! a Wettd Twin Wrecked. I Tim regular HinnUy wimhI train on Ilm I I liairow kiik (tint left I'ortlainl at H iF o'clock HiiiiiUv miiriiliiif . 1 1 1 ( villi a aerluti aci'Mi'lit alien two tulle mirlli n( lliHt iIuco, nimI wriiHi'liit)K h trestle over a aprlng liranih wlilrh run Into Hiirkpr lake, I'uMiliii'lur Ketinmly, alio tin tlm aniline, lititlreil uri tree "allied liatl loett Moan ii'timi tlitt Irutk mlittf tlie nl(ilit, Kiiiflneer Mlllnr Jlie tree ( llie Mm time, anu iHtingao Iimmi til ll I )ml It WB lilt JMMialliUi til stup in train, lin sliiilull tlm leam ami Imtli ii i' I tuinped nlf eli'l tinlnjuHwl, ftiiimiiii. Jiilui tliiliKiilnlliii'r. tllil ::iut siu-ceoi li Jiiuiinii mi inn i'ii- Irtn (ttrurk III tree, aliliii lliw psssett- r my wa alsmt llitee fwt tu illaiiieler, ) Imike it In two ll "ili'l tli ,.l ll'l Wi tliioiiuli, IimvIiik ., null a tmutiiriil ltr slnn li H'llo across Hit) liranili dlilrli I In Wl I'iifli ami irxi lii I it jiest ess llii- liiiix'liia wllli ftlie iNili)'illv0 trtitk tliut II I soma o( Miotic tii;i'ili'r utnr : e side, llin seven Hal ran atlarlieil j tun, alilletlia elxxe went tilfnii' l other li', nuking euinplelo H'Vu- i Al.ui nii'l landing unlit nlw iii 'nli I ,U'li lone tlialitwaa I. nml ihiiiijiIhIi'Iv j ii pieces, Tlie pssaeinivrw wete llitiian bum miit aide In 1 1 if tillier ul llie rt j it lultml uvitr, rmaliing nifnltial i-ji'Ii aide I lit turn ami Uinllng In limp on ilm J Ixiti'iiu. Tlia liaimiutivd Im.lly ' I Wmatiel and aenl Imll way out ul tiglit I V lli mud. Tim drake having lieeii f kpi'llml al Ilm rear of llir Irani, (lie aevetileeh Hal rant lieltiml tli ralssise remained uti Ilm tii k. Tim S.iulliirii I'ai lHi- ofl'idal were 1 l'itlflc III lIlK ri I'll lit llliltli''li- tely after II urriitred, aii'l sverl stir, j jjcaiii ere sel'.l totlm stetie In aHi il ytiallt. Tliejr dteaard the iniiiUa t( ilm j SiiUMnger, arul liln'ratrol Ilm liftman, Julin lluliciileittier, liuiil Ih iu nk'lii ' tllnlnr tlm riiin aixl Ital rata, aii! iIjii- . itPfillialy Imit, liavlny Imii n al l'.l 1 Jr , Ilia lli'l alrf Imln Hip ImiC an. I III- ' jnrtxi InlPllially. Mm lakrn l.ili- p)tu, lii'rw liia (larpiila llvp, ami Irll j at llii'lr Imimt. Tlio ntlmta uric lakrli j 1 1 Ilm I'uillaml li.'UU I j ' IVtfiiimr l( L lloluin aa rll.. t i Oattrgn on M"ii.tav l ImM an lmurl j i Uxin Ilm rn maun il Jlin llnlmiili'iltmr j I wlioilit llnm liia Injnrira tlm iirtluii . Itlulit, l'r t, Vranjam a'i-uiiitnyiiK .' Iilin. Tlm jury ln'uiiHlil mnaialwl "I I v J. n. liannia, ti, t , rnwwf, j. i . , i Thoniaa.T, J. Mi Urlan.t, Jupii Hull ami 1 I F. H, .M.irirll, Allpr Mi-iiin Ilm Uly ami tlm wcim ul tlm aivl.lrnl limy If j lurnrU v-tilu t In atiilainr illi Ilm ; lat'U, Dial tli man ranm to liia ili alli llirolliih Ilm ctllllllial lirttllrlnli ol Ilm ' t x yiwanir In Itnl liaving a tiark aalkor i; , .0 over tlm haul on huinlay, ra(rilly liilluwiliit au atitmr a at 'fin. I'ruaxilar divl in IVlliml on Tur.lay ami Hiamlra j la anil in a rrlliral rutiilitiun Irom in-1 Irrnal Injinii'a. ! A Volaialaoai lloraturnt. County l'!irk tiao, K. Ilor'on Iim, rpfrlvwl a tliriinmnl tao dm liy limn' Waring Ilm aignalur ami apal ol Ilm j atKroUryuf tal ami whirh g'vra anj at.ii't ol Ilia work of Ilm Matt) tioanl ' ofetliialiiation. Tlm amwaainpnl in thia county la ralaml aa follow a : City, village and lon pmimrty, 30 Hrrpnt: uiortrffp 100 Miri-vnl, railtoa.l lamia 15 cunla mr ai'nt, agrlrultural lamia "7 nnta mr ai-ra, 0. A C. K. It. .Ul r mllo, 1', A W V. K. It. (narrow gaiign) .MO wr Inllp, l1i'lioiir anil llpgrK)li linm ate,, 10 r cent, rattle 10 r ffiil, lioraea and iniilpa 10 r cpnt, alietip and gtiaU 70 wr rant, awina M (a-r rptit, fllipruvpinpiita IV) mr ci'iit, imin-liainlian and liiiiilcinnnta 10 iwr tpiiI, rolling atiH'k on railroad 10 wr tint. lVuily j 'lerk II H. Strange Wgau the tank of (I gun n ii out Ilm inrrvamt in varli ili'iu of j the amtminuiil yoatpnlay. ty the time 1m llnUlma Hint i'xIi'iihIvh lunk he will irolahly he a naihlnr man. The r uphony ( lull. Among the city 'a rtviMit orgKiiixuliuna ; in an ori'lmatra ahirli ia rapiilly coming Into troiiiiniiirti, many of tlm iiii'mlmra having hnloiignd to noted aimilar or ganixatlona, Tlm club linn for aoum time (men imwting tnicn a wii'k for ri'hi'iirnula iiihIit thei-lHcii nt InmlinHhip ami inntrili'lion ol lr. I-'. mil Pclnilirrt who . rank high among tminrnml niiiaicianH, Tlm rimtcr of tlm chili Ia an follows: Or. Knill Kcliulicrt, liiailer mid vlollnlHt, I'rof, I'lnckn, b f coronnl, C, Mlclmol illli b f hum, Cliua. Wrlnkhi clalromit, 1'', Woiirma flrat violin, J Frldnrkk rni'imd violin, M. Jinmliii violin A. Frieilnrlck, cello, J. Flt vcrold trnnilNins, J. I'ollunii, tyin f miia and triangle. Tho club will give grnntl hull nt the nriuory hull on Fri- lay evening Jiiminry 17. Tfiickcr'ii Kxuiiilinitldii. jNotice ia linreby giving Hint (or the nrpoHo of iimklng an nxamlnutlon nf all peroona who may oll'ur t IiimiimoIvob uh a Idntcii for teacher of tho achoola of ttiii county, the county achool atiporin tendont thereof will hold a public ex amination at tho court Iioiiho in Oregon City, beginning February 8 1H1I3 at 1 o'clock p. m, TIiono doairlng to apply (or atitte certificate or Mlato dlploninH will apply February I), lHUI), at II o'clock 1.m. , Dated thia lllth duy of Jiiniinry 1803. II. H. Giiihon, School Hupt, Clackatuaa ooutity. Oregon, il'ix rLOWER5i5 NOTIS ON WINDOW PLANTS. Rl(aillnt Maila hf Nw Turk Plutial Ih l'uiular llantaiilHg. On of tlm Ik1 wlinluw I'lmila la al wayn Urn furUla. Him'Ihii, Luinl llyrun a ul lU-iuHiillrli am K"l iru Ui anlwt, aa la alao tlm M ltwn lit Caaliln. ChIIim, knpt all iiuiinnrilry or at rwt, will atart with Ilm grwnUwt rattiii, Kip tlmui alway aliuinlHtitty witli-rm), ami lvn tlirtii atrmiK lltllit. tJuraiiliiina, on tlm pmitrary, iituat not Iw oynrwatfrwej. (n tlm wlioln, tlmro la iiotlilliK tllii'l (or wtioliiwa In wlnl'r t tin n iriinroM'a, Ttii ik w.khI north ami mini, A n. Iwtloli of tlm Umvar.lu la vry ilraaii(, Tlm old t'lilna M" ar Bn for wli. l-r. lli-niKMA, t'allnrliia Mrnii't anj Mailaiim Wnlli'vllln am K'l,"l' alwt Ilm kIiiiI"H I'hi H.iiilli'r, AKrliii ami 1iilli l'lillii ar two Him oil ru that will IiIikiiii wr In m,u. Pur liiK-k wnU, away faun tlm full llilit, you iiiwil Ik-khuIm ami IvW, Ilm latter to twlnn aUnit to rovi'r lutrn ilwna. ( Inn of Urn vry lit of all win. low plniila ta Ilm lluya rarmaut or wai ilant. I'laiil In atroiiK ami, a. t up on a lilxli almlf, Kxl'toin t"'t aii'l train it hy t) tiij( tin. If r tlm wllliijj, Tlm Vrry hmil bulh fir tlm witnlow i tlm Krwa, whifli rnnirr pottinK tn tnry rlili narth. Tlm luorniiiti K'ory ami tlm Tmw'Iuiii or liaxturliiiin limko rmily ifrown vlnm ant hluom ilt'linlil fully. Kow tlm amita, aii'l thry are Bm on lit ilimb aii'l In full Mooin. anlMlaNtlal UrataliNiiM Itawrliaa. V lwrir-inltir! from Tlm AuiTii-au Fiona! Iwo atU-a of aulntniitlal (rr.i boiiM hrm'lir. In Fu. I Dm ralla uivl Wrrn light T ralU, aut'li aa arm iiarl on atiiim atrwl oar llnpa. Tlm rnaw i-a Two ttij: of imrKMiol hk kkm lit, arw of tlm utim aim! rait, only plated right able up, mating u tlm lop of Ilia front rntar t, and iin.rhwnl into tlm othrr r-lar l"t al tlm bm k. The thrna ralla that run Iptigthwia are plarp.1 lit toni ai.ln up, an a to allow a broatl flat aurfatv for tlm aUta or othpr bottom m toiial to ml on. Tlm ralla ar ht'ld In proprr jltlon by plva of Uwrd cut o aa to III in tlm apaiva tl wrrn tli"m. Hut It ta nr'mary to hold ttmm lu plaoe only long enough to grt Ilm aUlna orotlmr bottom matprial In aiaition. The cplar pnata am auuk eightppn Inchm in the ground ami are placed pight to twplve fivt apart. The aide Uiard ll held in piwitlon by galranlml Iron ulnpa, which paa through two all la In the board ami cl.ip around the outanle rail. Tlnw are pliio-l four feet apart. Thia la Ilm wi-akixt lnt about thia atyle of bench. Tim rv-t la aa aohd aa a rock. For the center U-nclie the annin ayatew la followed, i lie r.ula Ix-mg plaiMnl at a prope r duu n .- i;pn t to atiit the al of the alutn, rl,:., ll .!. Tlm a.i i.ii'1 figure allow a atyla of bench iim-I by a (1 .rut in Miuneapolia. Two piiMvuf hiue Hiigle inui akout 8 by 8 tnciiiw run leiiK'lhwiae of thehouaeon brick pier et tlowu about eight feet a purl, ami for the bottom abort boanla are placed rrwiuine. The lllnatratlon i aiiflb'lently plnin without further tin acription, Nf aart nf riirranla and IJiMiatibarrlaa. Mr. J. T. Lovett aaya: "Fay'i l'rolitlo la a aucvpiu with me and I hear none but good reior! of it from any quarter. North Slur givea pnnniae of iM'ing a val uable variety, entts'Ully for the market grower. Illnek Chnmplon la an Im provement djx ii the old lllm k NhjiIivi. The la-iriea are larger and priMlncml In greater ahundimce. I am told it ia of better tpiallty. The Crandnll himaome merit for culinary puriKwea, It ia of atnmg growth, exempt from the attack of Inaecta and diaeHmi mid very prolific; but tlm fruit ia too hiimh and auatere to lie acceptable aa a deaaert fruit. The berrlea are exceedingly large, almoet eiinnllng in aixe the Delaware grape and are decidedly Mllnirtive. The claim that a good jelly chii be made from it la founded on fact, aa I cm liour witness. The Industry gooNchnrry low not provl the auccesa with me that it bun in in Any other plitcea. In Monroe county, N. Y., and npon tho Huilmin river It ii giving tho grcutcnt atittruction, I alxo aaw It fruiting In perfection In Atliintio county, N. J., the paat aeawni. AlthoiiKb the beat of the foreign varieties I have yet taeted, it loaea tta leave prematurely and falla to rijM'ti ita fruit quite aa often aa it perfect it, A llaautlfut llagonla. Begonia (llorie de Sceaux la a dlatlnct and beautiful warm greenhouse plant. It ll distinct from any other known va riety, and la one of the moat valuable aorta of recent years. It ti a wonderful flower producer during winter. Ita man ner of growth and foliage are all that oan be desired, the leave being" of a dark bromy Hum color with a metallic luster, The bloom ii borne in largw, compact trusses, the floret are large and perfaot In outline, and to color a de lightful thane of pink. FRUITS w CrTCCT OF WIND ON TREES, Tin n-rula KIT p. u ,f -ilt Wind t'eoa Tr lirwtttlli. Tree which grow In eiixawd allua- tioiia have tin lr o alway leaning way In the oppiailte direction from tlm prevailing winds, and the casual ob server conclude that the brnm-liee have Ueli bent by the constant prmwure of tlm wind and reUuml their poaltlou. Now, although nu ll trmi have the p (enrnuce eiuctly of trees la'tidlng under a gnle, atllt It I not prt-aaure In that way which has given them their shape. Tb f-t U, they have grown away from tho bliuit and not lierii Ix'iil by It after tlmy grew. Ktaiuliiallon of the branches and Iwiga will show tills. We hardly realize Ilm repreantve effrM U of cold wind upon trra growth, which It pnrllally or alto gether arreata, ai'iording to Ita preva lence. Coulters ahow tlm effect of this more dlatliii'tly than oilier Iree. Owing U Ilm horiaoiiUl habit of growth of the branebna they point directly in the teeth of tlm gale from whatever direction It c.mi., ami cannot, like the oak, lean over ami grow in the opxmlte direction; hen. conirerotia tree growing In ex el aituatlotia prialilce good long braucbea on their lee aide, while on the windy side the branch ret. nn their rigid horliontal position, but make com paratively Imln growth, which ia aim ply oppressed, thm tuatanco lu aiilmtantl ll.iu of the foregoing wu a Nordmann'e aprurr, growing iu a position fully ri mmn to tlm ii. r I Ii and south. One branch on the north side of the tree had llftevn aiiiinsl noileaor growth and Mas seven fert long, aiid lis opfxailte had the same nitmlier of liisb-s, la-ing of the aame age, but was nearly SJ feel loligi'r, or HJ feet, ami all tlm l.ii.'r.il bram hi-s were pro portioiially ling and well fomi.br.1. If snrh a difference aa that recorded aUive Is found U twe. n the braiicheaof a single tr stMiidiug alone In tlm en, of how nun h mom luiportaiice is shelter to all kinds of tender lr.w and shrulas. When dulling" is done to tree by fruit it Is done suddenly, and w - the eff.ls and are stru-k by them, but eii ept lu Urn case of subject killed outright or greatly damaged, it is probable that in jury to trees from frt is almost nil compared to that worked by clJ winds. These consideration should infliieiice every one who contrmplate planting, whether it be wood or single trmw, but iu either cane it r.in;i i! bo doubted that Urn more deium and loftier the inchaiure, whether by mean of belt or tree or b- dgna, llitt pMtvt planUtion of any kind from cold wind, and tlm hardier tlm subject Hard for cold portions, the better. tHslraslls I'olela aa (I rap ( allar. ll la annuuiK-ol that a Frvuch grower ha discovered a new method of pruuing the graa. The cut ia made at the node above the point where it ia intended the end of IhewuuJ shall eventually remain, at the same time dentroying the bud found there. The stump thus left is re moved the following year, when the death la complete and when at it base a collar ha been formed, which soon rlisws) after the dead wo.nl haa been re moved to ita level. The theory I that under till method the wood die alowly and without decomposition of the tia nea. The practice of changing crop more or lea systematically ha alway been found advantageous, and Various the ories have been offered explanatory of the principle upon which the benefit of roUlive cropping depend. The aatne re sult have bceu found in the culture of the grape, as staled by Mr. Saunders, ueriiiteiident of ground and garden at Washington, who ha for a number of year experimented In thia matter. Wlwl.rlng Moalkly Ham. The monthly rose are only half hardy, and cousectietitly are likely to be winter killed when the thermometer fall 8A degs. Ih-Iow the f reeling point. The lsst way to protect them, according to excellent authority, ia to bend the brum-lie down and fasten them securely within twoorthreeinchesof the ground by tying them to stake driven for that purpose, or if closei enough they mil)- be tied to each other. Then spread dry leaven or rough litter over them to a depth of say six inches. This should not tie done, however, until severe cold weather set in, so that nearly all the leave are off the plant and they are thoroughly riued, which ia usually alsiut Dec. 1 in the latitude of New York state. This covering should not be taken otf until all danger of severe frost I over, say almnt April 1. A Urweriil Talm. Numbered with decorative plant of decided value is the palui Drat-ioua ludi visa, depleted in the accompanying illus tration. PRAOJtNA I.rrIVIHA, OR FOUNTAIM PlJtNT. This attractive palm haa gained by it graceful drooping habit the popular name of fountain plant. It is frequent ly employed for the center of large raee and basket. Draoatna ludirtsa i doubly valuable, for it U not only well adopted to indoor culture, but It one of the mott desirable of plant for bed in Ih open ground. BUSINESS LOCALS. Jtecelpt, note and older book at the FaTKkl'KISR office. Kchool deportment card one cent each, good (or birin, at the F.NrxKcaiMK olllce. It yen nat t Imrrsw money to O. T. tt llllama. Uungea, chair, etc, iit liolstere-l at lloliiiati A Walling'. All wotk guar- anteed. Itei air all your tihl Iouukcs for illille moimy and they will be good a ' - Tlw EXTKUrUI.SK will be made of Kii-c-ial intereat to it readers Wedding summery, tl, Uleat styles : wg tlW n(.j,t f,.w ,0thn The or- wedinH of COUgn-m, now in e and tlimal asMirtuienl ever brought to i ,i . .... , ,. . , , . , . Oregon ( l.y at the Frrrm msa office. ! """, '" V"'H' f ""! I"" ,,,tM!al --omi.licationaj, will 1-e of Vital m- j tercet to all. A f ciiil effort will be made to r rirt thi-m in full for V, O T. tt Ilium i. now doing busi- j t)(4 KXTKUriUSB, The Oregon li gilatuie, in aeeMioii during anuary neaa for biuiM-lf at the old aland next , . i l- i i i t . m . a , , ., .. , .. ., , . ami rebrtiarr, i.rotiii( H U) iw of mutual interest. The motit important door to ( aulleld A Huntley drug , . , . , ' ,. , , , , , , , . trr- , legiMlatton and radiciil cliangeH m the IawM of the utate, attetnited for , , , ' , , 7 i . , 'yeara, will he enacted thin winter. Every resident of Chu karnas county Justice blanks, real estate blanks, and , ,,, ,. ,, , , : , all otliei blanks at tlm Kataai-aiaK of-ihould kwj) himm lf MHted a to shut m done. The KNTKUPUI.SE the. 1'oitUnd prices, O. T. William I now prepared to make very favoiable rates on good farm 1'Ntlia. liny your nainu and oil, window ; tat i vex on all itnortant measure. No county paper in the etate will and drnir. al the 1'aik I'lace Hlore. ! give the l.-gialative news um complete a the EXTEUI'IUSE. They are cbe.r th.n el.eabere . j A , local m(.T t)f. RXTERPBISE ha, few r,uals in Oregon. Ita Thooe contemplating borrowing should . corj of corre)ondeiiti cannot tie excelled. It givea the county newg, aw ertain u-rin offered by C. 0. T. city new, circuit, probate and county court and city council proceed Vtilliaioa. r( (tj tiital(, rmi,(vn t porrex't market rejKirt.i ami a ynopnia of the liriug your prolu.e to ilm Fark I'lace jm-w a of the HtaUs and nation. Fend 25 cent in coin or stamp for a Htore where you can ala.yi gel the Ik-,1 j uWri tion p ,,romptly flopped at expiration of tubBcrip. market price and your good at Ilm . lu-ii same figures a though you id cash Itefore buying your winter eiipplie, I call at Itie Park I'lai-e htore They j have one of tlm best aseortumnt of drv K'xxis, cloililng, Oools ami shoes, mi l linery and choice family groceiie in j Clackamas county al prices that tell The latest in veiling cards at the Kx Trai niM; (liner. Prices to suit you. far Sale. Thoroughbred chickens. fine birds, : iltl k I.aiigbs, Silver Wyandotl. I White I'ekio ducks. Also a Yearling j short horned bull 1'iii-e Uight Call ! on or addtvs I.. I'. Wiii.iaio. Myers , Frm. j About fnnr Hrwer. I lo not forget that A. W. t,.i,n f- imin is preprel and anllionxed to lav audi iiiaAti coiinm nous nun me puouc seaert system of Oregou t'ity and that he can lav votir a..mrs and out In nnf .lr ' cloaet. sink, elop hopper, etc., all; properly connected mitlt aewer and i water evatem at Ilm most r-anable ra'ea. Tlm Oregon City Jobbing Shop, venth street near depot, U A. W. HeiiwAs, 1'ron. Ut ( all All peraoni indebted to u must call and make a settlement without fail or you will have extra ccu to pay. Our business will becloeed out Maviii Ackkmax. i'ortland-Clatskanie R-O-U'T-E, STR G. W. SHAVER, J. W. 81IAVKH, Master, Iieavea Washington Btreet dock, Portland, every Monday, Wednes day and Friday, at 6 A." M., for St. Helena, Kalania, Rainier, Oak Point and intermediate points, arriving at CLATSKANIE At 3 o'clock p. in. Return trips for Portland following mornings at ( a. m. For freight or passenger rates apply to dock clerk at Portland or on Ixwrd stumer. This iti the nearest and most di rect route to the Nehaleni valley. W. S. MAPLE, Blacksmithing and Repairing. Having one of the best shoers in the suite in my am ploy, 1 make llORSBIIOtlXG A SPECIALTY. ALL WORK ATTENDED TO PROMPTLY. Shop opposite corner from Tope's hardware store. ORECON CITY. OREC0N. TREES! TREES 1 1 Twenty thousand ITALIAN AM) PE'MTE PRUNES For sale cheep at the PRAIRIE NURSERY First class Prunes, Co. each in 100 lots. Second class, 3c. each in 100 lots. For further information, call on or address, ' DAVID J. COX, Clackamas Co. Canby, Or. OF INTEREST TO YOU ! What the ENTERPRISE has to Offer The Best Paper for the Least Money of Any in the State. In order to Kive a more general ac'iuaifitancc with the iiu-rit of th i KXTKHI'KISK aa a newriiaiier and to introduce it inW evert home in ,.i i . -n . . . i r . 'Iv:kaina county , it will be sent on a trial BuWriptMiit until March 15, 180.5, for 25 cent. will have an experienced rejortcr in attendance during the entire -'sion. and coiiiilete reieirts will le given each week of all bills intro- j duted, including the publication of thoe of intercut to Clackamaa coun- v Snil a retuirt t( I In iti.ilus anil t...fj.w .f .tli Bftr.ut,.M a rwl rj.r.ri.u.. r lion uiio'es oiiici w OHr uruercu. Society Directory. iKKulJ.N CITY HIM hi) Of TKAPK. C.i ll'w "e Second 1ii.isr la , V. t. mi.AI.IoN. HAIIVKV E ( KoM. IM-erU-y. President, j CAMlY HOAIlTiTlKTkAllE Meets at gliUblt Hail. Caut'F- oil flmt and lhtr-1 Kriilsr el rsch motitb. Vul..r r!eeiue i J Ossainos, W. W. Ksh.mt. Hres MI I.INllMAII bH, ITS uT I. A ATM. I II. .I'ls Ita riiilar comratiuleatious on first and ilord riaiur'Ujrs of each nj"U!h st 7 Sti r. n. Hretbrva luiuodkUudncsre inviid in siiend. J. T API-XKMiS. H. ' T. f KYAN.MerretarT OHF.'ioS UilMir..' So. 4, l ii.O.F. Merit Sfrry Thilrvlity eiren al 7 JJIuVlis-k lr in thf od felioas' ilsll. Main sireH. . Weretri uf the Ordrr srv in lle-l lu attend. by order ol n A. Midieten. N. u. Ibu. k)sn. seereurr. FkUM: k C a Spates f."Ko. . i. d" of Meets ftrvt au. tlilnl Ttie.lTS,r each mnith, I si ild Kelloat hU Members and vliion . ,..,MW. l,- ,.,11. M- in,-j .,.., i.. K. Jsv. 4. W. o Council. utiMKoii LoUiK. So W. I. O. O. t Meets si odd Fellow's hall. Onwrtn, mrr I turlar teniu. Vi.lllns brethren md I welcome. ii. H . KOS.-k.lt, N. li. . r. kisiit, ae. ME AUK eosT.So IU A R.. UtPAKTMEST or okeoon. Meets Inl Monday ol aacb month, at K. nf r Hall, orefoy City. Vlsitia eomradva mad. welcome. (ill MAS PARKER. Commander. GKK. (HOOK P08T. No, G AR, De an aieut ol Orefon. Meets In school houw at Seedy ou first 8at ur.Ur In each Bmtitta al t o rloca t m. All oHoirade mads welcome Jao rlpoiaK. 1 J. KsasTsnsa, Adju C'omoiauder. j I'lO IR0S LOIHiE SO. LIS, A. 0. C. W. j Mn-tsererjr Tnursdsr evenln al Odd Fellows nsu. uswefo. Milting tireloren siwari wet ei'me. j. l. CAarssu. R. STasi ss, Recorder M. W Mvll.AU 1HKiK. So. 114. A O I'. W Meets First sn Third Samrdsy la eca monih, at Adams hall. Vlsltluit members msd welcome. T. S. STirr, M. W. 1. W. Thomas, Kee. 1 Tl'AUTIN GKASOK. SO. Ul, P. ol H. I Meets last Satiirdsr ol each monih at their 1 hall In WllnnnTllte, R. B- Hisrv. M:ss Bcka Satar, Sec'y. Msswr. WARNER UHANUE. So. HT.P.ot H. Meet fourth Ssturdsr of each month, at their hall in Sew Era. ('. C. W iillamt. Master Miss Mamie Brown, see'y Bl'TTK CREEK URASUE, So. Si, P. ol H. Meets st their hall In Marauam, second Sst irxla; lu each inmilh at lo a. m. Visltm memlwrs always welcome. J. K JACK. J. R. WHITE, Secretary Master. MOLALLA GRANGE, SO. 40, P. of H. Meets at their hsll at Wright's Rrldfeonthe seeend Hsturdsy of each month ll 10 i. m Fellow members msde welcome. Rktbim M aiaHT, Msster. S II. Hakkau. See. OAVEL LOIHiK, SO. U, A 0. C. W Meets second sud third Sslurilsy ereninrs st Knisht'st hsll. Csnby. Vlsitinf brothers msde welcome. W H Oaissi., O L Bari.ow Reconlmir. Manterworkmsn CLACKAMAS LOIHiE. So. 67, A 0. U W. Meets flrst sud third Momlsy in esch month, at Straight's Ilsll Yinltliig brethern welcome. H. S.UISSOM. L. I). Joms. Kee. M. W. FALLS CITY LOIHiK or A. O V. W. Meets every secoud snd h.nrth Fridsyeven Jot esch month In Odd Fellows' biilMltis. sojouruiui brethren eotdislly inrlted to st tend. F. T. BAKLOW, M. W. lino Csurr, Recorder. ACHILLES LOIHiK. NO. SS. K OF P. Meets every Fridsy nights! the K. olP.hsll. VlMtiuii KuiKo invited Chas. Ai.ssiiiht. Jr., C. C. J. K KH.U'ts. K of R. and S ST. JOHN S HKANCH, So. etrroTK.ol A. Meets every Tuesday evening st their hsll corner Msln stid Tenth Streets, Oreitou Cltv. Matt, jcstis, Sec'y. T. W. Scluvas, e'res SKW ERA W. C T. U. Meets (Irst Saturday In each month st their hall iu Sew Era. Friends of the runic are tu. vltcd to be prvHcut. M rs. Cakky Johnson, Mas. Eastman. I'rvsidtuil. CANBY L0W1K, SO 5i4, 1 O. 0. T. Meets lint sud third Sstiinlsy ervuluK at K n Ik his hall Cstiby, Yisitlint members always made welcome. 11. C. Ott anKK, W, C. T. Mu.i.Asn La. See MKAPK BKI.1KP CORPS. No. 18, HEPART- MKST OF OKKOON. Mrs. M. M. Chsrnisii, President Mrs. K, L. Cochrane, - . Treasurer. Mrs. J. H. Hsnliii, - Secretary. Meets on flrst slid third Fridays ol each month tu K. of P. 1111. Members ol corps (rem abroad, cordially welcomed. CATARACT HOSK CO. No. J. Meets second Tuesday of each month st Cst aract Engine house, W. 11. llownx, Pres. 0. It. Bstow, Seo'y. J. W. O'Cosmkll. F'm. SONS OF VKTERANS. K. D. Bsker Csinp, No. is, meets every flrst and third Thursday evening of esch mouth C.A . HKRMANN,Jr.,t'spt, Wahd B. Lawton. 1st Lieut. C. F. Bl'CKLKS. 2d Lieut FOUNTAIN HOSK CO. No 1. Regular meeting, secoud Wednesday In each mnntli at engine house, east side Msln street, hetweeu Seventh and Eighth. I. AvaiKMAN, Seo'y. Lance Gardner, Pre. Kd. Newton, Foreman. FOR- ASSOLDTELY PURE DRUGS 0 TO Q A. HARDING. SO.NE BIT COMPCTCNT PHARMACISTS EMPUOVf O Hit PerttB'rtti ul Wist Articles. Also tall stork of FIITTS- OILS. ETC. NEW YORK GALLERY. Ihotogmph Delivered Promptly in the Finest Style of Art. Fine Crayon Work a Specialty. Old Picture! Copied to Any Sire. Satis faction Guaranteed. Oall.ry Isu Tu Ofios. 0&EQ0I CITT, OK. EAST AND SOUTH VIA Southern Pacific Route SHASTA LINE. Express Train leave Portland Daily. Sou.h I ' North. 70r. a. Lr Portland Ar 71.1P.H. Lr OrexonCity Lr tist.a lSs a . Ar 8. Francisco Lt tiX r. at. Above mini stop only at the following sta tions north ol Roseburcr East Portland, Ore con City. Wood burn. Salem. Albscy, Tsnenl Shedds. HsUey. Hsrrisburf. Junction City, lr Ting and Eugene Pullman Buffet Sleepers. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. Foraceommodatisn ol Second-Class Passenger attached lo Express Trains. ROSEBCRO MAIL (Dally). S O a.. I Lt Portlsnd Ar I WIr.si ia.ii.1 Lt Oregon City Lt S:Ur. H1r.s I Ar Roehiir Lt e J) a. ALBANY LOCAL (Daily, except Sunday.) & (si r. M. Lv Portland Ar S i6. . tr.. Lt Oregon City Lt 7 Ma. . 9-tiOr.ii. Ar Albany Lt 5:00 a. n. West Side liiTtston. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND C0RVAUJ8. Mail Train, Daily (Except Sundar.) THR0UCH TICKETS TO ALL POINT EAST AND SOUTH, For tickets snd lull Information regarding rsDs. mans, etc., call on Coiupsny's ageut ait Oregon City. K.KOEHLER, K. P. ROGERS. Mansger. Ass't G. F. and Pass. Agent COH'MBIA HOOK AND LADDER CO. Meets first Fridsy of tsch month st Fouutaln engine house. Chas. Athky, Pres. C B. Pillow, See'y. Chas Bitiis, t 'rm eavtATS. TRAD! MARKS. DtSION PATCMTS, COPtaiOHTa. atoJ For tnromatloa and fn Handbook write to MI NN A CO.. 3tU Bhoadwat, Niw Yohk. OKlMt bureau for securing pateuts tn Anienca. Kvery patent taken out by us is brought befura (twiubliuyauoUo(lTiin fnssot ohargelaUw Lamst etreulatlon of any scientific paper ta the vorld. Siilsniliulr Illustrated. No Intelligent msn should be without It. Weekly, J.o reari Il.W six months. Adi PuausHE, Stil Broadway, Saw lurk City, FRANK NELDON, GUNSMITH AND LOCKSMITH Oregon City, Oregon. Full Stock of Guns Ammunition. Repairs on all kind of small machine promptly made. Duplicate keys to any lock manufactured. Sliop'ou Haiti Street, next to Noblitt's Stables. JSolentiflo American tr