Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 30, 1892, Image 8

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    awa, ana, a I. a. uwmi wmK aw
auaaa t m aaaaaaaaaaa wmt rak
JTitrt, trifa outstrttched armt, throw Ker
St Jf rorttxirci to meet hiia.
A gnvat city is draped in monrniug.
On every side, at half staff, the national
flag haiiS limp and lifeless in the moist
and misty air, as thongh of its own Toli
toia drwopiug in houor of the soldier
dead. Under the sodden skies, through
thronged yet silent streets, in long, loug
column cbosn detachments of soldiery
are leading to its tinal resting place the
shrouded clay of him who to such glori
ous purpose had led the Union bine in
every field from the Mississippi to the
tea, and who through long years of hon
ored servioe ranked foremost on the
rolls of the army foremost perhaps in
the great heart of the people. For days, as
though iu sympathy with the widespread
grief, the heavens have poured their
floods upon the brown and leafless slopes.
All nature seems plunged in wintry
gloom. The black smoke from a host
of stacks and chimneys has settled down
upon the silent city, covering it like a
pall From north and south, from east
and wet, battalions and batteries, na
tional and state, have been concentrat
ing to take part in the last honors to the
illustrious chief, and dripping, yet dis
ciplined, without the stir of martial
f music, the men have marched from the
trains to the rendezvous assigned them
about the town.
At last the honr has come. The weep
ing skies have checked their tears. The
streets and sidewalks along the line of
march swarm with citizens, whose hush
ed voices and reverent mien speak elo
quently of their sense of the national
loss. From many a stately mansion
and modest homestead out beyond the
business section festoons of black are
flattering in the rising breez), the flag i ;
twined with crape, the windows, bill
conies ana stps are alive witn spec
tators. And, far out on the west
ward avenue, on a sheltered portico that
projects from a solid, old fashioned res
idence of cut stone and almost over
hangs the stm-t. there is gathered a lit
tle bevy of fair forms and faces which
we saw together for the first time that
Indian summery afternoon of the recep
tion at Pawnee.
The rapid trot of orderlies and
mounted police, sent ahead to warn the
populace off the street and back to the
sidewalk, and the distant wailing of
cavalry trumpets fur down the avenue,
have told that now the funeral column
is approaching: and from the warmth
of the cozy parlor, well wrapped in
mantles and furs, the ladies have come
forth into the chilly February day
Mrs. Berrien. Mrs. Holdrn aud her chil
dren: Winifred. whoe soft cheeks are
aglow and whose dark eyes turn instant
ly, eagerly toward the head of the ad
vancing escort: Kita Guthrie, pallid,
lanqnid when unobserved by her guests,
yet brightening instantly, bravely, when
addressed, and striving to be her old
gracious, radiant self for the sake of
these and other visitors from Pawnee
for the Twelfth has been detailed es
pecially to lead the escort of the great
commander, and all the way from the
frontier and only a few days home from
the stirring scenes of its tierce campaign
the regiment has been brought hither by
the orders of a general who kuows their
worth as well he knows their wrongs
and whose soldier heart has felt for them
in all their trials.
It was in his power to give this honor
to others, but though his own old regi
ment is within easy call, he means that
the people shall see for themselves what
manner of men are these whom press
and pnlpit have assailed, and against
whose fair fame the shafts of slander
have been hurled, only to fall blunted
and broken or, like boomerangs, come
hurling back about the ears of the
thrower. Vindicated by the verdict of
his peers, doubly vindicated by the
highest powers of the land, gray haired
Farquhar is chosen to command the es
cort, and, though the flower of the na
tion's soldiery marches in the funeral
train this day, the eyes of all the gath
ered throng are strained to see and hail
and honor the standard and the guidons
of the men who bore the brunt of battle
only two short months gone by.
And with the squadrons and the guns
from Pawnee came such of the wounded
officers as were well enough to be trans
ported hither, and with them half a
dozen of the ladies of the garrison. To
the huge delight of the old battalion,
two of whose troops are cruelly thinned
in numbers now, the jovial major is per
mitted by Dr. Holden to mount "Old
Glory" and take his position in front of
the line. To the tremulous joy of Wini
irea uernen, mt. crewscer nas usio
graphed from Washington, whither he
was summoned immediately after the
ouwing im.uu)nn.,n n.T ihi wWr
ments, for eTtnllnnwh be rannot ilra1
salvr ho inwvus k rW with "Ui black
troop on tlua rfy of day. She hiw not,
oen him siue4oat wonderful morntufl
whn, like a jfunrijj anew kinir, he bursf
through the Hecy Wrlwra about thorn
and stood before hot rejoicing jtj their
rescuer, he father's prftMirvar, her lover,
her haro; and ever moo in hi pride he
has hold aliKif from her and all h
hold der. Slie can hardly hush th
tattering of her heart at now, near at
hand, she hoars the familiar utraina of
the trumpets of the Twelfth, utill eound
iiijt tha mournful dead uiareh. Other
ladies of the Twelfth are here Mrs.
Haalett, Mrs. IVorham and Mrs. War-! Jurittg the next few months. ,Tho proceedings of congress, now in ses
ren; and small wondercan there be that j skm, in Yw 'f the present political complications, will he of vital in
their soft eye fill with tear. Ever since
the brief and bloody campaign the sad,
solemn tones have beeu ;' thair dully
music The crape it not yet rusting on
the sword hilts of their lord, worn in
honor of poor Thorpe and Raud and
Burrows, when it is renewed for the
general in chief. ,. , .
And now the crowds have drifted
back from the asphalt. The platoon of
mounted polie has slowlv clatteml bv.
Then i long rank, boot to Uvt, muffled
in their blue overcoats, the vellow lined
capes turned back, led by their veteran
chUiand guiding their spirited grays
peters of tua Twelfth cover the street
from enrb to curb, the brazen bells up-
lifted and pouring forth their mouru-1 corps of correspondents cannot be excelled. It gives the county news,
nSunun nlSnay JTstaS f circuit, probate and county court and city council pnnved
housings of a general officer, there rides i'1!- r,,,il estate translers, correct market reports and a synopsis of the
the marshal of the parade, followed by news of the state and nation. Send 25 cents in Coin or" stamps fur a
rank after rank of staff officers, all in ' , i i i . i
the somber dark blue f the service. The ("al suhscription. I a-r promptly stopped at expiration of suhsenp-
autumn frosts of a vigorous life ha tion unless othei wise ordered.
silvered the strands at his temple and : '
tinged with ruddy glow the cheeks of i
that firm and soldierly face, but the ;
eyes gleam clear and clean as ever thev '
slione a quarter century ago, when he
and Farquhar spnrreil through the misty
forest ausles about Dinniddie and led
the cheering troopers to the charge ou !
Pickett's crouching line at the Forks, j
lie kuows the fair party on the Guthrie
balcony at a single glance, and touches ,'
the visor of his forage cap as he mvves
slowly by, then summons su aid, gives '
him a low toned order, and the officer
reins aside to let his comrades pass, then '
jogs back down the avenue to meet the '
column. And now necks are crauini; on
every side, and a murmur runs alonu
thecrowded banquette,
Amurcurthat hi. wonlU bra.k fnrth In
but for the solemn occasion of their
coming. Eyes gleam and brighten;
stir with inarticulate greeting; hands,
kerchiefs and hats are waved in voice -
less acclaim. Any other time and all
the great city would bnr.-tt into tumultu
ous cheer, for here rides gray haired
Farquhar at the head of his staff, and
just behind them, commanding the
Twelfth, still pallid from his wounds,
but erect and soldierly as ever, the se
nior major, dear old Berrien, lowers
bis saber in acknowledgment of the sa
lute of the aid, bend9 his ear to listen
to the message, glances quickly at the
balcony into the smiling face of his
wife, meeting Winifred's dark and
glowing eyes, but shakes his head, mi
.. i tions to Dr. Hidden, who is at his left
rear, and ambles on. Holden nods ap
preciatively i n receipt of what seems
to be a similar ines.-mge, reins out of
column, followed by his orderly, dis
mounts at the side street, and presently
is standing by his wife's side, welcomed
most cordially by Miss Unthrie to the
now crowded baleonv.
In column of platoons stretching from
walk to walk, clear across the street.
ranas careiuny angnea, every mans
head and eyes straight to the front, the
leading troopi of the Twelfth are now to leave the scene and return to the hc
clinicing steadily by. Hazlett has ; tel. where, as was well known, many of
glanced ont of the corners of his eyes at the officers were to spend the evening,
the lovely picture on the gallery, but, j Not until nightfall had the Twelfth
riding at attention as they are, and on passed by on its retnrn from the march
dnty, he makes no sign. Randolph and to the distant cemetery, and as they
Bidgeway, heading their platoons, strive i jogged along at ease one or two of the
to do two things at once look as though troop or platoon commanders, in answer
they saw and appreciated the fluttering ! to joyous hall from the sidewalk, had
greetings of hand and handkerchief and : reined out of column by old Berrien's
smiling eyes to their right, and still look ! permission and dismounted under the
as though they did not see it at all. The ! portico, but Brewster, smilitur. had
, ,M1,l .,. u i , :
sorrels, the grajs have gone by, the bay ,
troop is passing, and now yonder comes
Gorham over on the other side of the
street, the nearest he can get to his regu
lation position of four yards to the left
of his leading platoon, and out from the
sheltering screen of tree branches and
in front of the center of the first sub
division of tho blacks, his saber arm
still in its sling, his face pale with con
finement and suffering, but tall and stal
wart rides Curly.
"Oh, there's Mr. Brewster! Mr. Crew-
ster! Oh. why doesn't he look?' cries ready at four. The mother heart yearned
iliss Guthrie, as the handkerchiefs be-1 over her child as Bhemiw how the ;!uulowa
gin waving furiously, and fair, eager ! deepened in her dark eycH when the col
faces press forward in the effort to at- j nmn went on out of night in tho wintry
iraci nis attention all but Winifred, :
who, though bravely miling like the
rest, is clutching with trembling hands
the back of her mother's chair and
shrinking behind her mother's form. It
Is impossible for him not to see the flut
tering signals. He half glances toward
that thronging gallery, and in a second
the light leaps to his eyes, a flush to his
pallid cheek. Instinctively his arm
twitches in the effort of the hand to
reach the cap visor, and the instant
twinge of shooting pain brings him to
his senses. He has one brief, fleeting
look, however, at the beaming face he
loves, and ho has just time for a half
gerture with the bridle hand, a little
nod, aud then, as on he rides, h feels
rather than sees that one sweet face j
that beamed nr,n lorn hm aiwldnnltf
paled, that one graceful fonn is now
staggering back into flolden's waiting
and expectant arms. Only two platoons
in the black troop today, for the others
sleep beneath tha wintry sod or still lan
guish in the hospital ward. Only two
platoons. Brewster heads the first; a
tall, dark eyed, darlf, inilstached ser
geant the second.
"There's Sergeant Ellis!" cries Mrs.
Berrien, in her pride and pleasure.
"And he's shaved off his beard. Did
you ever see him look so young and
I I K I nl I KKrV
o;ENTRISB' has to Otter-Tho Best
i raper lor tno Least Monov of. Anv
in the
'Tn.ortlor, to b,iv more gtmml
KNTRRPK18K as it newspaper and to introduce it into every homo in
Clackamas county, it will be gent on a trial tmlwiption until March
15, ISO.'!, (or 25- cents. ' )
ThftKNTERrKlSK will be iimdoof spooii.l interest to its remits
terest to all. A special effort will bumado to reort them in full for
the KNTKRPKISK. The Oregon logtstat ure, in session during January
and February, promises to oe of unusual interest. The niont important
legislation and radical changes in the laws of the state, attempted for
years, w ill 1m enacted this winter. Kvery resident of Clackamas County
should keep himself posted as to wlmt is done. The KXTKKPUISK
will have an experienced reporter in utteudaiicf during the entire ses-
I sion. and complete reports will he
i ,uml, including the publication of those of interest to Clackamas conn-
j . , , . , , ,
' ,-v' niul a fl"'1"1 r 'he sjH'tH'ltes and votes of our senators and rcpresen-
j tatives on alt important measures.
Pive 11,0 htfslitivo now ascmpletoas the KXTEKPRISK.
. , V. . ,..., , ,,
j As a local pajHT the KN I KM Klh has few tipiala in Oregon. Its
Bnt Mrs. Mohlcn, too, has turned, and
does not heed. Her watchful eyss, her i
attentive ears, have other work to do, i
Olnnlient to her hnsbnud's touch, she has
drawn cli to his siile. It is into her
arms and his that, with one quick, gap-
mg. stittcU cry, .Nitu Uuthrte has falleu
as though stricken by a Mt f imiii heaven.
It is by these loving trms the limp and
prostrate fortn is quickly liorne withiu
and laid upon the sofa, and Ilolden
whispers to his devoted wife, "It is all
clear now."
That night, the long ceremonies of the
dy concluded, a throng of fair women
and brave men are gathered in the nar-
: lors and corridor of the great hotel,. ,c I) t,., , ,i . ... t I jipr fiiro
" the marbled Court below sou. 1 K A 'V 1 ";"a -lUU.
Itulian musicians are playing soft, sweet hIVk PHYSIC i cVAVap
music. Out in the street, nnder the!fT,n mHail. a linarania Sail.,
K'llrB of the electric light, a line regi- j fanlnn or Haninit Vmir Mnnay.
tuent of state trooit has drawn up in i Don't Sicken. Don't CrlpO.
' 'on8 extended line and is standing at i 50 cents er bottle, bv I. M . Amihi h a.
ease while its officers are bidding fare
; well to a host of friends upon the walks
; below. Here and above ara soldiers of
all branches of tic service, who, with
the morning's sun will be scattering to
their stations again. Some are clustered
in the broad vestibules aud on the office
floor. Others, the junior Buunly, are
paying their respects to the wife of the
commanding generid and to the ladiM
, of the Twelfth, for on the morrow they,
: too, with the regimeut, take flight for
their prairie home.
The hour is late, and Severn! of those
present have just come in from a some
! what subdued and quiet entertainment
given in their honor at one of the beau
' tifiU homes of the city. The solemn na
ture of the duty that has called them
hither precludes tho possibility of any
general gathering, but the dinner to
l which the Berriens and others were bid
den has lasted bo long that Winifred be
gan to beliove it would never end, and
Mrs. Berrien has seen all too plainly
that, though she strove to appear joyous
and appreciative, her daughter longed
, , .... . "
shaken his head and gone on with his
I uiaxaa uj tne muuuy cantonment far
; down at the southern verge. Winifred
i was already dressed for dinner. She
had hastened to her room as soon as
they returned from the Uuthries', and
I Mrs. Berrien made no comment She
j well understood that the girl's one
ui i a .1. . , ,
I thought was to be ready to welcome if
j he should come. There was no telling
at what minute he might lie announced.
And though they were not to leave the
hotel until nearly stv?!i, Winifred was
auoainimr. ttrowster with it
Plant an Orchard.
Walling A Jarrish, tlm Oswego nur
serymen, offer the finest selection of
fruit trees eversold in Clui kaiiuiH coun
ty at prices within the reach of all.
Call and examine samples of their trees
and get prices at K, T. Harlow's store
Oregon City.
Ilf-nulll'iil Nuli;:rviii Home
One mile and a nuarter fiom town,
good board walk pimt the Intnl. Acre
tracts to suit purchaser, term cay, tho
finest suburban propnrty offered for sain,
J"'1 on th" """rkel New pronowid
'","r 'm" 'r""' Portland. High and
Hlihy. See I..
Curev Johnson
K, Jannkv
with W.
I'ihii, Fihh. At Humphrey's fish
market all kinds of fresh and salt water
fish, crabs, lobsters and oysters. Live
and dressed chickens. Free delivery to
all imi ts of the city
'Before buying your winter supplies,
call at the 1'ark Place Htore. They
have one of the bust assortment of dry
goods, clothing, boots snd shoes, mil
linery and choice family groceries in
Clackamas county at prices that tell.
'III Villi' I
aotiuamtivnoo with Uio merits of tint
civen each week of all hills intro-
No county paper in the state will
the Seventh street druggist.
Inil Olttca at Oraicnn I'tlv. Oraun,l
fa. M. -'t.
N,.li- la harabr (Ivan lhal Ilia I, .11. Klin
nam! tattler hat lltal nutlna ul hla Inti titluii in
maka ftnal priM( In atiinnrt uf hi alnlm. tin
Jar arllon ll K S ami Dial aalil prunl will
it maila iM'fnrarhfl HritUlar anil Haaalvar nf Ilia
V. S laml ntllra at orrRou t'lly, liri'anu, uu fair
ruary 6, lift U
Jamh Wiiul,
llnmaalaail VMO lor Ilia S r. 4 nl N W lull i
1 wii.l 4. are S, T. 'I S., H 7 K. Ilu tiamra Ilia I
fiillnwtiia wlluaaaai lu prove hla rnntintlntiti
realileiira upon ami rulilvailini nl. aalil laml. j
via Jnlin
r'lupil rlr
1 J .10. J 3
nnall, taitira
li. Huri'iT all ul .talliuill !' O
J. T. AI'I'K.K.SON. Ualtar
SHUCK rolt IT II I li'ATlo.N.
I.anil OITW'aat Oracutt city. iraun.i '
In .w. wi I I
Nnllra la harohy ulvan thil tha liillnw nig I
namail aalilar hia llli-il nuiirant liU Inii'utl.'ii .
that aalil tiruni will lip niaila linfura Iha Kairlnlar
ami Kaaalvar nl ilia I' S lainl nrtira at Ungnn J
.Iuai.h l.lnil.wy,
Hnmaalaail antry Nn. a:,y:. fur iha H W. A Haa
4 Tp SS . Itll K llanamaalha lullnwlnit wll
uaaaaa In prura Ilia cuntlnilutia rralilanra Hhiii
ami cnltlvallnn nf. aitlil latul. via S. K. Naw.
YV P. Kutierta, II. FlUiiaralil. Ira CiKipar, all af
IViaar, Orvsun.
I'i .W. s J. T. Al'PKKSON, llrijl.lar.
I.ixo Orrii'i iT Ontnus Cit, OKr.nnN.i
liaa , ml I
Nntlae la haraba (Iran that Iha fnllnwknt
namail aattlur haa fllail nntlr uf hia Inlaniluii
In make final pri uf In aiipnnrt uf hia alalin. ami
thatauld iinmf will 1 maila bffnrniha Kaitlitar
ami Hi ri'lvar nf Hit U H Ian. I uftlaa al Oraifiiu
City, Ureifuu.an Palirnary 7, ln'.ia. vll:
Jnhu Kpparann.
Hnmeataail 7 IB, fur the H r. i Had. WTp. 2 1 .
K. 4 k. He naniaa Die fnlluwlnK wltnaaaaa tu
prnTe hia cuiillnitnna rvalilenae upnn ami ruin
.annum, ham laiiu, vm: janiaa run. janiaa
Miri nnl. J. w Pnneater, B.F. Knrreaur, all nl
ation m, ham laml, VU: Janiaa t'na, Jamaa
Kaitln Creak. Ureann.
U 3D, l i J. T. AtTKIIHON, Kaglstsr.
Ijuii! Olticc at Oregon City, OriKon.l
Dan. jfi, lW I
Nntlae la harahy given that tha fnlluwlng
natncil nattier liaa fllail nutlaauf hia Inlaiitlon tu
miike final pruul Inaiippnrtuf hia alitiin, ami
mat anlil prunf will ha maila hnfurn the Kmlfttnr
and Heaeivar uf tha 17. 8 land nlllre at Ortrgun
City, Orvgnn, on Kehnmry 7, l.s:i, viz;
IlKVl.l Oilnnnnll,
Pre-emption No. 7W7, for the H of N P. 'i ami
fj.ta 1 and 2. Sea. 4 Tp 'I H., H 7 K. 1 1 - inimiia
the fnlluwlng wIlnaNatia to prove hia cmilllimma
residence upon ami cultivation of, anld laml,
via: Jaaoh Wind. lian. Kloyd, I. II. l'i'U'r, Jaa.
Harper, all of Salimm P ., orairon.
Vim, !! J. T. AI'I'KK.to.N, Heglalcr.
Beautiul Fruit Farm!
Forty acres, level tin a floor, nil
cleared, well fenced ir.to five fieldH,
good holme 2(ix20 feet, Bplendiit
well of good water and force pump,
good barn and out Iioiihch, Heveral
hundred fruit trees prunes, apple,
cherried, etc., small fruit in abund
ance, several sheep, hogs, cows, two
young horses. Everything in first
class condition. For particulars,
apply to owner, Milton Htingby,
near Currinsville, or see L. It.
Janney, with W. Carey Johnson,
Oregon City, Oregon.
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
Double and Single Rigs, and sad
dle horses always on hand at the
lowest prices. A corrall connected
with the barn for loose stock.
Information rflKartlintr any kind of
stock promptly attended to by portion or
Horses Bought and Sold.
2 asmi1. w
A 'tleslralilo furtttsned room, close to
business center, j Inqnliu !
OhkuoN tlK Ciiok HWHK.
ladies' and tiniils', Mbes at lloliean A
Warner's t'liderliiklug parlors. It
la on that brings big
rsturns, -
Is th on that doss
what Is olalmod for It.
tirviinl THum v tMNniu, v.'tHti
IMtUn, ItulK-trv, (WUltttt I'aim
rtUr I tttistuf, tM In Ihr
llnvk Atttl .tml, ItMtntMK cl
l lit (tl t.l'lrf, It'Uk- lti prisjftlU
uU Hiilil htw,
Llvs a LonuTlma with
out paying Interest on
your Loass or Lira, by
Ovr t'aiifla M trtiat Stor,
OITIi'O itava (mm Ilia ll In IMIt ul aai'h monili
Arllln ml lin lli on nil'ln p. Hnl rim, A
II.. 1,1 SUIiit fl..m I.' iiu. All
win k gnaratiiiMil,
Transfer1 and Express,
Freight mid parcels delivered
to all part h of the city.
FIB! hrlwnts ml Toilet Articles.
Alan a (nil ativa ut
T3 A T "NT Tf-?- OTTfl KT(
..... j
Photograph iHilivert'd Promptly in the
Kineat Style of Art.
Hiu.' Crajon Work a Sjniialty.
Old I'irt il ron Copied to Any Siy.e
fsi'tinii liiinriuilfi.il. !
Oatlary Haar Pott Offic URL 00 11 CITY, OR. i
Blacksmithing and Repairing.
Having one ofllie t-at ahoor In the
title In my ttniplny, I innke
Miop opiKwile comer Iroiu l ope s
hardware Htore.
Oregon City, Oregon.
I'ull Stx k of Guns & Ammunition.
Iti'l'nirn on all kinda of ainall iiiaclilnes
ironiilly niiule. Dnplicnlo keya lo
any lorlt imtnnfaciuri'il. Hliup'on
Main Htri'i'l. next to
Ndlilitt'n Klnlili'a.
aai,' w -
,, nvavitv
' ' t till i ivv aii v i
Appel a Parisian Enamel fur the
Creation of piTfrrt Cutnpltxloii, The
fuvoiitc French Coametlc.
Appol'a Complexion Croam r.raiii-
ciitL-s Wrinklra. aud givca to tho Hklu the
Texture ol youth.
Appel'8 8kln Bloach, nrndlcotea all
lileiniKhea, anil tliacoluriiilnnaof (lie akin aurh
na Tan, Biiiilmrn, Frcrklia, tiwurthy and
grenay appearance ol the Inie.
Appel's Oriental Powder In Fleah,
white, t'ink anil Cream ahiiili-a, glvea tu the
face a tieuulilul clear and tranapurcnt np
pen rimer, f
Appel'a Natural Blush The only itouee
true to nature, when ntiplled to the fare or
Una, cnnimt beilctei tcil, put up In twonluiclcl
IJitht fur lllnndea, Iiutk lor llriiuetlci.
Tot Apotl Coimotle Co, Hit 1 rtnclioi, Oal,
A piimphiKtoi! Iiuw tu Creata a cuuipluxluu frao,
and guoda i'ur Halo J) y
Nriliil hfwhy lvort,lhl III imili-'iliiiieii
ni.iu'liiH'i "lmUililiiiir ol iHeiil JJa
Hollar, ilwss'Xl, ! Oi emmtv t'"iirt l l,lmH
jii. .l.u ,tl .litim. A. II. IH'M. III! y
IH'l, H'l I
lima miiiiiiy. mUMU ori'K'Mi. ah i-i'h
It. ,1 I'Uhiia m.l Mill ii htll"U
(tiul lo nieavnl lh ami- wllh I'rmmf i"n'lii'f
In m al Hie U oiti "I K, llay al nir"i
I lly, hi almi'aalil I'mnity ami aialo, wllilu ala
iuiiiiiIk Itmii Ilia ilam Imii'i.t. - , '
Must II Mu, .
Ailm'r t ilia Mlals ill Julili tl. IIUt. a."
Iiali .l , liwi W li ,l
yolit'KOr I'KOI'ililtli if-ll ANilit UK SI'IIHUr
UIUI'K, ....
Nnld'S la huraliy slvfil Dial Ilia ihhiiioiI nt ,
:lliwnul'lly iiuniai In eliaiiss Uiu ial VI '
i Main alrt-m In llm IuIIkwIiiii ' J
I llfflliiiln. al Ilia iinriti Unci o( Mi" aiiaal 1 1
I an lovailuK ul toil S Ivst tbeiiew imrilinrlr i
I a ilKawmllni rai In llm aoiilh Una l iwalllli )
! alrert (ii an uli'vallnll "I W (wl llii'liNi ll
1 soroaa 1 wolllli alriwl iIioiii'ii iiuiilii'rlr al alt
pniiillii) rail lo ilia I'minir nl liliu i Is Ui W
, slrralliiii nl VH Iml llli'iioa III itKaainll
I ira.lo lii Ilia mn:ll Una ill 1 hltlranlll llliwl III
! u nlnailin nl tl Ian llmiu'a lvl ainoa Tlitr
1 idviiiIi alrral ihon.'a uuiili'ily mi an namtliif
Srailn lu Ilia iwulr ill dlo'k 17 lu all ilrll.'H
nt S.1 IhI IIipiii' III it li.ltrtS) ''! In III
atitiili Una l Koiiilaaiilli alinax lo an aiayallna
In ri u with Iha mailraa Hw valalilltliMl,
I'll liilit.. li nnt. r nl llm rliy ri'iimui al
nillli lielil l)K. lit, . I- I. r "!.
4l Kat'oliliir. .
Niilli'K l hrraliy nlvfii, thai Ilia Hli.lf tlnrl,
aitinliiiaitatnr al Ilia atal nl feila Ann Hr.iaa,
ilniMMt, hy vlriua nt an vnlar Uauail by tit
enmity imuiii nt t'Ui'tamaa amiitly, oit-anii, n
Iha '.ill itv nl NiivhiI.it, A II InDI, will aall al
tinlilli' aui'limi In ilia hialtaal liiil.lai, mi Saint
ilay, Ilia JIM itny el lai inun r A H lt al II '
t'i'liMa a in, nl Mil'l ilay.uM ifcia i.rimiWnantyiliS
atMiya alala. Ilia Inlluwliig i!ittitiil (iniiiafly.
In wll Ilia N, K i4i,r llm N K , nl aaetlnn 1(1
III Inniiililn !l S, raniia I K ul Ifia tt ilUmoli
ini'ilillan. t'tiniautlti In aama nmra nr laaa, ba
ins a part l ilia ilunaiinii Unit nlaim nl llnlwrt
II HiMili'i. l. wlla will taint altnalr.1 In I'lai'k'
ainaa r.inlily. Orrgnll
IVrtnt nl iiala . our tialf aaah tit tlan4 nit i1ay
nt aalv.an.l ita liall In la inmillia Willi inlaraal
, at Ilia ralaul a n.r nam llut yms maul lu (mi w
1 aiirvit hy innrmnsa ni
w iiai.TV,
A-liit'r nf iltaaalaia t. SnU nnuura, tlaeM,
iiiia K. lUltla.tv
ila.l .S.naiiil...r X l-W. II ).)M.
SOI ICK of Kl N A I. Slfril.KMr.Nr,
Nnllra la ItarrLy (Ivan llitl t liava lllatl In
Iha a.Mltil) anutl.il l'U aalnaa r.Mlllljr Oraait
my rltial tan iri a aliniiiiatr4tn ul ttiaaitla
ut 1 h.iinaa Mi'..IUtt, ilii4ki.t. iha Dnnri
ha aiiHiiulal Kalirnarv 11. Iiki a a ilayaiul
tlnin Inr Ilia atanilnallnn nf aalil raunrl and
Ilia aalllaltli'lit ul n1 nalala.
I lifts K t'l..ah, lira Si ul l.iat '
II K t'l.i, Al t A.lmllilUalr!i.
I'alr.l naivml'r IJ. I'U IJ l I U
Do Not Climb tho Hill I
George C. Ely's
lClyvillc, - Oregon,
Where you enn get tho highest
cash price for
jButter E003 and Other Farm
Full line of now goods
lower than Oregon t'it y.
i' have iiioiu'v to limn uu iinprov
cil TiriiiH in llu Willmiii'tto
vrillt-y, on livo nml ten
yearn' tiino
till' l.0Vl'St K.ltfS IlltlTCSt.
Write or cull on
rgt. Manlinttim l.mn Co., Konni
. 7, 2l'iJ Murrisiiii St., Portland.
J a
(Leaders in Low Prices.
Their stock is complete in
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Ha vil wave, Clothing,
Boots ami Shoes, Notions, Ktc,
Country I'lodua' Handled.
t'oiniTiif rninl anil .Morrimm,
IS STII.I, ON ka urn.
For general repairing hn Htanils
without u iirer. For (ii nt-clanH, re
liable gooiln hiu Htoro in nocond to
none. Trv him I
Armory, 'I hlril nml Mnin, Icemilnr ilrlll nlitlit,
MniHliiy. Iii'iiiiliir IiiihIiichh ineiiiluiia, firat
M mi, In j' of (..; ti iiiMlilh.
J. W. (inniiiiit,
K H Ki'lli.y,
i.. i.. rickiuiM,
Klrl l.liMiieniini,
HniMinil I.loiiU'tinnt.
A pamphlainf Information and ab 7JJ
1 Vatrautuf llialanaMliiiwllia lloialo
af VOMaln I'alonli, ( anala, Traila V.
VTV ldarke, CmirrlKlita, lent hu. A W
f IH Ursiidwar. f f