Oregon City Enterprise. FR I DA Y. JANUARY 50, iss. Clackamas Co. Directory. COUNTY OFHCKKS. i?!.- J. w virra ni l onru, StM-IIT, - Kwonlvr, Trwiawwr, ,, - School Superintendent, urTynr, Ooroaitr, Con-Diaalonsn, (01M V COlRt I'RtH'KKtMMiS. Rceummemted Changes I Cudi Xew I'Imm Adopted Ur Road Wrk. Tlieoonntvcomt mot as per adjourn ment with nil iiuMiihor. present. Coimmitiit-ation from l.att oonntv tit ' relative to llimlml jtmiinilmntri l. !,. . nnonini ...... ...... ........ , v. ..? t".';r'0ll','l,,l'lll'l'riiv''1 ml ' following S, M. Kansihy J. O W vlhorpll J. F. Brn.tlr i 11 a ,iiK.,H 1 ... o.i.... SMnir Smvih j - """ " '''- K. U Holmmi HKHKAS, I tutor .eftlon 2Tft Of th , resolution, were iloiUl km) j ordered sent to the senators and copiea j lepra ( 1 ...... , ..v... . I UT0 J(WnUw nTir j 00ll! rtniuiring the horif ot oh county j w uiv man?, iifiuu rvitvillg IDtt IttX roll vnuuvn viii vrru n no j - - ---- Mayo-. - - . t. w shiiimh j from C0llll,y clerk, to give notico io CMtKriWe. " . " . ,!'- Pih-i al lh county b . J. K Kh.wtin j deputy will be in .ucli precinct at Cii'nr. - . u Ki'M"" W one dav. for EES wSlrif . w ,v. s I f coneou,, ..x,., .j, City Knginrer. - Sidner Smyth, j " HKHKAS, Said llotii-ea and visit, of Counciimn-0. O. Albright. Sr., H. U kellv, t i .), i.-i,r ; i. ... i ,, ti. Om-iiman. w v wntt. J J. Oook'! J. snoriMim-tir tgo and needless ex- u'i'oudcU, J.o. Porter iu.tT.i-. Kau- j pense as well as to consume time tin uauucil wo am nednmday of each month j n''''-ly "d, taHtyhaJl. I Wiikkk as. Said visits of the shriir,,m ., . , ... vn j-aumiay Kepresen at v, 'attended with great ilaiu-er to h inae f ! ,i u , i -. Ht. RotvD. That it i. the n of ,h. ! .dy;...1'. . "d ,, lnuem.n n.t will re- , -.-.--.i.-, v- v iai kiiihiii tl(lIIIV It i PERSONAL NOTES. J. P. Fuller who haa lately aaaumed contwl of the Portland World, called on Friday, lion. E, M. Hart man wnt Thuradav of last week in Oregon City and went to lortiaiut frnlay moriiitin buy new Int Friilay Joeeph Kuertin and wife came down liom Salem to tHnd a few itava with frienda. Mr. Kuertin la atill quite weak from his recent alck hII. The Steel btothera, tieorK and Jamea proimitera of the Kaat Side Klerlrio line were in t ie city Saturday, They aay that cara will be running by February I. Montana iapem note that Rev. C. 0. lUteman formerly of thia city, but now cliailain in the regular Aaainnehoine, haa latelv delivered aome very popular loctmea in Helena and other towns. On Saturday Representative iHmcan hia wife $15. O'GONNELL k GLASS, Wish you a nnxr nnn liappj aim nimonmiAiio nmu Trnnn in 1 1 i ini iiiiiA 1 1 n 11 ir.ni JJl VHJJJVl VllLf 11UII JUU1 "55 fhould session oi THE KNTKKPRISK Orenon. that a.ii.1 .e. ti,. Will be found on sale at tne Orrjron Oity ' l repealed bv the present i. siuiv, a:i ai me .Mnnwesi jiews to., i the Itsjislature ISO Kirst St., rorUamt. j ... -. . j Wumt As, The provision of the ixle, SPRAY OF THE FALLS. jrtir frM(;M!' im"'"iv r,"",",: i Hie shenir of the rmwet v c-jiint e of I this state to levy warrants for the col lev ; pn-seiit IVtncan is a sister of Mrs. K. M. whom they were visiting. Mrs Mack, p. m., Two Happy Marrlaera. tn Wedneadav, at one o'clock Iteorv-e l. arner and Augusta S. Louua Major Charman isaxain able to sit up ' . . ,! """" flr collet wre married at the bri.le's residence in after his recent rvla(e. j "on oi .teniuiuent taxes, the Mme as on this oity by Rev. (i W. U.bonev in , I eXtOUtion Hint Ihrt tmrN i-f aai.l .ii.in. ' ..... .i t ... Sidney j-niylh is .tout agam after , relhn? to sale and return, on said war- J tivrs. The bride was arraved in a lovely being .,ok t d.y j rants is needlese and expenaive there j white silk very homing and att.activl It is to our interest to please every j 'or j and which set otr her beauty o great economicaJ buyer. BKi.ionvABiSi-ti.tf hKsoLVio, By the county court of' advantage. The parlor Win. Elliott who has been And offer a grand new year salo of U'S A! BOYS l CLOTHING, I he parlor curtains .., sick a loni co,II,,y, Oregon that said i '"""n d the bright electric lights time has been much worse the past few j SWtlon ' ,h wmI" ,,0,lM l "''"dl , illuminated the handsomely decorated d4Vg. hy legislative assembly now in j r""1 "d lent impressivenesa to the J session so that no lew or personal notice ol,'m" ceremony. Hearty eongnUula- i Send25centsin stamps or coin and j or service of the warrant for the collev ' follow,-,! after which '.Mr. and Mrs j tret the Extsbpwsk to read during the , lion of taxes shall in any case tie re- j Warner ami their guests sat down to an long winter evenings jquireii, and that publication of notice of w.J.ling dmner which was tin-i Tt, rv-nr.,.. .L. ! Aull-) AM nitW ft4-liir.l K w mt j I... 1 1 t I l'tti lfd flil 1 V tllaf it tit... e.. .... : . t, . I "c innrinsB 18 inr Ilr njmjHT OI I 1 euiiuirNiiii ur i - uiiio y ri III ( nv j Send 25 cents and j eunuifnt notice and all the prerequisi'e . ""PP." couple to prepare to take the af- neccssary to a legal sale of all real , t-'moon train for the Sound and Bri:ish property taxes. Cla-'kamas county ee how you like it I1k soasou is at liaml wlu'ii it is tlt siraM vt'iitorv, aii'l vt wish to mlnt e mir til a .. lo to fii'ar vt'S iitul ooiinti rM I.ir tln nimii il m. ttH'k. Ftr this rt a-oti we will dll'.T thu We make a constant study of goods, j price, and methods in our customer's j interest. Bellomy & Bcsch. ti j Send to the F.ntekprisk office for your ! legal blanks. A single one or a hundred furnished at Portland prices. W. H. Burhardt has money in any amount that borrowers want. Call and see hira at the postoff'ne building. We will place our goods in closest competition w.th anv reliable house tf Bellomy A Bcsch Clacka for the collection of delinquent j Uohiuihia where tliey will spend the I first week ol their honevniuon. alien Whereas, It appears that in ttie i tlity will return and settle down to several counties of this state that large ; housekeeping in thiscity here both have numbers of tracts of land are returned to j live,!. Numerous beautiful and the county courta as unsold for want of , costly presents recti ved will serve in bidders at tax sales and j the years to come to remind them of " iikreas. The several counties incur F. M. Capps who lives near mas was up yesterday consulting Super intendent Oiron on school matters. Hats, Underwear, Overshirts, Pants, Ac, at a great saving in price at x Hamilto.v A Alle.n'8 wi Biicii iMiiiiM i ittararivra if .... RotvBo. Thai . law shall be enacted ! T'. Z, "T ..? "'"" .u . , 1 "'"fn ami .iei lie a Us at the empowering the county judge to bid the ; holmj ot tlle bride', sister, Mr. C W amount of taxes and costs on each ror(er. Th(J weJJ. ,a ,q ieVo e' parcel of land so off-red for sa e for and !,iv . , . , ... . . . , ; u ; "'ere being oresent on y a few friends on behalf of the county m which said ! .,, . , ...'. . .' ''--' v. vXJ I fJHIVll T IlirV Greatest Sacrifice Sale EVER MADE IN OREGON CITY. $15--FIFTEEN -:- D0LLARS-$15 Buys during this salo One-tenth off on all boys' and children's suits and overcoats. their friends esteem and love. .expeuforlevyamUlvertirueDti L..t Wtslneslay eyeing a, 6 oVha-k ! All V Rlllf. rtV nwrnftnf in aw. . . m A w A m . , ii r j i. 11 i i . i . - ' ' - - v wwva Vv . :e The big plate glass to replace the one broken in Huntley, book store during the recent snow storm came to hand yesterday. Especial attention is given to diseases of the chest, throat and nasal passage. by J. 8. Courtney, M. D. Office, Char-! tuau block. land i. situated. Jons H. Meldri m, county judge. CoRNEUi-. Bair, commissioner. Richard Scott, commissioner. The court had under advisement th dividing of the county into such suiia- i ble road districts as will insure better i roads. Alter careful consideration the j court determined to form five road dis tricts to comprise all the territory with- I sat down to a dainty wedJing dinner. I Mr. and Mrs. Sladen left yeolerday lor Salem where they will remaii, for a few days prior to settling down in their home here. THE LEADING GROCERY HOUSE! The Most Complete and only first class Some of the court proceed :ngg and numerous local, have been crowded out thi. week to make room for our full legislative report. Circuit court ha. been in session during (be week with but few case, to Public School Notes. School is going on remarkably well af ter a two weeks vacation Tin. nintl, .,,,!., fi..: .1 .. i .1 . , - p...., time tuiifliitMJ liy wu.,,,,. 10 appoint tor eacn ;cal geography this wwk and will iuime- oisir.ci a .upervisor to Have full charge j diately begin the study of physics of all roads in hi. district and with Two new non-resident pupils, Frank ' O I? OP R I -? power to appoint overseers to look ater I f..Tnt,-,i, i .i. ,.. . , . , : v v-y L- . , . 1 wiv uniti Kiaiiu ano 1.UIU local work. ir.tin. i i. ... .uw v..,.,,.,, na,o ijeen en rolled. The tenth grade will begin astrono.i.y in a few davs The Philomatheon society helJ their ed, OUT prices are usual meeting Kridav engage the court which Saturday or today. rill adjourn on N. C. Dale postmaster at Mi.t and one of the leading citizen, of that section, wa. in town Wednesday and left on the evening train for Salem. Union meetings are being held by the several churches, thi. week at the Presbyterian and next at the Baptist church. Last week they were at the Methodist. All person, wishing to borrow money from the state school fund should apply j early and eecti re their loan, only eight I percent interest and but one commission. G. E. Haves, Atttorney for board. The installation of officers o! E. D. Ba ker camp, Sons of Veterans was omitted from the paper last week as a member who was present and had agreed to report it, wa. too busy to do so till too late for publication. J. S. Ki.leyand son John were in the city yesterday on their wav nn the j valley to procure a supply of choice hop root, to set out 10 acres oi hops. If they can not procure extra good plants from grower, up the riyer they will get them from Yakima. Kev. D. C. McFarland of Albany, pre aiding elder of the M. E. church south will conduct services next Saturday and Sunday morning and evening of Under thi. provision the county was distributed as follows: No. 1. All of Clackama. countv east and north of the middle Ii ne of r)m Willamette and Clackama. rivers extend ing to the summit of the Cascades. o. 2, All of Clackama. county east of the Willamette river between Clack ama. and Molalla rivers, extending to the summit of the Cascades. No. 3. Include, the corporate limit, of Oregon City. No. 4. All that part of the county lying south of the Molalla and east of the Willamette, extending to the sum mit of the Cascades. No. 5. Comprises all territory in the county west of the center line of the Willamette river. The following named persons were an- pointed supervisors : No. I. Albert Cooke; No. 2, W. II. Smith; No. 3, Street feupt. of Oregon City ; No. 4, Ed. P. Carter; No. 5, Geo. W. I'rosser. The mileage and per diem was allowed as follows : C. Bair, 1 day and 28 miles, tf.80; Kit-hard Scott.l day and 1 milen, $4.80. Quality consider- .Notice. All persons knowinc themselves to h indebted to ihe firm of HoUnan & Warner I are asked to call and t,.ttl,. at owing to a change in thefirm making it necessary to close all outstanding ac counts. It is expected that this hint will be sufficient. All account, not settled by Feb. 10 will be nlaced in nn attorney, hands for collection niirht Miaa Pauline Campbell reigns sunremelv in the chair. The subject. Kesolved tl..t capital punishment should be abolished" was caried on by F. Hedges, L. L'riggs, and Sade Chase, affirmative and Prof. Pringle, Ada Hughes, and L. Kelly, neg ative. The debate was won by the neg ative. A song bv Misses Chase, fun,,.!...!! Caufield and Ackerman was very well rendered. CI arence Purdom and M;hs Norman recited "Big Sisters Beau" in a very ef fective manner. The next subject will be Kesolved "That the manufacture, sale, and imtior tation of intoxicating lirmors should l, abolished." The society is talking of giving an open meeting at the hall in the evening. Pcr-u.s. 1,-ra in lintKirb r. niul d,-il Choice Fair Groceries Selected Teas, run Coffees & Spices. Buttcr&Chccscfromwbcstdairics J Positively no con- I rAtl . . - ..uun wim any always the lowest. Irilltuiul Vegetables in (Season, advertising scheme Cor. 7th & Madison, Shively Building, OrcgoTcit To tioiid Templars. j "1 "" I0 VOU know tlml Miw.ra'. I).,. I...I Business Conducted On Business Principles. One Price to All. "In buying a coiikIi medicine for children," says II . A. Walker, a nronii- j nent druj-glHt of Oden, Utah, "never be afraid to bny Chamberlain'. Couh Kemedy. There is no danger from it and relief is always sure to follow. I particularly recommend Chamberlain's becaus I have found it to be safe and reliable. It ig intended emieciallv for colds, croup and whooping cuiiirh " 50 cent bottles for sale by G. A. Hard ing. He Vottr Own Master. To tioiid Trmnlant Do vou know tlml M , "' itrtcnirn nemeiy is the only patent medicine in the world Unit dries tint m I ii i m .. .1.,... of alcohol j that Ihe mode, of prenarinir it in ifniitt-,. ..!., :u .1:: ' . .7 ........., uiieuver ; unit it is an advance in the scintw witho-it a parallel in the nineteenth century; that its proprietors olfer to lorteii isi.ikhj for any case of dvHuenxiu it will not cure? P0PE& CO. Take your babies to the New York gallery und gv.i a Kod picture while you have the chance. always keep In atucK line of Sunday Services. Hoi.MAN & Wahnek Few people appreciate how much each day at the United Brethern church. ,IrB. " ' , A cordial invitation ia extended to thelu ,... ', . . ' ! erirv denenda on the l,-m,,ni n 1 2 0 - of aN U,e vUal organs. A poorly died ri i, ' ''j"- Miiiiimr may maae 01 "wtiy Are We Hick"? Pl.vican'g For paind in the chest there i. nothing i miiIliliin "-'"wing the anatomy of the better than a flannel cloth saturated "uman R01y will be used in illustrations Balm and I All ladle, cordially invited. I public to attend there meetinR j resident pastor, Kev. W. L. Molloy. with Chamberlain'. Pain bound on over seat of pain. It will pro duce a counter irritation blistering, and i not so disagreeable a. mustard ; in fact a. much superior to any plaster on account of its pain-relieving qualities. If used in time it will pre vent pneumonia. 50 cent bottle, for ale by George A. Harding. without' electric line hag the able a. I track ,aid int0 the city 10 1'h-rteenth street and numerous gangs of men under tiie direction of Ed Storms, general road master are pushing the work with all .peed to an early completion. The engine crossed into the city on Tuesday. uv iriHun nna ritiurr., ..r ,1. n mend. A contested liver may bring imaginary ioorn and trouble into the sunniest day. A rheumatic pain may keep you from business or work and en tirely change some marked out policy A few doses of Moore'. Kevealed Kemedy will give tone to every function and make you enjoy your friends and your work. Fish. Fish. At it Mfflnhran's Hal. market all kind, of fresh and .alt water nail, rmha Inhaiac an.1 n., 1 and dressed chickens. Free delivery to all part, of the city. ( MI1I8TIAN CIII'HCH-Servl. Tovery Kna- tci-oikI and 'mirth SuiKUy In Mc, month by Hl!V K. I. HtAII KV. K1IIKT noNdHKflATIliM A I I'limii'ii 0. W. hut-As, Pii-tor. rterviees at II a m snil 7.:l r M. Hiimlny Hr-hn.il ull.-r MH.niliut ur- .. rinyer IIH.'tflllllf vv Clllif-xflliy evehlllir at 7 Wii.nlnck. I'rsynr ini-vtlna "f VoiinK l'm,.lr.t -y" r.uurnvur every suuil KIKST KAPTIHT ClltlUCII -Kv. (In mas Paiikks Pn-tnr Hnrniii. Hcrvli-o At II :HiiuiHy Hrhool nt 12-16- KveillllK Hervlea .'!: Umrul.r prayer meetlnij Weitiii-mlay evnnliiK. Monthly precwlin. the flrnt Hunrlay In the month. A conill Invitation to all. HT. OIIN-H ClltJKCII .CATItOMC-K.v. A IIiLMtHSAND, Paator. On Humlay rnaaa at S ani 10:WI A. M. Kvery aer-onil ami fourth Holiday (inrman aermnn alltir the K n'clnck maa At all other maaaea Kuxllah i-rmoiia. Huinlay Hchool at t M) r. x. Veanera, spoloaetlcal ubji-eta, and llonedlntlon at 7:0 c a. MKTIIODIHT KPIHCOCAI, ClltlHtJH.-Kitv (I. Hnr, l.l.,r U I... Sunday Hthoolat 12:15; KveNlniiai-rvliifl at7:u.' r.iiwonn initue meetinit Hiimliiy ovenliiK at K M): I'raver Mi-ellni, Thi, .1.... .. 3 ...7. ' -- ---n .."...., vTutiiiia Hum ' airaiiKera conually Invited. FlltHT PKKHRVTKUTAM -IIIIIK-II u... n -N"l'.tt:t:i.r-u.Hrrv!ce? ?i 11 '"' , . '".... ni iu a. h, lounir People's HocKity of Christian Kndcavor mneta evening prayer meetltiK at 7:80. Beati free. EVANO'SMCAhCimKCH-ORRHAN - Aim. Ernht, Paator. PreachuiK ervlce every alter nate Sunday at It A. M and 7M P. M. Sabbath anhool every Hunday at 10 A. M. (John (I .rpl.lutr.il. Hunt I U....1.I.. Ii ... r ' , e- '"ij rryer jnuetlllg every Wedneaday evening DN1TKI) BKKTHRKN ClfKCH-Rev P. B. WflJ.IAkra. na.tnr. Hervi,.. .nA v.lA a... day morn I in. and the preceding Maturday nlitht Iu each month at Oregon City, at II a. m. and 7 p m., aad Ihe drat Sunday afternoon of each month at falls View. This old and reliable firm ITT m in hit. mii an laifacini Win, Tinware, etc, 1 Plumbing, Gas Attended Fitting & Jobbing a1.1 J. ik . u.i to rronmll y. ninnies v itrnislied. OREGON CITY OKtOOK . CANBV NURSERIES -A COMI'LKTK LINK 0F Proprietor. Fr"ofe Be CANDY, LfA.LB.AND RBTTAiL A, t.