0 ' n, Oregon City Enterprise. KltIIA V, MX' KM II I: It !KI, lHil'j. WK.KKI.V t'AI.KNOAlt. ('unililt fur tatnf ('miiliif Kin(Pur I'ar Uriilan Nwi Wnl CIuiiiii, MONltVY-I'mbali'ii'iurt, tl. in. Haf lint annual roll mil, 4 U It p. in. WKIiNI'.SDAY County court ciinvtinui III, m. Tlll'KHIiAY I'ltoplM'ii parly atala eon-Ii-rimeo, III it. 111 liiMallailun ol mil crui K. I. llukiT imnp, 7 ::IU p. 111. CHAT AHOUT TOWN. V. J,I)'Ar7 uf Mum, wail liiOrit K"li I'lly liiitl Hattinlny, Allot 1117 MumiiIiik ol tiurvalit, huh In town lnt tmk in liunitxwH. Tim Monday niiiriiiiiK uvurlaml did nut rilvti till Tunwliiy morning'. Tim infant ilillil n Frank lluneli In liWruMnly tivk, a cuM being tint pri mary i'nuw. MIm ZitU Kilnilimtiiii climinl mu rimiil I. 'nil ol arliool ut Joiiih' mill 011 Wltllllltmluv Uat, Send 2ft i'iiU In uliuiipn ur coin mill lift tlm llMkMi uiHK to ri'ii.l during llin uiii winter viMiltii Natban TIiikIk h l utiil.lu comity wliu ban liwit H.k tilt pHItt WIM'k at II l, I'ruwi,' In ittiln to , out amlii. I'mlfwuir U.K. I'iiwhII ol tlit IVillc I'llivwraily, wan in tin. rily on Monday. Hit tliinkn Ori'ifoli i'lty 'm Inline vnry bright. Tim cut!nii at tlm ln-4. ol hi'Vflilll trwl uhiiuhI Iiv W. V, Marra baa Ui-n lii'llv nHirnil, Mini Mill l, wnipiiul liy John AlilrtMli. On ai't'oiint ol llitptimiinl nervlre tlm Cantor ul tlm llitplmt rlmrrli will pol hiiiv tlm M'rnion to norkiiitf nmn om week until January Hlli. Frank J. Alduiltfn and l.oltiu Myi-m iru nmniisl l tlm iiooiii'ii riaiiltnr, in tlm nty, on tin. I'M day ol Dtuvmbcr, byltuv.J.S MiCrumli. Tlii're waa t'liriNliniu Irrni and In- tiTCHtiiiu fnori-iwa at the Jo ' mtll arliool lioinwt on Moml.iv imdir tlm joint umpire ol tlm Sunday and day ai-liuul. Tlm only vi'ti-tun ol tlm Mi-man war ill ClarVauiaa I'oimly, ihi l.ir ui known, Ik I', 1' WitlM't, lloltn iK-IIKillll baa junt Ix'i'ii raimid Iroin H o I dollata n r iimnlli Hon. lliMiry K Milium o litUn,l, wan up on KriiUv tkiht tlm inu-iaary lliml li.w toward lii'lliiiK lliMiilnrnon'R rum before tlm uiri'iinj court. I In C011I1I tint lull juat bow aoou lie wool I Iw hIiIh to K''l ln'iiruiit, A ilii'il to 11 rlioirc corner lot in a live town likii Ieiiinou, Taxaa, in not a bad tbliiK for a I'liiiMiinw prewnl, mnltli.it in tint tay K K William eel al out tint 01m llin mother aelit him, K, I', mill II. A, liuihU walked (nun l'ont ( irovv to 1'oilluii.l, '.'7 mile, lnt Friiluy mul Sul 11 .1 ,iy luoinlntt tliiillntt iiiiiiw nix lect ileep in pliireit. Tlmm weru no Ikiiih running mnl they pmiM'il two Ktiii'k in tlm Know 011 their wiiy in. Tlm limUllutiun ol tlm oII'iccm ol K. 1). linker Hit ikjih ol velermm will occur at l'opv'i hull, Jmi,rtli, 1HIKI. MitniUiraol Memlu I'ont No. 2 (I. A . U , mill ol tlm Woumn'R lieliel Coiw No, 18, am In vito! In he prenent, mnl all iimmherM o( tlm camp arn xctol tu h In altmi dance (iporx Kinearaon la atllT tlm whole lenlh ol 1 1 1 nt raiiaml by walkiiig trout the mow I1011111I train at Uloiirulle Falli to Troiildulii on Sumluy, (ieorite wan mlurninit Iroin liin trip eiml to New York anil WaHliinlon when lie wiih Htoppml by the blockaile nn the I'nion Tacillc, Not lu lie chtickeil by a little miciw, be wailml In ami teiichcil home on Momlay niucli pleaMul with bin trip anil the attcbla ol the far puhI, yet uluil to K't back to wcbbloot luml aKitin. Dry Goods, IOl nn tit 17 CHRISTMAS GOODS, SUCH AS TOYS, PLUSH ALBUMS, WORK BOXES, MANICURE SETS, PLUSH BOXES OF ALL KINDS, ROCKING HORSES, DOLL BUGGIES, ALL KINDS OF DOLLS, TIN TOYS, GAME, CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S CARDS. PERSONAL NOTES. lion J, M, Trmey waa In tlm city 011 Wiiiliiemlay on IuihIiii'M), J, M. I.nittf, a riaintf yonnu Hi lor my of I'ort luitil waa In the city ynilcnluy on butalimra, T. I,. ( 'Ink 1 until ami wile xpent Chriiit maa wllli Urn. ('barman' parenta in Mllwutiklu it it 1. ...1 1. 1 t..t ..... ,o, ,w c,.,.., .a, ce.n, ti.,.n of t lU k (reckonl-rlilay, waa in low,, on T..elay. I'mfeaiHir II. T. KvBim, principle of thuOiiweyo acliuola, imIIuiI on Hiim-,I,i-ev..ni,iK tniiileiiKillmiiiion Haliinliiy. Minn Anna Mompowcr leat her ol the ' I'ei'p Creek Mill' achool, In ylaillng ' Irieinlit in town lli Im week. F. H Kelly went to Scuttle on Moil Jay, to aerve in the capacity ol heal man at It. I., dolman' niurriaue on the 1'Htli. Nello Johnaon ol the llaml Klamllortl univeiity, la at home (or the boliilaya. lie will leturn In time (or the winter term . MIm Min Jiii;er who la leachlitK near Wilnoiivillit, ha a week' vacation which Him in aieiitliiK Willi her piuenU In tlm i lly. The Weilnemluy iiihiii hunt broiiKht lip MiNHca Ana ami tiiace I'.uird whociune up from I'ortluml to viait their niater, Ml. A. K. IttUHHlT. Ir. II. V., Feriin went to Portliiiul on Tui'H'liiy to dike a t'lniHlnmn ilimier w ith I'lolciiwir Yuuni! ol tlm hitih m hool, who had Invileil the Mt. Il.il party ol IunI iimiuer to dine with him. Tint r 1 vent nturiii ha delayed woik on the electric line hctwet-n here and Fori- laud, and It cannot be completed inide ' ol ten day or two week. The rlwi in1 me river na u.a.iu 11 .,ii,.,,oi., 10 gci H l.H r,.lue, junior warden, T. F. Hyan. log. lor getting out the long .trliigem no j vtrUrYi t- K I'almer, tieaaurer, J. that work 1 del.ycd on that account ;M T-ivior tvler, II K. strange aenior ami will bit, till the Willamette full ,iIMM.on w. T Wbitl.M k junior deacon, that itrotightoii can bring hi log ! U)M, ,.- 4l,rton. aenior atewart, J through lt.H k Maud ami the I'A. j 'rJo,, junior Mepart . The bridgit acro the t'lackama wat; llnmlied on Satunlay, ami it wa coin-! Two aiubtly lot on the went lde were plelcd none too hmjii lor tlm log Irom r iled to .Mi. K. K ('barman lor a ('roe' biNiin accointiaiiied by dri(lwoHl, ('bri"tuiuH gill by l.er liulind. were wepl agaiiml the fale work, km k-j She hud long liecii urging li.ni to buy lug it out and carrving it down tream. ! tliein, nut a couple ol week Mole The bridge Imd jut been lightened up and no held all right. l'ot -iti'ig will J Ihi about concluded (hi week, then a 1 dial a the long atringera 1 ail be aei iired (10111 tlm aiiwimll, the 1 1, 11k lin ing call tie puahed. When on a Vint to Iowa, Mr. K. Pulton, o( l.iir.n , Kn-. i niiuty Kanaa, called at the hiWatory of t'biiinlierlaiu Co., IteaMoine, to allow lliem Ilia i year old boy, whoae life had U'eli aaved hy CluiiiilH'rlain' Cimgli Hemiily, it having cured him ol a veiy eveie allnck ol croiiii. Mr llullou 1 i wilain ! that It "lived hi boy' life and i en. ' thtlaiaalic in hi praie ol tlm remedy I for Rule hv lii.oiiuK A 1 1 aiikisu . Ur. J aoiiville W. Powell w called to U'i on Monday to 'e Anguat Schrader w ho wa rexirte.l iiiin b worm-, lie (011ml thut atich wa tlm ciihc and that w lule Mr. Schrader wa 1 1 i I chii fortbln moat ol the time, yet the wound on hi bend cuuaed by the hmken emery wheel, wa not doing a well a he could w iah indiH'd be conaider the patient condition piecarinua. Itev. M. Aiiirelo Dougherty occupied the Congregational pulpit Sunday morn ing and delivered a magnillcent Cbriat nia diacourae. Mr. Ikiugherty 1 one of the (blent preacher on the coaat. He (111 the pulpit again next Sabbath morning and evening. Thoee who have not beard him will And it a great picture to bear him. The Rtudeiil in our public achool very cheerfully contributed of their Cbnat iiiim money to piircliiiHe for Prof, Priu gle a Rouvcnir apoon showing the Wil lamette Fall. The 1'rofiwnor may feel a pardonable pride in that bo ha o warm a place in the affection of hi pupil and alo in the eateem of the general public. Fancy Goods, THE HOLIDAY On Wttilni'Riliiy ttveiilnif Mm. Tliim. Miller anil wllu nm eun elenant illnnitr to a tiiimtiitr ol llmir yoniiK ba:lilor fileiiil", who locally mijoyeil the Imarty hiwplliil.ly ami kiiniptiiinia repanl ri- pHreil for Mii'iii. In tlm fveiilnit a party 1 tiirrviu n.,i, ofyomiK lailiea aihlml their eiilivenitiit ... .. iiri'HtncM totlie I'ttrty, tliereiiy ureiiuy aililinu to the enjoyment of the ocia .1,,,,. Thopiintat the l,J""" ''y I (J llnotley, J , ', lvi'lt, F. J. Lo.iia, (. , j w u ,)r W. ye.r. (. y ,t)rl(jW ,ul)ll MMr The young lailiea inviUiil to apriul the were: Mlaaea lluttie CVbran, May Kelly, Mamie ('barman, Vera i'llabury, Nettie Chami, Hinlie Hbaw, Neita itarlnw, l.tira Miller anil Mia Cjiptuin (ianoiiK. On Weilimiiilay Mr. Matilda I. wile of Tlioiini Holt ilieil at bur home In thi city ajtc 78 year. Mra. Molt name to thi city alxitit three yeara ai;o with her brother C. II. Ilawkina, wild whom ahe lived tilt ber marriage a lew month K'. AlthoiiKb a ipiiet ami iinamniinliiK woman the ha made many (riendti in the few yeara Unit itbe lived here. Fun eral from the rexidenie tody at 11 o'clock. A genuine cane ol diphtheria ha ap peared ill town the victim bring (,', O. Albright' bright little daughter, Kthel. The physicUn nay that no lar it ha not j inaen a uiHiigiiHiti loriu. i nu oinei children liuvt) hei'ii removeil Id hi inotlmi ' ami it l hoiH'd tlmt they will not lie ftrii ken with the dread dieam. Nothing h know n o( it aource Kthel ha lint been out ol town (01 lunm time. (llhcer weie liintalled by Multnomah bulge. No, 1, A. F. and A. M on Tues day evening follow: I,. I I'orter, nuntcr, II. K Feriin enior Warden, 1 Chrii-tui.i lifter he Imd the deed be threw her olf the tiaclt by ti lling hei that the piexent owner would not M'll. I.aat Monday evening the young peo ple' Cliriritiun Fndeavor fOi iety ol the t'rcHhvterinn chinch, met at John Mc Kay', Ironi wlu re they proceeded in a IhmIv to lit-v (i. W. liilioi.ey' houait, carrving w ith them a hauaoiim cany chair for tin- paaioi'a iihc. Tlm evening wk aieiii ai ine paiaonage 111 a very picii-i ant manner. On Smubiv, Judge T. W. Font went up tlm Aliernelhy to the rcaidenee of A. I.eek where he milted in iniirrhigii Mr. A 1 l.ii. 11 im I Mih Jennie I.eek. Aiter tl.11 ceteiuony the company par took of a aiiinptuou dinner They will reai.le ut l.inrt'a mill w here the groom i head auwyer. Wc.lm d.v wa aet a the time and 8 o'cl" k na Hie hour for It I,, llobiiuii li. join tlie iH'iie.liciiiie rank hy taking to liinn-elf a w ife in the (cron of Mis Jck aie llixi-oii. TKui'a all right Hoa we are Haying all our old ahoea againat your return ItiMea l ol a Cltritnia tree the Con greg.itionul church aave.l the money, f50 lor die Sunday Hchool library and gave a concert iiiHlniul. Notwithntanding the Inclttuioiicy ol tlm evening a full bonne greeted the little folk and the greatest good humor prevailed. The latest in vUiling card at the F.N tkki'kisk (Ikkh.k. Price to Rtiit you. ttoit:ln Mill, After January 1st shaving will he 25 cent at FariiHworth' barber shop No. 4 Coniuiereiul bank block. Quickest and cleaneat woik in the city, litid the hi tint will be In attendance to polish your alloc and put you in piesentable ) shape. Notions, Clothing Furnishing Goods, Nobody Disappointed Up To Date ! Our lloliiliiy iittnictiniiH jilcftHi! tlwrn all. Not a cloud to , r . . :. V . ; ""vt wnu vmii nur riinmmtnn bux-k 01 gniH opiiropnaie fltlrillilf, fill' tivtrvuttltr Vlrnuill t.h.uui, u.ii in tiini(lf&f intililtr til i. , . Aii iiiiciiiiili'( iiHHorinii'iit mid variety to nuit all tatiU'H in Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Musical Instruments, Etc. OlHOLIDHY-4'GOODS. -A5HBURrlCuiTARJ jit t all All perthjiia indnbtl to u tnimt call and :nuke a ncltleinent without fail or you will Iihvh extra coat to pay. Our liuginen will be cloned out. MaYKK a ACKKHMAN. lent ml Arfdltinii. j tilli.tili.in lu fu n.tl 11 llin attention la culle iutiul, nii.tly ami healthy location for home mi lenHoiialde term to iur- r'l.iM'm wishing to liH'ute in Oregon tlity. Spli'iidid water and other attrac tion in t'ei tral Addition. Fine mnr urlian pioiK'ity in irait of five acre or inoie, mm mile and a quar ter (nun town. Several small hut val uulile liirin lor rale clieap and on eay term. Apply to I, It. Janxhy With W, C'ary Jolnmun. Wedding alationery, tho latest stylea ami (lnet Hortiiieiit ever brought to Oregon t'ity at the K.stkkckihk ollice. C. 0. T. William i now prepared to make veiy (avorable rate or, good farm bain. CO T. William i now doing busi-ni-H for hiuiKc If at the old tiind next door to t'aillifld A Huntley' drug alore. Thiiae contemplating hor'nwiin; ahould aiicertain term offered by C. (. T. Williniii. Soothing powders rrOtl)ftlNClinNGUTH BEUETB miRISH BEAT, fKKVEST FITS. OONVI'LHIONS. kc. ' MBtr.UVI A HEALTHY BTATI OF Tn OOH- ST1TVTI0M CCKl.Nll FERIOD OF TEETH1NO. Smi Uuil Uu wnrd. JOHH STTXIIKaX, Cbw krt, Wworth, Bamry," arc DraTt oa tUe (JoT.mmenl Biamp aSlxm to wub packet, M-aola by all Leading DruKU. R PRIER'S Photograph Gallery. If you want a pood jihotogruith give liim 11 cull nt his old stand op posite Farr'u butcher shoji. NOTHING BUT FIRST-CLASS WORK DONE. PROMPT DELIVERY j TREES! TREES I lj Twenty thousand ITALIAN AND FlTnTTE PRUNES For sale cheep at the PRAIRIH NURSERY First class Prunes, Gc. each in 100 lots. Second class, 3c. each in 1(X) lots. For further information, call on or address, DAVID J. COX, Clackamas Co. Canby, Or. F53 C3 0 KM mar ihn , , " . y.-.. .,......wV, .j....v OUR MAGNIFICENT STOCK IS A VISION OF BEAUTY AND THE GREATEST HOLIDAY HIT OF THE SEASON. JUBurmeister & Andresen.- BUSINESS LOCALS. Holman A Warner, Undertakers and Kmbaline.m, Orrgon City Hank building. Iiiceipt, note and order book at the F..VTKKPK1 ollice. Central addition to Oiegnn City in lota and block to Riiit purchaaer. I'roperty 1 cheap, term eaay. 8ee L. It. Janney, with W. Carey Jobnaon. tf School deportment card one cent each, good for term, at the F.NTKHPwag ortice. Old paper for underlaying carpet at ' tbia ollice. If yu wil apply la '. O. barrow moary William. Lounge, chain, etc., nnholHtere'l at Holman & Warner'. All work guar anteed, lie) air all your old lounge for little money and they will be good a new. SEVENTH ST. MEAT MARKET. HARRIS &s HALL, PROPS.. -AFRESH - AND - CURED - MEATS.- None but the btet quality kept. A trial orJcr solicited. C. F. WINWKT. WIXESET & UNDERTAKERS Ijtrgeut Mock of Coffin and CaakeU kept South ol Portland. Also cloth covered and Metallic Casket furnished to order. Ladies Burial Robes and Gents' Burial Robes in stock. Also Wagon and Carriage Making, Horce Shoeing and Gen eral Blacksmithing on short notice. FURNITURE. See Our Complete & Elegant NEW STOCK Cash bought it low prices will sell it! Our Specialty To please our customers. Our aim To save money for our patrons. Our intention To do better by you than any one else. CALL AND SEE US. BELLOMY - BUSCH. I a " aaS tSiKS EASON rm - rrv ana !,. DiRaolutlon of L'o Partnership. The co-partnerhip heretofore exluting between A. Mayer and Inaac Ackerman under the name and Riyle of Mayer k Ackerman ha lieen thi day diRHolvcd by mutual conwn'. All oatatanding debt muHt be puid only to A Mayer .or to hi agent, Laz Ackerman, and the liabiltie will Iks paid by A. Mayer. A. Mayer, Ihaac Ai kehma.i. Oregon City, iM-.rJ, 192. llucklen'a Arnl:a Hale. The n-Bt Salve in the world far Cuta, BruiM'8, HoreH, L'lcer, Salt khenro, F'ever Sore, Tetter, Chapped Hand, Chilblain, Corn, and all Skin Krnp lion, and positively cure Pile, or no pay reipiin-d. Hi guaranteed to five perfect aatitilaction, or money refunded. Price X cents per box. For ale by t A. Harding. Buy your naintf and oil, window and door at the Park Place Store. They are cheaper than elewhere. 8. r. 8CB1FTCKB. SCIIIPTUUE, & EMBALMERS. J- BOOTS Al m THE BOSTON T O JE& IK