CLACKAMAS COUNTY THE KSTF.Rl'lUsK roKKKM'OMK KSTS SW'KEl TIIR HEIII. Kanv .w Keillors Hon., ami . ... Hams A ( htisiiims Arch Othor Solos from Highland. m.-nivMi, w, 1:1, nr. ,t. Nannie nasi jut got in a line suh k of holiday yvcsls. I He also keeps a well selected stock of gen- j era! goods, and is doing a rushing business. Ills is toct ll,. t.,M!...! f.r tl,; ,f . ' ' ' '. , , .' tll.l,ttl. lva, lit.tli.wl i.e.. .a, t.vf farm prwduce. Mr. Kandle is the right man I in the right place. Mrs, Post tell and dislocated her arm I some time ago, and her husband pulled it i hack in place. We are glad to hear she is i recovering and will soon be all right. Kohert Nicholas has sold his oxen and lia a fine horse team instead. Samuel Weiss has also built a barn and nearest x'veral acres of iaml. li. Wallace has resvntly iaintil his new granary, which adds greatler to the ai pearatu of his place. Several farmers of this ueinitv have on hanis this fall. A g un! time is expected at the Highland (hiuvli on Christnias eve. The residents; are sparing no pains to make this Xmu II. 1 don.t !1 .,ll,K .. I.i..l, l,, 1.. I ! ii. v oiee una near me prviiirani ami see the "arch." Highland is improving and progressing rapidly. At the begining of this year there were several vacant houses and farms which re now occupied. On the place formerly ownea py wm. uvingoton, therf now stands a new duelling house built by Mr. Myers from Statlonl, who is now the pro prietor. Also, on the farm formerly owned by Mr. J. D. Ley, there has been a new I ouseand barn erected by Jacob Kurts, also . font Station!. Samuel and Jacob Weiss, loth from Stafford, have built neat and comfortable houses on their lots, purchase! from R. Stricklin. The attendance at the Highland school lias been so large this winterthat the di m!n had to add a number of new seats lately. This is good proof that Highland is increasing very much in population. SEWS mO BAR LOW. I To Christmas Trees and a Ship In rolnmbia ; Hall New Mae ana Fixtures. Barlow, Bee. . The literary society is progressing finely, the membership having increased to fifty-eight, and every one takes a deep interest in the workings. Commit tee have been appointed to carry out their plans for a good time on Christmas ere. Two large trees are being put in place in Columbia hall, and a boat in full rig which will be mounted upon rollers, and, at j the proper time, sail in loaded down ith fcanta Claus and presents to the heart's con tent of the young and old. A play has also been arranged for the occasion "A Regular Fix," under the able management of Mr. Mays, folloved by songs, recitations, etc., and last, but not lt-at. a song by the glee rlub, "The Old l hiken Uucket," with its tine scenic effects and representations of bygone days. A general invitation is extended to all wihing to attend. The S. H. R. R. Co. has had a force of D'en at work for the ast two weeks putting in an underground ditch along the railroad through the townsite. The ditch is nearly finished and the carpenters are expected next week to finish by putting in tiling. Mr. Millard Lee, the Canby nurseryman, has been very busy the past two weeks de- liveriiiK his nursery onlers ami plantiiiE out I orchards for settlers. A ball will be given by Mr. Henry Koeh ler in Jarret's hall on Xmas eve. Through the day there will be turkey and pigeon shooting. A large crowd is expected. j ,,.. . , . . Mr. Rollins, an artist of Portland, has 1 just finished the senic effect of Columbia ball stage. The drop curtain is a handsome sjiecinien of art representing a scene in Venice. OhWEGO. Weddine Bells-Arranging for Christmas En tertainmentsSocial Notes. O.-WE00, I)e:. 20. Jack Frost is making a lengthy visit with us at present. Mrs. James Layman is convalescent after a long illness. The wedding bells have rang quite mer rily the past week. Miss Addie Bullock's and Mr. Frank Gray's heart now beat as one, the knot being tied by Judge Haines. W. W. Todd andCoretha Nelson were joined in w edlock last Thursday evening at the residence of the bride's parents. About iifty invited guests were present, and several beautiful and useful presents were received by the bride. May the newly wedded pair live long and happy, C. X. Haines visited his parents in Oswego Bunday. Prof. Seaman of Portland will give a ball at Prosser'i hall Monday evening, Decem ber 2. The 0. C. Band reorganized last Sunday with 1). H. Buzzard as leader. Christinas w ill soon be here. There w ill be Christmas entertainments at the Congrega tional and Methodist churches Christmas eve. A merry Christinas to the Entkkpwhi!. Buckeye. CK5TBAL POINT AND BEAVER CREEK. A Wedding and Dance Christmas Tree and Watch Meeting. Certeal PomT, Uec. 19. The farmers of this place have bad splendid weather for their work during the past week. Lester M. Lelar.d, a student at Corvallis from this place, is coming borne to spend Christmas with his sisters and cousin. There will be an entertainment and Christ ines tree at the Iceland school house the evening of the 23d. Everybody is invited to attend and bave a good time. C. H. Foster is having some grubbing done. He intends to put out four acres of hops. Peter Engle has shipped 100 sacks of po tatoes to San Francisco, and others-will ship j mwii as thcv bring a lair price ami are still 1 Third street : thence northerly on mi ascending ,.,..),.;,' ! grade to the south Hue nt fomili mrwi m mi C mi V r,M ; evailott nl ill leel ; thence level across Fourth I Win, MclVnahl lias initio to Washington i streel; ihenee northerly mi an sscciiiliiiii grade ' to work in Ilia Mil ,,,ii,, ,,,,1 Wli m .,., I '"r distance nf I.U leet at ar. elci alien ill JtT J ,to work tn ttieival mines and will wjow!(M., ,.,,, descending i,lct,nlio smh 1 all winter. j ltin ( Kith streel si mi elevation ol JU feet; i..: 1 iv .. 1 1. ... ... ' llieitee level seises Kitth airvci. thence north- 1 'iiiiian, ". " '- " derful intprovenienta by burning down ami !...... ..., u..-. t i """ l " ,.,,.. ""'i making in'vrations tor freaking the land tints clear.!, ( H. K. Kastman lias shied brick from i IVi-tUnul to huilil a tin- place in his house. H. A. Waldrott has sons to l.inn comity j canvassing. Miss Lottie Kastman and Ina V. Leland j took a trip to Oregon Oily last week. They ! 1 ' l'd a muddy time of it, judging from ar ( ' " pi'arancs on their return. l'avid Penman, jr., is building nearly a mile of fence for his father and has it nearly completed. There will In' a Christina tree at thet'en- Ira! Point M. K. cliun-h the evenini! otthe !'J4th Kvervthhlv is invited C.eorgn'.ISIaiii'lianl and Miss Martha tint- inrlet weiv i.nite.1 in wedlock on the 17th, at 2 oVKh k p. m., Kimt. liauliHT tMtUirtiintf. A low ol t Iteir younii ttttMnh uprv niviie! to SH'iul llie tfiiiii. A moil): thivo iVM-nt ; wen? MiM's Taylor. Ji'tmie rht'l(s, Kt. j won, lsjio K.ituttill, Marv KukIo, Aimio Sturm, Clara l.lanoliHnl, Mary Uri, Lot tie KaMmatt, Mown. tiiUvrt Uatitlall. 'loin Hhinoharl. Mottry Y.nU tooriw IVninftu. laitl IViinmii, Harrv Kastman. Win. llan tall, Kraak tiutvrleit, Joe Hriggs, William and James Kiauchant. The evening as siwnt in dancing until II :.X. when all were invited to a well spread table. Alter s'ippar all ilepartnt to their luiine leaving their best wishes for the young couple and hoping for them a happy life. George McArthur and his brother Hurt are in our midst again. They have been to $a'em but have come to stay this winter. There will be a watch social at the Central Point church New Year eve. Supper 15 eta. Come one and all and watch the old year out and the new vear in. F. CENTRAL POINT. tVeddlnf Party-Preparlnf for Christinas Other Note. Cital Pkist. IVc. IS. Married, at the residence of the bride's parents. IN-emlier I.. Miss Alartna i.utpenet aim Mr. lieorge Hlanchanl. Kev. V. Iar.'ner orhcialiiitf. A i few of the most intimate friends were nrcs- ; ent and witnessed the ceremony. In the Jeieninr a rtrtv of iiung folks were in- itel. and bud a verv enjoiable time. We uts'i the young couple much happiiuea on their jonruev lliMuch lite The Sabbath school aill have a Christinas tree at the M. K. church at this plat-eon Christmas eve. A literary and program has been arranged foi and a good time is e.Tvted. The I. O. (i. T. Iixlge meets at this place every alternate Wednesday evening. The question for the next meeting is: Resolved, that liquor has been a greater curse to the eoi!e than war. There will he a social and watch meeting at the M. K. Church on New Years eve. I A siipiwr will lie serve.1. prn-e l.i cents. , MINK MISIN(kS. Farmers Tlkinj of Spring'! Work Trw in Bloom. Misk. Iec. Horn, who was hereon a visit last winter exis ts to leave Ahlaml, i IVim., smine time in February, and make Oregon his home a he is sattsfil alter travelind over the western Mates that Ore gon the plai-e him. Farmers are irettmic ready for Riirinp; 'lowing: a tew have already commenced. i. A. iSohulM! has a Kr trve in full hloom in s iie of the frost that we have had tne last few tiavs. 1 1, .. i n ..... ...... "'" o- -c i.ti.i8 ! lorty-two patent ileks. , ll ttie next legislature when in session ; coulil hear all the plans Tor a ptKxl assess- j ri.oiit nit niMii Imiv I tt.inlr thiil ii,a u onl.l ! not make anv chanm s. as it is hari'l to riml two or three w ho will aree on the same plan. 1 for one am opposed to the plan of bonilinp the county fur two bund reel thous and Hollars or anv oilier sum runninc twenty-live or thirty years for road purioses for at the end ot that time we would have paid the sum in interest and still owe the Principal Cnrrinsvllle. CISRI58VH.LE, Pec. 10. Our village is sadly in need of some walks. T. . 1 .1 11 11 and w ife are to move to south ern Oregon soon. Willie an interesting program, consisting ot addresses, speeches, and essavs, was ren- 1 dereii at the literary last Saturday evening, i As last Friday closed our first term of ' ...t ih.. n-oL- ..-at 1.,. -! and the , i,n.,l orL- aill V. 1,1 k.-o ., .... ,! ' and tne s nool work will De lakui up again next week The average attendance in our school for last month has been thirty-seven pupils. Following are the list of the names of those w ho have been neither absent nor tardy for the month inst -Fihoir Heinle Anna He.?,J?2e t?l &1L I A ir 1 Hearkeurider, Ida Hearkeurider, Josie 8tone, Jessie Currin and Andrew Shank land. Further Correspondence on Fourth page. OKIiINANCE NO. -. AsOrdisikce establishing the urade nf High, Center. Washington, John Adams. JerTersun, Madison, Monroe, Joha Q. Adams, Jackson, Van Bureu. Harrlsou, Folk and Tayior streets. Oregon City noes ordain as follows: That the follou lnir tie and herehv l .iah. Hshed as tlie grade o the hc-mi after mem .,. .'a ..L.'.V. . ).e. "e n-re"mll:r meu- tioned streets, to wit High Street. Beginning at the south line of Third street at an elevation of 'AW feet; thence level across Third street: thence northerly on an ascending ! grade to the south line of Fourth street atau eie vation of 210 feet: thence level across Fourth street; thence northerly on an ascending grade to the south line of Filth street at sh elevation of 212 ft.: thence level across Fifth street;thence northerly on a descending grade to the south line of Sixth street at sn elevation of 20y feet; thence level across Hlxth street; theuce north erly ou a descending giade to the south line of beventh slreet, at au elevation ol 200 feet. Center Htreet Beginning at the south line of Third at) eet at an elevation of 207 feet; thence level across Third street; thence northerly on an ascending grade to the south Hue of Fourth street at an ele vation ol 209 feet; thence level across Fourth street; thence northerly on a descending grade to the south line of Fifth street at an elevation of 2ijh ft.; thence level across Fifth street; thence northerly on a descending grade to the south Hue of Sixth street at an elevation of 207 feet; thence level across Mxth street; thence northerly on a descending grade to the south Hue of Heventh street with an elevation of 204 ft. on the east line of Center street and an eleva tion of 203 feet on the west line of Center street; thence level across Heventh street with an ele vation of 204 feet on the east line of Center street and level across Heventh street, with sn eleva tion of 203 feet oa west Hue of Center street; thence northerly to the south Hue of Klghth street at an elevation of 204 feet; thence level across Klghth street; tlience northerly cendlng grade to the south line of M on an as- 1 ii til street at an elevation of 214 feet; thence level across i.iuiu mccii mcui;c uoiiocrij on a, uenoeiiunig ai...ti. - . . .. ... u i .. .... - a ....... II vation of lati feet; thence level across Tenth street. Washington Street. Beginning at the tenth line of Third street at an eievatlon of 209 leet; thence level across ! ,rly ,111 . ,ecen.llli arade I.. the ..mill line of 1 sixth street si vlvtlun nt in feet; thence I level aoiwM lih altwt; thence iiiirihcrl nn a ; descending grade to lhi south lliiii nt f.'veullt street at an elevation el Jlti leel oil Ihe eai line o( Washington suit an elevation ot Mi leet mi lite west linenf Y aldington ; Iheliee lev el serous Seventh street on the east line nt anhitiaion street at an elevation of -.MO (eet and lei el across Seventh street l u elevation nt vi h-vt on Hie went line of sshuiiilnti slrtvl : Itieuee nurlherly en an Heeliittiit srsile to the iiuh line nt KlLlilii !,trti,'l t Mil Mtlnli nt "il'J fitii llin., level aero Kishih mrevt: iheiuv imrilurlv nu a ileMHniiliini (trsite in the smith llmi nt Mmh slleet SI sli elevstl'in of 'Jit feel : tlionee nu a ,n xceiiilliii: urs.te soms Ninth stntal an eleia ttnll ol (ihi; IheniM nnrllierly ntt attescelld tn itrsde In the south hue nt tenth strew si an elevattnn nt jm feet on the ai line ul li Inulnii Mreet ami n elevallnnnl .M.' feel nil III ei line ot suhuicinii ursvi: tlionee lvl I across lenth street st an elevation nl jm feel i n - ihe sssl line of sulilnijtiin irevl. sml level I irikt I'miiiIi tirMi ul , iiiMt dil ,1-kii l.,..t .... ! the west Hue nl ahiiiainii sireei 'thener 1 northerly mi a ilesivmlliia irsite in the smith line of klevetuh stteet ai an eleiatlnn ot 170 feet; ihenee nu a ilvscnnliiur i rsite seriMs Kiev- """" " an eleisti.ui nt lee; Ihenee I lUi .f luoKtli mrviM tit Nit vlrvrtih-u ( UMt?.: loM'oihlMtic tirndototlto oudt lluool Uuruviah trovt nl mi cicvHitnit ot H (ovt. John AtUnt vtroot, Hoi;imtlii nt tlto Houth lino of Thtnl tiriot hi tan olovlo of Iimm; ihonov lool ai'm 1 hiiti stitvt; tlnoo itorthorlv on m Av iu.ltiia I rirtdo to the Ouih lluort Fourth trfol ai n i mhi ; ihcnf. noniu-rlv .mi an awntlttw r ; " tho ,vmh lino ot Kmh Mrvot at mi tfUni.ou ol '.v: feet; itieuee levi-1 aeiin riftti street, thence liiirllierlv en a ttescuntlim rite te the smilli liiiiitif Slim street al Nil eiei Httun el .'.n feel; Iticnrv level serum Mtli street. Itieuee inirttierly en a iteneeiullna ursde In Hie soniti line tl seieuth ulreel at mi eiei stli.u i'l JU ,S en the eail line nt Joint .litmus street and sn eleistttui nf jrj tevl on the ei line ef .inhu AiUins street; thence level scrims Seventh street u theesil line nl John AiUins alrecl at an elevation ()f in j fi, also level serins Sev enth street en the went Hue of John Ailsms street al an elevation ol .M1.' feel llieuee north erlr nu au ai-.iiiilln trade to Hie nmitli line nl fctuhlh street l an elel atlou nf Jlli leel nil Ihe east hue of Joint Adstns street ami an elei atlnn of JU leel mi the west line ol John Aitsnii street: thetice level aernaa Kiahin it reel st an elevailuu ol Jlii leel ou Hie eoiltneol Julio Ailams street atnl level aeros Kithth street al an elevation of li fct on Hie wet line ol John - Admits street: ttiem-e nurlherl v on an a.eeiiillnt I fraila In the south tine of Mulh street si sn ele i vallon of l.ntiTl en the earn line ol John ailsms 1 sfeet and an elevstlou nl Jl loet oa the wei I line ol John dsms street: ihetn-e level arrows j Ninth street si sn elevation ol .".ll feet on the eawl line el John Adams ftfreel and level senws .Ninth street al an elevation nl Jls lect ou the west line nf John ..lsni street: Ihenee north ' rlv nil An amii.!iii jfM.ln t., Ihn .,nit, II, .,1 i Tenth street si an eli-isiion ol .'..' feel: thrnee ou a ilesi-eiiitttiK traiieacroaa leiith street tnau elevatlou ul .'u fe.. al ihe north Hue nl Tenth street; iheiit-e northerly ou a denceinli.iic fraite In the south line ol Kleveulh mreel at atteieia tlon ol !M feet . thence ou a deneetiiliinf rsite across Klevetuh utreelto ail elrvstlou of isl feet al the iitirih line ol r:ictettth .tn-et; thence I uortherW on a itesceiiilliiK rmte lolhe south i tine of Twelfth street at an elevation of leet. ' 1 hence leiel ens Twelfth street al au eleia llou of his feel. Jefferson Street KetlmiinK 'l the south line ol Third street at an ehvatiou ul ;"S leet. theui-e level scro Thtrit street; thence northerly ou a tleieeiiitlti( g raile to Ihe south llneol Fourth street stsu ele vation nl zai leel on theeaat line of Jertersou street, and an elevallnn ol 1 ou the west line ol Jefferson itreel: theuee level across Fourth street al an elevation ul V.'t.6 leet nu the esat line ol Jeffenmu street ami level across nu the wet Hue of Jertersou street at sn elevation of . Ih ... ,.. ,., ril,l of tu feet, thftu? level ki'rMi! Fifth utrevt at nu rirvntitin of Ufetl: Itieitcv norlherty tiu il otHlinf rU- lothe utuh Hue of Hlith at nu eittvftttfU of fet tn thr mm Hue of Jtf frrnon i(re and au elevation of (ih nn the wmi hue of Jedertiou ureet : (hear level arra Suth ouihe eiH line ot JefTerann at an aleva lion of t& feet and lerel acrooa on the wet 1 1 tie of Jeffenuxi itrei-t at an elevatlou of feet; thenre oonherly ou an aiu'eitilliiK ffraite to the utn nn o! neveiilh ntreft to an elevation of feet on the enst line tf Jefferaon mrert ktxl an elt vatioii of feet on the went line of Jef ferKtiti mre't; thettee levi-1 acrostj Seventh street ou the et line of Jeitemon street at au eleva llou of z fei a tnl level arrofts Seventh itreet tin the litif of Jet1eroti at an elrva loii of Z'si fett: teniutttn( at an elevrtlion ol Hi feet at the north line of Kinhih atrei't: thenre norih rly on a ilescenilln? (trule to the south line of Ninth street at au elevatlou of J40 V,i: thenre level across Mntn street . thence northerly on a iteacenilluit ursile to the south line nl Tenth r, ,u eteVHlt ,M lnt. ,, ivel ,rross ruth street: thence aortherl ou a .te sceinlinj u-aiie to the sotth llneol' Eleventh street al an elevallnn ol 171 feet; thence level across r.ieveilth street: thence northerlv on a lerenltu uraile tn ihe uih line nl Twelfth street at aa elevation nl li-t feel on the est line 1 ol Jerterann street ami an elevation ol lis) feet j on the wet line of Jerteraon street, thence level ai ross Twelfth street ou the east llneol Jeffer son street at an elevation ol 1M (eet anil level i across on tho west tine of Jetlersou street at so i elevation ol IW feet, j Madison Street. Heglnnlnit at the south line of Third utree: at , at elevation of jm leet ou iheesailnienl Maill sou and at an elevation ol 2i4 feet on the weal I line ol Madisiin street; thence level acroaa Third street ou the east Hue ol Madison street i at an elevation of iVi fret ami level ar-roas Third I street ou the west line nl Mitdlaiin street at an elevatlou nl'24i leet; thence northerly onsnas ! cen.lmir (trade to the south line nl Fourth street at an elevation nljasdel Ihenee level ..-... fourth street: thence northerly nn a rlesi t'n.lin ! Kra.le to to the south line of Fifth street st an 1 elevation of M feel ou the east line of Madison j street and an elevation nf '.'-lo feel n:i the west 11 " of Madison street; tlience level across Kj(Ih slreetoii theeaat line of Madison street ai 1 ail elevation of Hi feet and level across Klllll slreet on the weat line uf Madison street at an elevation of 'Jlsfei-l; thence northerly on an as- ceudiuif Krade to the south Hue of Hlilli street at all elevation of t'i feet on west Hue and '11 1 "ii eai line 01 jiauison street; tneuce level '"'? .ll,h. ."'" northerly In the leel on east line ol Maitlaon streel; thence level south line of Heventh street at an elevstloti of 'Hil.b feet on the esat tine of Mmlisnti street Slid au elevation of r.l feet ou Ihe west line of Ma.ll sou street; thence level across Heventh street on the east Hue ol M million street at nu elevation of i2.5 feet and level across Heventh street on the west line ol Madison street at an elevation ol 'AM leet , thence northerly oil a deaceu.llliK grade to the south line of KlKhth street at. an eleva tion ol MS leet: thence level across street; thence northerly on a descending grade to the south line of Ninth street at an elevation ol 'J4S feet: thence level scross Ninth a.reet- " . . """"" o ueacen.i lug lo lae H"",h '"" "' tK"lh Hl '"'v'1"" feet: thence mi a descending grade acnt Tenth thence northerly oa a descending grade to the street to au elevation of 2S0 feet at the north Hue of Tenth street: thence northerly nu a de scending grade to the south line of Kleveuth street at an elevation of l .Sfeet, thence level across Klevetuh street: thence northerly on descending grade to the south line of 'I ivellih streetat au elevation of iss feet on the east line ol Madison street and sn elevation of 1X4 feet nn the west line of Madison street; thence level across Twelfth street on the eaat line ol Madison slreet at an elevation ol )t leet and level serosa Twelfth street on the west Hue of Madison streetat an elevation of ls4 feet; thence north erly on a descending grade to the south line of Thirteenth street at an elevation of 174 feet; thence level across Thirteenth street. Monroe Htreet. Beginning at the smith line of Third street at an elevation of 21s) leet; thence level scross Third street; thence northerly ou a itvsceiidlng grade to thesouth line of Fourth streetat an ele vation of 2M feet: thence on a descemll tig grade across Fourth street to an elevatlou of lM feel; thence northerly on a descending grade tnthe south Hue of Fifth street 'at an elevation ofr feet ou the east line of Monroe street and an ele vation of2Ti7 feet ou the west line of Molina street; thence level across Fifth street on the east line of Monroe street at an elevation nf 'I' feet and level across on the west line uf Mon roe street at au elevailuu of 2:,7 feet; thence northerly ou au ascending grade to the south line of Hlxth street nt an elevation of 2isifeet; thence level across sTxth street; thence north erly on an ascending grade to the south line of Heventh street at an elevation of 2K4 feet on the east line of Monroe street and an elevation of 213 leetou the west line of Monroe street; thence level across Heventh on the east line of Monroe street at an elevation nl DA feet and level across Heventh street on the weat line of Monroe street at an elevation of 2M feel; thence northerly on a descending grade to the south line of Klghtli street at an elevation of 2ft0 feet ; theuce level across Klghth street; thence northerly on a de scending grade Ul tha south Hue of Ninth street at an elevation of 24s feet ; thence across M i a th street ou a descending grade voan eleva- A GREAT Carlton & Rosenkrans, 4l. C-K-N-B-Y They take inventory tho first of January. Honco their prices until that dato will supriso you. ALL A LEA MILLINERY GOODS AT COST. DISCOUNT OF 10 PER CENT ON ALL THER A NICE LINE OF GOOD SENSIBLE Christmas -:- Presents, YOUR HORSES WILL BE STABLED FREE OF CHARGE. -tlmoul. 'ortfiu;!;':-, ;.,..4aii " Crescent Wt'tlges (warranted.) It it S Proof CliAinn. Aro.itle Files. Loggers and Wood Chojuntrs SHcialtios. Oregon City Agent, ...... llou ol leel at the north line of Ninth street, thence northerly on a ileacemlina ara.le to the south line of Tenth streetat an eirvalion of U feel; tllt-tice leiel acroaa leiilh at reel , Ihenee northerly on a ilesi-einlinit trad to tlia south j Hue ot rleveitlh atreet in ait elevation nl teel on Ihe eaat lltienl Monroe atrel anil aa ele vation id tj feel uu Ihs weal line nt Monroe street: thence level aeroaa Klevvllth street on theeaat llneol Monroe street al au el jvatlnn ol JU fee and level aenau Klevelith slrel ou the weal tine of Monroe atievt si an elevation ul feet: Ihenee northerlv In the aoiuh line of Tweph aiteel al an elevation of i-.'t leet outhe eaal line ol Motiria' street and au elel atlou of '.J ( (eel on Ihe weal line of Monroe alreel, tlieui-e uu a deacenilltiit irraile aeroaa lwelllh atreet to sn elevation o( t..t on ttie eaat line of Monroe ami an etevstlon nf I feet on the west line ol Monroe street. John y. Adama sireei. j lles-lnuln at the south line of Hltth street at an elevatlou ol iliM leel; tliem-e level aeroaa! Sixth atreet; thenre m rtherly In the south lliiei ol Meveulh ai an elevation wf '!l..v leet on Ihe eaal line of J. g Adama atreet and au elevallnn i of JTVT A on the wtiat line of J. y Adama atieet. ! thence level aeroaa Mevstith street ou the eaal : Hue nl J. Q Adiiina atreet at an elevation nl : feel and level across Hevenlh street on the weat line ol J. U Adaltis atreet al ail elevation nl leet; thence northerly on a ile--iillriv ; arade to the south line of Kluhth street at an l elevation ol 4 feei on the east line of J. g. Ad ams street ami an elevation of 'JM feet nu the west line of J. l. Adams atreet; thetu-e level aeroaa Klirhih atreet un theeast Hueol J. y Ad ania i atn-et at an elevation of (eet and level across r. ighth atreet on the weat Hue of J. y. Ad ams street at an elevatlou ol ' I leet; thence northerly on an asceitdltuc tirade to thesoititi lilieof Mulh street at au elevation of ivu feat on the eaat line nf J i. Adams street ami an el evation ( feel on the weal llneol J. (J, A-l-ama street; thwre level across Ninth street on theeaat llneol J. tj Adams street al an eleva tlsti ol -70 leet ami level across Ninth slreet on the weal line nl J. 4 Auauia atreet al an eleva lion ol ft leet: t heme northerly on a ileaeei.,1 In Krade to the south llneol Tenth atreet at an elevation of 'J1H1 feet, thence leiel scrota lenth street; tlience northerly 011 au aaceinlliin nm.le to the south line of Kleveuth street .11 au eleva Hon of -JM feet; Itieuee level across Klevelith street; tlience ou a. lesceudliiK irrade to the aoiuh Hue of Twelfth street at all elevation of 2.W feet, thence on a ilcaccndttiir iiinde across Twelfth atreet toan elevation of AM teel; thence north erly on a.leseeii.lliuii grade to the south line ol I htrttcnlh slreet at a 11 elevatlou ol tfi'j led, tneuce level ai ross itiirteeuiii street. Jackson Ktrect Iicgiiiiiing at the south line of Mcventh streot ul an elevation of ') feet on the east line of Jackson street and an elevation of L'H7 feet on the w est line of Jackson street ; thence level across Hevenlh street with an elevation of 2t feet on the cast line of Jurk- son street, and level across Heventh streel w ith an elevation of .'M7 feel on the wet line ol Jackson street; tlience northerly on a de scending grade to the south line of Eighth street at an elevation of 1T7H feet; thence level across Highlit street; thence northerly on a descending gru.le to the south line of Ninth street at an eluviition ol 2711 fret; thence level across Ninth street; thence northerly ou an usccuding grade totliesoiith line ol Tenth street at nu elevation of u7..'l fed : thence level across Tenth street ; tlience northerly on is r i ascending grude lo the south line of F.leventh street at uu elevation feet ; thence level across Kleveiith slreet; I hence northerly on a descending grade to the south line of Twelfth slreet ut nu elevation of 27-1 feet; thence level across Twelfth street; thence northerlv on u de scending grude lo the soiiih line of Thir teenth street ut an elm ill inn of UliH feel; thence on a descending grade across Thir teenth street to an elevation ol 2ni leet. Van Ilnren HI rent. Beginning at the south line of Heventh street at an elevation of .'120 feet on the eust line ol Van If u run street uud an elevation of :(I7 feet on the west lineof Van lluren street; thence level across Seventh street with an elevation of .'i'-'O feet on the east line of Van Hitren street and level across .Seventh street with an elevation ol 317 leet on the west line of Van Bnreii street; thence northerly on a descending grade h. the south line of tighlh street at an elevation of SOU feet; thence on a descending grade across Kighlh street to an elevation ol .'lot feet: thence northerly ou a descending grude to the south line of Ninth street at an elevation of 'Ml feet on the east line of Van Biintii street and nu elevation ofSJHH feet on the west lineof Van lluren street; tlience level across Ninth street with an elevation of 21l'2 feet on the east lineof Van lluren street anil level across Ninth street with an elevation of 2HH feut on the west lilieof Van lluren street; Ihenee north erly on a descending grade lo the south line of Tenth street at an elevalion of 2H4 feet; thence level across Tenth street; tlience TUMBLE IN PRICES AT- HAHKillOHsST & COMPANY, l.M Front Streot. I HARDWARE I rortlaml, Oregon. Ntrthwatru Arntt dr ATKI1VS &1JW& -Unrw teet(lnt Tuttletiailh . Ivurr Lance- t: -..ii 'V't. wi)mirmmrfww northerly on an axendini! ;ra.le in tlie south line of Klerenili aires-l at ait Heiatlon of fi-et, iiiem-e level ai ross Kleienlh street ; thence northerlv on an aceniliint grade to the aoiuh line of Twellth street at an elevation oi siteei; Iliem-e level aeroaa Twellth street; llieore nurlherly on a d- aeetiiiing graile to ttie south line ol Tlur teenth at nil at an elevation ol ;TH Ie-1 ; thence level across riiitleeiith street. Harrison Sirret. nek'inning at the iniiltli line of Seiihlli street at aa rlciatioii of isl leet no the eait line of Harrison street and an elevation ot .17 hi t on the west line o( llurris.ui street ; thence level across .Seventh slreet with an elevation of ."Ui feet mi the east line ol Har rison slreet and level across with an eleva lion of :tl7 feet on Ihe west line ol Harrison street: thence northerly on a desi mlliiii grade to the soiiih line of Kig-hlh street al an elevation of :.' Ii-el; theme level across Klghth si reel lo an elevation of :ti.' leel; thence northerly on a descending grade lo the south line of Ninth atreet al an eleva- i Itoii of, tin leel on Ihe east line ol Hamsun rf'l lul an elevation of .111 (eet no Ihe west line ol Harrison street, thence level across Ninth slreet at an elevation of lllii fret on the raa Hue of Harrison alrcet and level across Ninth street with an elevation of 312 feet on the west Hue of Harrison street; thence northerly on a descending grade lo the south Hue til Tenth street at au elevation of.Hia feel; ihenee level aiross Tenth street; tlience northerly on a de scending grade In the south line of Kleveuth slri-et al au elevation of -."is (eel ; theuce on a descending grade across Kleveuth street to an elevation ol '"si leet; thencv northerly uu a deseenilinn grade In the south line ol Twellth street at nu elevation of 2s feet; thence level across Twelfth street. I'olk Slreet. iicgiiiiiing at tne s.uitti line ol Mcveniti street ut nn of 3ui ,"i feet on the east line of I'olk street .'Ifl'i feet on west lineof I'olk street; thence level across Sev REASONS WHY Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Is The Best. Firstly. It is the oldest Cream of Tartar Rakinp; Powder in the world, and has stood the test of 40 years. Sf.condly. Its makers have never succumbed to tho temptation to introduce ammonia or alum in their goods, for the purpose of cheapening; the cost. Thirdly. It is made from the purest Cream of Tartar, refined in the immense plant at Jersey City controlled by this company, by patented processes used by no other refiner. Fourthly. The governments of tho United States and Canada have endorsed Dr. Price's Cream Raking Powder after thorough examination, as have also the heads of our great universities, prominent physicians, boards of health and the public. It is used in the United States Army and Navy and in the cuisines of the most select clubs, hotels and private families. Fifthly. It is just what it is represented to be, viz: a pure Cream of Tartar powder and can stand on its record without any bolstering up by means of fraudulent certificates, or resorting to any other tricks practised sometimes success fullyby other makers of so-called "absolutely pure" powders. Hllref Hleeis Haws Jxrtvii" ? W " HojH. Crt'sfont t?el WILSON & COOK enlli si reel , tlience northerly on a descend. Ili Krade ki the aoiilli line u( Ktsjlilh street al an eleiatioti of Mt Iwt , thencv level across htitlttlt street; thence northerly on a . ileacendiiia- grade to the south hue of Ninth street w itli an lei atlou ol .no (eel on eaat j line of I'olk atn-et and an elevation of ills) feel on the west line ul I'olk street . theme level across Minn streel; theme northerlv ou a iloi einlii.K grade to tha south llneol lenth sln-et al an elevation of X.M leet. thence on a dcwcmtitig gmde aeroaa Tenth sin-el toaiielevaii.i -.1 Hsiei i theiu north, erlv nn a . te- '- a.le to ill south line ol Kle cnth - i i an el.'i niinii ,if .112 feel; thence .i .as Kleveulh atreet. thence on a n, nog grade to the south llneol lwelllli si . . i at an elevation nl .M leet ; theuce level at rosa Twellth street. Taylor Street. Beginning at tlie south line of Seventh slreet at an elev atlou of .ITu.A feet on the east llneol laylor street and an elevation of 374 feel on the west line nl Taylor sini't; theme level across .Seventh street Willi an elev ation of .17.VA leel on Ihe eusl Hue of Tavlor and level acrn-a with an elevation of 371 leet mi the west lineof fav liir street ; thence northerly on a descending grade to the smith line of Klghtli stm t al au elevalion of 370 feet, Ihenee level a nias Klghth streel; thence northerly on a dcaccu.Tiitg grade to Ihe south line of Ninth aireei at an eleva tion ol :i'i7 feel ; tlience level serosa Ninth slreet; thence northerlv on a descending grade In Ihe south line nl lentn street at an elevation of 3tn feet; theuce on a descend ing grade nomas Tenth street lo an elevation of Xfit feel ; thence northerly on a descend ing grade totliesoiith Hue id Kleveuth street at an elevation of '321 fe l ; thence on a tie scrolling grade across Kleveulh street In an elev alion ol I'.ii feel ; theuce northerly on a tcsciMiilllig guide to the sinilli line nf 1'widlth street lit nn tlev-Hliio, ol toll u,o !...., level across l welllh street, I'uhlislied hv or.lcrnf II, . eliv council nl a meeting Held lici IT, Koj. I It I,. I,. I'minca, Itecnrdcr.