1 ijrrWer doe th Ineinmlity of tit or nrt aa.a.aM. M, i.aeiiaeofv WMt, .a lOONTINTKD, ! "Why will n not trust mr an J Ml ' n about n h who nd to have no vnt frimi me? We know that he was ; divply in love with lier ami that she waa Kdiered to care for him, bin there waa i a fearful ecene between him and Mr. j Outline over rawr Jaok's body. The ! Id gentleman was wil.l with Krief, ami In his misery he upbraided W onion as j the cause of it all accused him of be- j ing the thief and cursed him for con-1 cealing the crime at the expense of ' Jack's life ami honor. Possibly he did believe it then, but smce Petvival's i death everything is changed. I believe ! be would (rive all he owns to make ' amends to Worden now, and sometime ' J think that that is what is killing Xita. " 'That that is what is killing Xita,'" read Holden ajrain. this time half aloud, aa he pondered over the word. Then a aound at the door attracted him. He glanced np qnickly. -Oh, come in, sergeant. I did not hear you knock." "I beg yonr pardon, sir." was the an swer, in Ellis' deep voice, a faint flush rising to his pale, black bearded face. "I knockeil twice at the outer door, aud then, knowing the doctor to be here, ventured Into the halL Am I too earlv. au-r I rwiu .n tanning hukki wine iijirn. u(1 I At M "mirHie luirx, at,,.!!,,. ..... 1 ' side wout.1 have seen the wlent occupant ! .' lve ; of "Robbers' Roost" turn with sudden I Uvn 1,11 ". Most oi ; start ami peer into the room, f.ir Holden, I avnnties assessed them at (ace value, : his eyes fixed nion the gleaming, tU- I "'I i Multiioinali they -e taken at tening space between the two rear win- ; 50 pr rent onlv, lm;las and 1'iiion i dow n;1 j"" 0V,T ,h ,oilot V1 ! put them at 75. ami l'olk at tun,. Jack- . nT,,,. nis invivysiu Ewiin UM u, f,vv nortgatf ! rewmnduig clatter upon the landing ' . , . , , , .... ! floor. -1 thought be m..tt.Ml J? 1 l!lam U.ll to report whether I aerenrf aatUfm-tion. Then picking iin ; nrtgae ere asseem'd. An exsmina-; ; his stick he calmly strolled acrvwa the ,l,m l'f '" ' leaker, (Mackamas. J i threshoM and into the dark rivnu. (Columbia, ("oos. I'rook, furry ami; ; "Uoautiful view of a moonlight night, ' liMigla canities revealed the lad tliatj t.liis. that was Miss tint hne s favorite ! tlmv raa .l..e..iiva ln,nn.h . tl. I sum secured bv each nuirtgsice dee not ' , H1".1 1 oNul.Ki. v 1 l.i.N u. i liriii It - litiv O l.ri.a, I'aainr wntv. hi 11 and appear in said Mils in the descriptions T so r Sun.Uv ,-h,i u.r mnrnii t.r I oi tne asu'ssmenis ol inortg.iges. i ; :. r,,.t cr,,or uinin,( ,. vuni lv..i, The Inmrd following the example at ,'f 'lirlnu Ku,lev,.r nery s,iu..y ,,,,, . , . . , , sellout l:M'H.l. :the legislature and railway! commission riHr linisr ciii m. ii k. .:. starte.1 last t rnlv on a junketing ex- 1 r!.r Moriitu .s..rie si u sun.Uy ,. . j Srh.ml t u 1.1, K..'nin s.rvli'i. ts :i, M.iKiiUr isinui'ii uvr me siaie. ; nrsyer lwllli f.li.ly pnlu (Vntral Addltloa. ! Spocinl a'tenlion l eulliil to thoj beaulibil, sightly and healthy limit;. his j for homes en reasonable teims to imr- i c'laseis iliing to locate in Oregon ! City. Splendid ttiitcr and other iittiae- ( lions in t'ei tral Addition. Fine snb uiImiii piopeity in tracts o( tei acres or mom, one mile sud iiir i tor (rom ton n, Several small bill val-j liable (anus lor sale cheap ami mi easy; terms. ilv to I. I. J.tNM.v U iih V, Caiy Johnson, DO if.'t- r:u jr T.? Suiiilav Sorvioos. jXTv-h when she waa here." (to bb cvvmrttn. RK.IL FSTJITK TRASFKI!S. Summary of the De'ds Filed in ( ouutj Kccnrder (tltlce. the' The real estate transfer involving more ihan $1 each tiled in the nwnler's otli.se last week were as follows: E 1 IVllinger and husband loj V tiront anil Jno A Confer' SUv1 acres in 1' M Kinenrson 1'LO 4t0 Mary llerren and tiusVisml to m Mcintosh part of Hie F. W C.eer and aife II L 0 No. 41 in sec S, ;) and t S s. r 1 w, containing acres (H tie l.ark to Frederick Zuhl the e,.. of se'4 ol sec.'M. t 1 s, r 3 e lt'nH Nancy J llamesand husband to F H Fruht IS aires in sw corner ol claim tv!, t 1 s, r 2 e . IVOO Oeo I! l.ucke and ife to F II Fruht pt of P I, C of James I'hit- woxsl and wife in t 2 s. r 3 e, : a StOO O II I.ellmger and wile tn (ieo V Freeman pt of V T Mat-hH-k 1 L C in sec 9, t 2 s. r 2 e, 5 acies M o l li 1 v .r.f.lini( the Srt SnaJsif lu llm mi.nlli l cvruul thvtuilt.tt l. U. si inio s ill I mil I'ATIlnl.li'.-Kiv. A III. . . , .VI, e... 1 ... t..... .jiio.h. i.pi.ei , ... w a r.vrry Mroemi stl.l Iciirth sur.lnv MVKkKf KF.I'ORT. lU-low is given the Oreuii I'ltv Market I : furiiistiml the KxTsaraisc by Uval mer I chants: IIS MS. i Wheat, vallev, fer bushel I Oals, s'r bushel riois Oregon t'iiy Mills, Portland brand IIM. ' Shorts, per ton li. .4i'iir f. 3 itt l'l Ui "You are jnst in time. Come in. Shut ' W,n lll,r,ow "' 'f" lot It! in that door and sit down. How's the arm ,. U,.n "f Ba r w . co' 1 1 10 todav EllLsT i(,e,l( Hy and wile to H B Nicli. OiienUythetalltnxir.rhadster j f:J.VLC within and closed the door, but he still Grace McMillan and husband to remained erect, a shade of hesitation in ! Win J Kohi nson m ner.i in a lis manner. " I he arm seems doing i 3rt. t 3 s. doinir ! wen, sir. "And yet you yonrself do not pick np i as 1 conld wish. Take that chair, Ellis; ! we shall not be interrupted, and 1 want ' to talk with yon about your case. You j liave won honor and troops of friends in ! this campaign, and when the regiment ! gets back and they find you pale and 1 languid, so utterly unlike yourself and ; unfit to take your duties as first sergeant, i they will say I was at fault. Can't stand ' that, you know, so 1 have spoken to , jor Kenyan about the matter, and he i tiaa directed that yon move out of the 1 hospital forthwith and unOar my roof. .No: keep your seat. You are to report I to me for special duty in making up the i field papers and repuits, and 1 shall need you right here where 1 can supervise it : ail and look after you." : For a moment the two men sat eaiiinr ! uraigni mro eacn otner s r 1 v, also undivided 1-5 of nei, of W W We-ks PL C, sees 111 anil 30. 1JVS acres . . Milw aukee Land Co to J I. Atkin son blk 31 in Robertson I.ydia I.ivesay to C K I.ivesay tit of Geo Aliernethy I L C 58, 1 2 s. r 2 e, 20 acres J II Lambert ami wife to C A tlorlon lots 12, 13, and 14, blk 22. in Cambridge Msitie K Keene 'oJ M Mark lots Kami 10, blk 14, O I A S Cos ad to Oswego Josephine Smith and husband to Henry and Jno llepli r wl of nw'4 of nwl4 and w K3 of ', of nw of sec 23, t 4 s, r 1 e, 40 a tioO 500 ot) 400 1200 l.VX) SIX) 4oO ltra;i IT 00 Clover hav, balnl 1J 00 I Timothy hay, haled 13 in ; j moKi'is. , Potatoes, r luMlw f to 70 1 i iniotis, m N.. ; i Api'lrsgreen, per N.x li$t.,M : Apples, .tried, r lit , (Vi ; i Chickens 2 00 to 4 in ' Turkeys, per lb 12 1 liees,., riloi 10 im to 11 li' Mutter, cr lb 271, ' Kegs, jH-r dm .12t Honey, per lb 17 I Prnnes, ilri.sl 1iV.i1." . I'liiius, " us j 1 ariTs. j Peef, live, per lb S ! j Beef. ilr'se.l lift j i Mutton, ,ie, per head 2 'M2 M! 1 Pork, Hie perlb 04', j ' ! Pork, dressed, r lb is; ! ; Veal, live, is-rlb 31, j ! Veal, dressed, s'r lb 5t.i ', Hams, per lb 12 I j Bacon 10 ' ..rrn.Mii eniliul AMer Hie s .. em-I n.i ; Al sll ..liter mn Kii)jh,i s. rtn..t.s SiitnUv I I Heli.ml al t r. el.ere, .....ell.l ; itli,i.s'.. sit.) lleiir ttelletl al 7 .10 r. M. I MKniutiisT Ki'tscof'Ai. nil lieu -hi;v fun limiM, rinr Mornlnc aerilre i II ; Smi.lsy Si-h.silai 1J Kvrttiut aervlre si 7 ;;il, I "-'pworiri l.esu.! meetttiir Sttn.lwy eveuliiK si l So Praier Mrlln t hi. rxtajr tm'llllil a I so lriiera ror.lUl! III vile. I, j flRi-T fKKSUVtttkUM CtlfKI'tl-Kitl- O ' W lOHt.NKV. I'aatnr. Servlra-a t II a u a... I T s . S.l.lwih Sr!.l in , n v,,,,,,, IVopIr s S.M.-ljf et I hrl.llan Kil, av,.r merit rverv Suti.lsy rvrhlns si 6 'to IVclura.Uy evrtiln .r.r mcrllnf si 7 At. Sesla Irer. KVANllM ll AI l lU'Ul ll -l.KHM AN - Al'.l Fssar rt..r t-ra-aertititf ,er.'t. ..a r erv all.-r lisle Silh.tsv.t A VI ami ; :i ' M Ssl..lh a. ! ..( rrrf S'lli.lsv l 10 A M ' l .lin (UrrlaWrter, Mil pi. 1 Weekly I'rsarr MerlHil rierr ie.ltu-a.U) ririiit.il fNITKIl HKKVHKKN ntl'ltl'll - Itev P H Wiii.ias. j.i..r. Servu-ra Aral an, I ihir.l Sim tsv tiiorultitfa sntl Ihr rr..r,lliic suur la nlilit III neli in.. mil al llrerim l lly. SI II s lit an.! 7pm. aa.l the Sral Suu.lay al..ru.sm ..I rsetl molillt si Kslla Vlrsr. YOU HCCITATC? DEATH? NO ncMtrtY on c a htm can CURE YOU UNLCSa vou use IT t it ota you nr An MO GOOD 10 HUHU ABOUT OREGON KIDNEY TE-rt UNLESS YOU TAO.C IT. AC l-IOHt, DlAaCTCS. iNflAMMATION 09 .Oi a, Vckioan WAria, ano rjiittMT a )is ai. Vino auicntv 10 its p,.wt TRY IT. APMINISI HATnil s Notli K Nolle la heiet.v li thsl ihe itltfteraltfiieil sa, ittv .'llli .iv el June. A. 0 l)l, .Inly ').iuileo a,liiiliilatrsi..f ..I threats!. if loliu II .leera-.'.l l.y tl.r eotintv eenrl ..( I ts. a Al.l .a .-,.n hit. atitle i tlrvi(tt All prrai.ua lia tiitf eUtma Ksiiiat aal.l ralsti. are hr.eliy noil It.', I to ereaehl l lie smr with ereper teuehera I.' me al !h law ..(lice ..( it k lla... at tiieg,.ii I III. tn alutrai.t.1 .'.I. inly an, I aiate, within alt nielttlia (rem llie .lair herr.il 11, nr II MKKU..W, A.tm'r "t O.e rafale ..t Jnliu II llrllrr. .Ire il t'lli .l I'w it, a J. j l (, . . mmmmmmmmmmmmmmrrmmmmmm Km its: ri rim u a : ion . V I I all.t tlltlee SI Ores llv , Or.HiMi j W r. 13 a ' N.. IV lai.J I VP . Il V k. N.illes la hereby lirlt. Dial III" ..llln SjQJ I lii.nie.l aelller liaa HI, ,1 n,. It. e ul Ilia Intel tl... to L W inskrSnsl .t..ol III npp.irl et l.la elsllli. an.l DO YOU NtilTATEl. ".Tr''llTT!, .Suit! K UK I'IUiI'dshi f'HA..,K UK SI 1.1. K K tiKAIiK. THE Nmic hrrrtijr nUnl ill cunirll Orvon 4ii v .rt mo lit rhirtKC lh r.le nf Mnlit tr'i lit lie f.'Mi.wlnit , i'uiim.e it (! ti.'fih Hurt n( M..w iin'ol 41 ah cirtatlim ol HW In't thi-nrtf. tmrlhrfU .'ti .iccMti1lii tt v in llm viuilh lltii at I wi-Utli i ir Pi limn ,.. i ij frV (hoi of ' en- I nfirm trfi ihftnv n.trth ri y f u I'rn.lliis; itr-tlr U I do routi-r f di-wl. 1 ! mi ' , rlrV .H. M ,( y.1 f-iM drii lit n lrroiM,UiK ' ri.rl.. Hie ii:h llilf of I flirt, rulli .lri-.-I f,. ! tt rU Kllutt of v: (mM riohto U -l Mi'fiMR hit ; lr,'tilh trrtti i(h h' it.iriln-rlv tti mi tfcrtiilii rnlr ( tto ovntor of dltx-k I. hi nii rit'v-iihn ' ; titTUhiMiiTtm )(' -iiihi $t,v in tho Muitl litio of Ki'tutiiKll nlrfi ( (tit tu.'tftt.ou , It i r.-r wnti idr rit.lt tKuti1tdrl ; luli.m!n-.l br or-trr of inv vity riimirll t , 1 11 tun) ifoi'hi r ol llii) t nttr.l MUlt I tu. uilinu l ttroit-'U l liy, (tT.yti, i-u M-t mln-r i. jrnao H ttitmrr, It mo n-t.-t , pill-v So ,.r Ihtf H W '.off! f. n l W ' M J N H Mrt HHMtfta ttl (itllott Ihit wMlU'OS to (novo ttli foil llltilnMs u'-..iv(ii uiK-ll tint rnilh mll' tt ut Uh, vt 1 ! It.ntiv, J U lU-'tHv, li l't Ivi-r. i Hirlr 'miiits, nil if t htui 1 1 I'U in ta ii hi ii iv , ttr noil, J, V. AriKi-N, it ; Hrnwt N.U It . roll IM'IU A l lON, 1 ISM DIM It T 0KiHl Ctrl OHRtioH.I .Nov IV SmCi-o U doii'to phto, ihni tint f llimhif li t il M-nirr h UltM totu-n of dl hits-iiltoit In iintki' flunt moot ill nnn-ott ol li eU.in, iit h it I sttlit I' I in -I will to tnt If Iwlofr III rrU(ir Aii.l MoUpr of Hit I itllrsl MiHiit h. tutit-p t iriioiit tijr, tiroKoti on lv-mi.-r r. vii, l....'. I'.s.t.tl. ItoiiiotiloMi, nilFy S.i M.tl, for the rt W toi .it. I ; li .i V Mi timri thf foil..iltitf wit u'aoit to trni 111 ootitilnioiia rrtlif in v iiih mnl imiIUi itioii .if nt. Uii'l l lo. I ni Imrt, M U itiiUHh Mii-nit Mt Kl, IUhir Kot-li, nil of hiui.ty. I'ltitk tun os'iiiily, ttrt 11 I IJ iij J. I, Arr.noJi. I,lstr AtiMIMHUUI'oM M tAl K .Nollt U litirrliy ttolt, tul ihd iiutr.il. Hilmiiiuf ritot ni ittt it4ip of luio Aim kiuiicv, iti-rtM"!. ) virtni l tt oritur liitr. lijr Ilia ronilly I I of I Urkstlttia I'oitnty, (U. yt. oU tllP 1U ttrt V of So, IlKtll.'f, 4 II ttj, f It I Mill mliili- litlti o lit,- hid i,ct lijitltf, i.m Hhtf Uy tin) of I'i-iTIiiUt. A IviJ, nt tl t'tIotk (tl ol sl1 .mi (hit ft'illlrt (irjili aIm-, f ftuin. Ihti foIioMlitg irilr.l riirtT, to Hit the H V t( Ihe S K ' , .f rrth. III inloHtiM H n, ttm 1 k of tfui v UUmr-tie rnvri'llntt, roliuiitin ) itorrs morn of r Uo Intt mrt of tlto .loi.4iiMi Uinl rUlm of Kolwrt II H.-a-io Mit.l wllct t iM ii,u, iitl'ii ti mno r utilv tift oii lortiis f ut!" one hlf 04h tit htif on (y of mitt. it. I i-nt In it tiiMiitha h ill) llilnril ul lit mlp.'f s p-r rent Ifi niii o I.? ournl dj itt-trum; di H W IUKi.tr, nittrk A lm'r of ihr --.f ti f ft,. ,vIC0, ,)o .. Mtno K ll.tr.riy lM,.l Nomiit'r jri, tvj;, j, j :taj All IK .MWM'iilt. The KriirtwfitiitlTc jHurmil f vvi I'UKtntitl. c. i U, ia. I. I, I'. .alas lieewoler I'aUhllsliril i II. ClWlll, I Niitll'K i'K KIN A I. H TIKMrS I' Nolle la rirrel.y (lifn thai I,.,., fli,., Ihe e.. .inn r oii t ol l la. k ..naa roinity. I u,.goii my final rr.rl aa a.lnilntatrairla .. tie eatalr -t I le'inaa M.-.ilIsol, .I.H-caar,!. Ami Hi eoitn haa ai....iiilr, K. l.'iiarv II. vo .. a .lay ami time l..r tin. eiainiiiaitoii ..f aatil rei.rt ami III artlirmrnl ol a4t, rafale llS.'IK K I t.oaK, lire S. oil Ht. II K I'a.aa Al y A liiitnl.t.airli Oale. Itrt'einlsir l'l. tairj J j n, PIONEER rrevitmslv reported Total .'. I8.t-.H1 it.irs.Ktsi . l.nc.-.'M Flint u Orchard. I 'iV tilling ci Jarrisli, tins (s,k'D nur- serynu-n, otter tlte linest neleetiun i( limit tree pversulj in ('lai kmna.s rutin- ty At priiv within the rvaeli nf til. Call ami examin namplen ol their tree nil get Jiri.-ea at F. T. Barlow'a slur r.stai.lisht'.l in l,s-;t (,v anitte 1-iininne.l HAII Y.SIMiAY ash ine srlllnr: t Kepuhlleau larin.lilli a!l a 1 Nrwa paper for Ihe peopte tt puliilaln-aall Ihr liewalhal la nrwa In the his.a.iral ami hlhe. 1 arn.e. utialT.'eir.! l.y ptrtl-sti or l.eraonal nrriu ' tl la rtiterprlatnt. aleM an.l Intell irein n HTformaliee itt tta.titllra lo lh put. lie II ia ..a... tie.'i.i.Hi opinn.lia on pnlilir .rie-, ar-a-a itllllona are rxpreaar.l with X J L V .11 uirj ar u..i altewr.1 In -iTranfei1 andEeJ nr. the haa It'.na an.l Iheae Tix.'r an-l shilttr Taxahlf lroprty. followintf ftati-ment shows Oregon City. ' eolor tii news coiiitmta Tlllt tAII Y KKfl llt.ll an : I ia sa aisrinl in 1SH. ami la Ihe ot..a .,lj paper III the alale ntital.tta ,. Moaioti II liaa alwaia , .... . : n,p, r), ilmea. an. I haa hrrn i.lt. k j wnau. ua.iain ca.ai iiani ) ma last Irnalrn appltaln ra li.r Tl. T,.,o Ul,...n I-.. ..I II ...t.i . me eniarifrmpni ami Improvement t.f lla new ., ui niiiiaim aervlee. Il la now re.itrl, an elhl pa.eahrrl I won aa-rrii wine roiumtia ii ine p ire ami anp - 1.1. C a 11- II.. I. .1. . ... , L -I "I aao.e no- miiii r. f . iim.iiio. il 11 nil 1MW.I nil .' niainia .11 irwi nr 11 vrr inu ...m .a i. .. dvantage of thU. Indeed 1 cannot." , ""ent roll olthe several countie f.r the c.infei-lionerv nd ciirar tarid. where irl, ''".''..,."'. V'h ""i'ii.c ' bnnilli will lie rei-eived ami retnrneil . '"'"r "I'1 re. eive iei,i ii,iin . i n . . , i mt lOs-ral apsew. an4 lam (ore. t apn.i.1 ; I at 1 ortlaml pricei. All work Kllliran- I reporters ami enrrcap..mleni are ronaiaiulr ' ...)ir,l.- ten In lua first-eUsa i... . .. . "i.i."nmi ur.1.1 neat Do Not Climb the Hill ! STOP AT George C. Ely s POSTOFFICE STORE, Klyvillc, - Oregon, lii rr you ran net tin- highest anil tiriiv fur A!i;;01,ura.Y rilRE r)RTin Butter, Eoqj and Other Farm AAVWVV, O-aaJ..-. ' I uuuuu. Frriyilil mi. I iari-fln ilrliviTi'.l to till i:irts of t hit city. RATES - REASONABLE. no. luru i Tt, f.ii-.;.. -t..4 i Ato-ain '-mhlia, .U,.l.,l rilL , '""""'"la eiiriiiri snow lite : rae. ; amount of taxable property in this rtate : la8 oaene.l an axeni-y in Oregon City ,rw D.n ,. an Ah.iwn hv tli ahatruetn rtf thia io,u... I ... ... ir. nmueu, i i onirni not tn talrn - ' -"" 1111 r . a. n atli oelt al inn iwwt nlti. e cigar slaml, A. HARDING. That will do. sir." waa the nnietlv i yeara 1SH1 and 1S02 smiling reply. "Ordera are orders, er-; corsTira. 1S01. geant, and being a patient you are Bal-er 1 1 !i::? SKI 1S'.2. doubly under mine. What's more, you Kenton can ak noqueotiun until that chevron ( lai kamaa. ia replaced by the shoulder strap. Ellis, Clatsop . . . underwhat name shall the ofHnm nf thn Columbia. Twelfth ask that you be made one of their number?" Making no reply, the sergeant bowed hi bead and covered his fare with his bauds. Late that evening old Keuyon, dnip- Trfng in to see the doctor, fonnd the tall ! Jackson cavalryman seated at a desk in Holden's ; J''hine library, and, as he promptly arose and stood erect in ac-knowledjnent of the presenre of the post commander, the major stifle straight np to him and held out bis hand: Serjeant. I am as proud and pleased ma your own father could be. When a whole regiment recommends a man for 1 Folk commission, as this dav's mail tells ua. , Sherman it's worth more than all the senatorial backing in Colombia. It may not fetch it. but I'd rather have it. Now, have you any fnends to aid you?" 'None in the world, sir." "No relatives? No kin? Not even a congressman?" "Not even a congressman. A sister, perhaps; but that is alL" "Well, well, well! Never mind, though, my lad; well gee you through. What you must do is get strong and welL You're but the ghost of yourself, and the doctor and I have moved you over here as a matter we owe the regi ment 1 thought you were told to go to bed an hour ago. Which is your room?" "The doctor has given me the run of the top floor, sir, but mine is the front room on this side." answered Ellis gravely. , "Well, it's time for you to turn in, so I order it. Let me see. This is the twenty-tif th of Jannary. A month from t- oow. . . . ! Crook . . Ciirrv. . . ; llouglas . tiilliam . i ('rant . . i lUrnev. . Klamath Lake Lane Lin i, Malhenr. -. . . . Marion Morrow .Multnomah,.. Tillamook I'matilla, . Union, Wallowa, Wasco Washington,.. Yamhill, "I,iiii,.S(ll 3,87ri,4-.'0 s.uiij:.-" l.ort-i.-vu 2.3.1 .iVs. lWa Wt fi.") 1,755 3,3r.'t.l!K) Wi.0So 1,200,340 1,474,8X0 3,704,041 1.11,011 l,18!,r:l5 1.404,055 5.782.813 6.741,844 1,022,837 7,ii:i8,O.TO 1, 290,435 41,807,085 4.214,545 1,4!5,515 l,0r,a54 6,313,790 3,H71.21I5 784,372 2,784,110 3,.V2,a) 4,3I9,61 3,li22. iiil 3,!Wll.047! 2.5.i3,!)22 ; 1 .2-.''t.til4 ; 2.7!4,Hii.S 1.404,.iH 5i3,074 . 3,87!l-;!il im8.o;h 1,074,570 1 .4510.8(13 3.744,720 j 1.287,7211 1.080,323: l,4lll.llS0 5.602,750 7,51H,731 Sti0,30 ltiautiful Nnliur'Nin llnme. One mile and a niiarter from town, good hoard walk past the land. Acre tracts to suit purchaser, term easy, the finest suburban property tillered for siile, yet on the market New prii.seil motor line from Cortland. High and sightly. See L. K, Jannbv with W Carey Johnson l( Nt)NK HIT COMPETENT PHAHMACISTS tMPtOVIO rise P:rro3i!ries ni Mt irtlclti Alan a lull alra k nt PAINTS- OILS. KTC. Full line nf new piutls at lower thuti Oregon City. Jirti'en Kor Kent. A. desirable furnished room, close to business center. Inquire at Obkoos City Shok Store, tlSfl. Flflll Al lloit.t.l.rav'a FiaU 7flr,' ii ' I-- i'i-jtV.''Tket all kinds olfresh and salt water ..oo, luiniriBaii'i v.mtriB. Live and dressed chit:kens. Free delivery to an parts oi tnecity . 42.552,510 4,021,372 1,025,845 1,026,717 6,412,218 3,519,7:15 87.1,8061 Totals . . . $128,447,746 1131,229,132 Some Probable Legislation. The .Statesman says some important legislation is expected this winter and mentions matters likely to come up for consideration as follows: "One of the Iawi that cries loudly and yet more loudly for change from year to year is that relating to assessment and taxation. Under the present system the property more and more of it escapes taxation every jear, while in the differ ent counties the indebtedness (so Before buying your winter supplies, call at the Park Place Store. They have one of the best assortment of drv 9 Tao'vvi H00"1". clothing, boots and shoes, mii- 4 794 400 r 8 choice family groceries in 41674.853 j (-ulck"mM county at prices that tell . j Wedding stationery, the latest styles and finest assortment ever brought to Oregon City at the Kntkki'Kihk office. : claimed) is growing alarmingly. (Some now, or two at mo.t, I hope to see you j believe a precinct assessor system should a BlraP on your shoulder, and long j he no exemption for indebtedness. before that with the flush of health in your cheek. Now good night to you and jdeasant dreams." And ihe major strode way. Only an hour after sunset the silver disk of the moon had risen clondlessand unveiled, and now, as the bugle was calling the belated ones back to the post for night inspection of quarters, the bur nished shield was high aloft, floodine There will be an act proposed exemp ting homesteads from the execution. And then there will be an act for an ap propriation for a fishway at Oregon City and one for the completion of the state house extending it on the north and south ends according to the original plans, which would add much to the beauty and symmetry of the building. Christmas Headquarters at Charman A Co's City Drug store. If you don't believe it come and see. C. O. T. Williams is now prepared to make very favorable rotes on good farm loans. C. O. T. Williams is now doing busi ness for himself at the old stand nert door to Caufield & Huntley's drug store. Brintr your produce to the Park Place Store where you can always get the best market price and your goods at the same figures as though you paid cash em M laanciiiiaetta ami Ihe nele-til.i.rtinr e..t... Ilea of Cnuri'lli'iit, Vermont ami S- w II nine I artlre for lla r.'a.ler. I'a e.tltorlal f. -ire la lir..al i lu rsliir.. l!lleieii,eril. elevaltiK an. I I i to rt lln ! In quality Itallterar71te11art.11. nl u l a re I markal.ljr htirh nnler. Ita fohtieal erre....ii .lenee ia lurnialie.1 by In.tepeii.lent wll I lutnrmr.1 ami cafaMe wrlt.-ra It p-tt.lt!... moreover. ureal variety ol Inlere-ttiic ami ' valilahle general eorreaeomtenec ami ael.. ttiiita , T11K SINHAV KKI'I Hl.lfAN ! Waa flrat .ul.:.he. ls:s In rea,.nae lo a real Killihe itelnsml In i..i,:ni Msaaaeliuarlla l.ir a I rat i-lsaa huh loneil Sun. lay rieva.a.er Hlni e mat nine t-nsa 1' eueoiiaiantiy lint. n.ve.l ami 11 - ' has teen iwlee en'ane.l Knlly (our fllthi ..I lla "Id l u turfH t opied lo Any Siie niij ..a .-oi.iiiiiia 111 ainee ia .lev.ite.l 10 rei.itn( mailer of ahfffh nr.ter, etnlirselnf newa. a...eial a ilepsrlmeninl laik., uihori'anil'a'i.'a'ilr'a'. 0Hry Kr Pot Olftoa, UHK00K CITY, OB, raie wwltly ainryan.l weekly aerm.m ...rt t,a; and theatrical uewa an I notes, atieeial arllelea. (iriitiial ami aelerle.1 'lry, etc Tlte St snv lenl an.l lnlerellti lonrnsl, ttell a.lanle.l t.ithe XHWYOKKOALLliRY.! 1 I'lint.igriipliK lviivereil I'nirnptly in the . Finest Style of Art. , l ine Crayon Work a Sjuvialty. j 1 Satis- 1 faction tiiisriinteed. , Knrrm.iras Is a tlionunMr whnleaime, eieel laaleaaod walltiol the llllelllf enl Near Ktl(laml THK WKKKI.Y KFPI HI.H AN ! Ia now more than Us years nl.l. hut aire unly Im- Ernv lu iliallly It eonlluiiea lo I what It ' as loni leen, a rsniarkahlv raltlitiit and mm I prehenalve iwnril of Ameriean lltn. Ill weekly revlear of ttf newi ta trarararlnll...n I nd It" twelve bmad twcea contain In ad.lltl.ni U Ihe newa, a wonderfully rleh onlleellriD nf valuable, and enterUlnlm r.dln mailer. All the leat features of the Dally ami Similar H pnhllcan am renwslueed Id The Weekly In full nr b'llilnthily alirlile., nd arranited wllh s.liulrslile "kill and liilelllnence for the cm- venleuee and pleasure nf Ihe reader Ihe re I aimiaa weekly newi ami faintly Inurnal whh h h W. S. MAPLE, Blacksmithing and Repairing. Having oiienl llie Issi sIomts in the sttite in my employ, I iiuiko II0KSLSI10tIG A SIU'IALTY. ALL WORI ATTENDED TO PROMPTLY. any similar It la a mier B1 Will a quarter, s a Ladies' and GeiitB', robes at Holtran & Warner's Undertaking parlors. tf isr eieeeaa in tiiterf al and wort punilealtiin In Ihe l lllle.1 States. thai New Knilanden al home and alirosil nrel 01 aneelal value, and wlili h Amerleana very where can apiiruetate and enjoy. HMBSt KIPTION KATKH. iiii.y: 70 eenn a month. H year lit nY: SfleeDti quarier, 12 a year Wr.r.m.v: .'Sleenia lor st monihs, II a yenr. All miliarrlnllnas are paynhle alrlclly lu ,( vsnre. rjpeel men enplea free KKKE FOR (INK MONTH. The Weekly Keonhllraii. a n naire nat.er wilt he sent free for une month to any una wlw wishes to try It. Aiiiireai THK RKI't'BI.ICAN, Hprlnfleld, Mas. Beautiul Fruit Farm! Shop ojiKinit corner from Tope's hardware otore. ORECON CITY, ORECON. FRANK NELDON, GUNSMIT AND LOCKSMITH Oregon City, Oregon. FullStiK'k of Gun.s Ammunition. Itepairsnn all kin.ls nf stiuill run. Itinera promplly iirnile. )ii, Unite keys to any lock iiiiiniifiictiireil. Hliop'on Main Street, nett to Nul.lilt s Hlnliles. Li0AVISI We drive inmiey to limn on improv ed farms in tin. Willamette) Vtilley, on live uinl ten years' time At the Lowest Kates Interest. Write or full on j. o. nozo ut u, Agt. Mimhuttiin I .oan Co., KiMini No. 7, 2l"i Morrison St., I'ortluiul. moodyTvaTgiiax; Postofflce Store, BILLI0USNESS 4Uk irntt .UL It. .1- .... u.a .aut, w,lu raniani, sneen, And then there will be an effort made throwing black shadows tipon ,the broad to eH,al,ii(ih . f rradway, the white picket fence, the ' , lil-"'rJ ail lne glistening verandas at the post. Hoi-1 BtHt0 Pet'iU-ntiary. It would require an den, retnrning from a late visit to some "PProiination ol 7.r,000 to equip and put of his patients at the hospital, stopped ' '" I''ation such a factory as is proposed Bnd looked quickly and intently np at ! but "di an institution would save tens the little gallery overhanging the east-1 of thousands of dollars annually to Ihe .ward wall. farmers ol the state on grain sacks. In the front room, that which he had ! There is a general fettling throughout the assigned to Ellis, a light burned dimly. J state and among the members favorablo ine Venetian winnow 01 me rear room j t0 th schema and from leading to the gIT was dark, yet j witt men,mn of the ,, afci., buu Ol. till. .uuu, .aiiiiiLC : 1,,,.. .... a v . ai i- .1, opinion is formed tliut the prooosed h arrainst the nasement. the moonlnht 1 in'r iu conversation ;islature the gleaming on bis face and form, a tall soldier was gazing intently eastward. Quietly Holden strode along, entered the gate, went noiselessly into the hall and np the stairs. The door from Nita's will become a law (.'oiislderalfljr Muddled. The deeper the board of equalization delves into the county assessment rolls, 1 llrf'' " Forty acres, level as a floor, all cleared, well fenced ir.to five fields, good houHO 2(ix2G feet, Hplemlid well of good water and force pump, good ham and out hoiiHcs, Hcventl hundred fruit trees tirui'iOH. aimlo. j cherries, etc., Htnall fruit in abund I ance, several sheep, hogs, cows, two young horses. Everything in first- class condition. For particulars, fjji apply to owner, Milton Stinghy, y near Currinsville, or see L. U. hJanney, with W. Carey Johnson, vji;f;iiii Vliy, urcgun. , i VaaTff i lb il .-V JtJiA. Ijjk Lt.V.. LilLaaaal Appel'a Parisian Enamol t Creation of perfect Cuiunlexlon. but me The "JMMiSS'' The S. B. Headache and Liver Cure, nXVS f PHYSIC j " If Taken as Directed, we linarnntee Satin faction or Itefuml Vmir Mnney. Don't Sicken. Don't Crlpe. 50 cents per bottle, by L. M. Anwkbws, the Seventh struct druggist. INUtJLt, l l a SIA BLKS. ! ruvorl,. Hreneh Cnamelle. r. , , iAppel'8 Complexion Cream nrnrii- uvery, reeu ana naleMulile c"l' wrinkie. aud givc tuti Hkin the a caiuic ui youtn, Appel'sSkln Btoach in em MOLALLA, OREGON. Leaders in Low Prices. Their stock is complete in Dry Goods, Groceries, lhtrilintrc, Chilling, Hoots and Shoes, Notions, lite. Country lYodna' Handled. I lit RELIABLE JEWELER Corner of Front and Morrison, PORTLAND, OREGON. IS STII.I, n F.AIiTII. For general reiiuiring he stands without a peer. For .itHU'lass, re liable goods his store is second to none. Trv him ! rooMi'ANv.Fiiisr iI'.ui,mi:nt,o.'n.(i." Anu.iiy, Ihlrihiiul M.iii. l..Br ilrill nlultt Mnli.liiy nf eiii li n tl,, " "r" J. W. Unllfiutr, K, S Kelley, I.. I., rickeim, ('nptnlll. Klral l.leutetiiiiil, Seennil l.lellteuillil. ORECON CITY. L0CATKI) J1KTWKKN HIE IIKIWIK AND DKI'OT Double and Single Rigs, and Hud dle horses always on hand at the lowest prices. A corral! connected with the barn for loose stock. Information rei(ardirie anv kind of stock promptly attended to by person or lettitr. Horses Bought and Sold. i'.rnr emea a i leiitlalies, mid illftt-o unit Innfl of lite akin Hit.li nslait, Huuburn, Frecklt-a, tswartlty and a'c.iny l.ll.eHlllll.C UI ine lin e, Appol's Oriental Powdor In pieah, While, fink iittd Crentn alui'lea, (fives tn the fuce a beuutilul clinr and truu,pareiit up IH'iirnnee, Appol's Natural Blush The only RouRe irtie to nature, when nmilird to the fnce or liH, ciintlot be detected, put up III twoahadci I.illhl f..r lll.ind. a, Out It for llruneltea. Tl Apenl Ooinotlo Co. Dm rrnolo, Oil, A imuipttletnn Imw tuCruuluauuuiniuiio., frao andgiHHls l'i,r Hi.left ' B?Ii!l Rf a4 A A namnlilnt nf itifrtm.ainn It Viairwiiuf llm lawa.iliuwlnu lw u'i Marka, CnprrlKliuj, iwit , Naoora mUHN O. OO.., 'abySUl Ul'ttuilwuir, J1 New York. iT '