LHST BIG MORTGAGE SHLE OF BOOTS AND SHOES AT M c I I rJT rJT KICK'S, Thirty Days. beginning Sntm liny, January 28th, and Lasting EVERYTHING MUST GO. PRICES flO OBJECT. Men's Fino French Calf or Kangaroo hand sowed Shoes at S4.50, formerly $6.00. A Ladies' Fine Dongola Kid button shoes at $1.00, formerly $2.25. EVERYTHING SLAUGHTERED, KNIFED AND CUT TO PIECES. NOTHING RESERVED! Buy now, ovon if you havo to borrow the money to do so. We have $10,000 worth of Boots and Shoes more than we want. NEXT DOOR TO OREGON CITY BANK. J. P. SHAW, Mortgagee. N. B.---DOORS OPEN AT 10 A. M A Maiidrrtui M-irlilnr, Wliiltt in Anria imrntlv r bad Hie lilrtutirn ( !. Iiilig aottlli( Ilia- i'liltin at i'k and a rur!-.:t:s sibl U wae, II U lninii.illn .i 1I1 nl immih'lv tin. inttiraln ftarta i'iilii dun alunat liuniaii m4 IiIiik, mut (In. 'rU w l.i li limy I'Uy iiiM'itiiin t t 1 1 1 r 111411V iiiIiiiiiiik l inj..r, Tim maililiio IimI i mull, mvui iiiK Ibaif iiwn hi Lafe 3 iy t l 1 It- tlm r Irvine lu-iiilil 1 fxtbaa elfcbt 1 l.iH' la 1111 It ImmiI It lull In. load nu ll tbar tilrr ia rt'itftartiliHl lr Dm tnuul'U fur irmiria Ilia (Vw nHt.iH.4iy in I'liiilln. A young 1 a I y ml. by Una tiiarbinri In limit ( a luartl iika I ) klli-re t a lv anlrr. I'(n IIik krya u( tlna alio stnar-a, rarh tlu art! in' lorn 1 1 in uur nra.it tiva I'll" li-lli r - llial la tlm 1111111I.I lor f.irinln It. TlirHK air lu ll lit a r and tlm DMTt.ir l aariii'.l a in n tlio r ia full, tliv same a 011 type wninr Vbrll a 1 1 iii tint Iciititli u( ll.i. a i, llh of a oil tn nil la art tli i.ralir alarta Ilia Ina. In lip ly luttrliiitg lever, an I tin imilllila am canml alniiif an I nt. in front of a pot of imltid ty metal alifii a amall iuti fiiriva a supply of thin aiiainat tlm iinHilila, alirro ll I111- mediately roula ami forma one linn of tba column. icjuir... only a aeviiiid for Ilia lint inrlal tu fool, alien tlit inaiiiiiin pulii' out a lino uf t) - i-aat in a aoliil Ualy all ready to be l In Ilia form to print tlir r. At the Minn limn an arm rarnra tlio mutilda each our of wliirli liaa diltcrt'iil noti'lii rut unt aimllar tu a yalo link key up to tlit) lop uf Ilia inarbinn ami ai-la tlii'm down by a artnar wlilrli carrlra tln-ni along till rarli roaches Ita pror plao lfn It falla into poaituii nady to paa around attain ami hlp in llin work of preparing tin pawr for ila many read ers. Tlm following two linn: went aol by thn inailiino : I,nmtiin, Jan. M - lir. C'ornrliue llona drawn In tlm Lay ami lit. aon, to Preparing fur Work. Just now t li mwir nnnpaiit can uai. lull a limited iiiitiila.r o nun tint in tin Hear futilra tln.y will have iMcariloii lo employ Ilium In great titimla'ra ao that tlm weal aide of tlm ri vor where moat of tlii'ir pioMrty la ailimlisl w ill l a Vfrita'tlti lilvt of imliialry. It ia now tlmlr liilrnlion to liavu over '.'ltl turn finployi'il Inaliln of two wiiAa. Thia lcin to look mm ttmiiitli tin. limn x Ihm'UhI turn of rapiil (trowtli lor tri(!on City wua upon UN, Mint tlmt uiima Inn t-a would li rtl.)(iitii to a paal Ki'lii'ratioll. Clari'licn I'lintnni whh ari'i'lily anr prlaiMl ty a im.rry party of lila youim friiimlaon liiat TluirailHy i-ninu, at tlm rwalilmitiM of liia purnnla. An tuijnyatiln I'venlnn wiin cpi'tit pliivitiK cuiiIh, In wliii-.h C'laru Ciiiiiplicll I'lipturi'il tlm 11 rut pri.i an oil piilnlcil piinut, l.uw mitre Drlnua nn'olvml a (jrtnui limul HI tlit) I)i ml iy pi I Ollitir Kiiinia, iiiiinIo and riH'itatiuiiN wore IiiiIiiIkimI in, Mian Minnin Arkni'iuaii diHnrvim iniirli crodi- for Imr firoit In oriultmllim and ooiulurt li)U tliu parly. Tlioaa tiuiaunt wro Miaaca I.nra Miller, Miimio Aikoriniin, 8adi CIiumi, Vera Caullnlil, Adit 1Iiik1u, l'nnlino Citmplmll, (ora Mo Cow n and Ilinlio (Ironn. Mimara. Clnro Cnmplioll, I'rod Iloduim, CIiuh. WMhoii, I. lliton Kully, Mali'olm Mi-Cown, liftwronce HrltrKH, Jlurlny Htovuna, JaimtaClmrch and Clitrcnro I'liriloin. ltit-r l,lt, The following la tlm list of liiitnra rainiiln, lug In llin inl olllce at On-Kiin City, Orrttmi January 1MW: Ahariielliy, Mr Mnliiiiald, Mra Alma II. ilman, II , Hiulloril.MlKa Komi. U llobart, Mra Mry K Hinlth, (! W Murray, J W ttllM'liiliilu, MrC W Moxu.MtA Welolt, Dr B It If calli'd for pli'iifo any wlnn ndvprlincit, K. Jil. ItANDH, 1'. M. L1USINESS LOCALS. I r..l, Ki.m -At ll.i,.,pl.rr.y-. fl.l. marki't all kimla of fn-uli and watrr' 1 1 - - """" j Han, t'talat, lolt.ra ami uvalvra l.ivwj limript, nola and onli.r Uka at tlm t dipaani In. k(.ii. d.-livrry to I Kntaai'NiiiK olllit, i all lail ol ilivrily InIio.iI ilitliiii-iil rani" una n-iil rai ti, t'l for l. rm, at Ilia Kin mi-him; ollnr. ; ITy-yu waky. bvrrVw Maary I'ortlaiul-Clatskanic R-O-U-T-E. and oiiil aaxortinriil rvrr liroiiKl.l to ttit'Koo l'iy at tlit. Kltiaia ulliiti. I Tltii ia tlit' lu-nri'M nml mtit tli- rt'ct mute tn t lie Nrlutloin valley. DR. L. WHITE; (Hit laiilti'lj lrii 8uir, tllttrail.r. frnra iht l.l tii IMh of aarh mnutb. Arliru ml li-i-lh on mho. r, rlr.i clot. 1X Uol.t r)lllii (nun W tin. All win a guarauieisl. i 11 MJIII.UI ll ,V.iil5i'lii,ii 'rV''. 1-.-- la . "AS : Iiuii., rliaira, rlr., m I10I.I..H..I at QTR (I W .9HAVFR , lliilniaii A Wallli.g'a AH w... k guar- A ' 1 U " Wrifl-ll, I atilivd. lii'i air all oiir old oiiii((.-a lor I J. W. Ml AVI.lt, Matter, 1 lllllp inotiry and tlir) will I k.mI aaj 'rw. j U avca Hhliiiiv'tnii atrwt diK-k, 1 ... , , , , i I'ortlaiul, rvi'rv Muulv, Vwit;-a- I n p..ii,j .laioniiM v, lli lalwl alvli'a . . .. . ' , .. , ,, t .HIT ftll'l I ll'IL.till .1 ."I. O'l .l. licli'lia, Knljtliiil, luimirr. Unit I'nilit nml iiitcriiicliuto n i 11 1 arriving j f t) T. Williama la now doing liuai- l ; m-aa for liimatdf at tlm old atand imxt CI A'I'iSIC A N I 1C Ulia.r to Caulit'ld A llunllt-y'a dnit At 3 uVlm k Ji. 111. j .. j Ki'turii tripa fur 1 'or tin ml follow inj; Jiialirr l.laiika, teal ralala tdnlika, and j luoriii li(,'K at t a. 111. 'all ulli.tr l.lauka at tlio hTiaraii.ft of-J i Hf. J'oitlalid piii-ra. j . " . i . . , I rut freight or uifiijri-r ratt I ('. O. T. Williama ia now prrpartst to! I'l'ly to U k flr rk Bt l'lirllaiul nr i makn i.ry favotaldn ratra or. go.l farm " IxuiM !taiiii r. loalia. lliiy your tiamta and nil, window a and diKira at tlm t'aik I'luit. Siorn. Tlmy ar clii'awr ttian tdat wlifre. , Tlioaf (.onli-inpVak' Ingrowing aliould aatfrtaln iertya'" tHfi'riHl by ( (I. T. Williama. T llrlinr your prialiiitt to tlm I'ark Hare Hlorn wlii-rn you ran alwaya itit tlm tx-at marki'l prire and your gooda at l!m aaum llgmra aa tlmugli you )iaid ctah . Iti'lnro buying vonr winlir aupplir., rail at tlio' TaiV I'lare Mont Tlu-y linvf 01m of tint la.at aaaoitnmnt of dry ifiNnla, rlolliliiri, laaila and alimta, mil liimry and rliuirv luuiily gnavrioa in t'lackamaa county at pruvi that It'll Tlm latitat in vixiling rarda at tlm K.s TaKi'Minic Don s, l'riifa to unit you. Alionl Vnnr Nrnrra. Ii not fowl that A.W. Scbwun ia propiiri'd and autlioritid to lay ami maktt vonni't'tiona willi tlm public acwrr ayatiuu of Dn.gon Cily and tlmt Im run lav your arwrra and put in your water rliiM'tn, aiuka, alop Impporx, ilr., all piopmly ronmrt(ii with attr and water ayalema at the moat reiiaoiiablu ra'ea. The Oregon City Jobbing Shop, evenlh alrei near deMit, If A. W. Ktiiw.ts, l'ron .Niillrr. All nraiina knowing lliemaelvea to be Imlebted toibe Hi in of llulumiiitt Warner are naked to call and aettle at onre owing to a changu in thetlrni nuiking it neeeaary to rloae all outNtandiiig ur oouuta. It ia expected that this bint will be riullleictit. All act'ounta not aellled by Feb, 10 will lie placed in an altomeya lunula or collection. lllll MtN A Wahnkh. Notice. Thn linn of hgua itt Albright Imvliig betn clinolved, all account, duo miid 11 rm tniiHt be aettled at once aa the part nerablp eatate Iihk to he cloned up. Thirty day from date of thlg notice all unpaid account, will bu placed in an attorney's hand for collection. Dated January 7, IHH.'t. tf Situation wanted Hy a girl in a pri vate family to do Iiounu work, morning and evenings and a part of the day, to enable her to do othor work requiring about live hour each day. Only smVII wage expected. Hnferonce given. Ad- druHa or apply at Kntkri'hihk olllee. Iilaiik nolo, rtH.cipt and ordor books at tlx) Fntkrpkisk olllee, c '-.la'.vAnx V i'iII iliii n '. la ml f bill OF INTEREST TO YOU ! What the ENTERPRISE has to Offer-The Best Paper for the Least Money of Any in the State. In order to give a more general acquaintance with the merit of the KNTKRI'HISK a a iiewiqner and to introduce it into every home in Oai kaiiiaitcounty.it will be wnt on a trial aubcrition until March l r. WM, for :" cent. The EXTKIU'KISK will l made of special iiiterer-t to its readers during the next few months. The jiroeeedingg of congress, now in f-es-Hion, in view of the prest-nt political coin plications, will be of vital in tt reat to all. A ca cial elTort w ill be made to rejwrt them in full for the KNTKUPUISE. The Oregon legislature, in session during January and February, proiiiirt s to lie of untituial interei-t. The most important j lepralatton and radical change in the laws of the state, attempted for years, w ill 1 enacted thin winter. Every resident of Clackamas county bhotild keep himself ja.dted as to what i done. The ENTERPRISE will have an experienced rejairter in attendance during the entire e sion. and complete rejKirts will le given each week of all bills intro duced, including the publication of those of interest to Clackamas coun ty, and a rejairt of the speeches and votes of our senators and represen tatives on all iniortant measures. No county paper in the state will give the legislative news as complete as the ENTERPRISE. As a local paper the ENTERPRISE ha few equals in Oregon. Its corps of correspondents cannot be excelled. It gives the county news, city news, circuit, probate and county court and city council proceed ings, real estate transfers, correct market reports and a synopsis of the news 01 me state anu nation. :enu cents in coin or stamps lor a trial subscription. Paper promptly stopped at expiration of subscrip tion unless othei wise ordered. FOR- iBSOLDTELY PORE DPyjUGS -0 TO- Q A. HARDING. NONE Bt'T COMPETENT PHARMACISTS EMPLOYED Flit Ptrftiarta nl Toilet Artfcla Alto a full .lock of FA.IZSTTS- OILS. ETC. TREES! TREES 1 1 Twenty thousand ITALIAN AND FETITTE PRUNES For sale cheep at the PRAIRIE NURSERY First class Prunes, 6c. each in 100 lots. Second class, Sc. each in 100 lots. For further information, call on or address, DAVID J. COX. Clackamas Co. Canby, Or. Appel's Parlalnn Enamel ir the CrrAtion ol a prrfrrt Cuuipkulon, The luvuriie Prclit'h Coamrllc. Appol'a Complexion Cream Fraill- mlr. Wiiiiklm, auil givct lo the Skin the Tolureol youth. Appol'a Skin Bteftoh. !:rilk-ir all blent Ulice, anil iliM-olratlon.orOir .kin .itch a Tin, Sunliiitn, Frrcklia, Swarthy and grciiHy nppcarance of the lace. Appel's Oriental Powder In 1'iesh, white, I'm k ami errant .hmlia, flvra tn the line a beaulllul clear and trmmparent tip KiirimiT, Appol'S Natural BlUBh The only Rouge ttiictiinuiiiri', when iiej.lird tn Ihe irwe o? liiiK, canimt beilrlci lnt, mitnpin Iwu .Imiiet iJiilil lor liloiul. a. Dm k lor lirunrttii. tbtAftl Cjir:t:o Co. 3.-.I r. mcl.ee, Cit. A iiiiinpiiliM mi liow lu t'rvaiu a cvuiplaAluu fraa, anil gooiL For Salu Ay OHATM-A-IT &c CO, IMw Americas .Ml T2r TRAD! MAaKt, Ui-ZSJr DiatOM patents. COPVRIOHTa. ataJ Vorrnfnrrnatloa and fraa lUnnhook wrlta to miinn a t'o am iiiiiiaiiwat, Nkw Voiia. OKIiwl tiun.au for .eourlna iat(iitt. In Amnrloe. Kturjr iNttunt taknn out hr u. I. bnmaht bufora Uia pubiio by a uotioa alTtm fro uf charge lit tha y acimttna iwraw In ttia Iratml. No Intelliaeui ewiitumt iu weekly. 83,011 a ntotitliL Aiinmu uriNN 1 ivi. avian, 9ttl UroaJwaj, Mew York City. Hnlftliillillv wan ahould ba wit hout tu Went I rwi ll.MI.li ruaui CHSH PRICES SUGARS-17 lb. dry gran'd or 20 lb. extra 0. 61.00 COAL OIL--5 gal. 65c, bring or buy can. 31b. lily starch 25c. One lb. climax, escort, star or horse shoe tobacco 45c. 3 lb. fine raisins 25c. 7 spools O. Ne T. thread 25c. Good yarn 65c. per pound. Children's mittens 10c. and upward Infants wool hose 10c, Good calico 5c. per yard and a gen eral stock at much less than rul ing prices. PRODUCIC - TAKEN - FOR - GOODS 4th door south of Bank of Oregon City. HAMILTON & ALLEN, Oregon City, Oregon. C. P. WINK8KT. 8. F. SOHim' Kit. WINESET & SCRIPTURE, UNDERTAKERS & EMBALMERS. Largest atot'k of Coding and Cankets kept South of Portland. Also cloth covered and Mt-tallic Caskota fiirniahed to order. Ladies Burial Robes and Gents' Burial Robes in stock. EAST AND SOUTH Southern Pacific Route SHASTA LINE. . Express Trains leave Portland Daily. Sou.h I I Korth. 7-00 r. u. Lr Portland Ar 36 a.m. 7 1Sr. a. Lr Oregon City Lr S 43a.it. I l.'t M . Ar 8. Krmncln-o Lr OOr. h. Above train, nop only at the following Rla tion north of Korbtinr a.t Portland, Ore f on City. WiKxtbnrn. Salem. AlbiLi, Tanirent Shedd.. tlalaey. ttarrteburg. Junction City, Lr vtnf and Eugrene. Pullman Buffet Sleepers. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. Foraccommoitatlan of Second-Clam Paaaenfer attached to ExpreM Traina. ROSEBl'RG MAIL (Dally). 0 i. a. I Lr Portland Ar .. I Lr OrtMionCily Lr 5:lr . I Ar Kiweburr: Lr I 4 Our. a Z;Mt. m I ( Jilt. H ALBANY LOt'AL (Ihiily. except Sunday.) bi r. M. Lr Portland Ar 6,-twr. a. I Lr Oregon City Lr r. a. ! Ar Albany Lr S:M A. M. l:Ml. M. . 00 A. M. West Side Division. BETWEEN" PORTLAND AND CORVAUJS. Mall Train, Pally (Except Suudar.i THROUCH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. For tickets and full Information regarding rat . map., etc., call on Company's ageut at Oregon City. R.KOK1ILKR. K. P. ROGERS, Manager. Asa't 0. F. aud Past. Agent. COLUMBIA HOOK AND LADDER CO. Meet, first Friday of t.cb month at Fouutaln engine house. Chas. Athby, Pres. C B. Ptu-ow, See'y. Chad Hitiir, F rm FOUNTAIN HOSE CO- No 1. Regular meeting, second Wednesday tn each, mouth at englue houae, earn side Main street, between Seventh and Eighth. I Ackkrman, Sec'y. Lanci Oardnir, Pres. Ku. Nkwton. Foremau. Also Wagon and Carriage Making, Horse Shoeing and Gen eral Blacksmithing on short notice. ST. JOHN'S BRANCH, NO. M7, C K. of A. Meets every Tuesday eveniug at their hall corner Malu and Tenth Streets, Oregon City. Matt. Jt'siiN, Sec'y. T. VV.Suu.iViN. Pres. FRANK NELDON, GUNSMITH AND LOCKSMITH Oregon City, Oregon. Full Stock of Guns Ammunition. Repairs on all kinds of small machines promptly made. Duplicate keys to any lock manufactured. Bliop on Main 8treet. next to Noblitt's Stables.