'J Oregon City hntcrprise. KHII'AY, MIllU'AHY 8, imci, , vmM.Y Ul.r.NhMt. fonalllt IW Palanf CunilHI Kvai-Pur fur llrular Set lwal I "lurtim. MONIU V - I'tulml4 f'ui.rl tit wHMlnti. the land I), (Irani' In tut at Puw'ltll 7 WKHNKKIi.VY-Teaelier' eiamlttaiiou l I ik luck p. in, ('utility eoutt ciuvnuea, Hill' VV I'd t ioitiMi )t-( literary .Mily ImliU nu oieelmii ? )(' hi. CHAT ABOUT TOWN. Charles Veldium wa aerlously Imrt while rutaatlii Saturday iiilit, lieo (', I'.ly Welti lu Woodhorti on Saturday on a briel buai.iea trip If you have a lot anil want lo huild homeaplr tot'. , T.Willlama. (In Krl.l.y la-tJa...... Kvana waadown lrUi.iCi1l.vl.1ia.-.mi,llli1..ira. Our farmer friend tk adatilni of the aliuinlant aimw to cuuib to tumi on runner Itev Mr, I'naell aill olll, lain al the Knli''l ihuri li hiimloy moriuiiii al II o'hek. II, M. Ijuiney u t'liriiiuv illc an in town on Tui'.y and lulled on the 1 mi HI i.ir, ullUe T.L- u..r I...,. i.. tl... V.ia Vmb ualliitv mill iful a iti ..I nii tme while ton have the ihamw, In addition In the lecture on Mulidav evening ait etcvtlent mtiaical program i will I preaeliletl al l'i'a hall. K.ir long or hoft lime Inane either for farm or farmer picr at loaeat iiitercat call on me. W. II, Hi ainii vanr If i .... . . . .. ... . . ... HV lei Volir INiv go ctini wnenytni: c.nhuyhim. g,.l warm over,,. f,.r lil..il.,,...,l. e.-H' all-ark I'U.-. W..g Ih.l formerly ch.1 , .1 I ark I lace . Mr ! a mile rum tev . iKittaher'ty aaving thai he will occupy ll.e (Viigteatluital uli.t on hili.ilay Hie (ill. Inatant, i i The lecture tut Monday evening H he a rate treat and the cntntatliitienl an exieilonallv (hteone. Ilememher lhat it I lor (Se benellt of the In-e reading! rotim. A petition ha ba-eit uiiatiimoualy eigne I by the leaidenU ol tirnet. point akti.g le iucludnl within the city hmila Tbelr water aii,.lr i endangered il .i ... ......i.l- n.- ....lit tirj iriimni ..-.i.n- " ( Now IImI Vv.it an- tt.lnkinkf uij builillnit I and want Ihe very heal tt.ahty of lum-. I ... ..!. .... ......I t,,.i(. tl mill tu. "" ' ...... j lofwin lb. re...b...lH.r that l.l.d-, t Sw Mill company can upply voir with the II and deliver ll atui.ee. Many ouateia wine on Seventh altii-t Weduesilay but they were unable to pack the .'! and keep a clear allde ao lat did It fall l time. I ttially II. tiilU rt and It. W. t hutch took a YhM'd now aciaM-r and cleared the toad down the hill. On V.lnehiy evening Judge Pont i married Kdward K. Tavlor and Ihiraj ! Ilai. li l.iihi.K'aiiemali. The cot.lde i re Itith well known here and have the heat wlal.e of many frienda. They will begin lioitiMkeeping at unit) iu Caiiemah. The Nchaleiu Journal ill Kpeukltig uf two former realdetta of Oregon City aava: Mr. S P. Pallarl left Friday lo attend ll.e hediide of her htmhiind who ia dangerously ill In Kt Portland, Mr. Italian! haa tien tun 11 nod to hi bed fur aeveral week with an allectum of the heart which it ia (cared will result j fatuity. Mr. ('. P. Ihivl, editor ol the Uluom-1 field. Iowa, Parmer, say: "I can roc commend ('hamherlaill'a Cough liemeily (null aulVeic with cold mid cronp. 1 have used ll in try family for the pant two year mid have found il the U't I ever used for thepurioMcfor which it la Intended, fill cent buttle for ! hy (ieu. A. Iliutling. On Ttieadity Judge Potita hoard wit iteaaea ill thectae of Tlm. Holt v, Mr. Plla Newmitn mid Chu. II. Hawklna There Were two coiiiplaint alleging larceny, one of pupcr vhIiiihI ul live or nix thoiuiit.d dollur und a f-'l note, the second for lonling hoiiwhuld giHid valued ut (M) The atiit grew nut of the will by which the lute Mra. M. D. Holt lelt, her luwhiitid 1000, aeveral nephew and niece frou. flOII to I'.TiO ettcl. mid her hrotlicrC. II. Ilawkinatho Imluiice of tint proNrty, Thorn wits no ovldtince tuahow that the iroptrty wan taken with the intent to ateal and the cme. were dinmlrmcd. Artit'liia ul incorporiitlon wore fllotl on Mondiiy by llm Willamette Fall Improvement company, the capital mock being lixtid lixutl at $1,000,000. Tl.o Incorporators are 0. II. Caiilluld, Chita, P. Thorn and II. Z. Iliirklmrt. ltd oliJiH't ii aliow n hy thu Incorporation paper I to develop, improve and loaae watet powtii H, to build mill operate elec trio railway., Mipply witter and electric light!, plat and aell town Iota, grade and improve Htrueta, etc. Aa the company haa not yot been fully orgnnlxed it 1 Im KMtHihlfl to tail ita scope but from the name of the Incorporators It probably meant good deal for Oregon City Till: FKE SYSTKM. Sciiutor CiWn Itlll lu Siilnry Cuunly Olllrrrn. a it k (.irrrixu iiows to woiik. I.wttti' At.iiifiil mid Tatulluii Itlll l.lkelf to I'asa-FatoraMy IHacuaard. Senator I'ruaa ! Tim dill Introduced by almlialiing llm (i' ylciu lor tlm county and some oilier ollice. la a li'""' ' most rtif t ami ounlil lu pa. It pne vuli.a aulane a follow: Cletk ol u limine cunt, $.(KHI ; -imty clctk ll.ilK), when popnlalti. launder (I.MMI l.i.H i.iu.imlulli.n U lutifH Ihiitl 1 .IhXl .... i i . . ...i i u.i jauilliio cuiiniy mi a ipnimi'i , ih1""' i when iMMiiilitiiin i iin.ro than l.'.im and . the iimiit v haa no riHonlnr. There- '"'" Ur 'l""1 ' i ' Heik ! .ir.nil courl ami county court and counlr ' court al ll&ml. The aheiiir I to t- .. ...i... i . ... .1... i... i . ceive ex'ii'd ,'i,ln hy the prevmu ri'iima; 11,,'im) when ahuve 5,ti and under l, ", li'.inl aleiva ten ami under taeiity Ihuiiaaiid , i. '.' ahovn tneiily and on der lorty lliouaiid , .I.iki almve fnrly and under nty thoiiimiid , f.l .'iOU ahove uty Ihotmiiiid. I'l.e nhenlt la entitled to mileage lee and pound;!! nun al lowed hy law, umui all auin actually collected hy him under eaeculioii or ...I.... tt,,.l I,., II.- ....lie. .n... l i j money, and under any dflimpieut tax and warrant duly iaaued to him or nlace.1 I in hi hand lor Colin tiou in pursuance ( of law , III i ! elllltled to lee l r ' mlleane or travel, for uiiitnoning jurura U a'.lend um lirctiil court and uh. Hi-niog eilneaae in crituinal ce, hut hll not lie entitled lo wy (or atiui- minium itiiur or Mrtlinr auiiim ua : 1 - I "" """'" -J j keeping ol pr.-.rier., and lor lrriarl-1 rit..llU.r j and ........ ... lo the ,.,lu,n. It . , l..o I . v I., lit II.. ' ., .,l,.v l..r' d.-iul.e. in eoui.lv S ulhce. If Mi r'.aau' hill hr a utate auditor anM.a it .KXYMitutf tti governor'! ..,.,.,.,,... ,, . till the elo. lion ,o( jH, i... ;. .iu..i ir.ii ..,.1 .l-.w ! Ul.'utl. Hi clerk I aieu made cle.k of ' the.uie b.a.d ul r.iual.tatlon. which I 1 he tlealh of Jal.tra Ii. Illaine Mng j one 10 atand alwve Senator H. E. Croa lHl) i.tol.coine doJ the governor, animiimrd, (ieer ol (Tackamaa Intro j front CI.cka.naa county, lie ii alway tKieUtv of tte and auditor. Their duced a cmcourt rvaolulion providing jcourleona in debate and o haa the re uiell..lol.r. , luit. ia aubatiu.iiallv Ibe! lor cominiltee to draft appropriate j .peel ot the neHatora and he ia therefore name a (bat pica, nU-l f r Ihe pre. , cut Iroard, The auditor I lu prepare ; f- ....il..,.,, i I, '..i, k f.irmutiM ntwurmMirr jtiieniory ofJameali. Illaine I:.,i.reai.i.atle liiH-f's bnadv house. .... ... .,.., - . bill h.e. the penalty for bemg an I"-j male of aui-h a plac- at from one to j month- lu,.ti...ntiii.Mt or mi to fit. ,.,., ,h. .,-,,..,..... - , - i.ui.t d...p.,.telv ft.iv.ded lor in the; 'lull. Willi' now ftiiioua null (i-in.ile clink hill waa l.iken I. ..it Hie l.iMe l.i: 1 ndjv Uaitt ..tut lot. ol Ita .tutlior Win. ollereil ! an amendment forbidding Ihe employ- nient ol relative allied within the Ihe third degtee, a cletk. The amend- melit (ailed by one Vole lo carry, ami Indole Senator Willi, had lime to gather himself for a new attack, the nieaaure wa seited ami mado the hai lor much joking. A motion to refer it to a apecia! cominiltee of one consisting ol Senator Myera' the moat popular ladie. man lu the senate wa alH.nt tu carry when aoine one muted lo add Senator lluyca ol Ciackama. The maker ol the motion uid that inasmuch aa the aenator'a hair wa the liuhl color he would accept the j amendment. Huston of aaliington j county a a then added on account of j hi youth. The bill tt a on the piint jollH'lig tefoired when Sei.Btor Willis recoveted eitoiigh to expresa a wiah thai 'the motion would not curry n he par ticularly wial.ed to see it referred tu the committee on internal Improvement. Thia brought I'oualor Yenteh to hi feel willi the statement Hint there waa no specially aelectcd committee oil llittnnul Improvements, tht'icfuui he moved to reler it lo the comuiittue on tnunufiu luring. Hut the youthful senator named a a Kvial coli.inltloe had too many friend, for tlm other side ami the won llht. The following from the Salem Slate.- man concern, one ot tun l lacaaiuH. county rpreHontative., It aay: "The legacy tax hill i now ready lor coiimiiI- eratloii, having been prcpuroil by K.ip- resetilatlvoH liner, of Cliickaimi.. Urn faHhlontid after thu Nmv Vurk law ll onimoiii-e at fOOOO. Ami our pro posed hw iucreiiHc. thu rate uf tax over the New York law alter the $100,000 point I. reached. "In ihi. It I an advance and it .hoilld ao pa, and .tarn! i (or it will have to he put tip "till more notche., and adopted in evo.y .late, . the people roaliae morn and more that they are, or nluuild he, running thl. country fur the people now living, and not for a lot of dead rid: men. Hnnator Mvera bill for tho pttrcha.a of the locks at Oregon City, contain! many of the provl.ionR of Daly's former house hill. The provision la for the state to own and to oiatrate, and a tax ol one mill Is to be levied to provide fund for operating expenses and to meet the pur chaae pries which l not to acted MKV (KM), the exact amount to U flaed by committee of thice. Tim memorial providing lr llm eleo linn if irlil)iit and vice-president hy a direct vol ol tha leopl provoked an uumttial flow of el(Ulii In the house. Tim inemoilal failed lu pa hut one cntf lnlnliiK Ilka provisions lelative (o llm election ol I'liilf.l Stale senator waa adopted, Crowe' road hilt ami Walkman's hill lor tlm tltriliulln ol llm ft ta-r centum "f I"""'' third reading. Myers hill for the pureliane ol we Willamette locks waa referred lo the committee on commerce, Vamlcrbuig's hooaai hill to Improve railway stations makliiK It obligatory upon cmaulc to maintain a atallun at all ptilnla where the buaitiee amount to I'Vital tier treat, wa read lor the II rat i" t,l,l" Iiaiey a mil i'roiriun ri'",'"" a (Mirtaga toad from Crllh to Hie Iallea i . . . ii . i . i i... "lcii wa tMea'eu on eunewiar w ... - m ei .. ''X ol I""' Clackamn county aenatora ihvided on Ila)e voting no j the Vuiii to rei onnlilcr, and (Vim aye. The hill to annex Kid I wood and inter vening lerritorv to Portland, intneluced I'V t'roa refer nil iimiii necund lead lo the (Tackamaa and Multnoinali tide gtttioim. The dav aaea ouiet one in the hou there being but few hill leporteil back; from committee, o u.oel of the work ! ! l reading of ; h.lla. Iloiiae hill No. A't ex-euiititig home aleada from execution to the amount of I a) had lieen made iecial or'lcr for Ibn dav and wa aaed. 47 to II. Tbel'Higeet hill ol the w-aaion made it apliearance balay in lh Jormol the Port land chatter. It waa (mimed loaecond reading and referred lu the Multnomah ,..1,JJiiina (L legacy tax bill h.wdy houee My "III, law iy nouee bill and an amendment to the law rela- " "M wi ' ,y I'"" r '''" ....-. Unguage in public placee we.e l read i fur the flmt ti.uo beh.y. j The following anion j "ther bill were i titneluced hy Nil kell allowing the etec- ; lioii of r. I Un-rvtor, l-awton, for re- lli.f of Win. Harlow; Mauley, for the I heller protection of aaltnon, aleu to pn t.l atunieoii. Wilkin defluilig lroierly at.biecl lu lalaliott reaolutmn. ll.ilh house diotirneil al an earl y I r.n.l .ul., ...i i..,.., ii..j inn. h till Monday hi icepecl to the n,e militia lull reaciie.1 tniru reautng , loUM, t.lav and wa. put u,-,.. tla v ,,, ol ,Ur , u,atu( j i - ,.,,, iSmm stirring ..., ,ore nude in ita lavor and ,,,,. ..........ed to amend but t found thai not in order UMin third read- ing. pn He then uttered an impassioned hagaii-MlliH m.l.liahut could not; stem ll.e tide in favor t.f Ihe hill. A hie party In Male convention were very hitter against the state militia ll.e repre sentative hum t ooa le only inline with hi partv The hill passed 3l lo It'., tiocr and hawlon voting aye and Currin no. I'pon 'he hill to appropriation the$'A 0tl of direct tax and ft per centum fund in the .tale treasury among the aeveral counties iu proportion to llioir area (ieer of Clackatnta ottered, an amot.d ti.ent lu have it divided eipially but it failed to pass. The bill Itvelf paaned with hut 10 dissenting vote. lUith Ueer and Ijiwton votel no, but c tanged lo ate before the vote wa. announce I. Coon's finit post hill carrying appro priiilion and increasing the powers of thu horticultural board leceived but :t0 vole, which wu one too few to carry the hill tii'omth. . j Tho following Information wa. re ceived by Secretary ol State Mcllride from Senatoi IK.Ipli, relutivo tu the lock at the Cascades.: "Your tcle gr.u.i In releronco lo ihe Cascade locks received yesterday. The cotiliacl was rtveived by the department Saturday, '.'1st ; examined Monthly, 'J'i; aiiproved Tuesday, i I'll ; tr.insi.utted lo Major llandlu.iy, 24th, and the major was untitled that day by telegraph of the approval The matter received prompt atitoitiun here. Major Hudhu.y will lui n over the plant without delay." A statuette of Senator K. U. linker. who fell at H ill's blult, now in the Cor coriin art ua lew. W ..Hlimitton. 1, t ., is chiseled fiom the tiniest Parisian slut ue stone an I i. two foot, two inches in height, ll .tan.ls upon a four-foot pedes tal of Italian marble, the work of Hor' tin Stone, the sculptor , who wa. a sur geon In Maker's brldgiule. Judge IVtc ny ia preparing a bill to provide for the purchase of the statuette hy the state as a lltt'tig act of resH'ct to the memory of one of her bravest citixen The militia appropriation bill which passed the house wits supported hy Rep- resentatlvea Lawton, and Oeor, Currin voting no. A hill passed the senate today with but one dissenting vote which provides that whenever the population of any Incorporation or city shall equal 6000 as shown by state or national cennus all school district! within Raid city shall constitute ona school dllrict, with bounds conforming to the city boundar in, siau that when tlm limit or botin- Harlot ol any Incorporated city of ) j or mora InhahiUnta which haa hy this act heen eonatltuted a achool iltrjct, ar chaiiKiil, then the hotinlurl and limit of tlm ach'jol dixtrict ahall m deemed to have changed ;orrexjnd 'llh the clly houmlarie. rUl.rM, Keh 1. Till haajfarWn week of work, The adjournment are not o freiment and both houwa of tha legiMlatura are talking of evening aeaaiona a theia are a large numlief of hill in the hand of the conimittnea now, and they are heing rejiorted fur final action a faat a tha committee can ciamina their merit and oner amendmenta and either recommend their adoption or re jection. Yaterday Kenator Croe' rnl hill No. Ill, aMl the Nenate with hut four dinw-nting votea leirig aliout aa n-ar unaiiimou aa hill of imtirtnce ft... I.;il- 1.. il.u t.,...u,. ut, !!,. r. i ""-" i"'"n ... ii. . i. :i ..i:.. ..r .1 rif. im 1 r "m " ' ' '."" the dilfcient countn of the atate cording to area in aipiare mile.' for road lurtiee iaed the houee and wa Mtnt i.. .1 u ......i- ..... i a,,aln and 1 ' " " ' " ' .( Main atrrrt lylti Imtnrni that llit on Will no doubt I ecome a law. Hcnator Main atreet ahere Hie line ahalt ot the emnt , , ... mi. erimaea the aaid treirt an. lha U'.rth line nf I ra a road bill bat Juel iaael ln;ttla.(lltilatratiililieei.M.,l tMH-lxrty ! ....,. wi.l. a few minor amendment. -Z'Wn "l Thoee tao bill ol Mr. (.'roe No. 51 and tl"n thr p.ilM on a ... air..t hri- ihr line . , . . 1 ahaft i.l thu ceinent rniU rrm a li ltri- aiM ! II. ronta.n a nuiulier ol g'o! I'inta ,h, n,,, M, .,,,.,,, , t.,i.,,,,i over the old law Urn. .iwl hi!i. Ihete inair ! be aome point in the bill that wilt not uit everyone let u hoi that the good Kjinta are in a larire majority The ho.iae ia txlay putting forth a large amount of oratory on the -menl, and Ihe repeal of the mortgage tax law. Thia I a bill hy Mr. Uwton from (Tack auia Ti i 1 1 . . i -t.l lie in. n.r. - forno exemption for indebted... w taxinn pnu-erty at Ita cauli value, ami (lit- hill will probably pan the bouae. ; It la a uhI bill and if It U-CUIIIC ! law It I a goel lilll anu ll ll a we predict that in lea than ix month) Iron, it. ..king effect there will he . j material change in the freedom of money which will do more lor the building up i t.e coaul than all the proj-wed Itgiala- ! lion by congre. There are a numlwr of genl worker' in Uith hranchea. In the limine we huve j Paxton from Multnomah for hi watch-! fulne-a of the chair and alwayt being ready to catch the aeaker'a eye no a: i to irain iHaweaaion of the fliajr at just ! the right time. In the senate there i no j in a iiiion to pumi u im hiwi .? , mea-utr i.e ....y ... i - ! He ba introduced ahoul many bill ny arnator on ine not.r ami e pn- . , j . i Jict the eaage of a large H-r cent !..f 1 1... llni. .tu in f.itin.l in hi i- " , -t t roll tall, and when a h.ll come , up he i one of the tlmt to turn to the hill '' eH-u it carefully In-fore casting his : ; vole ; ll ll u-h- not aiwav. eu. ever, n, ! ho at leant v jtesaahell.ink. heat (or the gre.lest numlr. He i on aeveral im- ! Hrtant committee ami a great amuum i ..... . ol hi. ham .. is never repone.. the outside world, lake lor instance the judiciary of which he is second member. All hill .relating to amend ing Ihe code and a great many other, are referred to this committee which work every night until 10 to 11 o'clock. Senator Hayes i. also doing good work and ia looking after a number ol im portant measures. He today made a fino speech on Cross'! road hill No. 117. LKlilSLATIVS NOTES. Pr. O. V. Yeargain spent a couple of daya the last of the week at the state house and visiting relatives here. K. C. Driggs clerk of the senate rail road committee returned Friday noon from a brief trip to Oregon City. On hi. way home after adjournment on Friday Senator Cross stopped at Aurora to confer with the citizens of that place relative to incorporating the town. Mr. and Mrs. Win. r.tirlow came up to spend seve-al davs in Salem this week. On motion of Senator Cross Mr. Harlow was extended the courtesies of the senate. l'.ucll Pimmifk of Canhy is in town iRASS SEE ...MS.-.. Pacific Onion Sets Seed Oats Fertilizers Seed Potatoes Spring Rye Bend for CaUlogna (English or 0 laboring t defeat the Canhy Incorpora tion hill. Ha ha a remonstrance of forty-five name, which Im claim I a majorii y of tboae to he affected hy the propowtii Incorporation. Kx-Kepreaentativ Ja.. Tracy of Cla'k- arna waa in Ujwn Tneielay and extended the rourteiea uf the two houe. II. H, Strange, deputy clerk ol Clack am county, waa aeee at tha capilol Tuewlay. Hchoul lll-trlct So. 113. The following la a tr of achool taught in district Ni ti3, for the month ending Jan. 27, 13; No. of daya taught Z'i, average attendance W, So, cane tardineaatt. 5o. viiur 5. Name of thoee neither aheent nor tardy: Clyde Watdron, Elmer Mi Arthur, Cora Wal Unin, Jonah Penman, Frank McArthur, Uohhie McArthur, Jennie Waldryn, lKlUiuthfrlet. Juk.'ix K. Kuwcx, Teacher. I'uy your najnt and oil, window and ihxjr at the l'ark Place 8tore. They are cheaier than elwwhere. NOTICE OP PKOPOHAL TO IMPROVE MAIN H I KhKT. N'Hlr ta herehy rlveti. that th eltr cwine II ni O-'tT'ift City nroia ta lm.r..e that (M.rtU.0 ara-le, anfl I.T l.aln IW fill W!'lth alth I .llimr-i ... I uavauirnt- hi H hmlrlua of treat Mix that partol Vain atra! fritiff bctwaa-t. tha north line nl M.iaa atreet an J Urf aviufc line ul 1 actio aunt, 1ml vidth Id Rr ar4l Prt ol Main at reel lylut tMitaeen the aooih line ol Torl'tb a.ieet and the north lln ol Poorteenth atreet Lo the eauh liahrd ral, and br favlti the amc lull v.itth with a v.tnaad hrtel. barvmant att. hy DriiininaT or trtiit. that nn of Main alra4 lalna between the north Hue ot P.eir- ieenta atree ana Ul Dunn tin im onieeuia ... U width. "J Ztfl" the line ahaft n the rment m:u rr.ae. aaia vl(lc4 hwe7 ,UM, aikaahaii t laid where Ul walk ooia Laid are lu ilwldlll.m. o( wiaih-MBa U.nth.eatahliahe.l trade. Puknahrd br onir ..I tl,- city council at a ' b"d tthn L. l?Mt M. Recorder. a. GHSH -- . j,-, m n J n y, ' nr Oft IK Q U VJiXXVO"! I LU.Xlly gl dli U Ul f Q1 ff vAti (X KJ VXiVV ffj Ala flTT. F. TO V J K. MM -m. m m. m. m mm mmrn - buy can. 31b. lily starch 25c. One lb. climax, escort, star or horse shoe tobacco 45c. 3 lb. fine raisins 25c. , , m-rm 'J gT)00lS O. PJ. 1. ; VJOUU yllill UUU. Children's mittens 10c. and upward T fn nf C TTTrai-al Vl f C i iiit.niin iaj i.tii liijiu " Ij-QOfl CailCO OC. UGY VarQ aUU d, KUU" eral stock at much less than rul ing prices. PRODUCE - TAKEN - FOR - GOODS 4th dt.ir south of Bank of Oregon City. HAMILTON & ALLEN, Oregon City, Oregon, The Portland Seed Co. 2nd STREET, PORTLAND, - - OREGON. Carry a full line of commercial fertilizers, if you need anything in that line write them for prices, etc. We Carry a Full Line of Seeds. more PORTLAND, OrECON. Coast Agency D. M. FERHY & CO. 11 vonr lUrchiint doe not keep TESTKt SEKPS, send ns his name, and or wa will soo that jon get jour seeds cheap. German). PpeelaV-prtciw to first btivers In Society Directory. OHKoON CITY BO MO tjT TUAtia Mt at (;i it Idniao on Hwind atiiaa; In wh month. Vltluir wefeoai. r. E. Wifil,loN. tlKV KY UK"" Merrcury. -ietilat. cajiiiy hoaro or traik. Meet Knuhli Mall. Canhy .n m tr,4 IhlM rrlrtr Hi r hm(ill VIlt"rwlMB, H. J. itlw, Me. KW.M.M Hnlila lu ri-cil e'lromnalMtloO "O fffi ml ihlnl itaiiurilayii l h month t 7 an L . Brethren Iox'kkIiiuoiI1!!' lniteti'' i T APFSKHnN m . . T. f. RYAM,KeeUjy GKKUOIf Kjlxtlt. . . ii. t. Meet trf Thir1r n l 1 Ml o ene f. u. In the (H TbIIow" Hail. Mi fireea, MmWn ul lh Ordur are taltd U auenil UirOnlernlW A, Jliilleton, !. . Thu. Krn, IMierelujr. fAI.M KKCAMPMHflT. Kn 4. I. O O. . Meeti Aril ami Ihlnl TiiMla)ran! rh mr ;i'fl, al lKt'1 Kll hall. Memtiera amt rlaitf ij ba-rtan-ha, rrlla.ji lavlted to ttei4 it. R. JJir. t W. :iMlt, Berth. Cblet Patrlnreh. OtW K'lO 1iMIK NO W. I. O. O. r Meeta at lM rUw' hall, (ain, ry Saoiriiajr evanuif. Vlallinr hretho tn.1 rlintne ii. W. IfHUKttK, , J.f lni rr. See. MEADE FOHT, No 10 A H.. PEHARTMf Jlf or OKKiiOM. Wt ftrat Monitay of a'h ainiith. al K. A P. Hall. On cm Clly. VlaHlof comrailr aute wvteimte, (ill.VAN PARKER. Cnrnmaailer. (jKSf. HOOK POT. N, . A meutol Oreoe. K , IM are- Meeta in ehnl hona al Neer on drat a IIT'liT III raeh month at 2 O'eloi-k p. m. emraie ma.l wi.iima Jacob xrom.a, i. kixtii.ni. A'lju t'ommatetifr. Plii IHoS UiIm.E NO. US. A. o. t?. w: . M-taevara Thur.lay vlliir al 'Mil P!!' a. haii. iHrfn. Vliollng hh'n (wli c..m J. IM'rrta ' R. ataACaa, Reeoriler M. ,M. M il.AI.A 1Ui'iK No. A O C. W ' Meeta firat n4 Third Haturday In e'k mofitn. at acoie.l nouaaa. a iaii.ua mi-""'" " pa eleoma. T, tWi rr, M. V. J. w. TaoiA. Ree. i MOLALLA ORANIiE. NO. 0, P ol It Mreta at their hall at Writhe Brldite oa tha aeeand Haturday ol each naonlb al 19 a. aa, Pellow mi-mbara made weleoina. Riraaa W alOHT, Maafrr. JC H. Paala aec. MEAUE RF.I.IKP CORP. No la. DEPART MKST OF OREGON.. Mra M M Charman, - - Preat.tent Mra F L Cochrane,- - - Treia-irer. Mra. J. H llardini. - - HertaUnr. Meet on Brat and third Prldaya ol e.ili aiooth In K ol P Hall. Memhtra of eorf Irorn abroad, eonllallv welcomed. PRICES I Kfifi.. hrinET OT mj m vtaaT W t 1 . , j r rr tlireaCl -0C. ,J JCl JUU11U. 1 Or t -i- w t.. GRASS SEE Seed Drills Spring Wheat Bee Supplies Field Peas Spring Vetchea new localities.