Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 16, 1892, Image 5

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
Ik Krrm tditimin a, m,
l.xvi nnmiiiN miv. i.k v miumnii
' "" 7 win III,
' Hi in.
U,l. Ill, Mi 111 III
' M I' i. mi i. in.
'6 i . hi, in, ,,
Nit wty lalhlllltf
l'i it v.. I jr mi iri'iuhl inkon mi Urn n, 9 ;w
O I'iaMlt lrl,
W hi in Mini m
t " l m, II in.
I 'll l III, 4 im ' ni.
Tlmr I'mil iihlix'lln i'liug. wllhmil imlli'ii
NuNTH "l Nil.
Alliany I way tailmia)
( llfmiila Kimki !ltrmift!i)
Miwuliuri Ux'l , umluiKl
Hnliiiit lx-l (way imliiiK)
AIImii 1 ihmI iwy nuiIihiii
( HloMiln Ccu (ilimuili)
V M . m
H 'Ap. m.
t nl i. m
im p in
1 M i. m
i nr. maim.
Mallarliwo m N.Tlhll . n , I . in , p m
MolU (uliig Hiiuib, in , 7 ju p ni.
)rr..in l tl)r iii Kly.l'uriia. Muliiiiiamt HuUllk
! at IJ ni. u4 rtlmt at U m ilally.
Ormmil'liy liiriy.Mliik Clark MoaitimllriHili.
I'liluii MHIt, Mullmi an 'I inline, Imvm at 10 a.
ut. TuB1ay. i'hiirijaf ami HaiuriUy. mid r
f urua on (i'IIiiwIiii tlava at J ,1A p. in
F 111 I AV I M ' K M H K 1 1 W. W2
Tn IUht I'miini I,oihik. tn Fri
day hvpiiIiik ()ilii Fellow' hall
llllfil liy 1'nitoil WorkiiiKii. (lie tx-iitnion
Mug llirlr mni'tiiig dw lioiiiinaliutia in
ilillliun to whirl! (irattil Olllilal In.lrilL
tortl. 1' Wlilanorti and veiling (Inla
llilm Iroin I'larkama, Omtrvu anil
MiiIuIIn 0r rvMil, th(r Mng ovur
llKI In Ihw Imll wlih'li a tnurti than
ila waling rapacity to that nnn liri
tli tliHir iluwn in lieu, of cliaim. Tim
IwIk hail wuk In tviih tli junior ami
Workman ili'K'iH-a, tlmie ln'HlK tino jiininr
nil Ilvti vtiirkliit-ii. 8il application lor
iniiiiilN'ralilp wi-r rtiforrfil tot'ointulttraa.
The ollli ial Inatrurtor auiiil o llm work
ilunii lliat till" waa tlir Ix-al ililllii linlun
in tlm )iirlinirlion, wlili'li ia a prowl
iliatiiii'liiin. Tim reanon Ia that the
inniiilH'ra am all paiiirat wurkir. In
aililillun to the regular ami ril work
the following iiomlnatio:ia weni mail:
lavlil t'aiilti'UI, inaaliT workman; II.
M. Foolti, foreman; Win, M,im anil
u. 1.. Hhannr, overmwr j tien. Califf, tv
conlnr J. A. Stewart, linaiirlir ; W. T
Whlllmk, rxlver; W. K. Hart, In.l.l.i
wal. liinaii ; V. V, Myera, truatiw lor
Uifr year. Mrmtirra o the lir Irom
ahroail were preaent ai'lullowa: From
t'ltf Iron liHlie, Onwi'KO, .1. V, Ca.np
liell. M. V 1' Jarrlmh. I'. M. V A.
C Walllnu. Ilnancler, tieo. IliilliH-k, re
runlet, 11. H. Strana, Jaa Keyaeraml
Jan. ('a'llwt'lt; From Clarkamaa IixIko
tl. C raiKI-Kk, M. W., J. A. Tal
Urt, 1) ti, M., C K, I'eaae, tecoriler
anl H. K. Ilolcoinb; Fmin Molalla lixlk'i'
O, W. Iti.hhina. M. V.. K. F. Fullert
W, F. Iliililiartl Irom th eoniitry were
alao In attemlanre.
It Wu.t llraar Tiikm. A I'ortlanil
paer i(ivi the Mlowinx mniintt Irom
one ol the company Innldinn the eait
aiile line: "Jnnt ten ilnya iiiorv ami the
lerlrlc line to Orrtion City will lie com
pli'leil. We have lxtn working (aithdilly
ti) timke our promlne g that we inaile
tu the piHiple o( I'orllaml, Oregon City
ami the reaiilente along the line
who will he U'IioIIIimI hv thia ayUni,
that we would have the line In lull run
iiiiitl onlet hy ClmatinuH, ami we will do
ao, The iron nik wua reieivnl (or the
lirhlt( ai'rona the Clarkamaa Ul Mon
day ami thin ia the lat romici'tlnK link
lHtwmn the two i-Hiea, aa all o( the
wire are up and the taila are all laid."
Thla l one of tho llnent electric rouili In
the llniti'd Ktatca, and the vara are
really elegant In conatriiction. The
ecu In am cnahioned in pinch and are the
en mo ok reguhir paannKr eotu'hea,
Tliie will he a magnillrlcnt trip to take,
winding in it docs along the hank ol the
henulifill Williiinclti) to the full that
are tho pride of all Orcgouiuna and the
envy ol our vimtora,
A Nkw Town K. S. Itriimluill ol
Aiuea waa in tow n hint Tucxday attend
ing to variotiri liuitiniwa nuitlcm and ho
(ound time to run in on the Kntkhthihk
for a hriel call. I to hn ifreut hopca of
Ida awtlon of the county, allien the
proHpeot for curly Hull liuu work aeein
giKid, and tho court haa let the contract
lot the hrldge crura tho Rundy. llctella
of a new town which Judge HciiIh Iuih
laid out at tho fork ol the Sandy and
Hull Hun where they have fine water
jiower with a L'O-foot full. Tho bridge
will apnn the Sandy nt that point and
tho new town which Iihr been chriHtened
I'nu ia oxH'cted to become a imuiufac
luriini town ol coiiHidoniblo iniporliincc.
I.otH are now acllmg for fUH) and with
the advent of an ukutrir, motor lino
which litis been projected, the motive
power to bo fnrnlnhed by the full there
the town will aieedily grow to good aiise.
Ohwkiio Uoaii Aokntb. The Iron
Worker contain tho following: A. C.
Walling waa walking toward homo,
about two mile" south ol Ohwouo, Sut
urday night luMt, with (50 in hla pocket,
nnd when two men jumped into the road
with revolver ftiul pointing It between
hln' eyoa Imlneed him to atop for a moment
but recogniBing at once hla danger ho
Hprung to one fide and ran like deer.
Ilia BHuailant fired at him, but tho ball
mlHed the object Intonded, and Mr.
Walling aanapod with hia money nd
without Injury. Tho highway men are
unknown to him.
Tmikh and Fop m Oi'H.ty, I.aat week
the Kntkiipiiihk mitde inenllini of the
lining of aovnral Imya for throwing atonea
the park and Unit all hut ('hnrlen
Hpeneer and (ienrge Freeman had
walked up to the jnde ami paid tlieir
line, Chiirlna Hnneer aiiliaeipiently
came up ami pleading guilty wna fined
flfl, (ieorgu Friieiiiiin in to have
become tiled of living out in the Uuld
world ami came tinck. Helug arraigned
ho entered a pla of "not guilty" and
waa tria l by Jury. C. II, ly, deputy
dUtrict prumH'iiting attorney apHurlng
for tliti alulii audi';. V lriga for the
defunditut. The jury returned a vet
diet of guilty, and a Hue of III 75 waa
lniHMed. (leorge relunel to nay thla
ami la now bourdlng at the county hoa
tuliy. Theroatain the ault amounted
to $.'i2 :W whic h the county wilt have to
HiMTrinAY I'AaTy. On Thurmlay even
ing of laat week number ol Judge T.
W, Fouli' filenda gathered at hla resi
dence In the evening In honor of hia
.IHtli birthday. The earlier part of the
Yelling waa devoted to progreaaive
uuhra until Mr. Fouia bruka up the
gains by aerving dainty refreahiiienta.
Uorg and Henry Fu being present
and ready tu (urnlah the mnic the par
lor waa preparad for danuing and until
nearly I o'clock the gtieal enjoyed a very
pleaaant dance after which they bade
the Jiidne and hia family good night and
wlahed him many happy anniveruriea
of the day. Thoao preaent were: Mr.
and Mr. L. KrU, Mr. and Mr. C.
1. UU ni re tie, Mr. and Mra. II. C.
Stevena, Mr. and Mra. CO. Albright, Jr.,
Mr. and Mia. Win. Howell, Mr. and Mra.
T. I.. Chnruiau, Mr. and M a. J. (I
Fo, Mra, (leu. Fox, ar., Mr. C. H.
Fox, Will Howell, Jr , and Iletta Fuuti.
FoiNii I la A n IN IIko. A lew weeka
aince Mra. Nancv Hennett, a "inter of
J. A. Thayer, came from Washington to
make her home with hi in for time aa
her health waa Mir. No Immediate
feara were entertained that her ait kneaa
would prove fatal, but laat Saturday
morning her little child who had alept
with hia mother earn out, alter the
family were up, into the living ruom
crying and aaid that ha waa cold and
that hia mother waa cold too and he
could not waken her. They Immedi
ately entered the room only to find her
dead, Appraranrea Indicated that ahe
had tieeii dead aeveral hourt and that
ahe had died without etruggle. She
waa buried on Saturday, liev. I'aiker
Hack raoat Idaho, Tueaday morning
Charlea 8panvler and wife returned
from 1-elund, Idaho where he haa been
working on a mill. Mra. Spangler hut
tu uae crutchtte owing to an accident
which occtirreu Sept '.'Sth when ahe waa
thrown Irom run away atage and the
i ligamenla uf her ankle torn luoee.
Three Weeka later ahe waa aeinul with
mountain fever ao that all together alio
haa had $ nevcre time uf it, Charlea
aaya that he il tired ol traveling around
aa a mill wright and that he will go back
to hia farm
Tn in SKina Fihiiky Tho Dalian
Transcript atarta Ihia turkey atory off
and vochca for ita truth. "How much''
anked I r. Stanley, coming Into a crowd,
"will the alomach uf an ordinary turkey
hold how much water?" Some aug
gvnted a pint and half, other" a quart
and n'ine higher than a quart and
half. Thedoctor'a ton Charley, while
dreading a Thankagiving gobbler had
cleaned and filled with water the atuinach
of the bird and un nieaauring the fluid
(ound it to hejuat aeveil qilarta.
Tiia I'otNn Imi-hovki). At the laat
meeting of the city council the ill con
dition of the Hund waa referred to
the committee on etreeta and pulilic prop
erty with diroctiona to examine into it
condition which thuv did un Thursday,
and ao had did they find the mud that
lumber waa at once ordered and men act
tu work building a abed along the aouth
aide. Thia waa lininhcd on Friday and
atock unfortunate enough to be im
pounded w ill have abetter and dry foot
ing hereafter.
Fot'Nii Convkniknt ami I'sKri'l.. The
F.ntkhi'Hihk calendar at the head uf
the Hint column on the thiid page re
ceived many favorable noticed hint
week from reader ol tne pacr. It not
only enahlca a tinny nutn or one In a
hurry tu find at unco tho date of any
important meeting, but by cutting out
and prcaorvlng one cun keep a com
plete record of events in handy form
for reference.
Clirlstmua Presents- ,
Chriritmati Cuida from 2 cents up.
I'IumIi llundkurcliief Hoxea.
1'IuhIi and Leather Ulovo Hoxea.
IMuah and Leather Cuirs and Collar
Hold rona, l'onctl and Watch
l'liotograph and Autograph Albums,
rinah, Leather and Silver Toilet SetB
, from $V up.
Perfume Seta.
The largoat and finest lino of Per
fumes in bulk.
Dottles, Vases at remarkably low
prices at Ciiakman & Go's
City Drug Store, the loadorof
CbriHtmus Novoltius.
Anyone who wants to purchase a
Christmas present can nrnko the best
election by looking through our com
plete stock of holiday goods, Huhmkis
tkrA Andrkskn.
JmUiMi lliiwellakea hla Keiiert oil Ilia
I'lencnt Owoer Hooka
To tiik Hon. Copntv Coimf or Ci.ai ka-
I have examined the property ow ner
hooka aa made and prepared by Meaara.
Markley A 1 1 aye under contract made
with them at the February term, lMltf
of the county court of Clackamas county,
Oiegon to make a preaent owner lok
of all real piorty aa shown by the
deed records uf aaid Clackaniaa county,
wild books to contain the name and
description of real proK-rty aa shown on
aaid deed rceurda and I believe from
my examination of aaid books that lor
all practical puriiosea the buok are
correi I. Said book contain the names
of owners, the deacriptiun of lands with
the refrenca to the deed book ami page
of aame, the probata and circuit court
journal and will record were examined
and the neceaaary correctlona were
made. Th properly owner book Is
brought down to May 1HW. All correc
tions have been mule uf discovered
error and all necessary change were
nude. I believe that to further examine
aaid books will but delay the time for
the use uf them by th aaseaaor alsu
an expenae that would 1 gieatar than
the Iwneflt to be derived, and to further
check the aaaeaament rull with said
books will but increaaa the cost of aaid
books by an increase of the average cf
land to be paid for under tin contract,
unless an understanding bo arrivled
at between tit court and said. Markley
A Hayes. The books are complete with
proH-r Indexes. I would recommend
that the same be accepted.
Kepectfully submitted,
JinaoN Howaix.
Rsvtaw or tiik Hop TAn The
local hop market i quiet. (irowera
who let go in the early summer, when
dealers were anxious to buy, did well
At the preaent time 1H cents is the top
lirice. Grower" are holding above this
figure, and their strained relations with
buyers results in the lack of business.
Ijirga consignment are aent abroad,
which have weakened the market. A
tew consignmenta, sent out early in the
season, resulted profitably for the grow
era, and others followed in the same
track until the busir.ee wa overdone.
According to yesterday' advice, offer
ing in Lundon, found few buyer, as
the market was dull and low. The
fame condition ol affair existed In New
York . Hrewors In New York have re
fused choice Oregon at 21 cent". Local
quotation! range from 14 to 18 cents, ac
cording to quality.
Molalla (isANoa Ki.xciion. On Sat
urday evening Molalla Grange No. 40,
I', of II. held an interesting meeting at
which they elected otllrer for the com
ing year as follows ; Jas. F. Nelson mas
ter, Jack Knotta overseer, C. 8. Howard
lecturer, F. J. Nelson steward, !r. K.
(ioucher assistant steward, Sister Nellie
Cooper chaplain, Sister M. C; Howard
treasurer, K, H. Cooer secretary, E.
Hammond gate keeper, Sister Addie
Wright Pomona, Sister C. K. Hobbs
Flora, Sister Katie Cloudier, Ceries,
Sinter Mary Trullinger lady assistant
1'kkd or Assiosmknt. An instrument
waa filed by J. F. T. 11. Hrentan of
Marion county which was a deed of
assignment gixen bv 8. Hue for the
Iwnelit of his creditors. The inventory
attached included l'K) acres of land in
section 2(i, 1 2 , r 4 e, one lot in Fast
Portland; a saw mill, engines attach
ments, lumlier and personal property.
On Tiiosk Mt iinY Siioks Dud the
artist, can lie found at Farnsworth'a
barlier simp, second door from post ollleo
w here he will polish or oil shoes in the
neatest manner.
Fresh Eastern Oysters.
Dressed Chickens and Turkies.
E. E. Williams, the grocer.
Tho latest In visiting cards at the En
TKHt'KisK Okpicr. Priws to suit you.
none)' on Icriua ol C, O
T. WIIIIiuiim.
At Huntley's
in colors
at them
in eastern
we are
the latest
styles and
that are
in and
let us show
you how
Oregon City Book Store,'?
Three doors north of postoffiee.
W.A.Huntley, - Proprietor.
Special Offer to Hiiliserlber.
(The Weekly Globa-llniuocrat
The farmer, the merchant or the pro
fesniouut man whu has not the time to
read a hirgo dully newspuper, will find
In The Weekly (iloho-lH'Oiocrut, con
sisting of ten psges, paper that exactly
suits him brimful of the best news of
the day, Kiiltlciently condensed Ut meet
hi needs. Thoiighly strictly republi
can in principles, it is never so partisan
as lo suppress any Important new nec
essary to a correct knowledge of current
events. Om-e a reader, always reader.
Price, l per year. Any person send
ing us three dollars at one time (or three
yearly subscriptions to the weekly, will
receive one copy free (or year. A free
sample copy may lie hail by writing fur
it. Subscription received by all post
masters or newsdealers throughout the
United States, or directly by Ulobe
Printing Co , Ht. Louis, Mo.
Oak Lisa School Jit-port.
Onvata. Ore., Dec. 5, 1HH2. The fol
lowing are the name of the pupil, who
during the past uiontb of school, ending
Dec, 2nd have been neither absent Dor
tardy ; Uoseiyn Hubbins, Wild Klliott,
Nora and Stella Criswell, Hubert and
Clyde Kngle, Hans Nelson, Bertha
Schneider, Willie Knglo and Gilbert
Perdew. Names ol vUtitur are Mr.
Hansen, Mr. Nelsen, the Miase Katie
and Christina Nelson, Mr. Schneider.
Mrs, F.lliott and Messrs Kobbin and
Kngle, director. Anna Thompson,
Roll of Honor.
School baa been in cession one month
in diatrict No. HI. Number of pupils
enrolled forty-two; sverage daily attend
ence thirty-six. Following i list of
pupil neither alisent nor tardy during
tne month: Charlie Ranch, Willie
Wolsan, Til lie Wolxan, Sophia Wolzan,
Daisy Phelsi. Allie PhelMi, Jennie
Phelps, Klixa Hums, Marv Burns and
Charlie Thomas,
A sir E. Tayu),
4 hnrresxfal Worker.
Work cannot Ihj successfully con
tinued unless there is an active mental
interest in it If the mind ia not clear,
bright and buoyant, then the wurk i
drudgery and the worker is a machine
An occasional dose of Mooro's Kevealed
Kcmedv will put the body and mind in
such harmonv that the hardest tasks
will seem play.
Pronoeaeed Hopeless, Yet Kared.
From a letter written by Mr. Ada E.
Ilurd, of Uroton, S. D., we quote:
" Waa taken with a bad cold, which set
tled on my Lungaf cough aet in and
finally terminated in Consumption
Four doctors gave tne up. saying I could
live but a short time. 1 gave myself up
to my Saviour, determined if I could not
stay with my friends on earth, I would
meet my absent ones above Mv bus
band was advised to get Dr. King New
Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all.
eight bottles; it has cured nie and
thank God I am now a well and hearty
woman." Trial bottle free at U. A
Harding' drugstore, regular aixe 50c.
and il. uu.
you seen
that line
of Ricksecker's
Perfumes we
have in our
window this
Nothing could
be more
for an
Xmas frift.
C, G. Huntley, Successor to
Caufield& Huntley,
Book Store.
We No
have more
something acceptable
entirely present
new in can
albums be
this offered
year with than
etched a
metal and good book
wood we
tops. have them
Also some in
new cloth
designs in and fancy
gold pens bindings
and to
holders, suit
manicure your purse
sets sets
plush of
papetries six vol.
fancy ink as low
stands as
etc. $1.50
OFFICE Next door to Caufield & Huntley's drug store.
To exercise your good ene and
the prenent Bcanon and get a
Christmas Present
That will, in addition to expressing your good wiheB, be ap
preciated by your friend for its
You can get just what you want at a price that will correspond
with your pocketbook at
Silk Umbrellas, Collar & Cuff Boxes,
Work Boxes, Silk Handkerchiefs,
Toilet Cases, Albums,
Manicure Sets, Jewely,
Gloves, Purses.
Nothing would please your mother, wife or daughter better than aa
elegant cloak or dress pattern. In
Our stock is the finest in Oregon City and equals that of Port
land in quality and price.
Cannot be made tempting to the appetite unless the best of
materials are used in its preparation.
Are selected for their
Oregon City Iron Works for all kinds of Machine
work and Casting.
To Traction Engines, Threshing Machines, Har
vesters, Mowers, Etc., promptly attended to.
Are equal to the lowest to be had in Portland.
Shop on Fifth St. near Main, Oregon City.
J. ROAKE, Prop.
Manufacturers ol and dealers In all ityles of
Both rough and dressed for lawn and division fence, also
Hartman Steel Picket Fence,
And Wire Panel Farm Fence,
Call and see Samples and get Prices.
Shop over Bestow's Sash & Door factory, Oregon City, Or.
Special Bills
Mill and Yard on the River, Foot of Main Street.
HENRY BOYER, Proprietor,
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Fresh Beef, Mutton, Pork, Ham, Bacon and Lard.
C. O. T. WILLIAMS will
lean you all Uio money you
want on improved farms at
the very lowest rates. Social
rates given on large loans.
No I'uilding and Loan Asso
ciation but straight goods.
After thirty years residence
in Oregon City I feel safe in
refering to the public in general.
lantc in making your selections for
purity and quality.
also Expanded Metal Fence.
Cut to Orders