0 Jn 1 fill to Tt At fce ft M S c A T fit 8- f IN S I DE THE LIMX i" ,'' ,! n'h?J ,muh tui,,u w Um' I "l m tt!iuiw . fther, . , i Jke lately, hut I w jes' about as nigh , after he had made his wuiwst, "and t ll.'ll lit,, kAf ll I t..iew l.l ...1 I v.-...., ...v.. . , , , .., .... . ,,., , B, ......i, ivu u mm uw now, Aft you nave Welt, 1 111 15011111 til have a, look Attho i alWAVa ilium In .in)) m.it... I ......1 Kobodv Veil know just why fort had fa pM5 iuJ!,,t.PW Thorew.vsuoonUluuuy.'-wa Wat.rW.ig from the ( tell yon Um. it now. hut I am dotus el, cliw.ce Mr fighting anything except sand. His enuiuion did imt voutur j nothing wrong. m ,M1y hehiiim ' iesuUihes. yet there WSS a k line of to tallow Uiiu iu tin oxmHlili.m. noer fell.,, o. .......v.i . i i.. .... !v flrt;i! ,,,- , , ....... ,-, i - , , t . - - " ft..-"., WI'MWU I fcillt.Y ( w.,U v.u,1, l a tu.mi u ifte river Had year by year added to , iny mother would wish we to do it M MNkfet tlm little tova twm which all the strip of hind, and the ol.t (Utbont i "l don't doubt the oAtlom-o of 'your the meu had gone away. j was now nearly hidden by ttto muter- i tntautkNus Will." miid hw father "You Jf Peauty of locatiou had boon a mili- Irtish that had twwu nnlx-tv. tary rniwto, th fort corta.nly ; the water, Tho low hut which UdoniH I yonr h.wt, tuw ma U. btW of your ! 1'oh-h. ir tot. , vvll phuitod. Tlu1 earthworks ruu iwnr . twu the boat's cubiu wm st.U u.diu i h-d in this mttor, .ul will ot yoi. ' thefdjfoor lush bluff, which r al- mid the d.v,vt tiwbcm of Uio hull, i iuto oiiie :ri.r i'nt Uv, XAKltT KrfOKi, Hilow h iilvt'n tli iirwm t'ny Murkut Kdjuti'i, voi us i, J mi, ii-uih iiulnlnui" lUrutnlH'd tlm KsfKKiMiKN h IimiiI lint I 'Jmnts; ! V Ih-.iI, viilU'i', r lumtii'l J 0ti "r ImuIii'I K.m it, Urrmm t'iijr Mills, rr(ltuid hrami JiAKI'Kirs HAZAK, 111 I'M K,VIM. ! MilirKii' Nix ."UriMl '' kmi ti i klt. !ll llllli il mot Ilrl ln'i'l will'-U Mlxl'lt ' Utiiii, mtA il. tiiiMtnnii lhi.iriiiu. l ull. 1 iitiiin, mul ltiilin liel niii'l"'""1 M'lu i lipinMl'i hiii.. miii ii imi' iin imki-r f lilP iifHhllll'll III' -.1 11 ii .11 . IWII.Ii l !' f 'I ,1 lll I l tul. It I HI It. UP HI I mult I iMir.. ill Ihli lllwlir.t $ til ftntii r fin m hi i iHui I tn or? t Oniiiim i ' Mi4lM I lifl'i ! ' llll h '" " t luiiu-ii tit h ntiimiu'ii hi ItK hiiwuiiKii i rna.r tlml l I in inl I ll i'" ..l '.. I II l .11 I tlml M l I l I ' llm ili0mlw t ftiiil fiwl.r il l i Hllli Lull 1 IIIIIIAI (Hi lifwiii Ml. viv" I urn h i i i m l? tHH'kl III lnn.lr.il t I ill , I N V Kt Mt I j Mvii HID! r.inr I I. tin b.iiii't On m In Hi IIU.1 In lll.ll 111. IMIIUIIIMMII inninr im liu.i.l muri.v .i,.i..lu. i-.iiio.t.. . i !' ' 'I' min ' I ' '" . . . I.,. I .... 1 lt. Hill-. 1,1.1 III IllWfll. A HI I" 1 Ktvii yvm uiy word of honor, nir. most twiviMitciiUrly from the atrin of ml Will inti.-...! -ih miM,ri,,i. wna toNr.let. tl.o brown rwr M its wore traces of muMkm hU Jootpriatt , Uuit iu uiy oirottU.M..o t bohv vou fwt. On the other side Louisiana , Udiug to it. would do just wl,U wwh to do." treWhed away to the horuon lmo. level Neyrthek be .toppe.1 quite uiiim-1 "Then hew your minn, nd ro uJ roen as a rdou, ad ... the di- pktoudy over U.o doorway . Uuce fairly . me.uU.r it i. the eommwuler of the fort Unce bit of lake often caught some of within he felt hnu-wlf roughly grnd , m well your fnUmr who u ,.t. yon " gmifn.lthitirwttiiV. ; -You make uous to mU that boy." the Umk .eeu.edtoomverwW.il Wv' .V , ou the ' vu' to hi enw, "ud I'll euwted on hi.-lonelv trip. The tt the Muff Wl no eye for the disuuit j kill you! I tell you I will uever Ik taken i twud of liKl.t nWye th', horuon h.d v.ew. ThrotjK'h nn W m the tree, pn.souer!" i unite d.,d .we,-. n,t the river Wed cliiwms to the sides of the hid he wm 1 The person who lied seued him uow ! Um-ker tluiu the mKltt. Tl... which .iui. miuvnuuaiu wtyet w.v , fsuvd bun. i ho Idiuer him liv tli . ra iilmn H,.i..k .... .i,...i...t.. i .. far Mow huu. Ch.e under the bluff Will .saw youth ecroely older . myStono..8 nn,t Wful uo In, evrt ,? ' " by white ,,,SUy piU.irvd house, aud than him.lf dred iu awohi um- tm hUk elmdow iiuit iL IZ ! Mli itn-Whu,, Ix fore and Wh.ud U were , form. Huh Krip woa liie .!. hit. , iu.ed to contain M u,..y. , wr . wuiMtl s;,uvS of Uwn. Ions ln.ee of fa.-o was so pinched and dr.i-,- ,d hU : h wi not pleaut to think of the " ' ' clipiHHi he.li.vA and avenue of u,aK- eyes so desivratelv .niseraM. l,..t the ennken uu.- ,:' .. ! ! f' " '" : no!i.is. Sm.ethiu.it m its sheltered iosi. , l...rt .f hU , .i .,.-i w i,;... : ...... i.. .T... .... .. .. . . I iitiiam, ..o, j.erl,ei,l . . . ' - - - ....'...v 1111, i .iiikii, .-uv itiiu.t . u.ir VL-a iii.tr w .u-rirf , OIH, 111 T I !i , . , per Ml lint , Mtn "nh,'l turn between the river uud the bank hd , Mved from destruction this estate, whe possessore had given it the fittiait name of the Gimlen. It seemed like a vision of p.t:. .';; to the eyee of the honiesWk Ivy who was gazing down into the enemy's country. From the d.vr of ti nniirh house with in the embankment twourticera watclied the Ivy. The eider. Colonel IVuniiu;, was the counmmditii; oJlicer of the fort. "I am afraid I nuije a uiistuke when I brought my son down here." snid the cohmeL "He is a.'nuwt desjvrnte with loneliness. I was afriid of it, but. it seemed too. hard to have him there after his unit her died." "I thmk you did right to bring him, colonel," said the younger man.' "li's a goo-.! I'lineliij- hay, baltil ;' I'HOIIIH r j I'otatix'ii I Otitons, ' ) Api.i"Vgiwn, wr tmv I Apple, ilriiiliiMirlli , lhii kum j Turkey, ier Hi i tirese, nr do I .inner, Hir III, . , , i . r do , , llotiry, nr lli . . ,H Oi I? HO ' I'J O'l 14 if i fHul lli.iuiilili.t t.. .i.i. , nit ihWi . ninl li U.t piitii U fininm liili.itiil hi tl Hint Im tiiiif In it. nrfc It imii.M ttlmig i Hi.MUtli'il w hlrh l iU tiilriti'.i tn rtumrii li'i(iii nr h-ia ill Im n iltli.n I'V Uitlur lli. din hImI t.iltii. I.IHU I tiri.Mtte miliiniii lltitin h will liirttuti tiiiiHt ill ,! !-,. rmtllo.t " .U I'lii ItMirl iiriii- Ktntf olo r liiiii ii vlnii imi l i HtiiUi-e liritiil imntotiitliil. I lie II 1 1,.' I illllllllltllll 1 lWlUHil . l"ii IM Im it 1 1 v iiiii.i.ihi -I wtni itiiiii iti.oli M,I . IIHIi. I. . lllKHIH1!!. Ill I'lllrll Hl"l H' .i.v ' l.l t.i 4 im l'r 1 nri . M .lil'Ht S M . I IM Ii JO Itt 10 1 1 1 H A .(! Ii "t . I K I " ,, Ham it h i,- i it i ( .UiU't K Vi'l.Ni. I'l lll'I k I'lwiw.a r r.--1. nil .utiiiitiiinii m llir I ittti l hiii . i MII4H,. u. I .vii-.. 1 -Mil. IMlllllt.il ml. lit. Iti'iei lliitan. Hm i-iiitnif iHmiiim i oii.iii. e in i . Mil l.l H.ttlli.ll I I. h i i t arrHu. i ioiir X I Hi litMiitlllMtel MitilliiUii 1 llAlirKI. s I'LIlKMtU l MHlt f fwil t'l HU! All" Uint nmt l ittvgi'n t H r t)iiF Nniirrt I hvrrltf uttr.i. UiKt ih li.uo I It K I I tut i-H(lU IiaA it Ii vl IcHlt f hi .Mir rUt mtun ami it t Ju t(i',M Hmin ' tt-r w ! ti. H . m I 1 4 mil fn.rf w i ( mli !(( Un f4tr il i. 1 m I tut. -, t Httiw-.it mii4uu I tif hit it Mttttf il ...tt-l.i t t i ft fll vltf 1 little, iarni. i: "U't tl.eis"i I . Kecoverintr his couijiostvr j after his tirst astotiishineut and ' Will Siijd, with an eort to U . uie (;,! I m mo only prisoner j likely to I'm not after you. j eiiiy loukiug for i. Kuott. "Who are you? I know all the Imy j over there, and I know you are a Yankee s by your cap and your voice, I toil yuti I can't be taken." hero." stud Will. "I'm only a Uiy ; like you. and thouijH Cm tt soldier s son, , and 1 don't deny either my vuue or my cap, I dou't want to harm yuti t ail. ; What is ii, anyway, and why ,-ue yosi playui;,' s;n..k ou this strip of sou. IT "It is all up now, I suj jw, aiii 1 mn( as well tell y.Ki U aiwitt it. liav yoil f.'ot a mm her.' I see bv vonr face v.m ! (WCbUII , uu.e., ueuituy I'l.tee, ana alter a hav.m'f tl,.,,w . .... ..n i . . .wi.vj in- nnnk iiii-iius iku lue men ami w Happier. "t hope he will." said the colonel. "I feet sure of it." rejoined the other. "Just now he loi!j.-s for the Society of boy, but he is fishiiiuf against the in evitaWe. He has not philosophy enough to endure nor exj. rii-iice enough to un derstand the feeSinit these jvople have for everything insido these walls. Xoth ing could tempt one of these town U'js to have any intercourse with him, and their scorn is rather hard to bear. I'm 'going to send Gourde the Second to take him out on the river. He is un wuosirf little be'ar. and will not make such a had companion for Will when he gets Usod to his color and his ways." A few minutes later two boys were iwinjrhijt themselves dow u the "face of the bluff. Will's companion was a lim, limber jointed little black boy, whose movement suggested a jumping jack, and his bearing showed the pride he felt as Will's guide. Holding now by a tough root, now bv the smooth utem of a blackjack vine, digging their heels into the soft soil and lipping perilously forward, tiiey pres ently .track into a well worn coVpath, which lor! by easy stages to the foot, of the hill. Beyond the road which led to the Gar.ieu lay huge stranded logs, through which they picked their way out upon a sandy strip of beach, where' an ancient kiff was tiod to a raft. There was a ' little water in the boat, and a huge ; gourd was at hand as a nteans of de fense against further leaking. Two clumsy oars furnished employment fur : both boys, and once launched their I itreagth was tried by the current, which tame swirling around the promontory ' of r.,tting bark which served as a break- j water. But sturdy IjoyUh muscles were nt WOlk, and Ihe old Uiat wa.J pushed lowly up the horc, keeping in with tne etidy. ami no:n, a pour teooW who 1 golll to lure his. "Aly name is John I'uismi!!, a:i ovot tiiere in that white house Mvv yout fort my Mother is dyiiu-, ana 1 am' try ing to see her once Wore if lia Uu't guut already. "1 got a two weeks' furloush you ' needn't atare. I've been iu the army nearly a year -and Uppd down the river two days ago. t'uiortuuately for me 1 made this point too near dayhi.t yesterday morning to venture any far ther. I knew the reputation this place has among the uegn,-es, and I thought it safe to Wiuc here until night, I reckon I was too tirtnl and sieepv and didn't make it fiist, and the U.iat mauagwl to slip away while 1 was looking fur a gmel place to drag it up atuoug t'u hushes, "Here 1 have Uen tver since, like a rat iu a trap. I have watched the house over there for two days, and have von seen the family on thy terraces and darud cot make a signal: Now, air, what are yuu going to do about it?" "I'm going to do this." said Will, hold ing out his hand. "I'm going to say 1 believe every word you say, and I waul you to trust mo to help you out of thu scrape. 1 lost my mother uut tit months Umd just above, where the eiicrua tutig river cut lar into the old cheering rvoolhviion. "I will nut think of it'" he said. "H must Im nearly tinin for me to turn across to the Tow head. The current may cany me down a itt'Je. but I would rather pud for it than stay on thu aide and get thu horror!" His .harp, abort whistle ws answered bv a figure leaping aUwrd befor the , skitf had f.uriy touchel the shore. "1 knew von woiiid coin." tlto young , man mid. "At dark Nut i put . hi;ht m . my winiow just she used to hu 1 was out late on the nv.-r, and 1 kun you had been there. Ih-'.orn we go auy dinner leu mil the nam of th I am trus'.iu mvMiif to. " Thu trusting is not enttiiilv oti your . side, rif.-cott. Do you know what it . means when I tell you luy Hanoi n Ueii-.ling:-" "H means that ir I play the rc! it would bo worse for you to have limiwd m than for any oi.u eUe, I w appreciate it." "The only way in which I can settle it with my conscience is lo coiisidtir you uiy prisoner on partiht while you re in siuo thu hues, and sen you safely outside before 1 leave yon." "Ho- iiinut your picket'r" 't'ortuiiatelv fur vmi ho is up at the dm sawmill, lie saw m,., hailed me, an got the password as 1 vvinit up. la.i low now as e go by. He knows iu and will uiLri ly wonder what I am altout." As they were su ingiitg n, shore by a raft of d.vayiug l,.gs a uppie.-d voice cailml to them: Juhii! It's Fred, and it's all right. You alip off here and cut for tim sidti gate. Harry is there and Nun." "Now, rre.M'ott." said Will," "it's 10 o'clock and I give you uunl midnight. Gu.siljy." It was a Ion walk. Will never for got those two hours alone ou the great river at night. All sorts of doubts and I l'ork, ceuiwuiry.a , v,,!, Veal, diesM'd il tensed, lie, lur per lb ... :l.", IT lo.it I. " OS - ' 10 l'..i 1 I" Ol IU.", lUin bad it pel II. Ir lb, Ilit. Viiliitiir.. .-I tlir tlili lnoi still Un j lll.l l.tlltitier I. ! Juliimi, .i pi tt,if ttti.i t HU tilLO l tltlllltii Hi I .11 Ki ll It.Mi. 'i lin I i w tdi ilii? tiioitliiii i.miKiit it inn loin. . It. i s f evltil w( utilef tti.illi.l viiliitni of Itnrpni , ll.riT I n litre, ! in', Imi. k. Ill lie -,l ei.isti l.ui.tn .ii I', til!, silii e "li.i .11 tn r.l.r.,, tlm'.. I e , r peu.1. .e'livsliil li'U III' lit til .tin mil v un .1 tuiff s iP imi n'f itutmtii tar I. to p..r t..iin r I t.ittt ei,i, .,. ern ti ...moiii. , ii i I m l v- f.-i lioi.lltu', mil t.n ti l.y m.iii (ii ,1 li.ll I en te IT IU "I i ! hiiniftutirv. .h-.iti l Ii j X um tinier ii Urn ii (...ti 'I 1 W i, .11. 1 I il ; k lie iiiiet III.' Iiiliii mi! an,. l-t... III. iH.iittiiu.iii. ii.liieiu i. liiili ii p... , 1 Alil.il If ..ill .1.11.1 ii. A nt I It 1111,, 1:1 4 . 111. ,tl OrlM.lll 11111 I 1 111011 III NMlllllttt. 11,... Iii, t.n il, .nil 'i el I iitustel lirtiMi UlUi. ifc 111 I l.l ,11111111, I 11111 I .hi - i .. .1 I ,4l-!-fct'i,Y avtntt (."lilt, l.i. I i I it I ' HU 'lil kll"1 ii I ill lif ,1 li. 0' I. , .1 l.,c f, t...t., II .1' 111, fl n ; i-i. i i nil l. ei i mr at llinf.ll. VII! I l.l IV .I,i.l.i Uu t ! II llitmit Its l.lnOirl. Al.tiem iM'i I ll. II I III tt .1 I I A GOOD INVESTMENT la tne that brings big returns. A GOOD MEDICINE Is h- mn that 1o vht is oiaiinait lor It, OREOOU KIDNEY TEA wi'l Clue Ilmtim . 1 ( I mull, mt, hi Hi k,i t m i. .iti.ti I, ti-i.il.-lKI. S. .."ilUlj 'll. I iiii.ll. ,.,t I lie, ;l ll.f ...11 . Mil t I. , till, .til, ill it ' ' i-i " Hi li l-lOl iM I-,-. . 411 I li..k I lie.. ..- CURE YOU Hi LF ami LIo a Lorn? Tone, with out (taylntf intaraat on your Laaao of Ufo, by aortitrinig Ill I Ml! 1 1 IP. o n . I I i l 1 1 t.i Mt KJ .Hk4l. if lvt,ft- 1 f'rta-tr . hi lt. . I)t. ' ( l. t 1 htm' t i I iiMtnin I'l li.Cfc . t'llllllttll (' In. lt1. All I .... t.rt t.U-l,, in AM-f, . !'"- .'"tltf!."! ,.- I t t nl f 4Mi . . 1 s , i p; t i . t- aim itri) iki, 1 I " U . Ii ,.. ,i i ' '' '' 1 tM.v i .. .(. S i - IlAlil'KI all I otii - I 1 it" lr v iii.i'ii i ' ran I ' It in, BILLI0USNESS l.:' il tifiit - tie, i j It llil-Kli -Mum , II VI. pi ti s tn ' I II l l-k.ll .1 V ill v,, . 1 m i -i-. .. f t'ii, .i I Sim, .. Lti 1,1 i ill Hlrl. f lie. ; l-i. , ago, and I do know how to fee! for you, misgivings came crowding into Ins uiiml . ' t . i . ni-.r t - 1 I ' ' 1.1 , l.li" 1 If .T - ,li,, 1 I' In.'- ' i, (.i,.,- Iu .llj. t r.o 1 1 .- o .i, -. .. . ; -,,( Ji--. . , . 1' H . li,.-i -i,,et. i-ii...- . ii, i" l.i -i i In l-o mr I Mil I Mi , . . t - ,,. i . , .. ..... A Wl lli.i...i.r..ltl,. M.ii, .,,.,, '", " T V'iB,i vr M ii. 'i in. '.tun. .. , ,. .' , i iH Os.kO i K Wl-,1. WtMiMiT U.,,.11,1 ,,,,.r, , , , . ' ' ' ' H w m ,;...r.,..,,,,'::,.., , ,:rr - " ;.:..'.,: ... O X'f sir Yi-tSy Ih. ...,,) ,.,..,! - V i-.TCk'V' -il I knmri Tin- 1 HUM!, Ila,. , . ... ill.li,., ' ,. ! 11.4. ., 'l..r -ii..i.i 11 ii we are on opposite sides. I hapjuwl to hear today that your mother is do worse. Maybe you'll see her more than this once." "Uut how can 1 get over?" "1 don't see quite clearly how to do it, but I'll girt you ov,.-r there before day break somehow. You must give me youi word to go away when the tautt is up. Now 1 must go, or that boy's curi osity will Iji enough to overcome his fears, and he'll come to look me up. I know you're hungry, so take my lunch. ikeep a sxiarp lookout after dark." as he listened to the mysterious iioi,s or the uigl.it and the river. A bright constellation which he h.-..l watched at home s.-ciuod like the visit of g friend, as it camti wbeeliiig inLos-,itt ovr the hill. It cheered turn hot a little, but it was marching westward rapidly before the paroled prisoiier return.!. 1 "Nina's cedar skilT is just h.r." Pros- ! cott explained, a became out promptly ' on time. "It is toad,! with all 1 m-wl ' for my journey, bh,. has tihtiml f,,r ! .s.;' ,"2' I' 11-A WW .'r..: PHYHlri i m. hi "" ' ( ci 1 1 a . IfTaUn IMrn-!.! n- l,utnlr h. Isi liutiiir hrluiiil ur Jluuy. Don't Sickon. Don't Cripc. cents p.r bottle, by 1, SI the .Seventh street ditig,.it. .".ll- mil fhlii.h Alios l.i. C-itlv;e i Oliitlt.lt I ti) , lrif..ii. i itee tf' iS'i.i t .Nelieri l heteby ilvull lli.l On- iil., t, utuil niililur ti .ii, untie., nt ln intuitu. ,i i,, tit., flttal pi-mil oimpM,rt( to, ri.nn an, I ini n-l pnwl will In. itiiuJ.. Winn, llin U.-n.ier lei iieeciiur Hi in. - I I M.I M li i t i;n. everything, and y.u nml only go half .ci. oriiu.T.un fti.,',. ","',! C,u"" way with me, bi iiinn.-. Vonr dulv iill ! ., . l''-t'l I' U.uurll. The luintrii,i .biff ,..-i . h ,1., ti st, .,- V. ! fe k':' tor iu s !.of K '..u.l "v,. n iuy ...vi. . .Jin,,,- Hitiiiij auruaa, ; a ' u-i see t 1 1. .' s , it 7 p ( u.i silent passenger back across the river. nd miss your iiit-!.,..t. We cm nmLu 0" '"li...iti( wiiukm 1.. i.r.,hini.itiiiiui..i Georira ventnred to innnira if tt'i.1 1....1 the Towhmui t,i- . i,k,-.i ,.ri . .. .- 1 'A'1'"-'.4""' ."C."" iils.ii. , mi.I taint , 1 ' "i. . i-'iiiMii tun uitwt!,i Jlii.ii wnel. tun., fiuy.1. I l Prtvta, ovT-.i no Kiios , ami was answered) i least 1 can. ; iri'. n i biiu,.i. r n iiie.i.n gravely in the affirmative lino . ) il.-.. At ilaWiuht Will w.u in I.,- r,..i....v t ""' w J r AfCKtttN. KHctntr. J.- her war through i ZZ i ilZ TJT . T i " . "' "w ""r ! Artchored snags of nriftwood and up S t. right Wdir itomoreopen water away from the tuni-h future audiences. " , "All right, father, and I am not sorry . T. , "in anew tjqiie well mat the thing h 1 went. i 1 ..'r 1 P I JuMl " """"i to do was a very delicate ' The hilk of the town found the- cim aicl: "Let s tru over ! o,i .i:m,...i. .1.;. ..... . . , 1 . , , . ' to the islantl we see from the frt-t!. ! r. .1. .. . . s uoy s intimacy with the J'r.- tV'h..r, t it nV...-.! , , , vuuuuauuia-, .. v.inmir, aim sconeU .v,,VuuT,. siiouiu attemut to amuL'irla un i.n,o not a litt e at tin 'result i-.,.. II in-ill , IV ma t,, n,nli,.,te. it. 1 IIK lit.-, l,t.,i... . .ki. ..fi..,..,. l.l l Unfit, ! -e, e -,i-.-i.el.,-,i, II,.! . III.. S-III1.-I ,.l, ,.i.er, 11,. r ,, 1. Itlllieti liii.nthil tiii,,,.i,,,.- it ii,,-,.,,!,, . ,1, , . ll.l .. H...I ..i. mili Lire.- ,ut ,,.,-i, t,e ..,. j , e:,l hi.tuiv ami tin- liit.,,ti!i,, t-, t Bet li.ll. i.i. .,.,(1M ! - ,.,..lr.T,. , nt niu.nati.,,,, i I,,,- w,,tt,i, , M li.'l imiUlMi iw.l i ii,..,, u,,. hiii.i.ttli.i, 1 but !.. it. m ,.iV,,r k.eiy .iil.it, ,,nl , "t el,lal ll,l,,t ,t 1W tun, llli,.. , -tup.,. Ii, ,-i.tiiril.iiti..ti. iwiiieir..,,,!!,,. i,,, - .r.lei. ui .Hi. 1. it, ti, e.miiti), it.iii , S Ititui. 111 irt nt iiimrr. i,, ami Htiiit,, . tliiun. nil iitbn pit,iietla. Dl tin rial, j HAUPKU'K PKIUOlMCALfS. t" ltll ltif p 1-,, t-i u! It. rti . tr of ihf I U 11 Pt P VvS ty l f-f 1 i t, ? -tUffftiQ i N ! hiivi -i0'l ttslir,-! bll ItilwtMh t '" ' ifl- f "I (( ttu At t " t'h t ..!. tf h!(t-i"i,U,f,rwp, tit f rn rru.. uiy' oci, rtv ii,p,M it. R If 1 fiffi ' 'l-i- tt i I hia rii. ..i "m Ih. tumult wiu,, U C.tliinmAtt tVmUlna.v, uiuu. 1 i. i AM .if ... 1 1 ---- - wi v.tlf k.... 1 r o,.i, '". an ef I 1 'M-r.ltile.U.ti,l.r, ' Drawing a Ion,. for a minute and said Tow head, I mean, I'm completely turned around." MOODY & VAUGHAN, 1 rr r. 1 S1C8 16 1 in ru 11 kitepics M..11AZINK M VUPhltS WI'.hKI.V I II.Mtl'l-.ICS I1A,,MI ; IlkllPrilts VolMi I'Kiil't.F j l'.iatt(t. Ifrwsll. all ..Ili.etlUrl 1 8MU,,UM1, ail it Mane... 1 1. t ll. Ill III' I. Ullcst The VnttimMef Hie Wdrki, ls-tiii with 11,,. Oral muuther l,ir Jmiuaiv nl . uiriiintlie,! , .lia,Tlil.,i, will Im-kim i . Illlte lillt "Hit's rwht civah vioi.I.r . rW matter. " iniiiuacy contniuetl, U) tlie iat see tl(.rr,tt7.i,wrJa.nl . ui,'-, i-Jit) uiougiit ol it restoti riot lightly on Amazement o. Colonel Dunning, anil in cnl ml folk, Hv I , v , 1 1 t0'jr fe"ow 0,1 th0 tu u hi lv-1 of l'fet.me.-.Mary hUiwart in Youth's in de w S n. i luv bn'h dPWn; mother would have rested more Companion, m ae v, ater unglity fas . Uut teach tree ' heavily still i a swishm up an down in dat bend use.tr ! a, ;., , . ... .' ' " cruw in rue' 7 ,b..-a ..i " . . ' lal" mKa'"' w uo It, anil imuiii He.iauraiuur On the Shore of 'tiS Geor noint-! ? U'lU"" f,L8'.""0 ed out the grim sight of an i,i ,nVvi,,, : 7Z .7... ' ..t lVn" ' ' uiw"' U1"'"' ' ' i . , . . ' " i "K omeiui survey or t ie lamlmi um - um, la Liiej niiiii-ij-Hr. ru ta hi, i.. .1... r.-ii in.ri.i, ,., ii, ,.. .. . h " - vv .v nil- B-.v...,..,!. i,v vile m.niiu 111 ttil! Wllillagl'a- optii water, he dismissed his companion tion, which was iu a buililiug ot;cupiwl without ceremony. A few minutes' by a grocer, the basement being used as walk brought him to the big white gate A restaurant. The liremttti soon had a of "The Garden." He summoned up all stream of water playing ou the burning his courage ami dignity and marched building, which flooded the floor and through the magnolia avenue. soon began to trickle down to the res- His appearance was greeted with a tauraut below. The proprietor, who was consternation that was far from pleas. ( ttuhsep, was soon urotisi d by the con ing. His request, to see Miss I'rescott fusion incident to a lire, itntl in n. iiuir ground, upon whose rent or mo JUssissippi was rapidly en-' croaching. Will shuddered, and, with I quick intuition, George turned the lxat'a ' head away from the bend and pointed across the current to the Towhead, which, i was now below them. When the island first pushed its white, ! eandy head through the water some cot- i ton wood reed had landed there from an i it enditi;, aiit ene voilll!' trw., tl...l . - ' . . sprang from titem formed the riurleus of ' , , " ,eW "'owenta aeemod bi , dressed and half ,h,:d (! liti,,,, rushed an aftergrowth yrtoXw Jl Z rror U in up the aUipsand into the street about- bryearliketheriintHofatm. Tho 17. I .a ' . . , 1,B vvas ' "'g at the top of his voice: "1 can't! - ... miiiwii I nil . u. riri.r nr M, ,ii-..i. , . . , .... , , I I - ... i m n.. , I- I 1 I ' ' ' SlHtilKl J 11(1 tutiicroiis- which had a delightfully feminine and net of the scene can better be imagined welcome look to eyes long used to camp , than tfesci ibed. Dotroit Free froM. life. i IKOLALLA, OREGON. Leaders in Low Prices. Their Hlock iw (.oiiiili!k' in Lr:r.t!1)rJ -oods, Groceries, aliirm Wiis sountled ant! a crowd quickly J"- ,, ....m,i, iil.TIitl will Ih-kk . llh Ihe lliiiiitsri eurreti! t Hie ,t ,),., .,, , lelet ol imlr. tMHiml v,)l,im iif M.riwr WMklr lur ilirw , VMrskuek Iiiiwmi tinlli lini,in. nil, ., , llv j innll p...UK..,,l,l,r l.y..,.re.,,,.(r,,1K..e ".H.I' U.". Il.lt ,-.,i Ur ,l,,l Ur pr volume. Im ; ., ,,, volume (. l,., ea,. ,.,,, i,iliii,ie,.,ni,ii,,, (or hltitl ItiKwlll huanttt u.,11, ,.,,., K , i wi watrii. I(iiillu,iniies III. mill lM. m,e ., fl), ili.liey ttr.ii.riii liotli, 1,1 ,,,,,1,1 ,.,,, ,,,, ' fs.,..wr,i,.it liiooio iltiMavn,,,,,,,,,,,,, wllh..,n llii.iixiire.. tirilnrnl .i.,. A h,ii. A.,.,: HAHPI-.I. A llholin.UH. l,w V,,rk. Do Not Climb the Hill ! -STGP AT George C. Ely's POSTOFFICE STORE, . ville. - 0 11 -viv Who "re Vol, Cllll pel t. bijrl,,, 'twill jrii- lor Butter, EB(8 and Other Farm Produce. II at 'dwa t -e . i'loi kin d . Boots and te, Notions, ' lite, DR. L. WHITE Countiy 'i'o(Iik:l' lltiiKllud. Full line of iienuost growtli was now composed of tall young trees, but the thicket terraced down until near the water there was none but low thick bushes of hist year's growth. A long tongue of sand extended like the fail of a comet down the .river. Upon this the boys beached the boat, and then stretched their legs on thofcoft, warm sand. "I'ze skeered But the slender girl who met him with ! n l,eiiiiie TUrtiuUiM. the air of an offended duchess hud noj The turquoise breaks on the death of welcome in her look. Her manner wan iU proprietor, and it changes color wheu sadly chilling. J en min utes later, how-, he is ill. This last observation ta per ever, she was holding his hand at the fectly true, and is certified to by all door uud saying: "Mr. Denning, I never. ! lanidaries. The. sat,,,. .i,i l,. i.ah, e... never can thank you enough if you will . marked of coral. "Not only do preoiou do this! Mamma is a little better, and atom live," says Jerome (jui-dan, "but Where .you sees dat black srsit 'io,tVt, ,1, " ... i .,T 0,10 U0UI 11 1 1 aro niMv l" K a.ck. te suffer from trees. De ole hunt washed m-rouu one ",ole T "r101"6: ! """. ' ' and at last to night in hid, water, an d h !.,. ...... e. . ,, , " ':"c t"u,! Kil e ror mm, and uie. -ans Figaro. -1 " . , ,,' ,, . " '" . "e snail leave tierore daylight." ber made no mmistWs tempt fer to git i There were a few more harried cues out. He was unsociable like, an liked tions and renli.-H i ti, .. w-i. SS' an f ! 1 W'tr ' SZ'V: r Z : .- I- - nu an Jy eomebody done kill .'Sin n tuk nlj he bed. Since dat time his choa' duu r 4 SiX t A .1:., rv 1 e 1111, vrv ittwiltatl. I eaia ueorge. "Hits haunted. A ole flatboat man ueeter live up in yander, .ajB..iii 1 i.,aJ,,,.,'a..l.'ka. Ikw.-r thnn dreiroti ('jV if ptiotls a! juipon fur the )'h l-.tli- wallt dia Towhead. On'y Je' yisterd'y uv ae whj tie none een dat ole 1 tiiitig lor wtitcll to ask his father, but ha could not leave the fort without it. The colonel wan a very quiet and somewhat item wan, and Will knew that the best waywaathe straightforward one. m a NliiKle itl,, Hltila. Teats made iintler the auspices of the Royal F-bilosophical society with a sin gle barley etalk unfolded wonder which but few have ever thought even puss, ble. By uttA'pang itntl watering that tne plaut Witl) saltpeter tiasidved in rain water they luauaued to inmliieu mu Mhu' ao It Towed t. winB com. ver 1 :. .! . . ttr , on', " nd ov"r -M 'aii,s.-I'hilad.i ' - i"w ui ui (eweutwoniA pnia lmltti. Appol'n Parlalan Enamel CrnUiuo ti C prtfi-i-t Coiuplcxion, fuvorili. HrniieJ Ciminettc. AppoI's Comolexion Cream cute Wrinkka. aud gives tu the Bkiu the 'Jritureol youth. Apoel's Skin Bteach, Kneliiotea.il Llemuihes, .ad dmcolotiitionilof the k iu such as Inn, Kuohuru, frrekus, bw.tlhy uud kiriiy iippi m uucf ot t hi- Isee. Appol'a Oriental Powder In Flesh, white, fiuk Slid Cre.ui sluulis, (rives to the fuce a bcuutilul itlesr aud iiiuispsreut t pi'iimnee, Appel'a Natural Blush The only Roug tiuc'to utituir, wheti upplie4 to the fee or lilt, etiiijint l! detected, putupln twuahtiilej I.ltihl fat Bliimha, Oiok lor lliuit.-ttea, Tlit Acpel CcinsotU Co. tn T iMlno, Cl, A J11. .11 pli h'l mi Low Ui Crtuuj cuujpUijiuii fr, and ifiwita jt'ur ataiv 0 OHARMAN Ac CO, DERTTIST. Ontr tlintllttlil s lirnit Hirt. 0Hlne,l,,vti trim, t to IMI, .,( , ,,,. ArllfiiOHl Ui.iU, mt nil r, llrsiri,,,,, ,J"" "I'ar. ir - lit,. Aii "in Kttltl'tlllltlci, At t I. llalulalUhad Ika, unniiwni. J- a t J.II III 11.1. III. I. II A' --- v wvuiuujji tui. PIONEER ! li,l;', """ to i.M,.,,ilu,ir,lv. ''"), on live niui years' time ihe ten Invest kans lkml fill frant1 and lriigljt ami parwls delivered to all partM of the city, EJL LEA8 0 NABLE. Wy. Kmtuiar Imsin,," .w vi .;u laoitoi. J. w. Gsnontf, F. U Kellsy, . ii. rwittui, lattoUuiia, flrai r, T,. cPlla. rirnl Ui,iiu,iut aeeuuij hUuteutut, -Write r rttl 0I1 HO'fMv.fi Kt. Manl,t,n Lwin Cn 7;1M U ' "j kni,ll -i Mitrriw.n St.. l......i f "i IIU11U NOBLETT'S STABliE 'vtTy, Fd a,l 8Hl8taMa ' CITY. K.?o?,U AND lowenl liticm 1 'if1'1 at Ule 1 o, letter. " " y person or 1 i Hor.e. Bought and Sold. f. I'