Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 13, 1893, Image 3

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' "at.
Oregon City hntcrprise.
KltlPAY, JANI'AllV 13, IWiil. "
run.till fir iHttc nf c.imlnt rnl tot Hi.
Ilrular Km Ural I'uliinina,
MDNIiAY-'Clffiiit ml cour.ly court
convene DA. M,
WKlNKSiAY-na oia A.O. V, W.
open Hireling' 7 I'. M,
1(1 HA Y Mountain View liiiirovntiienl
meeting-, Kly'a I.hII, 7 ,U) I', M
lirl till) Krr.IKI onVr on III
l'N Ulltll ign.
Cliarlc (.ogii til I'lirtUml m up
oil Tlli'a.lnv,
(). K, A KtoyUtf Irmii 1'ortlanil
! Ml rjl.lay Jut i n MrlHitiaM of Ieer
lalaml In town.
An iljuurn4 'Iiiii uf Ihe county
ruurl It el lur M.m.lay.
(.piilnl It, M.irt'Hi, lirller lumen
'"I'll" in loan yeaienlay.
If jr.ni mil In Imy iu III l..ltnn i
i.lylot". O. T William, ag-enl
(' Miller anil t'liailc, llie Viol
millet were ill llii cily )elei.ly on
A liiiiM to warty laaue.l IoMidi
l-li IV'i mitt J. M. Tlinm on
Cirvtii! murl i In enliven on M. unlay
January In, tml It i not ifullilt that It
III Ik.M long-.
II you luti a small lixn on large
Bifeatfe, I mil Oil) mrty you lali to e
W, II, III HulUHl.t.
Malunlay Mra. M. A.l'wa of l'--arr
Crrva hi tnwn on IiiuIikim tH.nrin
with hi'i lliifi Ibiiii.
Wantnl, a a'"1! iinltotlii houMiwork
in a family of Ihri. Apply at room 3,
t'liaimaii btm k, Oiritnn City.
Mutipy lo lmn !', !. fi"i. I'W)
anl any amount ale thai, (.'oiiie an l
ane me. V, II. IW aoiuant
To pmlfH t ll oh act at the elife ol
the liui. rnli work la luniig plavl
aioninl ihrni ami IIIIimI mill ru k.
The watrr roinmiiMiiiiinra are over
liaulilitf Iho pump at Ihe aialom amt
piitliiig in a nrw hll anil rom-rrle
Ttie Klri'tili- rtiiniiiy arte buy un
Momlay iumiiiit h"'r Iaii.I o rlpt lo lh
men who ha I Ixvli bvlilig toclrar the
lamj un Ihe wel alile
V. K. Wliislnw ami wife ( la Mara,
Iowa, have heon vmting (i. II. Yihiiik
but tricum-.l on Krnlay They my if
turn lo lix ale hrre In llm tnar (tilure.
The 'ri iiiix liiiit ul I'.iv l lai'kamaa A.
(I, I'. W. haa tn'ii uetHiiMr.l to Jan. IS
onitilt lo the iimlillity ol Ihe tJiainl in
atruclor lo be prrMnl al Ihe time Ili't
County Tieaauier Wrlhcrell Very
lik itin Ul .alnr.Uy intiht ami it
waa thought that he mulJ not live till
niorninii. but lie hat rallied attain ami ii
now much tntur.
That uhl monarch uf cotionwoola at
tlie corner uf Main ami KortliWenth
alreeta, haa ialli'ti lirlnre Ihe onwarl
mar. h ol rlvillxallon. ll aa in Hie way
uf Ihe eleclrie line
VV. II. llama lull on Toie.lay for Cal
ifornia lo viait rt'lalivea anil look fur a
location. Hie family will remain here
for the preaent. Mr. Ilarria ia man
that we are aorrr lo ane move out ul
the community.
Mutation waituil Hy tilrl In a pri
vale lamily lo lu bullae work uioriiiiiK
ami eviuiiiia'K nml a part of the day, lo
enable her lu do other work n-qulrititf
about live htiiira each day. Only email
waitea exiiecti'd. Itefi-rencea itivrn. Al
dii'aa or itpply t Km KftrHinK olllco.
I.anl Friday A. J, Chaae, un old lime
rcnlilniit and pioneer of Clackamaa
cmiity died al bla honin In Colfax,
Waah., of piipuiiionla, lcavlii a wife
am! family. Htt waa one of the eaily
aetttera at PpriiiKwater mid waa
brother n( J. W. Chane and brolher-in
law of It. I). Wilaon.
On Tilnailuy IhhI Mr. Ilnlda wile, ol
Juilgti H S. Whitu died in Portland.
Judge While and hia wifu were old
But tier of ('liii'kiiiintK county having
located on what 1 known an the Kellogg
place In 1M.V 1 lu wnn judge in the
count y In territorial tiny. At the ex
ponttion of lHld, they toolr tlm premium
lor being the oldcat married couple in
the tnlt. Until were well nml fnvornbly
known by all old Hcttlur here.
On Sntiiriluy evening Juminry 21 the
olllcer of Fnlln Iidge No. (Ml, A. 0. U.
W. will be IiihIhIIi'iI at Hhlvidy's opera
Iioiinu by liriiml MuHlnr Wurkiimn It, J.
Iliiwtliornn, hhhIhIimI hy (Irimd lnalntfr
lor 0. H. Whlltomora mid CI rami Ko-
cordnr Newton Clurko. Hemdo addrcHHe
hy tliu liiHtulllng ollli-cm. (leo. V.
Ilrowtitill htia boon Invited to dulivor tin
adilreHH. There w ill bo ruclitttion, Hing
ing and iiiHtrutnentnl iniitiiu, MIhh Wattt
of Portlaml linvliiii conminliHl to favor
the audience with (tome flue rtulectioni,
Tht) occuaion promlaoa to lm t very
pleasant one. Invitations, have been
iHsued, the exerulHP to begin at 8 p. m.
Till' I 1'riQl A Til V V I ''" hM i nvi ' lUitm
llili I-MJlOLA 1 U J I.!,n Tim law a It no staml Is
('niitlnne.l (mm first page.
wets nutlet! Miners M. J, IWlerick
ml W. Coin ami wife.
Tim lillVKMMOIt'll MKli,
Alter reviewing In iletsIM alalernent I
tlm cn.luct of affair. diiritiK tlm p
to year, ami allowing Hit preaent
tale of alTitlr, tlm governor re view In j
hi. own UM-ulir atyla ninny inalli-ra of j
puliliu liit-rrt, ami roui'lutlne with a
lung lint o( riiniiiiiiiiililiMia.
The tni-mniiii aninmailritil la appro!
luialuly aa follow a;
I.AKIl flKf AHtMKKf ,
Tlia illllliiiltlfa pritainliig to awamp
laml nmtima ar aiiroai'lilnK a final,
ll lint a Kllrlmlury t'nllclilnliill. At-
tliniilfh Ihe Hale may lie a alight vainer ' to prepare, a miieate., a niHXimum
from Ihe gift of awamp lamia from the ! rale law lie mi upon the Iowa law, with
leiletal govemmeiit, an far aa money la ' !rhaia a reaaonahle adililional l r
roiiceriie.l, yet it ia an 0N-n ipieatiun itihUge. With I la exierieiice, it rould
aliellior it would not have been much 1 have lormulated a bill that would have
better, all thltiga roiiai.lnred, if it had ' been Nit h jual to Ihe railroada and to
licver le.cjveil Ihe gilt. i lh mip. ly rilicliig the paatenger
llelalive lo lieu arluail Ian. la erlected ' rati on Ihe railioada within Il ia atale
by lie atetn under act ofcutigreaa be aaya ; : 'rom 4 to '."y centa a-r mile, and by the
"The atale land txiard tiy furuiahiiig ' ahwiluto prohibtlion or a!) paM-e except
public lliliillnatii.n nf the facia -rl,ill- to railroad employi a, a great act ol jiia-
j ilig In the aelei lluti uf am h lieu lainla, lice w.ilihl la. -lli.i iim-iI, and no hind
did all that w aa in ita Hir lo prevent alilpw.iuld be impel Uiou the 141I
! a lew eraitia fr.nu reaping rich a. Ivan-' loada.
i lagea aa the teanll of atnln h-gialalion Tilt; al a 1 1: Mil 1 11.
I and the ulnw.ioetit unexm-trd eon- The exa-mlllurea on account ol the
!gieaiiiial h--ialetin, I'nder the ri- atate militia tor Ihe lal biennial term
Uiimatamea aa lliey nw exial, it per-; ,eie li.'i.frfrfi IK. ll ia claimed, in order
haia would I a.lvlaahle to fix the price i niaintaiii aiich orgaiiixatiuti in on-
of atate lamia at V M per acre.
riml mu 1 11 1 ni t a in iriri 'in
The atale will l tailed UH.n to in-'
leaae Ihe ecrommolatn.lia In neaily all
o(llaiial and rlimilahle iualilutiona.
Additional building will I required on
Ihe Inaaiie a.vluiu ami reform erhool
farina ami the 1 eiiiletillaiv and 1,1. 1,. I
larhnul building tnllal t enlarged. The
jdlrectoraof the deal mule aclnad pMw
,to inm ila pruiM-riy and management
lover Id the rt.nl i il.,t Ihe atate - 1,1, h
liproa-r, aa all inatltiiti.uia upirle.i " imumUnt upon the elalea to pro
jby Ihealal at.ouhl l colitiolled by the ' " cile from unjuat iliarg.-
atale. I 'tie of Ihe ni.l Imta.rlanl ijiti-a-! ,,r fii"t ,tr" eonlrolhr.g that
j lioua Mure the a.wmhly will e in r-! I'owfrt'il rmi.iH.!y.
'gaol lolhe future eiiipleyniriit of con-! A" municipal governmenta, by general
j vlcl lalnir. The rotilracl' heretofore ex- j l,oulJ Klv-n P""' to regu
lating for the employment of ronvl.-l l'e Ihe rale uf all munopoliee, em a
j ha. now expiMnl Hereafter Ihe atale ; ". leh plioi.e, electric hglila,
;b.iuld wmkiuown ei.iiyicla. a-i a nd elrwt-car coninie.
j Interfere in the Icaat with free labor, and ' u ul
' lo that end there i probably no Iwlter Al Oil lime, aa every member of Ihe
way than lo follow Ihe example ul Cal- legialature ia well aware, a period of
ifornla and .hit g'on In Ibe etc. lion biiaineaa depieion baa Iwfallen our in
. ol a Jute man. .(.. 1, 1. y. jduatrie. The price ol the great alapte
I Tiir aiT. n mi a. . 1 pruducta ol tlregon are ipule low; buai-
! Tolax the people of the whole alale ; u' " kiml ia aUgneled, exwpl
j lor the aupiurt ol any bluh Innitolion of that alone of loaning money ; and lalior
! learning l both una.lvlaable ami unjuat. ""da lliful emplojnient, wilh dlinlng
I The tax for U.e nii.aiit uf common ; """' I'nfortunaleljr, you have no
achiMil ia cheerfully laiine lot Ihe .-eaaon , J;r,H"t colitnd over tin. mailer. I'nder
j that the children ol the whole atale ran conatilution, the atale were re
ite beiiefitl by il A general tax for : rifled to the uae of guld and ailver
jhigli Inalituilona ol learning ia iiuile a lone aa a legal lender, a ud lo congreM
dilTerent thing Only iU portion of ; K'v,ri the aole power to coin money,
j the children of the alnle can avail Ihein- j H the framera of the conatitutiun lid
iaelve ol ita advanlagea, and ita aupiairt, j cr coliUunplated Ihe Kibilily thai
! therefore, by a geneial lax i n.twi nil-1 fongifea, after having b-n empowered
ljual. The Male Normal .bool ii an!'1'' "'i most impoitant pn-roitalive,
iiialllutin wbiihby educating U-achera , wottld relnmi to fullill ila full duly (for
for the public arluwla, might I con-1 beatowment of the right impoaed the
J ai.len-d aa a part of the common achool performance of the duly), ll would never
ayatem, and thua have t claim upon the j
alale not poeeraaed by the two other I
high Inataulion which have received
late aid. Al all event, the alate hav-
lug received puwiiy built up by private
iH-nevoleme, ebould in relurn expend i
for the aiipKiit and Improvement of the
college an amount equal to the Value uf
the pro-rly.
tii a wti.i.Anxnx Ixk x.
The alate by cviulritiutiiig $.W,(XH) to
ward the conat ruction ol the Willamette
lock acquired a right to purvhamv them.
The alate abould now avail ittelf of ita ,
, ...
option. A (net mode ol enceruintng the
value of Ibe canal and lock would be
to lake the tonnage for the laat year, and
llml out that mini which al 0 per cent in
tcrcal would bring the amount repre
sented hy a roaHoimhlc charge on mu lt
tonnage, lea the coal of oixiraliug the
lock and lew the amount, if any, which
would be rtulrvd to put the canal and
lock in ordinarily good and complete
working order. There can be no ob
jection to thia method uf Mccortiiiiiing
their value. Il la lair and juat propo
I ot all llab-traim, flnh-whoeU and
aelne be alHiliahcd, con II mi the (lulling
to gill-neU alone j and then all citixcii.
have an equitl cloture, and the whole
sale deal rucliun of Halt and the epiedy
extinction of one of our chietcHt judu
tries can Ihi m voided. The eiipreiuti
court reporta of Oregon diiicloHe Ihe
fact that a paid lobby in Ihe Interonta uf
these tiuiniipolluH hn Itnretofore swai uhhI
around Ihe piulimis of Un) capitol din
ing legislative. stwHions, and it will un
tlcubtetlly reappear here during the
preaent eession. The hoard of Huh com
missioner) has mitiiilitiued in all of its
report a complete, nml must eignillcuit
stltince In regard to tht) ull'ect of theso
tnimt di'Htiiictive miillioda of dnHlrnyitig
uttr llsli IntureKtH. Tlm grave duty is
tliaruloro impoied upon this legislature
of abolishiiiK all the monopolistic instru
mentalities seines, (lull-wheels, fish
traps and (Ish uoininiHsiunera.
The urgent netiossity lor a change in
our laws relative to assessment and tax
ation haa existed for years, and suoh
fxiiiM Ity on liuneaty ami reward lor ras
cality, by Mirontliu n liiiniiinlly from
laiationlu IioaIiu will trump up
fli'lllloua ln.lelite.lne. No iliiliH'lloni
whatever lor Imlnlileilfie aliouM l al
lowed ; Mini In onliir that htiiiI .mp-
arty may no luriKxr lilrk Its ihin of
, public. l,ui,l..i, It nl.ouM U pr
y,( ti if judgment I procured
Uixn any nolo lilili I not not rriularly
HWI, li.n.lml In to Ilia aiM'ior,
proven hy lila roiiirl atmup, una lialf
hull m lord'itwl lo tlm toniiiion m IimI
(unil, anil aliall m iM tlinrclit ly the
alinnff, a a H'Hl'y aiininul tlm bul'lnr
lor evaalon til law.
ma MAii.aoAii (oMMiamoK.
It In to Im tutn-uii'ly ri-iiri ttml tliat the
railnwil roiiiiiiUwin dlil not m prnNir
; dllion of pntr elli. iem y, that the lax
! ol mmlllih uf a null now levied will have
' duuhled. The h g.alalure, there-
111 ' "I" u delermllie
, l"her to double Ihe taxation, leave il
" ' "r 'liali il.
j lr tuafoaxTioma.
It i re. ,mim-iidiit that a liiaxlllium
rl t'-'egraph meta-agi-a within the
"u! ' eaUbbal,.... Ii tongrea will
! "t do it duly to the people by giving
'I"1'" K" riimeiilal U-ligrapbic fa lliliea
e delegated lo aucti ixiwer.
th rut avaTxxt
Uw ahoiild alao lie paaeevl making all
office within the atate aalarkM, and
compelling auch aa receive fee to pay
l,ltu treaaury all in excees of laid
alarie. It would alTord a very great
avlng to the Ute if it jioaaeaMcd tl own
plant for public printing.
1. A change in the aeaeeatnent law.
X The abolition of uaeleaa commla
aion. $ A I..W fil Etl ni.villlllln tttttu. f,.r
., , ... .
railroad and telegraph companies.
4. A law eniKiwering municipalities
to tlx maximum rates on all monopolies.
5. A law authoriiing the goyornor to
employ a prosecuting witness.
tt A. htw giving to sll stule and
county officers a fixed salary.
7. A general municipal incorporation,
8. A change in the road law so as to
secure good roads.
I). Providing for the arrest and pun
ishment ol armed men In private employ.
10. The passage of an inheritance tax
11. The enactment of a law similiar
to that of Washington, exempting home
steads (torn execution and attachment.
12. Authority to the school land com
missioners to withhold from any county
its school fund until all the state luxes
from said county have been received.
13. The 'creation of a stale auditing
14. No further 'illegal appropriation
ol money by joint resolution.
15. Appropriation for a fish ladder at
Oregon City.
111. A chungo in the law reluting to
the conveyence of criminals and insane
17. Instructions to our representa
tives In congress to procure appropria
tion for a portage mini at the dalles of
the Columbia; to secure the passage of
a joint resolution allowing Oregon to
use the interest on the agricultural
college funds for betterments on the
college property ; to secure an extension
of time in which pavment may lie made
by settlers for lands within the forfeited
limits ; to vote for the free coinage of
silver; the issuance of the paper money
of lli country by the g-'ivernment alone,
ml Hie enactment of m Income tax law.
In the M-nate arnna thirty hllla wer
Intrmliirml rWynral of thi-Mi wra lm-
I porlalit aiiioiin aui:h being- a billjpro
viiliiiK for a oin m Union ami appropria
tion mntii-y for an On-gon exhibit at the
WorM'a I air.
!'iiny of MultnoniHli introliiMl a
bill which tirovl'lre that any iM-raon
j habitually allii li-. to the umi of opium
j or cw aln hull on -xemtnatlon l com-
uilU-l lolhe iimatie anvluin.
hmiator CroaaolClarkamaa IntrcHluod
a bill whiili atlpulatia that all roai)
ti- thai I U p.i.1 ,t0 ,e county
trramiry, in payim-nt ol taxea which are
authoriwil lo be h-vM in iimilnl
amounla by the rounly court. Thi J
hill la reyarded aa a practical aolution of
the road tax problem and will probably
Ucome a law. Tl.eie were two conti
tulional amemlment proe by the
hoiiae. and rclerred to cimmillee by
the aenate, one atriking out Ihe realric
lu ma. In lLn conatilulion regarding
cotmed eitixena, Ihe other raiaing the !
time alter which a foreigner can vole
... ..111 .. .
ulw ikrnl to lii ihilarallon of cllixen-
,. 1,1
ahip, from one lo three yeara.
. . .
t ii pr. -M-niative t (linn aiil.inillol a'
1 1 1. ,. ... , ,. , . I
iK.a'l lull Hli lheol.jit.1 of obtaining
I la-ttei road., ol hi. U uhj-t he ia mak-
1 ing a . tally.
I liepie.,tal.ye Laalon i l.aiking af 1
j ler Ibe ititeieal of I lackmna cuiilv by
j watching rlielv the preliminary movea j
j in Hie diyiaiou a. heme, a he pur;iwt.-a j
tbaarling any move looking that way. Jeral day thi Week investigating the
Hepreaa-iitaMve lieer bill lo prohibit ( inane aaylum acandul, returnel on
I. a k fioin running al Urge baa the aaino j Wnlneaoay, accompanied by J. P. Lov
proviaion aa the hog law o thai it can . Ht tUa had been looking on at the ctpi-
lieapiiW Imally It ia a mcature in '
1 .
1 1. iv im.i .jirviii.in a anown uy tne ex
I peiirlice uf older late.
The geneial aetiliment in regard to
1 ,, , , ,
, Ihe governor t mraaage, among the lead I
ia.n,.ti. i. ..... I
.... , .
aeyeial of the recommendation are in I
I eome retta g aal, llie general eharac-
. . i.i . i . i.
ler of the document i calculated lo pan-
. ... , .
der to tiie demand of the popuhele who
.. . .
.lo not atudy the queation at laeue deep-.
, ' -.ii .
ti. .l a..l,ni..n -,,, in .1,;. i, t
j in keeping with I le governor' Klilical '
Henator Have I giving the wibject ol
eouitahle aaaeaanient much tuclv ami I
. - -
I taking point Iiom tlioae bill already
j intrutucel lo comiiine with hi own
idea and prearul in lorn) later in U.e
tn motion of Senatot Have, Hon.
Urn. Cleaver, of Kaolern Oregon, and ; 0. w. Lciaa. I'at..r Ha'rtim ai u atd
Ju.Ii.-m lliiae of thia .-itt wer extended 1 7 m r " ''Bday Keh.ml alter mornin ae.
ju.ikm lne oiliiiatlty, were extemieo . e,.T.r m.tltia ,-lii-lit nrninr at
the cotirteeie uf the aenate.
I Charle ilulman of Meadow Brook it j
j here looiong alter the poaition of food)
. ,
,, , .... ,
Several remilutlon have been intro-
ducedani pa-ed to inveeligate every !
;ihlng in the alate. atale and United t
Slal..a inatitutiuna. llirllldimr ilia Caara.U
, ,
luck and the jetty. Alao rewollllion 1
. ........
that a committee be nent to Washington,
to preaent varloua memorial, and urge I
' . , . -.,. I
tne ivaiwage oi certain iawa. una win i
1 make a nice junketing trip for aoine of !
I Ihe member al Ihe expenae of Ihe atate.
, , . i . . .
The Clackama delegation voted againat 1
Un laat resolution.
The only thing that can be done prior
lo the appointment of committees is to
introduce bills, which are pouring in on
all subjects at a lively rate. The sena
tors and representatives from Clackamas
have several measures of Importance I
inlroduced and in preparation which I
will be discussed more fully next week,
The rorlland General Electric com- j
nany is making every pteparation toi
begin active operations for their new
monster power house, and as soon as
the machinery now enroute from the
east arrives and they can gel it in place,
Ihe sound of the drill, the hammer and
the rock crusher will tie heard in the
land. It will take a little time to get
tilings in shape but soon, it the weather
permit there will lie lively limes about
the new site of the power station.
To Water Consumers.
Notice is hereby given, that the water
supply on the hill will be closed down
lor repairs Tuesday and Wednesday of
next week, fly order of the
Jan. 12.
Milk, Milk
Having assumed entire control of the
Minthorn Park dairy by the purchase of
Mr, Hemelgarn's interest, I am pre
prared to furnish pure milk delivered to
any part of the city at reasonable rates.
Orders can lie left at 0. W. Lovejoy's
an 1 K. T. Harlow's on Main street or
J. D. ltenner's on Seventh street.
M. W. Ranb.ux. If
Send for Catalogue (English or German.)
Special prices to first buyer in new localities.
Hon. (itio. Ctirrln waa In the city
Katurday on hi way to ftalam.
Curtia flainl waa in town yiaterday
ylaitirig hi daughter and meeting old
('apt. J. T Apperaon went to iSalem
We.lnea.lay evening ami enjoyed a few j
hour dial with the aolona
noiir Liiai wnn m aoton.
Im W.,UI.. n... P T.,..
ha len iWnt in rian Franciwo for.
eome weeka, waa in the city on hiialneaa.
Major Charman waa taken much worae
with hia old complaint, rheitmatiain. on
Kunday, ar d la again aufferlng aeverely,
Ju'tg VIcBrid waa Iniendinj to tort
(or California on Toeaday lo join hit
wile and family, lut wag detained by ja-
dlrial buainea.
Judge Meldruui wa i.lji ned to att-a-ar
in Portland on Tuexlay a a wit
neaa in the Tarrant auit againvt Oregon
Iron & Hteel Co.
After viait uf aeveral week with
hi aiater in thi city A. W. France re
turned to hia homeetead at Peaaide by
.1. 1 .
. , ,
f Clackamaa county a moat
, , ,;,
proaia-roua farmer, CliAa. Ilulman of
.. .... . ,
Meadow isrook waa in the city on rri-
, ,. , . .. ..
day on In way home from Port and.
' '
K-,- ''"rt ick.of Hiwi.len, Wy-
riming, an old claMmate of C. II. I've, at
0,M',lin' ""pi'-d Ihe Congregational
f"'!"1 "nday, and left eatly in lb
M'k fr California,
I'r. W. K. Carll who wa in Salem aev-
The K..I Hide electric line i coming .
I light along now. With plenty of lumber '
and tola ol men the company are puah-
. . . , ....
ork K' rt of the t.e are
on op to Fourteenth street and the Rmoke
. . .
. of the Clllfin folio inn the track lavera
. ,. .. .
' no" wen ii-wi ine nt anu approacn- ;
. ... . '! , i
ungthe Abernetbv. Oppomte tlie aaah
, , , . ....
and door factory the ground l wing prw-1
. , ,, , .,
pared for the bent, while all along the
etreet men are buey placing fixture on
thw laila for II. m mira.
We will auon
lake a riile.
Take your balnea to the New York
..11... .n.l ..i .1 .!. i,.,. .I.IU in
- Jl
have the chance.
Sunday Services.
viifk-e r-f tun u vn kTt, v.f rururn-bM
7 Woelw-X. Prayer uierllu of Vimm Prl.
eeanmt ) pr.mpt-
ElHr HaPTIht ( iiik. 11 -R.t. oitiraa
PaaaaaPaauir Mornlny !arvlee al 11-s.iuiay
ahnol al IJ Ii; Erenln Ken-Ire M, Keei.lar
prayer merliux Wr.1nea.lav errnliit. Monlti'J i
( .tvenant Meeilny every Wednesday eveniuf
i',!'; JJ ? L"' fA"'1" lb aauth- A
HT. IOHN H t Hritcil CATHOUC.-Kt. a.
. P:-" On Hiin lay ma al and ;
u)A. a. Merj ee..na aim i..iinn eiiniay
Oerman aermon alter the ocl.k n
At an oiner maaaea r.uK.in a.'rm.uia. eun.iay
srho,d ai ir w. .(t an.l.etie
"' Bentdictt.vo ai 7 so r. a.
o. sva, Paator. Mi.rniuy aerviee at 11:
h1" niuV:" 1
Prayer Meiins Thurdaj eveulux at I 30 i
atrantera eordiaily inritea.
riKST .hkkhytekias v
HrRTH.-Rv. O.
W. limiMT, Paator. nerviee. al 11 a. . and
7 SO a a. HabDath Cchool al 10 a. h. Young
People'. Society of ( hri.tlau Endeavor meeta
vary Sunday evening at W Wedneaday
veultiy prayer meeilnt al 7.30. Seat free.
F.ftKyr, Paator. Prearhtug rvlre every alter
nate Sunday 11 A. M and 7 fo P. M.
(.abfvath arbool every Sunday at 10 A M (John
ermry Wadneaday evening
liarrinberct-r, Kunt I weekly rrayer Mecuug
day mornlura nd the preredluy Saturday
ntttbt tn each month at Oretou f Ity. at II a. m.
;lhTmr0Bm1-1' Sunday .ftern.wn of
a a a
The Portland Seed Co.
1T1 2nd STREES,
Carry a full line of commercial fertalizers,
if you need anything in that line
write them for prices, etc.
We Carry a Full
None but the best quality kept. A trial order solicited.
Paclflo Coast Agent tor
D. a. FERRY 4 CO'S
All tested aud reliable.
KorthwMtern rnrenU for
A. I. ROOl'S
Can ftmilsh any quantity
cheaper than you oeuUI lay it
down lur from the taolory.
All kinds of Ihe very choicest
tree. Warranted true to
name and frv from all peals.
Cheaper thau ever.
Society Directory.
MaM. al ( .not llmiana IVeoait M.HUlay lai
a-h m'.n'.k, Vlll..r welnome.
r. k. txixAi.tMiiji, hahv r.t r. r,non,
aecratary. Frentnt
M'afa at Knlfhia Hall. Canl.y. na Ural and
thlrl frlday ol uaia moulh VlnlUjf. walcom.
a. I. 'Uaaiaoa, e. W KamBT. ra
Hol'ia'lui r.ilar eommiinleationa im ItiI
n4 (hlr.1 alnr..y. n aarh month al 1 M r n.
BraihraB lngwiunil(niareliiTU1tueni.
' r. rrj.wa, m.
T. f. KrA.I.Heeretary,
(ItKi.OX Tj)U'.it. tin. 1. I.O. O. r.
Maeu tvary Th.ir.1ay evn...a at 7 al) nVlwl
r . In lha iMd rallnwa' Hall, Mala atrwtt,
mln 1,1 lha OMerar iDriied lo atlemt.
Bf Or'lcrnl W A. Mi4!aun, M ii.
Tbm. Kyaa. Reereutr;.
falm r.KCAMi-xr.xT. . 4, 1. o o. r
Maeui (Ir.l ami thlnl T'laarlayaqf (Mil mnriib.
atlMl Kellnwa hall. Member i4 vlalfig
palrlar. hi. ..r!lally IbtIumI u. al'.rad.
A.. H. Jaaaar, i W. D i:..aai L.
acrlbe. Chlel Patrlar'h.
o w K' nT7 o7wrr rr t
Ifaata at "M fallow' halt, Ow.., wtrf
Hat.ir.lay evaning. Vli In bfthraa ml
elr.,ine. 0. . I-KowkKK, W. J.
t. r km y. .
meade wi.Ki'io'i. k,.mvkkxt.n"t
tit MiF.,ON
Meet int Mnnday ot earh nftntb, at K of
t Hall. Oreguu Clljr. Vlaltlng eunraxlra t. l
(ill.MAS PARKER, Comaaan.ler
OK.N.l KlXlk COMT. fi A. K , l art
meut of Ore 00.
Mart. In aeho..t bouse at Jteerty on irat a-ia-eray
In eaeh n.iiirh at o'eiork p. r.. ,
emra'te made lmm. Jacoa Hrwii.e.
J. Kaanaii, A'tL Omnuneter
j M-rtnfary Th'i-oay eveuli, at F-,l a
nan, o.wey.i. vuini.f nrtr-en aiwava wi
coma 4. II. CAHrueu.
K. TAi a, Kee..rtr M V,
St ll.AI.A ll.H No. IK. A O V. W
Meeia arre.) an4 K'i'trb Hatooiay In eaeh
month, al A.lama hail, Vinltlnv mmhr r. !
eelimta. it. W. Koaaiaa, M. lo,
N M. Moony. See.
TL'AUTIS l.KAS'.L. NO. Hi. P. H.
Mart. Il Hi'ir4ajr ol eacri month at ibair
halllD WiluiD villa. U.H.UfTf:
Mia. Btna liaaae. See'y. aiaa-r.
WAKNKR OH A.VOE, No. 117, P. ol II.
Meet fourth ftatur.lay of eaeh month, at tTieir
hail in New Era. '. ' . iiiimf, Maaier
Miaa Maaxia Hr'iwn. ff
'l'"- p' ' h
Ua.a at tlit. IibII In U -... t, , Mm..r. .4 u. I
unlay lo eat-li month at Ul a. m. Vta.-.ibc
menoa?riaira). wa.c.me.
1. L JACK. 4. K. WHITK
Maria at their hall at Wrlaht'a RrMra on lha
,ud .nir.i. of -a ...,...h ,t m r..
,,, !'-, . .i7m.
" ll" w a '"
., Kra W aioirr, Maater
H. Diaaau. S.
UAVtL touoE No J&. A O V w
o"-1- ""T"
Keif ht t hall. Caoby. vi.itmg hrothera w.a.t
W M Oaiaaii.
C LACK AM AH L..IX.E, No. 17. A O. U VV.
Meeta arat an4 fhlrl Monday tn n-B moa-li.
Wrtfhi-a Hali VlaltlBf hreihero rleoma
n.s.Ciaaa. U U-Joaaa.
kee. x v.
Meu erery aee..D'i an4 fenrth rri4iyTw
lolcarh month to O-ld Elloaia' huilitiirf.
All anjnurniut hrethren ertll!r lovlte.1 1" -.a-enJ.
P. I. B A ktOW. M. .
uo Ciurr, keeonler.
ACH1LLEH fitwiE. NO. 8a. IC OP P.
Neaia every ErlOay nightit lb K of P.tu.U.
VIlllo KnighU invited
Caaa. Ai.aau.HT, J.. C. C
J. E kH.ii.xa. K of it. and .
ST. JOHNU KK N0H. No. M7, X K. of A t
Heeuevrry luei-tay erenin t their B JI
enrner Main and laath Kwa. omou City
Mary. icrtiJOec'y. T. W ttt u.iv a, rn
Meet drat Stiirdsv In eaeh eo that their
hall in Near Era. r'rfen.t. of theeau.e are m-
tiled to heprvaeot. Maa. Cat Juhxwn,
Maa. EaTai!c. Prr!drut.
CANBY Uirw.iE, NO M. I o. vi. T.
Meet, flrat and 'htM Saiurd'.y es-enlng at
K ti ulit .hail Cauny. Viaitia- roemer iw.tya
rnde wl.-ime- H. C. tin.lac W. C. T.
Mr. M M. Charman. - Prertonl
Mr. F. L C.iehran.- - - T-eiaurer.
Mr. J. B. Uanlinx. - - Secretary.
Meeta on 11 ml and third Fri.l-t. of net.
month In K. of P. Halt Memhera of eota.
from abroad, cordially welcomed.
Meet.aecond Tuesday nf each nvmth at C'ai
araet EiKine houae. W H. Hcwci.l. Pres
O. H. BxsTviar, J. 0'l.JtIA.PJr.
K. D Baker Camp, No. 1 meeta tvery fit ,
and tnlrd Thuraday eventny of each month
C.A . HERMANN. Jr .Capv.
Wnn B. Laton. It Lieut.
C. F Bri KL.s, At l.ieut
Line of Seeds.
o a