Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 13, 1893, Image 2

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Canny Ws U bf Incorporated
Other wsr Items From Our
Utile .Neighbor.
Canhy, Jan. 8. lanhy mini determined
to he incorporated. At rititvn' mating
Hold fw evenings ago not a destining
voice or vote was heard against it in an an
aieuce ot about fortv. M. Campbell was
chairman and V. U Mack secretary. Alter
a few remarks by lion. It. K. Cross, and
several questions asked hy various citizens,
It was divided to incorporate, and a com
ritttee of tive, consisting of Win. Knight
V. t- Mack, It. A. I.vc, Jas. Kvuns and S
J. Garrison were appointed to v amine the
charters of the various towns and draft
one for Canhy; which they accordingly did
last Thursday evening, assisted hy Hon. H
E. Cross.
The saloon license petition and remon
strance are again on their rounds, and so
far they are about even.
The road from Canhy to Good's Bridge is
nearly all covered with mud or a thin plas
ter of sub soil.
The M. E. church members are becoming
quite enthusiastic for the first of the year.
They are holding prayer meetings every
evening and have succeeded in securing
some accessions to the church. Ail wish
them success.
Prof. Cruist ia teaching a dancing school
here everv Thursday evening for titty cents
lesson, Girls without partners free.
Mr. Hail is unite ill with inflammatory
Ker. Price and wife are again iih people
of Oregon after a short sojourn in Iowa. It
seems true that once an Oregotuan always
an Oregonisn.
Carleton A Rosenkrans have just finished
invoicing their stock.
Wm. Johnson and ii. A. I.ee have sold
several hundred sacks of i-otat.x s at TOcents
r hnndreti potinvs.
Milo l ee is doing a job of grubbing for
Mr. Jones of Martiiani. I
Mr. Evans has moved his family to their !
old home on the Willamette. i
J. A. Chase of the Willamette Land com-1
pany is i rtnut.g and plowing their orchards
ttiis wetk. .ow is a good time to prune
young orchards, but pruning old orchard:
should he delayed until tiie February frt'ti
i: s is over.
Henrlci who will soon move here to live.
Mrs, Brady has purchased a couple of lots
and erected a nice cottage thereon, and
otherwise improved the property.
Kmlny evening, January At, at T:SA, there
will be a mass meeting at Kiy hall for
the purpose of discussing an electric mo
tor line proposition from Oregon City to
Mountan View or further. Let everyone
Tree ami KXerelsesat the Fresh) tertan Chnrek
A Itaeheler'i Aitvlee.
A IMIUen f Sandy Makes Some Strong Folnti
Against PWaiemlwrliig t'laekamaa County,
Svnkv, Jan. 7. The dismembering of
Clackamas county Is a question worthy ol
the broadest and deepest reflection on the
art of those who are working to accom
plish an act which will prove suicidal lo
their own future Interests,
In the tlrst place what will we gaint We
see the glitter of golden promises of mac-
! adtmiiied highways and a lessening of the
j burdens of taxation. This great angel ol
i love and generosity has thrown her magic
spell upon us and w ill lead us far away from
our homes and friends into the wilderness ol
extortion and disappointment. In the
northern hreees we hear the murmurs and
cries lor heller highways lo lead from the
slough of desond. Why should the good
lathers neglect their ow n dear ones for those
I w ho are no kin unless there Is some great
object they ect to winf The object is to
gel more territory and wealth to help pay
; III lltthtN Ihltt IlltW HVl.l rti,, I l...e.,..0.. I.. I..
dtttt.-vtl! iHiimtri hi,.) I .....
- i Crvaletl III M nltti.,i,ili
Mink, Jan. A A very pleasant evening
whs passed by all present at the Presbyte
rian church Tuesday night of last week.
The large attendance showed what was esc
wted by those who came, nor were thev
disapiointed. A well rendered program,
consisting of recitations, dialogues, songs
and speeches, made it an enjoyable lime.
hvcellent singing was furnished by the
choir. Rev, Henry llornschuch gave an in
teresting talk of Christmas and how it is
celebrated in
explained why we observe the dav. l'r.
James sang a song entitled, " Always the
same, dear old w ife, Jane," which, judging
from the applause that followed, cheered all
his hearers. He strongly advised young
men especially to alstain from the useot
tobacco and alcohol if they ever intended
to he anything in the world. He also ad
vised them not to he so foolish as he had
been in deciding to live bachelor'! life.
When he came to Heaver Creek ten years
ago he said he thought of marrying, but
could never muster courage enough to pop
the question, and that he is farther away
from the point now than he was then. A
song, " The Sailor's Chorus." was well ren
dered; alter which Chas. Spence and Chas.
Rutherford were called uton to hand the
presents from the tree, at the close of which
the people dispersed lo their several homes
with light hearts.
James Shannon is home from New burg
spending his " New Year" with his friends
ami parents. j
lieorge Hluhm, of Oregon City, paid a !
visit to his many friends in Mink, last week. ,
We are glad to welcome his smiling face I
John Mink bought a tine, large young
horse last week from Klovd Kirk. Mr.
i Kirk raises the best and largest horses in
i this vicinilv.
I i uas. .vi or nn Ke pant a tty ng visit to his
farm this week. He thinks of setting out
i seven a res in prune trees this w inter.
V. L. Mack has- surrounded his place with i
neat picket fence which a Ids greatly to I
the looks of his home.
Mr. Kruger is loading a few rare in the
pit w ith gravel for some parties in Gervais
and Wnodburn.
Ca'v, Jan. 10. The iiiirservtnen are all
preparing for spring work, getting the
ground in order and cutting scions. About
one million trees are to be graded on I anhy
prairie the coming spring. j
M. S. Terry ha just finished planing :
three acres of peach pits, and Frank Jl.e s,
the same amount.
Quite a lot of potatoes were brought :i to
town the past two weeks to be shipped to
Portland and San Francisco. SI. liosfrl
laa bought about two thousand sao.jrt.ir
the pat week.
A Mr. Wilcox, recently from Ito'-kforJ.
Illinois, is in town looking for a Iocs': n to
settle on. He is much taken up with Cm
by praire, ami will probably nmke tlis his
future home.
John Hampton of Portland was in town
Thursday visiting his brother. F. O. Hamp
ton. Having sold out in Portland he thinks
of moving to Canhy.
Peter Hidings of Marquams brought CH)
pounds of dressed turkey to town Thursday
to ship to Portland.
Chas. (Schmidt went to Cornelius Thurs
day on a short visit to friends.
Mian, Jan. 8. Farmers are taking advan
tage of the tine weather and are plowing
for the spring crops.
A large number of the neighbors went to
the Evangelical church last Sunday to hear
Rev. Henry Hornshuh preach his first Eng
lish sermon. As he was raised here eonle
are generally interested in his welfare. We
pr.,l,ct for him success in his vocation,
Kmil Hornshuh is thinking of leaving us
for the summer and going down the Colum
bia river somew here.
I'tople here are anxious to have a change
In our assessment laws and want no deduc-
tt for indebtedness unless a corresotid
it ( redit can be taxed; no note or mort-
i.'e collectable unless it hears the tax col-1-
t if stamp. If there is a fairer plan or
i nearer just for rich and poor alike we
have not heard of it. We also favor pre
" assessors.
il irtin it Soli's saw mill is again running
f ill ime after a tew weeks rest. j
E. (iiienther is improving the looks of his
fU e by building a nice picket fence. I
Martin Hill lias moved back In his place i
which makes it handier for those who have
not yet paid their school tax.
Our school is in better condition than it
has been for nianv years, which swaks well
for our teachers, Mr. and Mrs. lJunn.
county. I w 111 men
tion a few of them;
For bridges, .'UW; for city hall, !.',
l: deepening channel of rier, .foOtl.t);
Hull Run water, '.,W,tm; court house,
Thii huge sum is jus! the startWg point,
of the indebtedness which will he heaped
itHin the city and county. Our city cous
ins begin to seethe need of greater resources
to draw Irom to lighten the butden which
is sure to come; and they, being the makers
and Interpreters of the laws, will invite their
country cousins to a great feast ol heavy
taxation without the right ot representa
tion. And this great bloodsucker will be
come firmly rooled and live and Nourish at j
the expense of its innocent victims. I
The poor unfortouateonea that are enticed '
by these voracious, expert tax dodgers, will j
curse the day when they were caught wilhiii ;
the Multnomah net. As we now stand in '
; Clackamas county It would he Impossible to
load us down with an overtntrdensome debt
1 w ithout our sanction lo ft. We arc fie and
boss ill this county, and if we want go.
roads we can have them by paying lor then
And in so ooing we will not have lo pav I.
something- else that we don't icet or use. It
is well tu keep this in our minds.
What can this broad-gauged ami saga. ,
ieoplv of Portland see? Is it not a h-itile
region rich In natural advantages which in
a short time will -be rich in reality? The
lapse of a few years w ill see a city of w ealth j
at the base of Mount Hood, also one some-'
where on the Sandy rive.-. There will lie a
rail road to that snowy monument ol won- ;
iter and beauty, and the most Isvoruble
point for a city, and to make the ascent of
the inouulaiii, is in our own noble county. I
When we look to the west we see Oswego
with the great iron works of Oregon, rich'
with mountains of untold hidden wealth, i
Our vision next turns to the grrar water
Nwer of the Pacific coast. I will b to the i
West what l.orll is to the ! .. It Is now
making great strides in that hi-iiv n ami i
will be the centre of immense wia th.
Now any reasonable mind will see, thnt to 1
walk out for miles on a beaMi'tt' atretrh of
treacherous quicksands Jui for ih rlvl
lege of a nice walk, w hen the soiinds of
a coming tide ran be heard, wmu'iI N very
We will have thousan Is i.f "t.oiir, as
we stand for making roa It mtuout heavy
taxation. The wise course f cir - oiinty
court in building the Sa:-ly 1 1 .-!,; as a
lioinbshell in thecauipot tlii--i j t L-.iers.
They thought the court would do nothing !
towards It, and they would nake a great '
pretemleil ellort to get the court to help just i
jj 1B E s o u
Call and oxamino thcr goods and prices and
bo convinced that
Goods, Goceries Boots and Shoes,
Caps and Hardware,
Are tho best to bo had for tho monoy in tho stato.
Highest price paid for produce
I letter
1M Front Strvul. HARDWARE I'-rtUml, On .i..
N.irOlwvitcru Atrttli for
- I'Umi'ijil, l-ttr . ttrrldoMl VutUr((ti - - - rfor lUur
' i rv i j u l- . . e. . --i'..
Crostcnt Vtlj;t'st (warrantotl.) 15 X S l'roof CliAins. Art
Lot rs ami WimkI t'ltojiM'rs S
Ort'pm City Aj;ttit, ....
nlf Kilt',
lit jh ('rt'st t'nt Mcol
Hul lev tile hems. 1
III rmvn i.. Jan. ti-Verv flue weather
here tin week- a good week for plowing, i
A siipak Ihief tia tsn in thin neihUu.
ho kI. Mr. Nt. flair lost Home isitaUH- and
l.tii'ian tiecr -ome cattmnt fruit.
1'he ui!iirradcst ilaker's was a succew.
1 he crowd w ai as large as the hall could ah
fool ami all st-itmcd to have ! good lime. .
A dance at Joel IV tiecr tiop hoiie lt
Kriilay night has well attended. All hail a
flue time.
Mrs. Arch Over has been up in our neigh
borhood visiting.
Miss l.ucy ark is ilitlng Thus. With,
ey folks the pnt week.
I.at Satunlay night a dmn-e rluh was or
ganiztsl with a good nianv meintHr.
lion. J. I1, ii,.if htm irone to r-alem to at
tend the sc-uon ol the li'Klshilure.
Mr. and Mrs. KneiMlly id Portland were
up on a visit to J. S. Vaughaii'a.
New Era Note!,
New Kra. Jan. 4
xi. i.. uiumore uas niovea ins canny anu . returned last week alter an absence ol some
cigar store into the Evans building. j e-ks in Portland.
to strengthen the issue of annexation.
I The following is also worth ourconsidera
Ition: In the course of a few years our
I ipieen city at the falls will consume more
farm products than our county and adjoin-1 . tains Peter
I tug county can produce; and then our mar-1 linker, Mrs Nur-e
Miss Agues Mi Arthur ; ill be Oregon City, and that is w here
we win go. i.ei us i .Multnomah tin
slaves or (.'iai kaimis kings! CITIZIOS.
1). J. Cox is on the sick list.
The Week of Prayer-Revival Meetings
Hasqneraiie Ball.
Hood View, Jan. 10. A successful week
of prayer has just been closed at Hood
View preparatory to a revival eflorl in about
v two weeks to be conducted by the P.ev. Mr.
and Mrs. Barber, assisteiiihy Rev. C'lapp, of
A new school building is soon to be
erected near Hood View.
Mr. Spencer of the Laurel Hill Farm has
purchased the 8eely brothers farm here
and we expect a new neighbor soon. j
Mr. Martin of Caneniah is the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Spencer this week.
Mrs. Melvena Hhort is sojourning with
ber sister in-law, Mrs. Tooze.
Mrs. and Mrs. Estella Erneri'k, and Mr.
I!. Ladd, of Hillshoro, were the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Young last week.
The nia'iterade bull of Btittecjlle Mon
day night, given by Mr. and Mrs. W. K.
Schurere, was a grand success, there being
128 numbers. The supper w as delicious.
Mrs. Frankie Brown is still improving in
School reopens at Pleasant Hill this Mon
day with Harry Hand at the helm. We
have tried Harry and know that he is com
petent. Mountain View.
Mountain Vikw, Jan. 5. We are still
moving to the front, new buildings going
up and lots being sold to new coiners right
The young folks gave an oyster supper
at Ely's hall on the evening of Tuesday the
3d which proved a success socially and
financially. The sum raised is to help pay for
papering the Congregational church of this
. E. May hat purchased an interest in
the Seventh street butcher shop, and will
dow cut you a fancy steak or tender loin
whenever you call on him.
Chas. Moran, of Highland, has purchased
eleven lots in our town and will erect a resi
dence here in the early spring.
Mr. Frederick and James Currin have
both bought property of Mr. Duffy and are
getting ready to build for permanent homes
' here.
E. K. May has sold bis property to Mrs.
We are pleaded to learn that J. M. Find
ley of this place is able to lie around again
after an illness of several weeks.
I-ester Leland retained to Corvallis Ian
week where he will attend the agricultural
J. W. Gettis and family lately arrived from
California with a view of securing a home
and locating in our midst.
H. W. Hoffman of this place has finished
the construction of two wood docks from
which he is supplying river steamers with
About 15.CK0 sacks of potatoes have been
stored here and the crop has been moving
to San Francisco during the bast week..
sacks have been shinned by
Some f x I
Notes from Borings.
ihiNoa, Jan. i. -We have no anoH iiere
now but are having tine weather. The
fanners are making good use of it and every
one is enjoying it.
Mr, ribute, of Clackamas, is about to trade
a part of his holding here for property in
Eastern Oregon.
School closed here Friday, January 6,
after a successful term taught hy Mii-s M.
L. Fertility, of iciit, Oregon. A very in
teresting program was well rendered by the
pupils. There were only eleven pupils, but
the attendance in spite of the bad weather
was very good. The pupils were all sorry
to have their teacher leave, and both they
and the directors hope she will return in the
spri ng.
Cone Bros, have sold "The East Chance"
rnjll to T. Hiekey and W. Fanbion, sr.
Kam and Joe Pedigo killed a large brown
bear near here lately.
Annual Meeting Election of Illreetors
OfHrert Improvements for HUM,
Mahijcam, Jan, 10. The regular annual
meeting of the stockholders of the Hullo
Creek Agricultural Association wa held
here last Saturday, the 7th instant, and re
suited in the election of the following kmril
of directors and olllcers to serve for the en
suing year: Directors Ilarlon Jack, J. T.
Drake, A. V. Davis, J. K. Maruam, Oeorge
Killings. Olllcers Barton Jack, president;
J. T. Drake, vice president ; A. V. Davis,
secretary; J. E. Maripiam, treasurer.
The hoard is a good selection and has the
entire coiiliilcnte of the stockholders in
making the fair of )H!rt a grand success.
Many improvements have already been sug
gested w hich, if adopted, w ill he very liene-
hVial to the institution. The board w ill com
mence work earlier this season than usual,
and have a lull and revised premium IM
out in due sea-ou.
Letter l.lt.
The following is the li-t of letters remain
ing in the post otlli e at Oregon City, I Iregmi,
January P.', t.sttt;
Arlington, Miss Ituby Mav Albert
Maiiiim, It II
Mason, Jki-oIi
Murrav, M rs r lion
P.ir'UH, .-.iilnlirl
Mill'ohl, M i-s I.ou
Mri, kler, Win
si'on-tr, XV in
Mould, AlU-tt
Weston. W
Westhuid, OH,.
Hronk", t ha
llia.llev. N J
Bradley. .1 M
Brown! M r .1 I,
llopain, John
Kllworker, I. A
Hedge. Frank A
Hell, Jnhti
l.iiov, J K
If called for
please siiv when ndvorti-o-d,
K. C. It. WHS, I', M.
I have a full nnjily of money which
I wL-h tu loan on nn.nl
Of 40 acrcH or more on tho
most favorable tonus.
SUGARS-17 lb. dry gran'd or 20 lb.
extra C. 31.00
COAL OIL-5 gal. 65cM bring or
buy can.
31b. lily starch 25c.
One lb. climax, escort, star or horse
shoe tobacco 45c.
3 lb. fine raisins 25c.
7 spools 0. N. T. thread 25c.
Good yarn 65c. per pound.
Children's mittens 10c. and upward
Infants wool hose 10c,
Good calico 5c. per yard and a gen
eral stock at much less than rul
ing prices.
Currlmville Callings.
CcmtiK8viLi.it. Jan. . Miss f.illie Wil
cox has returned from Portland, where she
has been for some time past.
Hon. 0. J. Currin has gone to Salem to
attend the legislature. His neighbors here
feel that their interests are safe in his hands,
The society of Christian Kndeavor held a
social at the residence of Mrs. L. K, Marrt
last Wednesday evening.
The literary meeting Saturday evening
wan well attended. After the election of offi
cers the debate was taken up, The ques
tion discussed was, Resolved, That the
United States should adopt free coinage of
silver. The .decision was in favor of the affirmative.
Mtaffnril Items.
HTarroKii, Jan. 3. The Stafford literary
society was organized the last Wednesday
evening of December under the title ol
"The Station! Duplex," wilh olllcers as fol
lows: Chas. Polifka, president, J. Q. (inge.
vice president; Oscar Larson, secretary.
The society will meet on Friday evening of
each week.
The young people of Stafford and Prog
Pond danced the old year out and the new
year in at the Tualatin grange hall.
Mrs. i. Burger and Mrs. J. A. Saner are
reported to he on the sick list this week.
Miss Jessie Palmer, the school teacher,
spent the holidays with her parents in New
burg. Jan. 8. The Stallord school gave a grand
literary entertainment last Pnday night,
consisting of songs, declamations, dialogues,
dramas and tableus. There were 12.1 peo
ple present. The entertainment closed at
10 o'clock just as the moon rose over the
Tualatim mountain, thus giving the people
a splendid light by which to drive home.
The Stallord Duplex Literary society
meets next Friday at 7 o'clock p. m. A lively
debate Is expected, the question being, " Re
solved, That iron and steel are of more use
to the human race than gold and silver."
W Um.
Call and wit nut at my
I'oHtollii;!! htiililitig, licfuni
elnc where.
KOI. -
-1th iloor Honth of l'.uiik nf Orcein City.
HAMILTON & ALLEN, Oregon City, Oregon.
I.'. I'. WIN KHKT.
h r. hi itti-ri iiH.
Correspondence Solicited.
Locl Agent of the
Jaryls-CDDklln Mortgage Trust Company.
'l,n.'!?ffln,!",l,;Mk"ltl,",lN,,'lh ' IV,rll1"1' Alsoclotl, coveroj
Rtul Metalltc Cask,.! furnished to order. Udms Uuriul I(l. nnd
inula' Ittiriul !oioh in Htm-k
Also Wagon and
Carriapj Making, Irw, S!,,,,.!,,, (;lM1.
Hlacksniitliiiigoii Ki,ort nulj
We are Pacific Coast Agents for D. M. Ferry & Co.'a
Seeds, and we sell them the same right here as they do in
the Kast. We are also Coast Agents for A. I. Koot's Jlee
Supplies; and are the largest manufacturers of Fertili
zers west of Omaha.
PORTLAND, nnrrnu
This advertisement cut out and sent to us with a request for Catalog... ,D ,'
is good lor fifteen cents on your first order. CaUlojue (English or German)