Oregon City hnter prise. FRIDAY, M'.t'KMIIKU HI, iwia. WKKKI.V t'AI.KNDAIt, Cumuli fur lhtl uf CiiiiiIiik KimU- Kur I'ar. ItrtiUra HV Ural Ciiluniiit, FIUIA Y, IWeinher lill'rfahytnrlaii l'lr l hlilvclv's theatre, Tl'KSDAV, I'ecemhcr 'JO. FmIIh View r'.ncaitiliitiil will Humiliate olllcera at ' 7 ;'M f, m . Mlirary anelalile i rixi' hall, 400 lloitu Hunted. Wit will pay tht highest mutant price lor 600 Iiuk .dill 4 Al.lllllUIIT. CHAT ABOUT TOWN. Wank note, rvt I ,t mid ciriliT honks at the l'sTiiHi'iimK olllce. Pavid Ciu, a iitiiiNryiiiHil ol Canity, aa In In n on Tueailuv. ( flltlHTMAH NOTH'KM. ChrMmua Ni'i vlcvK Mini I'lileitiilnineiit lit Hit' C lilliolle t'liiireli. Father Willerlirawl ot Kt Jiilin'n church al.Uea thul limy hnvc In picpitra t Ion fur tlio Clirlatnitta acuanii never a t'liiilre acrvlcea Mini eiilitrtulitiiicnU which will lm very lnli'ri liif mihI attractive, The Hint "I tlii-nf aerviee will lie on I'lirintiiinM eve when llm chllilrcn of the church will kIvii nil entertainment lu the Catholic KnlgliU ol On Kiin City who In ii'tiirn fur tlm compliment of Jlimrd of Trad. Tli txntrd liclil Ita rt'lf'ilar monthly meeting1 on Motnlay evening". 0. 0, T. Willlama reported from the pedal oomiiiltlno ulvr to comity lluUli.n I liul thereinoriairiimea IihiI twn prlnteil mill wniilil he will it anon. I loiter from Mm Cook ollerliiif to iow utereoptioon vlewa of On-iion ('y In ciiiiiii-ilion lili '""r throughout the emit referred to advert!-1 tK euuimlltce. ' Tli I'.xuUi Crwh mutter waul diacuaaed miij It wan decided to renew j the oiler made three ycura ao which i . AlfUWI i.e. I wuft lor r.nKio w to rmw f " Win. MutliMHi ut Vlul waa In town Tueaday attending to huaineaa, Mra, C. A. Nmi who ha Imen very alck I aluwly ricoviiilii her umml health. Kine uf f aiiciuah liaa Mutluii.of MiiMoiiri, vinit- the children will ictullulehy """I"""''" t,e mrl vo ralae enough to n.uke It prctientatolhe children. Hour of j $H5(K). JnV Muhlrum apoke of the erciaeuHp. in. All are welcome. ! eulire fMKll.llity of the linker F.-rry mul Chrlalmuadny will he i Iw rrw.k river ro,,!. (olli.w: M....IH o.-I.Kk.. in wun H((((((t ,,,,,.,,(1, the mi Knuli-h ...rn.oii MWn hv limn t j .,r,.n,4,a It. mlvm.tuKfi n t) oVIot k with -rinon In (ierinmi. At ' , ,, .,, ,rr,1B i1B hoard nnriuriiin "i'"'"i " m puKti lor 1175. A i;oinmittee to rmim $(K) ur more of thnt wan iiolntil, ojii Mm. Win hrothur, Win Inn her. MiiinUv J. I', WMtVlim ri'turiiKil from hi trip up Into Mnho mul Wmihinition Iiiiik tlio Hunk rlvrr. rilmvlng Ni'tit, Mmvln Ciii mul 1U dim rn elcKH'it iroMnt fur innitleiiien nl Clmrinnii A Co., ilriinKUln. A i-huli e ho of rit!r makil one of the iiiont i'ri'iUli dI Cliriftitnii iiill". Hlevuim km' in the ln't. x Lionel Hi mi KO riirmiitiiii the hunt neim ili'imrlini'iit of the Oreoiiimi In the city on MomUy. Hon, J. M. Trary in town on HatunUy on hie way home from aoiit It em Ori'iimi where he hail been for a trip. Itev. Win I. mi. I of Salem will oltloUlo at HI 1'aul'a Kplwoiml ilinr.lt nint hiiiuUy evening at 7 ,'MK All are Inviteil, Mm, Hnrare Willlaitia itrreenteil Iter htinhaiul will, a tine ifirl on Hiiiulny taut, Tlie father la happy anil the innlher ilo- iiill well, 10 ,:i0 aoK'inn hluh niana will he ohtwrvoil I . with Knlinli wrmoii. The mumr at thi-wi aurvli't'i will he lemleieil by the choir ami ori'ht'Hlm who will remlcr Hplilf) Kninil iiniNa lilrli-ill he iniii'h finer than anythfoK lieietofore ln-unl In (trt'Kon City. At 7 .!I0 anh-inii viiiera to lfolluwfil tiy the lileeaiitii of two heaiitl fill memorial atittnee whirh fiml KiO ireeiilfl hy Mia. Kiiiina Mi-lMiehl upon tM'half of herwlf ami ilweaieil hue haml. AID a. in. on Tucmlay m will l-e 1-I'Ii'IiikIimI in honor of the frant of Ht John the AHetU, patron on in I ol the rhunlt hiita. In the eveninif the alli-r aiM'ie'y will ijive a " nmty a itouml" WM'iahle, at wliirli tnurli fun ami frolic- liitf ia exiKK'U'il Thin in free to all ami lailict arvexpei'tvil to Ih in ilinualul. tin Monday thete apn'nrttl in town two men anil a ymintt woman who tM-foie niht iMiame notireahle hy her drunk en and tearful apjiearanre. They had atopped at I.. A. Nohle'a where the men gave their namea aa L. Adkina and Am brom Clirintie and the Ki't aa Joitra, Cliriatie iluiniiiiK her a hi wile. IU- tween live and aix in tlieeveiiiugChriatie took her oir towarda Caneinah, hut par Ilea had heitmie etlnplrioiia and they were folluweil, an othVer railed and John Kelly arreted Clulxtie am! auhaeipieiitly Adkina. The men were plm-ed in jail and on Wediieailay were trlrd, when it wn develoK that (he glrt'k name ta Kate liniiro ol Salem whine Chriatie had got her in hia power and or ihteatenitig Nobody Disappointed Up To Date! f)ur Holiday ttttractiotm tilwiw! tlicw all. Not a cloud to tnar the rnnrry CliriKtiinia of Itiivcra who viait our iiiHiiiinoth Htock of tfifU at.tiniiiriiite and I diiriililo fur i-VfrylHidy. . We will plcam; you in quantity, quality and price. I An uiuMiuallfd aHKortinnrit and varioty to mnt all taaw-n in Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, ' Musical Instruments, Etc. 4mOLIDHYGOODS.-" A- OUR MAGNIFICENT STOCK IS A VISION: OF BEAUTY AND THE GREATEST HOLIDAY HIT OF THE SEASON. Burmeister & Andresen. i i i WajhburMCuitarj liirMmaa 1H2. Call on T. W. Font acroaa from the i lu.w.i iiu,i i "Iik (ur (lie fiiifat line of aiHting of CO. T. Wllliami, T. F. Hyan and T. Charman, with authority to hind the hoard tor Hitch a nun aa they alioold aee lit The preiii.lent waa authorUed to draw , UjV(( am f(m.y incu,ing Dolla, a reaolulion lavorhle to daily mail ' Ci)mh tmj j)r(l w,t u0)1),i Magin ai-rvii from UnweKO lo Wilaonvllie ami , , , .. aii )U .... Iaaa.lt etc. All to return via Oregon City, and the preeident ; )e tlM ,.,. )ow pr,g, tf and atvretaty were inairuxieu io aign a Hlilion for the aaine. Hill of J. W. Noble for 10 ordered paid. SEVENTH ST. MEAT MARKET, HARRIS &c HALL, PROPS.v. AFRESH - AND - CURED - MliATS. None but the ht quality kept. A trial oruVr solicited.. ' I . Llll I.... I..I.. In t ..I kl Iv . (. A twelve-p-iuttd bov callml at lieorge i " ".' " " " ' ' , . ' CliiraonT.,.-.dav.n.l..k.Hl.,r board I "''" hv '"'r I will io iMWnn in a iiiiny aim suone- aiul loilging whirh lieoige wa only too i glad to give. Tlione ItaiidMiiiie iliriiino faleiidara whirl) the Coiiiinerrial bank ia aendlug out to Ita frienda are heatitiea and no ntintake ltev. W. I. Mnlliiv rnliiiiii'il on Mon- dav from Iallaa w here ho aiilei1 Hev ipuenllylto 1'ortlaiiil and Vancouver where j be forti'd her to become a proetiltile. The evidence did not impliciite Ailkin 1 In Una foul tical incut and Judtie Foua llnd hi in f4d for aimple aaiill which he paid. Cluixtle waa held, rliargcd with lewd rohahilatioli and hia hotnla llxed atttOIK). which fulling io grt lie will The l ily Council. On Tucaday evening there waa an ad journed meeting of the city council at which an ordinance waa introduced to refund M.KJ per cent of the Muin etreet aewer aawaanietit which waa ordered puhliahed . An ordinance eataMLhing the grade ol certain atreeta on the lull waa alw) In trod in cd and waa ordered published. A notice of propoeal to change grade (if Main alreet from Moaa to Fourteenth waa nrderetl piihhahe l The coinniillee repiitcil that liar gravea A llortwick bad refused to con tiact to build a Jail, owing to a iniann deratanding alxmt other than Oregon City aalid and gravel la-ing required in building, and the contract waa let to Kinney and Tower for t?.WA2 with J. li. Hciiiier, W W. Marra, (ieo. Brough Ion and Jaa Itoake aa UiihIhiiiiti. A aHiial comiiiittt'e conaiH'iiig of conncilmeii 1'ortcr, White and Cooke I . . ..... i ... ... waa apHiinieil to conauier me aiivi-n-biliiy of building the bridge at Fourteenth and Mitdiaon stteeta. Ul ( all All jieraftna indebted to ua rotiat call and make a act t lenient without fail or you will have extra coaW to pay. Our biiaiiieHe will liecloaed out. Maykb Ac.kksian. 1 Setlce. To Whom it May (!osi(: That I will not be reaionsihle for any debta con tracted by my wife, an abe haa left my Itouae and home, unknown to me. 12 :liS 12:23 A. 8. Cakijos. A at ray. Taken up by me, Iec. 7, 1802, one white pony, mark branded with a heart. 12-1(1 : 12:30 Eiuknk Haywaku. Freall EaHtern Oyaters. I)reael Chickena and Turkiea. E. E. Wiixiam, the grocer. pope& ca Tbif old and reliable firm a!waya keep in Mock a full line of ten. SB i M warn, mi i re, eic. BUSINESS LOCALS. Plumbing, Gas Fitting & Jobbing Attended to Promptly. Es timates Furnished. Iloluian 4 Warner, "Undertakers and Enibalmers, Oregon City Bank building. C. V. Croaa in a Very auiveaaful aeriea of "v uv. ii.oniiia io ne in i.noie u.e i granu jury men a. ah iiuviui'i m j beinu made to get Hie girl in the Ucfui:e y 't ; home. n.eelinga Kleiachmann'a Comprtiied make the tieet and aweetiwt bread. To intrixluce It I will give a rake w ith every aack of Hour. E. E Wn.i.iAwa the gtocer. At Stevena'a confectionery aland next door to I.ivermore'a hotel can lie had the fluent candy and freah nula in town. In packagea for Cbriatmaa purpoaea at vpcrial ptiwa The hill ia growing, not only aa a resi dence aection but a a bualneaa Im ality. llarria A Hall are the lateat huHineiw men to locate there with their butcher ahop at the corner ol Seventh and Monroe alreeta. laaae and Wm. Ackerman purchaaed the cigar and confectionery atand of George Walling and took poaneatiion laat Friday. Nucreai to the boy in their new venture. l'roleaaor C. Y. Urajier principal of theCantiy achoola la a thorough going practical teacher. In hia bookkeeping claaa ha la performing actual traniiac tioiia and to make it aiuveaaful procurred a mpply of atotionery and blauka from the Entkki'hihk olllce. Mar led. KISSF.l.lXii-liUIIUU.E. At the rvai ilenceofW. W. II. Sainaon, Mr.Q". W. Kiawding and Mra. Sancy Orlbble of Needy, Jualice Fouta ofheiating. Slliri.KY-I.OHINSO.N.-At the I'rea bylerian paraonatf. IV!. 9, 1K2, Kev. li. W. tiiltoney ollli'iating, Mr. (ieo Shipley and Mix" l.onUe Itobinaon. Church Frxtlvala. Special pricca given to churchea and their Cliriatmaa candioa. E. Wiluah, the Akhti kok TKKKfAwt - For aome tiuin paat Jiihii Itatdorl and Mi-iiry tul-i !,,, U or bert have heen hauling miIc for the cunt mltl) an, fmitH. aide eltM-tric road It Saturday w bile grocer, engaged In placing theae mlca their work required them to croa a part of u.e ouuiimy ......verwr, ' with ll party given nay nurrm uy ,uim The 1li. l.oveiitv tilui'M tttdnw loWll. -"I" ' I... , . ..1T..I. i: II nl.l.,ni..M l.a. I..v.l uml nonii v aril waa a very pit-i.-i.iiv tumir. wliich he haa puaiinl trepan, noticea. I K'l Inviteil 1-y tho mquainte.1 with Complaint waa made by Oldenherg be Keceipt, note and order books at the EsTKaraiai office. Stcedinan'i soothing powders for twilling tiabics and (everifb children, now only fifty centa a packet. Accept none but Steedman's. tf OREGON CITY OREGON C. P. WINK8ET. s. r. sruirTDBi. Central addition toOiegon City in lota and blocks to auit purchatMir. I'roierty cheap, terms easy. See L. R. Jasney, with W. Carey Johnson. tf foro Judge Fouta, and Batdorf and Gil bert were arrested lor treapaai. The Judge released them on their own rec ognisance to appear Tuesday, which they did when the trial waa postoned for one week. When on a vitit to Iowa, Mr. K Palton, uf I. u ray, Hussel county Kansas, railed at the laboratory of Chamberlain A Co., IVsMoinea, to show them his sit year old boy, whose lite had been saved by Chamberlain's Cough Itemed)-, it having cured him of a very severe attack of croup. Mr. llton la certain that it saved Ida boy's life and ia en. thuaiaatic in hia praise of the remedy. For sale by Gkokiik A . Hahdisu. the secret met at Mra. C. I). Latourette'a on Monday evening and proceeded to the home of Dr. Norris. After arriving there the evening was passed pleasantly with games, tableaua and refreshments, until a late hour when the young guests departed, wishing Master Ray many happy returns. James Wright who was sent to jail by Judge Mcllride for appearing aa a wit- ! ness in the Henderson trial while drunk, having Berved his twenty diiya waa re leased on Monday, and walked out of the jail a sudder if not a wiser man. 0. 0 T. Williams is now doing busi ncHK for himself at the old stand next door to Caullt'ld A Huntley's drug sloro. R PRIER'S Photograph Gallery. If you want a good photograph give him a call at bis old stand op posite Farr's butcher shop. NOTHING BUT F1BST-CLASS WOEI DONE. PROMPT DELIVERY WINESET & SCRIPTURE, UNDERTAKERS & EMBAL1VIERS. Largest stock of Coffins and Casketi. kept Sooth of Portland. Aleoiioth odyered and Metallic Caskets furnished to order. Ladiea Burial Robes and Gents' Burial Robes in stock. Also Wagon and Carriage Making, Horse Shoeing and Gen eral Blacksmithing on short notice. TREES I TREES 1 1 Twenty thousand j ITALIAN AND PETITTE PRUNES For sale cheep at the PRAIRIE NURSERY First claes Prunes, 6c. each in 100 lots. Second class, 3c. each in 100 lots. For further information, call on or address, DAVID J. COX, Clackamas Co. Canby, Or. FURNITURE. See Our Complete & Elegant NEW STOCK Cash bought it low prices will sell it! Our Specialty To please our customers. Our aim To save money for our patrons. Our intention To do better by you than any one else. CALL AND SEE US. BELLOMY - & - BUSCH. nnicr if? C3 E3 1 Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Notions, Clothing Furnishing Goods, FOK THE HOLIDAY BOOTS ID SIDE ON, CHRISTMAS GOODS, SUCH AS TOYS, PLUSH ALBUMS, WORK BOXES, MANICURE SETS, PLUSH BOXES OF ALL KINDS, ROCKING HORSES, DOLL BUGGIES, ALL KINDS OF DOLLS, TIN TOYS, GAME, CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S CARDS. THE BOSTON T O R, K