Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 23, 1892, Image 4

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
liiltriiet livery Ifriihiv
CI I AS. Ml:
I 1
One vear.
Six months, -
Three moruhs,
SuSseripiions f syshle it tdvanee
Advertising rate (ne on applieait
i ne
EntereJ at the Post oitw in Orecm fiiy. Or.
as seemid elsss mailer.
The KN'TERPRISK fiiarantee larirer bon
Sile elrrulatlon than that of the other three
pneri ia the enonty cwniblneil.
rofou MiUa,
Nedo Brook.
Kew Era.
Park Place.
1 uttevliie
Orvtlle, -
Katle Oreek,
U. W Hrosser
iietv Kttmhl
A. M-ther.
I rv W ittter
C J. rrHllitmer
K S Hrsmhll
" J'!T!.H"!m,'
itenry Milry
M ilta rn
John elh
J. f. Klliotl
K. tiiklM-ll
M. Mi l' i re
Mrs. W
iev J Ourrin
M. J. HaiMi.rr
A ol. li A-hon
Merry Christmas hells do not sound out
rpon the clear cold air verv often in West !
ern Oregon, yet the season is none the less Iborouv'h and systematic work of enterimn
one of .OTneral pleasure ami rejoicing Tl.ere l"'"n hich will effectually rid every orch
is scarcely a home where for a time at leaM i "r'l numerous sta now infeslins
tlie burden of care is not cast oil' a d tle : 'liem.
home made brighter and its inmates l-ai-! . .. .
pier because of the season and the universal j Th preliminary hearing in the case of
feeling that it is a time for rejoicmit and not j Ambrose Christie and I.ee Adkins. resulting
for sorrow. If the oloer ones do not feel ! in the incarceration of one and the narrow
joyful and in a inooil for merry ntakiiiti they ; escape of the other from the same fate,
at least feel that their own mood should not I is another warning to evil doers and such
be made to fall un the light hearted
younger members of the family who for
weeks have been looking ahead and count- that the recent convictions in this county
ing the days till Christina., and planning ' would at least have made men cautious in
with delightful anticipation the gilts which the commission of crimes, yet the evidence
old Santa Claus held in store lor them. indicates that another criminal will become
The display of Chritmas toys and gifts i an inmate of the ienitentiary from this
i$ more varied than ever before, and those ' county. Possibly the knowledge of the re
who make the occasion one of gift making ! cent verdicts and the temper of the people
need fear limit in any line which their j of Clackamas county deterred Adkins, the
fancy may dictate ae the one of exnense. i only one of the party a resident of this
But it is well for all to leinember that the j county, from going farther than he did, so
real werth of a present is not expressed by j that he escaped with conviction of simple
tSe dollars which it costs, but the g.ioil will assault and tine, while Christie without thin
and wishes of the donor the spirit and nut j knowledge had been wallowing in criminal
the cost of the gift. ! mire. Public opinion needs still to be ruain-
- i tained at the high and strict standard
The influence of the country press is not
confined to its own county or readers, for
if it be located in a community posM-s-ing
natural advantages which are being
developed as are those ol Oregon City,
its influence is as widespread as its exchange
list and their numerous readers. This is
especially true if the rural pajier is a wide
awake newsy journal from which its ex
changes, and escially the city paers, can
clip interesting news items. The good ac-!
complished by the Enterprise is not con-1
lined to Clackamas county; but to give our j
readers some idea of the way its efforts to j
buiid up this community are made more i
than doubly valuable we will illustrate:
Under the title of "The Genius ol the
Falls," the Astoria Budget recently made an
item taken from the Enterprise the text
for the following article which w ent to all
of its numerous readers. It said:
" For ages the Falls of the Willamette at
Oregon City have been swinging their va
pory censer in mystic worship of an un
known God. The utilitarian purposes of
their existence were little understood. The
rude frontiersman and the painted Indian
recognized the basaltic wall over which the
water thunders as a special providence in
aid of a salmon fishery. More enlightened
men saw a vast volume ol water iower that
would some day turn the wheels of hum- j
ining factories in the shadows of the frown
ing bluffs. But electricity in its more mod
ern uses was then an unknown ijtiantity
and no one dreamed that a day would come
when, by the aid ot the switt and potent
fire, the falls at Oregon City would be light
ing cities, driving cars and impelling a
thousand forms of machinery miles and
miles away !
" But it is an ordinary and accepted fact.
Only the other day P. F. Morey, president
of the Portland General Electric company,
accompanied by W. C. Cheney, electrician
ol the company, and Geo. C. Urownell, its
attorney, left for the East to close contracts
for the electrical and mechanical plant re
quired fur the immense power station to be
built on the west side of the river at Oregon
City, for supplying electricity for lighting
and power purposes in Portland. The com
pany will exeud on this station about $1,
51X1,000, and it will be the most extensive af
fair of the kind in the United States.
" it is chronicled as the simplest of events
and yet it has a significance beyond words
to express. It means the opening of a new
world, as strange and inscrutable in its way
as the supreme mysteries of life and death.
The words ' natural' and 'supernal' have
ceased to have a distinct significance in this
flying, Haining age, and wonderment is al
most lost in helpless stupor as we behold the
prodigies of the ojiening ages.''
This is but one case. Here is another il
lustration taken from the Newburg Graphic
of the same week:
" Electricity will soon be carrying passen
gers between Portland and Oregon City, An
electric line ia being built to be completed
by Christmas. There is no reason why the 1
l!lMifilii Willamette iiy not 1h utilised
to p'ner.-ite power lor vhvtrio lines all
tliromrh the lower valley, ami Mimll
will U ilone not many years henot"
Vhese are oo,l worvls, kindly siniken, ami
reach another laiw set of readers. Tims
t e inlle.em-e of that one week's Kntkihimc
' 'ira.ls. IStit lliis is not all. The sun,? i
w ok a tiaile Journal of Portland, tin' IV !
i-uio ItuiMcr, willed t'itvulates. lamely anions; j
iMnlraolors and busings men, contained M j
tio!iv taken from the sumo issue of this pa-1
ix r, all rvlaiinx to tnincs matters. The!
I'l Uviaiii with its his circulation la.l three
Iim Itiiiy side hi-ail article each of which was
of a nature, to mipn'ss its readers favorably
ooiicerniiitf Oregon I'ity. Vt might v on
and multiply instances hut these are su tti
ciei t to indicate to our readers the great
importune of maintaining a live country
paver in this community. The moral is
F.ihWIEKS .1.YD FEl'iT.
The soil and climate of t'lackamai county
are admirably adapted to iliversitied fruit
interests. Its location is such as to give it
every advantage of a good and convenient
m trket. This being the condition of affairs
why is it Uialapplesare today being shipped
into the county and sold at over two dollars
per Nil? There can he but one answer to
this iiuestion. The fruit interest have been
i neglected : the orchanls have been ttefflecUHi.
i mom, me apnis ami otuerirermiii Have
Hamilton A u.khhurn taken ixvv-ession of the orehanls till they
. Mrs. it. A Mu'vpard ... . , . , . '
T. M. fns have taken everytnmu before them, and
C TJ li.'wVrti ' vsr ''v no' ri,,' fr"'' fOHiK't for
K M Owi : our own consumption. This would be a
" V .5" ', M,,H,!r ! deilor.ible state ot affairs were it irremrdia
t Jenuuns i hie. It la bad to ht deprived of fruit at a
a financial misfortune to be deprived of its
' pmtits at a time when the bottom has
.dropped out of wheat and the fanner has
I little rise to sell. The future prosperity of
! the Clai kamas county farmers is largely de
' pendent upon diversified prtHlucta, soar
ranred that they can always have aome
. thiii)! to market, and a lante part of his
! marketable produce should consist of fruit
aborted to cover as many months as possi
ble of the year. Hefore this 'an le done
sticcrssitiiiy mere must he undertaken a
f as are disposed to tread the bonier land of i
. iniquitous w ays. One would hare supiiosed i
w Inch found voice in the verdicts of the late
jurors. It it not abate one jot It is bet
ter to have a community honorable and
virtuous and 'demand becoming decency
and rectitude from its members than to aid
criminals by winking at their misdoings.
The Sew York Press takes an encouraging
view of the political situation and concludes
I an exhaustive article on the party's future
w ith this conclusion :
" Why should a single conscientious re-
publican go seeking after new political atlil
! iatiens? The swing of the pendulum is ab
I solutely certain to reinstate the party in
lower. It is by no means as near to death
as was the democracy in lWB and succeed
ing years. Just as soon as the scales fall
from the people's eyes, and they rind that
the democratic party cannot (lertorm mira
cles, then will they return to true standards
and to the party whose policy has stood the
test of political exierience."
The mantle of snow over everything
makes nature very beautiful to look out
upon and reminds one in many resjieets of
Christmas in the East where snow, sleighing
and jingling bells are an important ad-
I junct to the season a festivities. Except to
the children the presence of snow will not
I conduce to the enjoyment of theday in Ore-
The Manchester, N. II., Mirror suggests
that w hen the Clevelaudites get ready to
' purge the pension list" they begin with the
democratic soldiers who voted fur that sort
I of thing.
The Toledo Blade says. " the democratic
party is going to split into ' incidental pro
tectionists' and free traders," and adds,
" mark the prediction.'1
Hull of Honor.
Bkavkk Ckekk, Dec. 9. School lias
been in Bession three months. Num
ber of pupils enrolled, 44. The following !
j are the names of pupils who have been
neither absent nor tardy during I he third
i month ending Dec. !Mli : Joseph Fisher,
j Frank Shannon, Viola Kirk, Krnst
Kirk, Amos Kirk, Otto Liinan, Joseph
I Htuedeman, Mary Herman and Maggie
I Herman. Ciiah. Rl'thekfohd.
Canemah School Report.
Report of Canemah school district No.
3 for quarter ending December 9, 1892.
Number of days taught 58, number of
pupils enrolled 60, average daily attend
ance 48, number of visitors 10, roll of
honor, Ada Quinn, Edith Smith, Annie
Smith, Willie Marshall and Willie
Strange. Chabi.es E. I'eahk,
Ina Thomas, As't. Principal,
Justice blanks, real estate blanks, and
all other blanks at the Entebfrisk of
fice,' Portland prices. 1
Oregon's Wulatiiro.
The names and the counties of the sen
tors and repros.n, lathes arc as follows:
Hancroft, K A, rep, Multnomah,
Iteckley, Henry, dem and pro, liougltis.
Itlncknuin. Henry, dem, Morrow.
Huilcr, N 1., d. in, Polk.
tCumcron, Theo, rep, Jackson,
Cogswell, I' A. dem, Lake,
.Crosno, C II. rep, Hi nlon,
fCross, Harvey K. rep, Clackamas.
IVuny, ;l N, rep, Multnomah.
IMdsoh, O M, rep, llakcr.
I'ulton, C V, rep, Clatsop,
tlntes, P P, rep, Yamhill.
Hayes, li K, rep, Clackamas.
llirseh, Edward, rep, Marion,
Houston V B. iHun, Washington.
I.ooncy, J It, rep, Marion.
MacAllister, l A, dem, Cnion,
M.lliiin, II It, rep, Multnomah.
Matlock, W K, dem, I'matiHa.
Maxwell, J W, rep. Tillamook.
Myem, J, dem, l.iiin.
Alley, It K, rep, l.ane.
fKiley, Jll.ilrm. Cmstilla.
tSniilh, John A, dem, I'mmiilla'
Steiwer, W W, rep, liilllam.
tVanderberg, W C, people', Josephine.
Veatch, K M, dem, tan.
Weatherford, J K. dem, Linn.
Willis P I., rep, Multnomah.
Woodward, C II, ciliten, Multnomah.
Kaughman, I C, rep, Lane,
Belknap, K H. rep, Benton.
Bishop, V R, rep. Multnomah.
Ulevins. A, dem, I. inn.
Bolts, lKinglas, rep, t'matllla.
Brown, N J. rep, Morrow.
Brown, 0 C rep, IVuglas,
Buxtsn, Henry, rep, Washington.
Campbell, J E.deiii. Clatsop.
tChandler, K S, rep, Wasco,
f Coon, T R, rep, Wasco.
Cooper, P, rep, IVuiglas.
Cornelius. I) P, rep, Washington.
Curran, George, dem, Clackamas.
Daily, B. dem, Lake.
Pay, T t). iwople's, Josephine.
Hiiucan.C It, rep, Baker.
Purham, I A, rep, Washington.
Elmore, W P, dem, 1.1'in.
Ford. Tilman, rep, Marion.
deer, Joel P, rep, Clackamas,
tleer, T T, rep, Marion.
Gill, John, ciliten, (rep), Multnomah.
Goodrich, L J, rep, Gilliam.
tiullixson, II F, rep, Multnomah.
Ilauck, J J. IV in, Jackson.
Hobhs, J W, rep, Yamhill.
Ionian, It I, citiien, (dem), Multiiomali
Jefferys. ST, democrat, Benton.
Keady, W P. rep, Multnomah.
King, W K, item, Malheur.
ttawson, A II, rep. Yamhill.
tantou A M, rep, ilackamas.
Layman, Samuel, rep, Marion.
McErans, J S, peoples, Coo.
Maluey, 11 S.dem, Yamhlill.
Malney, A B. rep, Multnomah.
Mays, Polk, rep, Wallowa.
Merrill, Norman, rep, Columbia.
Merritt, J W, rep, Jackson.
Meyer, T G, rep, Multnomah.
Miller, M A. dem, Linn.
Myers, G W, dem, Polk.
Nicholas, II F, rep, Crook.
Nickell, Charles, dem, Jackson.
Northup, H It, rep, Multnomah.
Ormsby, 8 B, rep, Marion.
Paxton, t) F, rep, Multnomah,
Richardson, C I), rep, Harney.
Kussell, R N. rep, Union.
Sheridan, II 8, dem, Donglas.
Staats, John O.deni, Polk.
Stone, Jeremiah, dem, Umatilla.
Trullinger, J C, rep, Clatsop.
, Upton, J H, peoples. Curry.
Wilkius, Jasier, rep, l.ane.
Wilkinson, C K.dem, Lane.
Wright, J A rep, Union.
Wright, John (j, rep, Marion.
Youse, M, dem, Umatilla.
Hold-over, t Joint.
A Bmy Place. Why?
It is a common remark that our busi
ness ia showinfa greatly increased activ
ity this season. Customers speak of it.
What is the reason for it? Can't you
tell? If not try again. Hundreds of
new customers are coming to us, and
coming once come again. Why? It is
because you are treated courteously and
get your full money's worth evorytim9
whether you spend a dollar or a nickel.
You read our advertisement and you
know that w hat we say is true You
came for the goods advertised a bar
gain, perhaps, and so slated you have
never been misled or deceived by us, in
fact you find the bargains better than
you expected. We nave your confi
dence an 1 we want it. This is the foun
dation of our business. There is no
nonsense about Ilti.t.oMV & lit sit.
Sewer Connections.
We are ready to make all sewer connec
tions at the uniform price of 35 cents per
lineal foot for 4-incli connections and 40
cents for 0-inch, all complete. Apply
immediately to Pope k Co.
FleiHcbman's Compressed yeast mukes
the best and sweetest bread. To intro
duce it I will give a cake with every sack
of flour. E. E. Williams, the grocer..
All gonr wo
man's suffering
and woman's
weakness. Dr.
Pionw's FavoriUi
Prescription put
a stop to it. It's
a remedy for all
the delicate de
rangomcnts and
disorders that
t Jlvlf
make her suffer, and a cure for all the dis
eases and disturbances that make her weak.
It's a legitimate medicine, that corrects and
cures; a tonic that invigorates anil builila
up ; a nervine that soothes and strengthens.
For bearing-down pains, displacements, and
all the functional irrcgulnntios peculiar to
the tex, it's a safe and certain remedy.
Other medicines claim to cure I
That's true. But tliey don't claim to do
this : if the " Favorite Prescription " falls
to benefit or cure, In any case for which
It's recommended, the money paid for it U
Judge for yourself which hi likely to be
th better medicine.
And think whether something els offered
by the dealer is likely to be " lust aa good."
You pay only for the good you gek Oa
Hum terms it's the ehtaptut, , ,
. '
; Hl'ingK to Hiiltii
1 !
I httvon full supply of money wliioli
I I wish to loan on nootl
j Of 10 noros or inoro on
most favorable terms.
Cull niul neo mo at my
l'oitoiVut building, Uforo
Correspondence Solicited.
-Local Afent ot the-
Iirils-Coimiu Mortice Trust ccnpiir.
Carus Happening,
0rs, IVo. IS. The matter of an electric
motor Una which shall lake the directlmi
Indicated by the correspondent from Moun
tiin View, Is one of great Interest to Citron
ile. If the motor line once reaches the
Myn-s place It is conlhlenlly icled that
it will lie coiiliniicd along one of the route,
lately surveyed to the Mnlalla. Such a line
would he a sufe, secure Investment fur it
company, ami a great convenience to I hone
who wish to trade at Oregon I'ity or enjoy
its many pleunt ltri"lien.
J, K. lirahain, ax.-iMed by other parties,
has cut down two large uinirlitlv trees in
front of (irahaiu church and in making
great improvement by clearing off timber
and Mumps around the premise.
The spirit of improvement seems to have
taken posrmoon of our cituens generally,
and the owner of nearly ery ranch in
the vicimtv can boant ol elforls In that line.
Your corre.iondent will try togiielaicra
summary of w hat has been accomplished
the present year.
Mrs. Pavid Hunter has been ipille III re
cently, but is now able to lie among us
Mrs 0, Ca.iday is reported to lie making
progress toward recovery.
Letters from Mrs. John Jones, who late
in the fall want to Medical lake for treat
ment, indicate that she has nut as yet
received benefit therefrom.
The contest of choirs, which was an
nounced by the corre.H)iident from Central
I'oiut, to lie held on Christmas (Monday
eve Iec. '.Ii) at Graham's church, is really to
lie at the elch church Coi.grcKaiional. A
good program is promised.
Mrs. V. W. May has been absent from
home some three or four weeks. Nhe Is
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ikira Williams.
of Oreiron City. Mr. May and his win Oscar
are busily engaged in building a fence
around the grave yard.
Rev. V. liardiner gave an Interesting and
instructive 'discourse Saturday evening on
the subject Nebuchadnezzar's dream. On I
babbath morning he addressed the young
ieopleon the theme, " Lost Opportunities.'
While taking a walk last eve i ing some of
the young folks were suddenly confronted
by a very lare wild goose. The two ynung
girls ol the party were inclined to flight ;
but Harry Franks, their escort, met the
bird, which presented a savnge front, and
by using the toe of his InmiI vigorously, soon
made it a captive. It is a monstrous bird,
and of a grayish w hite color nilhdark lines.
Some doubt remains as to its exact specie ;
but we call it a goose.
Henry Ilornshuh and bride took posses
sion of their new house last Friday.
Our teacher. Mr. b. Fletcher, having re
ceived a cull to a clerkship In the Kst olllce
at Portland, has tendered his resignation to
the iKiard, winch was accepted. Mr. 8lrauge
of Portland will take the vacant isitlon in
our school for the remainder ol the term.
Position Wantkh Hy a widow as a
housekeeper. Keferoncn given; wages
reasonable. AddrefB Mrs. K. I.. Dean,
Vancouver, Wash. x
Take your babies to f his Now York
gallery and get a gisjil picture while you
have tho chance.
Notice of Application for Kahxin License.
Notice Is hereby Riven, thst tho unibrsliriied
will spply to the city council of On-iron City,
Orutroii, at the ri-Kulttr rneetl.'lg 111 Juliiinry for
the cniittutintlon of the license for s sslnon nt
the corner of Main and Koiirtli streets In sshl
city. Jons K. 'I'kkmhatm.
Oregon City, Orcnnn, December 15,
Wishes to thank her kind patrons
for past favors also to call at
tention to her stock of as
Candies, Nuts, Etc.
Hoping to receive the same kind
patronage this year.
A new and complete treatment, consisting of
Suppositories, Ointment In Capsules, also to
Box ami Pills: a positive cure for Kxtiirimi,
Internal, Wind or hleeillng, Itching, Chronic,
Recent or Hereditary Piles, and many diseases
and female weaknesses; It Is always a (treat
benefit to the general health. Tho first dis
covery of s iiii-dleal cure rendering an operation
with the kulfe mi necessary hereafter, This
rwiedy has never hecn known to fall. $1 per
box. for IS: sent hy mall. Why suffer from
this terrible disease when a written guarantee
In given with six boxes to refund the money If
not cured. Send stamp for free ssmpla. Ouar
sutee Issued hy WooiiasdI i.abki Ado, whole
sale and retail druggists, sole agents, Portland,
Oregon,. - : ,
Unit our relatives niul fiiomlrt must l
with sumo suitable iivsint.
OitfDiHj (oodg and Fancy (Jood Department,
In full of many olioioo selivtionsi
niK s m red no pniiiH or money to make this iltmt'(iiictit as atlrae
live as Hissililo, Vi carry uno of the best ami largest lines of
Ladies', Gents' and Children's Shoes
in C'laokamas county,
ami can show
designs in
For house wear just tho present for father, mother or your taut
friend. We also invite your examination of our elegant assortment of
That are a pleasing siht in themselves, hesiileH 1
for the children ami an endless variety of lUUO-A-HRAC for
the grown folks,
Come Early While the Selections are Best.
Park Place Cash Store.
Etc., Etc.,
At prices never before
dreamed of in Oregon City.
Holman & Warner
I'mlertakers it
I carry the largest and best assorted stock of wall
to Oregon City, und will sell at Portland prices,
figures on your work.
Shop on Seventh street, near ('enter.
A few doses of
Moore's Hovoaled
Will hraco you up, put the Moom in
your cheek ami the sparkle in your
syo. Hlrii lly lion-ah.oliolic, ils e'lluet
upon persons Htiirnring from liquor
lnil.it is wonderful.
Win. Ilossen, of I'orllaml, (ire,, writes:
"Moore's Revealed Remedy eured mo of
drunkenness and mnilu a new mini of me. All
who aru vurseil with tho liquor Imhlt should
take It."
A. H, Case, of Monterey, Ca)., says;
"It entirely destroyed my taste for spirillum
Try It nnee. Sold hy all druggists, or Stewart
Holmes llrug Co., Seattle, Wash.
, ...QvoiCautlold's Drug, tltore,.
Offloe days from the 1st to 1.1th of each month.
Artificial teeth on rubber, flrsl-elsm, 115.
Uold fillings from 12 up. All
work guaranteed,
Hlaf Stai
that tvu itre Hiiro will please you, Imv-
Hi'iue very liamlsnmo
paH'rever brought
I.et inn give you
Cooke's Stables,
W. H.COOKE, Manager,
Sueressor to I'. II T 4 h. Co.
Comer Fourth and Main Streets,
of the City. His of any description
furnished on short notice.
All kinds of Truck and IVdivery lltisi
ness piomptly attended to.
Horses Hoarded anil Fed on reason
a'llo lornis.
I'arties desiring Wood Turnintr,
turns, IlrHckets, or
Shop Carpenter's Work
Will he Suited hy Calling on Mo.
Doors, Windows and Blinds
tWOp, the UonirroKatioiial Churo