Oregon City Enterprise, t' lublilet Kvery Krldtiy. CIIAS. MKSlCRVi:, I'l'BUSHKR AND l-HOCKIKTOK, 'publican members of th tTtU general as- mlily to stanil firmly far thus measures which will streiiyilirii th parly, ami arn j tltni that m-lcus tlicy ilo nct wis laws ncitlier Ihcy nor a republican will be their j jlllf(Sf. rEUI'LG'S PARTY COM KKKNt E. Numrrtim KcnoIuIIuiim 1'hsmiI lluth Wise ami tttherwlNe. OFFICIAL PAPER OF CITY AND COUNTY- 8l'118CHll'TION IUTKS, fine year, - Sin month, ....... Three moiuh. ...... Sii'vu'riritioii. fsayaMe In tdviim't Attvoritsitii; n:es ijiveu en iilicUen 2 on i Skmton r. I.. W'u.us on W'fitiiiw.lay I (Mlleii the wnatura In hehalf of his hill to ; prohibit the employment of lady clerks lijr the IpjtisUuire. The mcsstiwis a conimeml ahleone for the reason that the einploy ; uient of temale clerks has pave.l the way for an abuse which drttiss discmlit upon the mcnilx'rs ami cats a reflection upon th 1 '! character of every young woman who ap- Bnten'd at the Post OfrW tn Orvoii ills-. Or., as voiut iSas mailer. KKIPAY, JAXIAKY 13, ISi. The KN'TKlit'Kl'iK fiiarautm a larger bon iile rirvnlatinn than that f the other three Mer in the eonnty cunihlnrd. AiiKSTS FOR THK KNVKKPK1SE. The utatu otrnforeiu-K of tlu Hoplo'H pa-ty which mot in tin city lint week I was well ftttomloii ami took action upon j various sutijccts as lu icily outlined tn ; low. Cliainuon V. II. tiakanl re j aisiioil and W II. Spimcli was elm-tod cliairiuan iI llm executive eoti.niiltoo. i Xiinictvus involution weiti panned ' pertaining to various suliccl, The mooting fuvoip.1: pli.-sf..r a clerkship, or serves on a commit- j Tlu' state's ownnujii Piintini! of- teo. tm the plea of sc-kinR a pos.t.on j W Wi,hi11( M ,0XlWU many women of nuesti.uiahle character ft.; , ,,.,,. , .... , , , ,, .incut the lohhies. This is known and a.-- , . ' . ,' , , L,,..ll ... iw.faei hvthelvst ,,.,,. 'tratn.n,! to U.intr.Hl.nc.lllm.ul;l,outtmr hor of both houses. Many of those of ir reproachable character w ho h e served as clerks can testify that they have had to aaa unnolicisl insults which they would oH'iily rvs.ut elsewhere. The time ha come to stop it. and ienator Uilis has hit on i" j ,,rjg wjt, th, Australian Imilot svstoni. only possible plan. 5, T1U ,,,.,.(,. gl,u 01j con- ,. ,. 1 tract cl.tnse now inserted r.KRTic in me extreme, a iiei-uuar imv-( rutin m-hool svsttun 1 3. Noapprtipriitliimtoteiiiiiilefiirthe Oregon National liuanl, ami that the j luxly l disliRM.ioil. j 4. OondcniiiinttaiiYaiiieu.luieiit.irtink- Osweo, Canny. -ris.-ksmas, Mttnsukie, I'nioa .lulls, Amis, Meadow Brook. New Km, W ilsonvtlle. Par Place, Karlew. llii.tstona, Sutr.irJ. Muouo, t'srus, M.tlalla. Viiriam, l.ulleftll Aurora, (irvil!. K:i;le Creek, Siinnyside, Damascus, Sar.dy, Salmon, t''irriiisvi!le, (': erryville. Marmot, IS. W. Prnsser ihv KniKhi A Mather llsry A V Issinser li J. Trullluser K. S Hrainhall lhs tt.nman W. S Ne h,-rry Henry Miley Hamilton A Wsshhnrn . Mrs. U. A SheppaM T M. Cr.i J. Q. time. . C. T Howard K. M. i'oHr - M. M N.HHly E. M. Ilirtmiu H Jeuuinits - K iiey L. i PeMue II. W illwrn John Welsh ; J. I'. Kllioil j K. (.i.Ktsch ! Mrs. W. M. M. lntvre Jen. J I'urrin Mrs. M J. Hammer Aoolph Aschot' sairewas ep'ted from the governor, nor are we ttisappoinleil by the.loctinieut which he snbtuitliHl to the leijislatureon Tuesday. IVrba six years of rennoyerism have ac customed pi-ople to his universal idlosyn- In niorti;a!Os doclurtsl null and other documents, and void, t. That all the streets tn Torrtand and other cities and towns shall bo ohii to Havel without toll, rcanllcssof rivers crane ideas. 1 that as it may, while the , where th anu city lies on both aides. message was replete w no his ecuuar no tions it yet contained a modicum ol flood siiKp'stions uhu which the Icirislalur should act. After all it would he strange if even luivernor IVnnoyer could lie odd in all his revxmmemlations, where he treats of so many subjects, but 110 one who knows j 7. That whore a mortgage ia given aa a surety for a loan or debt and the 1110 rtgater can not meet it, that board of three appraisers be appointed by the county etitmnisaioncra to appraise the jMerty, and if it be found worth more him will for a moment doubt his wilingnesa 1 tne ileht to t on to the tuortgg-- to get on the oil si.le. an amount of prtierty that will satisfv " " " I the debt, and assign the remainder to Omci.i figures show that th Krtag j tne mortgagr. and when the property Is railway is a decided smi-ess ery way. It I nal u, ,ht, ll(tl CM was put in nitration in Sentemlwr, l't, th ,, , , , .1 ,i. 1...11... improvements then the building im provements shall he reserved for the lirst receipts reptirled Mug f!'?I,tV, Novem Iwr 4. ISJ'l. During the past year the total - receii'tswen'JT.iVssi'.H.and the total exi-ense srKClAL OFFER. . fi.'Jir.V2', having a balance of fUtT.ta. The j mortgagor. The KsTKKi-KisE will be sent until March j road lias been airreal henetlt to the tanning S. That the exemption law be I'uh, 10, tor cents. Congressiou.il am! cominunity, as prior to its construction it ; ainei.eed so as to allow beads of families leirislauves iveliturs in full. All the 1 cost ten cents a bushel to ship wheat from i a homestead or goods or chattels to the county aid city news, court and city 'The Dalles to IV.rtland. while now it cssts j value of tHH free f.oin attachment 01 r-'U- cil uioceedieei retsrt. In full. Try , but four cents. savingofsixceutsoii eery j i,iei4 Bll,, , i,at no one can so i mortgage as to vitiate said exemption I law I I. I'nalterable omoition to aovern- Itlr. If. ill o l l r. .sV 1 . , ....... ... ... r. , ment giving atil to individual orcoriio- Agala k ti Wiuin. W'AsittNiiroN, Jan. 8. The new that Jiiinea U. ltlaine liad once niotti pasaed into the valley ol death, ami that even those most sanguine in anticipation, now hold no hojH of his recovery, ln came known in Washington early Ihia morning. Notwithstanding the hopeful views which the family and attending physicians had by direction from time tn time, m von out for publication, no expectation of Uliiino's uliiiualo lecov-j oiy was entertained by any one in ".map! tion to acipiire knowledge ol the teal facts in his case M.iro Cull 8rlci, ! V.niMit'o', Jan. t. The piesidont I has decided upon the scope of the pro-j posed extension of the civil service law . He has signed tin order pulling all free-1 delivery postollices under the operation; of the laws. Only the largest postotlUi' are now under c'vil service regulation. ; The extension will piotect cleik and carriers in all the small olllces which have free delivery. The effect will be; to Pill 1! or -N' iKislolllce in North western cities under civil service, and disaptsiint the hope of a good many democrat It Tti rtMiJlSukt W.vsuiNiiiox, Jan. ti r'riendsof I'res ident Harrison, who have had occasion to see and talk with It t lit of late, are very much concerned about his condi tion, and express a fear that his health will break dow n More the close of hi administration. Get Th.rt Urvf.11. 1'oRTi.Axn, Jan. 7, The unenviable and almost ridiculous position that Ore gin has leen praced in. so far as repre sentation at the World's fail at Chicago this vear is concerned, h practically been overcome by the energetic effort ol ! a number of public spirited citizens. I COPPER RIVETED 1 m OTTGMANl AOORtSS: 8N TRANCISCO, CAL HAMILTON & WASHBURN Wish (heir ninny (itlr-'ii HAPPY HEW 1 1 YEAR Am! solicit their kiiul !itruiwi" nl Mir triulo for tlii vear nf I VI.'I. slmrt' f tlieir .f giHhls llmt Wo i.n.miso vnti in ti.Ivniiiv tn carry uch nn ssort it d will hi it tlie nuwt lastitliou, ami ill ! ldo to iv inon Imrgain in evory lino of KmaU limit ever Ix'fure tillercil. Don't for;vt thtit wo have nvoiveil rtwntly a upw l-t of MctiV nil toy ' t'lolliinif from the Kit, which e priixs-o to wll at (irit'cs lhal will lie nn olijirt to the Uiyor. I A few iiiorr l.n.lio' utnl t'hil.lrrii' Cloak left, which we are nt lunch Icsa tlmn the original l. llini? AI- t KNri.liPi iss and see how t h yur ne-naer favorites it compares hi. she! shipd. ! Tim corridors of the hotels and the state j bouse are thronged with eager, persistent and importunate seekers alter place irom t'uder the title of "The A. -counts fial anced" the Crego-iiau of Mouoay has this to say concet-nii'g the business transa.'te.l (luring the ear: " The business statislicsor ISC have Iseen C4mpiledaml p-re.-enled tothe public. They Hilly auslsin the assertion so freiuei tly mane in answer to the calamity shrieks that were a feature of the late political cam paign, that the year was one of phenome nal prosperity, in nearly all branches of business the returns of the year were favor able and in many an unexampled record of prosperity is shown. Briefly stated, li bank clearances, whit h represent the rolumo of trade, were about 10 r cent larger than the previous year; railroad gross earning , Were 5 per cent greater and the fore gt. trmJe wtw tlie heaviest ever known, with merchandise exports much in advance of imjorts. The cotton trade had a noli- .ie revival Irom the profound depression of he previous year, the Sieculative dealing in the N. Y. cotton exchange showing an ex cess over 11 of nearly l.'JOO.Odl) bales. The cotton mills were crowded with orders i: all partsor the state, many of them totally I rations or to tneir niHKing appropriations until lor the positions tlicy seek, so that j of any money raised by taxation to im- life is made a burden to most legislators for the few days before and during the first week of the session. Let the scale of a ages paid to the clerks for this session he horiiontally reduced, and the uumlier of clerks limited to the actual needs of the work to be done. P.Kit ni.ir.ix represeniatives should set ' thr st ai of strong disapproval upon the iiis'aiive clerk evil. This is not the time '. I! make positions for friend. Only so nun) 1 '.erka should be employed as the ac tu 1 .ails of legislation demand. Each njubluan member should put hi foot ifuw.i IS'inly upon this growing evil, then s.i.'.p ii out once for all. The best good of y stale and party demands immediate a ti-.ii. -. lection ol Hon. W. P. Kealv as .' "' ( the house was a surprise to some i" exponents, but it is generally con s.! .hat he will mak an excellent pre e icer. H is ex erience and extensive rhany of them paid increased dividends to acquaintance with men and the needs of stackhohlers ; the sales of wool showed a satisfactory advance and the holiday trade in the large cities is said to have been the heaviest on record. The wage scale was generally maintained in manufacturing dis tricts, the strikes ol tlie year resulting in , tlie main from an attempted advance, and the crop yield, though not phenomenal, as in 181, was still abundant, furnishing an enormous surplus. the state, together w ith his good executive ability, eminently lit him for the place which he has been chosen for the second time to till. Ten republican members of the 17th Ore gon legislature have a duty to perform which is paramount to any they owe to tlieir immediate constituency, and which will not brook delay or trilling. At no time in it history has the republican party of this state been brought face to face with a important an era as that which now con front it. The nat-onal party has met de feat which has been shared by state organ izations in many heretofore strong holds of the party. Uregon has suffered violence at the hands of tlie combined democracy and populists and one-fourth of her electoral vote has gone to to the common enemy of tlie party ami its avowed principles. For some reason the magnificent success in the state lour years since has been trans formed into a bare victory at the last election. Thesame ratio of loss will place some oneelse besides the republican party in power in the slate and most of its counties. This result is not one to h desired by republicans, and in the fare of existing conditions every effort should lie put forth to give the party and its best principles their old time popularity. Before another session of the legislature convenes, a general election will be held which involves every office in the state in cluding all representatives in Washington. It is then fore incumbent upon the present legislature to seek out and enact such meas ures as are commendable and only u ;h. It should guard with studied economy the state treasury, permitting no raid upon its j (3ieliev Mrs E W funds for any illegitimate or questionable ! Crawford, John J It is stated on good authority that a clerk on one of the most iniiortant committees in tlie senate, two years ago drew from the state treasury for his forty days service H JO. He is present this year seeking a position to wrpetrate another outrage upon the state and the party to which he belongs. One chance is enough. With Hon. C. V. Fulton for president of llie senate that body is sure of a steady and careful hand at the helm. Senator Fulton is able, straightforward and affable at all times. He is, besides this, a man with the courage to carry out his convictions and will not be a party to any iestionable proceed ing or sharp, illegitimate practice. Ir the present legislature is minded to do a popular act it w ill fix the pay of clerks at siieh a stun per day as will save to the state a good round amount and visibly reduce the throng of applicants. There is room for some reform on that line, and now Is the time and this the legislature to do it. Thk Indeiendence-Monniouth motor line has, within two years, carried 150,000 pas- j and numerous other collector. prove any harbor or river or for any other public improvement. 10. The government to isue money bearing the stamp of the government and made legal tender for ill debt public and private. 11. Convict be employed so!e!y hy the state and for the l-enelH of tlie state. 12. Government ownership of -ji.it-roada. Yon Should Keep I'oUed. What the legislature ii !i ,vb'e to do. A synopsis of the many 1111 ,.'ires that will be brought up for cos -i I -ration Which one are you interested iu' The K.ntkki-hisk' apecial corresiKi.clorir will keep you posted a to w hat ts li ne l or 25 cent until March 15. Kepeal of the Australian ballot Free textbook lor schools. Prohibit 1'inkerton and like organiza tion. Amend the charier of Oregon City. Fish ladder at the Willamette fall. Abolish the poll tax. Licensing of stationary engineer. Abolish the state militia. Build portage railroad at The I'alles. Division of Clackamas county. Make county otlicera salaried Kight hour a day work. An appropriation for the Btate citpitol. Better government of our statu in stitution. Htate normal boIiooI for eastern hegon and for an additional building at Mon mouth. Increased amount of homestead ex emption from execution. Bettor protection and control of salmon fishing jointly with Washington. Klection instead of appointment of railroad, fish, pilot and other state com mission. Kepeal of gold clause in eviilenn debt. Convicts What shall they do' Build roads, manufacture grain hag, tnuke stoves, or remain in idleness. . Taxe How shall they tie collected? State, county, (tchool and road collected by county treasurer or paid to Kheriff DiK-ioirs ii:i:si am ihi:k i:tt riHij. 1 Aiisirihiig to newsrir reirt, a j braUsI Auien.-nu ursin tv.s-iv,! (.V'lU i fur removing a little wen f itmi a w,iltlijr lady's iswip Tlie kiwp4 fill to slate tltt ' exa.i amount of Ipw n.tv.-rtising ttie -tir 1 niaiutiCisI Ui ohuun - .N.ifioaul stuirfiM.r. tail's rnu 11 Uyntber Here's linn, one of tbe largt ttw nmn try ovsr, tlie world over; It has grown, stop by step thnngh many yearn to grmtmwt This llrm nvs tlie nt.wssiirm gissl ihoih-v (expmuuvs work, this advertising II to udl. the people tllat thev have faith III what tbet 11, au mucA A nfA "tti.il if lli.y rant UmwIU or curs they don't want your limner Dr. llMw'i I Mi ten Unheal Itsorcv b ailil on this hlmral plan If It d.mi't henetlt or eurv, It cut aurAin.i It cure hkin, Ncnlp ami S-n.fukma aiTn-tiotu, a -ssnia, TetUir, 8alt-rhHun, Kever-iorw, Whit tswllmga, llip-ilnl dueaa and kut drwt aitmeiilA It's the raenrwrf bil - purttW mkl, through dnigglsta, no mat tor bow many buodnsi iVimw am ulferni for Its prti-w (II m a bottle), ainos you pay uoly fur ti goon you gs. Caa rou aak R PRIER'S Photograph (Jail cry. If yon wiint aioil ihutoprttih pivp hint a call at his old stmiil op jmsite Farr's luitcht r nhni. N0TDIN8 BUT HRST-CLASS WOE! DONE. PROMPT DELIVERY I'arU I'hioo Cttsh Store. FURNITURE. SOOTHING hrCHIIDNINCUIIING TfifH j RFMETX rn-EII HEAT, i kevent rimcoxvruttoNa. c. PRESf-RVE A MEAI.TUY BTATK OF THK COS- HTITUTION' Dt'KtNO PF.III0D Or TEITUIMO. 8mi that th words " J0II5 STITDMAN, Cb.ni it, Walworth, Surrny," are ugravit 00 lie) Uovernment Htarup afflxnil toaaeh packsL f-Bolil l)J all Lsadlng DrucuKU. Of scngers. Letter List. The following is the li-t of letters remain ing in the post ottice at Oregon City, Oregon, January 5, Anderson, I'rofJ Kicker, ('has I. 2 Austin, Orrin hondergan, Mrs N J Ilaker, Win Latham, W C Htirlingliatii, II Musaer, (eo Bliihm.Miss('hristine Osman Harry Ikrhenilt, Missliele O'Conner, Patrick Bennett, C O liolton, Pauline L'rofard, John miriKi.se whatsoever, It should seek out and remedy existing evils and not array it self ft a party against a commendable meas ure simply because it was introduced or is supported by the opposition. More than this, it is the duty of republican legislator to be alert and to present for the considera tion of the legislature such measure as will be pleasing to the people ft is (lot a time for recrimination or petty ipite, but tf there be any such feeling or grounds for them they ihould be, not buried, but banished and forgotten, We trust that Oregon is represented at this time by men who cart see and appreciate the situation which confrant u just now, and that they will prove themselves equal to the trust and to the situation with cour age to do right. The EMTKBPBI8E urges the Davis, Mrs M Davis. Wm II Eaton, Miss Maud- Owens, Owens Porter, O W Kohison, Mrs Mary Koberts, Mrs Mary Itobertson, M H 2 Htevens, Mrs Hell Russell, L0 -2 Sinclair, Miss Eva Freeman, MrsOeorge Hmith, Alex Frazicr. K 8 Flower, W P Oriinn, George Gaca, John Gartnn, Tho Hardman, Christ Harris, Patric Hooper, James Howell, Arthur Holbrooks, Judge Henry, K 0 Hurst, John Jonsdale, 0 V Jones, Hellen Jones, J W Johnson. H J Jenkins, James Kisinger, Libby If called for, please y when advertised. K. M. RANDS, P. M.' (Stay ton, Miss Mayble nnerman Mrs Havage, Frank Tuck, James Taylor. Wm M Tucker, Jim Turner, TT Thyott, Mrs Mary E llrand, Chancy Vane, John -Woods, JM Watkins, Mrs W A Walker, J A" Watts, Mrs M J Walker, J N Work, W A Wbitmore, Rev O B AHHessmcnt law How shall thev he amended? Have county or precinct assessor. Have state, county, school and city assessment made by one assessor or by four. Abolish mortgage tax laws. Abolish indebtedness clause. Road work How shall it he done? Discontinue HtipervisoiH, and have road engineer. Issue county bonds, or make district assessments for road work to ho done by contract . Abolish working road tax, pay cash or wallow 111 the mud under the present system. Mr. Million's Hide. When Mrs. Million goes to ride nlie travel forth in state, Her horse, full of lire and pride, go prancing from the gate; But all the beauties of the day she views with languid eye, Her flesh in weakness wastes away, her voice is but a sigh, : For Mr, Million is an advanced stage of catarrh, and all the luxuries that wealth can buy fail to give her comfort. She envies her rosy waiting-maid, and would give all her riches for that young woman's pure breath and blooming health. Now, if some true and disin terested friend would advise Mrs. Mil lion of the wonderful merits of Dr. Bage's Catarrh Remedy, she would learn that her case i not pant help. $500 reward ia, offered by the manufac turers for a case of Icatarrh ia the head which they cannot cure. J MRS. PRIGR Wishes to thank her kind patron for past f;tvorn &m to call at tention to her rdock of 118 fortcil DOLLS, TOYS. FRUITS, Candies, Nuts, Etc. Hoping to receive the same kitnl patronage thin year. JAPANESE Q I LE CURE A new nnfl nnilH trciitmtmt, roiiMfttliiK ' H'tppoHltorli, Ointment In Cuptulfit, nlo In Box at id 1'llU: a (KiHlLivn cum for KxUtiihI, Inlrriial, Itllmt or hl"fllitK. Itrhlnif, limnl,!, KtTfMit or Hftmlitfiry pilot, mid nmiiy t) I h?hniii fill ff'Hlftl' Wtkli(:SNChi It In R)wiyH II KfCHt (MMH-flt tn the B'imrnl hculth. Th flrit din covtjry of a ihimMi-hI cunt remltTlng mi npurHtloti with thy knll uiiiipf.'HHKiiry lmrciiflt'r. ThU rmedv hftnimvcr ttfiuti ktinvvn to fall. $1 per box. 6 for IV, Rttit by malt. Why ttifl'ir from thin Urrlfole hpne wbi'ii written KUHritiiLi't In given with nix boxon to rt'fuinl tite money if not p,urm. Hend Mtninp for fnte NHitiplo. (iiiar nKe iHRueil by Whooaroi i.akkic & (!o, whiiln mtl rwI retail HruxprlHtR, nolo xK'-"t I'ortUml, OrCKon, J. Ginni PIONEER lm$hf and Freight and parcels delivered to all partu of the city. RATES - REASONABLE. Now Whon Firm, You Now q Want Goods, p A New si Bod, Prices. Bureau, You M Chair, Will 2 Table Find or Our Stand, Stock or First Full Class p Bed And p Room The - set Prices Call Very t ) 0n Low Us. UncleUikiritf and ICmbahninjic. r IT GIVES YOU HEALTH. w Moore's Jtevealed Kenicdy. Antiiuniliti in itH KlI'uetH in thu eurn of HheiiiniiliHiii, AhIIuiiu, Muluria, llli lioiiMiiiiKH or liny other iliMenNo ariMiiio from ilcranifiMl Liver, .Stuiniich or Kiil nnyn It ilrivea nil iinpuritiuN from llm i'llooil . Mrn Clniii A. Kiihki.I. who In favorably kuimn thrniiKhoiit the Norlliwiml miy.: ' u w" Tor nri.i.ni ymir. I wm a eoriKlant .urTcrnr w lliiihthini. without miy ri'lli.f, ,..,.,,( ,t ,,. tuliiwl hy nnimtunt rhangu ni tfw.tllt v Vm yar.airo I trIH Mookk'h Hkvi,k.i, iikmKIiV mill the hm.,flt. riwiilvinl from It wurulhiiniiiiii RrntlfyhiK. Itxave mil rnllnt (r.,m IhoNrnt iinl .rv..nt..a the tcrrlhlu ili.lri'M n, " t, Tl, iIIikhsb that inn.li! life almo.1 iiiil,ralilo A Olio who haa cviir hail asthma can iiiU,r,i , ..... ,M.inniii yrara in my fn I have not hcwliiitu.l to rr.Miilii..n,l It t J i J" iiir,.ri;r,KiidalWaya will. t, ,, h,,",,'1 08 JTo hp hart of all ilrugKlata, nr .i to iKwT lloi,iiaH Iiauu Co . i"am, Waali Cooke's Stables, W. H.C00KE, Manager, Corne Hiin-nHir In v. T 4 I. r 1 Ki.tirth ami Mntn Street, (KK(i() city. I.K.UUNli I.IVKKV KTAIil.,: 'iiy. Kim .,( ...y ,i........;.... , ... , UMllllll The of the (urniHliinl on hIioM iintii c. AH kiiul of Trm k ami :vi,v,.ry "I'M promptly alleii,., (, l'eil on reiiHon- Norsea lonr,l,.,i ami ahle teriiiH. WOOD TIIKMxo SCROLL SAWING BOXES OF ANY I'urtiua F COM PAN V, FI KHT KK0IMKNT, 0. N (i Armory, Thlnl ami Main. Knifular drill nhr'ht Monday. Kxulir t.iilni, meoiln., Sr,t Monday of each month. -, im J. W, Oanong, . ' .' - f,., , SIZES MANUFACTURED hmirinu "Wo." T.iri.l,, i... utrtia, Jtraekuts, or "l Shop Carpenter's Work Will ho BultadbjrClllnBonMa. Doors, Windows and Blinds TO ORDER. H. BESTOW I Ovp. the ConuroKatioti.1 Church