Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 13, 1893, Image 6

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Oregon City Enterprise.
Clackamas Co. Directory.
Jndte, . J. W
Clrk ol Court.
Tmuurr, -
fk-hnol siiptrlnWDttont,
Oo. F. Hurion
C. w. i.Ikiiimih
8. M Kn:l'V
J. 0 Wclhfrvfl
J. F. Brn.ll?
H S tlltwon
sl.lnrj Smyth
K. I. Il.mn.n
Klchr.l S.VH
("orutitii. Br
. T. W Sullivan
Reordr. -Chif
ol Folic -
U 1. Fnrtr
J, s, Pnrdom
1. E Khia.lw
F J. Units
II. K I'riw.
City Attorney.
awel CommlMlfMier.
C. Hutwrf
Onp't. ot Waier Work,
J H;
Coancilmen-C. O. Alhrlehl. Jr., H. U fcrlly. C.
N. t;rnnmn, W A While. J J I'ooki'. J.
W. OYoouo U, J. O. Porter and T. F. Ku
111. tnnnril nwet(lrst WntnoxUv of tarh miuuta
In city hall.
' The way to bnlld up Oregon
(itj I to pire Oregon Cttj people your
Among Monday's callers was V. M.
Bird ot Marquani.
Last Satmday James Hodges of Canby
was in town on business.
J. 5. Courtney M. P., physician and
surgeon, room 5 and fi, Charmau block.
Fob Saue. Four cabinet worki.ig
benches at Bellomy A Busch's. Will
sell at a bargain, x
Wasted. Hogs and calves Apply
to Vancouver Commission Co., 2208
Burnside street, Portland. x
. II. Uur;liardt haa money in any j
mount that borrowers want, (.all and
see him at the postotlic building.
Underwear, Ovenihirts. Pants, Hats,
Ac, at a great saving in price at
x Hamilton & Allen'.
While assisting in loading a shipment
at bis sash and door factory S. B. Califf
bad the misfortune to have a finger nail
torn out.
Alas! poor Curly, a familiar flmire
upon our streets he has gone to dog
heaven, old age having at last claimed
him as a victim.
Ben Doolittle Is very ill with pneu
monia which threatens serioua compli
cations and hia friends are very solici
tous about his recovery .
r w kn.in .....
ing their heels in the air and are givjng pense of 2H1. 20 incurred for which the
milk as rich as cream. Delivered at .j tlerk was ordered to issue warrants to
your house once a day. Give him a j P"-v ,he " claims,
trial. I Court voted to hold an adjourned set
The Forest Grove Times came to hand j ion on ,l,e X6th ' Ju'y ' ':wk
last week with a full and carefully pre- J ,IK
pared review of the year and a complete j Ordered that the clerk notify all per
description of that section of the state, ', sons in whose favor warrants are drawn
which did it credit. i for the care and keeping of paupers to
... T ! T report at the February term showing
aii fcifjuo moiling; iu uuiru uioiiry
from the slate school fund should apply
early and secure their loans only eight
percent interest and but one commission.
G. E. Haves, Atttorney for board.
A new tailor shop has just been added
to the business houses in town, Louis
Friderich, late of Portland being the
proprietor. He evidently understands
his business and has come to etav.
The old building on the corner south
of the Baptist church is being moved
back adjoining the Episcopalean church
to make way for Hamiltoa & Allen's
two story store building. It will be
fitted np and used as a residence again.
" It do beat the world, Jerusha Jane !
I hearn we can get20 yards the best cali
ker fer a dollar an' 7 spools thread for two
bits at Hamilton 4 Allen's, Oregon
City. We'll hitch np and drive straight
tbar and take onr eggs and spuds." x
David Monnastes, the well-nown capi
talist of Portand, who has resided there
for the past forty years, has been sued
by his first wife Mary C. Monnastes, for
a decree of divorce and division of prop
erty. He has a second wife living in
Portland and the revelations are furnish
ing interesting reading.
The Statesman's New Year's annual
was very elaborate, a compendium in
fact, devoted to the events of the past
year and the many advantages of Salem.
An appropriate salute to the Eastern
bomeseekers whom it is intended to
reach would have been "Look within
and you will find what you want."
At the annual meeting of the Clacka
mas County Creamery Association on
Monday there was voted 59 shares of
the stock, E. E. Charman, Geo. Lazelle
and E. M. Rands were chosen directors
for the coming year. The board or
ganized by electing E. M. Rands, presi
dent and D. C. Latourette secretary.
The directors have a fair prospect of
making a sale of the land and building.
Mrs. E. E. Charman entertained her
relatives last Tuesday evening. Gaines,
singing and dancing were the order of
the evening. A bounteous lunch was
served. Those present expressed them
selves as having had a good time. The
guests were, Mrs. G. II . Wishart, Mrs.
N. O. Walden, Mrs. M. Diller, Mrs. M.
M. Charman, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Char
man, Misses Edith Wishart, Nettie Wal
den, Mar Wishart, Messrs. Herbert
Thome and Irs Wishart.
Jury List Brawn I srml liimd Report
Sow Justice of Peace.
Report of viewers on lbo road
wild tiold notes and bill ol expanse
amounting to 182.W, tiled nd approved
ml the nwd ordered opened. Expense
mmiit allowed, exceit the claim of 1.
1. 11 oilman which was Uivi over, leav
inti f44.10 lo be paid.
lYlition of R. l. Stone el al for a
county road laid over tilt the February
term .
Herman Bruns, supervisor of road dis
trict No, 9 applied for bridge material
nd was authorised to procure 3000 feet
to repair a defective bridge-,
Petition of J. C. McMurra et l for
the appointment of V. V. Gardner as
justice of the iiesce for magisterial dis-
J trie! Fo. 12 granted
I Therliik was authoriiiHl to draw a
warrant for K0 in favor of 11. S. Gibson, " stroke of paralvsia which de-ei-hoid
auierintendent, the amount of hia I'rived him of the use ol hia lower liniba.
bill for school district report. Mr I-,1, ' 'or l"1"
The sum of S per month from the terestetl in Oregon City projwrly, being
first day of February w ill be allowed j t time part owner in the woolen
Mrs. Hash, a widow, the warrant to be j u1'11"- '',f co,mr.M an interest in
drawn In favor of R. Scott w ho will re- i t,, rtourinu mills which holding he had
port quarterly to the court.
Tender of 128.72 bv J. A. Slrowhridge
in payment of taxes accepted.
The court autlioiiu-d the county judge
I to offer a reward ti iX for the arrest and
! coiiviction of any one defacing or mutila
ting the suspension bridge.
Report of . It. Smith, superin
tendent of work on repairing the bridge I hall being tilled by mcmheis and
on the Forsyth road approved, ami friends. After the exercise at the hull
clerk authorised to draw warrants to pay j "" members of the post escorted the
hills to the amount of $87 2:1, which in- j '"'i''" ot relief corp to the basement
dudes the amount for lumber in repair- ol ,h Baptist church where they bad a
ingattherailroadcn)e.ing.whicli8hoiildjllrl,r'!i,''torefor them in the shape
be paid by the company. 0' bampiet which waa enjoyed by all.
Report of J. W. Roots, supervisor of j The following interesting program was
road distiict Xo. 3, approved, and clerk
to issue warrants for the
several amounts due to offset an eiial
sura subscribed by the district amount
ing to ll&.t1).
Resignation ot A. S. Law ton as super
visor of road district No. 22, accepted.
No one was appointed to rill the vacancy.
The report of Marion county Uion the
construction of the Butte Creek bridge
on the county line, filed and the clerk
authorised to draw a warrant in favor of
Marion county for 1110 01 and the clerk
was ordered to return to Marion countv
a warrant for $27 24 in favor of thia
county both to complete payment due
from this county to Marion.
Jury list drawn and clerk ordered
to place names in jury box.
Report of C. Rinearson supervisor
ol road jistrict .'no . approved, r.x-
that hereafter all persons drawing war
rants for paupers report quarterly.
The commissioners were allowed mile
age and per diem as follows: C. Bair
three days and 28 miles, $11 80; R.
Scott three days and 18 miles 10.80.
Bills were presented and warrants
drawn as follows.
R W Lacey, court ex $ 18 40
H S Gibson, school ex 3 40
I A Nobel, justice court ex 5 00
Tin nersiett A Anderson, road ex 34 75
Hardesty & Son, road ex 4 15
C H Dodd A Co ' 37 W)
Sidney 8myth, surveyor 10 SO
Meston A fygert, records N 00
H Wilbern, road ex 7 75
SB Johnson " 37 00
B Elliott " 5 00
A Gebhart " 30 00
F P I-arson " 18 00
G L Caldwell A Co, road ex 55 4
J W Noble, assessor fi2 00
Geo F Horton, clerk 257
C W fianorig, sheriff 154 02
Hamilton & Washburn, pauper ac't 10 00
8 M Kamsby, recorder 151 00
Pope A Co, supplies 3 35
Drawing jury list, J. P. dist. No. 4 . . 7 00
" ' "" 8 7 00
State vs Wm Newman Hi 00
' John Colyer t'i H5
" t.'bristie and Adkins MHO
ijeo Kreenian 52 30
" Geo Chase 47 85
KcccESMFUL Popular Movement. The
singing class recently organized on the
hill has proven to be a most gratifying
success in may ways. From the begin
ning it has been the aim of the promot
ers of this effort that the work of this
class should be both thorough and
effective. To this end they secured
at considerable expense the services of
Prof. Weischkul ol Portland who as an
instructor has no equal on the Pacific
coast. There is a generally expressed
desire for a continuance of these lessons
and arrangements will in all probability
be made for another tsnn of ten weeks.
For those having already a slight know
ledge of music reading it is not too late to
enter into the work of the first term.
Tuition fee will be reduced in proportion
to the number of lesBons remaining in
the terra. Prof. Weischkul will also
give private lessons in yoice culture to
those desiring special instruction. Ap
plication for membership in the class or
for private instruction to be made at
Presbyterian church at 8 p. m. each
Thurday evening at which time the
class meets for the lesson .
Death of W. S. Laud.
William 8. Ladd, a pioneer banker of
lrtlaml anil one ol tlio wealthiest men
on the lVitk: coast, died last Friday.
Ilia death was dim to heart failure,
A Ik, ut VI o'clock that morning ha arose
and was being dressed by lilt attendant.
J nut aa liia shirt w as Wing drawn over
hia head he gasped and fell hack on the
bed, lVath was Inaiantaneoiia and
peaceful, Mr. 1. ad I. waa horn at Hot
land, Vermont, October 10, 1820, he
arrived in l'ortland in ISM, coming by
way of San Francisco. Shortly after hia
arrival he engaged in the mercantile
business oua small aealo. In lS.rQ he
organised the banking honm of Ladd A
Tilton, at the head of which h haa aince
remained. A iMiiaervalive eatimate
places hia fortune at twenty uiillluna,
w liich is invested iu realty and various
business interests, For the past lUtcon
year he had beei; iinatde to walk, ow-
ai me lime ol ma death. Aiming Ins
'. many other stin'ks lie held a portion
the electric company, which
i between here and l'orllar.d
Installation aeil llanim t.
On Monday evening the officers of
Meade Tost No 2tt. A. R. were installed,
carried out
Invocation. Rev. Comrade G. Parker.
.Miimc Instrumental, "I'collec'ions
of Petersburg," Mrs. Olsen.
Address Post Commander Pavid M.
"The ladies of the Reliel Corps,"Com
rade Gilman Parker, past poet com
mander. Response Mrs. Fannie Cochrane.
Recitation "Around The Camp Fire,
Beatrice Grider.
Reading "Recollections of a Fora
ger, "Jas. 1'. Shaw.
Addresra bv the commanders and
ladies of the corps.
A presentation To M'ss Beatrice
Grider, Coir. rade Alex Thomson.
Sung "Marching Through Georgia,"
11 present.
Actions Begun hi Clrci ', Court.
Thus. Charman A Son vs y ,V. Currin.
Suit ro recover on note. C I). A 1). C.
latourette attorneys for plaintiff.
R. L. Sabin for the Men-bants' Protec
tion Association vs. S. R. Green, John
Green and C. A. Rands; lo close up as
signment and secure judgment. I.. L.
Porter for plaintiff.
B. KilhnA E. A. King vs. I). I and
llerietta Magone; to foreclose mortgage.
Burt Jt Killiu for plaintiff.
C. C. Hosfoid vs. Win. Katiiner; tran
script from justice court to secure judg
ment. Entered on book of liens.
Baptist College of McMinnville vs.
Geo. A Elizabeth Berthett; foreclosure of
mortgage. Latourette and latourette
for plaintiffs.
Dunniway Lumlier Co. vs. Jos. Thomp
son, and same against Joneph Hohecti
tues; suit upon mechanic's lien. Em
mons & Emmons for plaintiff.
The firm of Logua A Albright having
been dissolved, all accounts due said
firm must be settled at once as the part
nership estate has to be closed up. Thirty
days from date of this notice all unpaid
accounts will be placed in an attorney's
hands for collection.
Dated January 7. 18IC1. tf
( anby Letter List.
The following is a list of letters re
maining in the post office at Canby, Ore
gon, January 1st, 18113:
Buldwin Mrs A E, Brown Mrs Zilla E,
Balm Elgal, Clark Mrs. Susan, lliipprich
A. Kistner Mrs Delia, K'istenson Nils,
Offield Jesse N, OglesbyMrJ, Russel
Mi. B., Walling G. G.
Grfo. Knight, P. M.
For pains in the chest there is nothing
better than a flannel cloth saturated
with Chamberlain's Tain Balm and
bound on over scat of pain. It will pro
duce a counter irritation without
blistering, and is not so disagreeable as
mustard ; in fact as much superior to any
plaster on account of its pain-relieving
qualities. If used in time it will pre
vent pneumonia. SO cent bottles for
sale by George A Harding.
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard.
in is at liaiul when it
Tlio soasi
ventorv, ami wo wish
Greatest Sacrifice Sale
$15FIFTEEN -:- D0LLARS-$15
Buys during this salo
Any suit or overcoat in our store. Ono-tonth off
on all boys' and children's suits and overcoats.
The Most Complete
and onlyfirst
Quality consider
ed, our prices are
always the lowest.
Cor. 7th & Madison, Shively Building, Oregon City.
Notice is hereby given, that George
Warner, having purchased the interest of
the late Julius Logos in the firm of Uigus
& Albright, the business will heresfter
be transacted under the firm nsine of Al
bright A Warner. Thanking the many
patrons of the old firm for their favors
we shall strive to conduct the business
so as to merit the continued patronage
of the public. ('has. Ai.iihioht, jk.
it Gko. Waiinkh.
"In buying s cough medicine for
children," says II. A. Walker, promi
nent druggist of Ogden, Utah, "never
j be afraid to bny Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. There is no danger from it
and relief is always sure to follow. 1
particularly recommend Chamberlain's
liecaus I have found it to be safo and
reliable. It is intended especially for
colds, croup and whooping cough "
!)0 cent bottles for sale by G. A. Hard
ing. Blank note, receipt and order books
at the Entkiu'Iiisk ollice.
Wish you a
prosperous new year
And offer a grand now year salo of
is i!sir:iM to clear stiflvcs itiul
to rnluot' our stork. For thin
IiiitMirtern and ileslcro in
Selected Teas,rurv Coffees & Spices,
Butter & Cheese from best dairies
Fruit and Vegetables in Season.
This old and reliable firm always keep in stock a full linn of
Heavy, m m lifacimi
Him, Tinware, tit.
Plumbing, Gas
Attended lo
A COMI'LKTIC 1.1 v 10 ni
Fruit and Ornameniil
CANRY. - -
counter for tln annual
reason w will oiler tin'
Business Conducted
On Business Principles.
One Trice to All.
Positively no con
nection with any
advertising scheme
Fitting & Jobbin
Trees, Shrubbery Ftp
A -Kr-ri -rJ V'i' iM")