t m H9. . Uat WMMHT. fWKiHit v ee4 aaaaaeaiaeN wma aweaa. loosnTKo.j "I know nf hT VUrty Uiwsut Uar g rhack." said one of the sajrea of the bach- j lor mess. "He's afraid Knowles will j come out and insist ou lugging him off J to town to be nursed under his roof ot j rm of her going ont to nurse him. i firgadt it may be tough, but it a heap , afor here." And so "Antiuons" re- j mained with his fellow in the wintry j field, and old Berrien, who never could j be got to write a letter to anybody, j found he could stand it no longer. Ue j lade Berengaria write and say well etmthing; something really must bag said about how they appreciated his j -conduct; "bygones be bvgones:" soma j smug, anrtniug; ne aum t Know; an did; she always knew just what to say. -So write, Beia." "But I have, Dick." "Bereugariitl And without my con entr "Richard Plantagenet, Coeur de Lion, Tete de Yean, of course tea daya ago." "What did you sayr "Everything that was proper, I trust" "What did he sayr "Xothing." "Didn't he answeiT "How could he, Dick? You cant with two hands; he has but one, the left at that." "He might have got somebody to write for him. 1 did." "So did he." "Thought you said he didn't say any thing." "Well, he didn't He said everything that was gentlemanly courteous, appre ciative, and yet nothing. A model let ter, Dick." "What does Winnie sayr "Nothing." "Didn't she see itr "Why should she, Dick? Two months go you practically forbade their meet-1 ing- j "Oh, I know; but I didnt know him j then." t "Not even after seven years' service with him, Dickr j "Oh, well, that that party in petti-1 coats there in town, i didn't know her j aa well as well, as after 1 heard all i about her from those fellows in the : Eleventh." "But I knew her, Dick, from the tort." ! "I know you did, Bess. You said so; j and 1 suppose I've been an ass," said j JBerrien ruefully. j "Yon sometimes do cross the danger j line, Dick, dear. That is, when 1 let I yon." ! The major had nothing to say in re-1 sponse to this accusation. He pondered j in silence a moment "Well, a fellow , can change his mind, can't he, as well I as a womanr j "Not as well aa a woman, Dick. Still 1 he can change. And suppose a certain i fellow were to change his mind now and take six months' leave and go away to becuredr "What! Brewster change his mind? about Winnie, do you mean? Why, con found him I I'd round him up so quick . The idea of his going back on Winniet Why if I thought snch a thing possible I'd have him here on his knees at her feet inside of a week." "Oh, no, you wouldn't, Dick," said she, laughing softly. "Wouldn't? Why notr "Just because two women wouldn't Jet you 1 for one, Winnie for two." "Yon still think she cares for himr "1 won't answer that, Dick. But this," with sudden change from her laughing manner, "1 will say, no matter what ehe cared or how she suffered, neither yon nor 1, Dick, nor any one of us on this wide earth, would ever wring one word from her lips." And over at Holden's things were going on in an odd groove. It was Ken yon who was a frequent visitor there now, not Rolfe. Mrs. Holden was still in St. Louis with her olive branches. lor the doctor had frankly told her that just so long as he had all these wounded on his hands the children would be in his way. "He means me," said Jennie to Miss Gnthrie, with prompt resentment "But he says next month hell come on here tmsiness will require it as well as pleas urepay ns a ten days' visit and take us lome. Then you'll come, too, won't yon, Nita?' But Miss Guthrie shook her head. "Yon promised us," said Mrs. Holden reproachfully; "and Eolfe won't be there to worry you this time," she faltered. "He's going to take a long leave and go abroad." "But even that," wrote Jennie to her liege, "did not seem to comfort ber. She ays she will never, probably, visit Paw nee again; and I know well as can be it is all on account of that terrible fright What can there have been behind it all? .Now that the Twelfth is coming home .and yon have everything running emoothly, don't you think it possible to nd out something about that strange affair? You have never written a word, and 1 can see Nita's eyes questioning me every time she knows 1 have a let ter. The other day I was in her room, and looking over some old albums that I drew from the bottom of a desk 1 came lurrmut a nictnre of hers iust like the one r that is in the little silver frame on the jtoilet table in her room at Pawnee, ex cept that this waa blnrred and worn. 'Why, Nita!" 1 cried unthinkingly, as he entered, 'I thought you told me mine was the only one left of this kind, and iere's one that looks as if it might have ,heen worn next some fellow's heart and tteen kissed a million' and then 1 stopped short and dropped ijfor she had turned white aa death and w'as stretching cot her hands. 'Where did von find that?1 Kite whispered at last 'Between the leaves of this old album,' I said. 'It was lying there loosely.' 'I had not swu it fur six yenr. 1 thought 1 had unmed it with' "And then she broke off suddenly and tiuddereO, but wilted tt aim tool It away. If she would only talk to me of Jack; but she will not, even thonyh I know that ever since the suicide of Mr. Percival last August Mr. Onthrie haa been working day and night reopening the old matter. All the friends of the Onthrie are now more than ever confi dent that Jack was absolutely innocent that Mr. Percival as president of the bank had made away with those missing funds and securities and charged it to Jack and to his friend Harold Worden. An effort has been made to get at Mr. Percival' papers, all of them, but his widow is still so broken that she canuot be seen by any one, say her physician. It is believed she knows something of the inner history of the whole case, and that she is striving to hide what she knows for her children's sake. Of course people say she ha behaved very ill that she ought to sell and restore to the bank real estate and property that from time to time Mr. Percival had set tled upon her. But she only goes into hysterica when lawyers are mentioned. "Mr. Oathrie is now in a highly nerv ous and excitable state, which natural ly reacts upon Nita. 1 wish we could get her away from here. He went west, you remember, when he left her with us at Pawnee. He went in the hopes of finding some trace of Mr. Worden, so 1 learn now, and to nrge the immediate return to St Louis of Jack' old aud in timate friend to demand justice at the hands of the Percival, for he was ruined irretrievably by Percival's accu sation when dismissed from the bank. But he has vanished utterly, and I know that they have abont given him up for dead. A detective agency has been at work for months, and twice of late men have come to the house asking if it were not possible to find somewhere picture of Mr. Worden; bnt Nita say none ex ist that she knows of. 1 believe that she burned all that she had. to bs continued. REAL ESTATE TBAXSt EKS. Summary of the Deeds Piled la the Comity Recorder's Ofllr. The real estate transfers involving more than tl each tiled in the recorder's office last week were as follows : J B Labor and wife to John F. Burks part of Go Brock, I) LC SO acres 12000 Martha Jennings to William B Jennings t 01 the B Jennings j D L C in t 2 s, r 1 and 2 e, con- ! tutnintc 00 acres n I 8 to Andrew J Kllsmiller patent to nw'4 of n 4 of sec 8, t S s, r 5e, 40 acres Annie E Bums and husband to Marv W Uoeixman nel4" of s 14, ton", rite, 160 acres 10 OAC KK to L r Barin a of nw'4, lots 4. 6. 6 ami 7 in s 19, 13 s, r4e, 177 acres 221 V S lo I.ewis A Freeman, patent to the ne1 of s 14, t 3 s. r S e, ItiO acres Matilda Holt and husband to Lucinda Hamilton 1 1, b lXi, county addition to Oregon Ci'y 1000 G A Rock wool and wife to the First Congregational church of Willsburg tract 100 feet square in George Wills D L C, No 58 in sec 1 1 s, r 1 e, 5 Gustav Dreger and Frank Mauber nw'4', of se'i of eec 16, t 4 s, r 2 e, 40 acres 800 Lueinda Hamilton to Thoe Holt lot 1. blk 133, county ad to Ore gon City 1400 Thus E Sink and wife to C W Nottingham nj$ of ne'i of ne1- of sec 33, 1 1 s, r 3 e, 20 acres. . 281 Henry McEntire to A N Wells lot 5 in sec 25 and of m4 and 15,6,7 and 8, sec 36, I 1, 2, in sec 35, 1 5 s, r 3 e, also 1 5, 6, 7, 8, sec 1 and the nwlf of nw' of said eec 1 and 1 No. 1, sec 2, 1 3 8, r 3 e, and ne1-,,' of ne1', sec 2, 1 3 s, r 3 e, except 100 acres heretofore conveyed loVan DeLasbmuttS79aeies 3790 C H Myers and wife to Mrs Min nie C Lind pt of sec 33 in 1 1 a, r2e 10 acres 1500 Austen Newell to Marv E Newell his wife undivided of the sw1 of the ne'4 of sec 7 in t 2 s, r 3 e 5 Clackamas county to the O I & 8 Co a part of s8 of D L C of Jaa M Moore containing 10 acres ac quired by sheriff's deed 17 70 Jno M Leavens to Wm JenninKS ne'i of nel4 of sec 31, t 5 s, r 1 e ! 1000 Win Junjtes and wife to 0 E F Lee n4 of neJ of sec 31 and also a strip along south side of of ee4 of sec 30, 1 5 8, r 1 e, for a public highway 2200 L T Barin and wife to Elizabeth Brown pt of the David Arthur D L C, in t 3 b, r 3 e. 8 acres 68 Calvin W Cook to 8 Huelat tract of land at sec corners of 5, H, 31 and 32 in 1 1 and 2 s, r 5 e, 7 acres 1600 J B Laber and wife to M L Gove 30 acres in sec 22, t 3 b, r le... 250 R Davids to Addie F Thompson pt of S Hathaway D L C, sec 32, 1 1 s, r2 e, 40 acres 6400 J C Hacket to E C Hacket 2()0 acres off of the west side of Ab nerHartDLC 1000 E C Hacket and wife to J C Huck et46. 78 acres in Abner Hart D LC 1000 E E Churman et al to Mary Dick en I 7. blk in Clackamas Heights 85 Thos Garrett to Wm K Garrett pt of sw of sec 3, 1 5 s, r 1 e, 41 acre 800 W W Myers and wife to Jno and Lewis Young quit claim to yt of ne'4 of sec 5, 1 5 s, r 3 e, and a of ne'4 f c 5 1-3 e- m 1000 3,420 Previously reported $1,152,214 Total. $1,178,034 Ht hool Report. Following are the nameB of the pupils who bavebeen neither absent nor tardy for the term ending Nov, 18, 1892, in district No. 9 : Charlie Barringer and Mary Foater. Mamik Lkwthwait, Teacher Clackamas, Dec. 4, 1892. OUR CHRISTMAS GIFT TO EVERY ONE OF OUR READERS. A Yard Of Pansies. With tijvoml arrangements with the publisher we are eimhleil to make every one of our readers a present of one of these exqutsit oil pic tures, ;U iiu'ht'S long a companion to "A Yard of Hoses," which all have seen ami admired. The exiiuisit picture, "A Yard of 1'HUsies," was painted bv the same noted attest who did the " Roses." H is the Mine siie, ami is pronounced by art critics to Ik far superior to the "Rosea." The production is equal in every respect to t he original, which cost WOO, ami acoompaning are full 'directions for framing at home, at a cost of a few cents, thus forming a beautiful ornament for your parlor or a superb gift, worth at least .". To save you the cost of the picture being mailed to us and then to vou, it will be sent directly from the publishers. Fill out the blank below and send it to the "publisher, . Jennings Demorest, 15, Kast 14th Street, New York, with three two-cent stamps to pay for the pack ing, mailing, etc., which will entitle you to receive one of these beauti ful and valuable works of art by return mail. You will be delighted with it II'. Jennings Demorest, IS Kast J4th Street,. Yew Vork. Encloased art three two-cent stamps. Please send me by return wrtt7"VRHO op purism," which am entitled tobybcinga reader of the 0KKO0.Y CITV K.YTKKPJtlSK. .Yame, Post Office, County,. For ths Enwrprlw. GKA.NTINU IJl'KNSB TO BULL I-WOKS. a savaiso gTogv roi'xugo os fait. Twaa In th good yaar tlghtwn alghtjr When matter terjr grata and weighty Cam up betora lha City Board Twaa whether they could well afford To grant a certain man the right To deal mil liquors day and night. And thin a butlneia legaltie Which good men everywhere deaplae. Old Jaenn Bright addreaw-d Ihe Board; Inatralnsof eloiiieuc he tMured Inli the earaot that wiacbody Hli reaaona plain why brandy toddy And rum, and gin. and whtaky allngi Were Juat Ihe very n I real Ihluga 10 lead ttralght in Ihe path ol Truth All aged men and wayward youth, And make them happy here on earth, And bring al laat g heavenly birth. JohnSykea, with Indignation itlrred. Right promptly lo thla plea demurred: With voire vehement, clear and loud, In preaenc ot the Ilat'nlng crowd, He aaked, In touea of righteous apunk." "Why claim the right to make men drunk, And you younelt to take a epree 11 only you pay a ltreoae (e?" To thla old Blight made bold reply, Nor cared lor tcornhil lip or eye: " Tla the way I make my living." he (Aid, - And I lha 11 be robbed ol my dally bread II now (mm me the right yon lake To make my neighbora fear and quake Uit I with a Iteente In my hand Shall ruin the youth that 'round me aland, And In inme moment ol freuir wild Shall beat my wile or little child. Or tent my rage on a poor dumbhrute Becauae I'm called a 'drunken galoot.' Theae are the rights ot a tree boiu man, And I am one ol free born clan. To rob the wile la my hlgheat Joy, Next to deitroylng her darling boy ; The money they once had In atora To keep gaunt poverty from their door, la money which now lo me belouga, Twss paid "mid oaths and ribald aongi For "rot gut' whlaky taken itralghf Which I aold to thai lather early and late. To lite like thla brings wealth and lama. And now (or thla I make my claim That yon to me a license grant To rell to thoae wno thlrat and pant For that which not a Send In hell Would ever deign to taate or imell, Bat which has inch trsnacendast worth ' Ai flu It lor theafina ol earth!" At thus he cloned hli mighty plea The Board (rum blgb to low degree Atoncegav forth their grave decliion, t'nawed by ineera or rude derltlon. Deep awe (ell on the llat'nlng crowd Ai Mr. Chairman cried aloud: With aage profundity we've llntened Aion our noiei gleamed and gllitened Bright bloiaomi of a carmine hue, Whose growth to drinking grog li due: The agument we deem couclmlve. And hence declare 'twould be conducive To morala, health and appetite, II our good neighbor, Jaaon Bright, should have the right to keep and sell The beverage that lurea to hell: And io 10 end our pleaalng tank We grant ts him what he doth auk. But city cnuncllmen like we Can never go to hell, you ace; Down through Its gatea none us can cram Beeaute we have no aouli to damn!" Our tale la told reject It not, Nor let Ita moral be forgot Think on it well ere you discard us. Or scout the authar, Ikhmasi, Hardcs. Tbat'iwhathedld. For a Fltth Way. The state fish commissioners in their biennial report have this to say con cerning a flshway at the alls : "We made a careful examination of the falls, in view of making some recommendations In regard to a flshway over that obstruc tion. We consider this a very important matter, both to the inhabitants ot the Willamette yalley and to the salmon industry of the state, as it will give the former an opportunity of having a good fresh salmon occasionally during the season, and it will benefit the latter, es pecially if no provisions are made for artificial propagation, by opening a way for the salmon to reach some as good spawning grounds as there are in the state. We believe a good substantial flshway, and one that will meet all the requiremente, can be constructed there State, at an expense to the state of not more than ftl.OOO. Two years ago we recom mend the const ruction of a tishway there, to le built by blasting a channel, or run way, with stilllcient (tools therein for resting plates, along the cam side of the Correspondence Solicited. island, the mouth to lt at the deep ol j known to all who are familiar Willi the J nnn a nn falls, and the hea I mar the upper end . H. BURGHARDT, of the pulp mills' basin. We will en deavor to have a plan or draft of the -U..al Agent ol . h lishwsy, as we would recommend it to JirTlS-COakltl MlUU T.BSI CUEWEr. tw built, ready to prtwtit to the coming legislatute." (FOR "" - " Flaat aa Orchard, Walling & Jairiah, the Oswego nur serymen, oITit the tltieat selection of fruit trees eversold in Ctui kamas coun ty at prices within the reach ot ail. Call and ejiiinine samples ol Iheir trees and get prices at K. T. Harlow's store Oreg jn City. 8tam Laindry. The Trov Steam laundry, of Portia nd 1 has oitened an agoncy in Oregon City with F. A. Wadtlock at the (mat oHlce confectionery and cigar stand, where bundles will lie received and relumed at Portland prices. All work guaran teed to be first-class. Ileailtirul Kiilturban Home. One mile and a ouarter ftom town, irood board walk past the land. Acre truf-ta td anil niiri'huHMr. tiirin eaav. the i ftnest suburban proerty ollered for sale, yet on the market fiew protaisi'il motor line from Portland, lliiih ami siubtly. See L. K, Jannky with W. Carev Johnson If Central Ad.llllon. Special ' attention I called to the beautiful, subtly and healthy locations for home; en reasonable terms to pur chasers wishing to locate in Oregon City. Splendid water and other attrac tions in Central Addition. Fine sub urban pioperty in tracts of five acres or more, one mile and a quar ter from town, Several small hut val uable farms for sale cheap ami on easy terms. Apply to L K. Jauksy With W. Cary Johnson. Wedding stationery, the latest styles and finest assortment evor broiiKht to Oregon City at the Kntkri'Hisk olHre. Ladies' and Uents', robes at Holtran A Warner's Undertaking parlors. If BILLIOUSNESS TheS. B. Headache and Liver Cure, ISA I PHYfilfi I HAPK 1 "niOlU ( CHKAP If Taken m IllracM, we tlnarants Katls-fru-tlon or Kcfillltl Your Money. Don't Sicken. Don't Crlpe. 50 cents per bot le, by L M. Andkkws, tiie Seventh street druKnist. IXabllHhed 1MS. PIONEER Tpanfei" and Exjife, Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE. 5 !$flDv ami DO YOU HESITATE? DEATH ? ItT'L NO rtCMIOY ON IABTN CAN CURE YOU unless you uc iti nVooVtREAD about OREGON KIDNEY TEA UNUtt VOU TAKC IT. JC.l-CH. DltltTO, lNlMIMTION ' 4t.oi. iua W, n onmMT-s i , Vitio utcM to its Pomtm- THY IT. APMtNISTtUTOK ttoTH'K NetlrvU h'rel ltu that (he uuiWalitiixt waa, on tlio .mil Any t Juim. A. I) Iki, ilulr KuilmH) .lihliil.uior t ihMttl Julm II llllir, ilwesml. bf the imiuhv euiirl "I CUr- m rmmly, ut ul Oregon. All wroi lut ing cUlmit Agaiitat ftH1 vxtnttt Mttf lturtr tiotl rtM lo trwnl lli m with i.r(er voiielim to me l lh U nthe ot O K. lUjsrt at otmmi I'liv, u Ium-I.I o.naity ncl willitu mi luouilu Irvira ilia tint horrol Hour ). Mossow. Attm'rnlthsiwuisul Jnliu H. Itellrr. l-ed. Ila I've , IWA I J IM MONEY1 I lutvo n full supply of inoni'V which I winh to loan on giKl CLU'KAMAS COUNTY FARMS. Of -10 acres or inoru on I ho most fuviiruhlo terms. Call ami ko me at my oll'ici', iPostollioe building, before going elHt'whert". NO DELAY AFTER TITLES ARE EXAMINED. ABSOLUTELY PURE DRUGS an to r A. HARDING. NONK HIT ooMPETtNt PHAHMACISTS implovio Flit Pjrfaierlej aid Toilet Articles. Also lull stork ol j OIHiS, KTO. NEW YORK GALLERY. rimto).riiplis Itnlivere.1 1'romptly In the Finest Style of Art. ine Crayon Work a Sjtt'ialty. j Old Pictures Copied to Any Sie. Satis- faction Guaranteed OallaryRiarPostOaoa, 0REOOH CITT, OS. V;. S. MAPLE, " Blacksmith and Repairing. Having otienfths tieat a)nxra In the state In my amplny, I make HORSLSIiOUJNG A Slf-CIALTY. ALL WORK ATTENDED TO PROMPTLY. Shop opMiHile corner from Pohi'h hanlwaro store. ORECON CITY, ORECON. FRANK NELDON, GUNSM1T AND LOCKSMITH Oregon City, Oregon. l-'ullStiKkofGuns Ammunition. itepairson all kliitla of hiiiiiII niaililnes pnitiiptly nisile. Huplliule keys to any lurk mmiiifucturi-'l. Hliop on .M ii 11 1 Htri'it, next to Nohlltt's Hlnliles. Appel'a Parisian Enamel 1 ror tha Creation of s prrfcet Comulcxlon, The " favorda French Cosmetic Appel'a Complexion Oream Eradi cates Wrinkles, and gives to Hit Bkin the Texture ol youth. Appel'sSkln Bleach, Rredlcatca all Llemlshes.anddlscoloradonaof the skin such as Tan, Sunburn, Hrecklea, Swarthy and (reaay appearance of the face. Appel'a Oriental Powder in Flesh, White, Pink and Cream altailea, Hives to the face a beautiful clear and transparent ap pearance, Appel'a Natural Blush The only Rouge true to nature, when applied to the face or lips, cannot be delected, put upin two ahadei IMM for nlondrs, Dailt Tor Hruneltea. lbs Aptisl Ccimttlo Ot. Bsa Triaolioo, Cil. A paniiiiilnton li.iw.toCreaUiaooiuplMlunfras, andgoMla iorBalefl OHABMAN & CO, aaaaaasaaaaaaaaM itiljt aaaaiW a lill-i iitilii N OTIC IS MR I't'lll ICATION Mint limes l Oregon I'lty, Oregou.l Not IA. lnJ I Notloa la hort'ltv glvan, tliat Ilia tollowlng uainml aettlei liai fllcil uolliti ol 1 1 1 I tt t t t -Unit 10 uuAz Sua! itrtatl hi amtoiirt tit lita elnlni, aiitl thai aattl pmol H ill la maila Itetnr Ilia rvglaitr anil ivt't'Ui r ol ilia I liltt-.l iait lainl itillev al ori'goti l ily, oregfii, on iivwilar Ja, li, vis: Jittisa I! 'tin mar. llmnoMratl entry No WtM, lor Ilia H W '4 ol , K. ' , ami H , W. I, Nee. m, T II ., It. 0 K. Mb iiainita Ilia lollowlitg vliiii,Haaloiriiva liiaenti linnoti itt.l,1aui't uttiii ami enlili-atloit ot aalit laiol, via C. K lii'Hly. J W. Maally, I), tt I'ah k..r. 1 liattxa Miianlia, all et CliarryvIHa Clat ta lllaa eoiinly, tlcigoll J, T, ACfaaaiili, II l U W llegtaier ; MOIICK Kolt I'l'lll.li'ATlliN, ' I. nii Orri a at OnaiioH ciry. tia.i.m,( Noy IV law I Nolle la lierolty (Ive'i thai Ilia tiMluartng namrtl at-tllor liaa D I '.t llolli'a ol ll la IiiumiIIuii . lo makv filial jtrtatt In attitoil ol Ilia I'lalm. alut llial aaltl trimf Will Ita laa.la Itaforallla tlatir : ami rveelver ot tlia I'ullvil aiaiaa l aml iitlien at , oragou t'lty, Oraaon. mi ietiulr N, lavj, via: Jttaffili I'aaollal, I llomaaiaail eniry No. asTU, fur ilie M W lj Sen, :tl. I i it . II. t K. Ha naiui'a ilia lollowlitg ll Itaaaaa til prova Ilia otillMllllolia raahlallt'a llloia . ami vulilvailon ot aal.l laml . vl: J l-l 1 .1 111 liarl, M W 1 1 III I It . lliomxa MtKalw, llnniy Ki.t'll, all ot Hallily, I'larkamaa (Htiilily, Or. ... II l li l i. T. Airaaaon, lilalar. AtiMINIH I K.I roll's a U K N01I1' la Imrelty given, Dial Ilia iimlaralgnett, atliiilnlairaittr at Ilia aaiaie ol aota Ann Ht-oitpe. iltavaatKl. Ity ylrllie ot all ortlar laane.1 l.y the votinty eon rl ot Clat-ltaiiiaa lttnily, oritgou, on lltr Tih ,ly ot Notantlwr. A l l9A mill aall al hnhlir ani'iion 10 lha lilhai lihlilar. on Hamr tlay. Ilia al ,lay ol la,aiiilar. A l at II o rlta-k a in ol aaht ttay.oli lha ramttaaottlia alatva aalala, Ilia lolliiarlng iH'atmlMM irnivrly. it'iti me r. ft 01 mi n a ' n I 01 aartlon II' In limii.hlp a N, raitaii l i,. o llii, t iltui.illa mariiliati. iNintaiiilug lo acre, timrv or If.a. Iki lug a pari ot ilia ttontf ion land claim ot ttolmrt II Ht'otiea and wlte.aald laud alttiatvd Int'lat-k amaa c niiiiy. tiregoii I anna ol aala - line half l-aali In hand oil day ot .ala.alid one halt ill all month, with Inter! al Ilia rale ol a per cam. I.al iiaymvnt to be se cured by uiortxag. Itia H W. X lUsnserg, aiark A-lm'r tt ihaealaie ol Sola scmiw. def M. Wlutr.. K, llar.lvly lalril Nintlwr li. li i-V! SS Itll'S roH FISIIINO 111(111 U. SealiMt propoaala tor etcln.ive rlghl lo flah In the WIHaniCTllv rliel adlaeent tu the inti,rfy ol llila romiMtiv eoi-it Ilia Holirt Mimrp etalml for lite calrinlMr yvar Jol i-i.i Mill tia rtH-etva.t by Ihla cumpaiiy opto t,M-,niitier rait, lvi, al t'i arliH-k noon Alt Mils .t Iw directed to " IVtlttalid lleliriral Meotrlc t'ollittiy. No eat Third alrccl. rorllalnl, Orvaoii," and lohaveeti 1ord tut elivolop llitt word. lr-M,aal lor Kl.lilnv liighi " i he rigiii in rejwt any ur all blda la hereby reaervad t'oariaaiMtasaaaL tti.gtraic I'oaeaMt, l 4, lw.' IJ Do Not Climb the Hill ! STOl' AT- George C. Ely's POSTOFFICE STORE, Klyville, - Oregon, Where you can ajtt the highest cash priii" for Butter, Eggs and Other Farm Produce. j Full line of new bimmIh at price Jower ,hlU, 0rrjtm Vly m -.sr A m mT We lmvi money to loan on improv ed farms in' the Willrtinctttt valley, on five and ten yi'itra' timo At the 1nvest Kates Interest. Write or call on j. o. nozo R T 1 1, A't. Mnnhiittnn Limn Co., Uoom No. 7, 2I.")J Morrison Ht., I'ortland. S MOLALLA, OREGON. Leaders in Low Prices. Their Htock i compli'to in Dry Goods, Groceries, II art! ware, CI of hi ng, lioots anil Shoes, Notions, lite, Country. Produce Handled. JOHN A. BECK, THE RELIABLE JEWELER Corner of Front anil Morrison, PORTLAND, OREGON. IS HTII.r, ON HAKTII. For KoiKinil rfjiairiiif; hu rititntlB without a jH'or. For (irHt-iiliiHH, re liable) goods hi Hturo iH hocoihI ti none, Trv him 1 F COMPAN V. TIH HT It IC( 1 1 M KNT, O. N. , " Armor), Third nnd Muln. Itiii(iimr drill nlaht, Miintlny. Kt-eular liiialncHS inmllima, flrat Mouilay (if each miuitli. orrii ana, J. W. flsnniig, . . . Captain. K. H Kelley, - - Klrat l.loiiienant, U L. Plitkens, Himund Llcutuitant. Fosolce A pamphlet ot Information and tb-jf laira4ttuf tha laws, Showiitg littw to Y sr V. Obtain Faiants, Cereals, Trade V t vatirta Otprriirhte, aaai ra. M VAV-s MUNN a 2 Net Sl arondfrar. yWf eZS.- Maw Yark. J&pyJ