Oregon City Hnterprise. SCHEDULES OF TIME M', T Clt'N KTKAMr IK In Kmi TUi TiiniiH , wt. Hi.uir A 1.1 UNA A HA. Mi IN A: Vv mm.,... ,,ITv. i.i,,,., ,ri.iii, '"' hi. ' in. MIKH. m. , ' Ma. mm ' "' ii f tit. , ? M I' ,' , M i I m. r i...iiii riwlllvvlgr mii IiiM lk.i. mi Hi 4 mnl ft lit) i l.k irla MI'NDAV ' l ml a in ''i hi mi, ,, 'u. m, 4 mi p. , rinuMmitl milii'i'i in rlianna liln...i n.,il..a Hot TI1KHN 1'ACirii: IUII.WAV mmm mn nu. ll.llr ,i. Iwny lUllulla) i nlltiirnlii Kanritaa iilirniiKli) Ituanliiitii Ui'.l (ay alalluiial WH'TM KHI'mi. Idiatititirt liral Iwiiy aUllnlia) AttMliy I im'-iI iway alallMtui . (.ltl.m.i . trn ftlirmiRii l til. it 4.1 ii in. n i iu SI a. m l (I III 111 i in TIIK MAIM. I Malla rliw iiiini Niuili.ii a. n, , I i m., p lu Mailt cl..cul.,( Nimih, Ii m.,?.Ju i in Mil l"l'Ta I Orriuli I'll)' lu Kly.C.r.ii, Hull nl Molalla I i"'" w in ami arrivaa al U in, Hall. Olr..iiniilr Mink Clark. .Mi.a..illm.,k, t'tilmi Hub, Milium ami t uln.n, Intfaa al 10 a m Vm-ailay, TlniraiUy ami HalunUy, ami re turn' mi liillnwliia 4ava al 4 at i m 4hiia v. ii:(i:miiku so, m. A hui.li Ttitcrr. On Huhir.liiy 1. itu rutin i mimll btit-linkin umre Lmrktvl "H. C." on lm li'fi hip, Into lwn mill liili litil tier lul vim u'clm li by lit tlm lUpliBt rlitmli. Al lo o'i Iih k It nut lo until mut nurt (ur lion, lint found no liorMi to riiln. Admit 1 1 in tiie time ul ilay parly ftil.rf.l (tie i'tirllanrl IIoiimi mill tut iliiwn hy llitt alum lor while ni aUrarUxl tuniir lt"iiliuii hy kiikliiit mul ttinriii al Hid il"K Fnmlly ht k" up mul taking mii out I'oul (nun llin InKik put It on mul walki'il oil". Mr Krniut mipiioafil It wan Iiib om ii rout, hut UiiT it u f xi tul (hut it Iwlonijol to unit i( tlm honrtli'r. 1'hln thi'lt rHirlil to J. S. I'tinliiui mul uti Mi'mUy h ms'iiiiimip Juliiw to 1'inllmiil mul llii'V nm.lii it ararrli of llin Blulilra mi thn tt ni'ln hut (.nihil no hunw Htilvriiiitl y tlm ilill mul lirl.lle wiTf foiitul in mi rxt ni.lii nUliln, hi'i tin mmi Itml Mt tltti mulillu mul hrlilln worlh thout flA, anying Unit lie goiliit to Uk tli hure out to pa tur. Tlm mmi lia tint Iwimi cailKlit. It In iiis..i tlmt tlm amiio party atoln Ixilli homo mul runt . SlKN FllnM TIIK lUlliltm l.nat l'fk'l I'ortlmiil Cliriuili In nari: thi Moiulay Ittxt it wait thn pli'Mimm o( Urn Chnnilcln ropri'iH'iilativii to Ik on tlm liii(hU hark of Oriwri City. Thn lmulm-a(i pin m'IiIihI to vli'W (ixcvIIihI anylliiim ol a lia nalur awn for many a day. hlrrli'hinil aay uir to tlm liorthoant nu ll or ft rauopy o( a hint) ft uiniufr aky an tlm (iye fvor Ixiludd, renmil ttiat grand old iiiuiiarili, Ml. St. HnliMia, in aulv Hum iiranilimr mul umjaly, with lla luantli) ol purity lullinir in Kr''''f'il onl lilipn over ila atarriHl mid dinfl!Uri aidix. Tlm aun'a ruyi wirn tinlinn it from In-hind tlm dark, gloomy clouda tin ilnr tahlili tin-nun City wai rvponinK, thn clmr-i'ul wllitiu of till woudroua tiimintaln aa ao ptirhn'l aa to he ftluuwt Ih'voihI Im'Iii'I- atoniiii((ly hut a fuw mill') annv. Tlm vmw wan o( hut ahort il urut mil , hut It lantml limn noii;li to ruvii'W thn pannliiK til tlm at'aniina that yearly tlrnw ua m-arrr tlm galea that art) ajar. Mamkikiion CiiitiarMAa, On Sunday ltv. (. W. liiliuiifiy iinltinl in the holy Ininda ol iniitriiiioiiy, J. K. Murria mid Mina Flnrit Matita. Tlm groom it a prominiiiK )'.''i( nmn ol thia city mid tlm hridu tlm iUiihUr ul A. Miiuti of Mnplf I.iine. Willia ArnintrotiK muvod nil Ix'nt tti it ii . u:ul Mian Klora Kii'harda a hriili'Minaiil. Altur tlm oiirt'inonv on In for in u 1 rvcpplioii was hold. The Imppy t'ouple Kt'rn tint rwiplnnla of many lino fill and Ih'huUIiiI proKi'iils Aiiioiii; thiMii prt'Hi'iit wuru Mr. mid Mra. Minim, Mra II. Morrin, Mm J. T. Kiilon, Mr. mul MrH. Tluw. Ihivitm, Mr. ami Mra. Itolit. Mrllriilo of I'ortlunil, Mr. and Mrn, V, W. II. Shiiihoii, Minaia Kluru lili'lmrdH, Kittii, Mill I id mul An niu Muulx, Mury mid Siirnli lavii's, Hcho HiiniHon mid Myrtle Mi'llride. Mi'hhih. Willia Aruiatroiii;, Win. 1 1 an te 1 tin, John, TIioiiihh iii.d I.ewia lliivien, ('liirnnen, (ieorgu nnd Alhert Muut., ItoHH Kuton Hiid Otin Moriin. Mania at tiik IIai'timt Ciii'iii'ii. Tlm capacity of the lliiptint oliurcli ax tiued to ila uliuimt on Mnmliiy niulit at the iMitertainini'iit for thn little lolka. Tlm nmti'iiin witH tiiHlily arrnntred iih an old fiiHhloned dining room with I'nrln und A initio ailtiiiK nroiiud ft renl lire jiluce n liii h "John" hud noulei'tt'd to tiupply with woimI, However, (irundptt mil hy rending hi" pnper nnd tlm old huly with her knitting liuide a home-like Hi'ene. A cordial Kreeting whh given Mm. Siintii CIiiuh who an iiHiml got there ho forn her liiinlumd. In a neat apeeeh aim proved that "honors were eaay" and that her hunhand had too long monopo lized the glory ol ChrintinaH day while elm had Hlaved at homo dressing dolls, llxlng tip toyt cite, for him to dlHtrihuto and brag over. After old Hanta arrived and apread himself the children of the mihool were mittlo happy with hags of candy and niita. No LioiiTH kok tmk Kivkh. Hepresen tatlve Hiirmiin liaa for long time been working tt the requoiit of the board of trade of thli city to secure n approprlu- (lull lo erect nnd imiiiiliilii heacon llglila nd huoya on tlm Wllluiniitle river he tween luirn and l'ortltttnl . The appro prliilloil fur thin tilijiii l witH iiirlinled ill a hill providing lor liH'renced Unlit hoimii tervlfe on the rimt hihi wan ilelnali'd In the liuiiwi hint week, ao tlm river Kli'iiiiihuiita will Imve tn get along wll limit llulitn, exi ept mu ll an they ami lit to provide 1 1 if in hi. vi-b with At there are mine pHNHengura I'triled between Oregon Cily and rnrllnud and morn houta puna ing than on the ('oliituhia belween Port land and Aalorla the tiiper Willainetle ought to ln rei'iigulm-d In Urn meant provided lo irotei t Iriilllc A nkvv SriiKK. The llrtti of Hamilton A Allen of ('liirkiiiiiaa have decided that OiegonClty oflerta heller Held lor tlmlr hunlneaa than tlm place where they now nt, ao on tlm Ural ol tlm year they will 0hmi up with a line of general uierchan- dine In I!. It. Kelly't building Jut! touth , of Heveittlt atrecl. It la their iiiteuliun i to otrer good to the uiiiatma of Oregon j City at living rate for onah, The llriu ; ha tr.nihai U d a goinl mid aiiciWHtlul hutlneaa at ( lackninaa ami will bring j ft degree of energy and ptieh with the bunluenft here which will future itt me- ctiM. in th tprlng they will move to their new ttoruon Hit corner uf Main nnd Ninth Urania. Tldt bull ling will Im) 'M feet (rout, (HI feet di e,) and two ttoilea high, and tlmy will ariange It to a to he haiidmiuie and imat and conveni ent. Tut WtiiT Hum Nt nooi-a. -The Ore gon City Went tide tchool will oH'it Feb ruary 12 for the tprlng term ol five uiontht Mr. and Mri. (i. II. Ihinn have hevn engaged to take charge and thla will lie their eecond year in that school. It it ft probable that a third teacher will he added before the clime of the auinmer owing to the rapid Incretae in the dinliict. The direclnra conleui plutn enlablithtng graded course uf study and hereafter will make their tchool year correxind with J'ottltnd't htvlng their vtcttiou in tuuiuii-r iiialead of In the w inter at hts been the ctintom lii-relulore. The ealahlinhtiient of ft high school giade Is also eonti-mplated AwxiNiia vt 1'i.atk tit.Ata. Friday night the awning in front of V A. Ilitiitley't Innik store Ini-aine ovrelght ed with snow and ice and It'll with trraah to the walk Mow tti iking ft small hilllrlin boa id It fell. No great damage would have resulted except the wreck Urn awning had It not been fur the bulletin board, a corner of which as driven through the lower edge of the targe plate glass, Fortunately only one corner of the expensive glass la shattered, and the rest can lie saved and aa talvtgn will reduce the cost of repulra much below the original cost of the large plate glass. MtkHimi md Sxtti.kd. On .Sunday llev. 0. W. I'atker married Mist Lottie Halrd and Mr. A. H. Ilresnerat the home ol the bride's in jther in Portland. There were present only the Immediate family and MissesII.lt McCuwn mid Mettallrown. After (he ceremony the family and guests sat down lo wedding dinner. They took the evening train for this city and immediately settled them selves rosily in the cottage on Monroe street between Sixth mid Seventh w here they are enjoying tlm delluhts of hoiiskecping. Mr. mid Mm. Ilresser have the best wishes of a host of ft iends for ft long and Imppy married life. IKi.AYt Mails. A small installment of eastern letters mri veil on Monday morning and it night another lot and a few sacks of papers shuwed up. This was the fitst eastern mail since the last weeks' Thursday morning mail which arrived at two o'clock Friday morning. Several of the packages of CIu'IhIihas presents appeared to have been consid erably shitken up. The delay was oc casioned hy tlm blockade of the Union 1'acitlc tn'tween I'ortland and The thillcs. Nine trains were blockaded dur ing the storm between these placet and on Monday nine cars of mail and exprem were hrouuht into I'ortlunil w ith the trains belaled tit'AHT. ritoM lil.t'K Uivkh. Tlm K. ugene Itegisler says (ieo. A. lyton and W. S. l'owell came down from the mines in (he lllue Kiver country the llrst of the week with a lot of ipinrtx and about eighty pounds of it was shipped to San Fiancisco for an assay. They art) confident they have a good paying ledge in night and the tpiartx sunt otT ind.cutos a good supply ol gold. Woik in the mines has ceased lor the winter and these gentlemen returned to their homes at Ilrownsville Monday morning. It la probable thn lllue Kiver camp will be lively next Reason alter the road is com pleted. Husiiinki) hub Position. The Oswego Iron Worker sayt of an Oregon City lady: It is with great regreat that this paper announces thn resignation of Miss Wethorill as teacher of tlm Inter mediate department in our public school. Miss Wetherill la a Biiperior in structor, loved by her pupils, whom she was thoroughly training in a conscien tious manner, The reason other with drawal Is that she considered her sor vires worth more than tt-tr per mouth. Her request for an increase of salary was re fused. PoeiriVKi.T Last Cam,. Parties In debted to Charman & Son must call and settle their accounts without delay or the doltnipiencr will be reported to the Mercantile Agency. A word to the wise is sulflcient. Ciiakman a Son. 4t (iii'slluiii fur Hie Council. Mm. Kiirnm: I would like lo inquire to what purpose do we support the ex pensive imtc!iliicry uf city government? is It an exploded llction that the cily fathers tin have some Interest In good government and concerning public morals? I supposed that the humblest citizen might, with confidence, approach the fraternal authorities ami present a petition, rxmcling at least the scant courtesy of being referred to ft committee. Here la body of women, the wives, sisters and friends of our mirft honored cltlxens, presenting petition lo the Hon Mayor and Common Council, beg ging them in thn Interest of good morals to tupprest indeceiit pictures upon our lull boards ami to prohihit led exhiht tioiis, which di-hauch the niorait of the young. How It the petition received? One ol the honored!?) members who iloet not deterve ft w ile, nnd ol whom hit mother may well be ashamed, movet that the "Petition lie ml ii rued to the source from which it emiittted" Carried with only one voire rained in protest. I believe the common council lias t committee on Health and Police, why at least could It not have deen rclened lo that committee? la there anything in the uhje"t im prontr for our virtuous lawmakers to consider, or have these women who lorni the only urgaiiixalion in the city pledged to protect the home and the youth of our city, and who constitute the best working tm-iiibera uf all of utir cntircnet, it me pan... "....y,... , Tholltfll,. .,ri(..i nahit, have these cllixnns no weight nor inllnenca In the community that their ielilion should be treated with tuch utter contempt. When the city tttorney misct In ft iiilbllc meeting' and nlaihly chaigea f l.,n,n ... .will urn i,-.,,,.,. , . lim liegietT lu oriii w ai:i-oitnv uw violators of the Sunday law. It it not i in order to inquire for what ptirose lie draws his salary? When these law- makers and public otliciala wink at crime and turn a cold shoulder la the pleading of these mothers who htve no weapon ol defence, tave their tears and their prayers, it it any wonder that our children are becoming familiar with crime and licentiousness, and are apt students in evadirg as well as breaking the law even More they leave our public schools. "Corruption is t tree, wltoae lirtncliei are (if tn immeasurable length; tliey spread Kieryw litre; and Hit dew that drops from thence, Hath inlfcteil tome chain and tooltof authority." A City MoTtixa. MllwtukreSclio.il Notes. We closed a pleasant term of three months on Friday Dee. 'Si with appro priate Christmas exercises. In spile of the inclement weather a large number of interested parents visited the school to ace what our little folks can do. Those who ire on the roll of honor for the term are Anna Wagner, Frits Wagner, Amelia Hasselhrink, l)uis llasatdbrink, Herman Schlickiser and Priscilla A. Miley. Hut lor a serious accident on the last day Krnest Edward and Frid a Schlickeiser would be named with the above. Those noted for ex cellent conduct during the whole term are Flora Seely, and Kmma Schlickeiser. Our next term begins January 9, 1893. Kmma M. Usikhkl. Teacher. Msrquutn School Keport. cHrt of school for the term ending leceuibor 0, IrtlC is as follows : Those neither absent nor tardy during lite en tire term are Kay Gray and Lloyd Mar quain. Those not absent the entire term liertie Jones. Those neither absent nor tardy tor the first two months Minnie Gray. Those not absent for the lust month Tessa l.arkins and l'earley Pun luvy. Jamks W. IUkkh, Teacher. The latest in visiting cards at the Ks tkkchisk OnncK. Prices to suit you. Money on pn v I'. M llllimiia. Irriun ol 4'. O At Huntley's In cards booklets giftbooks calenders etc, printed in colors we have a bewildering display you should have a look at them before the assortment is broken up Xmas stock purchased in eastern markets and we are showing the latest styles and novelties at prices that are right. Come in and let us show you how satisfactory Xmas shopping can be made. ;Oregon City Book Stored Three doors north of postoflice. W. A. Huntley, - Proprietor. Mink Hull of Honor. The following it tlm roll uf honor for the Mink school district No. HO, for the month muling Dec, H, IM'i'2 : Carile Cummiiit, Aletht Ctiiiiiiiiut, Minnie Mocbliko, Cora Martin, Flora tllultiii, AIoiiko Myert, Luke Jntiry, Thcodcre llornshiih, Harry Hill, John Mochnke, Frank Martin, Henry Ginlher, David Motdinke, Hubert Mochnke, Herman llaneoti, Charley Muehnke, Willie llliihin, Philip Hteiner, Olio lloinshtili, Albert Hornshiih, F.ariicat Martin, Dan iel Uiiilher, August (iintlmr, Arthur illuhui, Charley Kleiner, Kilts. Horn alnih, Hortlm Moelinko, Carrie Hchublo, Norma While, Nora Ointher, Frank (Jrossmlller, Henry OrnssuilHer. Wil liam Oiuttier, Fred Mochnke. Mm, ahd Mhs. (i. Dunk, Teacher. OcmOkhman Wand The Middaiigh Musical Comedy cuiany played to a small house on Saturday evening, ren dering "Our Herman Ward" in excel lent manner. Their pieseniatlon ol the play was worthy of a much larger audi ence than greeted them but Oregon City hat btftt v'Hlted by to many snide shows lately I hat the ople do not know when to Attend or what to exited. Mpeclal Offer to Subwrlheri. The Weekly (ilobe-Democrat The farmer, the merchant or the pro fessional man who hat nut the time to read a large daily newspaper, will find In The Weekly (ilolie-Deiuocrat, con flating of ten psget, a paper that exactly suits him brimful of the bent news of the day, sufficiently condensed to meet call in principles, it is never so partisan at to suppress any important newt nec essary to a correct knowledge of current events. Once a render, always a reader. Price, $1 per year. Any person tend tug un inree iiutiara at om; ing us three dollars at one time for three yearly w1 ljH4.ri , , t ort A ,(J ll)8 ww,ky( wiU receive one copy free for a year. A tree sample copy may be had by writing for it. Subscriptions received by all post masters or newsdealer throughout the United Statea, or directly by Olobe Printing Co., St. Louis, Mo Xilk, Milk Having assumed entire control of the Mintliorn Park dairy by the purchase of Mr. Ilemelgarn's interest, I am pre- prared to furnish pure milk delivered to any part of the city at reasonable rates. Orders can be left at O. W. Lovejoy's a ii. I F. T. Harlow's on Main street or J. D. Kenner's on Seventh street. M. W. Ranbaix. tf Fleischmann's Compressed yeast mskes the best and sweetest bread. To introduce it I will tfive cake with every sack of flour. K. E. Williams the Ktocer. We are constantly adding new things to our stock of druggist's sundries, and we Mean To make it an object for you to get our prices, see our goods and be come acquainted with us and our mode of doing Business. We have at present a complete line of fine tooth, nail and hair brushes direct from the East at prices that will suit any buyer. C. G. HUNTLEY, Successor to CAUFIELl) A - HUNTLEY, FrMcrlptlon Druuuato. Book Store. We have something entirely new in albums this year with etched metal and wood tops. Also some new designs in gold pens and holders, manicure Sets plush Jmpetries ancy ink stands etc. No more acceptable present can be offered than a good book we have them in cloth and fancy bindings to suit your purse sets of six vol. as low as $1.50 MONEY TO LOAN! OFFICE Next door to Caufield it Huntley's drug etore. Clothing, Clothing, Clothing, The Finest Line and Best duality Ever Brought to Oregon City for Men, Youths and Boys. Prices That'll Surprise You. Remember the Place. THOMAS CHARMAN & SONS' PIONEER Complete line of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes. Groceries and Hardware. Five Stores in one. Your order Filled Whatever it may be. GO TO Oregon City Iron Works for all kinds of Machine work and Casting. ALL REPAIRS To Traction Engines, Threshing Machines, Har vesters, Mowers, Etc., promptly attended to. OUR PRICES Are equal to the lowest to be had in Portland. Shop on Fifth St. near Main, Oregon City. J. ROAKE, Prop. OREGON CITY FENCE WORKS, Manufacturers of and dealers in all styles ol (JOMBlflATIoj WiI(E AND pU FENCE, Both rough and dressed for lawn and division fence, also Hartman Steel Picket Fence, v : And Wire Panel Farm Fence, also Expanded Metal Fence. Call and see Samples and get Prices. Shop over Bestow's Sash & Door factory, Oregon City, Or. GEORGE BROUGHTON, MANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS OF FIR AND HARDWOOD LUMBER FULL STOCK OF FLOORING, CEILING, RUSTIC AND FINISH ING LUMBER, DIMENSION STUFF AND LATH. Special Bills Mill and Yard on the River, Foot of Main Street. OKKGON CITY. OR. V CITY VI EW MARKET, HENRY BOYER, Proprietor, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Fresh Beef, Mutton, Pork, Ham, Bacon and Lard. THE BEST OF MEAT KEPT AND SATISFACTION GIVEN, 8H0P ON SEVENTH STREET, AT HEAD OF STAIRS. CO. T. WILLIAMS will lean you all the money you want on improved farms at the vory lowest rates. .Special rates given on largo loans. No Building and Loan Asso ciation but straight goods. After thirty years residence in Oregon City I feel safe in refering to the public in general. -: STORE. Cut to Orders