CLACKAMAS COUNTY today. II has rental It. K. Ha es's plae AN ISTKRKXTINtl I.KTTKK, I and expects his family lo arrtieon Tuesday. j The Tiialntin tmn met Saturday and a I Natl Orefsnlsn fends a Nmy heller lo It WHS ilistl- Ire I'ond troaklMirit Ftup Winter Weather (iraiiftt twicers Installed Followed kjr a 1'leasant Dance TIIK RTrRPKIiK riiiM.-v viwii (rood many enl from here. wm tii if ririit I lation day, and si sUihing s gtht v(ue eiu iroui mr ami near, a granu was served by the sinter members, at mhieh all present tried to do tlieir duty, your corresioiiiteiil with the rest. tiraitt 1'n man has iiit worn at aum' mill ami will soon jw lo losing Tor the Baby mill. Oeo. Saiim, sr., has been vejy 111 fur some time with an aim. k of nervous prostration. Mr. and Mrs. Zaok Kllotson ami family were the guests yesterday of Mr. ami Mrs. Ueorj tlafie. Hon rv Melelier ha. I the siiles of his house iiii ami was itisl readv to put on the when the snow raine. The notice of I on Sart's ami Mary Ivl t'soo IVso, Jan. 3tV.-Warin the midst ef a winter up here as it would em to look out on the snow wliieh is about five inches deep this morning. Thia weather keeps the potatoes at liom and ill iT the market time to revive so bettor riivs will be obtained In the future. Fro IVnd is alive with sleighs and the music of sleigh bells, ami everybody is out ! filing his best girl an airing that has one, I an I those that have none go alone. ker"s license Tualatin grange installed their oflioers j "'l'- Saturday, lieo, 0. Pay, assisted by Mrs, l, A. Gage, were the installing officers. A ety pleasant time was had. The sisters t'rml a bountiful dinner, and if you, tr. Kititor, hail been there you would not look so lean for a while at least. The young lo'.ka bad a dance in th evening which was ept up at a lively speed until nil-might when every one went home leeling in the te.t of humor. F. It. Km- and Mr. ratterson went to Saiem last week to th musical eiitertatn tricnt given by the students at the univer aitjf. Th music was finely rendered and was worth any one's while to listen to. H. K. Mayes rented his tarm here to Mr. i Smith I'liillipa of Independence, who will move,' Henry Hepler has moved into his house on tins seek. I just completed, ; Miiis Lime Ilciiu, who has been working CK.VTRAL POINT. ; in Tortlaiid for sometime, cam home on tleo. A Itanllng. (Walters, Moss is a native of Oregon 1'ity and is at present traveling with a the atrical company. Th following letter re cvived Imiii him by tieorge A. Hurling will Interest all and especially his many Iriends here: I'lmat'MUH, IVnn., Jan. 4, lst. FtiRttn (Ikoniir: On my arrival at this smoke deluged and woe begone place found your letter awaiting me. To say that It wa a welcome visitor would lie putting it mild ly. Kiery time 1 think of home and tnemla it makes me sick at heart, IVople there . . don't ai.ortvtttto the teaittiM ivf ilnii-istim. nH' ; try au.l only wish they were once mure "In to wed has stirred up the gos Hackslmrt Matter. ' M icKSHt'Kii, Jan, SI, tieorge llroughton, of Oregon City, has over a million feet of loirs hanked on the Molalla rher in the vi cinity ol and on Win, Samson's farm, wait ing for a favorable rise to carry them to the Willamette. J. K. Morris and wife, of "regon t'ity, are visiting fnriiilsand relatives in this vicinity, O. I.. Harbor is suffering from the efle Is ofaftioti on which he had an oration performed lust week. John ray is preparing to build a house on the land recently purchased of J. K. TK.U'HFKS IN 101 Mil- Nome tret ra a a Bare-Basket Social- Paia-! L , "y r . , . . . . . fol Artideat. j T,,elltc of Macksburg gathered at th residence of Jim Smith on Friday evening Ckstai. Poist, Jn. . The farmers of : lu 'rn entertained with nin th !a place are laid up at present on account i holh un al ami instrum rntal. cfbad weather and can only do chores amlj F.lle Stone was visiting friends in! iy in firewiwd. j vicinity the past week. Nome mischievous boys sneaked up lo ' li- w fn'ramlin, our enterprising mer-1 lit. Wilcox's yard one day last week and ' "ant, made a trip to Portland one day last al.ot his dog. Mr. Wtlco is icry enxious ', eek. tu find out who they were anil says he will Uiem pretty rough if he finds them. Thomas C. Thomas had the misfortune to luse his best cow which he sais lisj of In-art disease. A tree fell across his barn. Fortunately he heanl it crack and got his tu.nses out just in time to save their lives. EnosCahill is logging on the Joe Williams I'btieaud eipirts to start his saw mill mhiii. tluward Owens has done considerable f '.'tiring lately and has been fixing up bis touse, all of which looks rather suspicious for a young man. John Jones, better known as blacksmith ' Junes, has returned with his wile and daughter from Medicine Lake w here M rs. j Jones has been for her health, but she has col iniproied any since she left here three or four months ago. Vi'm. SlclVnald is ooming home from , Washington where he has been working in j the mines. Ihe basket social at the Leland school 1 0M Bouse tl tnday night was very successful in every aay. The baskets were sold to the liijjhest bidder, David Penman, jr., being auctioneer. Most all th boys bought bas- keis and some bought four or five apiece. !th state." Well, they can hae all of the stales they desire, and I will be MillslU'.l I with a small roruer oftregon. In tact I would sooner he hung to one of the tallest i trees that abound in that section than Iodic 'a natural .death In this country. In fuel this country "Mint In It" when com j pared lo yours. Your people object lo the 'copious Mow of rain that visits you everv season, while in this in the dead of winter j the people pray lor rain. In New York city, a short tin. since, the preachers on Sunday morning announced from the dillercin pnl- pits that on account of the scarcity of rain ther was danger of Ihe aqueducts going drv and Ihe ineiii'Kra of th ilillerent con gregations were requested to lie as saving uf the water as possible and wast none what ever, yuite different this from "beautiful Oregon" w here th water Hows every season in copious drops " alikeon th Just and un just." Iteside in this country th cold it terrible. When I went to bed last night lh thermometer registered 15 deg. Mow sen. That of itselt is not a pleasant thing lo re flect on, and today il is snowing a bin streak and before night I presume it will h several inch deep. Oh, yes to lue "in the states" is a great thing, hut give me the land "where Mils the Oregon and heart no sound sal lis ,:w n dashing." I w as over at Homestead lo ilav w here the , Carnegie works had their great contention j ! with the strikers last summer. Many a poor sinker regrets that ne eier made the break j CARLTON miwrn !WILL NOT BE UJ 13 3E R Hit JD Call and oxamino thor goods and prices and bo convinced that MIC ITS M FURNISHING GOODS Dry Goods, Goceries Boots and Shoes, Caps and Hardware, Are the best to bo had for tho monoy in tho stato. Highest price paid for produce. CHNBY, - - - ORECON. IlAHKillOltST & COMPANY, 1M Front Street " HARDWARE Cortland. Oregon. I he did. the mills are all full and hundreds Very Interesting Addresses hi!of I'eopie who had len working in the! the IHITerent Teachers. i '"r years are out id employment with i the winter on tlnMii ami no I.hhI for them. i s,td.s antl fauolie and no work in troi-ct. t I The! are surely in a miserable plight and t lie 1 I suffering Is something tcrrinle. In Pitts-j ; I'Urg as well a mitnheml oilier localities j relief ituiiiuittees are at ork doing all that Ms possible for the suffering itoinestea.ler. I Kien the newspapers have liirnol them-! ester lium.uul, Nitritiwetieru Agrnit tor ATKUVS SAWS , -iHTtdent f nlilrt.i'.iU Priior Um . -. si;r sir; In spite ot snow and cold a large niiiiilierof Chukauias rutinty temiicrs met at Milwaukee Saturday, Foiiimiv, to hold the regular meeting ol the association. The genial principal ol the Milwaukee schools. Prof. Starkweather, met the arriving teachers at the depot : selves into solicitor ami ate liegk'tng unh and hart and inhered in the exercises wripiions lor "The Honu-siead Sutler'' of the day with an old fashioned sleigh evrt? ' ,,1r t aper. Pretty hanl ride, a rather novel entertainment (ur j on ihe striker, isn't it? to make matters more interesting reports are rife here to-day that the cholera has broken out among the ronvicls of Arkansas , at Little Ko k in that state. In the souili- ern states the convicts are let out by con- s . T ........ ."..(r,;. ''tin y -" ' , ..: J 'o- l-t . . "'O'Vij vv'bLi, -V,- - -""in..'' v?t western Oregon. Superintendent (.iibmm called asKisialion to order and inviting the ; Vice President Thomson to Ihe chair gave ua an instructive and entertaining talk the work of the association, lie spoke of the advantages to be derived j by union and by discussion of principles and theories. A short discussion on the relative tract, and those of Arkansas are working on a railroad. For some unexplained rea son they Ivegan .lying oil ami the physician could not discover any cause for it unless It WMWJ,WAv)Wiir"-" Crt'SftMit Wt'tlgps (uariantftl.) 15 .t S l'ltMif Cluins. Arr.ulo Filet. Knjie. Crescpnt Mevl Loji'i-rs and WimkI Clinjipfis Swfialti. Oregon City Ajretit. ...... WILSON A COOK id Ice. To Kverylssly Concerned. Thciewill 1 a meeting held at Frog Pond school j bouse next Saturday the -I'll day of Feb- ruary 1SKI at luieo'cl.x k (or the ptitiHxo of discussing the action ol the county Mr. K. E. Eastman went to Portland last merits of the different systems of li- Monday on business. j agraniing sentences, followed by a short J Iiii Oikenian gave a dance last Satur-' talk about grading country schools dar night at E. Cabin's sawmill and a good j dosed the morning sesssion. time was had by all present. j Ttle te.cheri were lhen invited out t0 " --memauy ,eu on a ; , delif ioU8 ,un,.h d in ,,. ure. ever know, ilk 1 1 -h (). lortwl kor aiiiu naitamn ,,,, ! " t fain. We all ho, sli. will be around j t0 which t,'f-V did m''le again aoon. I I rwn reateiiinling after dinner 1'rof. . I Pringle gave an able talk on "Teaching Onllle sod Vicinity. English Literature"in the public schools. Oaviu.1, Jan. 30. The weather is cold J He held that a portion of the time now and disagreeable yet the good work goes on. given toinstruction in mathematics might The new church on Elliott Prairie is near-1 better be devoted to the study of litera tug completion, and is an ornament to the 1 ture. Prairie and speaks well for the surrounding j ,, " , St,u, ti,i . :. It was one of the things most ,. , . . , ,'. i lnriii, m..- wL, e8,'nK leclure n 'T,' Tedier and his Proffeesion," in which he set forth the was that the laboring class had lceii kioii- ' c"rt lackamaa county, l)reg.,n, in ing Ihe water. The death rate became so j reference lo (dividing the county as il alarming that the government sent a phy-1 ha done I into such large loud district sician to that point and he ipilckly derided that it w as no case of poiwntng but gave SEVENTH ST. MEAT MARKET. &c HALL, PROPS. - M'RICSH - AND - CURICI) - MICATS - None 1 ii t tlii' Iwst itnilily kept. A triitl urilcr snlii itnl. HAItkll UIPIHII. and such other countv topics that tuny I come I c(. re the meeting. Kvervlxsly! community needed in this locality. Messrs. Woolcock and 0 wines are nuttine the finishing tnnrh to the carpenter work and getting ready fori dutie'0' tlie 'eacher to his profession, the plasterer. what the profession owes to the teacher Mrs. U Woodcock spent two or three days I and w hat parents owe to the school . in Hubbard last week. j Messrs. Uiboney, Burnett, Scott and C. H. Itobhin is at work finishing his others made a few interesting remarks new ne oougoi ot reritue Bros, the ether day a new cook stove, and we think that calls for a cook also. A. A. Itashor made a businats trip to Sa lem Iaat week. The young people are making arraign ments for an entertainment at Coldren's liall in the near future. They are trying j liard to make it successful and a good time i is expected. j Quite a number from here attended the i organisation of the A. 0. V. W. lodge at at Hubbard last Friday night. They re)ort liavinghad a good time. After the organ ization was perfected they were invited to an oyster upr given by J. Calvert in tionor of Ihe new lodge. F. M. .Samson made a business trip to Portland last week. (j. K. and the association adjourned to meet at Park Place February 25. Charles E. Pease. NOME SW EEPI.Nd RESOLUTIONS. Adopted by the .Molulla and Teasel Creek Granges. Notes from Borings. KoEif,s, Jan. 28,-Mrs. A. K. Mulligan cf Molalla spent this week visiting her pa rents, J. H. Boring and wile of Damascus. Horn to the wife of T. M. Hickey, January 13, a son. Mother and child doing well and the father happy. Can go to his mill and Come early now, thinking he will have help in the future. Candpa and Grandma Richey are blest with grandchildren; two new ones this win ter within two months. Most every one hereabouts signed the peti tion to cut olf the territory north of the Clackamas and attach it to Multnomah, but some few are kicking pretty hard now and Loping it will not pass. The wind blew here very hard from the north-east on the 2;th inst., and made one think be was back in Kansas. M e have four inches of snow at this date and still snowing. The mercury stood at IS deg. below freez ing on the 27th. HttRord Items. eJrArrosu, Jan. 30. It has been snewing continually for the past four days and at .resent lies about one foot deep on the level. Mr. Phillips, from near Salem, arrived Resolved That we are unalterably opposed to any road law which provides fur the issuing of bondB or creating any debt to be paid in the future. 2 That we favor the passage of a law levying a five mill tax on all property money included for the purpose of clear ing grubbing and ditching present roads, said tax to be used in the precinct where levied. We also favor the election of precinct road supervisors instead of as now appointed. 3 That we are opposed to the repeal of the mortgage tax law but favor the repeal of the indebtedness clause, 4 That we are opposed to the passage ot a law compelling every county in the state to use the same style of index books. 6 That we request the legislature to send a memorial to congress requesting them to issue and appropriate legal tender paper money for the purose of improving-the public roads. Also that congress issue or refund no mo'e bonds. 6 That a copy of these resolutions be sent to (Senator G. E. Hayes and to the Oregon City papers for publication. Rkubkn Wkioht, Molalla. E.P. Cahtkb, Teasel Creek Alf. Sawtellk, Teasel Creek, Commute. E. M. Cooper Secy. Molalla Grange. As our other lot of cloaks went off in a short time we have purchased a better lot which we are offering at the same price, Hamilton & Washburn. z every indication of cholera. If this turn out to be the case no doubt lh world's fair will turn out to lie one of the grandest tail- I hoi it will prove a mistake, hut I have little doubt hut that it is the pure old it nil. I met the famous Mcliihney family a few days since at Stcu'nville. Ohio. They are thinking seriously of visiting Oregon during the summer and asked me to entertain a proposition ol going with them. It they decide to go no doubt I will lie therewith them. They have become one of the great est musical organizations traveling, and have made and retained for a rainy day a large sum of money. Have not had much excitement of late with the eiception of being on a train near Huntington, West Virginia, when two ban dits endeavored to run (lie Irani. It was quite exciting as one pacnger was killed and one robber shot in the arm. lloth rob bers were residents ol Huntington and were easily captured, tried immediately, convicted and sent to prison Tor life. Have seen so many train robberies during my time tnat I think little or nothing of it, and am always prepared to answer the call of .... " 1.1'.... ... h.. 11. ! . iianiw u),. ,i ai aiiji;, Jlinnu.lll, .lOtlt'Ci al,o In,,,,.. L-ill.( 111 I I again reach home will spend a day witbyou TllH flr,n Ut!'m Al,,ril,t ,,l,vil"J and give you my experience in detail. been dissolved, all accounts duo said Please remember me to all and especially firm ml",t ,,B fettled at once us tho part- itorourwife him! babies. The last one is nerslup estate bus to be closed up. Ihirty cordially invited to attend that takes any interest in the inuttet. I would suggest meetings be held all over the county as soon us jl.le lo get the sentiment of the H-ople un tins and other qnetion nf importance Mint are before the people of this county. Arise people mid show your colors now or forever buhl your is-aco for now is the time. Yours truly , Fhavx M. Km sk, January .10, 1HKI. Nolle. All iH'rsons knowing themselves to lie indebted to ihe firm of I luhnuii A Warner are asked to call and settle at once owing to a change in the firm making it necessary to close all outstanding ao counts, il m exfiecicu nun mis t11"1 ' Honry, M.r Hi will bo sufficient. All accounts not 1 prnnes dried settled by Feb. 10 will be placed in an attorneys bunds for collection llol.MA.V A Wamnkk. ilelow I given Ihe Oregon l ily M.irk.'l liepnrt. corrected Jan. Ill, Irtiiu ,iiolatioiin furnished the KsrrsrsiK by local mer chant : ..mi. Wheat, vallev, per bushel I . t llls, per bushel t.'ul II Oregon I lly Mills, Portland brand 3 i.'. rrsu. I Sluirtn. r Ion i llran 17 (mi I. Inter hav, baled 12 no Timothy bay, haled 1 1 ir rsmit :rt. Potatoes, perh lbs To loan Onions, " 1 in Apples, green, r Imu f lt(f I..VD Apple., dried, per lb .V.c j Chicken () Ui i mil Turkey, cr lh pj I (!, istr dot i) no to It mi I lllltler, per lh i j i Kgg, per do ;yi i U.l.'j A GOOD INVESTMENT la on that bring big returnt. ACOOD MEDICINE la the en that do what la claimed for It. ORECON KIDNEY TEA III nir tt IVwaar nf h K i.l a-vn1 rntnov mkh i ,mm tll,m I N. I. o. iv. faint hrn t'oiiMOitif '4in m ibr IU. k an.) tiniaun j Ihr llla.l.lpf. IOI, k tu. pr,.,. aa.t aoalil i Hiu-aar. CURI YOUBSILrand Llva aLongTlma with out DBvInn lntaaS js n your Laaaa of Ufa, by tuiionng. I ' I I I I 1 i , M k i rs. lleef, live, per lh j lleef, dressed j .Mutton, di e, per head I Pork, live per lh . . . . l ors, dresiM'u, per lb. Venl, live, per lb Veal, drensed, per lb. . lliiins, per lb always the smartest in the eyes of the par ents, hence 1 am not surprise! at your state ment. Alter rending your local paper wish you woiild'send it to me. It is certainly, a wel come visitor. Yours very truly, Wai.tkk 8. Moss. From Molalla., Jan. 30.- Another mantle of nature's whiteness has spread over this lo cality to the depth of four Inches. It com menced snowing here ut 0 o'clock p. m, on the 2'ith inst., mercury ' deg. above zero, with a prevailing br.'cze from the north. The ground was in tine condition for work ing on the 2oth, wheat having been sown on that. lay. What a decided contrast it would tie here if it were 2.r deg. below zero, as it seems to be elsewhere outside of the second " Harden of Eden." Where in all the world is there an all-round country better than the Willamette valley? Hon. Laramie Mayer of Seattle, but for merly postmaster and merchant of this place, is visiting friends here, Wm. Maker had the misfortune to "axe" the side of his foot while engaged In rail making in South Molalla. Frank Hpoor and wife start east about the first of March to take charge of his moth er's farm. Molalla Lodge No. 40 A. 0. TJ. W. will give an entertainment February 24th. F.very body invited. Admission 2." cents. Chil dren over 6 and under 12 years 10 cents. days from (Into of this notice all unpaid accounts will b placed in an attorney's hands for collection. Dated .Iiinmirv 7. 1W".. tf . ... .", lift .2 ft'iuCl un OO, . ti'i W. S. MAPLE, Blacksmithing and Repairing. Having o.ieoflhs l .1 H.r, In the slate In my .n,ply, ,!, mukumiulix,; A I J ! ATI Huron Hi i Haled hay and straw for sale by the ton or halo, 1 ' miles from town, at I, II. Andp'w'a place, Mt. I'lea-nnt. x SI SI'IX:i.LTY. WORK ATTENDED TO PROMPTLY. Holman & Walling are prepared to fit up your house below Portland piices. The Best Baking Powder AND MOST ECONOMICAL, Is that of Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder. It is prepared with greater care and accuracy, from finer and more ex pensive materials, competent chemists test every ingredient nothing is left to chance. No ammonia, alum or other adulterant taints this purest of human food products. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is tho embodiment of all the excellence that it is possible to attain. It is always uniform and reliable and retains its full strength until used. It is not only more economical becauso of its wonderful raising power, but by reason of its greater bulk, the cans being much larger than the ordinary kind; it will go farther and do better work. It never disappoints, Dr. Prices is the only baking powder that contain!) the whites of eggs. inn nutiiisiti. I'nroi.r r Imnlwaro atom. ORECON CITY. ORECON. JOHN A. BECK RELIABLE JEWELER Corner of Front and Morrison, PORTLAND, OHEGON, I HTII.I. on KAKTII, f r Kottoral repair!,,,, hUi1(1i4 NEW YORK GALLERY!' ''"'"toKruphs I,ivr(,( pr(1nlty n t)i) Finest Htylo f n Vine Crayon Work a SjKxialty. l 1'icturcH Conlnd t,TT.... ui... . , J r-nr.o. nana- "action (iuaruntiiiid, '!l!.'lOroiEOOB OITT, OR. Meet. a2irr arsel KiiKln,! ,, '"'h month t Cat- K. .wT,r Old