1 (h-pfYAfi Pirv KnrnrnricA I ' u "J ,,,iMwl ,0"d "rtH,i,,!! '""H VllUUU Vll LlllLl PliOU Protection and government as the bulk 1 Tl Itl.lC M 11(101. iUIIATK. l-ulHnHet1 Kvery Friday. P 0n Mtithit it llcelileit Sur ri Tlu Annexation f Cattail. of th inooriHiiatlon, it is itutiiiishle ; Tltr j whether it he wise for the outlying section l to com within the incorporation. The -ar- ; "--- ( Multnomah hint (gator ami promotor of CH AS. MliSURV12, ! I'1"" tlivi,wntknM county wonkl j TllOM0 wlu lwt rol(mmto pmm(!, I the first oix'it tHovtiiiir of tint 1'hilo. ltit.allk.io. lit. ,,.,. ...,.,., f ...I ui.l. ' tho public schools, on Friday evening tU'RUSIIKK AMI rKOI'KlKTOR. urriCUL PAPER OF CITY and county. SUlSCHIlTlON IUTKS, On year, His motilhs, Three mouths, ...... inscriptions yaMe t vlvanee Aitvtnising rates given on application. follow county annexation with a lanroextnv Ision of the city limits to secure the assist jai.ee of a soon to he rich suburban section ! in paving oil the oitv's big bonded debt ami the section thus incorporate.! could ex I eot to reap none of the benefit of being K Mi' within a city like lVrtlatut for years to come. 40 Entered at the Post Offlce In Oregon City, Or., i aa second class manvr. FRIDAY, ItKCKMBKK 16, lSs2. TIM EXTKRi'lSlSK guarantees a larger bona tte eJrcirUuoa thai that of the other three papers la tae county combined. AUKNTS FOR THE ENTERPRISE. Canby, ClaekaMaa, Mttwankie. I'niea stills, AifAs, Meadow Brook. hew Kra. Wilson-villa, btrk tfiaet, Barlo. Gladstone. Stafford. Muliao, Csrua. HoisJia. Vanjuam, Futterllie Aurora, . - Cry ill. Karl Creek, Sumiyside, Damascus, t-sndy, Saimoo, t'urriusvitle, I'lierryvilla, Marmot, Til EY LT THE FUGS. The way in which many in the South construe the recent election is set forth in the following letter to the New York Adver tiser: "To the K.litor of the N. Y. Morning Advertiser; As a Southerner I am naturally happy over the election of Cleveland, be cause it vindicates the southern people. The whole country has finally com around to our economic system. Yon have bitterly denounced Oalhounisin in ywtr newspaper meaning thereby Krre Trade- and yet the country has, by overwhelming majorities. a most tuag- 0. W, Prwser . " - wTaunJss I indorsed Mr. Calhoun's viewa Gary A W ttwunter i nitioent vindication. i S ramnVl! I " B'" lw ' on "lin "- '" me to Cha Hoimau j rejoice more than you can inngtne over Oie . . W-lej"yifiy j election of Clevclamt, and that is, that we Hamilton A Washburn I will now have returned to the southern . Mrs. G. ATbPJ-Rt j he t,,,, rta, ca(lur- rum, u, ,jur J. u. Gste. ing the war. Mr. Cleveland wanted to per " . C"RT cwj i form this act of justice and decency when - N. M Moody j in the While House before, btit the howlers -' -K" ' Jennlnta ! of -h 'ml, 'rel bini 01,1 of lbm r Gtesy will be no scaring bini thia time, because -" - hi' wluve'rn Ith' "hole country is at his hack. There John Welsh w" r "ay or universal reducing in me 1 a, L'tll .., ' K. CoklM-h Mn.W.M. Mclntvre tieo. J. Currin Mrs. M. J. Hammer I Adolph Aschort j South when our lorn and tattered old em blems of battle fotntht in a glorious cause come back to us. 8. K. 1.oky. Savannah, t.a. Nor. 21, Till unrest which is always present when new legislation affecting business interests is thought to be pending, is being tell throughout the East where importations have largely stopped on. ing to the belief that the duty is to be removed from foreign goods. The Sew York Tribune says: "Congressman Springer admits the truth of the remark that the treasury deficit, if there is one, is or will be due to the falling off of importations as the result of the H.pwat ,-,p nmmiunrrM.I...U "Th. i- party, in apite of all its emphatic talk prior I ' a . '. , , LJ.i' .ri,r!Pr,,'rs " Mr. Springer, -have already begun to discount a new taritr bill." Thai's it, exai tly. Why should they pay duties on goods which are to be let in presently LET Tit EM ALO.YE. Since the result of the election has been declared the New York Herald and many other democratic pacers have penisentiy called upon the republicans to give heed to the voice of the people and permit a tariff law in accord with that sentiment to be passed. That will do for irresimnsible talk, but the Herald knows full well that its of I ii l week, missed a very pleasant and 1 protittthlo evening. The society waa oicaniaed six weeks ago under the guidance and direction ol Pmtossor K. W. l'ringlo. hut the society is cotnlucted by its uieinlierti, Troftisaor I'ringle having no more voice in con trolling the alfaira of the society than any other niemlior. The aiK-iety now liaa a membership of about and mailt tains in tt niertinga commenduhle dig. tilly and decorum throtigliottt. The oil) cera am Fred K. Hedges, prvaidont, L. Dngga, vice-ptt-sident, Sade Chaac, Mr. J. I lllalae, an exletialvu real estate denier in IV Moines, Iowa, narrow ly escaped one of tho ovorel attacks of pneumonia while in lliu north ern pait of Hint stale during a recent lilixaard, aaya tliu Saturday lieview. Mr. lie had tMn aasion to drive aovural miles during the storm and was thoroughly chilled Unit he was until (o get warm, and inside of an hour aft' liix return he waa threatened w ith pneu monia or lung (over. Mr. Ulaino sent lo ' the nearest drugstore and got a bottle of Chaiulierlnin'a Cough Koiiiedy, of which he had often heard, ami took several large doses. He says the ell'ect was wondeiful and in a short tiino lie waa breathing quite easily, Ha kept on taking the medicine and the next day lie waa able to come to lVa Mottic. Mr. Itlalse regards his cure as simply wonder ful. For sale hy lino. A. IIakdinu, ktttj flaee. Vhyt It la a common remark thai our busi ness is show Iny a greatly increased activ- ft tanclii lliiai M Hrin-ja to niiml tlmt our rolutivott and friemla imint li.i ri'iiii'iiiWrod Willi HlUltO Mllitlllllt leH('Ht, to election, is not prepared to take up tariff legislation and pre: it to an issue and sue-1 oeasftil psv-jfTB. As a party it would not vote for a republican bill and it would be- come soaptciotis of its own measures if there i appeared a praMect of securing republican j votes. The ground floor truth is that the i democratic party finds itself about to be 1 confronted bj a condition involving a re-' aponsibility which it is loath to assume, j Th effort of Multnomah county to goo Could it therefore, by some dodee. prevail , ble up a liberal share of Clackamas comes upon the outgoing administration to tinker nn,)er t ,milr bead to the division process with the taritf laws enough to allow the in- j wttieh the Oregonian describes as follows: coming party an excu.se for doing nothing j .. Vtlle M ,iKna Mi ,n coming legisla tor at least a tune the object of the clamor ; iiv. ..in will lw eiillveiixt hv enuniv.iu.Ht for nothing? Until this hope became an assurance, they imported tip to the mount of the demand, and the revenues were am ple. Mow tbey hold hack, and the treasu ry's monev chest sn tiers," aocrotjtrv and C Purdom. tresaomr The following named constitute the j i'T acason. (uatontera awak of It, meuiliership: Hert ltcatie, Sade Chase, Vara Caulield, Pauline Campbell, James Church, I.aureme T-riggs, llotla Fouls, Ada Hughes, Fred Hedge, lino Hard ing, Ilghton Kelly, Homer Martin, I.ura Miller, Eva Meldrtim, lVof. l'rin gle, Clatence Punloin, Kuby Spenoer, Dan Tompkins, Kuiily Tompkins, May Wiahart aud Charlea Wilson. The degree of interest in the society was shown by the presence, of all hut threo nitmbers at the meeting on Friday evening. The exercises were varied, well pre pared and very creditable to the society. In debate the disputants evinaed a famil iarity with the question which could only have been attained by res 'arch and systematic thought. They were quick to perceive a point in favor of their own aide and made apt application of the material collected for the discussion. The visitors were more than enter tained by the program presented for lie sides enjoving the exercises throughout they rvaliied that the minds of the members were being improved by the work there done. I me society snowen n guests every courtesy. Charles Wilson and James Church acted as ushers for the evening. After a business meeting they presented the following will hate been attained, (if this scheme the Oregonian says: " The republicans of the fifty second con gress will not be so simple as to fall into this trap, laid to serve the selfish porjioseof a narrow democratic faction. It is unlikely contests and efforts to create new counties, it has come to be considered the fair thing to make every town of any size a county seat, and just as fast as towns get beyond the mere village stage, they begin to scheme for a county division, or else inaugurate a that there will be any tariff legislation at all j warfare against the county seat in poasessU at the coming session of congress. It would be more becoming on the part of republi cans and democrats alike, to leave that work to representatives fresh from the peo ple, who can assemble, if Mr. Cleveland will permit them to do so. only four months after the meeting of the fifty-second con gresain December. The republicans should stand ready to aid in any efforts they are disposed to make to meet the Impending deficiency by legitimate reduction of the expenses of the government; but this win ter is no time for tariff legislation. " When the democratic party shall be fairly in power it will be different. Then the republicans can do the country no better service than to help carry out the popular mandate of the election, not by patching op the system of protection in interest of eastern manufactures alone, and so evading the pledges of the G'hicage platform, but by voting for a genuine tariff for revenue only. This will be the proier attitude of the re publicans from the West, at least, in the fifty-third congress. Their proper attitude this winter is a purely passive one." The president in his message to congress sounds the key note fur republican legisla tors when he recommends that this is a mat ter which should be left to the incoming party to arrange in accordance with their pledges. Republicans have made history for thirty-two years, and they can afford to rest easy on their oars while the democrats try their hands at locating the channel and steering. EVILS OF IMMIGRATION. in the hope of superseding it. Kvery ses sion the legislature has a spasm or two of this kind, and it now looks as if the next one would have more than the average number of convulsions." Ex-President Hayes said' some good things recently in his address before the prison reform association, among which was the following pertaining' to the subject of immigration which as it "exists today is the lion in the path of the progress of Amer ica. High authority places the number of the criminal and defective classes in the United States at one in the hundred of the total population. Consider the awful sig nificance of an increase of our criminal pop ulation in a sini-le decade many thousands by immigration from Europe alone. For merly the love of liberty and a laudable de sire to better their condition were the lead ing motives of immigration from Euroe to America. Now employers of large bodies of men wanting cheaper labor, the agents of steamship companies, speculators in land lu the thinly settled states, stimulated by greed for gain, and worse than all the in creasing efforts of the European communi ties to send to America the chronic paupers, lunatics and criminals, have given to this question a gravity that hitherto did not be long to it," The proposition of the ;regoniaii to the board of trade of Oregon City to allow it a page in its New Year's edition at a reduced figure is one that is advantageous to this community. A page largely devoted to il lustrations of our mills, factories, and fine residences, together with a view of the falls, in an edition of that paper, w hich will con sist of over 50,1X0 copies, and which will be sent all over the world where Kuglish read ing people are, will result in much good to the community, and now that the era of rapid growth is just uiion us we ought not to miss this oportiiuity to show a few of our attractions to the public. Portland is moving ih the steps of1 Oma ha, one of the best paved cities in the United States, in the matter of pavements. As Or egon City is sadly in need of extensive street improvements the charter committee niicht Oo well to consider the Omaha plan which is as follows: " Property owners to tie al lowed to pay their assessments for extensive improvements in easy instalments ten equal annual payments, secured by bonds guaranteed by the city." It is in many respects a good thing to be part of an incorporated city and partake of the benefits which it offers, but unless the section included within a city's limits has primarily the same conditions and wants as (he main body of the city is in fact a part Thk editor ol the Portland Dispatch was too tired contemplating his columns tilled with matter edited by the reform city offi cers to feel equal to the task of informing himself on the condition of the country by reading the president's message, and judg ing other editors by his own feelings he says: " We doubt very much it one-third I the editors who have commented on Presi dent Harrison's recent message have rvud the document entire." INTSBKsriSO PROOBAM. Flint a song entitled "Jingle Bella" waa rendered by the society with life, May Wish art presiding at the organ. This was followed by a recitation by Hert Ileuttie in which he took off the ''deeatrick skule" in a comical manner. Miss Sade Chase and Minnie Ackerman sang a duet entitled, "Beautiful Night" which was followed by the debate, Re solved, That Canada should be snnexed to the United States. The disputants noon the affirmativo were Fred K. Hedges, Sade Chase and Clarence Pur dom. They were opposed by Laurence Driggs, Pauline Campbell and Iighton Kelly, II . 8. Strange, J. W. Meldrtim ami i. . rout were appointed as judge. After a closely contested strug gle whk'h left it difficult for the judges todetermine, thequestion was submitted and decided two to one .in favor of the negative. A male quartette by I-eigliton Kelly, Jas. Chuicli, Bert Beattie and Laurence Driggs was loudly encored and they had to come back and sing an other. The president asked the visitors to address the society and Her. Uihoney and Messrs. II. L. Kelly, E. M. Rands, J. W. Meld rum and II. S. Strange spoke briefly commending the society for its excellent work and encouraging its members to keep on as they had begun. A recitation by Miss I.ura Miller was well tendered. The exercises concluded with a good night song by the society. What is the reason for it T Can't vou tell? u not try again. Hundreds of new customers are coming to us, and coining once come again. Whyt Ilia because you are treated courteously and got your lull money's worth everytims whether you spend a dollar or a nickel. You read our advert '.aement and you know that what we say is true You came for the goods advertised a bar gain, perhaps, and so stated you have never been misled or deceived by na, in fact you find the bargains better than you expected. We nave your eonll donee and we want it. Thia la the foun dation of our business. There is no nonsense about Bki.i.omy A Bt'sit. Dancing Academy. Prof. Al. Keser, instructor at Port land Select Dancing academy, at Hi bernian hall, Portland, will open a branch academy at Armory hall, in thia city to assemble on Monday evenings. Those wishing to join the class can ap ply to Mr Kverett Hickman at Waiting's cigar store, who ia receiving applica tions and will explain terms. Join t once. Jl i'S Roll ol Honor. Following is the roll id honor for school district number 'ih: Aurora Dick er Maud Rastall, Victor Dickey, "tain Kaatall, Kllie Callahan, Leander liar less. Mart Haty. Kuiiva Ml'M., Molalla, Pec. H, lS'i:'. Teacher. Sewer Cutinertlena. We are ready to make all sewer connec tions at the uniform price of X cents t lineal foot for 4-inch connections sr.d 40 rents for tt-imh, all complete. Apply immediately to Pore A Co. t - - , FleiMchiiiAn'a Compressed yeast makes the best and sweetest bread. To intro duce it I will give a rake with every sack of flour. F. F,. Williams, the grocer.. Justice blanks, real extate blanks, and all other blanks at the F.ntkki-kisi ol- tice. Portland prices. ijQiiriDinj (oods and Fancy Ijooify Department!, Is full of tunny fliiiico Heltvtuina tlmt wo nro httro will plouso you, hav ing" Hpannl no tminn or money to nuiko thin ilepurtinimt hm uttnto live hh jMiseiblt!, W'p curry ono of tho best uiul largest lines of Ladies', Gents' and Children's Shoes in Clitckiitmia county, mul pun show some very Imiulmnuu (IfKigtiH in " FANCY SHOES AND SLIPPERS U For hotiHO wenr junt tho present fur father, mother or your lieat friend. Wo n!no invito your examination of our elegant assortment of XMAS GOODS INCLUDING DOLLS That ttre a pleasing night in thonmelvoa, besiiles "JC'TS for tho children ami an cuw11hn variety of WilO-A-BRAC fur the grown folks. Come Early While the Selections are BE3T. Park Place Cash Store. Highland Roll of Honor. fcliooi has been in session three months; number of pupils enrolled M. Following are the names of pupils who have been neither absent nor tanly during the tliinl month emling Deccmljcr 2il : Mnr jtaret l.ee, Ivy HarriiiKton, George Harring ton, Alice Kirk, Frank Kirk, Ma Hhnckley, George Wallace, Frank Nicholas, Finley Nicholas, Alonzo Parish, Lawrence Parish, Charlie Myers, Annie Pankrots, Mabel Jones, Alonzo Weir, Rufus Horner, Alma Horner, Joseph Wallace, Thomas Heibolt, Jacob Scibolt, John Parish. Tl on intuit to Tour Intelllgnnca, out some uiurru- i J minus ilnuors try L For Instancs i you'rw sulfating from some Nkiu, K-alp or Hcrofu lous afTm-tinn, or are fenling " run down " or" tunl- np," Thers's a torpid liver, Impure blood, and all that may oouin from IL Yiw've deciilist, wisely, tlvt Dr. Pimm's Onlden Mwlii-al lllamvvry ia the nmllriiM to belt) you. Vou know tlmt it's (run rantm! to no so. as no other blood purifier la. If it ili wnt benefit or cure, you grt your money tmck. Can you ssk mnre I Hut what is Imt fur you to take font always beat for the dealer to aslL lla offers something that's "just as rh1." Is It likely I If the makers of a nusticin can't trust it, can you t If they can trust It, then why not (ruama Ut It, aa the makers of the " Lilscoverv " do I Tlie yrnuin sold only through authorized agents, at the uniform price of 11.00. Uuware of spurious imitations or dilu tions, offered at leas prices. The Newbtirg Graphic commends a good officer thus: " Circuit Judge Tom Mcliride don't stand any foolishness in his court. At Oregon City during the Henderson murder trial one of the witnesses appeared in court drunk, when the judge promptly sentenced him to twenty days in the county jail for contempt. Oregon ought to be blessed with more such judges." The East Portland Chronicle makes the building of the east side motor line an ex cuse for taking away a large slice of this county. Why should it be, since it will give equally as good opportunity to visit Or egon City as Portland. Instead its com pletion to Oregon City takes away one rea son, since the iieople in the northern part of the county will now be able to reach the county seat readily and cheaply. There is not e hamlet in the United States where the Youth's Companion is not taken and read. Thoroughly reliable, clean and elevating, It fills a place in the home which no other paper can fill. When it Is taken every meiuberof the family rsads and is Ben efitted by It. It should be In every horns. NOTICE OF PKOPOHKI) f.UAStiK OF HTKKF.T (illADE. Notice Is herelijr given thst the council of Oregon City propose to chmixe the grade of Mnlli street to the following: HcginnliiK st the north Hue of Moss street st an elevstlon of ion 6 feet thence northerly on a descending grade to the south line ol Twelfth street to an elevstlon of tl feet tliei.ee level across Twelfth street thence northerly at an as cending grade to the center of block Is to an elevation of 98 lent thence lit s descending grade to the south line of Thirteenth street to an elevation of w feet thence level across Thir teenth street thence northerly ou an ascending grade to the center of block 17 to an elevation of m t iet thence In a descending grade to the south line of Fourteenth street to an elevation to agree with the grade as now established. Published by order of the city council st a meeting neiu uec. l.i, m.ri. u L. roKTKR. 4t Recorder. MRS. PRIGR Wishes to thank her kintl patrons for punt favors alno to call at tention to her Htock of a Horted DOLLS, TOYS. FRUITS, Candies, Nuts. Etc. Hoping to receive the same kind patronajro thin year. CRASH DOWN COMES THE PRICES. Furniture, Window Shades Carpets, Etc., Etc., At prices never la'foro dreamed of in Oregon City. Holman& Warner Undertakers & KnilialmerH. ANDERSON WALKER, paiiterapd.oeDeeorator PAPER-HANGING AND KALSOMINING. I carry tho largent and Iwrnt assorted Htock of wall pitjier evor drought to uregon Lily, and will (tell at I'ortlantl prices. Let tiguren on your work. Shop on Seventh utroct. near ('enter. me givo you JAPANESE P1LE CURE A new and complete treatment, consisting of Hupposltorlefl, ointment In Capsules, aluo hi box ami Fills; a positive cure for External, Internal, Illlnd or bleeding, Itching, Chronic, Kecent or Hereditary Plies, and many dlaeases and female weaknesses; It Is always a great heiicrH to the lenend health. The flrxt dis covery of a medical cure rendering an opeialion with the knife unnecessary hereafter. Thin r'linedy has never been known to fall. II per box. il for 15; sent by mall. Why n Iter from this terrible disease when a written guarantee Is given with sis boxes to refund the money If not cured. Hend stamp for free sample, iluar anlee Issued by Wooijhuci.akkr ,ti Co. whole sale and retail druggists, sole agents, Portland, Oregon, VOL It ;oo D HEALTH DetHMidson tlm condition (if your stomach and liver. 1 besu make yutir blond guml or had. ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance declaring the rebate on the Main street sewer assessment. Oregon City does ordain as follows: That the recorder of Oregon City he snd here by Is ordered to draw a warrant In favor of each of the parties assessed for the construc tion of the Main street sewer; that said war rant be drawn on the Main street sewer fund for 3 per cent of the assessment of each of said parlies for said sewer as establlHhed hy ordinance No. 14. of said oity; but that uo warrant he delivered to any of said parties so long as any assessment for said sewer work stands uncancelled on the docket of city Hens. This ordinance In to he taken up for Dual action and passage at a special meeting to be held Friday evening, Dec. iwi at 7 no p, m, L. I foSTsa, kecordsr. I DR. L. WHITE, DENTIST Over Caufleld's Prug Store, Office days from the 1st to 15th of each month. Artificial teeth on rubber, first-class, lit, Oold fillings from t'l no. All work -guaraaieed. MOORE'S REVEALED REMEDY Is the greatest of natural tonics for the stom ach and llvur. Il regulates both surely and perfectly, . Are you billions? Are you constipated? One Ti'HHpoonfiil of Moop'n Re vealed Kenicdy will rIvo you Keliel. 0. H, Iteese a well-known Heattle druggist, says Moore's lievealed Ituinody cured him of suvsre hilllous headaches. Isk-Hold by all druggists. Cooke's Stables, W. H.COOKE, Manager, Hueces.or to I!. II T IL. Co. Comer Fourth and Main Streets:, OREGON CITY. The LKADINQ LIVKKY KTAHI.K of the City. IUkh of any description furnished on short notice. All kinds of Truck and Delivery Tttirai iichh promptly attended to. Fed Horses Boarded and uMu terms. on reason- WOOD TURNING A.1TD SCROLL SAWING NOTICK OK FINAL BKTTLKMKNT. Notice Is hereby given that I have Bind In tho county court of Clackamas noiinly. Oregon my final report as administratrix of the estate of Thomas dcollard, deceased. And the court has appointed February 11, IMI3 as a day and time lor the examination of said report and the settlement of satd estate, l.iMia K. Ci.OBK, hoe KCOIXABIl, JH. E. Caoas, At'y. Administratrix. Dated December 1 1892. li lii.l-U BOXES OF ANY SIZES MANUFACTURED Pat- Parties desiring Wood Turning, terns, Brackets, or Shop Carpenter's Work Will be United by Calling on Mo. Doors, Windows and Blinds TO ORDER. i Or, H. BESTOW, sf-Opp. the Congregational Churo