Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 30, 1892, Image 4

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
Iulltici1 Kvery FVIdny.
One vr,
Ki m.mh 1
three niomh. -
SuwrlMions Mv.Me It vlv.no
Advertising rates given on application.
Kutcred at the Post Offle In Oregon City, Or.,
a second ci.ss matter.
FRIDAY, PECEMREtt 30, lfc2.
Th KSTKKVR1SK guarantees a larger buna-
flilr (irrnlatioa thaa that of th other three !
)vrra la th county ctiaibtntd.
Vnlon Mills.
leu, low Brook.
K Era.
ruk Place,
Jfcuhwr, -
Eagle Ork,
Ciierryvilla, -Marmot,
0. W. Prneser
fieo. Knithl
A. Esther
ti.ry A Wtsstnger
u 4. milliliter
K S Hramhall
Ch.s Hoim.ii
W. S Newberry
Henry Mlley
Hamilton A W.shlHirn
Mrs. d. A Sbeppard
1. .M. nt.
. O ia.
C. T
R. M. Cooper
N. M M.SHty
G. Nt. H.nm.a
B Jenuints
- T tilesy
- L.J PerJu
H. illern
John Welsh
J. V. Klliott
Mrs. W. M. Mcliuyre
(ieo. J. t'urrin
Mrs. M. J. Hammer
.Vilolph A schorl
The KfiTrai'KiM will he sent until March
1'itli, WW, for " cents. Congressional and
legislatives proceedin ss in full. All the
county and city neww, court and city
coaneil proceedings reporteil in full. Try
t'te Estkki fuss and see how it compares
with your newsiiaer favorites.
Refore another issue of the EsTKRPKtet
greets its readers old father time will have
"rung out the old and ring in the new year."
Htt will have passed into history and lsstl
will have made its salutatory bow to its vast
audience, and the hours that make its
record will be chasing each other down the
Might of time. We welcome the new year
because "Hope springs eternal in the human
breast." No matter what the age, man
looks forward with a degree of eagerness
and expectancy to the future from which he
expects better things than the past has
abiiwered upon him. The retrospective
view a not usually a pleasant one to most
persons. The clouds are apt to predomi
nate; the mistakes stand out with glaring
distinctness obscuring the successes or
dwarfing them in comparison. Yet, if we
would make the most of the new rear,
which we hope is to bless us abundantly,
we must take the retrospective view of the
year just closing to enable us to profit by its
mistakes and avoid the rocks and shoals
upon which our lile boat struck while we
were gliding swiftly dow n the channel of
1-fri. The coming year will bear us along
the stream with ever increasing speed, and
the experience and lessons of the past year
are a necessity to the success of the one
upon whi h we are entering. If the rud
der be not held by hands that have learned
and profited by experience the lessons
gained by bard blows in the past are use
less, and the disasters of 1893, are likely to
be worse than those of its predecessor.
Rut with the "glad new year" almost
drawing upon us, let us not take a gloomy
pessimistic riew or the future, but look for
the brightest and best thifigs that it has in
store for us. To a great extent life is what
we make it and if the new year is ap
proached w ith a gloomy countenance its dark
aide is most certain to be turned toward the
lerson who seeks it, while he who wills to
see blessings and sunshine, will fl nd them
everywhere, and be favored with more of
the good things of life because of his happy
The coming year promises to be a happy
one tor Oregon City and Clackamas county,
owing to the culmination of plans for its
improvement which have been for some
time perfecting. There is every indication
that the coming year will lie one of the
most prosieroiis in the history of the place,
nd that it w ill lie marked by a more rapid
growth than ever before. This means
material pros)erity to the people living
here, and it is to all a matter of congratula
tion, that the factors bringing about this
forward movement are such as result in per
manent growth and prosperity, being in
no sense a boom inflation. The Kntf.b
phise therefore wishes its subscribers a
Happy Ne
V'ear with the assurance Hint i
the year is full of promise to all, so that the
laborer, the tradesmen and the manufacturer
may be assured of improved opportunities
and material prosperity.
The subject ol electric roads, city and
stiburtian, is just now agitating and interest-!
iug our citizens and this item taken from j
the United States Investor,
ptlUllSimii Ul
Iioston will le of interest as showing the
rapidity with which the system is coming
into favor arid being extended. It Bays:
"As an instance of what is being done in
(Ids line, our attention has recently been
arrested by the announcement that the elec
tric line from Worcester to Spencer, Mass.,
a distance of over fourteen miles, has
proved such a success that extensions will
be made to Southbridge and other places.
The line from Natick, Mass., to Farmingham
will be extended to Ashland, and event
ually to Welesley, We mention these facts
(imply to ahow how rapidly the country
roada are-being utilized by electric rail
ways. It i( predicted that in time, and po
(ibly at io very remote day, the populous
portion of tli country will be simply
network of such linos, 1 is also predicted
that in time th riRlit will r granted to
electric street railways to curry light freight,
A move of this character, it can readily be
perceived, would insure very large, tn -
crease in revenue to ueh roads, wlialever
might l the eonscinencea to tin) steam
The pivgs recently made in developing
electrical machinery and its application to
practical results makes it rntiire prohlemati -
cal only lii one way. No on can tell (lie
otetit to which it will b applied in theeoii
iluet of theevorv ilny affairs of business, hut
; j, wlnJ lm,iw(,, iwt u j, destined at an
. . . . . , .
! nay to aiu (ireauy in solving in nii.cn
vexed road problem, width is always a
buruingoueMion in Orecon. The obstacle
ofdistam-e in transmission is happily
com. Can roads 1 built and oratet
in rural districts cheap enough to warrant
their instruction? This la a matter that
can only b determined by trial, but the
uniform success of road heretofore built
both east and west warrants the citizens of
Oregon City in their belief that with the
Willamette Kails at their feet to supply
cheap power for operating roads this eitv
can be made a proserou electric road cen
ter with branches leading into the country
in every direction.
The KNTKRraisa takes pleasure in en
dorsing Uie following kindly words of the
Salem Journal concerning a careful, trust-
worthy ofticial, and a clean.
whole sou led
man of irreproacahhle character. We refer
to George W. McRnde, who thoroughout
his term of office has borne up and always
been pleasant, aciommolating and cheerful
under alHictiona and constant pain, that
would have mad most men morose and
disagreeable to meet. The Journal says:
The telegraphic columns of the press are
burdened w ith the account of the ailments
of distinguished invalids from the white
houie to senators, congressman, and state
officials. W believe that one of Oregons
state officials is entitled to a little of this
public interest and sympathy.
The secretary of state of Oregan has a
larger burden of responsibility and govern
mental detail resting upon him than any
oilier stat official. That Mr. Mcltride has
h, .ku... ,..,.i ... ,iti.., ,
such officer is rather remarkable under the j "9l- of ' ,ilm ' hristmas. The .now
circumstances and s,.ks highly of his grit ' ' ' inches deep and still falling rap
and determination not to be easilv worsted j '"" "'' ",,e uf m" fl,lk r '"
by disease i dreadful fear that th roads ar loo bad for
He is a man who enjovs nature and out- j 10 W u" viil Uli' '"
door life keenlv, but compiled to take that , 011 SllIll'.v ev',"iK of u,,r K'K'k)r
enjoyment through the mirror of books on loillt neighbors had quite an adventure,
the subject. His literary tastes enable him ! The sft-ond daughter of John T. Myers, Miss
to kill many a weary hour with the societv I Cor l,-v WlU '' f"" home,
of the newest book or magaine. The o-' h'1 1wl' V1"U'"K ' "eighborhoo.1
pie of Oregon certainly admire his pluck in ! "d faile1 10 r"ve ''' '' d'' u
staying at his post in the state house. j'"1 ,1,r lwr"ta hecoming alarmed, the
neighbors were aroused and all lunntd out
It is stated by parties living north of the
Clackamas that the farmer living along
the ridge southeast or linker's ferry bridge
are signing the petition to divide Clackamas
coiintv, the reason given being that they
will thereby secure good mails to the Clack
amas. Die tKTXkPBisx can not heiieve
these parties would adopt a policy so suici
dal to their own and Clackamas county's
interests, which will be best served by a
united effort to build up instead of trying to
Christmas Exerris and Saata Clans' YUlt
Shlpplng Notes-
New Ea, Dec. 27, lf:r2. During the past
week Old Boreas nmde a descent upon New
Era, and wrapt her it. aboat eight inches ol
his beautiful snow. The mild Chinook came
siieedily to our rescue and removed the
snow, leaving a fair amount of mud, which
the average Wehfuot prefers rather than a
combination of both snow and mud.
Warner Grange held a regular meeting at
their hall in New Era on the 24th.
The scholars of New Era public school,
with the assistance of their teachers and
friends, furnished a charming display of
talent on the occasion of their Christmas
tree and literary entertainment given in the
school house on the evening or Dec. 24.
Following is the
Christmas Carol, lly the Scholars
Address Rev. Father Bushalyer
Recitation Frank Keif
Address Dr. Jos. Casto
Recitation Jas. Sevcik
Dialogue, in five parts, Scholars
Recitation Willie Newburg
Recitation C'has. Hradtt
Dialogue, II. Biirgoyne and Katie Newburg
Recitation Laura Newburg
8ong Misses Zins and Doering
Recitation Eight Scholars
Recitation Oscar Biirgoyne
Recitation F'rank Iiurnham
Dialogue F'ive Characters
Christmas Song Katie Newburg
At this time Santa Claus came gliding in
to the room, iersonilied by F. W. Hoffman,
distributing many fine presents to those as
sembled. All joined in singing our national
hymn, Columbia, alter which wishing each
a merry Christmas on the morrow, all de.
parted for their homes, sorry that Christ
mas eve comes only once each year.
New Era is becoming an important ship
ping and storage station for the famous
Oregon Jiurbank potato, so well known in
the San Francisco market.
There is now j
t stored at this place about l.VKl sacks of
tatoes, which will be taken to Han Frar
cisco via Portland on the river steamers and
ocean vessels, being moved by water instead
of rail for the reason that much lower rates
can be had. Here is a fine opening for some
live man to engage in the mercantile and
forwarding business, as we are surrounded
by a fine agricultural and fruit growing dis
trict. jL'Nii.s.
Two Hake One-No Mail-Barn Collapsed
Vlslt of Santa Clam.
Highland, Dec. 28. -Married, on Decem
ber 22, 1802, at the residence of the bride's
parents, Mr. Abe. Stormer of Springwater,
to Miss Annie Shock ley of Highland, G R.
Miller, J. P., performing the ceremony.
We wish the young couple a happy Kew
Year, with all success through lire and that
; Ihoy may have a vry pleasant voyage
j together.
Highland school closed on Thursday ths
-M lust., for vacation of about two weeks
! on account of the bad weather and .now.
jfhe snow Is a toot deep or more around
( here. It makes It appear like Christmas
, time and Saula t'laus.
j '"' 'r- b'ohert liulherford r
. spending Christmas W illi their friends In
; Oregon t'ily.
1 Samuel Weiss' liorse which lias been sick
gers, or "still's," is tli ailment.
The barn on Mr. Hollowav'a farm col
lapsed on the night of the 2.'M inst. owing to
the weight of snow on the roof.
Steve Hutchinson bought John Cum
mins' logging team, consisting of three yoke
! ofcaltle and outtlt, and will supply our
j 'mill "'. Martin, with Hie neces.ary
lK his winter,
The mail has not arrived In Highland tor
j several days. We have not heard yet what
j has caused the delay,
j Notwithstanding the bad roads and wet
weather, a very pleasant lime was spent on
j Saturday evening at the Highland church,
Uier being ahout one hundred and sixty
present. The arch w as very pretty and was
lighted by candles and Chinese lanterns,
and laden with many gills. The well
arranged program, which consisted of choice
recitations, dialogues, tableaux and aongs
was well rendered. James Martin and
family ami Mrs. Albert Harri";ton fur
nished the muic for th evening, riie ex
ercise were oned by singing of the song,
t'iory be to Mod on High." rrayeroy m.
Rutherford, and an address by James
Martin. Santa Clause appeared and dis
tributed bis presents to the good boys, girls,
ladies and gentlemen. After this, all present
were treated to a sack of peanuts and candy.
The cloasing song was "Merry Christinas,"
after whkb the peple disiersed to their
homes feeling well pleased with the exer
cises of the evening. Much of th suceeas
of the delightfully rendered program was
due to the effectual work ( Miss Tentiie
Maytield, chairman of the committee on
A Stormy t'hrlitmas-Nelghbuni Hunting a rust
tilrl W bo had gone to get Married.
! SratmiwATKit, IVp. iV-This is In every
to seaa'h for her. As the murderer Wolfe
has been rejKirted to have been seen in the
woods near here great fears forliersafety
were entertained, but after a long search,
which lastad Into the night It was found
that her anient admirer, Cad Hwick, had
also disappeared and the matter, on further
Investigation remilTeU itself into a
double wnlding. Those parties along with
Frank Millard and Misa Dicy t.uvker had
left here for marriage licenses, and we pre
sume they are long era this, most gush
ingly happy.
Old Mr. l.acey, of Springwater had Just
finished a new roof for his house in time
to escai this bail weather. Albert ljcey
is putting out 2,0"XI prune trees.
Foot of Snow Mopped the Mall carrier.
1'hrtstraa Tree.
Damvsits, Dec. 2ii. We have been hay
ing considerable snow, which began falling
Tuesday night and continued until Thurs
day evening, w hen there was fully eleven
Inches upon the ground. F'riday the
weather moderated and at this writing the
ground has become bare in many places.
Uncle Sam has fulled to put in his a
pearance for several days, and as a result
anything readable is in demand.
There have been a few cases of la grippe
reported in the neighborhood.
Mr. Itohb closed a very successlul term
of school at Rock Creek on the lrd.
A committee met Saturday to decorate
a Christmas tree at the Christian church,
and their work was very successful, the tree
being very nicely arranged, but on account
of the stormy weather but few could attend.
llrTKVii.LK, Dec. 27. Snow was fl rt seen
here on the -Ut or this month, and eight
inches was as deep as It got.
A large luasipieraile ball will be given
here at Mr. Schcurers warehouse on the
second of January. All are invited. Come
prepared for masking.
Our postmaster has built an adiliou to '
his olllce, which gives much more light on
the subject, and comfort too.
Will Strickler who has been visiting
friends in Portland, returned home in time
for Christmas.
Mrs. Krtiuan Is lying dangerously 111 at
Mrs. Kramain who has been at the Kint
of death for some time is much better now.
Miss Kllio Young ol Milwaukee has ended
her lirst term of school here. Kvery one
was well pleased with her work, though it
was her lirst term or school.
Fred Scheurer, who shot his linger of)
sometime ago is gutting much better now.
Roderick Ke rr and wife have moved to
their new home up the river,
An entertainment and Christinas tree at
Wood's school house Thursday night was
but sllmly attended on account of the had
weather, and the same might be said of the
Christmas tree at the Butteville church on
Saturday night,
I understand that the Standard Oil Co.
is sending bills to Joel P. Clear for oil that
has not been ordered or received. It
seems that some one was forging Mr.
J. P. Geer's name and getting a fine supply
of oil at the expense of the 8. 0. Co.
Take your babies to fhe New York
gallery and get a good picture while you
have the chance,
A Utile Uli'1'a Kxpcrlcuc III a l.ltthl
hmist .
Mr. ami Mia, l,oton Tioacotl are keep
on of the Uov, Lighthouse ut Siiml
Roach, Midi., ami Idossod with a
I daughter four vcur aid l.itst April nIio
whs taken down with Moaslca, followed
w ith a dreadful t'ougli and turning inlo
a Kevor. IWtoia at liomo and IMioit
treated Inn, but in vitin, h grow vor
rapidly, until alio una it more "Imndliil
of bones." Then sho tiled Or, Ktng'a
New Ihscovei v and allor tlio use of two
I and a hull hollies, was coniplclelv cored.
They any Dr. King's New Ihscoveiy ia
j wori; Its weight in gold, yet yon may got
atiial bottle five at t loo. A Harding'
K Mti'fesNful Worker,
ork cannot Im aiiccoastiiliv con
tinued unless thoro ia an active menial
iutoroat in it If the mind ia not dear,
bright and buoyant, then the work ia
drudgery and tliu worker ia a machine
All occasional doao of Moore a Revealed
Remedy will put tho body and mind In
audi harmony that tlir hardest tusks
will aeotn play.
i Busy riae. Wayt
It la a common remark that our busi
ness is show infa greatly tnc roused activ
ity thii season, Customers apeak ol it.
What la tho reason for it T Can't you
tell? If not try again. Hundred of
new customer, are coining to tia, and
coming once come again. WhyT It ia
becauat) you are treated courteously and
get your full niotiey'a worth everytlms
whether you apeml dollar or a nickel.
You road our advertisement and you
know that what we say ia true You
came for the good advertised a bar
gain, perhaps, and so stated you have
never boon misled or devolved by us, in
fact you find the bargain, belter than
you expected Wa nave your confi
dence and we want it. This ia the foun
dation of our business. There la no
nonsense about Rki.i.ouy A Hi sit.
Sencr Connections.
We are ready to make all sow er connec
tions at the uniform price of 'X cents per
lineal foot for 4-inch connections and 40
cent for tl-indi, all complete. Apply
immediately In I'oee A Co.
Fleiscliinan's Cotiiprsed yeast make
the best and sweetest bread. To intro
duce it I will give a cake with every sack
of (lour. K. E. Williams, the grocer...
Justice blanks, real estate blanks, and
all other blanks at the KNtKMt'Kisa of
fice. I'ortland price.
itiy, but iif
Die old fashtotHsl
pill, llail hi taka,
and had to hava
taken. Inefficient,
!. It. only
U'liqiorary relief
you can gn rrom
Try a-anrthlna;
littr. Witb Dr.
Fierce'. Pleasant IVUeta th tvnetlt W uu.
tng. They rleanse and regulate th Dvor,
tomacb and bowela Taken hi lime, they
prnrnl trouhla lu any cam, they cur It,
Ami they cur it wunJu : they're mild and
gentle, but thorough and pflrctlva ITkt1.
no disturbance to Uie aystrm, diet or ocetiiar
Uon. On tiny, uigar-oatunl i'ollet fi- a
laxatly thre da- a cathartic, hick and
Hilnxii Heailache, Const itlon, Inillgvxtiin,
Bilious Altai ka, and all denuigenumt o( tha
livar, MonuM'h and Isiwpla ar promptly T
ut( .1 and s-rnuuintly eiireiL
They're purely nye'tabks iwrfwtly harm
leaa, the siualkwt, ant! tltf easiuat U) taktv l,ul
Iwudi that, they're tlie rhtnjtett pill you can
buy! for they're (ratintnlerd Ut giv sntt
facuon, or your money kt rvtiinmL You
pay only for tli good you get This ia trua
ouly of Dr. Pierv . niwlmnea.
I have a full mipjily of iiioney which
I wihh to lonn on go.xl
Of 40 acres or more on tho
inoHt favorahlo tcrniH.
Call anil wo mo at my oMIit,
PoHtollico luiilcliiifr, hffure goitiK
Correspondence Solicited.
Local Agent t the
Jarrls-Conklln Mortgage Trust Company.
Wishes to thank her kind juttrotiH
for UHt favors aluo to call at
tention to her stock ofan
Candies, Nuts, Etc.
Hoping to receive tho Hatno kind
.patronage thin year.
A new and complete trestment, consisting; of
Suppositories, Ointment In Capsules, also in
Hox and Pills: a positive euro for Kuternal,
Internal, blind or bleediiut, llelilnit, chronic,
Keecnt nr Hereditary Piles, and many diseases
aud female weaknesses; It Is always a ureal
bencflt to the icenerid health. The first dis
covery of a medical oure rendering an operation
with the knife unnecessary hereafter. This
remedy has never been known to fall. II per
box. o for sent by mall. Why suiter from
this terrible disease when a written guarantee
is given with all boxes to refund the money If
at cured, Bund stamp for free sample, Guar
antee Issued by WooiiAauCi.Aaas id Co, whole
sale and retail druggists, sole agents, Portland,
A aW H T a'"" I fc I
Vinh their many mtroim a
And Holieit their kind pittromi( and a fair nhttro of their
tradu for thin year of ISll.'l.
We promise you in advance to earry mich an assortment of pood that
will 81 it the moot fahtidioun, and will lie ahle to give imn
bargain in every line of good than
ever liefore ort'ered,
Don't forgot that we have nveived recently a new lot of Men' and
Hoy' Clothing from the Kant, which w proline to Hell at
price that will be an objeet to the buyer.
A few more Ladiea' and I'hildren'n
at much Ichh than
Park Place
Etc., Etc.,
At prieeH never liefore
dreamed of in Oregon City.
Holman & Warner
Undertaker A
awi u 1 1 rfT . i t . , m
' 7r.
Voinan's Friend
So successful mid delightful luive been
lilt) elleclH of "Muoro'fl Ituveuleil Ifoin
eily" upon the iloliciito iiilmenlH of
wonninkiiiil, that lliis wonderful reme
dy lias been culled" Woman's Kriiind."
Moore's Revealed
In a few doscH hIiowr woinitiikinil Hh
IM'culiar virtues for tlinir ailmniitN. Hh
e licet 1 are Ki'iitle, Hoothing unit liniforni
ly RiicceHsful.
llundrmls of tefttimiuiiitl from ladies
all over the coast bear witmisH to its huc
cchs. f jT-H(il(l by all ilrugKlnts.
Notice of Aiiillr.ation for Nalnon Mcease.
Notice In hereby given, that tli v iinilerslgnnil
will apply to the city council of Oregon City,
Oregon, at the regular meeting In January for
the continuation of the lieeiuio fur a saloon at
the corner of Main and Fourth streets In said
elty. John H. Tiikmhath.
Oregon City, Orcgen, December III, INK!
1'ohition Wantkd By a widow as a
housekeeper. Reference ifiven; wage
reiiHoiiablo. Adilrosa Mrs, E, L. Iean,
Vancouver, Wash, a
" 7 fogd
""""ri?- v 1 1 1
Wirijaii 4, I M
X Heat SHstitP1 HdjsjL r J
Aooncss: ban rnANcisco, cal
Cloaks left, which we nre Helling
the original ooet.
Cash Store.
Cooke's Stables,
W. H.COOKE, Manager,
Huccesnor to 1'. II T 4 !,. Co.
Corner Fourth and Main Street,
of the City. Hiijs of any description
furnished on short notice.
All kinds of Truck and Delivery Husi
iiohh promptly attended to,
Horses Hoarded and Kud on reason
a'lle terms.
-a. 2r ID
Parties desiring Wood Turning, Pat
terns, Brackets, or
Shop Carpenter's Work
Will be Hulled by Calling on Me.
Doors, Windows and Blinds
upp. uie uonfe-reKational Uluiro