Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 20, 1893, Image 3

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Oregon City hnterprise.
KlUltAy, JANl'AHV 20, Mti;l. "
famuli for pats el" funtlng Kt.iiU-r Par.
llmlart Res Iwitl CuIuwmi.
Kltl PAY- Mnunlatii View linprnvsiuritt
Howling, 7 . i. Hi,
rMTtltlAY lall.t'liy ,hI,i. iilll Inert
fug, Mlilvliy'i Iiiiumi, a i. in,
Head tlia Ksmsi-aiss (.Hit on h
seventh page.
Martin lloilca ,i Hod Hpriiigs u In
III elly on Friday.
II you want in boy ui in Itoltun ).
.y la C O, T WlllUma. agent
last Halurday J II, No u( Needy waa. Una w It has Un iiusliflnd t nit the Inlcriial liiiptovemeiitaiioodrlcli.tiill
In town mid called st Dm Kxrtni-aisfc- needs ul il.U .laie. Hrlelly It U intended 'and Toner.
"'"is. In enahln romily roiirm lo ly mil, con- j 1'ulilic I'.iiildingK nd (ironnd Kord,
If you winli mi.Hll I.m.11 on ,g " "d Impriiv lilgliwuy. It pr.i-1 Wilkln nd HlaU,
'rgtt, I kiii iI.k .rly fun wUti to we . "Id" P'Olioil lo m nignwl l.y not j Agrlriillurl linrr of Marlon, (.'oon
W. II. li nuiuHirr, ! !' lli tidv rldnl land ontmra ; ami Mfvina.
living wiililn two mlli-a..f llm pn.powd ' Aliolliulii- Trallic Ult, Dotnan and
W ant.!, good g., lodo I'o.iwwork,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,, p..,,,,,,,, CmpUII.
In . family of ll.r.. Apply at room 3, ; ,,Ul( vll.,r, U P,sl,le n,,' .llw.ya and Tri...rlalion-iown,
naruiaii mo. a, itiin II v.
Money In imi tl, Ihi, I'.'iO, kHl
and any aiiioiint ahova llml. t ume em
eon inn. W, II, III u,,ii im.r
W. i. lUtlnhaw is pulling up a new
iionae on tiinru luilil. Mo will l.nto a!
iivni pintc Miien u in none.
The free reading loom la re. eiving more
altenlion from tlie yiuiig men and Ixiva
and la linn h Uller pxtroiiued than In lla
earlier daya
Mr. JudiHin J. Howard, who arrlve.1
frtun ll.eeit.1 recrnllv. ha. i..ird..ac,l !
tola at Wiulvnu where hn will hiiiid
Ileal collage at once
The Nchaleiu Journal nolca that C.
M. Went, ( ttiegoit Cily feme in Satur
day evening on a viait lo ftiemla.
"""""""" ' "' '
It la Ultdeialooil ill certain ileum ratir
Klitiml cirrlee in 1'urtland lha'. lion,
W. T. Hurney ia a atnuig camlidaln for
regialer of the t'lilted Slalea laud ollii e
al Ihia plai-e.
a. M .... . ,
lim nrwl I t.liuiiluaii .-..Ittri I., iiiiu... In
town were brought !rm I'm I land lv K,
K. Wllllama ah ipalda dollar each Ion
them Thev are prououni'e.l very neat '
by all who have aeen them, 1
Iteceiiliv a rvureaeiiutive of the
Ktaai iaa hal ll.e pleaauie of ex-1
auiillttig II. t. Mrvenaa Very taliialiie
ami rare collecli.in oflu.han rehca whiih
will at an early date m awarded an ex-
tende.1 tioli.-e In ll.eae i-olumna,
J W. .al td Cla. kamaa waa in
town yeatertlav and railed al ll.e Kaiaw
1-MlaK oltice. He aava of the open meet-
log of the A. . V. W. Ilwre that ll waaj
a great autve.t. aall.lactory to Uuh the
halge and the outsiders.
tiro. York a tllacl.argf d soldier who
rHimuiilted sn.ciilit in Lane county lut
Witk by taking tryditiine, waa In the
city jail here over Sunday night, the nth,
at hia uwn retueat When here he was
quite despondent owing to hia having
been robbed III Portland directly after
bis dlacharire.
Mrs. K. A. Ulair baa a national re
putation aa a chalk talker. She handlea
tier rravona skilfully and keeps up an an
imated discourse at the aame lime. Her
let turns are eaecially Interesting Id the
children who gain admittance fur 10
rents, adults Ift cents at M. K. church
Thurtlay January J(l
IIAHPKSTY In Nee.lv. Januaiy 17,
IWKI, Mra. K. W. llardesty, age.l U
Mrs. Hardest)' inaitlen name waa
Kconceand she was a daughter of Mrs.
II. H. Sconce of this place, and Moved
wife of 8. W, Hiirdcaly, the Needy
Mrs. Munich' waa horn In liny
county Missouri, Ism, enme to Dregon
with her parents In Infill and in 1K70
was nun rli'd lo S, W. Hnrdcsty She
was a loving wife, anil kind mother, and
a universal fitviui'tt anil held in (he
highest esteem hv all who knew her,
Mra, Hiir.leaty was Hiiiemherof the
l'loneer 1'iiion of the slnteof Oregon anil
bus hehl ll.e position us postimiHtcr at
City Treiinirer's .Notice.
Notii'ii Is hereby given thai there are
binds on hnn.l stiflldent to puy whithiiIs
No. 17, r., 10, 1H, 111, 2:1, 20 and l".', en
dorswd Iiccemhur 11HI1, Interest cukhcb
with dute of this notice..
Y, ,1, m'k, City Treasurer,
Oregon City, Jnnimry 111, 18 XI It
lleiiileraon (Jriinleil a Sliiy.
Hhtirlirtiunong bus received notice of
A atny of pro.-eedings from the supreme
""it cnmiimndliig him not to hung
luindorHon till ho bus further orders
from the court, so Iloudurson will not
hung next Tuesday as ordered by the
lower court.
Cliititer Meeting.
There will ho a final mooting of the
charter committee this Thursday levell
ing and also of the city council tu hike
final action on the new churtor prepared
by the churtor committee. Cltlr.onB In
vited to attend. J, W, O'CoNNKMi,
ltd Hi II on non Ottliiir Down lo
Solid Work.
Mrl.lr.im'. Ilnml :rniinlr DhMon
IMngs of Ui Clackamas
Delegation, (
Among the many bill Introduced f.r
llin iurMii of securing legislation that
will itinll the building ol better toads,
Ilia liill irnrl by Juiltf J. W, Mnl
(Iruin and Introduced by Senator Cross
In worthy u( roiiuiieiidalion. Judge
Mcldrilm has given ronsidcrahla alien
II.m and careful llioiiiilil and In v. t
tloll lo Ilia rimd iiii-nll..li, Klid while ll.
liill referred lo in founded iiihiii tlm I ml-;
' within thten ntilea of prupiwed rad and
an the dainagw lo audi lamia in their
juot priiMiitiuii, rn.i,n to liencfila lo
1 1 dnrivd. The vicwcia ill rvirt to
I the couit and a day la m-I fur lluul hear
ing when mi.oiutralicca may Ihi tiled.
! ir ii... .......i n...i ii.i ii... .1
geiieral utility it mar the coiiiiiy
,,U lo help in hotldillii the road lo the
extent i f fni wr cent of the eulito nwt.
i AaaewineiiU having lieeli tl.ua levied
Ixxiiiue a hen ojioit ll.e hnd dating from
11,0 ' ll" l'""' led, the
a-aewii.ent to I paid 111 ten uat year-
IV ii:auiln.eiiln, llie wuik I lo la ilmie
: hy loiitracl omh-r a coiiniy r u I nmxlcr.
jThe general roa.l lax under Ihi ai t
: aliall not eiifllcl lilty cciila on (IfXI. The
alnive aie the main Icaliirea ol I lie hill
i which into nil neceiaary dctaiU (or
hiving out, making, and paying for the
J rod conairni tcil undm ha pr.iiiii..
Among l.e lint billa intrtxhlceil In
lh wnate waa one hy Mteia tif I. inn.
: providing lliat all nionry fur road pur
(aea ahall m raiaed hy a aNfial road
tax and e n.h-.l hy ll.e road auar-
' .... .1 .. .1. ,i I ii
1 ll"'i tlllOI,l II ol I null ui uir fuiiiiii
j '
court, the neit laora o he ele. tetl l.v
the people and lo awrve Imir yean. All the woikinga of the jule mill in opera
work under IVI ia lo ! tlmie under the t i ( there. A committee waa alao
direction ol ll.e superriaor and all over
i that amount ia to I It t hy contract. .
X'lMnv't rm unisut.
The legialature met on Moiidav aa -r
adjoiiriiii.ciit on Thtiimlay al 2 o t lo. k
: J eriie the afternoon waa un
eventful, ll.e chid iuieieat cenlerini! in
the loiiiinllieea hu ll were named hy j
,' oeldenl prior to adjournment,
s"'o" !" ii.trt-ln.fd a I ill im-or-j
l"i"'g ' ol t aul v
Vamlerhurg of tl ople'a party per
annum. Ihiaiaa popular liot.hy will.
,11 endeavor lo push
tU Kith houses.
: Ins parly and he w
the measure lliroogh
A bill c rit.illiiig women to hold eda
catiotiiil oiliiea ia before the senste hav
ing for its uhcct ll.e seciii.ng hi women
the right to hold the ollice of county
it IU1I 1 lll..l.,ll,l l.f M.'ltlkllS
..... . . , ,
Kaalern Oregon want a stale normal ;
, i
school an 1 Senator Haley baa presented ,
, . .ii, . i . 1
a hill for the establishment of one at
W'eatoii In t'malilla county .
Judiciary IVnny (chairman), Cnsts,
Willis, Weatherforil ami llutler.
Ways and Meana' Hirach, dates,
Woodard, Itlackman and Haley.
Kleclions- Wootlartl, Hays and Hus
ton. Claims Mcdlnn, Steiwur and Myers.
CorKiration Cameron, Cross and
Counties Podaon, Lixmey ami
Military Afhurn Hancroft, lialea and'
,, , :
,i . I
( oiiimerce uxmey, Maxwell and ;
Kducalion Crosno, Willis and Mul
lock. Kngmssed Hilis Mctiinn, IVmIsoii
and Myers,
F.nrollcd bills tiittes, Ilirsch and
W'tmtli.ii ford
Hoads ami Highways Cioss, l.ooney,
Crosno, McAlister iiml Hockley.
I'uhlic Lands Steiwer, Maxwell,
I hives, Cogswell and Smith.
Federal ltel.itiona ('ogswell, Alley
iiml Hnncroft,
Mining Cameron, Woodurd ami
Printing Maxwell, Mdiinn and
Htiilrouds lliiyes, Ciuuerou, Ioim v,
Mullock ami Cogswell.
Agriculture Yanderbiitg, Caniurou
and Alley.
A SHessineiits Willis, Stuiwert Hodson,
Haley and Huston.
Fishing Industrie Alley, Ilirsch,
Cross, ItlncKuiiin mid Vcatclt.
1'iihlic lluiltliiigH Looney, Iiuiu'ioft
and Keckley,
Flections Nortliup (chairman) I'ur
hum, Cornelius, Mays and Miller.
Ways and Means Wright of Union,
Wright of Marion and Jeffreys,
Kdiicatlon llrown of Douglas, Tax
ton, and King.
Judiciary l'nxton, llrnwn of Morrow,
Ford, Nichols and King.
Claims Cornelius, Ilaiighraan and
Military Affairs dwr of Clackamas,
Nortliup mi'l Nlckell.
It-ad mi'l Wuhwaya Ur, fleer of
Marion rni.l Comm.
Kngroased bills Morrltl, Manley end
Enrolled Ullla-iielknap, Merrill and
Indian AffttiiM Ormsby, Mono and
I'rlntlng Iiiinrmi, iliiwmi and I'plon.
Corporation KusmiII, liiillixaoii and
Commercx tiollixson, llclknap, Trul
linger, Hells and Wilkinson,
Counties Ihoan of Marrow, Drown
of I'ouglsa, lesion, llobhs and Inman.
Federal delations Hold, Hieri.Un,
nl McKwen
Mining Wright of Muriun, Duaton
and Ilutirk.
I'iiIiHc I.uinU-Mi'rntl, (Inwan and
l'"'H. t'handlrr, Jclfic) mid llouck. I
Anximiueiit and Taxation- ( 'handler,
Mmilcv, l iiyiiimi, i.okI.hi anl Iiuly
M.iniilm'iie llml. up, l'.linor and
I ay.
Medicine ami I'harniacy I'aly tilll
ami Miller.
Iioilli iilliire Coon, OrumLy ami
I'uhlic Mora! illl, Ilanghnian and
'Mi Kcii,
! ItuU and Joint It. ilea Nit holaa,
I'urham Ininaii.
rln.-a mid Mileage Ilurhaiu,
.Hem ll and .vialoiiey.
I'ui.hc l.ihrari tUughman, Turd and
. Kiaheriea Mvera, Coon, Co"er,
, Je!!re) mid Caoipliell.
l.ah..r ji.iion, Maya aii'l Cptmi.
Several o tlie ataiidii.g committeea
Mt-re im ii-hmxI fiolii llu.f to live nielii-ln-ra
ami even new committeea were
Aa the governor recommenda an.l
t there ia a propoailion to oerate a jute
uiill in the peiiiU'iit.ary joint cotumil-
i i.. I.-. I ... il.-
uv own i'-i-,i ptrrni n w iifc
i '
; W aahingloit i llllelillaiv to examine
agreed iimn lo viait the Caacade and
examine into the ct of btiild.ng and
.operating a H.rt4g roa. there.
I'nder the conatilution Ihia legislature
ahould re appoilioll the ft ale, and a
j apecial coiiimiltte is provided to con-
I aider that subject and reort a bill
A senate joint resolution requesting
the preaident not lo withdraw .,, pule j
iiv in nun in iiit puiiv wtui'iiiriu
until Hit d ljuiiiiiiitriit 4 ihi littUtnrt,
came up for action today and waa pass
big without a dissenting vote, when
i VtU'" I"1"'" M"'Ml tU I"0"
.hhI Critter Lake .k? lUung an-
, swereil in the alliruialive tie vuttil, no.
i Other n. cmlers following voted in the
negative ami a niinil-er who had already
: voted changed Iheir volea and the reso-
'lullon was defeatetl. The object of the
resolution w.i lo enable tin legislature
... .
to provide for the proier protection of
the school sections.
I Iloth senators from Clackamas will
I have all the committee work thai they
can attend to aa each is chairman of an
ImiMrlant committee. The meniber of
the house naturally could not fare at
well. Iteer is the only one who is
chairman of a committee. I-awton Is a
mcmlier of two and Curren of one.
Hy the way it ia everywhere remarked
that C. W. Fulton has treated his oppo
nents very nicely in llie way of commit
tees. Not one of his opponents in the
contest for president of the senate ia
1 .1. I ......... I.. ... i. ..I ii... ii.- ...;.
, " , ,, .. , . , .
dent was feeling hitter and seised his
.. .
promotion aa a means to get even. On
i no- t .'1. 1 1 al T tut. iliq iinni I'unitiuun
and in most cases appreciate and com
mend the wise policy pursued,
l'nring the two hours' session some
forty hills were passed to third reading
ami about twenty new bills were added
to the calendar.
The bill ot Senator Cross' abolishing
the feu system ami proviiling (or a salury
for sheriff and county clerk is meeting
a favorable reception. The compensa
tion of eiioh olllcer is fixed at about
Soualor Willis' bill to disguise with
lady clerks brought a lady from Port
lam! who extensively circulated a peti
tion in opposition tu the measure.
Several liidy clerks have already been
appointed to places, which would con
sidcmhly complicate mutters if the bill
should become, a law which in all proba
bility it will not.
A bill defining a legal fence has been
Introduced by Deer of Clackamas, in
which one 4 feet high is established
as the tn i i) i in inn allowed.
Hepresentiitive Uiwton has introduced
bills repealing the exemption for iiuloht
odiicHH mid taxation of mortgages
clauses. He is much interested in both
measure and will strive earnestly to
have both become law.
The day passed without particular in
cident In the senate which is well up
with its work, with all members work
ing harmoniously to promote the best
legislation. A. good many new bills
wera lntroducd and all that had htmn I
sent up by Hi printer were In ken up j
mid (il'ril from tli rlnrka' (Irak,
A hill of coimlili-ratila lniiorlanr lo
Clarkamaa c.iinly lulrtxlnreil by
HnnnUir Wooilard of Multnomah, who
had II read llin flrat llmi) hy till only
an dial It waa not nollird particularly
hy our mniiihrr. Tli hill la ntltl-d
"A hill lo ttilarg th tKiiiiidarir of
Mullnomali county," and provi.li-a for
III ektioiaion of th prxwnt houndary
liiii-a Irani M(mmI up the cunler of th
Willamrit to th Rioutli of llifl Clm k
au.M, I hi" nnandriiigaof which It followi
to tlm iiiniiiit of th CWailna, or eaat
rn homrJary of Ihr county.
Mciutor ('a'a hill to amend Unicode
known aa annate hill No. rtaina to
tna :oiiiM!n'ialton ol cruin aww-aaora
aud coinmlaaionnr fiiea th coii.ri-
lion of the ana eiwor of Clai kauiaa county '
at four a oav dv '
H..imte hill No. M ala. Intrrxluced by i
Crow d.-ignd lo provide for the
better protection of life and prowrty,
agaiimt 'ciient from ateam engine x
ploaiotm hy proviiling for a board of ex-
ainincr to he appointed by the gover-1
now Kngineera are to tie lirenaed in i
three rlax-a, the lat namwi to be in I
(he f.-rm of a permit, c-.l. ulat.l to al-
low faruiera to oerte ainall enginw-a .
' y provi.i.ma mat
ahould i-oiuuii'iid it I
ii ...i,-. .. .. t . : 1 1 .,.. i
nm"i i"fi w B"w..-n",iirin i.iii unr
, Uumtau ra'li ul amemliuenta. Aahe
li.n ,',.i.Im .u.1 w .ll, v ..Il,ra ,J 1
! part, of the elate tbey probably have a
Utrongbackimiof public opinion. The
!-.,.. I... H i.i. r... .in. .!,.! i.i,n
I u. I alll, ll.a 1m II.m m . ..1... tnu. i
i . .. . . ..... . i '
i t'i7 n-,-ii, nui DIM Ulll I I I IV I TWWII UI
! lua car.-ful inveatigition. It providea
that uritied trai ta of land and unim-
: proved lown lota aliall pay an eUl
ainount of taxea with adjoining lota that .
are improved alao lliat no deduction '
J la- allowed for indebted nea. The flrat i
rlain-e will coinincml itaelf to actual rea-1
ideiila, who by their UW and improve-!
jnieiit add to Hie value of all noii-ieai- j
dent or unimproved land. I
Senator II union purixiBea by law
' make it a criminal act for anv Hereon
all or t unit iiim ice lo ooint anv if""" iiir.norr re n't T.-t pi.uu-.j. .
! acription of tire arm. loaded or not. at '
another with a maximum oenaltv of
t'"0 oraix niontlia iiijul.
J The code and the t'niled States
I Stat tile du not agree in the time that
: preaidential eli-cton are to meet and
i vole, the former proviiling (or a IW-tx-m-:
her nut-ling and the latter a month later.
Senator Myeraof Linn county has a bill quiring the aheiiffto visit each precinct ; shape.
j amending the Oregon law to conform 't0 collw t taxes, and making all atatet PlaMlatdT
, to the I'nitetl Stales sialulea. It ought J and ctHinlv taxea payable at the court i Walling tfcjairieh, the Oewego nnr
:tupaaa unaiiiiiioualy. ' houe. The aettind was an act ineorpo- j tma 0ircr the Bueet selection' of
Senator Mctiinnalo haaan aaaeaament j rating the city of Sellwood and inter-rujt tree everaold in Clackamas coou
UU which is unilt rtixl to come from ! vening territory into the city of Port-! t T t prv, aitbin the reach of all.
ine couniy court oi .lniiinoman. Among
it. prov.aions is one allowinc no deduc-
(lions for intlehleilnewi ex.-ept wherel,,.,, ie tr;n..,in H( dmiM !
corresponding credits are taxed. This
I would prevent horrowing from national
J banks, bill crafty dodgers would find
.other means to evade the l.tw.
Tlie first bill lo either house was
Senator Haley's hill providing for a re
corder for t'malilla county. It went
across to the house Itslay.
The agitation relative to the employ
ment of unnecessary e'erks at extrava
gant salaries seems to lie hearing fruit,
it being now provided that Hut one
clerk can bt employed to a committee
without the full vote of the committee.
Clerks will not receive pay for lime after
work of the committee ia done.
An important meeting was held to
night in one of lha senate eoinm.tiee
room. Senator Hayes and Assessor
Noble having been instrumental in ar
ranging for th meeting. There were
present besides the governor, a g'xxl
many members ol both houses and
seven county assessors. After an ani
mated discussion it was decided neces
sary to amend the code in several psi
ticvliirs, Assessor Sears voiced the sen
timent of the meeting in favonng no de-'
ductions for indebtedness and the re
peal of the mortgage tax law.
Numerous committee have been ap
is. inted to visit the various institutions
and place asking for appropriations.
Senator Cross is chairman of a joint
committee to visit the jetty at the month
of the Columbia and the Cascade locks.
So will your profits if you buy tested seeds. Our trial grounds are located
I miles east of our store. Come and see them. If your merchant does not
haudle our tested seeds, send to us direct and you will get your seed cheap
if you mention his name. If he does handle them he will show you certificate
from our trial grounds showing guaranteed per cent of seed that will grow.
Ti commltUss niarud for Ar last
night and will ti.it tin jetty today. To
morrow tl.ev will b at tii C'a-adr.
Tlianaual proMaition to tnd .VM) In
Improving rioila Hprlnu la twfor th
lityialatum and commltte la lo b Mint
there to inreatigat. It will pcrhapt
Ukeimethlng atrongsr thanarU water
to gel a favorable report from th com
iniitne. A large part of the afternoon In the
lioua waa apent in talking over th
clerk iuealion, and It waa finally agreed
to allow clorka I I per day and no more,
from whii.h liialiop gave notii that he
ahould Bk for a reconaideratioo on the
following day.
A bill providing lor a bounty of 3 a
tail for aealiona la on the calendar. 1
"n P- ' way ,
'"r "nterprimng fluherman to try
'',e """i"'"! d ae whether ai-a I
"""" '' m"re "" "
"""'ai api:io g
Cpton'a Joint memorial to congiea. for
the Iwue of legal tender, and loaning I he
Mine to the Mople at 2 per cent waaj
given a aift bed on the table
wroyKtiiAV paoitroiM.a
Amomr the billa intrwluced
itl)rjxjni ti8 el(H.ti,liture of iO,0iO
(w tlie coa.pij.ati,,,, f w,rie of text-
booka and providing that the eUte ahall
: nuhliah the aame.
Northup'a hill lor the annexation of
' I
-" - j
"lr'.'1 hy lUal.op and com-
d""'" an immenae peuuon aaiu iOi,enate
ciiitain &00VJ name. It waa referred to j
apwal couimKtee conaiating of the
Clackaiiiae ami Multnornah delegation
which waa an unfair rcferment owing
lo the numerical inequality of the two
The total nuiii'oer ol hilla in the I.oum;
(iill'a resolution for the appointment
of a committee to conider plan lor the
eciuiaition by the atate of the locka ot
the Willamette falls waa panned, and
.i. . ; i. .1- :.. i !
ine iireai.ienv 01 toe aeuaie itiiwinu-u'r -
t.i t
from that body. Kaley and Croas. The
i lumu. ,,l-.r. . n . i .muiliiiv,! 1
,l"u- rB existing to adjourn at :
'"'n on Thar. lay and aeveral
of the
apccial inventigating committee will de-J
vote the time lo making trie to exain-l
ine various public works and inutile-:
Senator Croaa, intro.luceI two bills I
of importance, to reiieal the statute re-:
,ior ,UyM bu(iv ,nwiB llilu. j
OnB-tliirQ of Yonr Life is Sd6ui
We adopt this means in connection with some others to
inform our numerous friends and patrons that we are in"
the field with a new line of fine soft wool and cotton mat
tresses, spring beds, cots, cribs and kindred goods. Our
line, with no exceptions, is the finest and most complete in
this county. Our facilities are such that no comparison
can lie made and we can assure you of prompt services and
our best attention to your wants.
Next door to Wilson & Cooke.
None but the best quality kept, A trial order solicited.
tkGCCl 208 and
It will pay you to write to os before baying
chairman of th railroad committee
and baa plenty to kp him buty.
l.roiai.ATiva noTi.
Senator Ifayoa i axonitanil) while
In Haleiii by hi wife and daughter
Miaaea Klla Villiam and AddlaJett
ning of Oregon City have eat-b pa
iona aa clerka on the enrolling commit'
tee ol the annate .
J. L Hwafford la nerving aa clerk of
the aenate committee on Koad and
Highways, Kenator Croa having ton
dered him the poaitirm.
Th annate committee on Railroad
clerked by E. F. Irigg under Senator
Ifaye appointment.
Aaeeaaor John Bradley wa an In-
tereated looker on at the legialativ pro-
celinira on loea-lay.
Kchool Huiwrinlen'h'nt II. 8. (iil.-njn
apent TuemJ.y at the capitol on bia way
w n,:0- IJ"
ine iiieaoay morning irain orougn
P r , W,WWB "
dV 10 '" P""
inga and getting acqiuiinied.
j vouriiv Aawwior rf. vr . ,tu.u wh up
I Tueaday and attended and took part in
the meeting in the evening which d.
J clouted the aaaeaamenl and taxation
' queation.
. ... . A - It. V. t I- .
Judiie Mel'lrum ia here looking after
rn-i leginlalion. ilia bill ia meeting
with much favor.
Tueaday evening Hon. 1'eter Faqu4
came to look around. He did not find
many familiar face, in the hou. but
nuilwrua old friend, greeted him in th
The Canby incorporation bill eeema in
a fair w ay to meet considerable opposi
tion in It paaaage, aa the old ques
tion that agilatex the county court has
come to the front.
Airong the Wedneada? evening arri
vals waa M. Broderkk and Ueo. Kinear
son. The former waa interested in pros
pective city charter, and the city boun
daries. J. M. Lawrence came up on Tuewlav
and waa an interested a'lectator of ti.e
,lljn rowneu apeni a lew nour,
the city on eilneeday on legal hum-
i It rut i.t Sea.
After January Int shaving will be 25
cents at Farnsworth's barber shop No.
4 Commercial bank block. Quickest
and cleanet work in the city. Bud the
arlint will be in attendance to polish
your shoes and put you in pieeentable
r.ll n,l of ilir Inwi
,,, F. T. i,,,.., itow
Orm City
210 Second St.,
Portland, Ore.
if he
; '8