Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 27, 1893, Image 4

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
tullialte(l Kvery FVIdny.
iuhusukk and vi;oi kikivk.
(hem and eilected an arrangement ftr tree TIIK COl'NTY IHVIKION IUI.U
movement over the third. Hut the business
has been mismanaM and the loud virtu-) Su K 'XHTotmii Kiuto: --There
j ally wasted, ami now ther is demand Kir.j m" ,H,,,r lecMalvire entitled, "An
) more bonds, without ttarU lo the hutlei ' A'1 IVlliie tli ltouiiilarlea of Multm
jvrtsrrsx. .-r.-ri.is . .(jy lru, h(kuklni r lh!m,, Omnly." Th heading in attnple
I VIC i'aM'awrsottheoitv. jenough, but when we consider that the
"Isn l ittiuietoeall a halt t Isn't it tint j """unary "nei m me mil include nil that
lo hearken to the voice ol prudence and ; V1'1 1,1 OacUnias county west of the Will,
judgment uil ivnurnm sense? Here is I nietl and not tli of the Clackamas river lo
oily putting itself under heavier taxation '' ,n ''(' of the Cascades, 11 will he seen
than any other in any stale of this union, I 'I'" ' dtsu.cnihcr this comity.
In the city of New York, under the protll- ,",s lv",M lalkml of. and the people,
gate government of Tammany, the entire; " lulil he tried; and el while there
tax is on valuation or .M to Ht )er I l'ti'ion helor the legislature asking (or
cent. But here, on a similar valuation, we j passage of the bill, ainl said to contain
are to have mow than .louble that amount j names, we have yet lo hear of a remou
nt tax, ami apparently Hie- limit is not yet '"ne against ils passage. If "silence
nearly reached. Heretofore Tortlaml iias ; Kivs eousent" are we, the Clackamas dele
jttvw n because it has had prudent business Kation, to understand thai the ople of our
management. Hut the voice ot the tHHuner
ami exploiter Hiut non-taxpayer is now up
On year, - -
8;x mouths, .......
Turv mouths,
Subscriptions parable ii vtvanc
Atceriising rates liven ou application.
Entered at the Post Office In Oregon City, Or.,
as kecomt class matter.
Th KNTKKl'KISK guarantees a larger bona
lite eirenlatien than that of th ether three
paper la the count combine!.
Csnhy. -Cla'-kamas,
tmou Mills.
Mea.l.vir Brook.
fcew Krm.
I'ark Place. -
Eagle Creek,
'. erryviile,
li. W. Pnvsser
vieo. Knucht
A. Msiher
(irv A Wissuitfer
U J. Trtilltuter
K Hrsmhsll
I'hss Hoirasu
W. S Newlvrry
Henry Mlley
Hamllton A V sshhuru
. Mrs. 0. A Shepparit
T V I'rvwa
J. O t)e.
- - C. T Howard
- R. M I'ooper ,
- S. M. M.sHty
M. Hanmaa i
B Jennings :
- - F ;lesy
L J Perdu
II. Wilnern '
John Welsh i
J. t:. Klliott
K. OiitM-h
Mrs. W. M. M. lntvre
ei. J. I urnn
! rimvst, ami dehls are votiM without
I thought of ay d:iy.
j " It may he that no protest ill stop the
i further issue of bonds, till it lie found that
j capital shuns place where it is subject
to such exactions, and the city is landed In
j the slough of general bankruptcy."
j What shall it prvlit a man to tie set oil' in-
to Multnomah county and he thereby gain
I svkkI roads, if for the pri ilege be has to sell
; his term to pay the lour per cent tax, with
i debts increasini;?
M.J. Hammer
Adolph Asohort
Tn " hold ups" are becoming numer
ous In Portland that the papers run that as
separate heading, ith a goodly array of
items underneath. Attempts on the part of
thugs to secuw booty by taking the unwary
oil lien at an unguarded moment are tut-
j merous and frequently uctssful notwith
j standing the determined elt'orta of the oftl-
cers to put a check to the nightly depre
I dations. If th police of Portland continue
1 their work of rxternduation against these
j gentry the result will be to drive th tna
I raudei-s out, when Oregon City and other
i outlying towns will hegin to sutler from1
, their depredations. Officer ami citizens
should be preparid for this ami should g've
any "hold up' a warm reception. The
iiPKTIAL OFFER. j early com put ion ol the electric line will per-
The KsrsKeaisE will be sei.l until March I mit them to ply their occui ation her and
l"th, ltt, for 2' cents. Cot'gr-ssional and still live in Portland. Let no one who is
legislatives priH-eodinps in lull. All the ! out nights be caught napping. Ottr streets
county are willing that it should be dis
membered In this manner? It would seem
s. This (sfiition will have its effect, ami
the Mulinoiiinh delegation, or at least a pan
of them, will work it for all it is worth.
If there are any In Clackamas county who
are against this scheme we would like to
hear from them. While some of the Mult
nomah delegation will not sanction this
scheme we need the help of the eople lo
defeat it. I cannot see w hat the oeonle ol
ailV tKirtion ol Clackamas emnitv w-nnl l.t I
go lo Multnomah lor. If they thereby gel
better Mada they will have lo pay all they
cost. So far as I can learn through the On
gonian, Multnoinah's toads are.no better
than ours. When they become a part ol
that county they will be without any influ
ence whatever. Any one that reads can
see and know that Portland bosses the rest
of the county; Ihecountry portion is only a
silent partner, and a very silent partner, too.
To cut oil a portion of Clackamas will
work a hardship on the rest ol the county
in t'ue mailer of taxes, and the portion thai
will lie "taken in'' by Multnomah will pay
as high taxes as at present, if not more in
the near future. Juki. P. Ii.
City TreitHuiw'a Molloo.
Nollco la t.eroby (tlvett llmt llitun am
(inula ou liaml aulllclotit lo pay wammu
No. 17, ttl, .8, III, SH, i!0 ami '".', on
tlorainl IVooniht'i Hll, Interest coaaoa
with tlaln of llila n-ilico,
K, .1. l.ot'ia, Oily TiOHNtmir.
t)n'g"U City, Jatiliaiy ttl, ISlKl tl
Allenliuii X,u,
Afttr January Im alutvlnu ill(i'.5
ivnts at KnriiMworlli'a liarliur aliop No,
4 Coinnu'rclnl bunk liliH'k. Quickest
ami cleanest woik In tlio city, Uihl t lit
artist will be in attendance to polish
your hIiooh and put you iu picsonlitble
If you want
plv to (', O. T
lo liny lota In llolton ap
. Williams, agent
CotuUT ai'd city jiews, ixmrt t d city
ft u- cil protwilu p! retortei in full. Try
the Kntfkpici.sk aiitt hovv it ciniuire
uh our tettsjMiHT favorite.
are tn ha I condition aixl lrams and crimi
nals of all clas-es who try to infest the city
should !e ornamented with a ball and
chain and set to breaking rooks.
There seems to be ami undoubtedly is a
general demand for the repeal of the in
debtedness clause and the mortgage tax
law. The legislature should heed and obey
any wish of the people either expressed or
known, which is not objectionable, vicious
or w rong iu itself or it effects.
Iu tbii case the etiectsof existing lawsare
known to be pernicious and detrimental to
the best interests of the state ami the major
ity of the people thereof, and it is the duty
of this legislature to provide such remedial
laws as will in their operation relieve the
unjust ami unequal burden of taxation.
The evil Is a great and growing one which
ought to' have beeti remedied long since,
tut in the absence of such action by previous
legislative bodies the present one should hes
itate no longer but act at once and fo the
fcet of their knowledge act to relieve the
burden which Tails most heavily ou men
on nil g property valued at from one to
Oiree thocsaud dollars. It should be reme
died now because these laws are evil, op
pressive and unjust in their effects, and it
is right that some better law should take
their place.
?The reason just given ought to be suffi
cient to secure for any remedial legislation
every republican vote in both houses. If
Ciat will Dot effect 9uch a result then it is
hardly possible to expect them to support it
f-jT any other reason. In our judgment it
is toe duty of the republicans to repeal the
obnoxious deduction and mortgage laws at
his session when they have the power and
are in great measure reK)nible for legisla
tion. Vnlesa the republican majority heeds
die demand of the people (or a change in
the laws there will be a change of dominat
ing parties and republicans will be relegated
to the minority. Oregon is naturally re
publican by a large majority, but it will not
be with that party arrayed in its legislation
in direct opposition to the wishes of most of
those who believe in the principles of the
purly. Plenty of warning has been given.
It it be heeded by the passage of wise, con
servative and equitable and just assessment
and taxation laws.
As ch i km am ofa special joint committee
from both houses, Senator Cross visited
Astoria last Friday to inspect the jetty and
pilot schooner. Of fiat visit and our sena
torthe Astoria Iaily Examiner says:
"H. K. Cross, republican senator from
Clackamas and Marion counties, is another
member of the seial legislative committee
that arrived this morning. He is now serv
ing the latter half of his senatorial term.
Mr. Cross is a genial, wholesouU-d man, and
commands the respect and esteem of his fel
low senators. He is regarded as a conscien
tious and upright man, hound by convic
tions ol right and duty. Being in his prime
he is classed high in his party. Clatsop
couutv is grateful to Mr. Croas. He wasone
of the earliest and most earnest supimrtcrs
of Senator Fulton for the presidency of the
senate, and he stayed with him till he was
seated in the chair."
Thkkx is a marked difference between the
messages of the goemors of Oregon and
Washington concerning the state militia.
The former, with the lull know ledge that the
Oregon militia compare favorably with
that of any other state, is yet demagogue
enough to oppose it because the populists
see in an organized militia a trained body
which may be called iis.)n to thwart same
of their anarchistic proositiona by pro
tecting persons and proierty. The gover
nor of Washiugtou, like all straightforward,
unprejudiced and npright citizens, recog
nizes ttieimrtanceof maintaining the or
ganization and is not afraid to say so.
Th opposition of certain parties to being
included within the city limits is in our
judgment uncalled for and unseemly. Those
who are most strenuous in their opposition
are men who have gained most by their
contiguity to the city. Their proierty has
been greatly enhanced in value, and they
enjoy water, light and sidewalk privileges
while they pay for none but for the use of
water. If these were poor men and unable
to pay their tax the proposition to include
them in the city would fie wrong; but
they have land and are able and ought to
pay for benefits derived from thecity.
.. . . .
The lirst tiiennial report ot the state Uard
jol charities, of which I'r. W. K. Carll Is an
active and elllcient Member, is Iwl'ure n.
It is a larue. couiprvl ensiie and interesting
hook of l'.to pages and deals exhaustively
with stale, county, city and private institu
tions lor punishment, cornction, reforma
tion or cliarilahle urposes. The bonk I
well hound and amply illustrate I with cuts
ol most of tne various institutions in the
state. Some of them are rickety old inn.
cerus, groti s.Ue and unsightly iu the ex
treme; the city Jail at Medlord being the
mo-t noticeable, being an old wooden Pudd
ing boarded up and down, whilenuiiierous
advertisements adorn ils walls. The new
jail Just now being completed in Oregon
City is illustrated ami shows up to better
advantage than any other like institution in
the slate, ol the jail the re-ort says:
"It is gratifying to be able to state that
the old city lock-up at Oregon City is soon
to lie replaced by one intended to be the
best one in the state. '-is have
been drawn under the advice of Dr. V. E J
Carll, a member of this hoard, for a new
city jail. It will adjoin ami become a pan
of the city hall, and have brick walls lined
with wood. It will tie two siorlet In height,
tne up-r Moor being Used for women and
boys, and the lower for ordinary prisoners.
It will have cement floors, water closet and '
sink with running water, and possibly a ,
bathtub. In its double leature. pmviding !
for boys and women especially, it will excel
any city Jail in the state, except the one in
Portland, since none other provide for wo
men or boys separately. In other respecla
it will be superior lo the Portland jail."
Plans of the new Jail and an engraving of
the old one are given.
)Wr (AroHpk
wild Catarrh,
llimlly and com
nleii'l'v, or you
hove i'sl In ,),,
That what la
prunuanl you, no
matter how bad
Jrour emi or of
low kititf atMiiit.
Ing, by Uu proprietor of lr. Kage's Catarrh
Catarrh can be cured. Not with the pol
enmia. Irritating amiira ami strong, cau.tio
anlutiona, that simply pnlluttu for a tune, or
pei hum, drive the. lisuw to the Inn but
With Dr. Koge's llcmedr.
The worat case yield' to Its mild, aunlhln;,
ckauMtng and beating mipertliw, " Cold u
tlx Head." msslm but a few appllivtaai
Catarrhal Himlache, and all the efT-t of
Catarrh in the Head - such a iiireiwtv
breath, loaa or Impairment of the um of
taste, smell and lustring, watering or weak
eye ore at one rwlleved and cured. -
In thouaathla of casm, wliera everything
else has failed, lr. rioge's Keinedy ha pro
ducts I perfo-t and pnniiaiMit eurea That
fivea ita proprleUir faith to look Ua offer,
i s AMU), or a cure, Tlwy mean to pay you,
if they oant cur you.
Nntlrenf appllratloa for Saloon Urens.
Nollce Is herlty (lieu list the uii,lrrslti.t
will appiy m llie elty iSMiert! nl Or,.,, illy.
i,rrvHi, si inr rmuiitr ini-i I nit in rrnritsry l,t
rec,tiiniuisilil to uie in-,n,, n.p a sslo-io
Mslti street eelaeeti I htrd sn.l rnrih In snld
euy rotiaa , km y.
lireip'ii t'lly. tireiioii, .Isuiisry n. Is a
Nolle of Application fur Naluen Urease.
Nou-r Is hert tiy niven lli-l the tin.lersliiiKsl
will applv t" the t'lly cixinrll ,-f urit i iiy,
Hr.-Koii, ! llir remilsr incu.nc In Frf.,srv lor
llu- r-'ltltioisU.,it of Ih,, Jic-n-e tor s saloon
on Mstn. lK-tweeu Koitrih sn-l Kit'1, -reu tu
atdeitv Iu. is ftm-nm 1(1.
Oregon t'lly, (.frtfoll. Kehrusry J4, ls:l.
Photograph (I all cry.
If ymi wuut aoovl hitinih pvt
him u onll nt liic olil MiiikI o
Hisitt Farr'd Imtchcr nhoji.
A largo assortment of
LieslDs aid ill's his
Your choice of any in tho cntiro
lot for only $2.85.
MANY WORTH FROM $5 to $15.
Come at onco before tho
best is gono.
1 rarrin Jl
t ltFVEMT riTS, l!rvulloK, e.
Hamilton & Washburn
Park Place Cash Store.
GiNaaAL Ht'Ttaa, tbe great will breaker,
ia said tu have left no mil. Perhaps his ex
perience with other men' wills taiiK'lit hi in
the futility of wasting hla lime over a use
less diK-utuent.
Letter List.
The following ia the list of letters remain,
itiK 111 the ixie.1 otllrc at Oregon City, Oregon
January lit, I !'):
Brown, Mr Farmer flail, F M
llerintrorii.Anilrew It Johnson. II J
Raker, Mis Hattie J Miller. Miss Blanche
1 Cox, Miss Mollie
Dillard. A C
Frost. John
(iregory. James
1 i rove, Mrs J K
(iihson, 11 I'
Hum land, K K
ilohbs, Miss Mahle
llowland, Kd
Hiee, Miss Uiiiise
Head, Kid. J V,
Kichardson, II I)
Hinions, Miss Liter
Hi-ott, Ed
Tellefson, Klllld
Whitroi k, Mrs V
WattuVhl, tirace
Walker, J It
If called for please sav when adverti-ed.
K. M. KAN 1)8, 1'. M.
tm that th word. "JOHN BTTFDaUS, Cham
Is, Walworth, Bumy," ar nrixl on Ih
Oornrnmimt Hiamp altliial lo 'h packet,
-8ol4 by all Leading Uruulala,
Leaders in Low Prices.
Their Htuck in complete in
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Janlica re, Cloth in,
Boots and Shots, Notions, l:tc.
Under the ahove heading the Oregon'an
Of last Fr?tlflV EllIU llil,iiUhVa!lv ,l,.ala n-llV, I ,
' ' "
Oie "jtiesticn of taxation in Multnomah
county. VV'econiiiienil it to the careful eon- i
klderatiot: of the citizens of this county who !
S'not:t.n President Harrison deem it heat
j to appoint Senator Dolph to the vacant
1 place on the supreme bench, the people of
this state will esteem it a just recognition ol
J the merits and ability of one of their fore
j most citizens. That our senior senator
I (V,lilt mub. a n..,.l b..aII... .....I .'
are listemns; with favorable ears to the ap- offlccr 1IK)n the ,,,.,, ,, b(, a,imitu.a l)y
peals of the wily Multnomahites to come al. Tne rol,e and ermine coulU fall upon
ever into that county, which they liken to a n0 more worlliy shoulders. . "
land of everlasting delight, abounding in I '
uulk and honey a veritable parmlise, in
fact. The Oregoiiian says: Thk proposition to begin the manufacture
" Portland is confronted with a tax of I of jute at l''entiary should he care
more than r cent per annum a rate op- j f""-v 8;rut'"'-(l by the legislators Iwhire
pressive to business, if not ruinous. The I ",e eJtlnse s establishing a plant is sad
atatc and county lax will averages 22 mills, j ?1m1 u''" tl,e sta'e- Tt"' eene is seem
tlic city tux 10 mills, the port tax 1 mill, ! i,,,-'ly " P'ai'-if'Ie one, but like other popu
the .m hooi tax 5 mills, tbe bridge tax 2 1! Iar (a'h il is 'l"ite certain to appear better
n.ilU; total V) mills or i per cent; and yet j on t,apt'r tl,an in its wrkings. We cannot
on every side there is clamor for more. ! co,"mi hasty act to be repented at lets-
More bonds are to be voted; the various ! ure even ir"'e P'vernor doea recommend it.
deparlnienta of the city
Ti'iiclii'i's Kxamlnullon.
Notice is hereby giving that for the
purpose of making tin examination of all
persons who tuny ollor tlit'inselvea lis
candidates for toacliers of Hit) sclioola of
Ibis county, llie county mcIiooI niiporiii-
, leniie tu uiereot will tioni a public ex
, amination at tin; court bonne in Oregon
tity, beginning rutiruary 8 lH!Ki at 1
o clock p in. Those, desiring to apply
for s'.ttlu ccrtificatea or state diplomaHtH
will apply Feliruury !), lH'.KI, at II o'clock
a. in.
Dattttl this HMli day of January 1K!):,
11. H. (iimioN, richool Supt.
( lackaniii county, Oregon.
Country Produce Handled.
Uncletalring and Embalming.
New q
Goods, p
New si
!You M
Will 2
Class p
And p
Very 0
!8 XrrfW
government are
cjamorous for more money; the city
ball is to be provided for; enormous ex
fienses for sewers and streets are to be met
in every direction. And the clamor for
more bonds and more taxes increases, and
the prudential objections of taxpayers are
drowned in the roar of those who shriek for
more bonds and taxes and themselves pay
Tw o years ago bonds to tbe amount of
fiOO'OO were authorized for the purose
Of providing free transit over the river with
in the limits of the city. This was prelim
inary to consolidation, and consolidation
was voted on the understanding that this
am for the present was to be sufficient, was
not to be exceeded. ' Manager judiciously,
it would have opened the three bridges to
free traffic would have purchased t,wo of
Annuo our numerous exchanges, Includ
ing several of the best published, some of
which are democratic, only one, the Wel
come, has made the death of ex-President
Hayes the occasion for a bitter partisan at
tack on his administration of the altairsof
the nation. Only a shallow mind would
stoop upon such an occasion to assail the
record ofa man lying in his coffin.
Attn now conies Robert, the " ineligible,"
lurnamed Miller, and wants to be minister
to Turkey to succeed Hon. I). P. Thompson.
Meanwhile he Jims accepted the clerkship
ofa joint committee of the Oregon legisla
ture. Robert evidently doesn't now con
sider himselfineligible, and believes in tbe
principle of "small favors thankfully re
ceived." -
A Million of Friends.
A friend in need isafiii .e! iiulim!,
ami not lesH than one million people
found just bucIi a friend in Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption, (JougliB,
and Golds. If you have nuvur lined
this lireat Cough Medicine, one trial
will convince you that it has wonderful
curative powers in all (ii'HcaHCH of Throat,
Chest and Lung. Kach bottle is guar
anteed to do all that is claimed or money
will be refunded. Trial bottles free at
Geo A Harding's drug store. I.urge
bottles !)0:. and $1.00.
Jf ilk, Milk
Having assumed entire control of the
Mentor Park dairy by the purchase of
Mr. Ilemelgarn'g interest, I urn pre
prared to furnish pure milk delivered to
any part of the city at reasonable rates.
Orders can be left at 0, W, Lovejoy'g
and F. T. Barlow's on Main street or
3. D. Henner'B on Seventh street.
M. W. Ranball. tf
.. -A ,L
TlieS. B. Headache and Liver Cure,
isa ( DUIVQIO t Mt'uicw
If Taken as Directed, we thiamine Katls-
hie.liuii or Keliinil Yuur Money
Don't Sicken. Don't Crlpe.
00 ctiiils pur bottlu, by 1, M. Andiikwh,
tliflHnvent.il street druggist.
'WW nruuwif
rrrn .jrt-w
A new and onmpleta trestment, eoiislHtfiti; of
RiipposHnrles, Ointment In Capsules, also In
Hnx anil Pills; a positive cure tnr Kxlernal,
Internal, llllnil or blenlliig, Itching, t 'liriinlii,
Keeent or Hereditary Piles, mid niKtiy disease
and female wimknoKscs: It Is always a ureal
betifllt to the irenenil liealtli. The flrt dis
covery of a medical Rurerntnlerlntan operation
with tho knife iinueeeNsary heresftur. This
remedy hasuever been known to fall. 91 per
box. a for $5: sent by mail. Why suffer from
this terrible disease when a written guarantee
Is given with six bnxea tn refund the money If
noteiired. Hend stamp for free sample, (iuar
antee Issued by WooruanCI.AHKK 4 ('o. whole
sale and retail druggist, vui agvut, Portland,
Friend of Woman.
The very ri'iiiitrknhle ami citihiii roin.f Kven
wiiiiriiiKHMi ny itiifort-s lli'venli-il Ucnii'dy
his win for It ilin limn nl Wiimnn's Krl,-n,l
It Is uniformly micctiKHful In relieving their
ilellcnte allmuiils.
Htiinds iieerleas ns the natural remedy perulnrly
auaili il to the wants of womankind.
Hrattlx, Jan. '20, mill.
"I want you to publish tny testlinniilal fur
Moiiaie's Hr.vKAl.Kii Kemkiiv, for It has henna
grand thing Inr me, lor It has cured me of head
aches, from which I have snirereit whenever I
became chilled, lor the last Hluien yimrs; I Iihv
mfl'ercd nerleet torture lortweiuv fnur h,,,,.. ...
a time, sometimes retelling lor three hours with
out any resiaiui iinanin uigot nelii Iriini ny l
the niiniberlnss rnmeilles tried. Now I am free
inim urn siiiiorniK, mr aiine nrst symntom n'
on ol these attneks I take a good ib,n .f
" Monro's Kevealed," and that Is tho end of It
It has also cured mo ol constipation. My hus
band says It has saved his life, unit he wu,1,i
bo without It. We aro both so happy over It we
cannot say uiioiikIi In Its favor, nuii .,ii.....,i
our friends to use It." 1
Cor, 12th and Jackson Ht., Hostile, Wash,
fT"Fur laid by all druggists.
Cooke's Stables,
W.H.COOKE, Manager,
Htircemi.ri.il'. II T I. i:.
Comer Fourth n, Main Strt,.tis
"' "", ('Uv' "i'"' "I y -l-scrlpiio,,
furnislieil on slioit oti, e.
AH kinds of Truck and IVIuery lis.
'k'hh promptly alli.n,,., t,,,
Morsiis liour.le.l an, I i, i
''lu terms. 1 "' 0,1 r,'"'"i-
mm or ANY
ileal ring
n - - "i ii if.
Snop Carpenter's Work
Doors, Windows and Blinds