Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 16, 1892, Image 2

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F.MS SWfKP THE rif.1.11.
rieparing fur Christmas Numerous
Minor I mpniemt Farmers
.Haiketintr Nurjdns Crops.
Canst, IH-C. 10. Clarence Zeek has his
new residence nearly completed and will
move in SOOtl.
Several farmers have been busy the past
frw days hauling grain and potatoes to
town. 4, "
V. 1,,'lrtack is buiKliitjc new picket fence
around his ten acre tract of Intnl.
. Sauoktuer is building a new wood-butt.-
which adds greatly to the looks of
his place.
S, Mathew w ill enrol a new hall in the
near future for the accomodation or anti
n aoi.ic ;.d prohibition clubs.
S. l Kun; an, our real ot.ne man, is do
ii'ic a good business considering the hard
A committee was appointed by the Meth-
work In Sellaood completed. They will
tltiisli hauling gravel this week.
The Shindlcr furniture factory is running
and doing a good business lor this time of
the year.
Win. Wills' house is receiving its priming
eoat and will soon he completed and ready
for a tenant,
This burg has been troubled with tranis
for the last week or two,
Mr. 8hriner has gone to Ashland for bis
health. V.
"Critic" lea it to the Boy and Kicks tit
County Court Ylgnreasly.
Wiuokvulk, IVc 11. The weather Is
' tine and everybody is improving the time
here by plowing and ditching and getting
ready for winter.
The men who are grubbing and clearing
twenty-rive acres of laud for John Kruse
will soon Hnisb.
The potato crop is about all dug around
here. The crop is up to the average this
year or perhs a little belter,
August Sehrader, wuo came neat being
killed Tuesday of lal week by the bursting
of an emery wheel, i slill alive. He seems
wiisl Sunday school make arrangements : " ""'r m P,n "' ""'r re "1 " "
Died Month after an Aerlileiit-Btnner l"rty
anil Lunch,
Hoop View, IV, 13.- Hen More, Miss
More and Jennie Todd have gone east to
visit friends and relatives.
The young people' misaionary society
here gave an entertainment last Friday
night with good attendance The plav and
! recitations were heartily appreciated by all.
j A good round sum was obtained, the ad
mission being 'Jo cents.
Mr. and Mrs. M. t Young euterlained
about lorly-tUe of their friends and rela
tives wiih a splendid dinner at two o'clock
Friday, and on Friday evening with various
amusements consisting of a spider web
parly and numerous games, l.uuch was
served at all hours.
Mrs. C. T. Tooe is unite ill. Mr. I 1
Brown and son are also on the tick list
The funeral of Harry Hell, of Portland
took place at rieasaul Hill Thursday alter
noon. Deceased as aged about fourteen
ers and came to his death as the renin of
an accident, having fallen from a tielle
bridge in I'orlland about a mould .of.' 'rac
luring bis skull and breaking both tun
i . r.
lor a rtitv-ln as live.
Bom to Hie w ile of Charles Inciting a girl.
Mother and child doing well, and papa a
liHpny man.
. BWion H.J. Hooker, ol the l" iiit.it BretJi.
Xu church, lectured at the M, K. church
last Thursday evenii g to a large audience
on il e subject ol moral reform.
Krnest Cox and Addie I-ee gave a birth
day party in Knight's hall Tuesday night, it
being their I'.HU birthday. All their young
friends were present and a good time was
Sehoel Matters -Big Yield of Putal w bf
Successful Karmer,
Ijiwrence Saldern, one of Frog Pond's old
residents, gave us a pleasant call last eek.
He reports good logging on the l.ocoinan j
creek, and he feels O. K, over Ihe prospect
ahead. He is able to get around by Ihe use j Whimmvii i., IVc. 11. --Our so' ."ol l.acli
ol a cane as lie had his leg broken last sum-; er, Miss llrtebel, appear lo be giving mm
mer by a falling piece of timber. j natM'actioii, so much so that t ie b, j .1
K. Sandy aent to Portland today on footJ directors have hired her lo leach ai l.i.r
to see his darling widow. Stay with it, San- term with an increase of salarv. i '
Carlton &
They take inventory the first of January. Honco their
prices until that date will supriso you.
I think you will succeed.
Sunshine," heller known as Abe Kesler,
enjoyed by all. Following are the names : x-'"' horse ' cart last Friday and
of the young people present: C, Y. Dra
per, M. J. D. J. Cox, M. H. I.ee, Orant
White, Blaine White, S. E. Cox, George
K-iight, Arthur Knight, J. 11. Hunter, 11.
Evans, Y. Evans, K. M. Weed. L. Rogers, C.
' Khrek, C. Hampton, J. Chute. D. Mogsdill,
H. Stogsdill. V. M. Shank, G. Zeek, G
Fletcher, W. Armstrong, J. Roth, A. Ford,
Nellie, Bissrll. IVrtha Knighl, Josie Knight,
Kmma Fisher, Nora Nelsou. Alalia Smith,
Annie Knight, May Zeek, Ella Knight, Kl
r Ie, Kpsie Ie, Lucy Cox, Laura
Knight, Erie Avery, Esther Knight, Hatlie
Smith,' Annie Roth, Kmma Chute, Pella
tUxsr, IVv. li The itatoes are nearly
ad dug. As for apples the crop waaa com
plete failure. The only fruit gathered was i
wentotfon a lark to Oswgo with his best
girl. If old "Bill" could talk what a tale
he could in fold. Nothing like il, Abe.
Miss Minnie Jaggar, our teacher, gave
exiling school last Friday night which was
well attended and a good time reported.
Miss Grieble, teacher from the Wilsonville
district, made Miss Jaggar a visit after
spelling school.
O. P. 8. has come out victorious; he haa
captured the belle of Frog 1'ond. Hurrah
for Terry!
A rumor is afloat that there is to be a wed
ding soon at the Pond, as thecarentersare
I fixing up the house for the young couple.
; I nut s ngnt, .'lui; nrai-e up. 1 lie squire is
I ready whenever you are,
j A very pleasant time was had at T. L.
turners last evening among the young
folks. Card playing was the order of the
Mr. Weed has again sold out his posses- veiling, and all went home feeliag well paid
(ions here ip Can by and has rented a build
ing in Portland where he will keep lodgers.
Mrs. Lucy Hodges intends soon to visit
her dahghter in Eastern Oregon.
A fine program is in preparation by Ihe
Good Templars of this place for New Year's
ea, consisting of vocal and instrumental I
musk, recitations, a lecture by Key. Gard
. m r. a basket drawing and a series of games
to be played till the new year arrives. Ev
ery body ie invited to attend as It is free for
all, and every body is invited to bring a
basket to Knight's lisfk ihe regular place ol
meeting for the lodgfe. ""'' '"
Mi. Ptianks is making "preparation : for
planting about ten acres ol peaches this fail.
W. A. Mack has gone lo California to
spend the winter. '
Prof. C rouse is endeavoring to organize a
dancing school here and will give a dance
in Knight s hall Die first Thursday evening
afier new year.
J. A. Chase is putting a few prunes on the
Willamette Land company's property.
A. H. Lee haa just completed walling a
well at hia barn, John Thomas doing the
mason work.
Millard Lee is preparing to set out ten
acres in peaches lor Barlow dc Co.
A Hantaan Young Laa Married hi Portland
beheol closed Other Note. .
HABQCAH.'Dec 6. E. M. Hartman, who
for some time hast has en rather Indis
posed, is now slowly recovering.
Ed. Jack made a business trip to Portland
fast Wednesday. ! i. -i
Marion W hite bus returned home from a
Tiit to Ea-tern Oregon looking much im
proved in health.
Mrs. P. II. Tnompson went to Portland
last Thursday to vUit her datfghtervMrs. 8.
L.Howland. i- f
Meetings ttill continue at the M. E.
church; the attendance is goed.
Marquam school under the efficient man
agement of Prof. J. W. Baker, closes Fri
day. The term has been a successful one,
and the attendance better than the average.
Miss Lizzie Howell left for her home in
Eastern Oregon Monday. The good wishes
of her many friends go with her.
Mr. Hansen, an artist of Moscow, Idaho,
visiting with Peter Hansen.
The holidays at this enterprising burg
seemingly will be very quiet. The Elliott
Prairie and Smyrna churches will have
Christmas trees. An interesting program
is now being prepared.
T. P. Soules has rented twenty-two acres
of his farm to Chinamen which they will
plant in bops.
Another young lady has taken advantage
of the leap year opportunity to enter upon
matrimonial life. Miss Maggie Taylor was
married recently at Portland. The name of
the fortunate one has not yet reached the
ears of your correspondent.
for their trip.
It seems that a proposed change in the
mail route between Oswego and Aurora will
be a detriment to Stafford and Wilsonville
post offices instead of a benefit. The ear
ner leaves Osaego in the aioming and
comes to Oregon City, and from there on
out to Wilsonville by noon, and starts back
from Wilsonville in the afternoon, goes by
Stafford and from there to Oswego, leaving
out Oregon City on his return. Ho the mail
that goes down has to be bronuht back to
Oregon City the next morning, which makes 1
it worse than it Is now. I think the ostal , the '.
department had better look into the matter j
before the change is made. (The petition
does not so read. Ed.) jPliareh U.u tU t. -tVtirt Do
8. B. eely of this place has long hen Urn
acknowledged potato king of tins .c!;it.
He dug bis potatoes last week, and consid
ering the season the yield was very large,
averaging ISO bushels per acre. Mr. Keely
i a hustler from away ba-k. Eighteen
years ago next June he with his young wifr
and three hundred dollar alerted mil Id
face life a battles. He purchased thu ran h
on which he now resides much to the . in le
nient of hia neighbor who clain d that
the ground was so poor that gr. . jm
could not be sprouted on it; bet by a
study and hard work (principall.- the ai.r,
for lh land was covered with imwti, he
has since been able lo convince lhn. t their
mistake, and today he leads w Idle '.:: fel
low. The whooping cough rpidenen ! - une
what abated in this section ol tui imnry,
and school is progressing w itliont in k n
of postponement.
A dance is to be given at .In'.'. Mtiu)
residence Christmas eve.
The A. O. V. W. Uxtge met last cauiui.iy
with an almost full attendance. An agree
able time was reported.
The Tualatin Secular I'nion meets at
Fng Pond next Sunday ; every body invited.
By the way, what has become of Ihe Fmg
Pond correspondent? Come, my jnhj
colleague, wake up and tell the news of your
neighborhood. ' Don't let the effect of the
recent election dishearten you. .i'wt the
democrat full swing and they ill u-orx
nut their own destruction in !, iiml four
nam) then l nortiaey will : - Jof
Christmas -:- Presents.
1M Front Street! HARDWARE Portlaml, Oregon.
NnrthwMtvra Ainu lur
-OwlOnl- TllltoiHh
-iHnt.r tjiiire-
Hl'.v.r leeli
T ,.-.1 )i jNvm-
Rojio. Crt'scont Mool
Crescent Wedges (warranted.) Ii & S Proof Chains. Aroatle Files.
Loggers and WimmI ChojtjH'rs SjHfialties.
Oregon City Agent, ......
I would ask for information: What is the
matter with the present county court? It
looks to me they are more like children than
like men, ami should be aired a little
through the papers. Why did they build
the last bridge across the mouth of the Tu
alatin at a big expense to accommodate
three or four people? and now the bridge
is built and can't be crossed for there is no
road to it, and the man who owns the land
says the county will have to pay for it be
fore they get a road. It seems anything
that points to Oregon City this famous
court sanctions and puts it through whether
the people want it or not. But there is a
pay day sometime and who is going to foot
the bills? The people, of course.
- This county court in small matters is very
particular, and want to gain notoriety by
cutting down small bills where they are
just. I will cite to one case: This court
appointed three viewers to view the
damage on a road in Pleasant Hill Mr.
Ford from Oswego precinct, Mr. Geer, who
lives in the extreme upjier end of the coun
ty, from Pleasant Hill, and J. L. Kruse
from Tualatin. The law says these viewers
have to be sworn before they enter ujion
their duty. F. M. Kruse, a justice of the
peace, went there, five miles, by requestor
oneo) the viewers to save the trouble of the
other two viewers going so far to be sworn.
His bill, ilM, was put in with the viewers',
and this court cut it down to 75 cts. without
making any inquiry. Is that justice and
right? But the large bills they pay without
saying a word and amen to it.
I want to ask, for information, does the
county pay lor the electric lights on the
auienion bridge at your city? fit does
not. Ed.
If this county court keeps on at the lick
they aregoingsending the people's money,
the county will be bankrupt. I think it's
time for them to let up, or the people to ask
them to resign, one of the two.
I would like to hear from other corres
pondents through the county about this
matter of the court doing as it does.
Yours truly, A C'bitic.
the toiuruunu.
."ie t.i
Caught a Burglar Tramp Becoming Trouble,
some Other Note.
Willsbcro, Dec, 13. One night last week
a Setb Wills was working in bis store post
ing up his books at 11 o'clock he heard a
noise in the room back of the store which
U used as a bed room, and entering it he
found, upon searching about, a well dressed
nan concealed behind the door. Mr. Wills
made him come out, then looked under his
pillow where he had left his gold watch and
chain and found them missing. He went for
bis man who first showed him another
watch, then brought out Mr. Wills' prop
erty, after which be allowed the would be
burglar to depart. ,;
Will Bros, will soon hare their street.
"Observer" Describes the Locality as a Thrifty
Farming Community,
Beaver Creek, Dec. 8. We think Ram
bler' suggestion a good one, and will now
proceed to locate our district. It is situated
about six miles south-east of Oregon City
on the Highland road. It is a thriving lit
tle burg, in the center of which we find Mr.
Thomas running a general merchandise
store. He also keeps the post office. A lit
tle south of that we have two fine churches,
one Presbyterian, the other Congregational.
Just east of the churches is locoled the
school house. These buildings are sur
rounded by finely improved farms. The
farmers have a large acreage of small grain
sown that looks well.
Madame Rumor says there will be a wed
ding at Beaver Creek soon.
Every one is complaining of bad cold and
cough. ''
A number of the farmers are still plowing.
NrEnr, Dec. 6. Seeing that there are few
items I rum this Ihe most favonu portion of
Clackamas county, I lake the liberty of send
ing a few notes picked up here ami there.
Needy is very quiet since the election
and but few democrats show themselves. I
fear that their mode of warfare has anioth
ered their sleeping conscience.
M. Kauege has purchased twenty-five
acres from D. J. Kropf and intends to erect
a residence thereon.
Mr. Kropf, father of D. J. Kropf, has
erected a neat residence on bia farm oppo
site J. D. Kilter'. II recently came from
the East.
The very neat and commodious Congrcga
gatiunal church which ia situated near here,
was dedicated last 8unday. I'.ev. Clapp de
livered a most interesting sermon, and
aided by the regular pastor, Rev. Parker,
the exercises were made very appropriate
and impressive A large crowd of people
enjoyed the exercises of the day.
Sam. Crocker, who recently sold his farm
takes up his residence in the house owned
by Isuac Miller. He will probubly buy an
other place here and remain with us.
We wish to say here that the work done
in the last term of circuit court meets with
the approval of the law-abiding citizen of
this vicinity, and we heartily commend the
action of those jurors in attempting to rid
this county'of those scabs which form on
the surface of society, giving it an unliealth
fill appearance and threatening its exist
ence. If succeeding juries do likewise we
will soon lie rid of a class w ho believe in
no law but the will ot the strongest; no
guide hut unrestrained apietite;no Owl but
self. Now and The:.
It Location and Bnilnea Hniuea-Crop--peruaa
Literary society.
Damasci', Dec. 12. Damaseua is ttuated
on the Milwaukee and Foster road, aliout
tea miles northeast of Oregun I'lly and four
teen miles from Portland. It ha two
store, a blacksmith abop, shoe shop, chop
mill, two boarding houses, ant church and a
school house.
Fall wheat Is looking well. The acrcaue
sown Is nearly double that of last vear,
farmers are nearly through with their fall
8. E. Young, ha Ihe frame of his new
house up.
Edward Harvey of this place, who has
been working in Portland for some tint,
was seen on the streets of Damascus one
day this week with a smile on his face.
Miss 8opha Denboer, who has been work
ing in Portland at the millinery business, ia
home on a visit.
The people of this vicinity are making
preparation for a Christinas tree at th
school house.
The literary society met last Saturday
night as usual. The question, Resolved,
That the natives have a right to the Ameri
can soil. decided in favor of the nega
tive. The society adjourned (or three weeks.
Maple Uu,
Man I.an. Ih-c. J. Our literary so
ciety Is a great success. The meetings every
Saturday evening call out nearly the entire
population of ihe district and ipiilr a num
ber from beyond. Both the debating and
literary esercises are highly interesting, in
sttuctlve atid ami. sing.
The " Who Is It" party ai a success
tliiancinlly and atfnrded much amusement.
I The commille sent lo I'orlland to fur
i chase an organ failed lo hud one thai suited
.j 1 ami wiiniu our nivau ui nr .mi
are on tin- lookout lor a gisi sccouii nauu
Two of our young Nlmroda, John Daviea
and W. O. lHckersou, with Ihree friends
from the city, hava just relumed from the
big bend uf the Molalla where Ibey spent a
week hunting. They brought home four
It. lilllhoimen ami l,ariice Miuit have
rented E. W. Swalford'a farm and are im
proving the flue weather plowing for the
spring rrop.
Mr. Bradley has two team plowing on
the Myers farm. Ho seema lo be a rusiler.
Numi-roii Improvements In Prngre
Scliool Hume to he Built.
Literary Society Organised -Social Event
uf .Note.
CiRRiNsvrLi.a, Dec. 11. Born, to the wife
of D. Wilcox, a twelve-pound boy.
E. Noble haa rented the farm of B. F. Ilul
lard. J. Brown, who has been up east of the
mountains since last spring, has returned
to his farm.
James Marrs and family and Miss May
Htipp ot Hpringwater, sient Saturday after
noon and Sunday in this place visiting rel
atives. Our neighborhood seem to be waking tip
somewhat and is making some effort to
ward advancement. The community has
long felt the need of some means of literary
cultivation. That need ha at last been met
in the shape of a literary society which was
organized last Saturday evening. The
membership to begin with numbers only
eleven, but doubtless the society, under the
able management of C. E. Woodsen, will
multiply in numbers and good works. The
meeting of the society will be held In the
school house every Saturday evening at 7:30
Milwai'kic, December 14. 1T. 8. Vren
has recovered from an injured limb he re
ceived In a runaway about four weeks ago.
J. (i. Buiiuett'a coltiiges are completed
and are occupied by conductors and their
familicr. We would like to see more of
these cottages built. They would be occu
pied us soon as completed. The scurcity of
houses is a drawback lo our town,
It is rumored that e arc lo have a line
school house next spring, coiling aliout
2,000. It is time some action hub taken In
regard to this mutter, as the present school
house is very inadequate for the number of
scholars attending.
Charles- Wctzler is the proud father of a
bouncing boy. Mother and child arc doing
Contractor Dick Atkinson Is putting up a
building, part of which will be occupied by
himself us a shop. A barber and shoemaker
will occupy rooms in the same building.
Mrs. D. Sargent's new house, will soon be
ready for the plasterers. It Is quite an iiu
provemcnt to our business street.
Below la given Ihe Oregon I'ily Market
Report, corn led lc. N, from quotations
furnished the Ksrssisi.s by local mer
chants: onus.
Wheal, vallev, r bushel
I litis, per boslii-1
I' .rlland brand
Oreg.m City Mill
3 HI
8rrroRi, Deo. 14.-H. L. Melcher Is
tearing down his old log barn. He has put
in hi order for lumber at Saum'a mill with
which to pul up a new house.
Mr. Illehle killed several line hogs lust
Shorts, r tun linn
Bran 17 m
Clover hav, baled 12 On
Timothy hay, baled U 00
Potatoes, rnll tlMo.TO
Onions, " Hft
Apples, green, per hoi )lutI.M
Apples, dried, per lb s Oft
Chli keua if on to 4 no
Turkeys, r lb 12
(leese, (air do 10 00 lo 11 00
lluller, per lb
Eggs, wr do 82V
Honey, wr lh 17
Prune, dried Inwtl'-'tj
Plums, " OH
Beef, live, nr lb , 3
Beef, dressed Oft
Million, live, per head 2 HUntS flo
I'ork, live rlb . . (MS
I'ork, dressed, per lb . l
Wednesday. j Veal, live, per lb , .V.
Etniua Frobase celebrated her loth birth-1 Veal, dressed, per lb r()t.
duv lint Toes lay by giving a party. j H'"11". Ir lh 12
Samuel Mayer and Mr. Cage have cleaned "eon lu
up their clover need and aline lot they have. ,,-, Kihh At lliimpl.rcy'i flah
A party was given at M. K. Shipley', last Mmr(wt . kimU , ,, mU
rrlday evening. Ilsii, crnl.a, lobsters and oysters I,iv
The young sprouts were delighted by the !nn, dressml chickens. Free delivery to
magic lantern show given at the Station! 'nil part of lliocity.
school house last Wednesday night.
We Vkk.
Letter List,
The following is the list of letters remain.
Ing in the post olllce at Oregon Citv, Oregon,
llecendier IS, lr2:
Bate, ER Meord, John
llraien, Una .Monre, John
llrndoir Bros Miller, S II
Fellows, Edgar I iherliuexnr, Oscar
Fsxson, S h Stuckhonse, (ieorge W
Ford, A Smith, .III
darrein. Monsieur Cnger, Miss
Oreen, II V Wallace, Alex 0
Hurley A Riggs Watson, J C
If called for, please ssy when advertised.
K. M. Rands, p. m.
Christmas Headquarters at Cliarman
4 Co's City Drug store. If you don't
believe it come and soe.
Iliicklen's Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcnrs, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Cliapiied Hands.
Chilblains, Corns, anil all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
l'rice cents per box. For sale by U
A. Harding.
, i
i For Rent.
A desirable furnished room, close to
business center. Inquire at
Oregon City Shoe 8tohk.
Notice of Application for salnon License,
Notice Is hereby given, that the undersigned
will apply to the city council o( Oregon City,
OrnROn, at the regular meeting in January for
the continuation ol the license lor a saloon at
the corner of Main and Fourth streets In said
eltr. John r. Thkmhath.
Oregon City, Oregeu, liecemlasr 15, 1W2.
Bring your produce to the Park Place
Store where you can always got tlio best
market price ami your goods ut the
same figures as though you paid cash .
Before buying your winter supplies,
call ut the Park Place Store. They
have one of the heat assortment t( dry
goods, clothing, boots and shoes, mil
linery ami choice family groceries in
Cluckiiimis county at prices that toll .
School iliqHirtinunt cards one cent
each, good for term, at the Entkki-hihk
Old papers for underlaying carpet at
this ollice.
If you Aunt lo borrow money
U'l'lj lo V. . T. Wlllh ,
Lounges, chili, etc., upholstered al
Dolman A. Warner's. All work guar-
iintwd. Itopair all your old lounges fn
ittle money ami they will he good v
vn,y ur of Tartar Powder.-No Ammonia; No Alum. ?
Used m Millions of Homes 40 Years the Stauda