Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 23, 1892, Image 6

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
Clackamas Co. Directory.
Clorl of Courts,
Sheriff. -Kewrdor,
tV'hooi Superintendent,
J, V Met.lrum
liw. F Morion
t', W. tlsmoitt
S. M Kmh
J. i Weiheroli
J, F. Pn.tley
H. S. tillvoti
Sidney Smyth
K. 1 tlotmsn
I Kiohird S.-.tl
M'ornellus B.tr
- T. ' Sullivan
Reomler. -Chief
of Police -A
Ctty Attomev.
Street Commissioner. -Siipt,
of Water Works,
L. I.. Porter
3. S-. PurJom
J. K Kh.woio
F J. Louis
It V i .
c. Koiwnr
W II. Howell
Sidney Smyth .
CoiineilmMi-C. O. A'.hHt ht. Jr.. H. U kelly. t
S. tireenmsn, W While, J J. Cooke, J.
W. O'Couueil, J. G. Porter and T. P. Ku
Ull. iwnncil meets Srst Wednesday ofeaeh month
In city ball.
ff""The way to build up Oresrmi
City Is to pire Ores-en City people your
Fresh Eastern Oysters.
Pressed Chickens and Turkies.
K. K. Williams, the grocer.
Fountain Oold
Co's, dropiists.
Pens at Cliarmatt A
Clocks t Bnrmeister A Andresen'.
F.vervoue warranted.
Blank note, receipt and order books
at the EsTKRi-RrsR office.
George and Arthur Larkinsof Pauias
cti8 were in town on Tuesday.
If you want to buy lots in Bolton ap
ply to C. O. T. Williams. aent.
A son was born to
the wife of (i. A.
Hamilton in Park Place on
Fridav last.
J. S. Courtney M. D., physician and
surgeon, room 5 and 6, Charmati block.
A. E. Whitney and family recently of
Penver, Col., have come to Oregon City
to live.
Rev. Bateman wiil hold se'vices at
Shively's hail each eveuing till and in
cluding Sunday.
A meeting of the Clackamas countv I
creamery company
ary 9th at 10 a. in.
18 called tor Janu-
Send to the Entesprisk office for your
leg&l blanks. A single one or a hundred
famished at Portland prices.
For your Christmas turkies, geee and
chickens call on J. Y. Humphrey who
!ias the choicest lot in the city.
There will be preaching at the Con
gregational chnrch J-nnday morning bv
Rev. M. Angelo Ooreghety.
The grocers of the city have agreed to ; during the past week by sickt.ess.
close their stores on Monday afternoon; Miss Junia Wade became ill last Tues
Deeember 26th for a Christmas holiday. : day and her place was supplied by Miss
It looked rxld on Tuesdav to see the i
farmers com into town with snow sev- j
rl inrh tUi. lr fr,n .,rv,n tlir I
wagons. j
Last Thuredov C. T. Hownrd
the !
Mulino miller and postmaster, was down
on business for the first time in two
tj: j t i f : t i
and Gold Pens and Pencils just the thing
for Christmas presents at Charman &
Co's Drug Store.
Work has begun by Messrs. Towtr
and Kinney npon the city jail, and they
are now receiving the gravel and sand
tor the concrete work.
What a time the school children had
yesterday in and with the snow they
rolled in it, slid down the hill on it and
pelted each other to their hearts' con
tent. The neatest presents for Christmas,
1892, come from the holiday stock of
Burmeister & Andresen, leading the
trade in diamonds, watches, clocks,
jewelry, silverware, musical instruments
Right now we are ready with an
immense assortment of Christmas gifts.
The piesents you want at the prices you
like are all included in our splended
line of diamonds, watches, clocks,
jewelry, silverware, musical instruments,
For a sore throat there is nothing
better than a flannel bandage dampened
with Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It will
nearly effect a cure in oneniijht's time.
This remedy is also a favorite for rheu
matism and has cured many severe
cases. 50 cent bottles for sale by 6. A.
Last Saturday II. E. Cross swung
info place a section of timber work to
repair the Clackamas dam 150 feet in
length. This was safely achored and
has sice been filled with rock, and the
-Gladstone mill began sawing again on
Monuay for the Eaet Side Railroad com
pany. The mill Is ready to fill all or
ders for lumber as fast as received.
The present is one of the severest
storms ever known in Oregon. Here
there about 7 inches and still it comes
down. Portland lias 15 inches, The
Dalles 6 inches, Olympia 60 inches, Ta
conia 22 inches and at Pendleton the
drifts are 6 feet deep. The storm is
general and the trains are delayed so
that no eastern mail can get through
,1 an tun y Twenty-ttiurth (he Fatal Hay.
The Kxertitiiiii Not to be
Shenll Omionii bus received the war
i ant of execution from Judi-e Melitide
oomimindini: hint to execute Win, Hen
derson on the iMlh day of January.
This warrant which was issued on Mon
ilny reads as follows:
Now, Therefore in the nanu of the
Stale of Orepw, yon arc heiehy com-
' mandcd that on the 24th dav of Jann.irv,
I . ,. I..", i .....
j A- 1 '""-s t'eiwceii iiio tutors m irii
o ol.vk hi tlie forenoon and three o clock
in the afternoon of said day in the jail
y ml of Clackamas county, Orvfon, in
the presence of twelve bona tide elec
tors of said county, voti intlii t upon said
Win. Henderson by the neck until he is
dead, and that you and there do and
perform all the commanded by said
judgment to le done or performed by
you and cause Improper certiticadon
thereof to be made as reiitrd by law.
In witness whereof I have hereunto
affixed my hand and signature and
caused the same to be attested by the
clerk of said court and seal of said court
to be ailixed at Ouvon City in said
county on this li'th day of December,
IS'.H. Thomas A. McHku.k,
Circuit Jude of Fifth Judicial District
of Oresoa.
Attest: tiEO. F . Hokton,
Clerk of Circuit Court.
On Tuesday W C. Gaming told
Henderson that the dav of his execution
j I ad been fixed for the 24th, but as his
j sttorney, Hon. Henry McGinn of Port
I land is preparing the ease for argument
j before the supreme court and holds out
every encouragement to the doomed j
man that he will be successful in secur- j
intf a new trial, Henderson does not j
believe that he will hang. To the sher- j
iff he said that if he had to hang he:
would tiy and walk to his doom without office the past week, all being sub
weakening. As yet he shows no signs jeets of the yueen of England: Chas
of being overcome by his impending fate , J. MclHinald, CM. I-egarey and Ed
as he has a gixxl appeiite, appears cheer- ard Boessenneatilt.
'u' in"' s'eeps well.
ti, i ;.0.i 1,.. i
"'"." r.v. u i o .-.. ...
; the iudiie is in accord with the statutes
of the state in its provisions for private
Literary Society Elects Officers Mock j
Trial in the Society.
Last week closed the first term of
! school, also examinations except in
j general history and physical geography
' Manv absences have been caused
! H. B. McCown, while Miss
Chase j
i . . , , ... ,
W -ncvown s room.
The register shows 4fil enrolled the
same as the second month.
The society met last Fridav evening
and proceeded to elect the following j narrowly escaped one of the severest
officers: Pauline Campbell, president; attacks of pneumonia while in the north
Vera Caufield, vice-president ; James ; rn l"f ' t'"' "tate during a recent
Church, Secretary; Eva Meldrum, I blizzard, says the Saturday Review.
ireasurer: Minnie AL'Eerniftn ana ueu
Kelly. memW. of executive com-;
miuee; utwrence unggs, janitor.
The trial followed with Clarence 1
Purdom, judge ;Prof. Pringle, prosecuting
attorney; Lawrence Drigge and Fred
Hedges, attorneys for defense. Prisoner,
Mike Hannigan (Dan Tompkins) charged
with breaking windows; complaining
witness widow O'Toole ; witnesses, Chas.
Wilson, Bert Beattie, Homer Martin
and May Wishart. Jurors, James
Church, foreman and the Missess. Lura
Miller, Minnie Ackerman, Pauline
Campbell, Eva Meldrum and Vera Cau-
j field, sheriff, Leighton Kelly.
The trial proved very interesting the
special features were: The pleadings of
the lawyers and the touching way in
which Widow O. Toole (Miss fiade
Chase) stated her wrongs to the jury.
Although a lack of Knowledge in court
procedure waB evinced, the trial passed
off in a manner creditable to the partic
ipants. The prisoner was convicted
and sentenced. Pupil.
Fire Near Canny.
Our Canby correspondent's letter was
unavoidably crowded out this weeK ex
cept this account of a loss to John Fox
who lives two miles east of Canby and who
was burned out of house and home last
Saturday morning. Nothing saved ex
cept the clothes thf y wore. Mr Fox
was not at home at the time. Mrs. Fox
says she had just finished washing and
was hanj;ing out the clothes when she
saw a smoke issuing from the roof and
rushed in only too late to find her home
in flames. The loss will probably reach
1(250 Mr. Fox is a young married man
without anv children and has lived near
Canby for some time. The neighbors
have taken up quite a good subscription
wtiich will be a great help to them.
Teachkks Resignki). Two of the
teachers of the public school, Mrs. Geo.
L. Story and Miss K. M. Donaldson hav
ing resigned their positions to date from
the Christmas yacation, the board held
a special meeting on Tuesday and filled
one ef the positions by electing Miss
Gertrude Findley, who is now teaching
in Hubbard. She is a graduate of ihe
nubile school here and of the state nor-
Jmal school.
Mr. P. K. Morcy returned Wednesday
evening from his trip to New York am!
W. C. Cheney, electrician of the l'ort
Ignd General KUvtiic conianv, Ih buck
front the Fast.
Senator I Lives returned ths first of
the wevk Irom Moscow, Idaho, here he
was in aitendance upon court,
M, A. Stratum was in Oregon City
on Tuesdav shaking hands with his
numerous friends and attending to hiixi
ness matters,
Geo, t , Hrownell was admitted to
practice before the supieme court of the
I'ltilou Slates last week. Senator
Mitchell making the motion for his ad
mission The Kstkki'Kisr was favored with a
pleasant call on Thursday from W, A.
Middleton formeily of this place, hut
lately of Portland, who mas in the city
to attend the I. 0. O. F. lodge and look
up business prospects
TheChiirckea ami Christum.
The city churches are itonerallv pre
paring for services to pleaso the children
on or alnint Chrsttna.
At St. John' for the coming week
there will te as follows: Saturday
evening, entertainment and presents for
ehilderen. Sunday, Mass at 8 with
English sermon, at it with t ionium
sermon and at 10:;O high mass with
English sermon. On Tuesday St. John's
day mas at ! a. m. and a Penny a Pound
social in the evening.
The Congregational society will have
no tree, hut on Sunday evening will have
a Christinas praise service consisting of
songs and recitations.
The Presbvterian Sunday school will
have a tree Saturday evening.
The Baptist society will have its
annual Christmas reunion and rollcall
tn Monday evening wilh a basket supHr
The M. E, Sunday school expevt to
have exercises on Tuesday evening,
probably a fire place scene.
Circuit Court Notes.
The following persons tiled declara-
tion of citizenship in the countv clerk's
Actions have been begun in circuit
. i .... . . . . , ,,
wun uuring uie paai eea as ioiiow!:
Adkins ilims. vs
Sager, C D A I.
neys for pluintitf.
it. II. Wheeler and
C. Latouretto, attor
Writ of attachment
A. F. Uitwon vJ. C. L. and E. C.
Miller, II. E. Cross attorney foi plain
tiff. Writ of attachment issued.
Chas. II Dld vsV. E. Kellogg;
transcript from justice court in dietiict
No. 9 filed and judgment entered.
Cyrus Baldndge filed a bill of sale last
Saturday in the county clerk 'a office
which conveyed to him all uf J. W.
Potts' right and title to the road map of
Clackamas countv which said Potts is
makine. The bill was executed lec.
11 and is fer 11(KI.
Mr. J. P. Blaize, an extensive real
estate dealer in Des Moines, Iona,
"", v ""'
n'des during he storm and .. so
..... , u ,c
10 Ket warm, and inside of an hour a(Ur
his return he was threatened with pneu
monia or lung fever. Mr. Biaize sent to
the nearest drugstore and got a tsittle of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, of which
he had often heard, and took several
large doses. He says the effect was
wonderful and in a short time he was
breathing quite easily. He kept on
taking the medicine and the next day
he was able to come to Den Moines, Mr.
Blalze regards his cure as simply wonder
ful. For sale by Gko. A. Hakiiino,
We offer a great variety of appropriate
presents for ladies, gentlemen and
children. We can supply a suitable gift
for old or young at any price you desire
to expend. Burmkibter a Andresen.
Clackamas (,'onnty HtnttVnts Coming Home for
the Holitlaya The School Crowded.
Monmouth, Dec. 1(1. .School clones for the
holidays Friday, Doc 23d, and opens aiiin
Tuesday, January .'Id, 18!l.'i.
Among the new students at the hc?i tilling
of last term were three from Cluekumas
county, Harvey (ianl and Irene I.eo from
Clurkes, and D. Knxle of Molalla. All stu
dents from Clackamas, except A. II, Hih
bard of Manpiam, Irene Iee and Harry
Oard of Clarkes, intend going home to
spend the holidays.
Frank Knight of Mulino left school the
first of the month and has not yet returned.
The rooms of thestate. normal school have
reached their utmost capacity. Kveryhody
is hoping foj some action from the coming
legislature in the way of enlarging the
building or otherwise improving the prem
ises. One of the most interesting features of the
school is a recital given once a month by
the musical department. I.Ives of promi
nent classical composers are given and a
short study of the different kinds of musi
cal compositions, with vocal and instru
mental selections to illustrate.
A stock company composed of student
has been formed for the purpose of decorat
ing and otherwise beautifying one of the re
citation rooms, the object being to incite In
art, literature, history, and the general good
taste of the body of students who recite In
said room..
Wo wish to announce to tho reading public that wo
are better prepared than ovor boforo withfino
Of all tho latest styles
Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, Silk Mufflers,
A fine lino of gloves bought for tho occasion. A flno lino of Cuif Buttons
Scarf Pins and Shirt Studs,
Well wo should smile we have ties. We have more than all our com
petitors combined. " They aro not in it."
The One Price Clothiers and Matters,
The Most Complete
and only first
Quality consider
ed, our prices are
always the lowest.
Cor. 7th & Madison, Shively Building, Oregon City.
Vuagor of Waito'i Celebrated Comedy Co,
Premium Bud ud Oicautra.
Dr. MUf Mtdieat Co., Elkhart, InJ.
Van wlllrememhertheconrlltlonlwnsln five
year, tgn, wliou 1 wan mulcted with a combluit
tiou of diseases, and thought there waa no xrip
ran c. I tried all kinds of medicines, mid soorei
of eminent pliyslclaun. My nerves were prostrated,
producing dlzzlne, heart trouble. nd ull the Ills
that majte life mlnerabUi. 1 commenced to take
Bud In three months w. prnrecTLT eustB
In hit travelseach year-wliou I sco tho ihouaiiud,
Of physical wrecks, Buffering from nervous pros
. . trillion, hiking prescriptions from
U Zl local physician, who hare no knowl-
cdKe of ttielrcasa, and whose death
it certain, I feel like going to them and aayliin,
ct dr. mill' Nr.. vim ko ac cu.ro." 'a
my profession.
profession, mm mm. where there
(Terein from
overwork, men
till prohtrtu
tlon and nenwni e haunt Ion. bmnirht on hr tho
character of th buuiueaa eugugud la, X would
a aiue cure for all iufieriug from these causes.
Jahim K. Will.
For sale by Charman & Co.
and novelties, and tho
consist of tho finest lino
1 in xirttTH uml leilcrs in
Clioice Fai? Groceries
Selected Teas.l'uro Coffees & Spices.
Butter & Cheese from best dairies
Fruit iind Vegetables in Season.
Seefls, - Trees, - Bullis, - Fertilizers
Poultry and Bee Supplies, lite., Etc.
P0PE.& CO.
This old and reliable) firm always keep In Htock a fill! line of
Heavy, Staff art Mei
Hardware, Tinware, etc.
Plumbing, Gas Pitting & Jobbing
Attended to Promptly. Es
timates Purnislieil.
- fc
goods aro to bo sold
Business Conducted
On Business Principles.
One Price to All.
Positively no con
nection with any
advertising scheme