Oregon City Hntcrprise, SCHEDULE OF TIME O r. T CO, H M'KAMKIIS. In Kmi i ti r..,r m a. law. NlMMiiara Al.luNA .V lUMnNA LM VK llltftttitN (ill V 7 III. H, III, I J mi in. I ll. Ml. ft mi in. Nil WMW Ull.ll..... IX CMrrUHIl i :. in. I" Kin, in, l a im m :i i i in. i iww III. I'illl'lr mi Imiiilit inVuit mi tholamlfi :tl n'rliH'll lrl. MINhAV '"' lU in ''I'1" I H.I, ,, " '" i !' II HI Tliu ii. i.l...rii.,.'lii((, ii,, n,,,!,,, hoi tiiKKM nvmv iuii.wu Nimtii nni Hn AlUnr l-wil (war almlniul I lll..nil.i Kiir.a (llinniali) K.iMl.un Ux'l a)f Hail,,!,. mm cui'Hit. ttihlim jk'. i wail iiali.iiial Albany I ''al tttay alatl.m.l . alllnlllla Mil.a ilhiiMiilil :il a ni t.i a in i m. M . m i p III 1 M i. m 1IIK MAIM MalUrloa irMiii Nuiin.t a in , i. m , a p m. MkIU cl iiii Diiiiili, tia, m.,,Jtii m aui mnu 0rnn Clfylii riy.l aim. Milium ami Molalla ka at IJ in (ml arritoa at IJ lit ilall; rl"i I'll, li Kir. Mllia.l'larll Mi-ailnHriK., rtlliin Ulll., Mullnii an, I I ullull, Imttna al Ida II luoxlat. Ihiiia.lay ami Halur.lat, an, I n liillla im (..llimlm ,aa al I li i n Wi: : .. : t ... t .. ; : k it 1 1 a v , nM'KMHKK mn. llAlalSU TIIK KtKCTMIl' l'ol.Ba). lUI- liiK llm t mIi Urn lunt) ol mi'n lint Ihwii liuay ruianiK llm -(.Vlixit (a on Mlti atrwt (ur llm tiae tif llii eli i tiic Iiiik, nl llinlr Ut.or ntiracto.1 HiruiiK ol iMirluim 'llnr jiitarmtml In nliin linw maily tlio t)iiiC ililii Wlinn I In- dial liili ,ili ur t (or Hie electric fomimny limy hail eight ur tell men, k luuae mill lihrk ni Im kin mi llie) tlioiilllit thuy Here iIuImk wtill lo yet U a 'h' mi hour, but u xr li'iii liaa Uuifht llm ciiigiiiiy hnw lu lu tho work enaily mn iiiirkly will, a form ol ixteeii iimn iiiimI ol whom have ika xilia ur rant hooka Willi which the work la ilmie. Tim polo ia Ural mia.il hv liainl lo all x enwi with aharp ika lu holil it Iniin allp iinn Thia lollowa th nun aa lhiy lilt Ilia lii'tvy m.Ii., Ml li i at hy haiul ami dually with Ilia lonat pike olia. Thrio or at uiool lour inovva whii'h ar fiwulfil tomlitiooly ami quietly rim auiniiiK not over Irom tlirve. to llvn in In Utia eU llm Mltt tt I r i tE 1 1 1 in thn lixfuot liulti In which It la lu alaml. Ho frl havo llii-an iiipii hci oiim that llii-y can turn a oln urnuii'l wIiimi it la two-lhinla up in aa to t.r i n it lacing any ilirvrtion Ihry wih. For ilia ml imi lr rw iurril on thn Hut a ilcirick ami liu kli Ia uwil. A t'oi XTMV Snkak Tmr. Tha ace tlona ailjuinlnit Carua ami Mulinowrre rmi-iilly viaiiol hy a ruviiltnt ancak thirl who hail ail v) to Uia KIK"' thiiitia ol thia liln w liilu out on hia irtihiiory ex IMHlition. 1 in rnu iviilinlly iriaml for din Kami1, ami r-vnrylliiitK waa nu-at that caiiin lo hia lmi. l'mvnlmi wild a riic Iih llml callml iim Dr. tiniu licr hut ilinlpitil ol lukinx Imul it-inn hti took cliirki'iia, Icaviim tho iKiclor hut ono irmiuiiiahly (or hia t'lirialinaa ilimiiT. At lli'iiry Sclixiua' hi Invcalcil in a aaarin o( UMa well alockml with honry hut (orKot lo aunw upon pricn or tvnui ol piyir.i'iit. lVrlmpa miiim o( th in inati'a o( lh IiIvb IimhIimiciI hia h'ln-at o thut he iliil not l.avn liimi to lull llcn ty of hia purchamt. Sulimipniitly hn diil not mi' in to final any thin in hia linn till h horiowi'd aotnn nici-aiiln mik if J. W. Smith of Miilino, A he iliil not Icavn hia rnnl hia rullcra am at a loas to know iimiu w hom to call to repay tha viait. Ihiinii (ikanii Woiik Tlm IoIIowIhk clipiiintt ia taken Irom tlm Salem Cap! tal Jouinitl and will provn of Intercut to poranti" nulleriiiat (nun liipior, opium, morphine, cigarette or tohacco hithila: dell Nauli haa returned fiom the Keeley liiHliluto, at Fori'Bt drove, where he haa tuki'ii a live weeks' treatment (or morphine, whixky and cigarette hiiliit. Wis ia thoroulilv cured uud invite" any one intert'Kted to coniti uud i'e him fur telert'lico aa lo the conipleteneHa of tho turn, lie waa mutin twenty-four uriiina a day of niorphiiie, two pinta of liipior and amoked inceunlly, iind l uarda 1 1 in recovery aa iilmoHt a niinu-le, lie la a Bound, Imitlthv and happy man todiiy. lleaiiVM the imditute of which Mr. Frank l'avey, formerly of Salem, Is aecreliiry and hiiHinenH niiiniitfor, occu piea a hrick block, and it ia dohiK a ((rami work (or moil who htive fallen a victim to tin ovila which limy treat. A branch IiiHlitulu haa linen rutuliliHhed ut 1'orlland In tho Cutiihi ido block. (loVKRNOK l'KNNOVKII IN TotVN Oil Friday Uovernor I'eiinoyer acconi paiiled hy KcproHciitiilivA Miller ol 1. inn county wua In (own nmklnn u Ihoro'nih limpection ol the (alia, their object heliiK to (h'tennino In what manner a (lull ladder can heHt he conatructed ao aa to be iierinanent and iiaeful. They Hjumt aoine time over at tho great w ater fall carefully examining it contour and the formation of ILh bed. They wore mitla fled from whut they aw that fur about 5,000 thealale could bluHtati evorluating and sorviceablo flHhway out of tho solid rock, and it la probable the uovernor In IiIh meaaaue wilt reuominend an appro priation for this purpose. Multnomah County Koads. The Troutdale Champion contains tho fol lowing items rolativo to the roadB In that section. It seems that even Mult- iiuiiiiilra rimila hid not nil rock ptivml ! "III lulnrnal lo lh uounly !iilliinlnaioli I'M, H l,,k Kiel Mi Iiumi II VII u'i'Ioi k III llm i'ViimImu to Imiil a cur. I i,f woml on Vi' ni'K'liiy it I m ni t lliri'injimr. (era ol it uilln, Tim Irlxhlful comlilloii ol llm rouiln in i'iioukIi to iiiukii any oiiu uni a hlu "i" when Ihcy llml ll.i'in wlvna xluck in llm intul, ('mm HtoN. will Hiipply u Im nn portion ol tlm liuiihi'r lor thi woik lo Im iloiin on tho aliiiiKhlur h . They am aoumwhut hiimllcuppeil hy not Iiciiik ahln lo haul (nun then mill ihroiiKh llm IriKhllul con ililloii ol llm roiiiN." IIi'stkii Itiih Wii.hon. Tim Tiilcrain a liepiilv Mienir MornHil nilurimd lii"t lilht from llm I. man Heaven ilia trlcl lu llm eaalein part ol Cliickamaa county, whnui Im wniit to look (or a couple uf Imrae thlcvea. Mr. Mor(an ili'l not gel hia men, hut hail th plnNauro ol rt'liirnlliK hrielly to hi" olil occupa tion nl lookiliK lor lliinh'lle Wnlle, tlm iiiiinleier ol lllnliu Morton. Heveral parliea hail written to Klmriir Kelly that Wolln waa actually in that part of tlm country, ami waa aonn a wnek axu laat Numlay. Mr, Mornan (omul hia man, who provi'il to tm a yotinn (lermaii who wua earchliin (or ileairaliln lamt. la thia thn aauin MoiKn that waa with Shenir Kelly when Wilaon Jumpeil out of tlm luitfuy ana) over a (anctT K a, no w-omler Wnlle ia atill at lurgn. Nkatii Mt. Ilono'a Siunowa. I,aat Slurilay J. C llackelt ami Itu'.H'rt ('renlnmii relurneil (rout Mr. Ilacket'a homealeail on Klk Kliit where they hail apeut a week. They went alnmal al thn (out ol Mt lliaxl tlm haim ol which ia only ail luilea Irom Mr. Huckell'a ranch nuhl up thn Sundy cativon It rninml, hailml anj anowml wliiln llmv they wen thurn hut no anow r uiaineil on thn Kroinul In thn Valley, Tlm hllla on either aiilu Wern wliiln. They got no gaum except iluu aaltnou out ol a creek that one ran Mci acromi, hut they leaaleil on vetilaon hKi(ei hy parliea who am luukititf a Iniklneaa ol hiinhim with tlowa ami killinn every thiini that they ran run iluwu Irom the hilla. I'HMMriiHV l'mntiiNii rKiim.naa For aomu tllun paat thn reaiilence aertion of llm city on thn hill haa Ix-en inlvaled hy Italian pcihlleni hoth main ami (cilia Id who avoiil pavititf the city IlielirO hy gellitiK oil' of the Niat or train ami atartiiiit at once for thn hill An omVer acciim tin-in on one ol thn mwin aln-eta woul'l luler that limy were iiolii to or from thn country hut aa noon aa they am on a hack atn-el they peihlln tlili Itently. ltecrnlly on viailetl a houae ami after knock inir aeveral liinea ami neltiiiK no anawer aim trieil the ilmir ami tintlinK it locked went to (he window and looked in. Such prowler" ahould he aummarliy ejected from the city Wab it AaiikaToa? In excavaliim for tlm alone wall about hia lota T. I.. Char man unearthed chunk of black "iilv atance which had eviJeiitly been woixl Mimn time long ago and been partially burned. It looked like charcoal but waa much heavier Mr Chartnan aub jit'ted it to acid teata which it wilhnlood, and a aample exHimtl to the air in a lew daya allowed white threads which placed upon hot stove were not dextroyed by half an hours expoauie to strong heal. A gentleman tamiliar w ith aaliestoa mini's said that it had ex actly the apearance of thai mineral. Mohk Kii-K llaamica. On Tuesday morning just aa yt. editor had diawn his shoulders together with a shrug ami made up hia mind that w inter was upon him the sanctum was invaded by Mrs. Julius Norris who brought with her some nice ripe red rasplierriea Vpon I tie end o( one sprig Iheie were eight ripe lierrics lit'sidca aeveral gren ones, while the leaves wore as bright ami fresh as in May. Villi one retrospec tive glance lo the wintei ot our youth where Christmas and 30 degrees below xero wuru no uncommon companions we Hie llm berries and concluded that Ibis was not much ol a w inter alter all. Clackamas A. O. U. V. Ukkickus. I ast Saturday evening tho A. (I. V. W. lodge at Clackamas eleclud olllci r (or the ensuing year ns follow: fl. E. llolcomb, master workman ; S. I), Jones, (oreman; E. C. Chapman, overseer; V. T. Johnson, guide; C. E.l'ease, re corder; A. Mather. (Inanceer; J. V. Hoots, receivor; E. CiimmingH insido watchman; E. C. Chapman, outside watchman ; L I.. Jones, trustee. The Inslallitaon occurs on tho (list Saturday in January and on the 10th the lodge will hold a public meeting. lilili'K Too Ciihac The l'licitle. Iluild or miles that Wills Hros. have closet! down their brick yard at Willshurg and state that they do not intend to sell an another brick until spring. They are emphatic, in t hoi r opinion that better prices should be maintained by the brick makers, and assert that they would rather plough tip their yard than make, brick In it at the prices gome are being sold at. Elkcthh: Railways. The Statesman gives an account of the consolidation of the motor lines in that city one object being to build lines into the country round about. It concludes the account with the following: "There are those who believe the new corporation is sim ply a branch of the Portland-Oregon City electric line and that the valley will bo entirely covered by their lines. Now Wiikhr is Hoss, The Yamhill llepoiler furnishes tho following: "A deputy almilli mimed Hos, while lu search of ('huh, Wilson, tlm Milwaukee murderer lat summer, left a bay hore at Walling'a livery in Amity, ami "ver called lor him. Thn Inusti was sold (he other day for 177 Walling'a hill for keeping lii in wua 7ri,Hlid oilier expense Incurred amounted to t'.i.M). Wulllng is now Hdverllaln( lor Kohm to come, and pay him the illlli rence. This goes to show that a horse call more than eal himself up in live month time In (his country" TlIK (iKKOliN I.KOISLATI MH, Will aSJll meet ami everyone will bo inlereited in watching Its proceedings, as mailers of morn than usual Interest aireciing the dinner interests are almost certain lo come up. The EaraiiPMisa la making arrangements to have the fullest ihle report of all lniiorlaiit liappeiili'gs, writ ten up in a style lo particularly in terest Its Clackamas county nailers. 11 you want lo know what thn Clacka iiitt uour.ly representative are doing lor llm good ol Clackamas county, take, and read thn Kmtkhi'hisk. OmrKksor Multnomah Lornix. On Saturday evmiiiig Multnomah lodge, No. 1, A. F. A A. M. met in regular aesalon ami elected olflcera lor the en aulng year as lollowa: I.. L. I'orter, master, II. K. Ferrln, aenior warden, T. J. Iwn-ncn, junior warden: T F. Kyan, aecreUry and Fred I'almer, tyler. The installation will occur on Ht. John's tluy which is on Tuesday the H7th. There la considerable inleiest laken among Masons looking toward thn or ganiiAliou ol a rhaptxr hern, and it ia now thought that it will aoun he done. (Ikkkn (ioona Invitations. Wednea day several citliens (otind letter in their lKwlol!lc boxe setting (ottli the great advantagea ol "green gootla," made hy them Irom "original plate" and which they were willing to aupply on very n'asonsble terns Mr. ltanda states that jililging by the appearance ol the envelopes them were only about lilly of these invitations in the mail that morning. Fob tiii I'l'i'xa Itiriit The Newberg (iraphic says: "It ia reported that Captain Waud w ill put a bran new boat on thn linelietween Mission Landing and Portland next spring. Charley Spauld ing ia also considering the feaaibility of putting a boat on the river to tow logs and do other freighting aa the public dn inaiids, Plenty of river craftl are always to the benefit ol the public and we hope to aee both boat put on the river." A Tkmi-ohahy Hoao Street commis sioner llobeig has been busy the past week with a force ol men Imllding a piece of plank road along Main street j opjioaito the Sash A Door factory. .Nearly all ol the old gra.le will t Uken up hy the n.otor line and a temporary piece of road hail to be built to prevent the low or and eastern country from be ing blockaded in the lower end of town. (Iii'lalnms Present Christmas Cards from 2 cents up. Plush Handkerchief lloxea. Plush and leather Glove Poxes. Plush and Leather Cuffs and Collar lloxea . (iold Pens, Pencil and Watch Charms. Photograph and Autograph Albums. Plush, Leather and Silver Toilet Sets from 1 up. Perfumo Sets. The largest and finest line ol Per fumes in bulk. Hot ties, Vases at remarkably low prices at Cii.vhman & Co's City Drug Store, the leaderof Christinas Novelties. Anyone who wauls to purchase a Christmas present ran make the best selection by looking through our com plete slock of holiday goods. IU kmkis ikk A Aniuikhkn. Tho latest in visiting curds at thn Ex- tkiii'KIsk Okkick. Prices to suit you. Mihif)' an put" Irnu ol 4'. O 'I'. U llllaiii. At Huntley's In cards booklets giftbooks calenders etc., printed in colors we have a bewildering display you should have a look at them before the assortment is broken up Xmas stock purchased in eastern markets and we are showing the latest styles and novelties at prices that are right. Come in and let us show you how satisfactory Xmas shopping can be made. -Oregon Gity Book Store,'? . Three doors north of postoflica. W. A. Huntley, - Proprietor. Mnr. led. DAVIh-ltArcll. At the residence of W T. Hand, of Ely December 1H. IHIHIbyKiiv.fi. W. (iils)imy, Mr. li, W. Davis and Miss Til lie Itaiich. The ceremony occurred at six o'clock in llm evening in the presence ol the family mid a few relative. Mr Davis I a proinisiiiK young man of Silverfon, Oregon and Miss Kitiicli one of the most estimable young Indie of Ely. Their home will l.ein Silverton to whVh place they went on Thursday. After the ceremony I lie company partook of a sumptions repast. The couple were re memliered hy numerous handsome and Useful present. Special Offer to NuliM-rlber. The Weekly (ilolie-Democrat The farmer, Die merchant or the pro fessional man who lias not the time to read a large daily newspaper, will find lu The Weekly (ilolie-Deniocrat, con sisting of tun pages, a paper that exactly suit him brimful of the best new of the day, lulflciontly condensed to meet bis needs. Thoughly strictly republi can in principles, it la never so partisan as to suppress any important news nec essary lo a correct knowledge of current event. Once a reader, always a reader. Price, $1 per year. Any person send ing us three dollars at one lime lor three yearly subscription to the weekly, will receive one copy free (or a year. A free sample copy may be had by writing for it. Subscriptions received by all post masters or newsdealer throughout the ; United Slates, or dirxctly hy Globe Piinting Co., St. Louis, Mo. Sow Try This. It will cost you nothing and will surely do you good, if you have a Cough, or with any trouble with Throat, Chest or Lungs Dr. King's New discoverv for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to give relief or money will be paid back. Siitt'ererers from La Grippe, found it fust the thing and under it use had a speedy and perfect recov erv. Try a sample bottle at our expense I and learn (or yourself just how good a jibing it is. Trial bottle fr?e at U A I Hunting's Drug Store. Large sine 50c. land ll.OO. Speculation Dangero. Scarcely a dav passe without the the newa of some larrue failure flashing over tlie wires the usual result of spec ulation in stock or some equally danger ous venture. The same electric current carries to dear distant friend the sad tid ings of death ol loved ones too often the result ot speculation in patent nos trum. Moore's Hevealed Keinedy is no speculation but ia sold on positive guarantee. lo not fail to go to your druggist and ask lor your money if not aatiatied. We know you will go and buy another bottle. For sale by all drogvfisls HAVE YOU BOUGHT that CHRIST MAS PRESENT YET ? REMEMBER WE have the ONLY Line of RICKSECKER'S PERFUMES in the City. The Prices Will Suit Any Purse. Come in and Look Them Over. C, C. HUNTLEY, Successor to I Caufieid & Huntley, Druggists. Book Store. We No have more something acceptable entirely present new in can albums be this offered year with than etched a metal and good book wood we tops. have them Also some in new cloth designs in and fancy gold pens bindings and to holders, suit manicure your purse sets sets plush of papetries six vol. fancy ink as low stanas as etc. $1.50 flONEYl " LOAN! OFFICE Next door to Caufieid & Huntley'8 drug store. ME WHNT YOU To exercise your good wose and taate in making your selections for the present g aon and get a Christmas Present That will, in addition to expressing your good winhen, be ap preciated by your friend for its WORTH AND USEFULNESS. You can get just what you want at a price that will correspond with your pocketbook at THOMAS OHARMAN & SONS' PIONEER -:- STORE. Silk Umbrellas, Work Boxes, Toilet Cases, Manicure Sets, Gloves, Nothing would please your mother, wife or daughter better than an elegant cloak or dress pattern. In CLOAKS AND DRESS GOODS Our stock is the finest in Oregon City and equals that of Port land in quality and price. A CHRISTMAS DINNER Cannot be wade tempting to the appetite unless the best of materials are used in its preparation. OUR G ROCERIES Are selected for their purity and quality. GO TO Oregon City Iron Yorks for all kinds of Machine work and Casting. ALL REPAIRS To Traction Engines, Threshing Machines, Har vesters, Mowers, Etc., promptly attended to. OUR PRICES Are equal to the lowest to be had in Portland. Shop on Fifth St. near Main, Oregon City, J. ROAKE, Prop. OREGON CITY FENCE WORKS, Manufacturers of and dealer in all style of COMBlflATIOfl WII(E AND piCp FENCE, Both rough and dressed for lawn and division fence, also Hartman Steel Picket Fence, And Wire Fanol Farm Fence, also Expanded Metal Fence. Call and see Samples and get Prices. Shop over Bestow's Sash & Door factory, Oregon City, Or. GEORGE BROUGHTON, MANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS OF FIR AND HARDWOOD LUMBER. FULL STOCK OF FLOORING, CEILING, RUSTIC AND FINISH ING LUMBER, DIMENSION STUFF AND LATH. . Special Bills Mill and Yard on the River, Foot of Main Street, OREGON CITY. OR. CITY VIEW MARKET, HENRY BOYER, Proprietor, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Fresh Beef, Mutton, Pork, Ham, Bacon and Lard. THE BEST OF MEAT KEPT AND SATISFACTION GIVEN, ' 8HOP ON SEVENTH STREET. AT HEAD Of STAIRS. 0. 0. T. WILLIAMS will lean yon all ilio money you want on improved farmrf at the very lowent rates. Special rates given on large loans. No BuiMing and Loan Asho- ciation hut titraight good?. After thirty years residence in Oregon City I feel nafu in refering to the public in general. "THERE'S MONEY IN IT." Collar & Cuff Boxes, Silk Handkerchiefs, Albums, Jewely, Purses. Cut to Orders