i Oregon City hnterprise. FltlPAY, i:i Kl It 2.1, IWI2. WKIKI.V ( UKSOAII. t'.nmill fr I'slmf tuinlng Kimta fr I'nr. Ili-lllrira Kea hiral ( iiliiliilii. IIIIIHY, lice. Council mi'ctliwiit 7 :ui i in. SMIHIi.W, 1 1..... 'J I frfMltyt.irUn Christmas ItiM' evciiihif. HI. 'John's ' ti . i it I n i ni'ii t unit uiltH (or children. MONIi V Y, I 2- lUptist annual rc- tllllnii mill mil mil evclilllK, TI'I'SHA V, IW 27 -Si John's Iity. Mum mli' limliilluiHin 7 ii. in, I'cu- IIV-II Toi.H.I MiH'lul Hi I 'albolil' KI'lllKll tvellilltf. M. ; hill. I. iilh M'ImiiiI mi- mini entertainment (r llin clillilii'ii lVI-llll(. 'HO Khun Mauled. Wo uiy llm lilttltt'Kl iniiiki'l price lr iVUI In.)! I.mii . ,i nun. nr. CHAT ABOUT TOWN. MLa Katie Welch .( Portland In lln U ui'Bl ul tit hiiiilly ( Chase. Hclliinl clime bslay (ur I Iti Christmas 1 1 1 1 1 I it m wilh one week's vur.ilii.n. Wllsonville won ri'irinnli in town mi Tuesday liy C ('tiiiiHlot k ul that place. JildceT A. Mclltido was in the city over Sunday, mill went lo Hi. Helena nil Monday hold conn, Shaving Sets, Shaving Cups n in I I'n Dm are elegant (. r.nf 1 1 1 for gentlemen hi f batman A Co., druggists. Assessor John Bradley was In (own (in Momliiy gelling the dram, windows mill fiuiiiesfrinii I lie Oregon City HumIi hii1 I'our 1 1 tt tty ,,r his nn house, Ilu I. mil. I Ih.a In' t'imlil I. ii)' lu lii'Hrr advan tage Iiimii limn elehern iiiul (it tii'l- 1 1 r n i it I ' i In I besides. On Inn uy in li ClH'.lllllll'li'il SHOW lit l,IHIItS,'l Wllll'll fell ' mi thick nn. I fast llmt Im coiil. I not '" four roiU unity, Last Thtiisday Mm ), W. Tavlor ll it'll Hi I. IT llOIIIII III I'llllllltlll, leaving mi liifmil rliil.l to Im cuied lor. ,1. M. Taylor iiiul wiln wmit down on I'liday to tin' l.ini'inl n ii. I will remain (ur a limit In tui with tlifir oii hihI cum-lor tllll l.llll.V. If lllCV llllll tltl'IIIIU'lvcH suited In Portland limy limy remain peniiiu,ei,tly mill li'iiw llii'lr l,nmu here. Tim Oregon City If"1' Work Iihvb ltul ii very t i n v dill. Mr Ib'ske llm ro- nrli'tor unil tin muni Have Im-cii Kept as busy as Ihcy could l right along Hlul Hint tlm bmhiei'agrowliigonllicir bauds, 'l lm lion work on tint new j.iil U tu m supplied li y llii'in. M..i. J. W. Itliilnol rortliiml mill It. p.. piiltchilds o( Minneapolis, Minne sota, wcte In the city on Monday look lug over im mlvuiiliitrfH and they havit nnmii.'i'l In eulcr business here. At present limy are olllcing with C. . T. Willluiii.. A Idler troin Mm. T. A. Mcllride dated Hi Klvcrsidc, California, Informs her friends tlnil "In ha leached I'm rlnl ol lirr Journey, lor tlm in-wlit Ht li-HHt, n olid lm rt'lilfil tili'in-mit col- i New mil, iikiii m. Iliillilliiir rr 1i:i lrwii my Nil ill hihI lo..r I'miiji i Nobody Disappointed Up To Date! Musical Instruments, Etc. HOLIDHY-rGOODS. .WaburHCuitarj OUR MAGNIFICENT STOCK IS A VISION OF BEAUTY AND THE GREATEST HOLIDAY HIT OF THE SEASON. Burmeister & Andresen.f tuKu wlmrii dim iiriiwii lo live lr H I lillll' lo Ktlit lllTM'll. Anions M i 1 1 I it CHtli-rn (', I' Unrlowi w Im whk in llm fily Itrmlinit to ! A i'orri'iu.li'iit lo lln' 1'ntliolic Sun IHllimrotlH lHMi iiHM HiloifilH. I llnl (nun lliin nli mivH: 'M JoI.ii'h . ... ... - 1 1.. I. ti.u ..t...i oont(n.li,itioii In." no rii'li nm.iilM-iH, 1ml i""- fc" " ll i nn I...H.I u( Iniviimtlm hum liU-ritl ! wliifb u..oH tlm wroml Moor Hint to mot K-imroii. Tlm ii.imii)h.. r ll "I'l' li willlm iilU. lm.l tlm main mum working ,,. but llmv mwnv. Imve Thin room will Im iim-,1 exrliiHivly lor .nmtl.i.nt for llm .'Iiiim I.." J tlm plHiili-if mi'.l X".-.t oonmr in the - north went 2-'s2 1 wliicli will Ik! litti-il iiij At tlm .nnnal nm..l.ii "I tlm Coinm- ,,,,,. T,B U,IH., fl.r will Im j initiouM clnli in IWiliin.l on M..n,lv ,,K,r ,..t.rt .t nn.l (Im! tlm mmivm.my ol Krffutlnri.' .luy.C ndtt. w, l..ur. II..- nx.C r.!.iirinK '"' H.),Milnm.U.lu.'euntlml.Kk t()lHr, it iM tr.i.l. ! out rominitt- mnl Mm. II J. I.lvrr- A new tiiifitn it on it whv wliiHi will inori. on tlm tnyium roinmitl.'K. R) i()rw (H,wl,r ,,. nw j Iji.t wi'i'k J. YV. A. HoiIIioiimj wan Impiovi-il in n-liiimry will tw put in HomkI out, tint Im po-tml iiotiru on to rtl-t imiiiim llmt lit now in inu). ! Ilia il.Kir alHtiiii; ttittt liiinneiM wonhl tm i Work will Ik l'tcun at una' mnl the mill j ri'mmmil on t ri.liiv, mil on in n morn- i niiim.i 10 aM i'm ( ...ii..v i.mi j inn h W4 not IhhiI, ImviiiK lim lliiiii- i.lrcii-il t Ytnl. wll wv lo inoru I'linmoiiiilcliiim. Ill) liiinai1 WITI llHIUu mr iuuii.j Hi-ik ilurinit llu' wi-iktotlm (ollowinit nun. i'. I .uitii'H: Kninin Mhv hluiiuliUT anil iHivid M.irnhv, Annn SluH'ttli-y mnl . Stoinn-r, Tillii-li ni 'ii ml ' W. lUviu, Mv I'orti-r. and John I'iiiii', Siihhh Ciook aliiinka mnl lloriiiHtin TfWi'iioii, Sath llro.ua nn.l J. J, KIhut, l.oiti Myew mnl V J. Anliiiitif, Ji'iinii) A. Terry mi'l J. II. Shllll. l.owiTliiu I'nliliHUnir will work to hiiil.l ui ii iioo.l hilHint-Mi ttii'l !. I.lim, Jeniiiu u-K ami.A. . Tlm Ori'iion (.'liy Kuali uml Ixt fun-1 Our Iloliility iittructiniiH jtlcaHc thi-in nil. Nut cliwl to mar th merry I imy InivH ('.iii.li'i"il tlmir lni lor Clii iftiiiiiH of lniyiTH hIio vinit mir mnmlnoth ntock of frifti Hiproiriiit(! fill' nw hiiililinu whli'h limy will i''i't ' duriil.li' for fViTylHiily. Wo will iili-um- you in (jiiuntity, quality ainl jriw lmini'ili.iU!ly imar tlm Jitu ol tlm ijiiimmiI ! An niiriiia!l"l iinHurUii' iit ami varii ly to unit all taU-H in "'li. wo,,.,. i,k.,.,vJ Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, milium! wlmru Ihi'.v nr lint IohimI : loinnvii hy llm huililinu ol lh' tnotol . llm, in lion! of Ihrir ,ropi-rty .hiiI tlm iniini i-r In whmh tlm t-mponiry Im-, ,rovi'iiifiit ol tlm mini wum luhl. Tlm j tri'ollH in front of lln lr fji lory will I I uIi.miI Hi'Vi'ii fi'f-t iihovii tliwnt roail j IhIbii, tlm ioiiiniiiy w Himioii" to. Iihvb llm iroiMly iiwimm iiiiprovn llmt: blink Ht thin ti'ii,' " thiit thry roiiM ii i iik ti iii'i catiiry HiiiU iiljont tlmir mill lo rninmn whcrti limy re Hint mi1I 'Iihvo conymiii'iil mi-'fHa to tlm roinl to' xnuhln tlmni lo K" iiia'friul in nn.l outj .with llmyriMiti'xlt'HHi'. Hut I'm iroK-rty ' liol.li'rn woiil'l not iuiirovo mnl thej U'inrry rmil Ih ilm i'il Ion Iiimii lo i I MTinit llu'in to piiait iiinliT tlm motor j j linn with ihi-ir wuomh mnl I. my would I oh'iKiM) to curry nil uuiliMiiil mnl iiikii- ' ' iifHi liiri'.l ijonila iiriimn tlm roml For j tlicaa rciiaoiia t Imy any limy urn ol,li''(l ! to inovi!, j TDK SCW IH'll.lilNO. Will Mmiil on llm lota jimt norlli of , their prewnt mill mnl will he h auhnUn tiiil alnii'turn BliunliniS li-nifthwim to tlm , roml, llm iliiiicntiioiia .H-iiiii olixM tevt I with 21 fiK,t im.i. Them ill nl Iw hii inlilitiuii 2U'ill on llm north eiu! to lie imeil for un :ii:iiHi mnl lioiler riHim, al.av in pit ami iltynm room. Tlm main rmiin on the Krouinl tlool will ! Hear l lirl-tinaa ISll.'. 1 Call on T W. Kouia acroaa from tlm di pol, Oretfoii City, for the flm-ft line of Iot a ami fancy koooh, incltiilinK lolU, Comb ami liriiah ceta, li'ioka, Ma(?ic I.HlltlTllK. AlliiiniH. liiahea etc. All to lai Kohl at very low price If Ul Call All pemon" iinlebtiil to ua mnat call ami !iinke a nett lenient without (nil or jou will hiivt) extra i'oai to pay. Our bininetta will tH-cloaeil out. MAVKK k Al'KKKM.W. BUSINESS LOCALS. Holman A Warner, I'lnleitukera Kinbalnmra. Oregon City Hank buiMiiuf. Kuceipt, note and order Kntkhi-hi" ollice. otlrt To Kent. Sealed bida will m received by the mauler and waidena of Mullnomah l l.L'e No 1. A. Y. & A. M until famr- lav January 7. 18'.':i a! 6 p. in. lor booka at tlm i lease foi fioin one to live Yearn o( the store and fixluren now oi cupied by 1 Inver & A. kf rin.ill . Applicallti mut Central addition to Oicgon City in lota tHle the line of lii-iue to be carried and blocks to unit piirehaaer. l'rorty I on term o year-, rent i r month, cheap, term eacv. ee L. K. Jansky. ' uiuothlv in advance anil the lod-e re- Ai huii e Ihii i( t l;ata iniikea one ol llm inokt aireptahle ol Cliriilniua Kill t. Stevena kwpa tlm 11. x If you waul a complete, vext piH-ket railway giui fcl a copy of ( iln A rrrwdhoiunii'a, pnhliflied inolillily Iniinc. I. alu ly alter 'lm llrt of llm year Mm It nt It liockft'tod will atmt for llm caat to Mlllwuter, Mliiii-aola, to vit.ll relative, l.a"t K'iday Kwiiii l.akin of Mil waukee in the city on tiuamcM am! called at the Imiiiihi-k ollice for iiply of IciJiil hl.iiik. J.HH'pb K ilerlin w ho moved lo Snlcm a year atfo lo t'l'ifiiiio in btiainea ha been verv auk with ly.ionl nmluru but ia now much Iviier. N. O. Walden who ha been c.'liltiiel to the hoior (or four week with dropHV In tlm kiii-e i alowly inirovii,K but j with limit trouble. Iter Ural objective ha alill in Ui veiy cael.il in tiaing hi , point will U Oakland. ... j Soon after Januarv llmt OS, Olilaon r-lcia.-bma.iir. Compreaaed yevt I , A K-,.ttrkr will o-n up nl m.ai.limtm.ian.awe,.I,.a, nrran. i eatalc and in-nramo .lli. in town. inlr.Hli.ct.lt I will uiveacakP with rverv I .-., MBHkl, ..u..UlI .,... .,.., Notice. To Whom it May Com kks: That I w ill not las reaponaible for anv debt con tracted by my wile, a aim lia left my lioii-e and home, unknown to me. 12:11112:23 A. S. Caki.on. Aatrajr. Taken up by urn, lei 7, 112. one while pony, uurk branded with a heart. 12-10:12 :'M) Kiukkk Havwahii. Kreiih Kaatern Oyater. Itreaaed Cbii ken and Turkic. K. K. Wll.l.lAMa, tlm itrwer. with W. Carey Johnnon. tl Sclioot deportment card one cent each, nooil for term, at ttie Entkpkik otllce. Old papers for underlaying cari-t at thin otlice. rervep llm iL'hl to n j-ci ny or all bids. 1 Hem lo coimie nce i'eliriiary 1. IS'Si. j Addreaa bid lo Mauler and Wardens. Oregon Ci'y, Orekiun j Mark bid" f"r rer.l of store. I IT j ou waat to applj to ' . 'I'. borrow nioraey t llllauii. Iliickieii'a Arni Kalie. The r-eat Salve in tlm world for Cut, Hiuie, Sore, I'lcera, Salt Kheuiii, Fever Sorea, Teller, Cbapied lUnda, Ch.llilain. Com, and all Skin Krup- IxiuiiKe. chaira, etc.. iiol.olftere.' at liona, and H.aitively cures Hi lea, or no llohnau A Warner' All work Kuar-pav require. . It is guaranteed to pve anleed. Kei air all your old lounces lor j periecl rauaiaciiun, or 11.0.7 ............ i;.n. ...,... .ml lhev will lie Kood a Pri.-e 2" centa per box. For sale by O nw A. Ilanlinif. Thoaeconlemplalinn lair'owinir fbonl l ascertain term offered by C. 0. T. William. Mr. I. 1". Mean wa aria..!in to tart (or California tbia week whcrt'idm hi.n'a llm cliinalu may n-rlore lier aon llenrv'a health, a be ia now ,ilf.-rini( Q'li'iM powders; IS SEVENTH ST. MEAT MARKET. HARRIS & HLA-IjL, PROPS. -AFRESH - AND - CURED -MEATS.- None but the best quality kept. A trial or-k-r solicited. C. P. WIXKSET. S. F. RCRIPTl'EM. far CHIIDRIN CUTTING TtXTH flour. I'. V. W11 1 i.m tl" sack of (trocer At Sieved' confectionery "land not door to l.iverinori'' hotel can be had tl ' lineal candy and (real, nut in town. In packaite (or ChriatmaH purHMc at special price The house of John Thayer on Center street between Thirlecnll. and Full'' tecnlli I now occupied by Cliarle tial lui;tiy w ho moved up Ironi I'm k l'lace to Iw nearer hia woik. A letter from Chaile 1'orter who is rutiiiiiiK a sue esaful Hour and aw mill at Prairie City In lira, lit county state that Im ha had a kmhI fall for btislnea and ia (loinx 'll. H' hB.v" ,llHt ' l,lul four weekly jiaia-r, but that ho re reive more pleasure from the K.ntkk rmax than limn all the others. When on visit lo Iowa, Mr. K. Pallon, of I.uray, Huasel county Kan, called at the laboratory of Chamberlain A Co.. IVsMoinea, to show them hi aix year old boy, whose life had been saved by Chamberlain' (uiuh Keniedy, it having- cured him of a very severe attack of croup. Mr. la!ton is curtain that it saved hi boy's lif" and Is en. tluiHlaallc in hi praise of the remedy. For sale bv (Ikoihik A . IIahdimi. fur the new firm. On Tuesday the Onyon City M inufac tui in company made a lurk'" shipment of their celebrated Ml. Hood blanki'i to New York, where theie 1 a hire and lirowinu demand for their ti.wil, and a lea.ly sale. JaCttar and Stevens have henuii the' erection ol a one story biiiluinK SllxttO on their proiK'ily 011 Wale'stieel a.ljoinii.i! Fourth. Ills lobe used as a carriage paint simp by Iav.a the painter. F'.arnest and Harold Hand will be home fioin F'orest tirove on Friday to spend Christina with their parents. They will not return to school till alter New Yeara The Piapatch says that "With Hie com pletion of the car service to Oregon City, many now predict solid city in the near future from Oregon City to the Columbia." Mr Asa Sander of Molalla was in town on Friday. She reported Mr. Sunders suffering with rheumatic and in piMir health. Ituy your Paint and oils, windows and doors at the Hark l'lace Store. They are cheaper than elsewhere. I.ii.li.l'.'ia J. Low 11 ami 0. r. Jones. U.asoUill.in i.f ( ii-l'urtncr-hlli. The c.epaitiicrhip hinctofore ex'sling between A. Muvcr and Inuac Ackcrman under the name uudHivleof Muyer Ackeiinau has been this day dissolved by U111I11..I coiiKenl. Ad outstanding debt nui-l U) paid only to A Mayer or to his aneiit, Lax Ackcrman, and the liiiitiliies w,:l lie p.u.1 by A. Mayer. A. Mavkii, Isaac Ackkhman. Oregon City. I Vic. 22, 1H2. Attention Mrit, After January 1st shaving will be 25 cents al F.irnsworth'a liartmr shop No 4 Commen-ial bank block. Quickest and cleanest wo.k in the city. Hud the artist will he in attendance to polish your shoe and put you in piesentable , shape. ChurHl I'eNtlvuls. Special prices, given lo churches and schools for their Christmas candies, mils and fruits. Y.. K. Williams, the grocer. (let your Christmas candies and nuts 1 at Stevens's uml make happy the little I uirls and big girls. REI.IEVK FEVERISH BEAT. PREVENT riT9,C0NVVL8I0K8, kc PRESERVE A BEAI.THT STATE OP THE CON BTITITIOK DCBI.Ml PF.1U0D OP TEETUIKO. I Bm that lh worts " JOHN BTEEDKAX, Chera. iat, Talworta. Barter," are enurarM on Ui. 0oTi.rnm.Dt Htamp afflual lo sach p;ket. I M-Sold tJ all UadlDf DruUU. R PRIER'S ' I Photograph Gallery. If you want a pood jihotopraph give him a call at his old stand op jiositc Farr's butcher shop. WIXESET & SCIUl'TURE, UNDERTAKERS & EMBALMERS. Urgeat atock of Coffins and Caskctfc kept South of Portland. Alo cloth covered and Metallic Caskets furnished to order. Ladies Burial Robes and lients' Burial Robes in stock. Also Wagon and Carriage Making, Horse Shoeing and Gen eral Blacksmitliing on short notice. S0TH1N5 BUT FIRST-CLASS WORI DONE. ; PROMPT DELIVERY j TREES I TREES !Ij Twenty thousand j ITALIAN AND FETIITE FRUNES! For sale cheep at the PRAIRIE NURSERY First clafs Prunes, 6c. each in 100 lots. Second class, 3c. each in 100 lots. For further information, call on or address, DAVID J. COX, Clackamas Co. Canby, Or. FURNITURE. See Our Complete & Elegant NEW STOCK Cash bought it low prices will sell it! Our Specialty To please our customers. Our aim To Bave money for our patrons. Our intention To do better by you than any one else. CALL AND SEE US. BELLOMY - & - BUSCH. T T n mm mm Ll FOR THE HOLS 5 t SEASON. CHRISTMAS GOODS, SUCH AS TOYS, PLUSH ALBuMa, WORK BOXES, MANICURE SETS, PLUSH BOXES OF ALL KINDS, ROCKING HORSES, DOLL BUGGIES, ALL KINDS OF DOLLS, TIN TOYS, GAME, CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S CARDS. B BOSTON -STORE Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Notions, Clothing Furnishing Goods, BOOTS IB Mil