii Ilia fk at apwial niwllnii In tinrrala. Tlie (M-vcntli Hmt raw, appoalrd In the uptvuio couillia Ikkiu wl luf lioar llitfou llm '.'Ut Momiay waa m-l Urttwr day tor tin annatur froiri Clatkain uounly ah bnlnif lorlunat miumku to tli pawaiin of an lmxrtant lilll. Tli wurn Civh'i Mil ainondlngth rodu, rid ally totli inannur of collm-linu lain ami llayna bill ainmidlug the ctxia nl alive In forillilo titiry and diilalnr. That wuator Imin (-'laikamaa county liavn a faalilnii ul iii-tling tlmrn In Kat aliapo. Tlila la Iwi'auiw limy pri'mint anil niiiuit tumiuinndaliie uiuasuraa. ll la ni'iiitrally rumored aUit Ilia cap llol tliat tlio militia lilll atamla good cliaiii' ul Mug t Uon liy llm govur linr Tim laical l that II it p-, and II llm governor vtiUwa it and If buth ul CuiiKrniMiiiian llnrmaiin and that tu in Iioiimi iaM Ilia till) over ln veto then tha Inunwllala luliirM, VIli that and 1 m III rnaign. II tha luaniiwra gimur In view hi I dnvotliitf hi limn, lalnnl j ally Iwllnved that llila waa Ilia guvrrnur'a and mugli' during Ihlaanaalon o"ina- j ;toillun, lhy would probably paaa It ing a rwird," Im llm ullnr day ri- oviT hl viitu by a largn majorily, lor puiaard It. Ili'irallir whin bi li'llow ) nt 1 1 1 1 nt a in 1 1 1 1 at the l'l that tha gov rtpiiMiiitativi a Ull, biavlly junior 'a dmir la alwaya Invilingly "n whUkcrml rl.lmly iiiuiiiUt raring lo and ihnae ilaya ll la a Dialler ol Knnral re fru In tbn all' ypillng and aawlng llm ; mark that liia callnra am nut nuinnruua air, tlipy lu-rl not Im m'arnd and run I and with tha ramptlon ul Vandirburg away, for Im I all it hifgnr gauia an , and L'ptjn tlmy ara lulreiuciit. la only pracln-ing oraliuna with wlili h ! Among the billa lo paaa un Monday In .!. Inly tho rlli'tn tneuilwra ul l"' ! ontf inirwlm-nd by Renalur hloiwer t'niUil Slatra miiama. In thai day Kaiiaaaand Imr au kli-M alatianian will no iimrii nionu"lui llm bnnora, but will I rnlpgalinl to iliu uuturiiiil patina of history whiln Dri'gou'a gyuiimallrulator aaliililalip all VVaalilliglmi with 1 . i x tin- iVw-rlhinK tha iKiuiidanna ul Ihfl acnator- lal dialriiia It in km no (-Itangt-a tf ii'lit lo fiirrwt aoine iiulrlinala di-avrip' limia uf boiiiiilarii-a j Two ii'H'iaiii I ilia Idfliliral In inallfr 1 hut oriiiinatliiii In ImjIIi branchra lia'.p the houaa on Tuewlay and will probably gt lhrouli tb atiiialn. The bill fur changing tha boundarlm uf Clai karnaa and Mullnumali rouiitlm by adding Kellwuod to the latter liaa bxen ordiirtxl angroaiuHl. Tha loiniiiitlfe aiMiluUid undur (iill'a hoiiite reauliitlon lo viait and Inapert the liM-ka, cunaialiiig uf Konalura Cruaa and Kah-y and Id-pn-Miutalivea (iill, Kuaaell and Currin went down from Halmn un Monday and apttnt aeveral lioura uf the afUirnoun In making a carelul inveatiga- tion uf the lot ka and their aurroondinva. They were mil little eurpriwd at the niagnitiidn uf the manufacturing indua triita whii h have aprung up at the falla within the paat few year Aa J. M. I.aWTme, clerk ul the committee baa been buay gKlting data relative to ahlp- nieula eU'., the committee will be pre pared lo make an inttilligi'nt repurt. . (inllixaon'a huuae bill providing for j the pruper malntainanue uf the National Marlon county In which a ablpper! tiuna to whom It waa referrred. Alter claimed damagea from the Huuthern j lively tilt In the aerial between Kenw ViAtlc for neririlltintf wheat to tome'lora Cr'jia and lleyei in which tha uiiinly In tranait. llr waa an intereated apiK'talur at the atate liouwj part of the dar. rVuatur Ifayea waa unable t"be in lilw Beat on Wednesday being confined at home with aevere attack uf fever. J W. O'C'onnell waa np on Friday anil Kuturiluw kMiLlntf alter the Oreuon :iiv . l..rtr .l.u l. .aa au.enll aliutitlv I exclaimed, "0 My iou !" in to iiiwt aome ubjet.tiona in the huuae. former mged the paaaage ol th bill an t the latter protealed againat it, the bill waa taken from the apeclal committee conaiating of the Clackamaa aenatow and re-rlerred lo the comroitte on cor poration. I.'oon the announcement ut the vote eo referring the chairman of tire committee leaned back in bin chair anil moat enr- pl.atic terma, indicating bia eitreme iiTe- f tiL .rvo. nl 1). litliea in wlmt On account A bia intereat iri the road i ..... . . , . , , i bade fair to lie bitter controversy. 'juration rfuirge .Hiiioruui daya at the capital thia wwk. On Monday Capt J. T, Apperaon i came ou and remained till Tueadav loow- Ounty ullkera llorton and Itamaby ; imj( mHf,f lC c0UnlJ flvlmoII mttter, aient Friday ferenwn at the capitol. iy evening Oregoo City On account ol the crowded condition out i m.aae and it looked for a time the lioU-l they bad to content them- ef l(.jr trriv,, M tjl0Ugh they ha4 aelvea with cut the night previuua. , uk(,n fjmMlltu,n of the capital . Of theae H.8. KUangeant Tuea-tay evening (j o, T. Williama, Peter Tatiet, H. It. , :.. ,.i ,i . v, :...i 1 t the capitol, having l-n invited by Jolmaon, J. W. Meldrom and K. M. I . ' . .... ua.. . .. to tlium ' a- -aa I - . ... .,.,.,r;.i:n irf; parm-a irom wirru ""-n'ra .... ... , Kt.ja were up m aiienu ev irctni ' ., -ll I I . ... .t..,:.... 1 ..;..l. tl.bM)., ... I . r.m t1. ' iiie commiiiee ui ma ruumtvu wwhikb to look after the diviaiun queation, J, W. O'Connell, J. H. Purdom, Hidney Smyttk, M. J. P,rolerick and George P.inearaon were up luokiug alter the city charter. J. J. Cooke came np on Tuesday morning to try and arrange for an agree ment relative to the city charier, aome of the condition of which are not mee- ing with the approval oi an me meiuiwa ilrorn t'la-kama county. fl.WlO paaaol the annate on Wednesday -aye 23, naya Id. Kaateru Oregan ia aaking fur a branch Inaane aayluin lo be located in that auc tion uf the atale. Wt-atherforda bill for the atatu to ap propriate the Willamette canal and lock waa relnrred to the committee un coui iniTce un Wednt-aday. TIIK IIAKTHI MKKTINU. a That waa a lively meeting before the eiialli'd and uiipaialk'd oraU'ry- and ; r j, Tliry pnjvide that womin committee on corjiorationa on Tueeday hia liamn ahall U writU'ti. The llonura- i..viuil ,i.. r-uni-iira ol citiwiiahiu ahall ble J. II. I' of ('. ! 1 em tiled lo hold educational olticea. Henator t'rtjaa made a romim-mUMe , j, W1 m t,wrMary in order that it may point on Friday when he awuted llie ' 010 B HW fur one branch lo paaa lucorxiratlin of an aiiii'iidiiivtit t llB i,Pi,,.r (nil. Wo-ld'a Fair bill ,.,vi,li..g thai none! Tu j.,,,,, w llltroll)r(,J the approprlationa ahould U uhI lor ; ) y VpaU.( iM lklw,l, ,e Ih.rrtl..i..if anOrrg.ui building. 'Ihe r(W,rllU Urntu , , e1plyiti.nt ; ,.rtle chlclly In pre,nng ; . ,.,..:, lu wnM,. ,,, i,,e jvel in the alatii a car or more and in the Take your liabiee to Ihe New York gallery and grt a good picture w bile you i llie bill had lulcii.lcd to uae t lil.iawl (l have Ihe chaniw. Ihe appropriation for an Or.v'ti building. A audi a ling !. I le l no evening when tlie Oregon City charier bill at up for cunaiileratiun. The com mittee cunaiat ol Kenatur Cameron, Cruano and Vanderburg, the latter be ing abaent. Ir. V. K. Carll appeared (or the rvmonatrator with a general remount ram e aigned by i'i name. The remonatralura urged no epecial objt tion eaceptthat they were opioel lo a new charter. Peter Paquet, C. O. T. Charica Metdium 'a mil alter In colltalon poln while coanlilig. tteoige lwaltord rclurueil I'om Kaleiu ull We.lnra.laV. lie acrolnamH! hia father up on Monday Wutk on the new Ice plant will le liegun In two weoka and puahaJ furwward aa rapidly aa iaaih!e. again able to be " " " the employment by individual or cor- with the barber 1 ' ' ' ' " , . liHwatiuiiaul armed meu. Iti'iieiittive Currin baa reennaid errd hia action in Voting on the mililia routity over an moiitha It prohihila j Williama, J. W. O'Cunnell, J. J. Cooke, h.ilney MnyiU aim oilier apa-arei in rluli lioiim' ly memiM-ra oi meconium ali.n and their p-tI1 frienda where wlnea and cigar would lie i onti.ini-l, il a nol riiihl to include anything In the appropriation lor iinethiiig whiih would not triietll the atate at lrtrti Fven If it were ll"! likely lo be Uia-d for il. h a puratae 1U,I) would nut put a building that would be a rmlil to Ihe Come lo Ihe Congregational church lo , Bl-It, ik w (ut, only provide a atim lure bear Ihe lecture on "Martin l.ullier" i wou( i.k , .., ,-omparvd with Tueeilay February i'l. "-'t Llher like buildinga. It,.,..,. . uallnn and a-el It I The atliate baa c.,ticiirrl in llie houae filled with the Ul Pearl oil loruA cenla ' joint rrwilutiun which make i ability to w rite hia name and redd eoiiatitiitioii in the Fiiglili Imigiiagi' aome of Ihe ipiaiilicationa ul a voter. It a nol lo apply to elevtui now lea. ding in the atnte a ho can not read and write, holly made at the Park Place ah. re. X The Miaaea tieer ol lliltteville aeveral day in Albany the la-t ol Ihe Week illllig li it'll. la Alexander Hamilton one ol the am-j Senator Huiler appropriation bill reaalul (anuria uf CUi kama calli'l hn'aakiiig for tU'.iHHl for addition to the halurday laat while In town. : normal a ImnjI al Moiniioulli waa ... , , ' -;ii,, I... !fuuleld, aeyeral apwrhe U'llig r .T i.'hk ... "ii..f . fartna urlarmera pa'r at loaral liitn-t rail on me. W, II. Hi aiH.manT tl The ano la alnwly melting and il a' heat v rain ibea not Im-ciii aooii there, w ill be no damrer o a Ibaal lid apring John Morna ol S lo waa in Ihecily on nii'li! to wilneaa the will ol Flder Hipp who died a abort llmeaince appropriation bill, and aaya that il it cornea back with the goveinor'a Velo he la prepared to give It bia Vote. The cailae ul hia change of mind i that aevcialol lua Clai kalliaa county conati luenla vtaited him, and convinced hi in that lb atate, ami hia uwn counly aloud in need, and waa in favur uf, a cuini telit, rtlicieiit ll. il it lav. The wnator Irom Clackama are I:. I .1 . tl .J 111 ut"'u,u ,u o.' 'iw., iv.j ......., Uif i"'" rl1'" Oregon City, Croaa, re- IHiitlng II Uvuratily, and Have ot- out in aome regiatatioi: in are iutereated. If On-gon City turned out in force Clackama waa not behind it in proor tionate representation, an incorporation bill being tha auurce ol their trouble aiao Tbotas pre-nt favoring incorpora- tion were Klrat Chapman, Dr. J. H. Hickman, Jaa. Rout and K. 0. Curti. I while C. K. Clark waa preeeiit oppo-ing the incorporation of outiie territory within the city limit. Caa U. Barlow ia up here a good deal of the time and ia by thia time pretty well acquainted with the member of both bouaea. A U well known be ia a candidate for railriadoommiaeioner and hia can lidac ia generally wellapoken of. It la thought by thoae who are in a potu tion to know that hi chance fur election i ery good. Clackama county ha another candi date in the person ul Chm. llolinan ul Meadow lirook who deeire to be elected lood He i well 'qualified to Iill Ihe position and will U-lialf ol the new charter. Represent- (.eer and Judge Meldrum wiaiieo, . ,n efficient ofTicer il eWted Mr. one clause changed relative to the road- J j0min ig iD .n- ri,y extending hi ac TUis construdion locomotive on the Enirt Hide Eler-tric line waa up ajiin yesterday lor the first time in a week, the anow having interfered to keep them from working to advantage. There are fifty eight teacher at the court house before the board of ex aminers, four of whom wish tat certi ficates. The rest are applicants for county certificate. Oeorye Broughton'a wood wagon waa broken by the Mo street crosaing xm Tuesday in an attempt electric road. to crop the Ella Dicken i lowly recovering and alter which they were ready to endorse , ttainUnrt ,Dd (X,kinK f,r lit inter-1 l" ' brought up from Milwaukee ana tbe charter heartily. Represenutive in thi, tonnK.,ion. taken home today. Uwton andlurrln wanted the U Tien i,.j,rentl,tive ieer' daughters were iract lelt unt ol the city with which miih hiln at Mate imM. aeveral change they were ready to aland in I ,ilm, juring ,ue .g l.ileon a viait Senator Have hd taken atrong KroumlK 1 1() ,sm. against the bill in the senate In the al- j lernoon, but wa not inclined 10 ue so .. i .i . I , aewilllBS.runtooie,(ao0.,Uu.MrwU ..!,;., from U..i il.. M "i- - enough lor City favoring it paaaage. were diacordrnt elemenu make the skirmish a lively one about two hour, and it was not till oVIia'k midnight that the committee The tliegon City charter ia now known 1 in the aenale aa the "O Uud ! bill." It the ' li iatiian r.f tL rinimitl on rortftorm- "'" I E. F, William will move hi stor k 'of (trocerie into the Masonic baildiLg ' on first of the month. i Sickness prevented the musical prt ;of the program lor the reading room. Colonel h M Ijvell w in the city vesterday on business. l..i;.... .... II. a i.r..ii,tl lli.,l lilt, ti.uller v i. . iL :,i as hatched out without due notice lo I " U"J" " a II... ,..o,,!e and that the ,.ruu..rc. werej"" nv conclusion. .t,e,..,.t,..g lo have ,t carried without the oWquent conference of the sen. knowled,,, or consent of .he 1H.0,e lor and r,.p.ese..Ut.vea and the bulk of .... ihe Oregon City delegation resulted in ll.teieatrd. ' ,, ... The Candy ino.por.luin bill i. still in " Mmrnl generally satisfactory to an u..ceriin cHin.iit.oi.. Both it. friends M '"crpt Uwton. who w .n- ( cline.1 io sianu ouv. n waa iohi umi GRSH PRICES and eneiuica are growing ing and the outcome may not tie known seme lime. ' The Clackamas charier i receiving Its psit ul attention Irom llackamas icoiintvs hard workrvl Senators, lele- : honor u( iniriKlucing the measure, (or ' w hich be deserves much credit, and is 1. 1 make the punt that anyone iipxiiig jit waa not lu lavor ol education, but it failed lo carry any weight. The feeling 'waapf-My geiieial thai aa the normal I m -luad bad ai'idied to iiutde a atale i Hum llm ..iin.i.1 , .. ,, , ., giama and letiets, pro and con, are ar- that the atate should not la called upon ' (or ita aupiMut it si Id not come in : "vg by every mail, and al this lime I now aakiiur lor belli. Ueiuiblicana wer.' ; it look as though deleat was more prob- C O T. illiau.a is now doing huai- j seemingly oppoaed tothe bill on a.-cunl ''le than suo-esa to the measure, ness for himself at the iild stand neat'ur the county ol Polk having sent! Tin senator irom Clackamas were door to Cautleld A Huntley' drug I demo. rt lo represent a renubllciin j strong lu their support of the bill repeal glorei J county for the expies pui a) of secur-1 ing tlio deduction (or Indebtedness, and : ing the amiropriatlon. i the mortgage lax law. Uwton had Ihe pneumonia, bill III thought that he The W urlda Fair bill bus got safely .-a I.- i.w.l. a lom i..r Ihe 1 etler vce- i through the legislature carrying an an- I proprlatlon ol fim.isai, tun n 'a generally ( receiving mucn praise, iu uie sriiaie surmised that Ihere are breakers ahead j Hnycs made a strong speech in support iin the governors otllce Uhiii wlmli It j ol the measure, in w Inch he proved, ny ;wllltiand It is extremely doubtful ! Inures Iroiu the e.lualiiation Uwrds re- ! It I. . - ,t. ......... wain j . it. ..I v,..uiul ,.f ll,..auM I wurt. i.'tl.lia I UW1 1'IIIVJWin HID IFIIIIIUI ..'IU I"., .lf .. W ... . .... iiH.riuti.iid a job j I j ton'a assessment and taxation j laws would lighten taxation, relieve Call and see the lounges at llolinan A ! bill repealing the indebtedness clause the money market and bring prosperity Waiting' and yon w ill aw some good I and the mortgage tax law has passed the ho the state. The vote on this bill stood one which they aio selling almost at ! house and will undoubtedly cany in IS for 10 against and two absent. 'the senate with substantially the same ! The bill will become a w as tlie gover provisions. Hie govornur is unueiaioou nor lias signiuvu ins luieniious iu nii to l. in lavor o( the ilediictiou (or in- it. ilebiedness, but opMised to the nun tux- t Representative Currin succeeded in lation ol nioi'.giigi's 11 la extremely .having Inn icmiiution niiiiiiug uie nine i .l.mblliil il he sees lit to Veto tltu Ulcus- o( ilebate lo live uillliltes in the Regular meeting ul llm board ol trade j , j j ,.an K, pHssed over his vein us , Imui-e passed, thus sipielcliiug the irie on Moudiiy liiwhl next. There will be a j tll mujorily wiis nol large In the house, i piessiblii populist opinent, I'pton. president to elect as ('has. II. Cautleld jt j, v,,rj. ,i,iubi(ul il I ho rt-jwiil n( tlio j When Ihe World' Fair bill wa under bus handed In his resignation. ! Indebtedness clause were made and the ' discussion In the. house Currin stated . .. -. I . ... ..... . I .. . . , . . ! .1 ... A l fi I..,..,., mber. of the Free mortgage tux law lelt as u is. me conns lie coum support an app.opriawou terday. W. T. Welch the contractor baa turned with his family from Sewbutg! where he Went souie uiontha ago to ! , inanufaclurer'a pi ice (In account of running a brad awlj Into his hand and catching cold In the I wound, C. P. Wineaet is now obliged to i cm IV his iirm in a sling. Rniiiliug Room Association la t-ulled (or Friday evening at Hp. in. al the read ing room. A lull Ktlendiince Is desired. K. 0. Cmifleld president. John A. Heck whose iidverliseinont iippeurain this issue Is one ol the oldest and best known jeweler on tlio coast. When it come to repairing tin can lint lie beaten anywhere. Mr. Freytag ar. has returned (rom Texas with his family. As oon as ho can iililiiin possession of tils store at the comer ol Main imd Mtli streets ho will go into business again, J. Y. Humphrey returned from Saleni lust Friday after about a week' visit with relative. He say ho Im been about a good deal and llmls no town aa good a Oregon City for work and business. Many peoplo lmvo been guessing whom tho parties Hotting those Cloak. Overcoats and Shoos mentioned in last wook'a Kn imihiihic. Most ol tlie readers however have guesHod right mid decided that Hamilton A Washburn were tlio only parties In Clackamaa county that oould oiler good at tuch rldiculoiiHly low prlcim. x would not nave to noiu uie ia um-onsir tutioiml, as it would rmil double taxa tion. On Saturday the special committee to Invealigiile the jetty at Y'aipiina con sisting ol Seliatois 11. V.. Cross and R. M. Veatcti and Representatives S. A. Hurham, U. F Niclmla and W. P. F.l moro went to the Ray and made a care (ul inspoclion ul the govoriiment works. They found that two jetties are being built, tho ono on the north being n little Urns than hull a mile in length while the one on Ihe south side of the buy Is I lire fourth of a tnilo long. It lucks but IL'0 feet of being as long us required. The north jolly is out us far us originally Intended. Owing to tlio wash of tho sanilH from tho south sido ol the ohan nol It will ho necessary to build live groins out to protect the work, Tho amount required to comploto tlio work Is iSO.O'lO, lobe expended in tJISW. Originally thoro were throe channels and but aovon feet of water. Thoro is now 14 loot at low tide with a moan rise of 7.1 foot. The conimlttoo wa like to have been shut In on the west side of the Coast range likn the legislative party of six year ago, ns the snow fall wa very huavy on top of tlie mountains'. (or f!(HH) but lor no more, so he voted ,no. The hmi so has passed a resolution providing (or a constitutional amend ment poi milling counties to incur an in uf & per conloflhoir total valuation. A the limit already estab lished by the constitution is a dead letter there seem but little use to provide any other limit. The memorial to congress usking it to provide (or the government' purchas ing tho telephone, and telegraph linos was warmly contested. On a motion lo indelinitolv postpone tloer and I.awton voted, aye and Currin, no. Thia mo tion was livd, lint when it cume to the adoption of the memorial It was defeated by iltl to 'JO. Cpon Ihe main question nil th i oo of tho representative horn I Cliickamus voted, no. The ayes and ; noes were canon lor d tne popuusi memliors. A bill was Introduced to compel mill ers to put IW nutinda of floor in a sack, but the legislature did not see fit to in terfere with the long established custom which makes l!)fl pounds a barrel and one-fourth of a barrel or 40 pounds a sack, so the bill that pussed make 40 ' pounds a sack. Gecr's bill relating to inclosurea panned be could not attord to make that an is sue and defeat the charter on that ground, (inly Ir. Carll remained oismly .lissaiislied. So a meeting which at time was quit squally finally euded with no apiwreiit bad feelings. On Wednesday the committee made a favorable report and it passed the sen ate without further tribulation, and the same evening, the house being at work on charter bills, il wa taken up and passed. On of the chief objectors ia reported to have said that if it passed he would get the governor to yeto it, but that is not likely lo happen, and if it did tue veto would be tamed down. Neither is the governor likely to sign it He will simiilv permit it to become a ilaw without hi chirography attached. A it contains the emergency clause that time w ill expire in five days from its tiling with the secretary of state. The governor vetoed hi first bill this PRODUCI session on Wednesday it lieing the World' Fair bill appropriating $tiO,000 lor an exhibit. The governor's critical j eve has discovered a Constitutional pro hibition which stands in the way. l'Hin the receipt of bis veto messnge ! the senate promptly n ado it a special order for Thursday by a vote ot 10 to 8. The mining bureau, intended to make j a sod place for a ilk tile wag shelved Wednesday. I On Wednesday bills introduced bv ! Cross wore acted upon a follow: Changing boundaries of Multnomah and Cliickamus county, engrossed; Oregon City charter, passed both senate and house; Relation to bawdy houses passed ; to incorporate Canby passed ; to incoriKirato Aurora passed. l.KIUHl.ATlVK NOTKS. Captain J. W. (laming came up on the morning train Friday, having Ihhmi suhpooniod as a witness in a case from SUGARS--17 lb. dry gran'd or 20 lb. extra C. 81.00 COAL 0IL--5 gal. 65c, bring or buy can. 31b. lily starch 25c. One lb. climax, escort, star or horse shoe tobacco 45c. 3 lb. fine raisins 25c. 7 spools 0. N. T. thread 25c. Good yarn 65c. per pound. Children's mittens 10c. and upward Infants wool hose 10c, Good calico 5c. per yard and a gen eral stock at much less than rul ing prices. ODUCI - TAKEN - FOR - GOODS 4th iltHir south of Bank of Oregon Citv. HAMILTON & ALLEN, Oregon City, Oregon. Tlie Portland Seed Co. 171 2nd STK,E.ESTL7, PORTLAND, - - OREGON. Carry a full line of commercial fertilizers, if you need anything in that line write them for prices, etc. We Carry a Full Line of Seeds. SEND US YOUR NEXT ORDER. We are Pacific Coast Agents for D. M. Ferry & Co. 'a Seeds, and we sell them the same right here as they do in tlie Kast. We are also Coast Agcuts for A. L Root's lice Supplies; and are the largest manufacturers of Fertili zers west of Omaha. PORTLAND, OREGON. This advertisement cut out and sent to us with a request for Catalogue (English or Herman) is food for fifteen cents oa your first order.