Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 03, 1893, Image 6

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
A Lively Meeting1 Various Reports
Ordinances I'UHM'd.
Clack.amas Co. Directory.
J. w
Jii.Isp, .
Ctork nl Court.
B hivil superintendent,
lie., F. Hurton
V W, tlimung
8. M Kanuinv
J. O Wethervft
J, F. Bradley
11 9. mlwon
Sidney Smyth
K. U lloimiin
Kletiurd Soul
Cornelius Blr
The minutes ol lt meeting were retul
tut approved. lVtition at Tlio. Cow inn
ft si for 1 1)0 oihmi i nj of llio alley tlmnijili
block 108 whs granted and sumo ordered
The tiior lioenw of Potter A Kelly,
K. MoCattalKitd and Tliumas CauipMl
ajjent wens renewed, proper not kt linv
injl bwn given lliroush the per.
The report of the city treasurer w
nA in, I rfiirrl In tli rliiunt isim.
m . . . T. V Sullivan '" 1,,oh rvIHr,od wrreot-
ReenntM. - LU Porter I The citv recorder reported a follow
Chief ol Polio - 1 S. Pnrdnin ! . ., ., , . x. .
awkw. - - . J. K Kho.ii i for the niontli ol January: No. of cno
Treasurer. F
fitv Itlnrnev.
Street Commissioner.
Their Operations at Hubbard Forger
Niid Thieve",
Hi hmakii, Or., Jan. .10, ISM.
In your Issue of Jammrv 27, under the
heNiliii!of "Are. Thess The Men" you
speak o! Yetlinan and Hyde, two Mir
vmwiiig Mollis lielny arraigned hefure.
Judge Konta or) tint charge of forgery
and olititiiiinit order by false pretenses.
Those are no dottlt the same, "dnokiea''
your Wiiwuivillti fortvsmndeut SH'k
of. They bear the same htndmarka as
the parties who visited thin part of the
eoiinty in Novemlier last and they it re
atvused here of not only fraud and
forgery but also of stealing buggy that
fioin Dr.
Weaver of llnhhard. Thov way thov
c. HoiH-r i muil the tine of 15 each anil two went
Otty Knmeer. - si.lnev Smyth. ln uelaull. There wore seven ; seem to operate is to go to the director
Cotineiimen-C. 0. lbrltM. Jr., H. U kelty. i -j persons before tilt! recorder for being ! who in either chairman of Ihe hoard or
w. o'Connell, J. 0. Porter and T. P. Kn- inmate or keepers of houi'ea of ill fame. : the one who tiikivt the numt active part
Jln'e'il n,eet,m e.tml.r ofes.h ,,h i Mre Kinder ami Iwoda.ighten. weredia- j in tchool matte., and if they fail to got
taettyhall. charged the cost in their case being hia order, veenre hi ignattir to a note
m ; vi IV Four inmates of the Hiirnoy cot-1 to the ol hont or on einlorveiueiila of
tfT"Tli wny to build np Oregon tagtweit arrcatc.! Hire of whom forfeited ; the work and then copies the aiunatuio
Oty if give Oregon City people jour : their bail of $10 each, One of the ! to an order then go to at.other director
patronage. ' parties suheequenty returned, was tried, j and exhibit the name to the order, make
"""" : convicted and lined 7.'. An apial to! all aorla of verbal promise and if they
THK KNTKRl'RtSF. i the circuit court has been started but thua eeciir the other two direclois
Will he found on sale st tne Orecon City ' not perftvted. The costs in this rase ! names they then erase Ihe lirst but it
book store, ami at the North west News W., , a:nounting to V.',;;0 art unpaid. All i thov got only 'one they send Ihe order
J'Llilil'j' ,,r,!'"1l- 'money received during the month fur t oil' and depend on the K S IVnie Co
. tines lias tnt'ti used in paving costs. i to mill doe and inlimii'ato the directors
Ttie city piHind master rt'iHirled having into paying lor Ihe giKls when Ihov
I placed in the city poured a small bay
j mare with saddle murks and snip on end
Old papers for underlaving carpet at of nose which on January 30 was sold to
this office. j Wni. Dutcher for 1275 llio costs, of im-
The bov that has no sled is not in it.
Money to loan on improved city
property. Kmjuire of C. 0. T. Williams.
For sale a Maon A Hamlin organ in
good condition cheap. Irxjnire at this
office. tf.
tVnd 25 cents in tamis or coin and
get the F.NTKKritisK to read during the
long winter evenings
The Extkki'kisk is the newspaper of
Cla-kanias county . Send 25 cents and
pounding and sale were $7.45.
Ordinance prohibiting minors from
frequenting saloons, read the first lime
and ordered published.
An ordinance was read and passed
granting to CO. Miller and K. M.
Kands a franchise for biiildim; and
operating a telephone in Oregon City.
A report from the committee on health
and police relative to the city jail now
building was made, showing Ihe jail
practically completed, and a warrant for
ee how you like it.
Mrs. II. S. Strange left Monday for
torvan.s wnere st.e wm visit ner ioiks WlI)peon 0f t)ie ,.0tract.
for a week or two. Sidney Smyth reported seeing at
arrive by express, v it It several dollars
extra charges on theinl. They have
tried this in our district and also in the
one adjoining ours. 1 am in receipt of
alHJtil a dojen letters from the I'eale Co.
and they never fail to toll me that e
don.: a great thing for our district when
we onlered Ihe goods and ask us not to
spoil it all by lefusitnr to lake it out of the
ollioe and paying for the same. I am
also in receipt ol one pretending to be
written by the North Anieiican Collect
ing agency with headquarter ill Chicago
III , anil a printed heading stating they
mttke the collecting of bad debts a
Sscialty, threatening that they will
'$10o5was ordered drawn, a siillicicnl ! commence suit unless immedinle
balance Ix'ing retained to insure the
corner of Sixth and Main street in the
catch basin a whole lot of rubbish includ
ing broken glass whule potatoes etc.
Mr. Smyth slated that rubbish of that
kind would destroy Ihe $StKH) sewer.
The council were unanimous in llioir
determination to use vigorous measures
We make a constant study of goods, to prevent and punish any misdemeanor
prices and methods in our customer's of this sort in future,
interest. Bkllomy A Bist il ti j An ordinance was passed establishing
Send to tii EiTWwwTffie. for vour i wr diHlrirt Xo- l
legal blanks. A single one or a hundred i S"-" !lve,l l"v !'' improve-
The popular Kuphony Orchestra
will pl.ay at the reading room entertain
men on Monday evening.
Mrs. 8. Reixenstein has began suit for
a divorce from Signon Keizenstein,
alleging desertion cause
ment of Main street from the line shaft
of the cement mill to Sixteenth street,
vitrilied brick to lie used except between
Moss and Twelfth and between Forteenth
and Sixteenth w here a trestle is to be
built. The notice was ordered published
in the othi i.il paper.
Benjamin Juggai was granted permis
sion to build a factory on lot 2 block 2ti
facing, the railroad. Said factory to Is'
used, the loaer tlmir for a turning mill
and sash and deor fnetory and the
upper story for a box factory. The
power to be used in the factory to be
electric. Size of building 52xij0 with 20
foot posts. Councilman White presented
a semi memorial petition signed by about
210 ladies of Oregon City asking that
vigorous measures be instituted to drive
out houses of ill fame. This gave rise
a general discussion in which consider
able feeling was manifested on both
Portland (ieneral Kltctric Co., light $1U LU
Charles Holds, jnil rent.... ll no
J. S. Purdom, police 81 Ul
John Kelly, "
I). E. Shepard
J. K. Morris "
Sidney Smyth, surveyor
C. Hoherg, street sup t. . .
F.J. tauis, city treasurer
H. T. Sladen, type writing
T. I.. Cliarumn, vxpressagc . . .
I. . A. Nohle, Ixiardirig prisoners
All persons wistiing to borrow money ! tireenman, ilraying
furnished at Portland prices. ,
We will place our goods in cloeest
comtietition With any reliable house,
tf Bki.lomv A Best-it.
We want money and we are not going
to carry winter goods over as our price
will prove. Hamilton & Washburn, x
Esiecial attention is given to diseases
of the chest, throat and nasal passages
by J. S. Courtney, M. I). Ollice, Char
ma u block.
Miss Leila Swafford of Salem accom
panied her uncle John Vinson to
Umatilla county on Friday for a couple
of days visit.
Rev. H. L. Barkley will hold the
quarterly meeting at the United Breth
eren church commencing Saturday after
noon at 2 o'clock.
On the 31st day of January Mrs.
Christina Vermilyea died at the resi
dence of Fred Ely, aged 7ti years 4
months and 7 days,
Owing to the small attendance at
school on Wednesday, there being only j
bout one third of the pupils present, i
Hihool was dismissed for the day,
What's the matter with Meldrurn j
McCown? lie was out with the boys j
coasting and was the butt end of a colli-1
eion which largely lacerated his jaw. j
ment is made. After tolling them as I
have the company several times to com
mense suit as soon as they please, I
suggested to I hem thtt they could get a
good fit' Irom Dr Weaver of Hubbard if
they would collect from this sumo I'eale A
(.Vs. agents the value of his buggv that
they got an ay w ith. They are just such
men as should be met wito a foiir-vear-old
club whenever they attempt loonier
your gate, and if half that is told of ttieiti
tie true and I think it all is, they should
lie furnished with a free job and lodging
for a term ol yours at Hotel Ihiw ning,
Salem .1. H. I'imii k.
Hubbard. Oregon Jan. 2'J, IS'i:!.
Small Attendance Canned hr Storm
and Slcknes Oilier Notes. !
The attendance the at school hits been
rather small this week, ouing to sii k-ne-H
and the bud tteatlier
The I'liilomathean society met lust
Friday evening, but the nl ti ii.liiine was
small. The di -bate, Uesulved, Hint
women should be given the riht to
vote, who won bv the alhrinutive.
A reading by Miss Ada Hughes nas
very weil rendered. The society called
a eciul meeting Tuesday afternoon
for ihe puraio of postponing the oieii
meeting one week, as many of Ihe tueui
liersare'll. It was decided that the
on meeting lie held Friday evening,
Fein nary 10. The question for debate
will be, Ilesolved, tliut immigration to
the Cnited States should lie restricted to
people w ho are able to read and w rite,
are worth $500, and have an honorable
At a recent meeting of the faculty ol
the University of Oregon, at Eugene, it
I was decided that students from the Ore-
Wish you a
Happy and prosperous new year
And offer a grand now year salo of
Sma Mid
Tlio season is at huml when it is tlcsinil-lc to clear shelves urn! counter for the minimi in
ventory, niul we wish to reduce our stock. l'V this reason we will oiler the
Greatest Sacrifice Sale
Buys during this salo
Any suit or overcoat in our store. One-tenth off
on all boys and children's suits and overcoats.
The Most Complete
and only first
Quality consider
ed, our prices are
always the lowest.
!inMrter!t niul tli i'ler in
Choice Family Groceries
Selected Teas,rme Coffees &Spicos.
B u t tor & C h ccsc from r best dairies
Fruit and Vegetables in Season.
Business Conducted
On Business Principles.
One True to All.
Positively no con
nection with any
advertising scheme
Cor. 7th & Madison, Shively Building, Oregon City
11 00
27 i
12 50
7!) IK)
'"j (i in City lii'li Hclimil lie Hilmlttcil to thn
Irom the state t.li(jol fund slioulil ajiply
early anil eecure their loans only eiht
per cent interest and but one commission.
G. E. Hayes, Atttortiey for board.
A former Clackamas county boy, I).
N. Trtillinjif, now of Astoria, came up on
Monday nijjlit on Hie Oregon and went
out Tuesday to visit his father at L'nion
Mills. He intends remaining several
An old resident says that in 1845 the
snow began to fall on Christmas day and
that it fell to the depth of three feet
winch remained on the ground for eighty
four days. What's the matter with this
12 -Vi
3 2.1
!) Ml
5tt K)
II. M. Reiner, building sewers
Tower A Kinney 10,'tt On
kwkr ruNi).
On hand, Nov. I, 17ir2 $7011 21
Kec'd from collector I'i'iH .ril
Sundny Services.
Total ll,:i 72
Warrants reileenied . . , lo,.r0 IH
These are the days when the plumber
hears the pipes cracking and he rubs
his hands and thinks of the thousand
and one leaks that will want him when
it thaws. He don't have much time to
rub his hands between jobs either just
Joseph V. Dory, of Warsrw. III., was
troubled with rheumatism and tried a
number of different remedies, but none of
them seemed to do him any good ; but
finally he got hold of one that speedily
cured him. He was much pleased with
it, and felt sure that others similarly af
flicted would like to know what the rem
edy was that cured him. He states for
the benefit of the public that it ia called
Chamberlain's Fain Balm. For sale by
ieo. A. Harding.
liiilance $xl!i in
ukiickai. rrmi.
On hand, bal. Nov. I, Im!)2 J ;j7.'i 01
Kec'd during qr Hot) S3
Total receipts I24M2 M
Warrants redeemed 1253 14
Balance $122!) 40
On hand, Nov. 1, 1802 $1143 27
Received during (ir lol)2 10
Total $22.' 37
Warrants redeemed 3H0 W
Balance $ln.r4 fin
On hand, Nov. 1, ltf)2 $171 87
Total amount received 50 00
Balance on hand $221 87
C. O. T. Williams is now doing busi
ness for himself at the old stand next
door to Caulield Sc Huntley's drug
The latest in visiting cards at the Kn
tebphisk Oefick. Prices to suit you.
Our t audlil Advice.
It ij seldom that we apgieur in the
roll of spiritual adviser or family Iivhi
cinn, but there are times when we feel
mitiHllrit in railing tliu atteiitinn nl our
inunv siil'HrrilierH to an artirlo id true
university, in the future, without an ex- merit. We feel tiiHtilled in aityinir tlmt
amination provided they are given a ! Moore' Kevenled Hemeilv (ntiiins
i..,:,. i... u...(..... ii.;. .1.. i more iictiml merit than unv iiiedieine
1.1 1 1 1 1 II T 1 1 1 1. 1 1 i II iiy I imrnwri i iniiii'. i if. .
,. , , , i it has ever been our good fortune to
A notice to tnai euect nas oeen posten . ,B ,,,, ,rj(ll (l)(, wiu IIHk yml
in the High school room. l'l i'ii.. j enthusiastic us the wiiter. Kor sale by
j all (Il llUglnts.
Roland II. (iraiit'n l.erlure. ,
The court house was tilled to hear
Ui'V. liohtnd Grant, of the First ilaptist
church of I'ortlaud, in his second lecture,
"The Muking and lireaking of Nations"
was discUHned in a masterly manner.
The. subject was one that culled for close
thinking such as a popular audience is
not usually supposed to he willing to
give. Yet the lecturer's creative geniiin
and ra'B brilliancy and force of utter
ance, gave a charm to the theme which
carried a largo audience with him for un
nour and thirty minutes. Mr Grant is
evidently a close student of history and
politics and his declarations were re
sponded to with frequent expressions of
approval. Albany Herald.
This old and reliable linn a'.wuvs
III stork
Falls View School lienor!.
Koll of honor of Falls View school
district No. 08 for the month ending Jan.
27, 18!)3, Fred Watenpauiih, Ada
Watenpaugh, Nellie Chamberlain, Leo
Chamberlain, Lena Chamberlain, Kllen
Williams, Angle Williams, Herman
Hcbrader, Fmil Schrader, Daisie I'orter,
Myra I'orter, Jennie I'orter, James
Took and Clarence Took,
Jknnik I'ikkce, Teacher,
Trices at Park I'lace cash store, G. C.
sugar (4.60 per sack, seven spools O. N.
T. thread 26 cents, best bacon 15 cents
per pound. z
CltltlSTUN ciintCH-Horvleos every Hiin
iluy Ht 11 A. Mi Ht Hhlvnly a hnll. I'ri-iii'hliiK
hi'i'iiipI uml fourth MuuiUy In ench rniuilli Iiy
liuv I), T. Htiuilev.
0. W. I.ik.'ah, Pntnr. HorviPM nl II a. m. unit
7 :H) e M. Htiiiiliiy Hctinol nftir tnnrniiiK Mir
yli'D. I'lnyor meetliir; Wnilntiinliiy evi'miitt nt
7 :i(l(i,elo('k. ITHjur mi'iitliiK "I Voiiiir l'wiili',
HiH'li-ty nl t'hrlnlHii Knili'iivor every HumtHy
evDillllK mtt:Mprnmpt.
Pakkkh I'mitor Morning Mcrvlne nl II :Mninliiy
Hch.wil ' Vi l.'i; KvhiiIiih Hurvlcu II Ml; Iti'Kiilnr
priiyer mci'llliK WuilmimlHy evelilnit. Miinllily
CovmiHiit MiHillnit uvury Weilni'H'liiy nvi'iiltiit
prneeillriK the flrat Hiuuluy lu the iiiniilli. A
oornUl In vlmtloii to all.
IIiij.khkanii, Paii'.iir. On Hnnilay ninnH nt H nml
l!):;t!) a. m. Kvury Hecon'l snil fourth Hiuuluy
(Ixrman nurmnii after ihe S o'clock ininw
At all oilier inanHea Kngllnh sormniia. Hiimiay
Hiihool at i:m r. . Vet.rii, apolmotlcal
ulijoets, and llenedlctlou at IMr. m.
CI. H vitas, Faator. Morning aervlne at 11;
Hiunlay Hehnolat 12;lf; Kveiiliigaervloo Ht7:ll.
Kiworlli league melting Huinlay evening at
tiM; Prayer Meeting Thumday syeuliig at HO.
trangura cordially Invited.
W. (IlliONI v. I'nulor. Hi.tvicih at 11 A. M. and
7;0 v. u. Haliliath Hohool at 10 A. M. Young
People's Honlety of t;hrltlau Endeavor mucin
evry Hunday evening at 6:M). Weilneiiday
evanliig prayer meeting at 7:80. Seata free.
Kknst, Pastor. Prnacliiug sorvleea every alter
nate Hiindayat 11 A. M and 7:0 P. M.
Hahliath aefcool every Hiinday at 10 A. M. (John
Harrlnonrger, Hupt.) Weekly Prayer Meeting
every Weuneaday evening
Williams, pantor. Hervioei first and third Sun
day mornings anil the preceding Haturday
night lu each month at Oregon City, at 11 a. m.
and 7 p m aid the first Sunday afternoon of
each month at Fall! View.
Heavy. SMf si iiitim
Hardware, Tinware, elc.
Plumbing, das
Attended to
Pitting & Jobbing
Promptly, lls-nirnislnML
MILI.ARD J. UCic . , . Vroprl(!tor,
Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrublierv Ft