Oregon City Enterprise. SCHEDULES OF TIME O 1', T I'll tt M K AHr ld I trri t in tiim , ltrj, tiam.r. At Ion A IUU"SA la.Ya naauua r n 1 !ia m i. in, I) HI III. 't !l i. 111. l I' III. Kn v l.tl,tlliira I M r..n T ai in, 111 li .. in, l; hi a u i in, 'I UMi Ml, I'li.tlln ly Ii,! Ii. iplil Uki.lt mi Ulf (II I H HI it rl''k tilii KI'MUV, ml ni II III 4 1 HI II .1" IK V mi i iii Vl II III, TlUtl, l'v .uM.M'l III liAMtfO MI, till ll'.tliw MM I II HIS 'l IHl' BAll.Wli kottllt a,-i M All.tav I 'i--l t)f liI.ui i AH(.itiU .!(" ,lll.t.iKli ttlOMillg Un'.l Ill) Ull,,f 31 III It 1 1 . 111 M III ... 111 ft.ll Hp llif.lilit (..wO (way .Ulloli.l Altity I m-I i tliin ' l .lllnlllta fr;.ll0 llliluuilij HI a, in J 'A I in IIIK M All M.Ml -,. .,H, , till 111 Mml Ihi i lug "mull. hi I i ni 1 iii mi, ll K'H -t ciip..ii i ll) l.i fcl,( ni MiiliiiimiMl MUIU wiulli "I trgi, l ii'liitf gitiiiiH'U mm j HHUHMon many llml n qnilM liilcn" t.... .i dm .11.1.(11.... .turn lUiir I m. mil Inlo Ik-kuIiIhI pmk lmli ill j ,ng. Nnt lo hvmg tlice liinimK, lm unt..Hl'iili. Kir Mink .I'Lrk Mn-li, . . i . . .. . . i. I'ni.ii" mn., Mi.iin.. .u. i . .iii.n itii ili inmiy ilpiiii'-wckci nct 'iii)' hki'i to lmv iitlii'r. "i tlmin mul lil W,i,V!.Tl"!i'oi!V.'.i'.V.' ,'." i"' ' j '""' rtUfi. ovr llm i t Mlo hIikIuwIb iilimwl Uy mipplm'l I moUir lum, . ijiko Wilplcy rmim licur J a nuu:lmr 4 lliwuj. Ainoiigitl Hill'A , JAM Alt I '.ii, I , HiaiMiuxo Klk-inh: Wm-Kvfiy lv a gang id iimn arr Im.y i lunluiiK up anil down llm tall nlwirio ilc, carrying irv and alird liiug llumi lautly in plac. I'crwiua wlio liato cv'il.'m ",.l llm ilillU ulllei ul pulling up a gd iip Iciim lm( tlm Hoik la dorm on llm j ground and llm irw u ain.llcr audi 1'IUI.U cuiiitiair.il In il.il I'V llm; .I...I.1.. .-.....ii...a Hill ttitiiilcr liim men cull do llm auik -I' or hi fed in tlm an Tli tldiig li'l" ,,y, Iml l I'li'lml'ly HO .caum ri iimliiH In llm liu'li en gatl in llm uiimlit lUugcruii. Tlm aim having liccn ina.lo !! al tlm Mluln.d lmllil . III. ii nuea Ill llm Im&t imln and pUclug llm aire ucr lila aliuiil.ler liy umiig I'm i liiui.'i mi ; llm il and llm .pun on l.i. tMl, lm i vlluilia up, llm ,'f liiig ke I j it ligld ' enmigli lo lnld U lu pUi on lil ; aliuulilcr Wlmii lm la lly up anuUmr j Itiall cliinla tlm hcl ili and a.nmlill line ur lour men am al llm l'i 1 a j Uiany dill'crwlil ilca. Tlm nmn led on j Ilia grutiud alta. li a clamp and puller to tlmatrT and lo llm ltt"iu ig le luiilmr on. limn idaa llm ir ligdl, Aaaooii aa llm Rial man up Hilda llm , . . . i .I..l l. aira airtocuen a. iiii . ..v . u( a. laai aa immmuup iiiejr put takeaa almrt piem ulaueati.l bind, il , cleaning upfvprylhitig a liii b aaanol am firmly lo tlm liiaulalor on llm cr bar j verled Into curd mood, and placing i. in Tlm nenl man diva llm aanm and limy I , ,re flv, m Inien.led to '" coiim.luan to eieal llm proiea., All j uv, ,1B fiiiid aa clear a Hauibl ao Ilia may (rum Drvgun CHy to I'orlland m.u .iuiii, puller la aet l nmn mu.t go climbing aveiy )la. d ,, i,n firal ol tlm month timrc Iwlora tlm eJecltlr cara can run, IIii,,HIh, nolhing mi 1 1. gnmnd but llm a. ma thing mii.t m dnn over and ovr aiiK-vcral m lrea tituot go up to complete llmcltvuil. Tha men mho do tbia mirk ) onm eiperl. both In putting up mlrea and in tlimblug. Koaiui I.ai TAaa. Forelgnera mho niler land in tlm t'nited hlalea land ollico are vtperit'nclng roualderable Iroiibln owing to a rule of llm depart ment which reipiirea fuielgimr to Hie vith hia application eilher tlm original oi icertiflil copy ol Ida declaration or rial tiralliallon papera Aa thcae pier go to Waahlngion milh tlm application ur Una! prool paxr and ara there plaind on tile to become a part of llm iermauent recorda of tlm deparlment, Una prwveiila tliuir relurii to tha appl'ianl mho ia lia liln to I canned much inctuiveuieiicn If lm baa turned in hi original papera to tha laud otltce, For iii.lanre, if in niak i . .ii. ii ...i ... i i.. ..I IIIK ma application un jiii.eiiiiu,-u , homcaleadnr (Ilea hia naliiralilloil i pK.m, lien lie cornea lo prove up on Ida claim lm mint have either Ihe patera or a rerltlled copy to llle with hia pita da. II hia naturalization papera mere aeiit In milh hia tiling il mill be abau'iitely iieeea. aary for him to nd and get dupllcalca from the couniy m here he liik out hia iaMr. Again, 11 hi" cilineiiship be ("ailed In iiii'allon, m ilh hia piipi'ia In Waidiingtou he mual ngin gel dupli cate which ia likely to ciiime hlui givat troubln and lucoiiveiili'iice. To avoid all trouble the elalinuiil ahould Main Ihe original declaration nnd naturaliimtlon paiera, and havoeerlilledcopiea made for line In the html oil ice. W. 8. I.Aiut'a Wil l,, Uat Saturday ttflermmn the will of ' Ihe hiln W. S. I .add waa tiled for probate with County Judge J. 0. Moreliuid. It bequeatha the largeal aiuounl ol properly ever pro bated in Multnomah rountv or In the ntule. Ileaidea Ihe properlv led hia widow and other memhera ol hia family, no relative being aeemingly omitted, Iheie la led to be expended by Ilia Inmleea In Oregon, HIO.OOO for elmillttblo and ediiciitlonul pnrpuav. The will "iiggcHU that a pin t of thin Riun lie lined lu pro viding a home for old and indigent ludlea, Ilia wife, three aoin and two daughter aro mado hia executors with out bond. No value la et to the ealBto. Maciiinkhy Abhivino. Tho flrat )n atullimmt of the large hill of maohlneiy ordered by V. V. Moiey while eaat hat coma, to hand. H Inehnlea the two water whoela. on a 300 and the other a BOO-horse power, for the itlion on thla aide of the river, one of which la helng put In place ai rapidly, at poaalhle, an It ii to be run to furnish power for the Eaat Side Electrlo company,, It will take llll aliiitlt tlm Ural of lli muiilll lu Ifnl lilt Mlimil ai'l Up mill III ilc. Karli ol Ihi'no ln'i'ln H ltlitliiiir altai'li ini'iil omialata ni ni'itr'y twnrnr Inaita of hi ni blurry. Tlii mil nivn ilia rcilr auinti l'li' n( lliclr aiiw ami tlm ani'i'int ni work iiiiliril l.i ifi'l tlm imrlntutii'lliiir tint tlia ln'ii in plum, ll.i.- i!ii- h litii I llinni waa ii'ii'Iv.mI tlm tmk rrualmr mul Ibih ateniti t 111 lnli'iili'il tur Hi'i!riiiK llm fuiiiiilalluii fur tlic Mil alilii alutiiill, lu H'lxl llii'i' lli'" inlruiiiiiil ( iiiihIumi i hiluil'uu will IhI H'.IiIi IIIK III" lillllf hImIVH lilt! I'HIItll mi, I iiiiivi'rliiiit ll lulu rmliil cuiH'reln (iiiiiiildliuii f"i llu He m mir 1111111111. (Ihhi,hmi Vii in i v I-nun tin- Iron Winker ni tin- 1 1 Die IiiIIiihIhk Minim i tfatif -I ; I. A. mul A, V. Hlti .t-j-am pl linit ii'mlv In pill Ill thlrlv U ni n ni lioim, nil In iin yanl.. I'mil jl-lllltll, Willi llil l.i'i ll tlkllH ultl'l A. V, Xrltwtnii'i iiil'fi'it ift lull Tlmra- lav fr t" inoiillin' vlml In Hip (' i ,ii iti.iinil .liiii, ndi-r (lili'ii lm lll r- Si mkMuI I'i nu. K. A. W'l inliirMr HrliiniV finplny l Omgim ' ,(H., i n,,, imiiiilW lnn U iiiil U'lly. Tlm imn li i( Mr. Mmey, Jnl ! ;mm ,,., i ,M rein mul lm in Iii U-ing I. iiiihvI r.mipli'l'ly 111111')' i'"ini - grmiiui WnlnwiUy llnrniHiii. A llim ! ,iililU inl iihhUH'.".' ycr M, ikl() ( lu Iiihim rauglil Hut mi l I'm rMi j k u ttieltauk ol KngUml, ami M ..iiiiiuriii i.. liurning. Ha. I ll imt l n j h .ti flvet-ant ailvrr pinco coiimd dining lur Mr, Willi llm nii iign of lmllil- i18 tr,gn f Miiiilln. ilig wuiilil limfi) Imcli r,..mi.,r,. , VAi',v.-llci..g A Pmamia -Tlm McMiunvill l( Hurler aara ul an CKlcH-iimd cili'-n ul ! ( Uikmiio i-.itii.lv; Win. Harl.m - il- .......I.iitf . I... .Lt . U. MrMiiui- i m I i'l' u ..I J-....I. Wi..lii..ii Mr.' IUtlw faum lo (ir.in ill lM."i, ill com . i i ,i ...i. i i : Imdl lii l"g ca'"" "ll Urn '! "I llie Wiilaiui'it", lm luiind llic lUrl In. iicureM and aluil iilily neiglil andaaaim liiemUliip (alig up llial : I... ini ienwl with Wm paing )(.; rimy arro cliar.rturi.lic pi'inceia. I- rMtiigllm alurdv cliara. Ii-iilicaii.ninim i lo early llieguiiian.. and li Urn ri aardixl by aluinilant prmiK'iity I'ihiimdhhv Wuaa. fnder tlm di rrcllun of N. O. Waldeli. llm 1'urtland lien. t.I r.lcctrlc .'iiiupauy ba a Urge i fjimof men clearing up llielrUnd acnai j . ... i i .i j ,;g .tutupa mbicb It milt malk right out 1B ,,mil, mllor la nearly ready but tlm Uiiler la with tb inai hlnery coming j (,, xw pa((, lla Wab UaAaa Uat Kriday night. IlllUer runlom maa uotiliiil that an inaaim nun maa roaming Ihe t recta and lm atarleil to call h him. Alter chaing him all over llm bill be gave it up. ub arxjuenlly the man went lo the Oriental where he flayed all night. In the morning he waa quiet encept in hia talk, and he maa taken before Judge Meldrum and examined. Ho gave the' uiuuim iii. iiiciiii me . i''!! j j i .1 . . i i. lidtiiii tlm iiuliili"( v Into tlm hc muuiilaili' and upoimd llm rni1c lu-lay,"' "" kn.-aii l.y l.l.liaiii... Wlmii .Mr. Worl-j j man canm In llm .Ulc ciulil ye. i. later 1 Mmtii Huas. " team loaded a ith name of John Kouplv, and aaid liiajupby a pledge ol the hard caah ol a , . , , ,,,, I financially reaponaible linn, or company, mirauonma.lo Morn, the world. One . o ',.,,1. reputation lr fair and of hia rrtirmatory aigumcnla waa a j 10rB,e dealing, it ineana buaineaa! aharp knife mhich maa taken fiom bin), Now, there are acorei ol aarraparillaa bv the offlccra On Monday he m aa ! and olh-r l.lo.al-ptirillera, all cracked op taken to Salem. 1o!'t FoMunr lr. On Saturday even ing FallaCily Ualge A. 0. I'. W mill give their entertainment at Shively'a oier'i hoiiae, milh an excellent progiaiii, Thia ornanitalion ia riimlly iHxomirig one ol Ihe moat xpuUr and bftietlciiil order, in the alale, and the program Ima been prepared not uiily to intcrcx! bill to give Ihoae prermnt a better utideralaml - ing ol llm aimaofthe unlet. Mcinbera ol l-i4 1 1 tt City lodge and viiiiing luolhcia ate expii 'li'd lo bo in the hull promptly at H o'cl.a k each with hia badge on. All ,,, ,i , , viailora ahimld he on hand early ao aa lo miaa none of the exircle. A full i i- -..,ir.i Horn Imi'Kovino. A telegram re ceived from New York by a dealer laat Saturday reported ho( aa aclhng read-1 II y there at 1'5 iviila. Katlmatea baaed on llgurea caielully prepared show that there reniaiua in Oregon only alHiut 5.0(H) balea of the IS!"'-' crop. The eati mate ia aloo luiide thai of the bopa hipxdout of the country all of them but about one-thin! mere aold direct while the rest went to New York and London on eonaignnienl. Took tiik Ki.kctkic Link. Last ,ialtir day F, 11, Andrewa wa In Purl hind nnd Jnal niiaaed the 12 o'clix'k Vml coming up. Uo waa In a hurry to get home and took an electric cur un the Kant Side line and fortunately caught Ihe gravel train juat pulling out. Vpon thla he rode to the Chickanma bridge then walked to town reaching here ahortly alter two. Hamilton A Ai.i.kn' Stobk.OiiI)' a few day ago a residence building, oc cupied the alto where now stands a large store building well on ilu way toward! encloHtireand completion. It la the In tontien to ninth the work aa taut as possible ao the firm can got Bottled In permanent quarters aa aoon al possible. liiimwu Whikt I'aiitv. Mra. I-eonanl Cliariuaii ev iliilllillul ilnimiio lil.t iiarty un Kalnniay vwiliiu l rimnli'iii'i) on Mcvtiiitli ninml. Afir plnyliiK wvi-riil Kmimii (if iluinliiu wliW nil mlj.iiiriiflil In llm iIiiiIiik room wli a ilnlnly miimr aurvud. Tli" irininit IhmmIh llm limit mi'i lioateaa wro; 0. H. I.nt'iiifclti' inl "'i T. V, I'giiu mul 'il. ''. I''i' li ul 1'iirtliiml, K. K. Clmriiinli mul K. it 'l i n r in t ii mul wilt', Mkktinu at Ki On futunUy n'glit tlm i'ilinini ul Kly lii-l'l uncling lor llm j mrHiM n( i'iiiiiii'r!ng tlm nilvimiliiilly ul Kliluiiiiig to llinni Into llm rily . 'ri...... m ul.j.iii iMimiv tiif4til mul llll Ijllrnllilll 1 1 rt 1 Hl'ullg bii'I Hifmimt, I t ii 1 1 y it vl liik.-n llll HIT lirilPll Hill Ml ' j . . , . -t.l )... lii-iiig liiki'ii III . Hint vulil ilowii, l i i . ! : iroHiniinii lo riini into tlmrlir liii'l (nrrii'il l) lo ll. .otli. - r lliliiK" In l.l rollw -lion lm li I liuill at tlm corner of Main ami '1 wclllli j .in.rn fur H. ll. CaliffA Ciimpany In i . . . i '" V""""" " " " ' ' tlm I'll''"'" t-gcllmr. I ..ii u. :.. I... I - ...... -...I '"'H" ""' la j Mug well and il.UiiliHy liuill. Tlm ' ruinpaiiv ttill liavp to Hitunm w.irk or 1 i i i t :i . il ri'luiM' urimrw lur a lime a nun iih-t iiudau..) gut inlii-l doa it on Mat atrwl venier liiv jii.t e.l ul llm alale liuinm i A lnvl gul into a Ii ulr and llpacl part llu.led il.mn tlm the inad vliicli the m n el a a a li lu'c il reonenl." Tlm almve I rum llm halcin iH-ima-rat o.iul I Imlica'c that Urn atrwta ol tlm capiial city not liiucli belter than luiiroan r ingli tlmroiiKlilarea. i Koa f ai.. r"ur calunel orklug i Imnclira at Imllumy & Itura li'a. Will m-II at a b'Otain. x ... " 'i'iIT...i ."t.... " ii'V "II" j lo Vaiiwuver Coiniuiaaiuo lltirnaid atrwt, Portland. Co., 1 Teacher' Awlat!oa. The following la tlm program preparwl . for the Tcachera' Aaiaiion. mhich mill t iieel at Mtlm aukev January :'H, Wi: j fMouHAM. j Addteaa . . Supt. II. S. (iiliaon Primary language Miea Madge Hill j lierllaliun. Chaa. K. IVaaej Teaching Country School. I.. A. Kewl j Vocal lHiel Miaaei Miller'and Trublood Literature in Country Srhoola j Prof. II. W. Pringle; Phytiral Culture. . .Miaa.N. Stella Ame Addreaa Prof. II. S. Stranw Song Miaa Kdith Tyler Orthoepy 11. H. Kobb Kecitalion. .. Miaa Knnict) IXmaldaon FANMK (i. POUTK.R, Sec'y. Talk'i cheap, but when il'a backed ff.-5 mdilor vour ' lo lie the lieal, purest, moat I . ,,ii.lclti Iml tu..r in muni ' own Hake). Ihere'a only one guaranteed J hlood-imrilier and rviue.ly lor lorplit j j liver and all diaeaaea that come from , bad IiIoihI. i That one aliuuhng aoliUry and alone ! aold on ttial, ia I I r. Pleree'atiolden Medical Piacove.-y. ! ll it dia-.n'l do good in akin, ecnlp and acrofulou. di'aae anil pulmonary con : Kiiiupliuii ia only 1 ' niakern know lung acrofuU juat let and get your money i ... ,' , ,, ,,. i.,.i. a voor mcd- j VSWt ur rm,n,ii, one, by Nelling il on tiiiil "(ioldcn Medical 1 Woven-" in "'I',1.""1;1 hanrrupl the laiveat fortune. : Take cheap, but on y 'Piaeoverv ia ; tm, ' ' 1 . i Troy I.1111111I1T. The Troy Steam laundry, of Portland, baa opened an agency in Oregon City j milli F. A. Waddoek at the post otlice confectionery and cigar stand, where bundles will be received and returned, lioods left at olllco by Tuesday noon will la returned Saturday morning. The success ol Chamberlain's Cough Keinedy In ellcoting a speedy cure ol colds, croup and whooping cough has brought It Into great demand. Messrs. Pontius & Son, of Cameron, Ohio, say that It bus gained a reputation second to none in that vicinity. James M. Queen, of Johnston, V, Va says it is the best he ever used. H. F. Jones, druggint, Winona, 'Miss., says: "Chauiborluin's Cough Kemedy is perfectly reliable. I have always warranted it and it never failed to give the moat perfect satisfac tion." 50 cent bottlei for Bale by tleo, A. Harding. ltucklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Hruisos, 8ore, Ulcers., Salt Kheuin, Fever Sores, Totter, Chapped Hand, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tion, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box., tor sale by U A. Harding. Milk, Xllk Hiving iwuiii'l nritira ioiiIiuI ul llm Mmilor Turk ilitiry ly tlm (iiiri li of Mr. Ilnintiigiirn'a Inlnrnnt, I mn rv iinri'. 10 (urniiili ,ut milk ili'llviTi'd In miy mrl of tlm ell y at ri nwiimi.lH rii. j Onli m nli Im lull lit ). W. Iivrjny'g ' mil K. T. liiirliiw'n on Main lrH or! J, 1). Iti'iiimr'i on Himmili ulrwl. j M. W. Kaxuaix If i - - i !S ul le. J Nulliw In lnTi-liy iivn, llmt (iwirp j WmlllT, llU V IIIK lllll'llM-l Hll'illllTl't 111 ; llm lute JiiIiiik l.onii In the Drill of 1jgua ' A Alliriglit, llm liimiiit'tii will ln-n ulliT ! Iii) I'miKJn tell mnli-r tlm lirm nmim u( Al-; Tliunkliig llm runny : ..i ii... ..i.i it.... i... (i.:. (..... ; "" """ "-""! ) MlUll ulriVM III lOlHllll l till! lltlnlllfll "'Ill' I" llll'llt "I I"' pnli ii'. tlm ontiniii''! jiKlronK j ( kii. Ai nan. lit, ju. IIko. WAaJtua. I'lrttTivci v l.Aicr Call. I'artic in ilclitfil lo ( ImniMli iV huri 111 Out call all act lie lliclr accoimta without iJclay ei tlm ilc!lniiic(icv ill I ri'iorinl toll Mcrciitll Agency. A wont lo' llm wine i aullUioiit. I'iiakkaK hi.x 4t Irriu. el '. it T. lllluta. Wo are conntantly aJJing ih!W thingn toournUxrk of drugiHt' rundrica, ami we Mean To make it an nlijwt ! fur yon to get our jiriccn, we our gin! ami fonii.' aiuainted with if iih and "'Ur iimui; oi liuill Business. We liave at jirpaiiit a couijilctc line vt fine tixith, nail ami hair lirunlics Jirect from the East at jiricen that will unit ony huyer. C. G. HUNTLEY, C. ..... .. ... 1., ! ui.v?hii iCACFIKLI) - & - HUNTLEY, j lrBcrillin lruui.l.. YOU R BLAN K BOOKS FOR 1893? We have a full line from Mx-kft memoranda to h00-jui?e, Pt'iny, patent hack ledgers and jour nal. Our assortment of all kind of office aujjlie in complete, and the pricca, if you will ak them, will catch your trade. Orecon City Book Store, J Xo. ft, Com. Hank Mock, W. A. HUNTLEY, Prop. SIX SPASMS A DAY. Dr. Vile Mimical (V, .Elftfcart, 14. Gikti.mks: I neror low an opportunity to raconim.ua Ur. Nile.' Kwiorauva Nrrvtna lo or , , onaftlioledlthnrTOtciinrUinti U nCvlih the awuraui'c thut it will not I l"tlt-AWx'lnt Hum. WInourboyM lhten jnoTUhdolil h waaitm'kt with yuiltnt liua. eouieuniDa n mouia uava uv. w auutliiauiiKldar. wt taito aaat anvai ci.ni without aintriTi flu"J ".'?,"'lfl!,,t lomllva Ker CU RED " a bollle, and w 1 1 eouW Uiai h.., rtna tm r riaaT anal. 8 U.W1 U1IXH) lilUC, Ja iTiwa Iwiiilea. aud I am aauDrto any tha elnld maa ENTISltUV CUBED, wa oilier r, iiirJy, and Ui cunt la eoiupltt. Ua u ??s:thousands ll haalttiy. You arm at llbsrly to on my nam In aauaaiN tnk eaaiet or thio monoiarui in, 8. a Hiacox, Agent Paclae Kxpima Oo Butlugt, ttabruka, April 60, HW. Dr. Miles' Nervine. host csaTaiti coal roa HEADACHE, HECBA1QIA, SEBV0U3 PS08- milOX, DIZ2IHES3, BFABK8, BLEEP IJE88 ES3, HUIJJIE3S, BLUES, tad OPIUM HABIt, OLD ON h NtlTIVt OUANANTK. TRY DR. MILES' PILLS, 50 DOSES 25 CT& For pale by Charman & Co. MONEY TO LOAN! OFFICE Next door to Caufield A Huntley's drug store. ;Clothing, Clothing, Clothing, The Finest Line and Best Quality Brought to Oregon City for Men, Youths and Boys. MBSBMaWHaWaaaMI Prices That'll Surprise You. Remember the Place. THOMAS OHARMAN & SONS' PIONEER -: STORE. Complete line of Dry Goods, Groceries and Hardware. Five Filled Whatever it may be. GO TO Oregon City Iron Works for all kinds of Machine work and Casting. ALL REPAIRS To Traction Engines, Threshing Machines, Har vesters, Mowers, Etc., promptly attended to. OUR PRICES Are equal to the lowest to he had in Portland. Shop on Fifth St. near Main, Oregon City. J. ROAKE. Prop. OREGON CITY FENCE WORKS, I Matiuiartiirrrs of and dealers In all aiylet of ICOMBljJATlOlj WlrE AND pirjET FENdE, j Both rough and dressed for lawn and division fence, also Hartman Steel Picket Fence, And Wire Panel Farm Fence, also Expanded Metal Fence. Call and see Samples and get Prices. Shop over Bostow's Sash & Poor factory, Oregon City, Or. GEORGE BROUGHTON, MAXl'FACTl'RER OF ALL KINDS OF FIR AND HARDWOOD LUMBER. FULL STOCK OF FLOORING, CEILING. RUSTIC AND FINISH ING LUMBER, DIMENSION STUFF AND LATH. special Bills Cut to Order Mill and Yard on the River, Foot of Main Street, ORKOON CITY. OR. CITY VI EW MARKET, HENRY BOYER, Proprietor, Wholesale and Retail Dealers In ,, Fresh Beef, Mutton, Pork, Ham, Bacon and Lard. THE BEST OF MEAT KEPT AND SATISFACTION GIVEN, MOP ON SEVENTH STREET, T HEAD OF STAIRS. C. 0. T. WILLIAMS will lean you all the money you wanton improved farms at th very lowest rates. Social raU-H given on largo loan. No liuiMing and Loan Asso ciation but Htraigltt goods. After thirty years residence in Oregon City I feel nafe in refering to ihe public in general. Ever Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Stores in one. Your order I a) a r l a if lO i t A f ) $ le ":,r J r 3 r 'h $ k , e 1 in Ye- iwa)"'-- r