Oregon City Enterprise. FRIDAY, DKCKMREK 80. ISltt. Clackamas Co. Directory. COl XrY tMPFR-KRS. J. W Mclitrum Clrk of Courts Shu-riff, Kwnnlcr, School 8uprtnJnt, BurTeyor, Coroner, - ComBiKlons Chv Morion 0. W. tinnoiiB S. XI Kumsby J. 0 Wrthwil J, F. Bm.llpy H. 8. ttilwon 8Mnev Smvth R. I ilouiimi Rirhiml Scott Vornellu Hair OKKtiON CITY 0FFICKR8 u.ror - - T, W Sullivan "Sorr. - ,HV,,V."r ewef of roiiw- ;'m',;", . F J. Umiis SKSoner. I " VijSSj SiipT-ol atr worn, " ( 0ouncilmn-O. O. AlbrtsM, Jr., H. U Kelly. 1. N. wnmm, W WMi. J , J. w. ovonnell, J. 0. Pen' ' T- P- Kn" lall. iwmcil meet am Wednesday of each mouth In city hall. 0r The way t. build p Oregon City Is to giTe Oregon City people your patronage. SPRAY OF THE FALLS. Pr. Leavitt of Molalla was in the city on Tuesday. Read the eighth page. EvTKrKtK offer on the A. B. Bennett of Eagle Creek, was in the citv on Tuesday, Clocks at Burmeister & Evervone warranted. Andresens. Oeorge Prosser of Oswego was in town the first of the week. Blank note, receipt and order books at the Enterprise office. Ifyoawant to buy lots in Bolton ap-, ply to C. O.T . Uiams. agent. j John Dickey of Molalla spent Christ-, mas with his sister Mrs. S M. Ramsbv.j . . .. . ; Mrs. CD. Latourette entertained a number of her friendson Friday evening. J. S. Courtney M. D., physician and surgeon, room 5 and 6, 1 harmati ftloct. Fred Parker came home from Cen tralia to spend vacation with his parents. The Enterprise is the newspaper of I Cla-kanias countv. Send 2o cents and see how too like It. I Mi.nra, danrirterof Iw Prindle JtZiiXl ... et.e will attend school. , I1U JtVlliVIl PIH! .r. ... v.. t Mrs. C. D. Latourette entertained Mr. j wt)en u be,.OIIies emphatically known and Mrs. Ed. Shaw and Mrs. Shaw, j that (ie p A w v or Southern Pacific Sr., at Christmas dinner. j RtlilrvaJ company will run a hranch to Send to the Enterprise office for vour I Oregon City from Oswego, the general legal blanks. A single one or a hundred j rejoicing, especially on the east side, famished at Portland prices. ! will suddenly subside. The eastside , p .7T , . . 'motor promises a maanifice.it trip of SarenndentH. S. U.bsor ..desires o, Qne lml houls. dllrHtion. Tlw v. call the attention of school clerks to; passengers from tion, 42and4Sof the Oregon school , & ,m)f ihni.rata vvaccomm.xlating rate. It The school at Union was closed last week till alter the holidays, and S. A. j Read the teacher, will visit his parents , at Sellwood. C 1. AllUtrrSVIf, iW L'.r:,l ico.., ' ',, ft 1 Una Wcu,n .H 1 H 1 1 ing the Damascus school during tl.e fall, closed his term on Friday and on Toesday was in the city. Frank P. Bnrkhart, accompanied by llftUftl. uu,.,,n,,, . ... r - his friend Willis Sullivan, son of Judge f, ,1 . T 1 . I. AHnuxmn Vun,.l, Sullivan of the Idaho supreme bench, spent Christmas with his parents in this city, Our Ely correspondent notes that C. E. Beefee came borne from Portland on Saturday evening to spend the holidays and that Mrs. Vermilyea and Mis Amy Jackson are both on the sick list. The readers of the Enterprise are asked if they feel it worthy of a good word to show the paper to their neigh bors and induce them to become sub scribers. 25 cents will get it until March 15, 1893. The annual roll call at the Baptist church will be held next Monday even- ' inlVreceded by a picnic simper n the basement. All members are requested to brini! their suppers. Tea and coffee supplied. The Milwaukie school closed a suc cessful term on Friday and there will tie two week's vacation, the winter term opening Jan. 9, 1893. Miss Guebel, the teacher, is spending the. vacation at her home in Portland. For a sore throat there is nothing better than a flannel bandage dampened consuinl)tion nad marked her as a vie with Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It will ! ... ... . , r!unlu Kf,r,o(l ntruinflf hnirf. nearly effect a cure in oneniisht'e time. This remedy is also a favorite for rheu roatism and has cured many severe -cases. 50 cent bottles for sale by G. A. Harding. On Christmas eve the children and narents of School District No. 89, at the Deep Creek Mills, Miss Anna Mumpower teacher, met at the school bouse, where interesting exercises and a beautiful t-ee loaded with present?, caused the . evening to pass very pleasantly. The members of Capt. Cowing'a fam ily from abroad gathered in Oregon City to upend Christmas neath the parental roof. Beside the family here, there were present, his sons E. II. and Thomas and his daughter Mrs. Frank D. Parcq and her husband all of Portland. OUSCIl. Mr'ETlNO. Short Bat Animated Spssion-HulMlmt Permits Issued-relenh.me Franchise The meeting of the council on Krulay evening was niarkeJ ly the alwence of several member. Tie particular busi ness for the evening was the nasMite of th ordinance allowing a rebate of the assessment paid U butUl a sower along Main street, which wa duly passed. An error having occurred in the origi nal copy of the ordinance establishing ewer district in the omission of the enacting clause, that ordinance or dered republished with the missing clause supplied. The application of X. 0, Walden. G. A. Hardin and Mr. V. V. Moiey for permiwkm to rvir the buildta next south, of tne IJiKI twow un witimi a lively debate, tmt was nnauy grameu. An ordinance granting to C. 0. Miller and K. M. Rands permission to erect and maintain a telephone and district telegraph line in the city was introduced by Councilman O Connell and ordered printed. The application of Hamilton A Allen for eer mission to erect a two-story frame buildint on the southwest corner of i Main and Ninth streets to te used as a store was granted. The following t'titioti was read and on motion referred back to the source from which it emanated, two members of the council voting in the negative. THE PKriTIOS. To the Honorable Mayor and Common CorsciL or Orkuor City : Whereas, Our bill boards are de- faced with ybscene pictures in violation , of our statutes, advertising a show which has received universal condemnation from all respectable citiaeoi, we the W C. T. U., representing a large numler of me wives ana moineroi mis cur uu i-u- ,o MIW-Mch prohibiled henceforth, and further to prevent the holding of said show, and similar dis plays in our citv hereafter. Mrs. M. K. Donaldson, Mrs. M L. Dricus, President, Secretary. I Dec. lti, me. On motion the council adjourned The Way It Works. The Oswego Iron Woiker of last week contains the follow ing items relative, to the narrow guage. The completion of the eastside motor aTh,,esV.rT one of those la,,,,. fiir.,r t it. end of a rail !wi be srl versus a modern ,,llt ! pgyed out boomer." This was on its editorial page. In the local column i savs : "The Sheridan train got through as lar ; - - .... ! to Portland the same night oaier Roes to prtHS the local Airlie and Sheridan trains were all off the track aed stuck alonu the road. The mail 1 acU 1. 1 Ul ft. KlOllg fciiC . ' ! train that went south Thursday I - ,11 " . , . I ! inula off at White's, another is off at Xewberg, and the yesterday morning's local broke down at Riverview and did not arrive here from Portland until 12 .45 p. m." It seems then that the nar row guage with all its "speed" is not as sure as the old reliable Oregon Citv Transportation Co's. boats, Alton and Ramona which never miss a trip and upon which the people of Oswego had todeiend for transportation to Portland on Friday. Obituary. DIED At Eagle Creek, Clackamas county, December 18, 1HD2, after a protracted illness, Lillie, daughter of Henry Wilbern and wife of Hugh r'urrin sum) "7 vpHrs and 9 months. j gn(, jovab,e young woman and waf) llM ; in universai e8teem wherever known, J Jn Creek whfre e),e H))ent t,e n o her childhood and youth and in Cnrrinsville where she spent the few years of her married life she was es teemed and beloved by all. Her un timely death is a great loss to the com munity in which she lived and a sad affliction to her husband and the two bright childrnn who are thus early do prvedofa mother's love and care. It had been evident for some time that time, yet her friends hoped against hope till almost the last day and in spite ol lifir nrotrauted illness her nuiet and peaceful death on the Sunday before! Christmas at the Home ot tier parents was a severe and seemingly sudden aflliction. McDEKMOTT. On Sundav, December 25th, 1892, at 10 a. m.,MrH. Elizabeth, wife of Henry McDermott, aged (X) years. Mm M.-TWmntr. was horn in Finnon. county of Dunanall, Iieland, and was! raised in Boston, Mass. Hhe has been I been sick a lon time with consump- tion, and death came to her relief ! on the Christmas day. Beside her husband she leaves two sons, Joseph and Hugh. The funeral service was conducted on Tuesday by Father Hillebrand of St. John's church. Cath olic Sentinel please copy. Van Sheultl Keep Fasted, What the legislature id liable to do, A synopsis of the many measure that will l bimgbt up for consideration. Which one are you interested in? The Kntkhcrisk' special correspondent will keep you posted as to what Is done. For i; cents until Marvh 15. Kepval of the Austmliitn ballot Free textbook lor schmils, Prohibit Piukerton and like organiaa tiona. Amend the charter of Oregon Citv. Fish ladder at the Willamette falls. Abolish the poll tax. incensing of wutionary enginer. AMish the state militia, Build portago railroad at The Dalle. Division of Clackamas county. Make county ullicers salaried. Eight hours a day work. An appropriation for the state captto). Better government of our statu in stitutions, Hate normal school for eastern Oregon and for an additional building at Mon. mouth , Increased amount of homestead ex emiitioti from execution. Better protection and control of salmon j fishing jointly with Washington. Election instead ol appointment of railroad, fish, pilot and other state com missions. Repeal of gold clause in evidence of debt. Convicts What shall they do? Build roads, manufacture grain bags, make stove, or remain in idleness. Taxes How shall they be collected? State, county, school and road collected bv count treasurer or lid to sheriff tmj utimeroiH other collector. Assessment laws How shall they be amended? Have county or precinct assessors. Have state, county, sellout and city assessment made by one assessor or by four. Abolis.li mortgage tax laws. Abolish indebtedness clause. Koad work tlow shall it be done? Discontinue supervisors, and have road engineers. Issue comity bonds, or make district assessments (or road work to be done by contract . Abolish working road tax, pay cash or wallow in the mud under the present system. M'HOOI. iJTKS. Closing Exercises The Pupil Presenl to Prof. Prliigle. l " Fri,,-V """" f,,r the usual Christina vacation. Exercises were he,d in, he Si... and ven, grades. Hie sum grane na.i a r; . ,ft wl.i.l. Santa Claus! - - 'made his welcome appearance and jdis'ributeil presents from a pretty i Christmas trw. j The seventh grade pupils also bad a j very good program counting of music, recitations and tableiux. A few were invited invited to attend the exercise. The pupils of Prof, 8 ro"m ,l,m ll'"H' ,KU ' e,sof Ore,,.,, Cty ,n a pretty piush easeand thesixth ,a,le pnp"Mresen.ed bmt Emerson a essays in two morocco : a.i,,iPla..j on. I ll'.iru lllllv ,1 It, ,riM U I Vh 1 Mr St'jry e pupild gave lnm a gold i pen . The several teachers were reineiuleied bv their pupils as follows Miss. Vadereceived a glove and band- kerchief case, Mrs. Graham war pre sented with a cream fur rug. Miss Mc ' Cown received a beautiful curd receiver. A special meeting of the literary society was called Friday afternoon after school and the regular meeting was postponed for two weeks on account of the inability of those who were on the program to attend Card of Thanks. We desire to thank through the Kntkh prisk the many friends who aided and comforted us in the hour of our sad aflliction. Hknrv McDkrmott, JOSKI'II MCDKRMOTT, Ht'oii McDkrmott. Mr. J. P. Blaize, an extensive real estate dealer in Des Moines, Iowa, narrowly escaped one of the severest j attacks of pneumonia while in the north- i ern Dart of that state during a recent j i blizzard, says the .Saturday Review, ! Mr. blaze had ocraasion to drive several miles during the storm and was so thoroughly chilled that lie was unable to get warm, and inside of an hour after his return he was threatened with piiau monia or lung fever. Mr. Blaize sent to the nearest drugstore and got a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, of which he had often heard, and took several large doses. He says the effect was wonderful and in a short time he was breathing quite easily. He kept on taking the medicine and the next day he was able to come to Des Moines. M r. Blaize regards bis cure as simply wonder ful. For sale by Gko. A. Hahiin, Lost. Monday evening between Straight's grocery store and W, H. Putrow's, a brown leather pocket book ' with my name in full on inside. Finder i will be rewarded by returning same to this office. Nora H. Convkhs. Lost. Somewhere between Huntley's drug store and John Noble's one key ring holding seven keys. Reward given by returning to Entkri'Ribk oflice. Wanted, By a girl 18 years of age, a position in a private family to work for her board while attending school in Or egon City. Best of references. Inquire at the Enterprise office. Wo wish to announce to tho reading public that wo are better prepared than over before with fine H J at V 1 Of all the latest styles and c mi ittmp mm mm imo WE CAN SHOW YOU THE FINEST LINE OF and Linen Handkerchiefs, Silk Mufflers, SILK AND FLANNEL SHIRTS. A fine line of gloves bought for tho occasion. A fino lino of Cuff Buttons Scarf Pins and Shirt Studs, RNDTIES Well wo should smile wo havo ties. Wo havo moro than all our com petitors combined. " Thoy aro not in it." O'CONNELL St GLASS. One Price Clothiers and Hatters, OREGON CITY-OREGON. The THE LEADING GROCERY HOUSE! The Most Complete and only first class GROCERY Quality consider ed, our prices are always the lowest. Cor. 7th & Madison, Shively Building, Oregon City. ' &Zk M CM' BR. L L. CAEMEB. Stricken Down with Heart Disease Dr. MIUm M&teal Co., Xlkhart, Jnd. plewure, lo publish, uiiauliclurf, to the world the Uneilt reailved from ps. MiLts- rfTosTivt Oihtimfw: I reel it my amy, u whi m a jiuratn arid its complication, ariipld putae vary- i wa Kl rii'irn aown wuu mwi f.irrrrnm Ufl til 140 boat If rtllllUle, chnklllff Of thousands! " n I ia n hit'd. much pal li In Ihtt r. irln of the heart and below lower rib, pain In tlio and rneral dtl-lllty. The arteries In my nit would throb violently, U'8 throbbing of niy hnart could b heard across a UiW room and woum Mliulce my whole body. I wh botwi. tl could not bold my hand (toady, i umUr lh (r-atmml of "" and Hav taku galUmtof Patmt MndiMnti wtrAmil CA ' bonrf t. A friend Moom mended your rcmndlea. Sha waa cured by Ur. three bottles '' Jjf U U H t U Heart Cure and two bottloa w . a -Nervine My pul BmnM, I hava no more Tiolent throbbing of the heart, . mi u. un. Itlneerely renommend jveryoiie wfih V ol Heart Illaeaae to Dr. MM kirr (Typuim ctty. K"- L " Carkrr. OLD ON A PORITIfOURAHTte. BY DR MILES' PILLS, 50 D08E8 25 CTS. For sale by Charman & Co. G1 uav and novelties, and tho consist of the finest lino IinjsirUTR iukI tlei'lers in FINISHING CltoicB Failf Mb Selected Teas, run- Coffees & Spices. Butter & Cheese from best dairies Fruit and Vegetables in Season. POPE & CO. This old and reliable firm always keep in stock full line of hi, M it MM W$m, Time, etc Plumbing, Gas Attended to timates OREGON CITY CANBY NURSERIES, MILrlvARD J. LrRE, - - Proprietor. A COMPLETE LINE OF Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubbery, Etc., WHOLESALE -AJSTD RETAIL. CANBY, OREGON. goods aro to bo sold of GOODS Business Conducted On Business Principles. One Price to All. Positively no con nection with any advertising scheme Fitting & Promptly, Furnished. Jobbin Es- OREGON