Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 03, 1893, Image 4

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
gfficul mm of city and county.
tniarmtr, - H0lirent, to lie lnn lo lln-ir party' Hticy and
I tM
lliree monihs,
8nvserirlioas M-ahle Ic vlvanee
Adveniuuf rlos iiveu ou ap!n'th&.
Butered at t!e Pvst Oiltee In Orrcnu l ily. Or,
a seeotul class mailer.
Th KNTK.Kl'RISK tnaranlees larger bn
tl eirevlattoa than that of the ether three
papers In the county eoainlned.
t uion Mills, -
BU-dow linxit.
Kew Kra,
frk Hla.,
Ksntuslu, -
On Hie.
Kagl Creek,
Oierryville, -
li. W. Pwser
vieo. Knittht
A. Mather
Gary A W. isti,er
ti J. Triillliiiiei
K S Krsuihsll
Clias Hoiman
W. S, Newherr)-
Henrv Mlley
Hamilton A Washburn
- Mr. U. A Shei'nant
T. M Cross
J. 0. iisire.
- C. T ll.ard
R. M i'v,r
- - X. M Mnxly
K. M. Hinrniu
B Jennlti(s
- - K litest
LJ Penlu
11. Wilhern
John Welsh
J. f. Klliolt
K. Ihrtwh
Mrs. V. M. Melnlvre
lieo. J. Currin
Mrs. M. J. Hammer
Adolph Aschotl
'Tie proioeit fishway provided lor in the
Hiller bill will not require the poor litli to
A.t lesMVi in gymnastic in onter to be
me lo scale the ladder like one we read ol
in Oregon history. The only lish that ever
ft through thai tih ladder ere the snek
f rs. The ti.-hav now proposed will be
t la-iel on! of the .lid n k umier the di
tivtion of the state officers ami it will le as
enduring a the Willamelte lulls.
The above taken from the Salem States
liian is a sample of the many editorial no
4ice that have Is-en run by our exchanges.
Vliile it all sounds very nice it is in (act the
wriest nonsense. A lish ladder al the falls
oftiie Will;iiette ought to be built, audit
ahculd be guarded Iroru accident as tar as
is possible, but any one w ho siipos that
lattder as enduring as the tails of the Will
amette can be made in the basaltic rock
umjosinx the bed of the falls is simply ig
norant of the ininie use Kiwer with which
tu. builders would have to contend, and the
Constant wear and tear of the waters which
destroy the bed ro. k itself causing it to
fcreak away in great masses. This constant
tearing away of the rock has changed the
fuce of the falls time and again within the
st fifty years. Kvery season w orks changes,
Jti:d the blasting of a waterway will bill as
ist in the work of disintegration by furnish
ing projecting surfaces for the water and
ro. ks to act upon. A careful examination
Of the ground at a lime w hen like last suni
ter the water was shut otf. enabling one to
alk all over the falls, will convince any
one that tliere is " a lion in the way" which
will lax to the utmost any efforts of the
(dost shillful to build a lermaiieut lish lad-Ji-T.
No man can estimate the power of the
tars pouring over the Willamette falls
during the winter season, and the state offi
cers or any one else having supervision of
the plana and construction are likely to find
v&ien the waters subside that the lish lad
der baa also gone.
We publish elsewhere in this issue a call
for a meeting to oppose the action of the
county court in changing the plan for work
ing the roads. The notice further calls upon
dozens throughout the county to hold
trie tings lo condemn the action of the court.
We want to urge upon our friends through
out all portions of the county the wisdom of
firnceeding with caution in this matter.
With, but few exceptions the roads of this
ji,nty under the system of working hith
erto in vogue are no better, but worse than
they were ten years ago. If any plan is
ixssible by which we may Improve the
roads let w adopt it. That already
tried having proved in more than nine
cases in ten a signal failure we cannot
do less than try some other. The plan
adopted by the court has this to commend
it. It is in operution in Multnomah county
sffid the citizens of this county living in the
liortliern part of the county where they
bave had occasion to use the roads in both
Counties are strongly in favor of the new
aystem. This ought to convince our farmer
friends ill other parts of the county that the
Irian is worth trying. Why condemn before
a fair trial has demonstrated whether it is
jseful or useless.?
There is another consideration which
should influence those sections of the coun
ty which seem disposed to condemn it, in
its favor. It is desired by a part of the
county now asking, as we believe uselessly,
to be set oft into Multnomah, while it is
condemned by that section which is oppos
ing division. Let us try it, for it is possible
that it will give such good results that they
will not ask to leave the county on account
cflack of good roads. Give the plan and
tlie.court a fair chance.
The state constitution requires tfiat s re-
Apportionment of the state into senatorial
and legislative districts shall be made fol
lowing the decennial taking of the census.
That cetistfa was completed over two years
go and this legislature should make the
Pliortfonment as provided and contem
Jated by the fundamental law of the state.
'ot only is It right and proper that a new
apportionment should be made at this time
lor the purpose of adjusting equitably the
rlrtwMthlV rrr which (wh part of
I Mlilltlul Itllf It In ft.M. m Mltllhlillklk
tamlpoinl. M lwiomnl duty which the
mnjtirHj wnrs n.-vti itm, iiiv runiv
th slat. It should tw don now, hmauwi
only by so doing 'n Mt ami nst ar -
raiu"iiientnf iltstriota twassuirml,
It is ly no means certain tnat repetition!!
principles Kill dominate in the n-xt slat
legislature. There is certain lob a most
bitterly wajstd contest before a new body of
legislators meets, ami Hie political complex
ion of that btnty no man can now know to a
certainty, II mav be democratic, in hlch
in line with lis historical records, they will j lor Iioiiik the other slate. and foreixn Ha
noi hesitate lo retipHrlion the stale upon ttons that she has ahuniluiit resources ol
such hais as will inure most aitiire- j hu h she may well lx proud. It remains
onsly to thedemivraiir parly, Such leitis- j for this legislature lo say whether aeredita
lation has characterised deniocratUdomiia- hie display shall he provided uml et In or
lion w herever and whenever it has seem- J der for inspection, and we do not hcsittil
injjly been lo their interval and Ihey have lo assert tint In our judgment the lutein
danwl to lake the ehainvs. Kroin the long genl wple f the state waul them to see
since famous gerrymander down to the late
persisted in, oil repeated and unconstitu
tional apportionment of Wisconsin that
party has a record for losing no opportu
nity to legislate lo its own advantage re
gardles of the equitable Mid oft times con
stitutional rights of others.
Willi this knowledge fresh in their minds
Oregon republicans ought not lo permit the
session lo close without passing such an ap
portionment bill as will recognise the rights
of all the people. It is neither safe , nor
wise lo let the session clot without such
action. Ky re-apportioning the slate fairly
at tnis time any pretext for a gerrymander
and the temptation lo do so w ill be removed
Ironi future legislatures for some years (o
Thi l 'rcgnnian takes the untenable posi
tion that thai Hrtioii of this county lying
north ot the Clackamas river should be
annexed lo Multnomah, assigning as a rea
son thai "the development of this part
would then fate towards Torlland." The
great dailv is more specious than consistent
in its argument, which curried lo ils logical
conclusion would oblige the tm-gutiian to
advocate attaching all of the Willamette
valley and parts of Kastrm Oregon and I
Washington Jto Multnomah county, as their
interests and business relations are largely
centered in the metropolis of the I'acilic
Northwest. No argument can Is) adduced
for attaching to Multnomah the territory
north of the Clackamas that dives not apply
to theiontigtious territory south or lo thai
on the west nide of the illamette. Coun-
ties and county line 'must exist, and the I
boundary advocated by the Oregoiuan in its
creed, tliomth a"iiaturul one," is in no sense
a better one than that now existing, and !
there is no good and siirticienl rea-on why I
the lilies of Multnomah should be extended
... , , , . . .
hi Minim siuue s in n.1 w in ixiun uouse --i, , ihi-iii,-i w,,n ,. mriLii-i, , ,m
of Clackamas county. The Oregouian republican house constituted a iilorittn,
should be more honest in its argument and j or majority of a imornm, and that Adv
mil attempt to hide liehind pretended rea-,
sons the real motive for seeking to acquire
the best part of a Hirer neighlmr. Thecul
unius of that par effectually refute
any claim w hich it may alledge lo being act
uated by philanthropic motives. The
scheme, as the Oregouian well knows, Is a
selfish one, promoted and fostered by par-
ilea vuiaiiiE ui i.iw kiiiiim iviilill null mnir
, , r t ,
for iersonal gam from its successful opera-
" "
Tin Oregouian
w isdom to call us 1
sees lit in its superior
stupid "since we iiiole.l
certain editorials from its ably edited col
umns to show that annexation was likely lo
result in 4 per cent taxes for those who were
enticed to join Multnomah. It is possible
nay probable, that in comparison with
theeditorof " the great and only daily" we
are stupid, but we are not inconsistent and
dishonest in our motives. Noone supposes
that the 4 r cent screw would I applied
to the annexed territory immediately Uon
its acquisition. Neither, would any one
that did not know its habit suppose that
the Oregouian with all its promises of free
bridges before consolidation would now be
found radically opposed to tree bridges.
After enlarging Multnomah county il would
be an easy matter to make city and county
lines coterminous as most other large cities
have done. We had rather lie stiiiid than
dishonest in motive and inconsistent in
Tumi was a remarkable meeting of dem
ocrats in Haleni on ground hog day, having
for its object no less an aim than the par
celing out the fat offlcen among themselves.
The politicians have got all they want of
the people who cast the bulk of the voles
which elected Cleveland and who do the
business, and now require them lo stand
back while they partake of the loaves and
fishes. Perhaps the common people them
selves will have something to say about
that. Possibly they may lie interested in
saying who shall do their business.
Thi; death of James 0. Illalne removes
from the nation one of its most noted, bril
liant ami inmientiui pontic men. for a;
quarter of a century he was prominently
connect! with the most important public
affairs of this country, and his otcntiiil and
usually betielicent influence has done much
to shape the alliilrs of the nation. No other
man has left as strong an imprint on public
affairs as he, and it will not be easy to fill
his seat at the councils ,f state.
If any one living north of the Clackamas
thinks for a tniiiiite that Portland is seeking
the annexation of that territory to Multno
mah for the benefit of the.outlying section
let him look to Kast Portland and Albina
w hich were cajoled and forced into the con
solidated city. What have they gained?
Y ree bridges, as promised ? No, hut instead
the privilege of paying four cr cent taxes.
Asd last but not least comes Clackamas
with a proposition to incorporate herself
and all out doors. About seven and one
half square sections is what the new city
proposes to include within iU bounds. 1 he
world does move. Portland will have to
look well to her laurels. It might be well
for the charter to provide that cows shall not
run at large.
Tint Oregouian In commenting editorially
upon the proposed road laws now before the
legislature for consideration betrays a la
mentable ignorance of the measures actu
ally before the lawmakers.
Wiikn It was known a Mill lew limn two i
! I'fllN ftlTt tllMt ll,., I.,.!!,!!!., ttn.l a. ll.iltniM.I I
j without iii.MnK any ;rovi,lon l,t,ver p.r
j w.t i.,iii,h m nip 1,1 p r bit, rm j I'lii.vu
j f Hi mat havliiir Iter (not Interests at
; heart, ft'll lliat mi alimwt lrreinrahle Injury
1 had Iwn wrought by lint legislature's lull
nr to ai l in o important a mailer. It l.i
now late lo remedy the error. Oilier i
states have spent tlu .al Ivxo wars iteMtuK I
ready fora nininl exhibit al t'liloiino In May, j
Imt much may yet he done to make amends j
for lli rvtlevtlons and numerous slurs cast i
neon Oregon because she with hut one lone
j oonipanioii, Oeoruia, has failinl lo provide
that no time Is lost in providing a way and
the means lor making an exhibit.
The bill now pending should lie modified
and passed without undue delay so that
whoever has the woik in charge may begin
the lak ol getting ready at once. Instead
of ft,iXH reduce il to M.OUV and instead ol
six commissioners and several ex-ulllcio
members to he chosen from a select few
spccillfd in the bill, make il three with
Hie stale othYcrs as ex-otlicio members, and
lei those three 1 chosen from the very Iwst
men in the whole state, and lei the three
ho the ht tlirw. It .11 ru.,,,in nil II...U
talent, skill ami energy to accomplish what
should be done, and the smaller the board
the better andiiuickereaii tne work be done. ,
Till crisis In Hawaii should be taken ad
vantageof lininelialely by this country and '
every effort made lo annex the flowery king-!
dem to the I'ttilod Stales. Its commercial j
relations are naturally allied to ours and by
nniling with our own both countries would ;
le henetited '
""""i "
, . . ., , i . . ,
Tin vet remains lor the legislature to do
some good work espeiiuilv in relieving the
eole from the humcn of tuvaliuu and in
pro. i.ling a av to secure giaul roads. Hut j
there is not time lo do this and Kpiamtcr
anv moreof the lOilavs. I
Mors of th Cant. MuJJU.
Toi-kka. Kan., Jan. .!, The republi
cans have just learned that thev elected
a I'niled States senator in the joint
session ol the twu houses last Wednea-
lUy Thev claim nont. ol the lunula
, ' . , r ,., .
, , , , '
" ml "l"ly 'd n riwd.t to
v" ,,,r " 'ir ; that the stale senalora
including the populist iiiciiiIhts of that i
...il.. n ., I, .,....1 .
ws therefore elwtesl senator. Adv w ill I
h furnished with cr.ilntltU siirm.il
. 0 . ,, , ... , 7.
by -naker IHiuglasa of I he republican
house, and by each
ol the republican
EsglUh Skilled Labor.
Iajmion, Jan. iti. , synopsis ot the
, . . . . ., ,.
elaborate) rvporta concerning the coudi-
. ..,,, .
tion of skilled lab ir last year, gathered
under the drwtion of the under secretary
lot atute, indicate that with the close ol
I the year the period ol trado depression
reached a low-water mark. Industrial
affairs are looking bad. and the pros
pects are exceedingly gloomy. The per
centage ol unemployed at the present
time is double that un January last. The
greatest falling off ia in the shipbuilding,
engineering and other related trades' and
In which thenumberol unemployed aver
ages 10 per cent.
Gtaeral Clarksoa 111.
NiiW VoBg, Jan. !".. (ieneral J. S.
Clark son, ex-chairman ol the republican
national committee, is at the Plaza
hotel, seriously ill from rheumatism and i
Xilk, Milk
Having assumed entire control ol the
Mentor Park dairy by the purchase ol
Mr. llemelgarn's interest, I am pre
prareil to furnish pure milk delivered to
any part ol the city at reasonable rates.
Orilont can lie left at 0, W. Lovejoy's
an J F. T. Harlow's on Main street or
J. D. Kenner's on .Seventh street.
M. W. Handai.1. II
Mr Albert r'avorite, ol Arkansas City,
Kan., wishes lo give our readers tho ben
efit ol liiseziMuince with colds. He says :
"I contracted a cold early last spring
Unit settled on my lungs, and had hariily
recovercj from it when I caught another
that hung on all Hummer and left nut
with a hacking cough which I thought I
never would got ml ol. I hail used
Chamberlain's Cough Kummly some,
fourteen years ago with much success,
anil concluded lo try it again. When I
hail got through with one bottle my cough
had loft mo, and I huve not suU'emd with
tootliora, and all sneak well ol it." Til)
a cough since. I have roconiiiinndcd to
cent bottles lor sale by Geo. A. Hauling
(iiiaraiilceil Cure.
We authorize ourailvert'iHed to soil Dr.
King'a New Discovery lor Consumption,
Coughs and Colds, iiKin this condition.
If you are afllicted with a Cough, ('old
or any Lung, Throat or Cheat troubln,
and will use thin remedy aa directed,
giving it a fair trial, and experience no
bo benefit, you may return tho bottlo
and have your money refunded. We
could not make thia offer did we notknow
that Dr. King's New Discovery could be
relied on. It never disappoints. Trial
bottle free at 0. A. Harding's drugstore.
Large Bize 60c, and $1.00. -
Have you seen those firut ladies', chil
dren and men's shoea at the Park Place
store that they are oflering at hall ol
lor price. They are world beaters, x
Call and see the lounges at Ilolmun &
Walling's and you will see Dome good
one which they ate selling almost at
manufacturer's prices
City TnMrr Sotlw
i Imi there are
j mitU m ,WJ (ll,,(,jn, , ,,. mrniw
No. IT, i HI, A ti. Sll. - en
doiaed l.'iiilni IS1H. lntoii'sl oaia
with dale ol lliia n.itieo,
K. J. l.oi is, I'Hy Tieaaiiror.
l)r'gon iMtv, Jaiium y It), 1SHI t(
It yon want to liny lota In Holloil -plvtol"
0. T Willlmna. ain-nl
TKl'Tll stuam:k tius ruTiox.
A True Htory fl-oin North Carolina,
Some one has anld that "the true and the
false aal( IIhi (Mine huigua;u" Ihit liter
mil la no doubt thai this speaks with the
true ring to it. Utter (imiii Mix J. M.
llollenmn, iiroprietriMtof " Hotel llullcinan."
Amx, N. t . " My son Harvey had scrofula
from the lime he was llirra risiin old until ho
waa seven. We hod the Uwt ds'iw thai
the country atTonled, vol he was given up to
die, seviu-ul tone. 8aue one riHsiiumeiided
lr. lierev'a tinlden M,sllcnl Ihsisivery.
After hiking five Isitthw he was well enough
to got aliout, and baa inemhxt so fast Uiat he
It now enjoying gil health "
rind a reuietly for acmfula aomelhlng
that nwiVt" tint hlxod, aa well aa rtcionj
t,v Tliat. If it's token In tune, will cure
Consumption, which la only lung scrofula.
lr. Ileree baa found It. Its hia "tlolden
Misth'al ihscovery " As a atrength reslomr,
blissl cleaiuwr, and flo.li builder, nothing like
It Is kimwn toniedtcHl sciencn Korra rofiila,
llroncluid, llirowt, and Lung alTm'tiiua,Wrik
Lungs, Meverw tVuiglu, and kindred ailments,
U s Umi iuiIv trine.!, so sure tlutl It can lw
iriiHleni. It II down I lament or eurw.
trrary cms you have your money bacj.
l.sn,l Olrlcssal Oregon I'lly. lre,m,
Jan H. vii
Nottee Is lierehv irtven that the tulloHliiit
named srlttrr liaa Hlrd ttotlee of hlsllilenlleli
In niske ttual eriM'l lit auppoM nf his elsim, and
that salil prtsd will te made tiefxrs the rvalster
aiul rweiver uf trie I'. a Und nates at Crvsoti
I'lly, tin-vou, on March ts, ish. vis
Yleliir 1'atH,rt,ii.
Iliimetrai enirv N i ia.'I. tor ihe g N W ',,
v tfi hi it I U l u L' I a. f, u at-
I lie listuei Ihs (olltiw Ins wlliieiiftes lo iirnvshlt
continuous realiletiee tipoi, sii,t eillllvsilna uf
salil lain) in K A leu K)-k. J W Kvr and
!K l Alrv mder. all id Msinint. l . k in..
ii'intv, iireeon, and Palr el llarrlr, id Pais
j pi.e. t'Wkaniaamutuv. ii,e,o
S I'M I f Al'fnisnS, Hrgister.
.NiiI'li K ftiK I't Hl.li 'Anns
la u,l ortiee at lirenn liy Ure.ui.
Jsn V ii, tsvi i
Siitlee Is hereby slven ttist Itie tnllnslus
! Iisnu il settler llss rlle.1 linMee el III" llilellltnu
In mike tlttsl pr.Hil In n.Mitt t ma e'sim. ou
' Ihsl ssnl pr,i,if wilt tie m ch' lwtnie Ihr l(eller
I NTid Heeetter uf the t' H ltn-t i ullie si oresuli
; i iiv. or irin. nn sisreh l-u, vu
I I rl I Ir'eh
' Mumeoeut eulry .S.i. :;17, Inrltie f VV l
See 7 1 J K. H. I lie tisiue. Hie t;..
I MS llne-es In priii e tits e, -ill liiiitms r,i'tt' nee
I lip"ll slnl eliln, s'inli ! ! I ni'l. vtl l'i,p.'f
selil.slim' Ulehsrd lleliler, frr, Irlr. li'is
' I leir. sll n Heli.ill s Keiry VV hlnt-,tt e-nitit'.
j llretmi i J- 0 J 1 Al'l I KSii.S liiitl-l. r
Nullce of Appllratlua for Msham Ursine.
NiitneU hereto- elven thst the uriilerl tie
kill apply t the eily eitill-ell ef tirevnll I'llv.
ire..u. si the reiilr i.i,-. nn in tvt.r.ir l,.r
lie Ci illllliSil.ii nl lie llceue nir a sslmui nil
Msin street hetweeii 1 hlr-l sii,t ',nirih iii ssiil
rllv IVuta A k bi.lv
tireeui rllv. Iiretfun, JauiMry p.'i
Nellr f Application fr Sahi Lleeaw.
Niiltee t hsrthr slven Ihsl the illnlrrslshrd
will apply I" the i il) e ell , I I ir,u I II, ,
iirecui, t the reulsr mreiiiK In Keiir.sry ..r
t ine rililitutl,ii nr lh lleeit.s lur . snim,ii
nn Main, tielwceu 'iiiirlh siul Kthh sl'eei lu
salil etty I (In, '.lHl-SKi.l A(t
ure. o t'lty. Omtiui, Krliriisrjr H, Is-jCi
fnEvrNTriTfl.coNvrijiioNs. .
BTiTiTioJt Dimso 1-r.Kioo or Tnrrunw.
m thai tha words "JOHN BTEEDMAll, Chmm
kst. Walsrarta, Burnr," are ngravNl oa Uit
Ooverum.Dl Stamp afflsed to h patkst.
-8old by all Leadlag Drug (Kla.
TlieS. B. Headache and Liver Cure,
hICVS ! PHYSIO i tViK'ir.
If Taken as lllrerted, we lluarante Hat Is.
farlhinur Helmut Your Munsy,
Don't Sicken. Don't Cripe.
rg) cents per bottlu, by L. M. Aniihkwh,
the Seventh street druggist.
JJIiJ I Iwtw
A new mnl cmnMfl trftt merit, roiiHlntliiK nf
Hiij.j.unitnrf'', Onitim-iit hi :iiilc. iilno In
Mux hidI rill; n (Miwltlve uri' for KxmniHi,
IntrriPil, Mllti'l or hrllirir, lli'lilnn, rtinmlo,
JtiTiMit or lliTfliUry Phew, mid iniitiy (llNCUKfa
it uO fciuilc wt'nkii('Ni't(; it Ik alwuyts a nrvnt
liftK-rlt to ttip (r'titritl health. TUti f)r4 i(n
f!(iv;ry of n iim-'KchI finro rcinicrlriK mi tipuinilnri
wlrh the k it I fit imneeeMHiiry Imreiider, Thi
Minn'ty hiixnever heen known to full. $1 ir
box. ffor.i: Kent hy until. Why RufTiT from
till terrloln dlxeane when a written eunnuilfft
Ik uivn with Mix hoxeit to refmul the money If
not ennui. HuimI Mlitnip for freu Ntmple, iuar
Hiiten lHdied hy Wioiiaki uhkk V ('o, wholn
utile niitl rul'tll (lrutfKUlH. "! K"l". I'orilmul,
- .A. 1ST ID .
Parties dHHiring Wood Turning, Pat
terns, Brackets, or
Shop Carpenter's Work
Will be Suited by Calling on Mo.
Doors, Windows and Blinds
a-. U. BESTOW,
CrJTOpp. tlie Congregational Church
fclilf m Fit)
:Hlwi Eft M ft
Splendid Values fur Kittle Money.
To mako room for our now spring invoico soon
to arrive from tho East, wo oflor tho follow
ing articlos at rodicnlously low pricos.
Forty Xowmarkols, Ulsters and Jackets,
Ton Child's Cloaks
Sovontoen boys overcoats, (Ages 10 to 10 yoars)
Formor pricos $4.50 to $7.00. your
choice now $3.00.
l.ailii'H Wiail Inwi' n-tl ii-'l to '.'V All wi1 yiirti t V, r IU, all
I'lilnrs. A niiv iis-i'tttni'iil ufliiilii's' rhililri'ii'a uinl nun's line sin" s nl
hulf thoir furiiiiT priii-,
Now q
Goods, p
Now L
You W
Will Z
Find j
First j
Class p
And p
Prices Z
Very 0
Undetakin and
Woman's Friend
Ho succiwHfiil ami diilirlii.fu Imvo In. en
llie t'lliicta of "MiHirn'H Kiivi-iili-il Hum
ndy" upon tint diilicute ailnitiiits of
womankind, that Ibis wondnrfiil rcinn
dv lias been culled "Wumun's Kriend."
Moore's Revealed
In a few doses shows wommikiml its
petiuliar virtues for their ailments. lis
efl'oeU are irontlii, soothing utid uniform
ly HtlUCOSHful.
Hundreds of testimonials from ladies
all over tho coimt buur witness to itm suc
cess. 'Sold by all drugKlttu.
Sri M
t fu,!!1'i', F")
i hnn Hurl f, y I
Reduced to
Cooke's Stables,
W.H.COOKE, Managor,
Hnrrr.Mir In I'. II T ,1 ..(.
('riier Fourth ami Main Sirefts,
the Clly. KiKH of llnv .Iwrlptlun
lurniHliml on shni t iiii,.(..
All kin.lH of Tn k mi.l Unlivery llusl
nesH iioui,y Hllen.led (.
.b,e'tr;ni:,",r',"li BM'1 K"" U
Photograph Gallery.
If you WBiitagiM)di.l,loKrnih Kivo
'"'"a call at hin M ntuml o,,.
ixmilo Farr'H hutchor shop.