Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 03, 1893, Image 5

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
o c, f co HimiKiiN.
In Krrart ) f.nm a, iwi,
Hleattlefa At lliNA A lUMu.N
UV naa.inti iit. iiivi ruaritaii
1 mi a m. "t Mia in.
wi a. m, u in a. in,
IJ1"iiii, in ii
''n m, mii. i,
ii i in. uu m.
Hi" way lanillliat
1'uaUlTi'ly uu iKiiahl ukan mi Ilia t lnl 6 !W
uria-R lrlia
u a. hi a in a m
6 HI I' in, III i HI
Tiliii ini mitili'iM In rlialiaa ttllhuitl inMlia
Hilt1HM(N l'rr-l! It A 1 1. W A V
a,. am am uu
All"lliy t"! Ia lallmul w m a in
atll.iriiU r llirraa llliltmirli) A Id a ill
hrlIM( Ij'I taf Ullniial rt . Ill
in TH a, il NH
It ltira l, loay uaUima) . 11 a. hi
AImii)T I n4 !; tlalltMl! B UB p m
t'aliiniiiia iim.a iiiuiHiihl 1 M y m
Malli rl,. (.una N.nih.t a hi . I ) m , m
Mall rl.ua ),.i Kuiilli. a In . J JU . in
lua kul'Tca
lllr..ii I'lly lii Kl.l 'ania. MhIiiiii ami M,.llla
traiva al M nt anl arlliea al li m ilali
llivnn I'll In ly, Mink ( lark MMilnwlr4.
I'llloil UMIa, Milllnu aiul I itllitli. laaietal lu a
Hi tunUv. Thiirft.Uij aiul Haliifilaif, atnl rn
mrtiu lullowiiia ilaitai I nt
FltlllAV, FF.IIIU'AHY 3. mli.
A Tiiiiihiiiax 8lJU To ami (nvimtli
atiwl any nl Hi linn ruM niouiilmlit
fVi'iiliii; alur) lliit aiiuw ram oho cuiilil
lint ruin lii.li) that It la nut at all nmi
aary lu tmil.1 a UitMiMan alula. IiuIihkI
tlm 1111 alilio Ha iiiiroviiiitit liy grail
lug la iH linr lur oaaiing llian any lulmg'
gan allilu tliat r.nn. lw lnull Fviuy
rvpnlim llm lull haa limn linnl with
aimi, nig hhiiiip ami inim ihhi n, nui
. . . , , , ,
"""r K l-M-l
l-vmy .1,-iiu.tiMi I, ll.a i,,-, ,l.a i
ill,.trr,i,,g .l.,..,a..,..n,lr...,uM. I,u,,,l
.,Kl,llolrn .l...n l.,.lir,.,,lll,lHr,l.,,.
,ri..w..ann,. ,..wmiiHr..,i,...n1... ,ur
. . , , ' ,
waajai aaun au-i-. aim il waa no nil-'
CuIiiiiiiii. thing lur Hm larger aleda lo
aHH'i i-lrar iluwu Siuiuill. lfi'l then '
tiltliing tu tlm rlfc'lil, Uuly Ily iuw li the
aluie and aotuaa Hie railtuad track lirar ;
ly to Main adiataiii-e uf neaily I'.1 blm ka
ll.caiintmlly an ai-. iilrtil lia'-im. ml j
it waa tiaually o nu iinirtance and the I
llllliiillllialo pally Would pli k bltnaell to- j
gellier and atari lur llm tup ol the alide ;
lur a new trial. While the trip duwn
waa in plana made Willi Hie a, aiul ol
the wind u lliat the lite wuuld Ily in
alrtaka daw the aleel roi.nrr and the
Cuaatna roiild aar mill lav Ned
nual lun lu cual uim my line
ali'd and I vat the other In) a''
liur like bim have to lament
they did.
llm "llrw
ati.iie bill thai more and mora aituova
lur lb-. li.nl. w.a nt at,,., en.i.ii,!. lo !
be ilillii ull or berome leilmua
f.... - . V' . - . .. I . .... Il!
tiuaraaia-.aaav'.p ia ani n j
V Mia.niia. Tlm lullieal and ba.i.iiral lull
1 . aiiFinairii ii'i. i'ii iiiiviii aim iiaiini
al ,M,ij. .1 . i.h. .n..r,. ., , ."..,..... .
- , p
allbeli.iiiie.il ol Mr aud Mra. U. A.
naming nn rrblay evening to aaal.t .ee
In lelebralmg approiulately bia l.llli
hirlluUy The ilaint.r.l kind ol II
lumlneil iuvilaliuna had Ixi'.i ai'iit to bia
liumertiua young Irienda with the re
ipieat that they come lo bia party "en
niamp.e," and cmiie they did with ciae
ttiuiea that would have reflecle I much
credit upon a maaipierade romHaHHl nl
niiu li iltlir iMtmtiiiti Tu nil ami Wdlrh
,,riv lle,e.l. Tu i.lun ...r.leul.rl. ,he I
i 'I
roalumea ol a few would nereaaitate the
omltaion of niany ixpielly groleaipie,
iHimlc or richly adorned. All were well
gotten up and each ronlrlbiiled hie or
her part towanla making lite evening a
The little folks were tiH.:1'"''0"'"'1" lo r,m,in"8 ding. The
great aucreaa
happy to keep alill or to indulge in gamea
but juat went in lor an old-(kahionel
merry rollicking time. When It came
to refrrahinenta, Mia. Harding bad
jnat loaded the tub lea w ith tbltiga loo
pretty and too good to eat, but after de
vouring with their eyea and admiring
them in liniui'saured leriiia the charms
vanished aa did the many good thing
and the tallica were soon unloaded.
l.ee'a Irienda left hiui intiny tokens of j Mkhhv Sikiuliisu Pahtv. On Mon
llieir klndlv eateem and love. dny evening Captain and Mi's. A. It.
, lliraham chiiperuiied a jolly party of
Mi iTsoMAii In It r.H..-TbeOr..gun,..n j yMm MVn w)0 vlrt, , wih (i)((,)U(
o ed..e.dy under Ihe heinhng of. I ( ,,)llr.in.,ml, enjliyillB
uu... u-jr n.u. ..,..i-n I..I..I i
county court held niiolher
lerdaV morning to diseusa the clilim, of
J. It Mnikhy and it !(. I Lives fur
$,Vi,000 (or compiling the "present own
ership" books. .1 u. lun .M.iieltind fluid
uflcrwiird lluil II was the opinion of him
self, Ihe conimisHioners and Ihe attor
neys Unit not over $1:1,000 was due Mtirk
ley and lluyes. One of the attorneys
thought they were entitled to flil,IX0.
"The claim for l."n',(sM) Is all nonsense,"
continued Judge Morolund, "iind I do
not think that the contractors ever ex
Mi'ted to get Hint amount, We agreed
to pay them the 10-inlll fen for the dis
eovery of unassusaed property and not
for the correct description ol hinds, Wo
discussed the construction uf the con
tract this morning, timl decided Hint it
was nil right, and the contractors cannot
base tlmir exorbitant claim on the clause
'not described or assessed . ' They are
entitled lo about 1 1:1,000 and if they want
more they will have to get' it through
the courts,"
Tiik OtJTiNii Ci.hii in. One of the
plcnsuntost gutherlngg ol the seuson was
Hint of tliu Outing club Inst Thursday
evening, at Achillea hall. The c.oinpnny
present wore limit on having a jolly good
time ml no oim know bow belter limn
tliii Oulliiuliim, rriKritKiv(tflm liro a ll It
pria waa In order durlnu IIih earlinr
linura n( I lin iivi'iiliin and Jnal licliim
Itinrli waa wivxil, Mix Itnaale M.i'p.ard
inl Ueut, I., I,, ri.knlia wi.ro atin.iiin
end a a winnna ii( ll.n flrat prixa wbiln
Mix Miiy Kitlly and Mr F J. I,iila
enjiiyt'd illailiu-iliiii of inriyliiK nlf
tbe liimliy pi lira After auinptlniia
mi l laatily Krrmiii"l Inmli bad bwu
iHmmiiimxI, Ciol, K llelz-il mi'l 'I'liini.
Millur ItiriiUlird Intnl.' lur ilmii'hi wblrli
waa enjoyed till a Im'ci hour. Tlmae
preaenl i.i: Mia.ru Amy Kully, l.wna
Mi'Ciittn, I.. Ilruwiicll, J: tn tn I
Cum Hardlny, Minn Klly, Ib-aaie
Nbeppard, Hulile (Vbrane, May Kelly
Manila Cliuiiiimi, Madame I r. ti k
una and l! I . Hulinaii : Meaara. lr.
I.. I'd Iikiio, V. A. Iliinlli-y, K, 8 Kelly,
K. J, Unit, II. I,. Dolman, lli'iiiy
Matlabnry, li, O.IIIni-HiiMih, F, (!, I)iivta,
Cieed Kuallon, C U. Ilniiilry mill A.
J. .ewtbai.
WiiMkinii Tina Vv laat wetVa ! j
aue of lli FaTkiil'UiaK urged Ibe net'ea- ,
Hy ol ifiinruliiK auninal Imlil tip. aa lli '
viuniuim tneaatiiea mi-aenrea adopted dy :
1'iitilmi'l waa rettalu to rmiMi tbem to j
m atter ..nl. Tbe Warning waa tlit.el) aa
evldenred by the furl I lint F.. New bill j
I lit I'aik I'la.e btitrber nvci.tly be. I
aet nl rubbed by f.aitpada. Ho bad.
viaiteil Milwaiikin during dm allernoon '
tint Ixiatiled a motor lur fur Iioiiib. At j
prreeiil tbe rlii-iilr run only run far j
a lUelev' Crowing, Wlwrw litt Ilt the j
car, and atarted lo walk boine, folluw iiitf
lung 1 1 if 1 1 tin u( tliii railroad. Tliat ;
wm titiiit 7 oVIivk II bed nut pro-!
eetnled lur ladure aoina nun ram up
Imiii lieblnd, aiij aeiaml liiin. A doa
peraln atruggla ntiauint. lull It proved fl
ahinl dotation, fur Iwo oilier fMit Na
lama iHli klv lo tlm learue ol tbeir rune
(anion mn New lull Mat em.il over-
. .. .. .
auuii uiiiaiiuii, lor lo oinrr imniia.ia . . ..... ...
,.., klv.otl,.,..I.I-tr.M,.!l'k Hi...lnl ... .u,n out l,y
v. .... ... I M. Kramini. aainal bur liuaUud'a
H(ii,u , (
miiii(ifiiii jf u ,J
........ ... a.. ... A( i.,i.,
1.1... ol Dial
amuiiiit, tliw llirr riMra;'l,"'i',,,,n Frl.tuarv lot I. al 3 oilork.
beat a haaly retreat
toward I'uitland II
duwn the trai k
Waa Bume little
tune Im iui New bill
came lu In in au'U.
and waa able reach bia home
and li'll
what bad Mallei! bim. Aa il waa mfc'lil
liuiliiiig ruiild be dune luwaril lurking
alter ut factoring the t-uwardly rtbbeia
and no I tare ( them baa been lutmd.
WatiMaiut 'a rMaw Tueaday even
leg at midnight tbeaky waa clear aud
Illumined by a bright union nearly lull
wblla lu llada ol alara tainklnl btia'btW
in llm akr and ihe etian air niftinl aa
one atepned forth lola.ethe very alight
newInoiihwu.il Tueaday morning at live
o'tbak the wind bad turned aouth and
now hal begun lo fall. All hour laler
it waa anowing heavily ami a alilfgale
rattled Ihe aimw rapidly U lure it oiling
; It up into dtilla, For several I n. the
atom, coulinued then gave way to bright 1
. . I
auilahlne. Doling Ihe day the Weather
.0. 1.....1.. . t
.nivalin ami n.eaa niiuariiy I'aaoia.
Five or aix in. hea ol new anow bad
U ,, lo 6 o'cl. k p. in., when the
aluriii king waa again in command.
Thnaleighing ia excellent, or would be
If the weather would remain aettbtl long
enough to n riuil the miiueruua vehiclea
of all ilearr.pliona on runnere lo pack
the Hue Ihi.Iv ol anow,
Ttia Ki wtmu: Link. The Kaal Side
Fleclrio Line haa Ural and laat bad many
' .tttaf l.i nUArillia. ll.as k.t aat ( ).a,t
' ' ""'"' " '"' l"'
.1.- i.i.i . ..
the chief, .Ince it began. Owing lo a
mlatak. ,J Ihe englm-erthegradera on
Main atrtH.1 were "kn.aked off" on
Friday and they did not again gel t.
work Mure the anow came, making It
eimat ruction engine has been up as (ar
aa Seventh street where the track now
rnda and the trolly wire ia atretched to
Kigl.lh street. The Ural freight csrrled
by the new road was a lot ol polea i
brought up Sunday (or the Portland
lieuersl Electric company. With this!
weather prevailing it is impoHnihlo to!
determine when the cars ran lie put on j
(for regnlur service. j
nl.lall.m ea.li.rn alvli. the lielillifill
l,,.,,,,,!,. ull . it.,, Mleiiilo.lir whirl, una
'Ittiily gisal. At leiiat those along did
i not notice hut that it wns the verv best,
I After a cou ph. ol hours riding they re -
paired to. the home of Captnin liruham
where a sumptuous lunch was hugely
enjoyed lo the tune of jokes and stories.
Those present were : Captain and Mi's,
(irtibam, Misses. Ilattie Cochrane, May
Kelly, Minnie Chariuan, Mina Kelly,
Mary Conyers and A.ulio Cochrane,
Messrs. Will Huntley, lr. O. W. Year
gain, K. J. Kelly, C. 0. Huntley, and
J. 1'. Iiovott.
Inst Tlitirduy evening the pleasant liome
ofMr.andMrs.Chas.il. Ceufleld was
enlivened by the presence of a merry
encher party w ho sKmt the early part
of Ihe evening lighting with paatelioards,
I Hnbsc(uunty Mrs. Caufluld served
delicious refreshments. Those present
were: Mi. and Mrs. 0. A. Harding,
Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Slovens, Mr, and Mrs.
1. F.Moroy, Mr.aml Mra.R.K.Charinan,
Mr. and Mrs. J.H.l'iirdom, Mr. and Mrs.
A. W. Howard, Mr. aud Mia. V. K.
Charnmn, Mr; and Mrs. C. 0. Albright,
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Pratt and Mrs. S.
M. McCown.
I. Vv. Ur.,uiilM TlliiailuV !
IR inula ..." i.'i,
inurnliig llmiiilUm & Alli'ii Ix'Kaii mov
ing llii'ir aim k ol gfimial liiurilialulian
into tliilr new alum at Om iohht ol
Main ami Ninili atrvula. Tim huililmg
Vina nut linarly Anlaliml lint wan Ut
unuiigli alung lo innlt lln-m lo ui tlm
aliilving ami par In ol tlm lluur ajiare,
anil aa limy nr viiy mill li rruwilml
wIkiim tlny mi-m llii'yi'uiii'lii'linl lo move
ami put ii. will, tlm illai'oiulrrla of a
Imllilliig Iwlug uiillulnliiiil lur tlm aaka u(
tint latgnr ruoitt, IW-aulna lliia limy
aavml rvnt by twiiig III tlmir on luilil
lug Mt.Kiluii OMirran -In our rvimrt f
llm A, I I' W. tuilnrlailiiimlit (il laat
iH'kllue nit'iitiun ( linatiiro llarluw'a
j exi'vllmit ilaying waa ilruiiril out ami
tlm uiiiiaaluti waa nut nullr.-il till too
i lulu tu curri'ft It waa mm ol tliuwt
j aci'iilmila lliul iniial (rt-iiii-iitly (N'cur
! wlmri" a bualniiaa la tnailu ti ol many
j aniall mrta Ilka llm liuiiaamla ol li-llcra
ii.iiihhiiik naili luaiin ol a iaHr. It
wan Miaa lraliir'a llritt aM'arani' in
inliii; aa a playvr aiul her antrraa aa a
ilaiilat waa aurli aa to entitle her to
liiurn llian paaalng notii-e.
Kitvr.a Haow from,
ilay tlm I tnl blew In
-All .lay Thura- j
Itlliil gi.ala from I
the norlli evrr anil anun hriuglng ftorriea ;
,.I anow which im rnunil in (reqitenry
aiul aevvrity aa the lav a lvanrcil till by
als o'rlm k the (lakoa were hilling Willi
ararnily a break and the ground waa
ijiiile while. Ily Fihlay morning the
gruiimi waa well covervd with "the
beautiful," ami ainre then the weather
haa been allernahely very alunny and
j iiiit pleaaant Sunday waa probably
the iiiuat diaagrreatile day ol the aloriu
and MumlaV night the coldeat.
i ! j. !... il.iu. TI. (l..i ,.i
U,,),, Willi.,,, -.riK hi... it. M-j
Jmlgi Fuiila plainl dim iiihIit I-'iO '
' ,1. lo a Ulnar ai.aaiia.er lo tU !
'' 10 '"'"I
pi aii'd
iiiuli-r 1) Minla ',
llm H'a- and
lu kill Mia Krai.iine
be calti'd at )( o'clock the aame dav.
Kruiu the meaner delaila olitiiinal.Ki lliia
eema tu lm a lamily row ol Interealing
I im. Sxuw Ft iiii.a Much haa
n atiltfii by Hie p'K't coni'ermng the I
bi'aiittliil anow , and the leathery flakea i
aa they ailently rlcal lo earth, but no
KN-I ever baa or can picture tin ir ap-
' l"eraiiie aa they dance in the air with a
! '"'U1'1 light vaatlng myria la ol dart-
ing dixuptive abadow a wlii. h, combined
' '"' ,,, numeroua flakea ll.ema.dvea aa
. lrJ mi iiuoeT bih. yun, pruuui-w an uu
'lln " "'irJ eff.i t upon one aa he
i ''" cuddeiily U-uealli the daitling
. ''K1''.
To Ciuxoa Mn. Skavu a. A t.roiio
ail ion to change the Aurora, Needy and
ti . . . 1 1 1 m
i1' kabmg rxmle ao aa to include Orville
la bring urgeil bv Congreaaman Her-
j nmnn and aa lliibbard ia a belter
i marketing point lor the Needy people
I there ia a proMMiition to change the
; railroad terminua from Aurora lo Hub
1 bard. Orvillo will probably be given a
aeperate aer ire Iron. Needy.
Kreiionv I'l l a Iam . On Friday
evening the Kuphony Club Orrhentra
gave a n.oat enjoyable party at Artnoiy
ball which waa tairly welt attended by
" ' . . 1 .'T ' "
I w,,u PI""
j ,n,l'c 'urnil.eil and ol the pleaa-
; "j ,
VA!(TKi,.Hoga and calves. Apply
1 Vancouver Commiaaion Co.. 2Li
1... . - 1. . .. i.:..i . .
! Itiirnniil vtrwt. Purtlsuid
Koa Saik. F""ur cabinet working
benches at Uelliuuy & liuarh'e. Will
aell at a bargain. x
Patent medicine" differ One hss rea
sonableness, another bus not. One hss
reputation another has not. (hie has
conlldence, bom of success another has
only "hope."
llon't tske it for granted thai all patent
me licinca are alike. They aie not. Let
the years of uninterrupted aurcccs slid
; tene ol thouHanils of cured and happy
j n)ti Bl( W()mm) ()aoe ,)r pr'atiold-
j n M(l,irn Hiacoverv and lr. Pierce's
Kavuril.. I'liiaiTiuliun on ll. ai.li. uf tin.
iii. iiimriauii lii uliiiOi (line luiluinr Anil
I there isn't a state or territory, no nor
j hardly a country in Ihe world, whether
' its people realise it or nut, but have men
aud women in them that'ie happier be
cause of their discovery and their effects.
Think of this In health . Think of it in
sickness And then think whether you
cm) afford to make the trial if the makers
can afford to take the risk to give your
money buck, ns they do if they do hot
bcnclit or cure you.
Trey hamuli').
The Troy Steam laundry, ol Portland,
has opened an agency in Oregon City
with F. A. Waddoek at the post office
confectionery and cigar stand, where
bundles will be received and returned.
Goods left at office by Tuesday noon
will lie returned Saturday morning.
Iliicklen's Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve In the world fur Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Khenm,,
Fever, Soros, Tatter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It Is guaranteed to (rive
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price l5 cents per box. For sale by G
A. Harding,
waiii.m.ioi oim;m.
Hiinator Polpli liaa M'iirpil lavoratila
ri Mirt Irfifii llm coiiiiiiilli-o on military
air.ilra lur lila aiiii-niliiii'iit pioviiling lur
llm iiayiuriit ol Oirgun t Ulma ami !
inaca ilnring tlm war, ami in aililition
lo tlila a ifiM a (avoraliln n-m,t to an
ami'ii'lim iit aiiruiriating .Vl,OuO lur llm ,
if oIim I ion of aalinuii llaliMiltia, Tlm loin
liiltiiiill (iiii'lun trial iuna liaa alwi l(f
piKti-'l lavoralily on lua aiiwinliupiit ai-i
inirialing IWtl.UW fur parrying out llm
('lilnran ai t.
To Btvard Otnltm.
Naw Yoiia, Jan. M.hAin C. NVw
may Ue anri i-nli l aa coiiaul (i-inral at i
1-u.liiun ly W.iliiTli (iimliuiii. 'I'ti ii. m
tlm Inim malum tliat ruuma from a auurce
eloae enough Ut tlm jmlitii-al family of;
the pn-aiili'iit-flwl ti warrant italx-ing!
riM'i'lvf.1 willi mure ronaiilnration than ,
umially allarlma to a umie rumor.
Tkla U tk Laa4 al latakiaa.
Hiaaoaa, Cal., Jan. l It rummi-rii iil !
lo anow early llna morning, ami liaa
auuwwl continually iinrt. Tlirre la an
ecllinl iriwMi'l ol a hig atoriu. The;
! anuw ia alrraily two (ret dorp, rntlar1
111.! ... i
" "' ' j
1 a Irriaa ol O
I'. M III I ania. t
are cmiHtaiitly adding
new thing to our rbxjk
of drugiM' eurnlrii',
ami we
To make it an olijctt
for you to get our priit-a,
ece our giKxln and 1
come awiuainted with j
ua and our mode of
doing i
! We have at tirewnt a
complete line of fine 1
tcMith, mi.il and hair
britches direct from the!
Kart at jiriccs that will ;
suit any huyer. j
Succeccor to j
lrwcrlivloii Imutfta
;( icncva,
HUNTLEYs ,,4rlfkJ'
XtniffT of Wilte'. Goletiratai Oomadr Co,
framiuui Band and Ordiaalra.
Dr. Vila JTiHtiral Co., Elkhart, Iml.
You will remember the condition I was In llvo
rear, aro, when 1 waa alUL'Uil with a ouiubma
Uua ofoiaeajiea, and thoutilittherowaa no mis
roa at, 1 lr'1'11 " louiliof imHltciiwa,aiHl nviroa
uf cmnmnt phvsliiuua Myuervxwwereproitirateit,
pnnhit'lng diuiueM, heart troubla and all ia UU
Uiat luaka lila oiuaratU. 1 oouuuoucwl to Ukt
and In three month. wa atarrcriY euato
In mi travelaeat'h year, Uau 1 am Uio thouium.
of pUyatual wiwka, suuvrlni from narmua proa.
B . A A irallon. luking pnaorlplloua from
U O IiH-alphHli'latuwhohaTanoknowl-s
I ra rJue of tliaircaiav, and whnae death
ia certain, I (eel Ilka goins lu them aud aayniK,
'it Da. M.ur NaviNiaoaceuio. 1"
my iro7aiiw, . anrat "er 'ief
aivanwauyiu TI I l-l r I J ffereia from
ovarork.njen' vll la ul pnaMr
lion and uenroua eihavntlon, bmtiaht on by II. o
character of Ui buaunua euaud In, I would
aa a auro cur for all luflbrtaf from these eatiaea.
JaHBa H. Win a.
For sale by Chrtrnian A Co.'
I Sprudel,
I Uunvade,
I A IX V 11 iJ A
OFFICE Next dwjr to CaufieM A Huntley's drug store.
Clothing, ,
The Finest Line and Best Quality Ever
Brought to Oregon City for
Men, Youths and Boys.
Prices That'll Surprise You.
Remember the Place.
Complete line of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes,
Groceries and Hardware. Five Stores in one. Your order
Filled Whatever it may be.
Oregon City Iron Works for all kinds of Machine
work and Casting.
To Traction Engines, Threshing Machines, Har-"
vesters, Mowers, Etc., promptly attended to.
Are equal to the lowest to be had in Portland.
Shop on Fifth St. near Main, Oregon City.
J. ROAKE, Prop.
Manufacturers ol and dealer, ia all itylea ot
Doth rough and dressed for lawn and division fence, also
Hartman Steel Picket Fence,
And AY ire Panel Farm Fence, also Expanded Metal Fence.
Call and see Samples and get Prices.
Shop over Bestow 's Sash & Poor factory, Oregon City, Or.
-Special Bills Cut to Order
Mill and A'ard on the River, Foot of Main Street.
HENRY BOYER, Proprietor,
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Fresh Beef, Mutton, Tork. Ham, Bacon and Lard,
C. 0. T. WILLIAMS will
lean you all the money you
want on improved farms at
the vi-ry lowest rates. Social
ratcn given on large loans.
No Building and Loan Asso
ciation tut straight goods.
After thirty years residence
in Oregon City I feel safe in
refering to the public in general.