f ) ' Oregon City Enterprise f ".VOL 27. NO. 13. OHKdON CITY, ORWJON, ITtlDAY, JANUARY 27, 189.': ESTABLISHED 18CC i. i. i AT I' t tl w 1 .' linll twurt ihmiwhm Hi.i Monday lit Ku ( niwr anil third Monday In A II. ... fn.l.i euurt In aaaaiun Sr Monday In eauk t iMiiiilh 'I'ail .1 I ....... ,..-, ,... .... .h p'1' to"!) mouth "y 'AHKV JollNsoN, LAWYKIt. furnar alibi and Main airtta, Orftt :y. Ores' ItKAI. KnTATK TOHKI.L AMI MiiNKY TO UiAN. ATTOHNKY AT I. AW tMiati ur raoraatv in tuiiain. t)lfle hl lu Ore.. City bank on eib iliooi. c. O, T W II UAM. Ill; I. Ml Ai r. AMI IX1AN AiittXT, 1 IMrlil) of Mtunvy lu loan on III tnuU laorabla : irtn. I A food Una ul bualtiFM, reiidpureaud auburbau Farm rmparty In If u lu .till wu aa.j Until. CrtfrvMn.1itr .M.tni)ii)r ati.ttvml tirbta, Ael 4m In l u'. lloiitlvy i dint Mol (t II 1Y. ATTOUNF.Y AM t'Ol'NSF.LOIt AT LAW j tte or (mi-.b city Hank. I ealoo ritv. MW 'if D" 1 " Mn"- rilVMLI.W A. M KUI.ll.. Kagle t'wk, Oregon. i hi n c UTot ni.it , ATToKNF.Y AM I t'orNWF.Miltri AT WW Mtlll tHI.T. ualo C1TV, OMlUlK. furrO. Alxirarii of Tula. l M-may. Pure- Miiajr, anil I rati. art ciau.ral 1 Uaa Ku.lltvaa ."II . till. , ATTOUNF.Y AT I. AW. WlU. Iiti I I AM. I ta o 1X1 tt Real ttauw aal laaarear. OAr utt Maia nt. Wl aiaib anJ Ktaniu. aaiMia i it, ua 1" M. RAM, a NUTAUY PCHIIC, ItKAI. ESTATE A INM'KANCK. (imro III Ihe fill llffira Rulldltil, oCtn illy, orroh. y it hi iu.UAiiir, BliOKEtt. I.OANM NKlillTI ATKII. City uJ (Viuiity Wrrnt iKHiglit. ISI kt.Vl ( AM ItKAI. MTATK. OfTr In tNwtIH laihltii( (itrm i lijr Or fMIOH f. HY AN. HKAL KMTATK AMI IXHI'KAKI K. Thlfri'. farm iiJ UnhiirVaa .fir1)r Inr aala. I'My arrlyH. nmiily warratlta an4 arurl M n all klixla l.uhi ami a.. taa an l lni.iiir.. n( avrry darilitlii( tiauitnl 10 kif tlnn-a'valtH'ttta OMcw uo atalra In bnllrllui north ! paatofflp I It IIAYKH, ' ATTOHNKY AT LAW, Oaaaon CiT, . onwiuii, Will pfarlWf In all Ihr rmiria ! Ilia alala. Ilflw, rixiivr Malu and Hilli atraxa, inaiia cwurt liiinav . , an cal l. i.i iimiii " OKOWNKI.I. intKiWKK ATTOltXKYH AT LAW, OmwnH t'lTV, ORilclll. Will iraillr III all Ihrrniirl. ol lha alaln. 01 Hi'.', ii.-xt ilimr In I'auAnlil A II u mli jr a drug alnra, rilllK COMMKIU'IAI. HANK, OK OHKIION CITY . Capital, tion.ouu TNANaAC'Ta A IIKNKrUI. KAMKIHtl IU'IN. Iana mailn. tit 1 1 a. ,ll iiimi n l.-.t. Muara ml Itirlinna. Hiiv. ami ai-ll. tailiniiRo on all imliila in Ui 1'iilli'd Hlali'n, hurii ami llmia Kouk. iiH.alta rpi'il"iMl aulijiM'l in liiiM-k liilon-Mt at It.iial ratia allnweil tin Unit iliiHialta. Maiilt npan from V A. M. Iii i r. M. Hnlutilay uvviiliiiia I mm ti to 7 r. M. D C. I.AT0UHK1TK, ITnairlnnt. K K lioNAI.DMON, Caahlur j JANK or OlIKdCN I'l'I'Y, Oldest Banking IlQnse la It: CIU. I'al.l llp('plll,MI,(MIO. PKHnlPltNT, vie rnKaiiiKNT, (lAaiiimi. MANAUKn. Tlllia, I'll A RM A M. OKU. A. HAHKINtl. K. U CAIiriXI.II t iuii.Ka ii, l AiiriKi.n. A (envritl tinkhi Ininlnriaa traiianctittt. lll'pnalla ri'l'i'lvfcl allliJiM't tn I'lwrk. Apprnveil lillla ami imli'a illanouiiuiit. CcpiiiH) ami oily wnrrnnta IiuiikIU. IriiHn n mulii mi nvulliiPli" aumirlty, KirhaiiKf IioiikIiI nml aulit. Cnlli'iHlunr mail promptly. Ilratta aulit tvallanli' In any part ill the worlit, Tnlvxrapliln anlianina .Hi nil Cortland, Hall Fr' nolarii, "hlniiii.i ami New York. lntiimat pU on lima ilipoalla, gilli A-Biila nt I'll K LONDON CIIKQCK DANK. t. V. WHITK. W.A.WIUTK. WHITE BROTHERS, Practical Architect f- JluiUors- Will ji'iipare plana, elevtulntia, worklnK dtv talla, And apanlfluailoni lor all klmla ot build, lima. Hneolal attimtlon alvnu til modern out tavea. fcatlmatea tiirnlahod nn anpllnatlou Call on or addran WlllTK BKOH.. Ormuu City, Ogn fa mm ORKGOX CITY, Orcyon. lirflofYonrLife is Sjeut IN BED. We al"l (hi incniiM in conniM-tinn with imnic othi'tH tn inform nor numcrou frii nda nml tiiilrntiit tlmt we are in tin' (IpM with a in linn of fiw mft wmil mul cittim inat tridwii, friii( IniU, cotd, cril ami kiiiilml kkmI. Our liniv, with no rxti'tii!i, in th finont and nwt cunipli to in lliia ciitiiity, Our fucilitii H ar nui h that no ooinimriium ran Ik; tnu.la ami wi- can amniro you of prompt wrviefH and mir U't ulli iitmn to ymir waiitn. UICLLOMY H HUSCII. SEVENTH STREET DRUG STORE. DR. L. M. ANDREWS, Prop. A Full Line o Fresh Drugs and Medicines. Patont Medicines of all Makes, Notions, Optical Goods Full Slock Of Machine Oils, Beat and Cheapest. Kino sciiTtion of rorfumrry aiul Toilrt Soaps. And Ix'ad inj: Brands of Cigars. I'HIX IlllllOai i-tltl.ri I.I.V I'll. I. r.i Klilvrly' Murk, ...... cireyon City, Or. THE Oregon City Sash and Door Co. Carry tho Larg nt Stvk of ISibh, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Etc. In Oregon City. Special niwn of I Wra ami Windows mudo to order. Turning of all kind Estimates for Stair Work and Store Fronts r-'iirninhed on atlieatioii. Huilders, give tin a call, and ne if our work in not of the lient, and our iriivn us low an the IowphL Triee Lint writ on application. Factory, Cor. Main and llth Sts., Oregon City. OREGON CITY -All Tinniiiir, IMiimbinir and General Jobbing DON H TO OKDKR ON SHORT NOTICE. SEWER AND WATER CONNECTIONS MADE At the must reasoimhle rates. work in done with a view fa) hop an air mill Nt., ni'iir Iki'iiut, J. JONES HKA1.KR IN Doors, Windows, Mouldings, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES. Cuhinet Work, Fitting up Stores and Repairing of all kinds. Jobbing Orders Promptly Executed. niit'iM tiii: i.owicmt. 4S"Hhop corner Fourth anil Water HtroetH, back of Tope A Go's, Oregon City - THE WINTER TERM OF THE Pacific University and Tualatin Academy, WILL DECIN TUESDAY. JANUARY 3, 1893. For catalogues and full information address, Thomas McClki.land, Pres., Forest Grove, Or. HEADQUARTERS FOR Fine Groceries, Fruits, Feed, Meats. Baskets. Tubs, Buckets. Tobacco, Cigars, Confectionery. JOBBING SHOP. kinds of- to last and niitinfv all concerned. A W. SCHWAN. Onunn I'll. ' & SON, CONGRESS IS SLOW lllhliop llruolM and Sujircnir Juh 1 Ice Lamar I'mnh Away. (IK VILA mi huuim; A tABIHCT. Hur Wrfk III t'nairrraa Itlninr'a ( nu-dlllon-lrtlna aad llieka ' W'rTki. anAT. The ri-ulution ot Woliiitt, ilirwtjnif ilincnlilliiiiuiirt" uf tlir imIv of ('ultimljiao ixwlAKe aluiniw, aa nlrn-iJ to llie ont" ulliiii i uniiiiiilf.'. Kfimtor Ibili'li liat mM-uwil a favora lilit r.frt fmtii tlm coiiimitti'e on pule lie tuiMlti)fa ami rutiiils of lila bill (or l lm f m-liuii ot a itofnre buililirig at I'.akr r City, Or , alao, a (avuiable re urt on lila Riiii'iplmiMit to tbe duiiilry ' civil apiri.rUt 2V),X for the ublic IhhIiIiiik a i'ortlaml, nl to iiiririiw the luiiil of tlieroat of the buililinx to 1,(KK),- The rrpubliran m-iiatorial caurua tlii (tTri(xri iln'lilnl tiy a majority vote to late favitralile artion itwil the aliniaalm of the lerriUirii-a of Oklalioiua, I'Uh anil New Mi-1 in), but lc-ll Ariiofiaout iu tbe ClIJ. llot'aE. Muni ol FriJay ilevotnl to tbe itn iniraliun bill. Kay nor of Maryland, in advocating tlie hill. aid aror.ally lie would bein favor of auajiendinK iinrni Ifration Irom infei-ted port until all dan lir of tbe iliaeaae had paad. A num ber of amendment of various import were moved and defeated, alien Cork ran olTi-red an amendment providing that notlilng in tbe art ahall Ire con atrneil to authority any federal olTicer to relax, moilify or iua.end any rale, pre caution or regulation adopted by I be tate or inuniripal authority for the ex clunion of diacaaeii, nor permit the t-n-trance nor diacliargeof any vexeel, where quarantine regulation are eaubliahed by vurh aiitbontiea until the vwwl ball have complied with thene regulation. After tiiu dincneiyn and an attempt to leave the word "modify" out, tbe amendment wan aitreed to, W to (W Si-iiator IMpb'a bill to exiend until January 1, the time of payment for furfeiltsl Mailniad land between Vllula, Waah., and Fcrtland, which paawd the aenate the other dav and w BtM-eilily reiHirteil from the bouae com- mittee on ubbc landa, wa called rp by Mr. Hermann and paae.nl thruugh the bouae. It will be aigned by tlie preaidi'iit in a dnr or two. Who Will Eaur tkt Cakliett WAaiiisuTos, Jan. 23. A great many rumor have been limiting atvout regarvl ing the cabinet, one of them being that Ureaham ha been invited to a Beat at Clevelaud'a council board. In cane a number of the supreme judge should die, and there would be enough vacan cies to insure a democratic supreme court, Cleveland might offer Greeham a place on the supreme bench, other wise be is not liable to receive anything from the next administration. Cabinet speculations, which leave Mjrrison out of the slate, are not apt to he very good, In cane the pension bureau is transferred from the interior department to the war department, Morrison may be made sec retary of war. If tbe bill fails to paw, it is possible Mori isoii will be secretary of the Interior. Carlisle is sure to be secretary of the treasury. Dickinson is probably slated for socretay of state, an J Lamoitt will have a place in tbe cabinet. Two men from tbe South and one from the l'acitb const will lie selected. Noted CUrgjaai Dead. Hoston, Jan. S3. Bishop Phillip Brooks died at his residence at 6:30 this morning of heart fuilure, brought on by a tit of coughing. His death was en tirely unexpected. He was taken ill Thursday with asore throat, but nothing serious showed itself until last evening when bis physician discovered dipbteri tie s uiptons and considered a consul tation advisable but at this lime noth ing scions was anticipated. About ti :30 o'clock a. m. the patient wag seised with coughing spasms which lasted for a few moments, and ids heart ceased to beat. Ir. Bench said this morning that death wns caused from heart failure, and not dipbteria. Bishop Brooks preached lust Tuesday evening, Tim Homestead Poljoning. I'lmiiiiKii, Jan. 20. When the court opened this morning in the trial of District Muster Workman Dempsey, of the Knights of I-abor for administering poison with intent to commit murder, a large crowd was present. Judge Stowe, in his charge to the jury, carefully avoided any expression ot opinion as to the evidence given in the case. The jury at 1 :20 p. in. brought in a verdict of guilty on tho J first count, charging the defendant with administering poison to W. E. Griffiths, When Dempsey heard I the verdict tbe color left bis fare and j beads of perspiration stood ont on hi! forehead. With bowd bead be left the J courtroom In company with Attorney j I'orter. Once outside tbe door, Demo- ey was surrounded by crowd of sympathizer, prominent among whom were several inemU-ranf the old advisory committee of locked out llomeaiteaders. To a reporter, Dempaey said that he bad no comment to make, except to reiterate tbe declaration that he wa an Innocent man. Porter said tbe verdict wa a false one, and he would at once make an application for a new trial. The extreme penalty is t-V) fine and ten year' imprisonment. BadBaak Falisrs. Llscoi., Neb. Jan. 22. The startling announcement of the failure of tbe Capitol National bank wa msde a short time after 11 o'clock tonight, and with it came tbe statement that the stale treasurer was caught in tbe crash to the extent of l.'.VJ.OOU. It l stated the failure i a bad one, but the exact con dition can not lie ascertained tonight. The deposits amount to t''25,0X), and of this amount between 175,000 and -V), 0O0 are state funds, for which the bond of Uie treasilrer will be responsible. The capital stock was t'iO ,000. and all paid up. Cashier Outcalt stated thai the arseta would protect the depositors, but there is doubt expressed a to the correctne of the statement. TUS Atl LlI KTS KXAMIXIb. LtHcoi.-n, Neb., Jan. 23 Bank Kx aminrr Uriflith demanded the book of Ihe bank Ibis morning. He soon dis covered that something waa wrong. A large sum is missing and the bank olik ials could not account for it. All they could say wa that it had been stolen. The sum is said to reach f 200, ooo. A Terrible Wr.ck. St. Imis, Mo., Jn. 21. A wreck. which in its consequences was one of Ihe j most appalling and disastrous that baa occurred in years, took (dace between Wain and Alton Junction, 111., this i morning, lire Cleveland, Cincinattj, f.l,ml.na JL Ml Irati. atntr- WMttlorn limited passenger train, consisting of sn engine and four coaches, which left here this morning for the East, ran into a train consisting ol seven tank-cars standing thereon. Tbe result was a fire, and afterward an explosion, which I has already cost six tieraon their lives, fatally injured 19 others, seriously hurt fully 50 more aud caused a great prop erty losa to the company. Clo.elaad InWritwed. SvRAffsx, N. Y., Jan. 21, Grover Cleveland, returning from the funeral of ex-President Hayes, passed through here today. At the station a reporter asked him if be believed the silver re peal bill would be passed. Mr. Cleve land said be hoped so. II had noth ing to say on the question of free coinage. The reporter then asked : "Have you anything toofJr the public on the tariff? Will the McKinley law be repealed?" "I'd like to know what else we are in power for." Aiaooiau Jutico Lamar Dead. Macon. Ga , Jan. 23. Associate Jus tice of the Supreme Court L. Q. C. La mar died here tonight. Death was sud den tn the extreme, for, since the jus tice has, been here, he had appeared gradually to have been gaining. This evening he visited for some time with friend, Dr. Lewellyn, and just afler the doctor left his house, about 8 o'clock he seised with violent pains in the heait and died in a little while. White Homa tjuarantina Baited. Wasiiinoton, Jan. 23. The White House quarantine is practically re moved. Little Mai tbena Harrison has entirely recovered from her illness, and the local health oflicer took from the en trance to tbe private part of the mansion the cards warning persons that scarlet fever existed within. The mansion will not, however, be opened to the general pnblin until the physicians are satisfied that all danger of infection is removed. Respect to LaMir. Washington, Jun. 24 Justice La Mar's seat on the supreme court bench was draped In mourning this morning when the court assembled. Chief Justice Fuller announced Mr. LaM.ir's death, and, without transacting any business, the court adjourned. Most members of the court will attend the funeral. The senate and house adjourned out of resvect to the memory of Mr. LaMar. Water Works Explosion, Gosiikn, Ind., Jan. 21. The water works boiler at Naphancse exploded this afternoon, killing three meu and injuring two others. Mr. Blaise's Condition. Washington, Jan. 24. So encourag ing reports as to even a temporary gain of strength were received from Mr. Blaina'B physician or family today. The impression everywhere is becoming more emphatic that each day now finds him in aome respect not so e!l on the previous day. Everything about the lion tonight appear thus far the as me a nana!. A rtlrn light in the sick room ueen throtigli ths drawn curtain convey no sign ol any thing beyond an ordinary vigil. The physicians at 9 o'clock ay tbern is tin materia) change. Bayrd-CarliU Ltaasl. WAaiusoTOK, Jan. 25. It is said lo be settled that Bayard I to have the port folio of state again, and that Henafor Carlisle will be secretary of tbe treasury. Tlie only other member so far a known to have been (elected for the cabinet I J-amont, who it is claimed, i hooked for secretary of tbe navy. From a moat reliable source come the Informa tion that National Chairman William F. Harrity, of Pennsylvania, ha been telegraphed for, and that he H lo be tendered the postmaster-generalship. Eailraad Bbopi at Bfokaaa. feroKAxi Wash., Jan. 20. The con tract for he Great Northern abopa In this city wa let this afternoon. Tte contract price i fW.OOO, and the eonr tract provide for the construction ol . six buildfmcs, whkb will cover an area of forty acre. By the provision of tlie agreement, the buildinm are to be com pleted by Juns 10. Tbe machinery wi.'l coet $2jO,000. 8tart Aga a Cttaaaa. Caksox, Nev., Jan 24. William M. Stewart waa today re-elected to the United Htatra senate by the Nevada legislature. He wa the silver party candidate and received the unanimor. vote. Ex-Congressman Bartine was lb republican candidate. Btnator Kills f Ttxas. . Aistis, Tex., Jan. 24. The senate and bouse balloted separately today for United State senator. The total vote of both houses was: Mills 14 j, Nugent 9 and Cuney 1 . The result will be offi cially declared in joint aewaiun tomorrow. Ii Going nU to the Cabiatw FaASKroKT, Ky., Jan. 20. Uoverno -Brown received the following letter in today' noon mail from Senator CaiK?e: "I hereby resign tbe office of senate from the state of Kentucky in the con gress of the United States, to take effect . on the 4lh of February. 1K93." Biitao Caadidate ia Wjoaiag. Cuevknm, Jan. 24. Both house s voted lor senator today. Tlie vote were r distributed among sixteen candidate.. (0XURESS. At Last Take Actiud. A bill has been introduced at Wash ington requiring all baking powders con taining alum and ammonia to be so labeled. This is a step in tbe right direc tion, ajid has been long foreshadowed by tbe action of state legislatures, boards of health, food commissioners, etc, fn this matter. The bill affords needed) protection to the public, for tbe eviJ dence a to the injurious effects of alma and ammonia is very heavy; but it will nevertheless be fought bitterly by the ' manufacturers whom it effects who are accustomed to sell their goods as "pure Cream ot Tartar," "absolutely pure," etc. The bill is something needed. If maker uses a drug in his powder, the name of which he does not want to have printed on his label, it is prima facie evidence that there is something wrong. We hope the subject will be vigorously prosecuted all over the country, not only as regards baking powder, but also all other food adulterations. This bill muy incidentally benefit Ihe makers of pure articles, but if it should, th's is only an additional point in its favor. The poets sinu, in dainty rhymes, Of summer days, and sunny climes Of beauteous maidens, passing lair With witching eves ami waving hir, Till, near the end, vou're ail to see 'lis but an "ad"' for P. F. P.; that is, Pierce's Favorite Prescription, the infallible and guaranteed lemedy for all kinds of female weakness, which cures the ailments of feeble, "run-down" and debilitated women, and retores them to yonthfuluess aud "entity once more. Tiie price of this royal remedy, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, is but $1 Oil a bottle, and money refunded in every case if it doesn't give satisfaction, tee guarantee on bottle-wrapper. Speculation Dangerm Searcelj a day passes without tbe the news of some lanxe failure flaahing over the wires the usual result of spec ulation in stock or some equally danger ous venture. The same electric current carries to dear distant friend the sad tid ings of death of loved ones too often the result ot speculation in patent nos trums. Moore's Kevealed Kemedy is ' no speculation but is sold on positive guarantee. Do not fail to go to yonr druggist and ask for your money if not xatistied. We know you will go and' buy another bottle. For sale by a'. druggists i r: , r i For Sal. Four cabinet working benches at Ballomy & Bueoh't. Will sell at a bargain. x o is t e m it-: i '7 I a 7 10) y if ; a e . CO .:it r ivIS r r r B e & a 9 t S S I e. pa ie- "1