Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 27, 1893, Image 6

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
Clackamas Co. Directory
Clerk of Court,
School aitrwrtntemlenl,
J. W MeMrtira
P Morton
C. w. Unnoiic
m. .. ..
... v.. . ...
Af.tniiw Mmvlh
r. u hoimmi
-ofiwi "riiu
Chtol of Pollea
A wh' por.
City Attorney.
Street Oommutnner.
Snot, of W aier Work.
. V .
t Horer
suiii'v smviii!
fWmciimn 4 o Alhrlirht. Jr.. H. U kellv.
N. lireenman, W A W hit. J J. Cooke. J.
W. OVounell, J. U. Porter nU T. P. Ku
111. a.xmne'1 wl Ann WednwHlay of each month
( cilj hall.
TThe way to build up Omw j r.nint from one acre of lam! to fltXH)
atyltotire Oregon City pwple yonr j in cash. It was furthe, a.-rceil to make
wtrenaw. Ilhit a rmancnt institution to 1h
.icalleillhe "Mountain View Improve-
Will h found on sale at tne Orveon City ,
rjk store, ami at the Northwest News I
1A0 First St.. Portland.
Old papers for underlayir.g carpet at
this office.
Meldrum MeCown came down from
Marion county Saturday.
L. E. Wise who lives near
Crwk was in town Wednesday.
For sale a Ma&on A lUm!in organ in
Itood coudition cheap. Inquire at this
office. tf-
On Monday August Frankie was com
mittedtothe insane asylum by Judge
Last Friday J. W. Noble returned
from Roseburg where be had been on I
Menry unern ot r.ag.e creea M;(irlK bu, u is inU.mled particularly to
in town lueeday on
court bouse.
business at the
Send 25 cents in stamps or coin and
get the Enterprise to read during the
long winter evenings
.,. . . .!- . i
Clackamas county. Send 2a cents and j
are how you like it
Frank Burvh, of Independence, spent
short time in town the first of the week i
on business matters.
A. M. Vineyard" of Canby who is
giving particular attention to fruit raising
was down on Saturday.
We make a constant study of g'ls. j
prices and methods in our customer's j
interest. Bkllomy A Ri'scil. tf
. .. ii i ii i- ..il
corner of Main and Thirteenth streets is
now occupied by Otto Olson.
Send to the I'.nte kpkisi office for your
legal blanks. A single one or a hundred
furnished at Portland prices.
J. R. Morton and a Mr. Gardner of
Damascus were in town on Tuesday.
They report lot of mud everywhere.
We will place our goods in closest
competition with any reliable house,
tf Bellamy A BracH.
Underwear, Overshirts, Pants, Hats,
Ac, at a great saving in price at
x Hamilton & Allen's.
The Portland papers are making all
aorta of wild and wooly guesses about
the electric line just being completed.
Especial attention is given to diseases
of the chest, throat and nasal passages
by J. 8. Courtney, M. D. Office, Char
ma u block.
MrsE. Mereese is expecting soon to
go to Forest Grove to see what advan
tages the Pacific University possesses
for educating children.
The house at the corner of Eleventh
and Jefferson streets is now occupied by
Wm, Sandslrom who has recently
iroyed in from Highland.
Miss Birdie Green has returned from
her visit to her parents, where she spent
the holidays and will remain with her
Aunt Mrs. J. S. Pnrdom until spring.
Hev. D. T. Stanley of the Christian
church will conduct services at Shively's
opera house next Sunday at 11 a. in.
and 7:30 p. m. The public cordially
3. F. Floed late of the Koseburg
Review has acquired an interest in the
Marion County Democrat. Does this
mean that Brother Flagg has a sure
thine on the regiHtryship here.
All persons wishing to borrow money
from the state school fund should apply
early and Bcciire their loans only eight
pe r ecu t i n terest and bu t one coin m ission .
G. E. Hayes, Alttorney for board.
For pains in the chest there is nothing
better than a flannel cloth saturated
with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and
bound on over seat of pain. It will pro
duce a counter irritation without
blistering, and is not so disagreeable as
mustard ; in fact as much superior to any
plaster on account of its pain-relieving
qualities. If used in time it will pre
vent pneumonia. 60 cent bottles for
sale by George A. Harding.
aoimtx vikw.
Meeting- f the iHini-avemenl AssoeU
lion (tltleer I'bnsen.
Notice having been given through the
Kntkki'kisk there was an entliiiaiaatlo
meeting held at thin ilav Friday even
ing January '., in regard to aiding in
tin construction of an elet'tite. motor
, .... . . , i . 1
J jH!f"n. After number of .ihhvI.ih. in
I . ,u2 i , i: .....!i .i. ............
lino htm iitt..t. I II v t.iiiM.ii.nn it vi.r
ur Ul e AH' nut UK I.O. irivi . 1 1 v imiix i
I r
ary organiiation wa nude jnrnimnt
" ,h lw'ion VVm Km ll president,
V, Kriodrieh vice-prvatdent, J. I-
MKMtdrv iaii. I J V ItikrrinL.
T. W Sullivan .
UUlvrtrlton tiomnirvr. A ivmnuttc wan (
jf kRho.'! i point! by the chair ronnicting of J. V.
F J. Uwl) rlMnl m.lM M..:.u.lwn for Ilia nnriuua
! of solicitint! unhscriiitioti in money am!
' be donated to the comoany that
w ill build and put into active oeration
an elwtric car line bv the limt dv of
Janurv l.H and ajjree to continue in j P'"1-
oivration fir a period of one year. .uh-! ,n "I-"!"" ' ' neHu paid relati
...ritio... of v.ri.m. ...... "..r nff..rl " l'i membem.H. J How thorne
ment Asuocmtion. There waaaiom-,
mittee apHinlis! consitinr ot T. It.
Hankins, Jas Shaw and J. I.. SwatTord
in ,trfl a constitution for the assivintioM.
toretHrttthencsti..Htintf which UI :
be held at Kly hall Friday January
I at which time we hojw to see everyone
present interested in eingour On-jpin
City and es(xvially Mountain View and
the hill more to the front.
Impreretnrntg at the Crown Mills.
The Crown Paper company has just I
begun extensive improvements which j
when completed will tiansform that mill
from a straw, into rough manilla and card I
hoard mill in a 8ne straw and vanilla j
mill with appliances to turn out besides !
il,h.wt ,irwi.t.. .if tt.ui mi. I tiiii...r
L(ix.k tlienne8t grillo.of manilla.
W. P. Hawley, the efficient snperitv
tendont. has just placed a rag thresher
'Q oIv of from six to eight tons
per day which will be used to clean by
beating anv kiuds ot rags that are de-
free burlap sacks from Baud and dust,
which constitutes fully one-tenth of their
weight as purchased from rag dealers.
The mill already consumes all that l'oit
land can supply and has placed large
orders in San Francisco where they
expected to obtain their chief supply.
, ' , , , .
ine inrestier consists oi a large oox in
which is placed a cvlindar containing :
arms which nearly touch a fine wire!
screen beneath as the cvl.nder turns at
lli rf of '."-) rvnhiti.ms iier minnto
This catches the rags and carries them ;
swiftly about bealiug them rapidly w ith i
great force against the sides. The dirt
is beaten out and falls through the screen
leaving the fiber tree from dirt in the
box, from which it is taken and hd to a
rag cutter which chews tliem imo hits
and releases them
ii)on an titdlesa
apron which carries them to the mouth
! of the huire cooking cyl.nders into which
they are fed, without handling. Kach
of the two cylinders will hold
'.10,(00 pounds and it requires from
8 to 10 hours to cook a batch,
chemicals being mixed during the pro
cess. After passing the cooker it is
treated as other paper stock, passing
through the washer, chemical tanks
and grinders thence to the screens and
paper machine. In addition to the jute
obtained as here stated the mill imports
and consumes vast quantities of tough
jute stubs.
One of the machines in use is what is
known as a cylinder paper machine
adapted to the manufacture of coarse
straw paper and heavy card boards,
especially the latter. A part ot
this machine is to be cast aside and re
placad with such parts as will convert
it into a first-class Fourdrinier machine.
Additional calendar rolls will be added
to give the finer papers a superior fin
ish. When remodeled it will tie in
shape to make the finest writing manil
las and will lie the only mill on the
coast fully prepared for the finer grades
of work. In making these changes it
will be necessary to throw aside good
macninery worth folKX) which will be re
leplaced by better and much more ex
pensive machines, in fact the very best.
It is probable that the new machine
will necessitate more room for handling
the stock which will be more varied than
Among other improvements being
placed is an elevaior for conveying
freight to the third story. The machin
ery ordered to make all these changes
comes from the best paper machine
makers in the United States and a part
lias already been shipped, l tie con
tract requires that it should all leave the
factory before the first of February. As
soon as it arrives everything will give
way to the improvements which will he
pushed to an early completion.
"In buying a cough medicine for I
..hihlren II. A. Wlkr. ,...,.!.
inent druggist of Ogden, Utah, "never
be afraid to bny Chamberlain's Cough
Th..r ia n .hmw.r frnm !, ,
and relief is always sure to follow. I
particularly recommend Chamberlain's
because I have found it to be safe and
reliable. It is intended especially for
colds, croup and whooping cough."
50 cent bottles for sale by G. A. Hard
ing, It is to our Interest to please every
economical buyer, Bki,lomy& Busch. tf
1 ho A. U. I'. W. KntfrUlumpnt.
Th puhlio Installation and entertain
ment given by Fall City I.ndgu No. 6l,
A. O. U. W.al Shindy's hall wa well
attended, the Imll biiig packed at an
early hour. Th neat iu the body of
the hall wer reserved for memlier of
Jthe lodge and at eight o'clock they
mutvlicd into tli hull in hotly and
filled the apace. Member of tli grand
j '' " oimi.t oeounied
"'"His on the rout rum which wa well
tlllisl. No uttfrUinnint in tint hixtory
f the city ha shown audi careful nre
)aration anil artistic skill a
llayi! hy all who tok trt In the ex
cellent program. Tho Hrfortimmv
were without exception entlumiuslicully
encorMl. Of the ninni, Mra. K. K.
Wtlliams, Miiw Ncita Itarlow ami Mm.
K. K. Charman fairly aurvaiwt atiy
previoua etlorti while Mina Annei Watt
of l'ortlntul won hiiih rale from alt
'to t that tt hod amounted to fW.tkM,
tHK' h"1' U,,M um
Hold paml Mta, buv he a.l.Ul
' 0n''n ,liJ Pul
I lie ailoresi ty lion. tieu. v .
ttrowne I waa carefully prepare! full of
uj;v'i"tiv 'houlitH and delivered in a
'' inp--m,e
atyle hitthly
pleasing to his audiemv. The program
as presented was as follows:
Aditrvss ol WeliMine, by It, U Sieneer,
IV I). M. of Kails l ily l.mlge No ML
Kespuuse, by Neton Clark, lirand Ke-
conlerof lirand lHlge of Oregon.
Iuet " Merry, Merry ar We." ('ouies.
'' ' sle.te.t! .' . .'
Miss Amies Watt.
instrumenU! Silo, Come Hack to Krin"
- Kulie. Itentrice Harlow.
Solo "Alpine Klcwers," W'eksrlin.
Mm- K. K. Cl.srman.
l.altes VJiiartel ,".v .Ma.ia. Alii
Mrs. Cliarnmn, Mm. Williarss, Miss Wall,
Miss Itarlow,
Installation of ottli-ers of Falls City Uxlge
No. ,V), hy It J. Hawthorn, (iraml Mas
ter of (iraml l.oilge of Oregon.
Address by 0. H. Whit more, Oram! In
structor. Address by Hon. tieo. C. llrnwiiell, of Falls ;
City laalge No. ..
Closing exercies, concluding with closing
oilr, sung by all present.
During the exercises Mrs E. E,
Williams presided at the piano except
when she sang in the ladle's ipiartette,
when A X. Dresser played.
fiMttliiir Hum.
NowtlmUh. Portland General Flee-
trie com pa tip are alxiut lieguining ex-
'ensive improveuien. on-m' wiu.v
ing an outlay of hundreds of thousands ,
of dollars and requiring the hthor of
hundreds of men. their plan of paying,
their workmen is commanding consider
able attention, and notwithstanding the
fact that it allows but one-half the
wages of an employe to he used in le-1
fraying thecost of living, the rest living I
applied to the purchase of land Irom the !
r n 'r,,,,.v "m'r',1 I
approval as pviiirncpii riy ine laci inai ;
thus far the ccmpany has been tillable ,
ti- employ near nil that offered. The i
plan ia to issue land receipt certificate
for one-half the amount each man has
earned, which certificates can bejused in I
purchasing land In tne new town at the
market price at the time w hen the selec
tion is made. This land will 1 placed
on the market in the early spring and
is excellently situated, and will be con
venient in location and easily reached
from both side of the river. In price
it will range from the cheapest lot to
expensiveatid choice residence locations.
One of the principal reason actuating
the company in this matter is their
desire to give employment to men who
want to become permanent fixtures with
homes of their own. These men make
better laborers, and more contented, I
thrifty, and are more watchful oyer their
employer' interests tlinnsiii l.au have j
no fixed abode. It is the inteulion of
the company to make of this a maim
fai'ttiring city, the greatest on the coast;
and they want by this moans to invite to i
come here as settlers the very best class j
anil to help thein in their endeavors to ,
secure a home of their own. With this '
in view prices will be made reasonable,
steady work will be given good men, j
those with families being given the!
preference. These are two considers- I
tions which commend it to the thrifty
home sleeker. It enable him hy thrift
and economy to aeijuire a home, mid i
while, doing this ho is "learning to be;
economical and to save money. There
is also this feature which is appreciated j
by many viz: it enables men without
means to make an Investment in
t(wn w,j,.h 1HH th resources to make
it arid 'he prospects of being a very lurge
city in the near future.
On Tuesday L. II. Calkins made his
regular annual trip to this city and at-
I tended to some business matters. Mr.
! Calkins is 77 years old yet appears as
'" viK"r""" hs most men ol W),
"H e"ceptin one particular.
,,,,r1i?Kth" W1" r",;eivt"1 n
ll" "m,! " "w" '"" "V-
mg or Ullllia u, any iev.
On Wednesday Judge Fonts united in
marriage Mr. Edwin T, F'ields anil Miss
Josie Sinshoimer, both of this city. The
groom has been known from boyhood as
a bright energetic young man, and he as
well us the bride, who is eoually well
and favorably known, have many
friends who wish them a happy and
prosperous journey through life,
1 1
Happy and prosperous new year
And offer a grand now year salo of
ill 'S
The season is at hand whon it is tlesiral.lo to dear sltt'lvcs ami counters for the itnnuttl in
ventory, uikI we wisli to rt thiPo our sNn k. For this reason we will oiler the
Greatest Sacrifice Sale
Buys during this salo
Any suit or overcoat in our store. Ono-tenth off
on all boys' and children's suits and overcoats.
The Most Complete
and only first
Quality consider
ed, our prices are
always the lowest.
Cor. 7th & Madison, Shively Building, Oregon City
Take your babies to the New York
gallery and gel a good picture while you
have the chance.
Sunday Services.
f'HKIHTIAN llt'KCII-Hrvlr.. rvery Ntiir
ilnv Kl II A . M at Shively Imll. I'ri'iti'lilliK
i'nli'l aii'l fmirth Suuilny ill encll IlionUl by
Uf v il. i. Stanley.
Klltsr CDNUItKU ATIONAt.CH Itltflll -K
O. W. I.I'can. 1'H.t'ir. Hflrvirxfl nt 11 a. m. unit
7 HO r a. Hiiwluy HihkI nlier murnliiK er
ylee. Prayer meeting Wwlnewtny evetnltK nt
7 .anu'liH'k. I'raynr meeting of Voinnt lv.iU',
SiM'lety nt Chrlnttnn Kmleftver uvnry HiiihUy
evening all pr.inpt.
I'ahhkh P"'ir MnniliiK Hervlen nt II Hiiihhty
Hehiml at I'iH; KventiiK Hervlre Hilt; ItuKuUr
prnyer mretliiK Weilni'.dsy evening. Monthly
Covenant Meelliiij every We'lneclay evening
preieillng tlie flmt Hominy lu tliu tnimtli. A
eornial Invitation to all.
Hll.l.KliKANI), 1'anlor. On Hoti'lay iroiHHat M aiol
tO;;m a. M- Kvery neeorul ami fourth Hiiiolay
German ermon after the s o'clock mn
At all other maHi! Kuxllwh ermniia, Hnnihiy
School t I 'M r. a. Veier, apologetics!
illijectH, ami lleiiecllntlnn at T :'M f. H.
O. hvkkk, cantor. Morning nervleo at II;
Humlay School al llMli; Kvenlng crvlcc Hi 7:110.
Kpworth League meeting Humlay evening at
.10; Prayer Meeting Thursday evening at 11:111).
trangera oonllally Invited,
W. iIihonkv. Paator. Hnrvicea at II A. M. ami
7:110 H. m. Hahliath School at 10 A. M. Young
People' Society of Christian Kndeavor meets
every Sunday evening at l). Wednesday
evening prayer meeting at 1:U. Heats tree.
KVANO'!I.ICAI,t:ilt'l!H fSKHMAN- Aim.
Kknst, Pastor. Preaching services every alter
nate Sunday at II A. M and 7 :W i'. M.
Kabhalh school ovnry Hune ly at IU A. M. (.lohn
llarrlshergcr, Hupt.) Weekly Prayer Meeting
every Wednesday evening
Williams, pastor. Service first and third Hun
day mornings and the preceding Saturday
night In each month at Oregon City, at II a. m.
and 7 p m , and tho first Humlay afternoon nf
each month at Kails View. I
Posson's Seeds Grow
Blili AUI'Pl.lKft,
RIAY pi in PS. RTC.
Wish you a
liiiKirtcrs nml tlei'ler in
dice Family Croceries
Selected Teas,Pim Coffees & Spices.
Butter & Cheese from best dairies
Fruit and Vegetables in Season.
This old and reliable firm always keep In .(J,. a 1m o(
tan, H ii Iiifitri
Mm, Ti wanjic.
Plimibiiig, (ins
Attcmlcd to
MILLARD J. LICIC. . . . pronri '(
Fruit and Ornamoi.liil Titos, Hlirubltn-v Ff,
This "ad" sent to us with a
Business Conducted
On Business Principles.
One Price to All.
Positively no con
nection with any
advertising scheme
Filling & M)hn
lroinplIy. Is.
for Oatalugw la g(KMj for