Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 10, 1893, Image 2

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Mighlaail HapptnliiK IVeultarltlfa f
the Monn School Exhibition
Teacher Engaged.
Hiuhland, Feb. have had the
worst snow storm ever known in and about
Highland. One peculiarity never occurred
l,eiw before snow drilling with the wind
from the south; another, raining with Ihe
Kind from the north.
Our school, taught by the Misses May
field elitsed last Kriday, February ltd, but on
account ot the inclemency of the weather
t!c school exhibition was postponed until
James KtMttsort'tacliaaiasCtiMnierttliitht INnia.
tj Court Relative tu Kmtl.
To TH Kimtoh: The people of this seo
lion of Clackamas county were considers
bly surprised lo nolic in lb last imu of
your paper a call for a meeting to condemn
the action v( the county court in dividing
the county into large road districts to be su
pervised by competent nen. Thia is not
our idea at all. The people living north of
the Clackamas feel like passing a tote of
thanks commending the court for its, as we
believe, wise action in adopting the plan
pursued so successfully by Multnomah
county. We hav even thia plan tried acros
the line and have become thoroughly con
vinced that while we do not have as much
money to expend on our roads as Multno-
,, ... , , ,, ..." ' ... . . i man slill it will work much better than the
sue nuisv uuiottiiiK, rcorusrv iti. a iw .. , ,, - , , ...
. . . , " .11- I old plan, VMiy.au tt has been hereloton',
i uw ii-aicsi a asmis laitMiit-M mm- I .... . .
viJualswill participate.
Annie Knight, Fannin Schmidt, Annie
Schmidt, (iertie eVhiiildt, Kiuuia Herk
tuler. Mrs, Martin, C, Y. Iraiter, t oe Hov.
era, llertha Knight, KIU Knight, Klica tte-
Kltirn l.ee attended the teachers' cxmnin
atton in Oregon City Tuesday.
J. Zelner. a photographer, la In Canity
making arrangements to Mart a photograph
II. C. Olliuore has sold bis bouse and two
lota and moved In Ih bouse adjoining his
ramly and cigar store.
Canhy iHtwa In Fores t'ontestlng tli. t.rant-
inf of a Saloon Llcensa.
Kverybody is in
Miss Tennie Mayfield, our former princi
I'sl, is engaged to teach the Mink school.
Miss Minnie Harrington is engaged to
wield (lie rod at Kedland. Since both these
young ladies arc Highlanders we wish them
Born, January Si'th, to the wife of 0. R.
Miller, a son. Also, January 2lh, to Mrs
Marshall, a son. All doing well.
Thia cold weatber is severe on stock.
Highland his a goodly number of new ar
rivals from the ka a few of whom are in
Close Circumstance and are having sick
cows and horses.
Coyotes are working sad havoc among
A. Harrington's siieep. Tiny also gave
(tax ranch's geese a call and killed seven.
Mrs. Parish takes the lead in good cows
and food butter making. During l$rslie
ftroduced from three common cows 810 lbs.
Of. butter. Who can beat that?
it took an ordinary road supervisor nioi
tlmetogetbis tools together and his men
fairly at work than he had time to work
nfier everything was In working shape.
Then sit little work could be done that it
amounted to but little more than patch
work on Ihe roads. Now with competent
men as supervisors we teel coundent that
we will secure good roans, which was utterly
impossible under the old system.
Clackamas, Feb. 7.
A Hew Kra Fanner Idvea his View oa
Supervisor Ouestloa.
"nn for the Eoyi, Bat IVath a ftwat
laple Hart.
CsicraAL ToiNr, Fel. G.-Moot of the
farmer of this plan- are busy at present
aaciing potato which they expect to ship
to Sjii Francisco as aeon as the cold weather
is past
David Penman with his wife and daughter
Annie were visiting their daughter, Mrs.
Ihuton, at Alhai.y Is-t week.
W'm. Kidcr killed three larire cotiiis near
bU home ,t Friday.
H.-rt McArthur and hn nrothcr K'nier
aaiokcd a ctxin out ol a large hollow tree.
To thi Kiutor: Having notued a cotu
nmuication in your last issue calling a meet
ingof thecitiensat Frttg I'ondsctnxtl house
for the purHve of discussing the action of
the county court in redisricting Ihe county
in such large road districts, and your cau
tion lo the farmers not to be hasty that
you think the plan worth trying, etc. Xow
I think if to . had had twenty or thirty
years experience in road work in this part
of the county, where there is no material lo
huild roads with but mud and tir brush, and
with numerous bridges to he built by pri
vate labor. perha4 o.i would e as others
do that the Ian has nothing to recommend
it to a trial even. We have a number of
roads iu this part and but small tai, and all
thtte rtmds hate been laid new through a
limber country, or rclaid as is the case with
me, and hate had lo be opened, grubbed
and bridged in many place ami cross luid
with rails in many others in order that the
people might hate a way to get to market
An. I terr much of this
W hen he fame down the tree to get fresh j in summerat leal
air, Bert killci him with an ax. (work has been done by volunteer work.
1. G. Foster accidentally fell from a load of Snne men have done as many as twentv or
hay striking the ground with his shoulder thirty days of volunteer work each besides
and neck but fortunately it did not hurt ; their tax." The north part of this .-ountv has
ttiui seriously. Mrs. Foster wsi hurt while numerous gratel beds that are available f.ir
gvtUngorer the fence, as the rail rolled ami i making roa.ls there. We hate none- there
he Tell; the rail followed and struck her on j j, i.t one known between Oregon City and
th& foot causing her much pain. j the M,,ian. butTs and nothing better than
a iinpn jii.icr. wno letl here about Jan. ! ir rai!, .., .,.ake t.a.sahle the ut .!...
Ihe cttunty court hating Its annual
grind over Ihe issuance of a license to Sua
bauer for a saloon in Canbv, which vouni!
city must te well nigh depopulated by the
extnlus lo this place. The court room Is
tilled with witnesses and interested arti
a. ii, inmmick is cttmluctiug the case for
Nislwuerai.d C 0. l alourette has leen en
uageti ity uie remonsrators to aupHirt their
rights and lh case la being hotly fought.
The application lor a license was published
with it) names attached, and this was met
with a remonstrance of lirj names, making
!! tor tHiih snles, hach able charges that
the other has numenuis names down thai
are not legal tiiioners, and about llies
tianie the light centered yesterday. Wit
nesses were called to substantiate or initeach
eac h petitioner and some lively episode oc
curred. To show whether or not Ihe lint
were padded the election tally sheets were
produced. These showed thai there were
cast in June last liil voles and In November
ItO, Ih lists Iteing 3T greater than Ih Jun
vole and 15 greater than Ihe November vote.
As the trial is still pending the result can
not be given.
Hooi. Vikw, Jan. Ml -Miss llelle Jones
was Ihe guest of Mins Klta Copic last Sun-
J. W. and Master Kobhies tiraham are
expected home wmu lor a week's visit.
Mrs. Melvina Short is visiting Mrs. C. T.
Mr. and Mrs. Hotceof Chammieg. were
the guests of Mrs. I.. II. Hruwn a lew days
last w eek.
Iliws Sncer, of Canemah, l endiiig a
tew days with his son Harrv.
liraudma Seely is not verv well. It. II. !
Call and oxamino thor goods and prices and
bo convinced that
Goods, Goceries Boots and Shoes,
Caps and Hardware,
Are the best to bo had for tho monoy in tho state
Highest price paid for produce
Ieiler -
1M Front M,wt. HARDWARE iVrtUml. Or...,
hum. ui. 1.- .i.r thrttUut TutUrlmiih lriicf tt
" for can francisco, was held up at tlolden
Oat and relievetl ol 20 in gold.
The act of the county court aiiears at
this point like a direct insult to the farmers
' in appointing a guardian over them to leach
Stafford .Notes. them how to mind their own business. And
STarroap, Ktb. C. A Chinook hit here ' 'he law itsef gives said guardian the power
Friday and lasted until .Saturday evening, ' (if he shall see tit) lo appropriate all ihe
taking away a great deal of snow, then aa la of this district to li ving the Molalla
the tenirature lowered it lgan to snow, road, and none dare say him nay. We
ami on Sunday morning (here was a new j heard and read and saw a great deal last
coat of about four inches, and at present j winter and spring of a netr route for a mad
tli2r is at least a fool. Weighing is good, to Molalla, and the county surveyor and
and the old as well as the young take pleas- others spent modi time and more money
lire in riding behind their lively steeds. in surveying said new route, and what came
A lieaty Imit crop is predicted forthe'ofit? Simply the people were plainly told,
coming season as the snow has hung heavy ! if you will furnl-h half the cash we w ill
on the trees this winter. J build the road. That was the big stump In
8'aHbrd school was flowed one day last the way and no powder to blow it out, and
From Another Correspondent.
Miss, I'eb. ".-Michael llluhm is seri
ously ill al his residence.
Chas. Kiitherlurd closed a suoceiid'til live
months term of school last Kriday at (leaver
John Shannon and sons are making prep
arations lo start a brick yard on his (arm.
We w ish them success.
Frederick llluhm is ihe happiest man In
neighborhood all because of another girl
in the family.
Several land sales have Int'ii made during
the past month. Henry Hoghes has pur
chased Mrs. I'eck'a farm, formerly known
as the Hands place, and a Iakota Herman
has bought Paniel Williams s farm.
week on account of the deep snow and
blustery weather.
A road law indignation meeting was held
at Ihe Krog Pond school house Saturday, of
which the t'rog Pond correspondent will
undoubtedly give full particular.
Henry Hchali hao bought an organ and is
now able to entertain the people with very
iweet music.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Burger relumed from
Portland lat Tuesday to spend a few days
with friends here.
J. P. Cage sold most ol his clover seed
last week at Portland for 1 1 cents per tiound
the road stopped. Respectful!;
New Kra, Feb.!, ltd.
New ho re h -Officers Installed-Fun on Hun
lie r- Two Surprise Parties.
I Caaar, Feb. 8. The Christian minister,
i ,:ev- Hateman, is just making the devil
j howl. He bas organized a chun.:, of Christ
in Mr. Evans's hall, with over thirty mem-
j tiers; also, a Christian Endeavor society of
I about to member: and next Sunday ke
j will organize a Sunday school.
Tl. r:.w..l T...I..J:.......M..J .1
B -,-..... a . 1 cniMni uisinjieu iiieiroiucers
oamui, Feb. 4,-Snow sixteen inches i f. : ..... u ,
; ing. and Monday evening held a siwcial
! meeting for the purpose of electing eight
; delegates to the district lodge to he held in
Portland next week.
Nearly all of the boys hate sleighs, and
i ail of the hoys that have sleighs have girls,
land when the snow goes the girls go too.
iilst like nii.w I, lei - ... f .1 I -
Sun shining bright to-day. The mercury ; ',.,, 011M Rere
.teller.'.' " I " Mmn' """' ki'"1 -
i irm orixeen uie sauxui anil some ol the
: citizens favoring the incorporation, to the
botes from Borings.
deep at the present. Fine sleighing, and 1
young and old both improTing the time.
W, H. ltoring, wife and aon went over to '
their pastor'a in Powell's valley, Rev. J. H.
Wood. Mr. Wood contemplated holding a j
aeries of meetings at Ihe M. K. church at 1
Inion, beginning at 11 o'clock, the fifth of!
w ehruary.
ydte an accident happened near llamas-
Mlt SkI,,..!.,. C..l.....n A 1, ,
llalh ua and urn were al work ii 1 1... r ' " ltr
abed aliout 1 o'clock when Mrs. Mathias
came out to call them in for dinner. The
roof of Ihe shed being heavy ladened with
annw fell in on them, knocking them in
sensible. The boy being the first one to re
turn to consciousness pulled Mr. and Mrs.
Mathias out Irom under the shed, both be
ing hurt. Mrs. Mathias is suflcring more
than the rest.
Chas. Kichcy is beginning to move to his
new place. A skim.
Mink News.
Mime, Feb. 6. Geo. II. Dunn hired Mr.
Urooksand Miss Tennie Mayfield to teach
the last month of bis term here as he is to
commence school at the West Hide on Feb
ruary 12. We are aorryto lose Mr. and
Mrs. Dunn, as they hare taught us a good
school. Our boat wishes go with them.
John Mochnke shot a grey eagle last week
w hich measured seven feet four inches from
tip to lip.
Born, January 30, to the wircof F. Blubru,
The Mink literary and debating society
send a cordial invitation to Judge Meldrum
In be present at its next meeting on Febru
ary to at T p. ra. The question for discus-
tion Is, Resolved, That the action of the
county court in changing the road districts
Is detrimental to tbe bent Interests of Clack
amas county.
Feed is getting scarce with some of the
monstrance against Sushauer be would not
remonstrate against the incorporation ; and
when the ople learned that A. 11. Hindi k
was in Salem opposing the town with a re
monstrance the people of the town hustled
around anil secured several more names
agHinst the beer license.
C. P. I)ix is in Portland on business, as is
also I). J. Cox.
James Wilson has had a long and severe
spell of sickness, but has recovered enough
to lie around again.
Rev. Lowthcr, our old minister, was
amongst us last week. He is ju-t as pleas
ant as ever and seemed to think he was
right at home, as all were glad to see him.
A very nice surnrise party was gotten up
last Friday for Mr. Nolan and wife. The
young people went in sleighs and took their
music wiui incm. Tiiey say tbey had a
way-tip time. The same crowd surprised
Mr. Phillips on Tuesday evening.
Cakhy, Feb. 8. A pleasant sleighing party
was gotten up last Thursday evening and
gate a surprise to Mr. and Mrs. James No
lan, near Canby. The evening was spent
in dancing and a good time was enjoyed by
all. The following Is a list of young people
in attendance: J. R. Hunter, H. A. Knight.
J. Fisher, D. J. Cox, R. D. Ball, 11, Evans,
W. Fisher, W. Kendall, S. E. Cox, 0. W.
Knight, C. 8chmidt, C. Phillips, J. Zelner,
Lou Knight, Emma Fisher, Phebe Fletcher,
Addie Lee, Elvira Lee, Cora Fletcher,,
If Jsekioa U not Confirmed Bemtor Dolpk
.ay b HominaUd by thi Frttidtat.
Wahiunoton, Feb. S. Okkoonijim of
fice, 511 Fourteenth atrwt ) The story is
going the round tonight that President
Harrison has given an intimation that if
Jackson is not confirmed Monday he w ill
withdraw hia name and send in the name
of a republican now a member ol the aeti
ate, so that he will have a senatorial
courtesy to assist him in securing favora
ble action. It ia claimed that the repirb
lican senator meant ia IMph . This inlor
mation comet from supreme court
sources, ine ciuinocrala think tins a
bluff on Harrison's part.
The outlook tonight ia that the free-silver
men ol the house, aided by the repub
licans who believe that the democrats
should settle the financial question, w ill
defeat even consideration of the silver
bill and surely defeat the cloture if it is
Bo Hurt Oold.
New Yohk, Feb. 8. A local papor
says that the I'nited States tieasure is
practically empty of gold and the New
York bunks are obliged to come to the
relief of the goverment. It is a serious
situation that confront the secretary of
treasury and the Inlanders of the
country. The drain of American gold j
coin to F.urope lias at last exhausted the i
resources of the government, and private
stores in the vaults of the bunks are I
drawn tion to tide over tbe emergency.
HIImoiivIIIp School Report.
The fust month of the second tonn of
our winter school closed Friday. Feb.
3. Tiie total nutnbdr enrolled ia forty
six. The average attendance, wan only
XI, lend than usual on account of the
inclement weather. Those on the roll of
honor for this month are: Louis MasHol
brink, Alvin Miley, I'riscilla Miley.
Charles, Hert.Walter.Kalph, ami Archie,
Sherman, Flora, Mabel and Lillie Heoly,
Willie Hchulpics and Anna Wagnor.
Some are in favor of having a spring
term after thia closes, but il the neces
sary funds can not lie raised, the plan
will have to be given up.
Taken I p.
A small red cow about four years old
taken up by the undersigned at his farm
near Park Place on the 20th of January .
Owner can have same by proving prop
erty and paying charges.
W. E. Mohiiih.
Park I'i.ack, Feb 2, 18!.
Crt'scont Wt'ilgos (warrantctl.) 15 it S rpnif ('luiiis. Arcul.' Filf Kijh-. Cri-ivnt mt1
Loggers ami WimkI Clioiicr.s in'ciultics.
Oregon City Agent. - ..... WILSoN t COOK
Receipt, note and onler Uuks at the
lUank note, receipt ami onler botiks
al tbe F.sTKHi-Htaa otlice
It ii lo our interest lo please every
economical buyer. Hki.i.omv A Hi si it. 'f,
School deHrtiiitnt cards one rent'
each, gooil for term, at the KxraaeKisa
IOlinges, chairs, etc., unbolstered al
llolman A Walling's All woikviiar-i
anlevd. Itet air all your old lounges tor, Hals,
little money and tbey will be g'l ar
Nmif Imt tlio Ix-st inmltty ke.t. A trial orlcr solii itd.
Wetbling stationery, the latest styles1
and finest assortment ever brought toi
Oregon City at the F.ntkkI'Hisk olbce.
Justice blanks, real estate blunts, and!
all other blnnks al the Kn'Tkhthisk of-i
lice. Portland prices. j
C. O. T. Williams Is now prepared to i
make very favorable rates on good farm
A boot lour Sewers.
Io not forget that A. W, Schwan is
prepared and authorised lo luv and
truth ft in: i'ii nr.
Ililow Is titen tho Hrev'on City Market
l!eH'rt. correi led Jan. II, from .Uolniioii
furnished Ihe Ksrtaraisa by lm al mrr
chants; oatis.
Wheat, tallev, ir bushel it,
s'r bushel i.'atl
t'regon City Mills, Portland brand 3 i;'.
Shorts. ar ton .si in
IT (
i: i
It !'
Cbiver hay, baled
Timothy hay, baled
ran in i a.
Potatoes, r lisi lbs ,
Dillons, "
Apiles,gnen, per Imix ..
Apples, dried, per lb
Turkeys, r lb
tieese, r dox
Iliitter, r Ih
Eggs, ier do
make connections with the public sewer ! Honey, "'r il:
system of Oregon City and that he can
lay your sowers and put in your water
closets, sinks, slop hoppers, etc., nil
properly connected with sewer ami
water systems at tho most reasonable
ra'es. The Oregon City Jobbing Shop,
Seventh street neur depot,
tf A. W. SintvAS, I'ron
flsnt aa Orchard.
Walling tit Jairisb, the Oswego tiur-
i Borytnen, oiler the litiest seleclion of
fruit trees eversold in Clnckamus coun
ty at prices within the reach of all.
Call and examine samples of their trees
ami got prices at F. T. Harlow 's store
Oreg-jn City.
To (ioni! Tf-mpliii's.
I)o you know Unit Moore's llevealod
Koinedy is the only patent medicinn in
the world that does not contain a drop
of alcohol ; that the mode of preparing
it is known only to us uncover ; that it
is an advance in the science of medicine
without a parallel in the nineteenth
Ileef, live, per lb
Iteef, ilressrd
Mutton, lite, per head
I'ork, lite rlb ,
Pork, dressed, per Ih .
Veitl. live, ier lb
Veal, dressed, per II . . .
Hams, per Ih
Tutu so
$Ull .Ml
id to in
1 IO II Kl
.... 10(.tl."
. ... '
,Viii(.l is,
fa on that brlngt big
la thn on. that do a
what la claimed for IL
Ittenr nil li -m ,g ih K ol
urTn,l l il, utrtn i.niso
1mO.ii, it4lVr. S-sl.liiif -m.
wltfii l'on!hv IaOis ,hr
H. k an,, I.uhU littl ill-i i
I'U l.lrf l..k Ih, HI.IU
H.I Hi l(!il lliuasr
Llva a LongTlma with
out paying Intaraat on
your Laaaa of Llfo, by
Blacksmithing and Repairing.
Hating oi tir ,.
lule in mt ni,,,
HOKSIiSII()i;i(; a
liners In
, I nuke
Haled bay and slraw for sale by the
ton or halo, miles from town, ut I,
II. Andrew's place, Mt. Pleasant. x
The firm of l-ogua .i Albright having
been dissolved, all accounts iluu said
firm must bo settled at once as the part,
ncrship estitlo bus lo be closed up. Thirtv
days from duto of this notice nil unpaid
UI-l'lllllOU Ul 1... ..I....... I I
" i'""o iii no uiiorney s
l hands lor collection.
Dated January 7, lKil.'l. ,
.u.nln.lK llu ........ ..If... -
t.,;iii.i,i vim, no ii iji'i ivi'i n Uiiiii to , 11, n-
forfeit 1,(KK) for any case of dvHpcpMia ""hniin A Walling are prepare,! to lit
I it will not cure? ' "l ''" house below Portland prices."
'"ir'-H" I'orniT fr,,,i,
lllirilwiire nt..r.,
iiiib , 1 m i,, ,,
Ui m 11 a u ".""'vii nvervs,,,,
"Ulllev "1
Itnv i 1
To all whnm It may concern:
My wife, Crlnle Eaton, having left my homo
without any pirn cause or provocation, 1 hsreby
warn all persons not to tnut her or give her
credit as I will not be responsible fnraiiy of her
debt". 1. H. EATON,
Oregon City, Feb. 7, lB.
ttw only Pure Cream of Tartar Powdcr.-No Ammonia; No Alum.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard
7 Wln.eliK'k I'ruv... ... ""'""''"r eveluii. at
v...!.., .in ,-p,",",;,lK,,,,'v"' " H..I..I-V
K'h...lal 11 p.' Ktl'i ,1 H";-"" at II K,.y
.;ra,,.r mwiln, w,.,!,,,,,:,,.' '' ' ,"..' ' ""r
I 11 nverv tt.. 1. , """"I y
II tr
"vt'tiiint M
lirnei'illim O... m . "
''nriiUlliivllntl,,,,,;,;!""1"' "' "'" m",lU'
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.. 1. " : "M, tin nu ml mv
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At ,11 ,),,, '. ."'hH.a .;
M'lin nt j, V) y " ' Hill-. HIMlilMV
H1111.I,. s, I,....?..''.';. ..M!ir,"ll nervine ., 11
Klnviirlh 1 . 1 : K"S'illiKerle .1 1 .mt'
...l.n .. -""K'H I e III. U.....I... 7'
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'tvnrl Ii U'liun, ,,' ,. ""'"''igservle al 7 an
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''ln nrs.er u,,m,,i,; " u. W--lay
"iiiimn Ni'tiiti,, nverv H,i 1 """ ' ' 1. M.
"fi morn i,.. " , "(lrt am) Uilrrl Hun.
fou.u'.'V.lliM1;;1, H"1"1' iariiu1 Ii