r 1 "V, Oregon City C6- VOL. 27. NO. 12. OKEOON CITY, OREGON, FHIDAY, JANUARY 20, 1893. ESTABLISHED 18CG. L. t'Ot'Hlrt. 1 (Mrauli iht.iM imnvaMw. Ural M.in.tiy In N- Viwr ml tlilttl Miui.lar In A'ill. j fr..l.l pnim In amatoii Dial MmiiWy lu b ' tulllll. j OummlMliMtrra iwiurt mmii flr Wwtiiaailay Mat Hr.l Mmi.lar ul owli tumuli CAKKV JUMMHOH, ' I.AWYKlt. . iinut Xliltl ami Main (ItrcU, Or un Clly, 1IIMHM, IlKAt. KrtTATK TOKKI.l. AM) MoNKY TO I.uAN. U ruNTkH. ATTOIINKY AT LAW AS'iaatta u r..rif rt aai.naii. Olflra nail to 0reti I II jf lia on nil Ten n o r wiiiiam. IlKAL mAlK ANI lAS AitKNT. ' rinuljf ol nwii'ir l lw n lha mai latmatil ' trim. A I'KnI Una ul Itu.lii.., ri..Mniw atut .uiuftan t'fttity. Karia r"iiif In uiM't in iuH m a)r urma. ('utrtl. Intra I'.'itiii'll, ai.arlt ultloa, ll, atttarlnl tirfl. liinUci, lt.ia .l"l iel l l auRanl Hi (1 II I'V K. AITollNKY AM' tot'NsM.OIl AT LAW . ofllramar itrt. n in, luiia, ia"a i it. oaa. J ) 1 " oim. 1'IIYSK'IAS AND SfKUF.ON, L(ilo frwk, - Un-gui. t a t l Aitii urrir-. A froliNKYS AM' (il'SKl Uiltrt AT lW Mtix afMKKf , oasiiox i irr, oniii. fiituuli llrrt .1Mlei Uli M.'tiff . fura clnM Uiil(i ai.'l lrii (ivurral liti.la II IHM.H. ATl'OUXKY AT LAW. WlU, frtn I All an u ?a at4ta KN1 l(al ami Iniaranra. lltiti Ual HlriH-l. !l llh au.l a.vaiuh, iiaa.i.ia iiv, i.a 1 at.HAWtw. i NOTAUY ITHLU. ItKAl. KfTATK A IN.rit AM'K. ltre lu lh- I'.-l "llr llilll.lllil, li- pf .ii I ii)r. iirvcuu, II KI'lUilUKI'l, nituKKU. t.OANM NKOirt'lATKII. Cily niul I'ouiity Wnrrarln ixiiht. I.N m HAM AM IIUAI. Kami? (inira In fiiXornr bullilln Ortm I'll r rMll). V. at VAN, HKAl. KMTAtK ASIl IXHl KANl K. rhnlcafllir. rarm ami Hulmrhan fiivwrtif lor lata. ni arril. r..iiui aarrauia an.l r-ntl-IIh l all kluila Umaiii ami anlil Tair tnl anil butlliaM n( nvrr ilv.ll4liut llrllll . Iir n.in inliil om 110 auira III bull.llua anrth ( jMam.met. I K II AY KM, ATTOKNKYATLAW, Oaaa.ia (itt, Oaaoua Will praeltre In all lh rimrli of Ilia Mala, Offli'a, rornor Malu auil Klflnh ainwia. iiiualia euurl hoiiM uii, ('. aanwaail.. . a naawaa. '11HUWNKU. A I'KKHHKK ATTOUSKYS AT LAW, OamoN I'itv, - oaauoN. Will pradlee In all Ihermnl. n( lli .lata. Ol Ken, nrit iliHir lo Caurlalil A llulillrf ilrug lora, rpilR COMMKHCIALIIANK. OK OHKIION CITY, CaulUl, ''." TaAHMiTa a iinal. aHiaii avaiaaaa. I,oii. rna.le. Illlln illtpminleil. Makri ei.l Ini'lhitu lluva ami ai'lU aii'liaiian on all liiillitu III llio I'lllli'il Mtalr., Klirupa ami llnua K.iiiu l'M.alla rwel' .'il nulijerl Ineherk Inleri'.t Hi iiaiial mica allnwe.l mi lime ili'iill. Hank nii'll Inim 9 A, M. In 4 r. M, Nallllilay rvonliif Iiuiiinii7 e. M. D C. I.ATOUKKTTK, 1'remilent. F K IMiNAI.)HiiN, Canlilar J JANK Of OUKtlUN HI V, Oldest Banking Hense la the City. Palil up ('Hpttrtl. a.-K),ootl, raamiiKNT, vii a rnainiiRNT, exilian. M ANAMKH. Tlllia. CM A KM A N, HKil. A. HAIIhlNli. . (I 1'AI'HKI.II I'll Aal.KM II, CAi riKI.il. A soliiiriil lianklnir hiu.lnt.mi trniumoteil. teiiml1a rei'elvcil aulijnei In cheek. A)irnvatl lillla ami imma illnmniiitiiil. Ciiuiil) anit oily warranl. IiiiiikIiI. Uikii. mtita nn available aoourlty. Kii'liaiiK' IihiikIiI and anlil. Oiillmulnnr maila rmnitly. Iir.ltn n.ilil ivallaiile In any art nf the worlil. TWIeiiraiililfi aai'lianiraa aulil mi l'urtlauil, Hail PrannlKim, illilnai.i and New Yolk. IiitiiriKt iaU on lima iIkikwII. Huh Aponla ol TIIK LONDON OHKOt'R BANK. r.r. witiTK. W. A.WII1TK. WHITE BROTHERS, Vractiml JrehitMta Builders Will prepare plana, elevallnna, wnrklng ne talla, anil upoiilHdatlom Inr all klmla l bmlil tna, gnmilal atlcillon alvon 10 tneara ool taaaa. Katlmatnt luruUheil nn appllnnllnu Callonoraddreaa WHITK BKOH., Oreann City, 0(0 to 7i' mm ...,0N CITY, ( )rvnon. SEVENTH STREET DRUG STORE.; DR. L. M. ANDREWS, Prop. i A Full Line o Fresh Drugs and Medicines. : Pittfint ModlclnoH of nil MakoH. NoJon, Optical Coodsl Full Slock Of Mm dine Oili, Brt and CHenpeil. i Kino M'li'i-tionuf 1'irfuiinry itml Tnih-t SoajM. Ami l'al- in liramls nf Cigars. j I'UI M llll'l 4 kill I I l.l.l l ll.l.l l j Shlvely'a Hlia k. .... I iiegon Cilv, Or. ! THE j Oregon City Sash and Door Co.! Curry tho l.nrn A St k nf i Siihh, D.hirs, Winds, Mouldings, Etc. j In tfrepon City. Seeiul of limr ami Wimlnwa inilt toorhr. Turning of all kind Estimate for Stair Work and Storo Fronts Kurninhril m niji!ii-:ition. lltiililer", ;ivi' ua 11 cull, ami if tur work ia not of tin' Im-kI, uinl our riiH-n u low ua tin luweat. l'rift" Ltl ifcnl on pjilii-atit.n. Factory, Cor. Main and llih Sts.. Oregon City. OREGON CITY AH Tinninir, riuinbini; and (icHcnil Jobliinii: IXINK TO OllI'KU ON SHOUT NOTICE. SEWER AND WATER CONNECTIONS MADE At tin inoHt reiiwiiKilili1 rutcH. f jrAll work in tlom- witli n view to lu.-t mul fatiefv all comvrniHl. A W. SCHWAN. Mhnp n MrtrMlh Ml., near 1VmI, Orrgnn fill. The CANBY MERCHANT, Sclln all gotuli at a living jiriiv. Flour and keronetio not given away in order to catch your trntlo ami then even up on higher jiriifnon other good. Nono Hut First Class Goods Carried. l'rift an low as ran 1 had in the ootinty. Time given to rtH)iinililo jmrtipK. LUMBER. OnliTH filled fur rough or tlretwd luniher, all firntclanst, at bed rock priiHiH, retail or carload lot. J. JONES & SON, DKAI.KK IN Doors, Windows, Mouldings, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES. Cahinet Work, Fitting up Storrw and Repairing of all kindu. Johhing Orders Promptly Executed. I'll M l . M 'I'll I'. LOH IIN T. f ifShop corner Fourth and Water ati-eeta, hack of Pope St Co 'a, Oregon City ANDERSON WALKER, pair;terandotJ5eDeeorator PAPER-HANGING AND KALSOMINING. I carry tho Urgent and best iiHsorted stock of wall paper ovnr brought to Oregon City, and will nell at I'lutlnnd prices. Let me give you figurt8 on your work. Shop on Seventh Htreot. near Center. THE WINTER TERM OF THE Pacific University and Tualatin Academy, WILL BECIIM TUESDAY. JANUARY 3, 1803, For catalogues! and full information nddrouH, Thomas McClklland, Pres., Forest Grove, Or. HEADQUARTERS FOR Fine Groceries, Fruits, Feed, Meats, i Baskets. Tubs, Buckfts, Tobacco, Cigars, Confectionery. JOBBING SHOP. kindu f- HAYES IS NO MOKE The KX'I'renldent Died of Heart Failure. III IXitT OF tVaMHISiiTOI SEtTH. Kttrrmit fold In the Ft Hrnatom Elected- Maine' Condition-Ire llrldtf e l Mgr. Fkkmokt, 0., Jan, 17 - K-I'reni -lent If aye died at II o'clock tonight, but Did Information of hit death nu not xlvofi out for aome t!m later, M every thing ha been kept exceedingly unlet in lli vicinity the llayea mansion. The early report of hi condition, tlial tliD BX preaidclit wa improving nicely and resting eaaily, allayed ill tnapicion of o sudden an announcement a that by Webb llayea, that lii father had just died. It prove! a ahix'k to all. Tli ex-president was weiaed Willi a did in Columbia laat Saturday while driving to Hie union det, and a-ke-l for j r tv, with the naion iteadiv atiiiiuluiila. Thia an revived Him that , increaaiiig. Oil the result ol the inveati he in.iatej on returning hemic, aaying I K4,i,jn j,.,,,,! a holier or not the I would rather die in Fiwigle lintve ibun live anj wiieie else " Alter Imanl nig Ihe train he wan aeUe.l with violent pauia in hia chnnt, whirh lanted until ult. r hia return home, ile Waa tiraleil Uit angina prectoria, and while relieved , of dialima, hia heart never recovered ila j vigor and hia life waa auddeiily termin-1 ate.1 by paralyaia of the heart While ' lying In bit room be tre.iienlly referre.1 1 toil.eviait he made to hia wife'a grave the preceding Sunday, and apoke of the ipiiel twautyof the aiow -covered acene. 1 lie aaid he had almost wlnhed he waa lying there. "And yet" be aaid, my life baa vn an exceptionally h j(y one." Ilia last word were: "I know I am guing where Liuy ia." They were apoken to hia laiuily ptiyeicijAn w:lh the Ulmoat earneatueaa. lie aiel iiuictlv and paitileatily away at It) in the evening, aurrouded by ineuibera of hia hollM'hulil. The funeral aervice will be held Kridav and lieneral Hayea will be plmred bri.h ' hi Iwlovtsl wile in Lakewoxl. Uiilherfoid liiriliard llawa waa the nineteenth preaideut of the l'nile.1 Ntalea, amveeding (ienenil L'. S. Umnt. Ile waa the Munroiiiio cndida'e at at the convention in Cincinatll in ISTtJ, when be waa iniled uxn by the oppo Hit. on to Jamra U. Blaine. The death of Mr ll.'iyea leave l'reaidenl-elect Cleveland the only ex-prveident living. Mr. Blaiat'i Coadmon. WAaiiiNOTos, Jan. 17, More than the tiHiial nuiuher of lighta were burning in Ihe Maine inanaion tonight, which gave riae to report that Blaine waa not ao well. The report could not be con tinued cr denied, a the mansion was cloeed 'or the night. The phyaician haa not returned, which ia evidence that no radical change for the w ireo ha occurred. WASHIMJTO.N DOl.MiS. COXURISS. In the senate, Sherman, from the committee on .foreign relations, re ported back hia bill to extend to the North Pacific ocean the provisions of the statute (or the protection of seals and oilier fur-learirg animals. The bill par-acd. A resolution to suspend the purchase of silver bullbn brought senator Stewart of Nevada to his feet in opposition to the measure, and a disposition to contest vigorously was evinced by the silverites. The anti-option bill was again up for disciihsion upon Vilas' amendment. The senator from Wisconsin is doing all in his power to defeat the bill, aud as a means to this end it seeking to add amendments making the law if it be comes one inoperative. In the house IWriuond, of Missouri, introduced a bill suspending during the first year of each pieHideniial term all civil service laws, in so fur a they rtt stiirt or intefere with a free exercise by the president, or the heads of depart ments, of the power to remove or appoint ollicers or employes of the government. The piesmbln to the bill savs no ad miuistiaiion can fully and satisfactorily curry its polities into execution, it a Urge portion of subordinate ollicers are hostile lo stub policies. The senate devoted some time on Sat urday discussing the Nicaig..i canal plan, and a resolution was introduced ImUlliirg what sums had been ex pended in and about the construction of the Nicaragua canal since the ac counts of the expenditures heretofore rendered two years auo w hen testimony was taken hy the committee on foreign re relations which showed up to that time about $3,000,000 had been expended, but now It was proposed to give the com pany $(1,000,000 in bonds guaranteed by the government, and 112,000,000 Block. Senator Sherman said that two years ago the company expended 3,000,000. Kific tlmn Ibey had eiTided coniilf ably more, but not ao much aa 000. Hut tho amount a-tual!y ex ndwl waa to I Ki;rtaInrtrJ hf the aecrelary of the treaaury and the aecre tary of alale, and the maximum to be turnaxj over to the company in icuaran teod Iwnda aa not Uj exceed l,WW,000. Hoar laid coiiKreaa aboull to it that in the conatrurlion of the Niraragua canal the daylight ahould beconntantly turned in on eery tranaai.-tion. The resolution waa, at the augiteation of Mor gan, laid over till Monday. Trraaurr ofllriala have been at work tejily for three we kit on a reixirt allowing the condition of the treaaury It ran be aaid on good authority that the treanury alatemeiit will notahow a delirit in the treaaury, or the probability of one during the pieaent fiacvl year, but a cloce enalyaia ia expectitf toahow that Secretary Koater at tiiiiea had a hard tank "making both end meet," and that liia aucceaaor will be likely, oiileaa relieved by legislation at thia aris-ion raiding additional revenue, to have even way and ineana committee will recom mend legislation Increaning revenue at j thia aeion. The prent plun auggilei, i whii li U regarded an the moat eiedient, ia to I nr ream the whiskey tax. Thia inerpaM) would raiae over :a,omj,0.0 additional yearly, if the law could Iw ao framed a to affWt wbinkey in bond. Many peraons preler to revise the whole Ui,ing g, 8l.m ,t onre. What will be tie onlcome , of i-onrae, ia uncertain at t,ii lime, but matter njr noon develop g,,lon on ,,e t,art 0f the ways and mearii commitlee. Hoi.a. The bill for the purrhaae of the Cher okee atrip for tH,5J5,(X0 allows the government aix year in which to pay for the land. An amendment waa adopted providing thai no rwjii, who ia the owiier ol H.) acrva of land, or w ho has any real eaute in any city or tow n of an aggregate value which ex 11 - 1'':1 to aottlcmeiit. The original bill made the reatiiction apply to owner of K0 acre. After further diciuasion and the. adoption of ome minor amendmenU, 1 the bill awd, and the houae adjournetl. Senator Chandler baa introduced a bill making it unlawful for any body of men numbering ten or more to assemble, drill or bear arms M a military body, unlet. called for by the proiwrly author ised civil or military officer. It make it the duty of the president to ditihand and diperHe any organization. Thi bill ia aimed at the 1'inkertoiia and the semi-military anarchist organization. It Is evident from all the signs visible in the congressional sky that a concerted attack will soon be made on the anti- Chinese law. Tlii bill introduced by Senator Colph, providing for the retirement of Judge Deady alter the 4th of March, passed the house today and goes to the president for his approval. It will undoubtedly be signed, and soon after the 4th of March the people of Oregon will have democratic judge. Among the Oregon people here there waa some discussion as to who will be Judge IVady's succes sor' and it is expected that several lead ing democratic lawyers will apply. Those mentioned are C. B. Meltinger, L. L. McArthur, L. B. Cox and R. 8. Strain). "The president-elect is said to be much disturbed by the silver situation. He said to a recent caller that another Sherman law would drive the country into the hoarding of gold and a tiuan cial panic. Natural Brnlga at Niagara. Niagara, N. Y., Jan. 10. The ice bridge aeroi'8 Niagara river, which formed January 3, is still intact, and the intensely cold weather has strengthened and enlarged it until it has become the greatest bridge since that of 1SS0, when the Canadian hackiuen made a drive way across the river and used it for three months. Since the formation of the giant bridge hundreds of people have viewed it daily from the terrtces along the Michigan Central railway. Buildings for tho sule of refreshments have been erected on the bridge, and w ith its hundreds of passengers to and fro, tho summit of the ice diuu has be come a busy street traveising the grandest winter scenery in the world. Told Wava is tha East St. Paul, Jan. la. The mercury froze solid lust night at 40 below zero at Spar ta, Wis. It registered 45 below at Whitehall, Sli at LaCrosse, and 42 at Medford. Terrible suffering among the Winnebago Indians is reported. The mercury reached 23 degrees below xero in Kentucky. This is colder by five degrees than was ever before known. lined Tao Lata. Salem, Or, , Jan. 17. Governor Pen noyer today addressed a letter to the clera of the Mate land board, giving notice that from thi dale no selection in the Hen land, occupied by settler, will be approved, bot all settler on atnd land will tie permitted to get title from tli ttate by paring a price t'uerefor; nor will any selection be made in the lieu school lection in the Casrado mountain reservation; nor will any further selections of Ilea land wha'ever be approved, width are not already partially completed at thia date. Tl governor ay Ihe object ia to leaves ru land for future generation. j Biaatarlal Vota afOljapia. Olymima, Jan. 17.-The senate an swered the roll call at the hour of tuon and proceeded with the election ( I'nited fftate senator to sncceed John I!. Allen. The vote stood Allen lf, Turner 9, Griggs, dem., 0. The house cant 34 hit Allen, 17 for Turner, IS for Griggs, deiu., a.'id 9 'or Governor Teat, pop. This gives Allen total of 4!. Turner 2f, (iiigu 27, Tent it. It t..ke57 vote to elect. Be Batier's Braia. IUton, Jan. . J7. It ts slated the autopav on Ihe bodv of General Iiutler allowed the cauae of death wa the burot- ing of a small bloodvessel in the biain, cauae-J by a violent fit of coughing. Ail the organs were in excellent condition, ami but for this accidental cauae be would probably have lived many A. a. Hi brain weighed four ounces more than that of Daniel Webster, one of the largest on record. . , a Fark as tha Cueaila 'uiaiit. Wasiiisgtcji, Jan. 13, The pres will tomorrow issue a procla- . ouv- under act of March 3, 1!1, as to reserves, umii the recommendalio. one of the special agents of the inte: in. department in Oregon, creating a g'cl reservation of the public lands in the stale of Oregon, commencing at the Col umbia river on the north and extending nearly through the entire length of the state. B.aiter Xitcktll'i 8os-n-Lw. Wasuknotox, Jan. M. William li. Handy, son-in-law of Senator Mitchell and for many years a coutidential clerk in the office of the secretary of the navy, died at his residence in thi city this morning, after a lingering illness. Sever years ago he married Miss Mag gie Mitchell, and they have continued to reside in Washington. He was 38 years old, and leaves two children. The fun eral will take place Monday. 8taalor Edward Mirphy Albany, N. V., Jan. 17. Edward Murphy, Tammany candidate for Cuited States senator, against whose election President-elect Cleveland protested, waa chosen to that position notwithstanding, by the legisiattne today, to succeed Senator Frank Hiscock by the following vot: Senate Murphy 17, Hiscock 12, Whitelaw Keid 1. House Murphy 78, Hiscock 52. Ts Kedact Expeues. Omaha, Neb., Jat. 16. Seven thou sand shopmen of the I'men Pacific sys tem will from today until the road shows increased earnings, work eight hours day instead of nine, as formerly, and seven hours Saturday. This departure, ao the officials say, is made necessary by the general unsatisfactory condition of business on the main line and several branches. Paoitia Coatt Failorei. Sas Francisco, Jan. 13. The Brad street mercantile agency reports fourteen failures in the Pacific coast states ami teiritories (or the week ending tomorrow, as compared with eighteen for the previous week, and seventeen for the corresponding week of 18l,)2. Senator Hawley Be-Electtil. Hartfokd, Conn., Jao. 17. Joseph II. Hawiey, republican, was chosen United States senator at the joint legis lative session. Suooeedi Himself. A vursTA, Me., Jan. 17. The election of I'nited States senator today resulted in the choice of Eugene Hale to succeed himself. Quay Renominated for Senator. Harkisi rh, Pa., Jan 17 The reinibli can caucus this morning nominated M. S. Quay for United States senator. Notice. The firm of Logus & Albright having been dissolved, all accounts due said tirm must be settled at once as the part nership estate has to be closed up. Thirty days from date of this notice all unpaid accounts will bo placed in an attorney's hands for collection. Dated January 7. Wtt. tf Situation wanted By a giil in a pr vato family to do housework mornii'i and evenings and a part of the day, I enable her to do other work rtquiiiiCJ about ffve hours each day. Only smnit ' wages expected. References given. Ad dress or apply at Enterprise office. Blank note, receipt and order books at the Enterprise office. ia- be Dr. to the Jersl e on Lata I s !ue Itb- 'yo jeetW ,.fuh nb- ' io i i jnd t ind it) igh : m '' ; i , ) 1 T - O I J 1 I ly o r f if le n 3a to i i f 1