t City Enterpris VOI i. 27. NO. H. OKKCON CITY, OKKOON, FHIDAY, DECKMBKIl 23, 1802. ESTABLISHED 18CG. Oregon e COI'lt'l. Circuit iniiirl titnvi)iitt ttr.t Mmuliiy In No Vernier mill Uilnl Mmi'U) In A .i 1 1. I'rtiliaUt court lit aoalttn that MiiieUy ill oaoh Bimilh. (Jtiimiil. . Inner, tmurt tnmia Aral WiMlurailsy tlit rlr.t XliueUy til rai'lt .tituilli. -y CAHKY JOIINSOH, WYF.lt. Curlier Ki.ht tint Main ln-rli, lir.ni.u City, tlrt'M"ll. uk.m. f.stath to 8 fix ash musky io loan. I.. I'uUIKIl. ATTltNF.Y AT I. AW iMtim ur hn.'i tv n iimiikh. Ortli- ncil In (ii. j.iii CM) tlili mi Mil alrwl. f O. T. WIl.l.UM. KAI. KS1A1K AMI MIAN AUKNT. Plenty ill mniitiy Ui l"u mi llitf i"t laviiiiiMe (mil. A UtitMtf Imalm..., r.fti'l'iu'ii aiel .titmrlirtit l'rn,..ly Farm 1'ruperty lh trai t lo mil mi ita.jf Irrnt. Ci.rrr.p.ui.l.'lir prniiielly muwrrfl tirTn'o, mil iliuir 111 1 autlel.l it llmilh') iltuil atme, 1 II HYK. AITOItNUY AMI CuCNSI-XOU AT LAW Olttieut.r (Itrniill ( liy Hank. uam ni, iini j yio 11 HMtiii, I'lPt MVWS AND Sl'Ilt.F.ON, F.aglo Creek, - Oregon. " II I: I.ATot ituru. ATTOKNF.YS ANI CtHSSFl.tiltS AT LAW MAIN arillt.T, liHktciN I'tTY, OIIMION. Furni.h Atinrta i.l Title. Ia Nmipy. Kiiro clf.o W.rti;aite.. ml Iran. art neutral Law tiu.irie.a j J K t Huss, ATTOHNKY AT LAW. II4. I'll'W I IK AlX ! Stu liC THI t1 Heal Kaiaia a4 lo-umnM. Offlr on Mum Street, bet. Slitti ami ntr, tiaauox CIT. n. 1? M. KANtm. NOTAHY ITUUC, UK A I. K.STATK A INSURANCE. omre In llii' I'mi im Hulldun, oita"U City. ureii"ii. y 11. liriuiiiAimr. lUioKF.R. I.IIANH MCtJOTI ATKII. City niul County Warrant Ixmlit. l.NKIIUNCK ASH UK At. KHTATK. tittle III I'lUntllee I.ul.lin Oreoii Clljr Or rjpiioM r. by an, KKAI. KKTATK A Nil INHIKASi K. I'hnlr f lir. Kara unci Riibiirlm pmprrtr I'" I. oily M-rl(M, wiiiniy warrant ml aeeuri tie. ui nil klli'U IkhikIH anil aula T lK ml IiiiMiivm ol iwry dwaotlpttiSa llf mlixl M lur iHiit-rrtiliau. Iifllm) uu llt ta biilMliK nifl l iiil..mr I I IIAYKK, J' ATTOUNKY AT LAW, Omoiim Cit, WU prarllr la nil Ihp nmrM of lh . tiffin, enriirr Mi ami Kllilli oihiomw cimtt tiotue OIU.C HKIIWMU.L. 4. IlKlilWKa. JltDWNKI.I. 4 BHKHHKK ATTOUNKYS AT LAW, UIKHD ('ITT, 0. Wlllprnclloe In llliiCiiiiflol llwle. ()! fti'ii. lie 1 1 ilmir tn (nullrUl 4 lliiuitcy'a itru II lure, rpilK CdMMKHCIAL HANK, OK OUK(i(IN CITY. IIUO.O0W TIUNAT A (KNIRII. ntNUIMO n)Nl M Umi ra.n. 11111k illriMiunli'il. Mki cnl liii'llinia. Iliiyamul ai'llaaii'lmiiK ntt all inilnla III tin- Utilliul Htalna, Kunie anil 11"" K1111K. Hciinlla wrt'-cd aillijfi t tn liliu k InKTi'nl t uaual rli' lloi'il mi lliim iIhihmU. Hmik own fnim . M. to 4 p. M. HnliiriUy veuliigi from .1 In 7 r. M. 1) C. I,ATOI'HKri'K, rnai.lcm. V K IKINAI.KSON, (iKHlikir ANK (If (IHKUCN CITY. Oldest Banklis House Id tHe C117. I'iiIiI 11 1 CaplliU, .i,IKia. I'RKKII.KNT, VH'K I'KKHIIIRNT, CANMIKK. M AN AIIKIt. TIKI". CHAKMAH. OKII. A. II A lllil Nil. K. n CAt'KIKI.II ( MAUI. KB II. CAI'UKI.II, A RnniTiilliniikliin IiiibIuphu trmiani'Unl. Iiupnalla rw'i'lvuil mlijimi m abiick. Approvcil lillla ami iiuloa itlanniiiili'il. Ciiiml: anil (illy warrant IioiikIiI. Liiiinn 111 vie mi available aoourlty. Kxi'Iihiikc tiotiKlitauil ai)ll. ColliMHliiur iiimlii prnuiptly. Urallaaolil tvallanlr In any part nf the world. TiiluKrnphli ixotianKii Nuld on l'littland, Hau Franidarii, rbliiniioaiiil Nnf York. InUmiHi pulj on tlnui iliipimllN. Hub Aronta ol 'I'll K MINIKIN CIIHWK RANK r. r. wiiitk. W.A.WII1TB. WHITE BROTHERS, Practical Jrohiteefs if Builders- Will proparii plana, uloviitlnna, workliiK dti tnllx, and HpiMitnVaUnim forallklnda of huild InirK. Hpocliil nllioition irlven In modorn not tiiK'i'". Kutlninliia (iirnlslioil nn nnpllimllou Call on or itddram WIIITK llltuH., Orf Kim City, 0n THE WINTER TERM OF THE Pacific University and Tualatin Academy, WILL DECIN TUESDAY. JANUARY 3, 1893. Fur ciitiiluiii'K iiml full infiiriiiiiiinii ikIiIichh, Tiidmah Mi Ci.h.i am), I'rcK., Fori'Ht (irovH, Or. E. E.WILLIHMS, w H 0 L E S A L E CHR1STMHS Candies Lowest Nuts Prices Fruits Ever Raisins . Given Figs in Minco Oregon Meats City. Dressed Chickens and Turkeys. THE GROCER. SEVENTH STREET DRUG STORE. DR. L. M. ANDREWS, Prop. A Full Lino o Fresh Drugs nd Medicines. Pntont Modlclnes of all Makes, Notions. Optical Goods Full Slock Of Machine Oils, Belt and Cheapest. V'xiw Hilcctitiii of lVrfaiiicry ami Toilet Soaps. Ami licad- iii; rrainln of Cipirn. iMti.M itii'i io iti:i I i.i.v i Hlilvi'ly'a niia'k, ...... Oirtrnn Cilv, Or. THE Oregon City Sash and Door Co. furry the I.nr'pt Stork of Sash, Doors, lilimls, Mouldings, Etc. In tVi gon City. Sjwt'iiil of IiMir mnl Window made to ordvr. Turning of all kind Estimates for Stair Work and Store Fronts Kuriiitdird m iilication. HiiildiTu, give vih a call, and wd if our work not of tln In-Ht, and our jiriot't an low an the lowest. I'rk't' List cent on ajilirtion. Factory, Cor. Main and 11th Sts., Oregon City. Am SCHWA3V, llXAI.KH IM stoves; tin & hollow vare. All Kinds of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Work Promptly Done. PLUMBING AND GENERAL JOBBING TO ORDER. Nhop Nrvmtla Ml., nrar Ife'pol, M. HOSFORD, The CANBY MERCHANT, Sttllii all poixln at a living price. Flour and kerosene not given away in order to catch your trade and then even up on higher prices on other goods. JXono'Biit First Class Goods Carried. Trices as low as -an 1 had in the county. Time given to responsihle parties. LUMBER. Orders filled for rough or dressed lumber, all first class, at bed rock prices, retail or carload lots, J. JONES & SON, KKAI. Kit IN Doors, Windows, Mouldings, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES. Cabinet Work, Fit t ing up Stores and Kepairing of all kinds. Jobbing Orders Promptly Executed. I'liii tx Tin: i . .;'. flPKho) corner Kourth anil Water streets, buck of Pope A Co's, Oregon City CANBY NURSERIES, MIIJLARI) J. IMK, - - Proprietor. A COM l'LKTE LINE OF Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubbery, Etc., WHOLESALE .A IN" ID RETAIL. CANBY, OR KG ON A N D R E T A I L flrffon 4'lty. llrunrb at Oxe(fO. DOIXGSIXCOXGUESS Panic In the .Money Market CuiihciI by (iold Kxpoi-tation. TO ItH'KAL TIIK i:i.WTI0 LAWS. Cnii;rt'H Not llolnr Much Silver Ida U-kiiim h lllf II Hlai' Tills, ii II I II K ill H,iiiionli'iil. Waiiis(itin, Tam!. 111.- Tliu .ilvr ami arili-ai vt-r men in thu liouaw vnttaxi-il in liyht nkifiiiialiiiiK in aiilicipulion of a failure ol tlie ItrUHmtls lnlerniiti)iml con feri'inn, from wlnrli the iiiemler av lliey xjiei:t nothing. Karh lil is now1 inleavoriiiu to Ii-hi-ii aoini'lhiiiK of the! nirnHioH anil vivwa of the other an'e. I Talk with free-silver men ami avoweil j oioni'iit of the pri-m-nt Sliermaii law J dhow it to I tielieveil lo lie unlikely t that unytliitik- will Iw iloiie at this i-nninn i eidiiT in the way ol a ri'iical of the! SliiTinun Ihw or the eimrtnie:it of more ( railiral xilver leitiHlation j The senate and house rommitteea on j ininiiiiiilioii heli) a joint mci-liii and iliM iiHaed the hill introilured tiy Si-nalur ( hanilliT, t'j kiikjn'IiiI immiktrntion. Il am shown hy voininuniratioiia from exierts that ll would lie positively necessary to suspend iiiiiiiinration for a IhtumI in order to keep cholera out of this country next year. In the house a concurrent resolulion for a m-ess from Ileeemtier 2'.' to Jan uary 4 has I XV ii adoed. A hill making it unlawful lor any com mon currier to insert in a hill ol lading a clause to release it from liability for losa in transportation of merchandise com mitted to its ore passed. Wasiiimitom, Ilec. l'J. Mr. Hlaine's' physiclona now concede that he will not recover. They do not say just how long he may live, hut from the tone of (heir stutemenU it is believed he cannot live more than two or three days. A cor resMindcnl saw Dr. Johnson again thi. afternoon. He is more communicative and had no liesitency in stating Mr. Iilaine'i exact condition and the disease witli which he is sunVring. His disease i. mainly in the kidneys. "Waxy de generation of the k:dneya," the malady was railed, with complications of lierni and nervious troubles. ahiiim.ton, lVc. 19 The senate adjourned soon alter meeting, on mo tion of Senator (iorman, as a mark of resect to the memory of the late .Sena tor (iitison, Wahiunuton, Dec. 111. In the house today it was manifest that the Christ mas holidays were rapidly approaching. The unoccupied seats fai outnumbered those occupied. liurborrow, of Illinois, lias introduced in the lieuse joint resolution repealing the religious legislation pertaining to the world's fair. The resolution pro (oses to leave the matter of Sunday ob servance entirely within the power of the regularly constituted authorities of the exposition. The bill introduced by Bate, ofTennes soe, to repeal all statutes relating to supervisors of elections and sieeial depr utiea was taken up, and Bate made an argument in its favor. These laws, be said, had been in operation over 20 years, and had not reconciled the peo to their harsh interference with affairs belonging exclusively to the stales. It was not surprising that late political revolutions had swept from power the party which enforced machinery for in terfering with the elections of the states. The force bill had been potent in the late overthrow of the republican party. The law which he proposed to have re pealed was the germ of the force bill. These laws had no constitutional war rant, serve no good, and their remaining on the statute books was in direct dis regard of the spirit and purpose of elec tions and the peace and, quiet of the country. Senator Cullon introduced two bills, intended to strengthen the weak points in the interstate commerce act. The first compels the testimony of witnesses before the interstate commerce com mission; the olher defines the word "line" as used iu the interstate com merce law, and construes it to mean physical line, whether it is one railroad or two or more connecting railroads, or part railroad and part water, when both are used under common control. Blaine Vary Sick. Wasiunuton, Dec. 18. All day long tho life of James U. lilaine has hung trembling in the balance. For more than an hour in the forenoon hope was abandoned, and the end was momentari ly expected by physicians, family and friends. All stimulation was thrown aside in the apparent imminent pres ence of death, and the suppressed facts of his illness, the long denied, but now admitted, liright's disease, the occasion al intervals of delirium, the nine long houi'B he has laid incapable of speech or motion these, and other distressing features of his Illness, all incidental to the one overpowering organic trouhle, f'right's disease, aygruyaicd as this lis been of lute hy a cold contiscted while imprudently venturing out driving two Weeks sgo, and by malarial fever, and confronted hy a constitution impaired hy nearly two years of continual sick ness, are now taciily admitted A Fame Amtcd. Washington Dec. L'O, H!. Informs- lion whs received at the treasury depart- lushed ollicial information concerning, inent lo the effect that the 'financial j "he foreign trade of (ierniany for flurry In New Yo.k is practically over , l's just been Itrannmittcd to the stat for the present, and that there is no department, It shows that tJ.j per cent longer any piospects of a panic. Money j"' ''ermany'a imports come from the is reported easy at exchange; has fallen j United States, lnle IS 2 r cent of her below the shipping point so thut the "l'orts come lo the United States, heavy exMJrtations of gold are not likely j (i'et Brilains headed the liat of coun to continue. Hecreiary Foster said this , '"es with which Germany did business morning that :i,i)oO,(KS) in gold has furnishing 15 per cent of the imports been taken out of the treasury this week j""'1 Orbing g) per cent ut the exports and that about tl,'000,000 moie would j Want to Hicg Batti. probably bo lost More the week was ! riTTHBI..fli w xll(, fwlin(f ended He is confident, however, he I ,. , ,i,i H,in,.,u,i said, that this gold will soon te returned : witli interest inroiign u.e regular cnarr nel.oitrai.e in nam mere is "J nothing alarming iu the situation, and it . ... i .1 .....t...l inai sio, apparei... u..m-. will reailiiy aojusi memseives. .nr. Hepburn comptroller of the currency, also said this morning that there was reallv no otcassion for alarm at the slate of affairs in Wall street, and he would tie surprised if the apparent stringency was not intended solely tor Us effec'. on congiesa. Mr. Hepburn said that while there may be some sentiment in the situation, he was convinced that the interests of the country demanded the repeal of the .Sherman silver bill. Atrociosi Chirme. San Fha ncisco. Dec. 18. A four story rookery in the most densely populated iiimrterof Chinatown wasf.mnd ablaze this afiernoon. The build.ng crowded with hundreds of Chinese men. women and children. As the first ,:,y of fire sounded two Chinamen were seen to run from the bouse, closing and bar ring the doors and windows. Hardly were these Chinese out of sight when the flames burst through the roof Smoke issued from the upper windows and the imprisoned inmates battered at the barred doors and window and screamed for aid. The police and firemen quickly arrived on the scene, and with axes cut their way into the burning building, rescuing all the inmates. It is thought that the two men who perpetrated the fiendish act of firing the building and imierling a large number of peoole's lives were highbinders. Tbeia be Randall Demeorata. Washington, IVc. 18. About forty democratic members of the next congress have entered into a more or less detinate agreement. Their purpo.se is to act as a brake on tariff legislation. In their own language they are "going to stand together to keep the party from j acting the fool on the trriff question." .uost ol the mem tiers are irom me Atlantic seaboard, but several are from the Ohio valley districts. If their great prototype were alive, these forty pro tectionists would be classed as "Randal' democrats." They are entirely confi dent that they will be able to hold down the wild and woolly Westerners,and the members from the cotton districts, to a very moderate revision of the tariff without a material effect upon the pro tected industries. Contrary to Stipulation. Tolkdo, O., Doc. 17. The Blade to night published along aiticle, descrip tive of the three English alleged reve nue cutters, now lying in Owen sound, on the south shore of Georgian bay. The vessels, wich are named Petrel, Con stance and Curlew, according to the Blade's representative, who visited the place, are men-of-war, any one of which is capable of knocking into splinters all floating armaments which the United States now has on the Great Lakes. The vessels are said to be 150 foot long and 25 feet beam, with a draft of less than 10 feet. They are capable of run ning through the smallest canal in the lake system, and their armament is the most complete of its kind known to modern naval warfare. Demooratio Laws Indianapolis, Dec, 17. The Indiana supreme court today decided as uncon stitutional the apportionment act passed by the democratic legislature two years ago, under the provision of which the legislature which meets next month was chosen. The finding is that the appor tionment laws of 1875, 1879, 1891 are all unconstitutional, but the court also finds there is a de facto legislature elected, qualified to enact a law which may take the place of the law set aside, ' Won't Aoot.pt assignations, Washington, Dec. IS. The postotlice department has refused to accept the resignation of fourth class postmasters or make appointments, except in places where the postmaster dies or absconds. Tho department has learned that post masters are resigning and securing the sppointment of deni's ruls or mi g jwuinps, and oftentimes selling their business to the new man as a pait of the I consideration. Fourth A"isiant Kalh l bone, who has charge of these mutters ; says that it is unfair to the new adminit- 'tra'ion, and the denartinent does not care to he a party to such barguins and sales as muiiy of them seem to he. A BiUoc. Agtiast Ui. Wahhinotox, Dec. 18. The first pub- poisoner among the non-union men at t,(e mUU jg V(.ry )iter anJ fr()m rull)W(t ,fl0Hl it woui, seem that he was mm h , f . - a ollt of it. u is 8U,eJ that an organization has en formed among the non-unionists to put him out of the way if he should be given his liliertv. Till PrciideLt'i Faturs. San Fkancisco, Dec. 20 The Exami ner this morning sajs that President Harrison baa accepted a proposal from President Jordan, of the belaud Stanford jr., university, to become a member of the faculty of that institution. His duties will comprise the delivery of a j series ol law lectures, winch will call him to Palo'Alto two or three times a j year, and it is provable that be wid i make t.Vts s ale his winter resilience. j Wol Haiauii tt. Wre. i Wamhsutus. Ih.c. i8,-s.-retary o j me i.ea-u.y .nar.es ros.er .ooay ex. I ..'..'. . I I . I f f...i.'.- (n ....u.rli. r. ra tpecting the alarm lelt in financial circles over the anticipated large gold exports. He said : "My duty will be performed in the interest of the public welfare as vigor ously as if my time were not soon to end. Every resource at my command will be availed of to preserve the ratio of gold and silver, as I am commanded by law" Large Batch of Immigrant. Nsw Yoek, Dec. 19 Over 1400 im migrants were Iniided here today. Agent B az, of the Hamburg-American line, who was a passec.ger on the Columbia, announced thut no steerage passengers will be brought from Hamburg after January 1. Is Extend Ciril 8errics. Washington, IVe.lll There is little rea son to doubt that the president will soon issue an order extending ti e civil service j aw and rules, so as to include all letter carriers and clerks in the free delivery po8tolTiee8. These offices now number 301 and employ about 11,200 carriers and 9300 clerks, nuking 20,500 in all. To Doctor Blaino. New York, Dec. 18. Dr. Alfred D. Loomis, the leading specialist in New York city, and probably in America, on Bright's disease, was tonight summoned to Washington to attend Secretary Blaine. Mors Extra Bcssion Talk. Kkw York, Dec. 19. A Washington special quotes Don M. Dickinson as au thority for the statement that Cleveland is in favor of an extra session, but be is undecided whether it should tie held in the spring or fall. There's a good deal of guarantee busi ness in the store keeping oi today. It's tooexcessive Or too reluctant." Half the time it means nothing. Words only word. This offers to relund the money, or to pay a reward, is made under the hope that you won't want your money back, and that you won't claim the "reward. Of course." So, whoever is hcrest in making it and work not on his own reputation alone but throuvh the hs-ul dealer, w hum you know, must have something he has faith in back of gnnrantee. The busi ness wouUm't stuiid a eio' without II. What is lacking is confidence Back of that, what is linking is that clear honesty which is above the "aveiajie practice." Dr. Pierce's medicines are guars n'eed to accomplish what ihey are u ti" lied to'do, and their nnik rs ive be im y back if the remit isn't t Doesn't it strike uni t a which the milkers Iihv -dunce in, is the i lie Milk, Milk Having assumed enure eontiol of the Minthorn Park dairy hv the purchase of Mr. Hemelgarn's interest, I am pre prared to furnish pure milk delivered to any part of the city at reasonable rates. Orders can be left at 0, W. Lovejoy's an IF. T. Barlow's on Main street or J. D. Rentier's on Seventh Btreet. M. W. Randall, tf Churcu Festivals. Special prices given to churches and schools for their Christmas candies, tints and fruits. K E. Williams', Ibe grocer. 1