PI A rV A I A C Cfl I WTY j ,,," priri stUs hv mviiuutls of! flood on for wlion the K. l sUrt in ttwy j s thrift, Si) wo iwt to lx churitahl unit : thmik our slurs that wf were so fortuns.tr- i lo rvsoh this ewtvrwn shore. I Henry Hunter is mmiinr us nealti from I Ktrn Oregon. v hops that his hmllh : will permit him toronisin nil summer. Miss Jennie Rowen visited her frieiuls In ' ("urns lust SuiiiUv. I W hear rumors of a wealing soon to XKm, Jan. lT.-Miss Kmin Itrtwr, u,i lU. "'' that l'r. W. is Roiii to is home from lVrllsml on a visit h,lil' ,,nv N01" which will prove a nest Wra. Cutrlel will start for the Ksst in ; for nis ,,in, "ippo' THE KTrERrRtsK rORKKM'ONIi- OTS SWEEP THE riRI.lt. Broken Lett, the Result r an Accident Mt Xiw Ern-Utifc Miipm. nt r rtutM'8 to Sun Fruiirlsro. few days with the intention of rvniauiiiur mere. DKr'KAt MMi St'HlHU, MSTKll'TS. Tualatin Secular union of Frog IVml die. I a natural death short time u ami even the preshlenl was not tliew to s-e it lie. I hope it is not tteail hut only sleeping and may l awakened up sometime in the near future. Tualatin itniitir No. tit had its annual election of othrer whh-h will he installed the last Saturday in January as follows: John Kruse master, Klla Turner overseer, lied a Sharp lecturer, Oscar Larson Menard, John I yler assistant stewanl, I'hite K ana chaplain, r. I . I.arsen treasurer, Krau Kruse, secretary, A. I.. Kesler. cate keener Mrs. Uutis Krnse, Pomona. Mrs. A. M.I Harnes r'lora, Mrs S. K. Turner, teres, Min. ; Ola Haruea tell assistant steward. Mr. K.litor : you are Invited lo attend and patlakc vf the ' joys and feast,, which will tvegtxeii on such ! occasions-1 Would come hut havn't the! pass word --Kd.J Ale I.. KeMer has houcht the county ! CARLTON Henry Waldron has made an application ' An Apparatus Atent Resort to Kerirery lo tor a situation on the new motor line, lieu-' Secure Orders, ry is trusty in every ay and , ish to gee j him ret a position. I Wilsosth.i , Jan. Iti.- Heware of frauds J. U Mattock is petting; out '.M.rtXl lime j m' impostors traveling through the conn- barrel hoops for a Ssn Francisco firm. j "' ' selling school charts for It. S. IVale The eldest hoy ofl'has. Huiras met with a v'l- of Urn ago, Illinois. very severe accident a few davs ami which I An agent, hose name I can't (indent. resulted in a broken leg het ween the ankle ' h' "'amassing through this county I nh ti,r Hai-kamas of a patent gate which and knee. lr. White of t'anbv reduced for Kvans aritlimclical chart, to be u, h will oi Iwum U canvas the, coilnV for. Uie Irs, lure and the little fellow is gittitig ' i' puhlic scliwla of this state. This along splendidly. I ai.-eiil came to school district No. 10 and William Pay'e, a former resident of this ' wanted to sell the scluml Imard one for 4T. place, will return In a short time Irom ! v-W 1'1' I" tw-o years, and to do this he Iowa. Once a Wcbfoot always a Webloot. j forsvd the name of John Kruse, chairman Alex. Heauuian is home on a visit from of the board, to the order, and then went Kasiern Oregon, ami will speml the winter J 10 T. I.. Turner. auotherdirxs tor. wliononld here w ith friends and relatives. not sign the order. The agent then went lo Large shipments of potatoes were made f Kllegsen, the other director, and he, last week to San Francisco. Top. violations ecii'g John Kruse's name to the order, at present are f 1.40 per hundred pounds, j signal it in go.nl faith. Ssi by forging one About the same number of sacks will he ! name the agent had a majority of the board shipped from here this winter as was shipped J ' the order. This order he sent to IVale last winter, with a good deal better price. : "l 'hey shipissl the gvnwlsto Oswe- Wm. Mi"aus!in was em ploye.1 last week Hut the board refuses to receive and! to do the sawing in H. H. Wheeler's mill. will staml a suit before they will take them. Wheeler and Sager are 'tting out a tine lot ! This same agent in the adjoining district I of logs this winter. : (! I bs-lieve it is) forgvd the name of one j PASTS IHITS John Reif is having all the stmnps puilol ' dirwror, Mr. Baker, and went to the other 1 " out of bis cultivated fields. Joe Kief is do-! Mr. Sauni and Zac Kllisen, and they ing the job with his screw stumiptiller '"i ig"ed the onler. The agi-nt then which does splendid work. I erase.) Mr. Hater's name from the onler, ieo. Brown has just planted nut Stf ar, ! having a majority (all he wanted) without it. SOOcherry, AO neach, and IW .piince trws. ' ' !ipse this same agent has f.Hile.1 more The pears are Bartlett anil winter Nelli va-. tiln these two hoanls in thecountv, and he rieties. Oeorge is also doitiit a coo.1 d. ul of ougnt to he caught and put where the dom (irandma Itreckwith Is Ivitn: vcrv l.m ai .1 other iniproreiiients on his larin. i won't bite him. lor he is a swindler of li e ' expected to live, 'lavihg U ei-ipnte Henry Kit-liter is clearing about ten acres ' ,,rt water. Yours, Fa ink M. K ki'sk, j sick all winter, of land and has it nearly ready for the' Clerk Hist. No. 10. Mr. F. M. Hay has been on the sick list plow. He is also preparing to burn a kiln 1 ! " ! f,,r the past week but is better - WILL NOT - illD' O "JE .K O L TP I Call and oxamino thor goods and prices and bo convinced that John Kruse has two on his farm and they are a great benelil as w ell as great coin en-1 ience. lm't have to get out to open or i shut the fate, and hardly have to slop to j open or shut. Clarence Simeral ;? Maclacy j Oregon, has the patent and will do well I with it for it is (rood, Clyde Kvans tried to have a dance in the ' grange hall last night and all they lacked was the sj,.ple. They soon adjourned and I went home wiser boys, and hoe they may I profit by their experience. j Frog Pond seems lo be noted (or the ' champion sack se wers. One would infer so by reading the Courier, but I think they strike a little too high. Yours, etc. Croak kk. CUB Dry Goods, m FURNISHING Suow Again ("overs the tirunl - Sc erwl School 1 Items. I - - I j U s. ts, Jan, IT. The ground is bite ', with snow again, and the thermometer! --Maooina at si m-flrrvs ih'iow ireexltlg s rhareoal. S. C. Pheips is also doing consiileratile oving on his farm in the ay of cle.ir ore land. His son llalsey is clearing ore acres. .. Kauch has been grained a i s;0u Jer the present den.lent act at Jli r month. A grand dance was given at the residence of Wm. Beaiunan on last Ntitiritay night. About seventv-tive were present, all of whom bad a most enjoyable time. The people of the Phvlps neigh borhoial have organixett a literary and debating soci ety which nieeUs every Thursday evening, i Krley Mack president, Ere.1 Pemhrook secretary. A mork trial will he held at their next meeting. Several home-seekers are in our neighbor hood. And any one who desires to buy a 160 acre farm with 30 acres under cultiva tion, good house and outbuilding, and orchard all level, can find the same here, cheap. Come and see it. CANBV I'H ATTKK. Road lmprvrniftit-Kevial Jleetings and Banilsnu-S-hool Term Lengthened. CARIS CtlXINtiS. Farmen Busy Improvia; their Propertjr-Prus-perou Heichborhood-Notes. CiRls, Jan. 16. The whooplngcoughepi demic has passed and in its place we have the chicken pox. Jennie and Bertha May' and Wallie Graham are quite ill with it. i We learn that by the will of a late relative i Darid Hunter and some of his children have j become the recipients of a bequest amount-1 ing to 1.500 apiece. It is reiorted that A. Muncie, who bought the Will May place, baa traded with a party in Salem for lots in that city. This gentle-! man, it is said, is the father-in-law of Char-1 lie Baker, and will bring his family to stay ! with relatives until he can put up a house on i ,f Dls new purchase. Mr. Corflascb, now renting the Malloy farm, with a son from Kansas, bos been looking about for a suitable home, intend ing to nettle in Oregon. J. K. Graham insists that he has the lum ber all ready for new steps to his porches. We cannot doubt his word, but seeing is be r lieving. As it is, we don't w ish to often risk our limbs and neck by a visit to his domicil. Put up those steps, J. K., and we'll come over some fine evening. Mr. Rambler, it was your turn last week. If Calla "rtc-alsyour thunder" you must blame yourself. Mr. Griffith has bought two forties ad joining his ranch. Since his return from Roslyn he has broken up six acres of new land. Latterly he has benn helping to clear out the new road rtiniii.ig between the I Cooper and Spangler farms, as an outlet to J the main road. About three years ago this spring John Lewis started a new ranch. Now he has a good-sized house, a new granary, milk cel lar with store room above, and a snug barn made from the old log house which stood on his former place. He estimates his im provements at six hundred dollars, cash. He has also made a good showing at slash ing and clearing. SI. K. Laiidon has invested about two hundred dollars in lumber for improvements around his place in the shape of a neat board fence around the front and side; barn, cow sheil, hen house, and other out build- Canbv, Jan. K Wm. Knight, our mad supervisor, has been busy the pat few days with men and learn hauling gravel and grading the wagon road leading into town. George White and wife ol Aurora were visiiing friends and relatives Saturday and Sunday. j Miss Meda Cardner, daughter of Rev. j Gardner, relumed to Eugene Tuesday, I whjre she is engaged as school mistress. J The Methodist and Christian societies j will continue their protracted meeting dur ing the coming week. The school directors met at the school bouse Friday afternoon and decided to con tinue the school rive more weeks, with C. Y. Draper as principal. Clarence Wilson and Alice Rogers were baptized in the Molalla Sunday afternoon by Rev. R. H. liateman of the Christian church. A large crowd witnessed the cere mony. Warren Kendall returned home from Eastern Oregon Monday where he has been engaged on a slock ranch. Harry Gillmore has just received a new pool table in addition to his candy and cigar store. Millard Lee has just received a new tvpe writer from the East and is now busy learn ing to operate it. Miss Ella Stowe of Mount Tabor is visit ing her mother, Mrs James Adkins. .iin. i Miss Mvrtle Itrclthaupl U-gan leaching ' her second term of school al Pleasant Val-' lev on the '.d of Januarv i j The di.eciors of Damascus school have! secured the service of II. II. Robli lor the j ) spring term of school, commencing Fibril-1 j ary K. j S. K. Young expects to move into Ins new j 'house to a few davs. I Born, on the P'th ol Junnttrv toll,. uiC; of Mr. Thompson, a daughter. Mr. J. C. McMurry is putting up a new board fence on the front line of his place, and J. R. Morton has the lumber and sts for a new fence. The literary society met at I'nion instead of Damascus last Saturday night. Goceries Boots and Shoes, Caps and Hardware, Are the best to be had for tho monoy in tho state. Highest prico paid for produce. CRNBY, - - - OREGON. HAHKillOHST & COMPANY, IM rront S.reot. HARDWARE I Nrrftiwffftttrn Aeuu fur A-x-iMrus SAWS -- l-shr th-cloVllt - T'ltllvt.'lh . toiler lnt-. IVtlet lU.molid. !'. alee! Saw. iif (warrantod.) It .fc S Prmif CliAins. Are.i.le Fil.- Loggt-rs ami Wood Cioxrs Sjiot ialtit's Oivgon City Ajiont, , it ' i Ksi. Croscont Wt-dgt Knjx". Crescent Med WILSON A COOK APrBECIATO THE SITUATION. One of the Mid Men li not Attracted Multnomah Glitter. by f koo I'osn, Jan. Ul. The New Year has started in with line weather and hope it will Altl. .t. .l , , W. H !t,n,i. . ...... i ' '""'"" ie weal uoea not -O ........o .v. u.,,, a IICW llUUSe mn. .......I. ,. t t LI e1"" iiiuv.ii uii ocuuuiui me weainer lie Damascus, Jan. 17. To the Eoitoi: I am one that is against the division ol Clack amas county. I think your Sandy corres pondent has given us some plain facts which our north side Clackamas county tax payers ought to consider well. Home peo ple complain that Oregon City wants to run everything. But I think that if we get irto Multnomah they will find that Portland will not only want to, but will, run the af fairs of the county, and we taxpayers can help to bear the city's burdens. As it is here now in this county we fann ers have a little to say in the county's af fairs. Oh, some say, we will have good roads if we get into Multnomah county. If we get good roads somebody will have to pay for them, and we will have to pay tor all we get. Multnomah does not want to take us on for charity's sake. Because there was a petition sent to Salem from this part it is not positive proof that all are in favoroladivision.il the county. For there are some people always ready to sign a petition because some one asks them to. And with some it don't make any dif ference which county they are in as they pay no tax anyway. J. C. MtMtiKBy. Wlliontille. WiLsoMvtt.i.x, Jan. IS. In spite ol the democratic howl about hard times the ieo pie of this section are evidently "n a ver prosHruus condition. Improvements are of almost daily occurrence, and more land is being cleared in Wllsonville this year than there has lieen for several years past. C. Y. Tooxe is getting ten acres cleared for which he pays .'lii er acre. Henry Miley is hav ing ten acres at ;).' par acre, S. II. s.v live j acres at f.K per acre, and Hon. John Kruse has just had twenty-live acres grubbed fori which he paid $i' per acre. In addition to these there are several more join lor men seeking employment. Although this does not tend to supKirt the demacratic theory of hard times it is a fact nevertheless, and I may also add that hard times is something unknown lo the farmers of this section, the democratic and populist orators to the contrary notwithstanding. John Rose Is preparing to go into the Imp business and contemplates putting out a field next month. Ira Seely, with the aid of two hired hands, is busy clearing up a piece of ground. Ira is a hustler and is well deserving the good which naturally falls to the lot of the enter prising farmer. The A. O.U. W. lodge met at Wilsonville last Saturday. There was a large atlmidauc and a gl time was reported. Miss Klla Turner ami Perry Sharp and ' Alh.-rt Turner of Kmg Pond, were gu.-sls ol j S. 11. Sdv of this place on Sunday. I Our winter term of bix commenced ' last Monday, Kinma lineM fur teacher. ! Highland Happenings. j Hmiii ASi., Jan. HS.-Thos. Kirk is mak j ing some improvements on his plate and is also making a lot of fence rails. j Several of the farmers of this vicinity are! plowing lor spring crops. Kd Harrington! has nearly all his plowi ng done. 1 Miss Minnie Harrington is home from ! Cherryville where she has been teaching school. We are glad to see her ainuuir us 1 again. The young people of Highland and Har mony enjoyed themselves lat Friday even ing at a spelling match in the Highland school house. Rev, Win. Short preached a senium in very plain and strong language last Sunday at the Highland Iluptist church. The theme of the sermon was the prerequi sites to ihe worthy partaking of the Lord's supr. His text was taken from II. Peter. 3d chapter 17th verse. It'orresjiomleiice continued un 4th page. Old papora for this oflice. underlaying carpet at A Perfect Baking Powder. FROG POND. Worth Several Head Men Yet-iirange Officers tlectea-Date or Installation. when the McCord mill starts up. Five new houses have been put up in this immediate vicjnity the past year, all of which have been previously mentioned ex cept the very pretty one belonging to John JCricson. A. O. Hayward has put up a barn and cowshed, value $200, and Frank Jaggara irge building lor chopping mill and engine ouse. The ranch of Milo Cooper shows great iprovement since he took possession, and itters and things about the premises prom- well for future development. N ,.t is impossible to estimate in dollars and ucui iuv vaiue oi me enterprise ana inaus try of our citizens. The thrift and vigor displayed is in striking contrast to that of certain other portions of the country; but ing too cool. Potatoes arc a good price and the people are beginning to ship to Portland and 'Fris co markets. The cold weather is holding tnem back so as it will them advance in price. Freights are$l less this year than last to 'Frisco on the ton. August 8chroeder who had his skull broken in by the bursting of an emery wheel some time ago and some Oregon City doctors said it was an impossibility for him ever to get well, is up and around and will soon be able to go to work. The wound Is I nearly healed and is doing fine. But he says he will gum no more saws for any one. Miss Minnie Jaggar is preparing to have an exhibition the last day of her school which is about six weeks off, and it will be J The constantly growing demand for Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder, the standard cream tartar powder for forty years, is due to two causes. FIRST: The extreme care exercised by the manu facturers to make it perfectly pure, uniform in quality, and of highest raising power. SECOND: The recent investigations exposing the fact that certain other brands of baking powder contain ammonia and still others that were found to contain alum. These unscrupulous manufacturers are being found out, and the consumers are giving them a wide birth. Nothing is left to chance in the manufacture of Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder. Chemists are employed to test every ingredient as to purity and strength. Hence; its marvelous purity and uniformity. Each can is like every other. It never dissapoints. BEST is ALWAYS the CHEAPEST. GHSH PRICES SUGARS--17 lb. dry gran'd or 20 lb. extra C. $1.00 COAL 0IL--5 gal. 65c, bring or buy can. 31b. lily starch 25c. One lb. climax, escort, star or horse shoe tobacco 45c. 3 lb. fine raisins 25c. 7 spools 0. N. T. thread 25c. Good yarn 65c. per pound. Children's mittens 10c. and upward Infants wool hose 10c, Good calico 5c. per yard and a gen eral stock at much less than rul ing prices. PROIHJCI5 - TAIC1CN - FOR - (H)())s 'Hli diMir Hoiifh of Itatik of OrognnCity. HAMILTON & ALLEN, Oregon City, Oregon. C. P. WINKHKT. f. HrilllTpn,, WINESH! Sc SCIMITUHK, UNDERTAKERS & EMBALMERS. Urgent stork of Collins and Cuaknth kupt Konlli of Portland aim i.iiuiiiiir: v usKotH iiirniNiieii to ordnr. .aili ii'iita' lltiriitl Hulii'S in HtIM k Also cloth rovr.l Hiirinl Holies ami Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is re ported by all authorities as free from Ammonia, Alum, or any other adulterant In fact, the purity of this ideal powder has never been questioned. Also Wag,,., ami Carriage Making, Mors, S10,i, tlI1(, f, oral BlacksMiitlungoi, 81iorl not in-. The Portland SeeTik 171 STREET PORTLAND, - . OREGON. Carry a full line of commercial fertilizers if you need anything in that Sno write them for prices, etc. We Carry a Full Line of Seeds.