0 03 Oregon City Enterprise VOL.27. NO. 7. OKEGON CITY, OKKGON, FIUDAY, DKCEMIJKU Ifi, 1892. ESTABLISHED 18G6. if 0 .T'jiiii""" V cor in h. Olrtiiill liniirt nuit-.iiMi flmt M"lnly III Ho VMr mill llilril Miiiiilr lu A rll. friilml oiiurl In wuluu that Muuilajr til nrh month. Onniiitl..liuitir court mtali rirat WtMlu.adajf atl.r Aral MninUy ol wh atutiiti. r CAHKY JoltNMON, I.AWYKIt. Cnrn.r Klflil ud Main alriwu, Orn"fl t'lly. On.un. ItKAI. KMTATE TONK1.L AND MONKY TO 1,0 AN. J L PUKTKR, ATTOHNKY AT LAW IMimiTi or rsuraRTV rt'Rio.HRli. omotwn il'T Imiv Mutiirne., Oremiu City c 0. T. V.U.UAHH. 'itlUt, KMTAi'lt AMI WAN AliKNT. THE WINTER TERM OF THE Pacific University and Tualatin Academy, WILL BECIN TUESDAY. JANUARY 3, 1803. For catalogued anl full information aoMresH, Tiioman Mi-Clkmano, Vtu., Forest Grove, Or. CHRISTMAS pinny et unary In loan u lh nival lavurabl larina. A xt llti. nt bu.ltiM., rMlitrnct inl uburU 'nirt)f. Farm I'rtifMirty lu lr.i l. ui lull uu .y l.tuii. ('nrnMi.onrl.iirv imtmiiily an.wi.riMt. ofti', Itrlt door lu t .utl.M lluuOry 1 r t mm M tlYR, ATTOHNKY AND UiUNHKUtK AT LAW Ofllr art Utnl t'lly Hauk. uiurioa nt. oa1" )K 1 B HallTH, 1'HYHICIAN ANDSl'UtJKON, Eagle Creek, - Otvgon. I) . A U.C. UTUI'HKTU, ATTOUNKYrt AND COl'SSEUiUH AT law MAIN irillt, OaatlOK citir, omsoon. rurnl.h Ah.tr.rt olTlll.. Iam Mmy, fura cluM Miirif M. aul IraiiMCt O.u.ral Y kmltiaaa. t-.E. EWILLIRMS, W H 0 L E S A L A N D R E T A I L THE GROCER. Candies Lowest Nuts Prices Fruits Ever Raisins Given Figs in Mince Oregon Meats City. Dressed Chickens and Turkeys. tOl.irV ( 01 KT l'HOCKEIIISUH Important Hrltlge and Road Matters. Illlla (nil Koad Improvement. The report of the viewcra on the Mtllcke road from Candy and Barlow Into Union prinrt read and approved. Orders I that the fietitloners pay Andrew Utnty In full lor damage allowed and upon their filing hi receipt the clerk will lamia an order to the auperviiiori Xu open the road. The expense incurred waa 117.30. C'tarlea Morhnke made liia report relative to the Alwrnethy bridge at Cut ting' mill which waa approved and Win, Stone, the supervisor waa inatrtu- tlie county would wire the building, the offer wan accented. Proposition of Juilnon Howell to con tinue the work on the present owner hooka declined and the county recorder Instructed tocon'tnue the work ao aa to keep the aattte up to date and to report at the January term o( court. Report ol It. H. Mi Uuttblln itrin tendent ol the improvement in district No. I rend and approved and the clerk authorized to draw a warrant in favor of R. McLaughlin for X.2 and a war rant in favor of i. A. Steel for $75. (Sheriff ordered to pay over to achool district No 01 the delinquent tax col lected less the cost of collecting. The cotnniiiiiiioneri were allowed the qilET WEEK IS I'OSGTLJW. Senator Mitchell' UUitary Bill In terstate Commerce Amendment. M.I.K, procure tue neces. y mater,. , ,,,. c (M)Ven dtyn iml Hfty and a caroentr and to nae the labor ol .. . ,i. n,i eighteen uiilei I0. 111.14 AI.I.O r.D. be pair. The amount for material to ibl,ri...l lll Mllirl '. , . I D 1- 1'Hine, mM. attrndmic on pn J 1 W. Bttiithuiervior of flie K linger nrrn . 4ane linprovetneiit in road diatrict No. 3 Ho Io, up.li . . . ni i . 1 ii Hiraitflit, court house exp.. reported and name approved. The clerk H-lirmii A oie " SEVENTH STREET DRUG STORE. DR. L. M. ANDREWS. Prop. A Full Line o Fresh Drugs nd Medicines. Patent Medicines of all Makes. Notions. Optical Goods Full Stock Of Machine Oil, Beat and Cheapeat. Fine nelwt ion of Perfumery and Toilet SoopH. And Leail ing Urandu of Cigars. PNfr-.M'HII'TIO.M CAHtltiLLY II.I.F.I. II, K. I'HtNM, ATTOKNEY AT LAW. iu. fa.iTira l Au. Cut-art or Taa atata llntt Xatat n4 lararaiir. Oitlraaa Mala Hifft. ht Hiatal anj avatb, amoia HTV. na. M. ttANIi. KtiAKt rtniar, kkai. kctatra INM'KANCK. la tho fiMH l. mo. Hullillui, u a m liy. tiniio. Hhlvelv'a lllork. Orrtron City, Or. r II. BCKUIIAKI'T. ' ItROKEH. LOANNKIOTIATKII, City nittl County Warranta ltoii(?ht. INMt'HANCI AmThEAI. KHTATK. time. In Poauiffliw liull.tiif Urin l-liy Or. miio. r, it van. KKAL EHTATE ANI INHt'HANl'tt. rhnlct Cltr. Karm anil iiburhn pfiwrtr lor al. I'ltyaprlpt.nHiuiy warrama ami woiirl tl.aol all kluili bouKlit ami w.lil Tai.a rall ami bii.lu.u nl .nery lurtitlou att.uilml Ui lor noti-r.ald.iita. oain. up auira In bulMlnj nnrlh ol rmatnrflp. p K HAYK. ATTOKSEY AT LAW, Oaiuon fiTt, Oaiuoa Will praotlr. In all th. eonrta ol th. aula. Ollti'., coiunr M.ln and KIliUi atrMta, uiualt. court nouiw tiio. c. aaowaatu . a DR.ia -ItHOWNRU. mtKHHKH ATTOKNKYH AT LAW, Ouoa City, oaauoa. Will pracllo. Ill all llmcourta ol th atate. 01 utint (lmir to Cauftoiil i IliiiilU'y'a ilnif ator. rpilX COMUKHtUAl.HANK. Or OKKtlON CITY. Capltnl, 1MH TRANHACTa A 0RNKKA1, B AN Rl NO Rl'BINRaa. Ini maile. IIIIU rtltrmiiiitiMl. Mnkaa rol lortloiia. Hoy. ami MchaiiKv on all lioluia In Ih. I'nIU'rt Huttw, Kuro. ami lloun Konii ln.po.lt. mciil' ccl .iiliji'ct to rhw k lntprt.nl at iimi. I ratra 11hwimI oil tlnio ilooiwlu. Hank upon Irom A. M. Ui t. M. Hatiinlay eveuliiK Ircrni 6 Ui 7 r. a. I). C. LATOVKKTTR, I'ru.iiti'iit. F K noNAI.DHON, Caahler JJANK or OKKOCN CITY, Oldest Banklm Bouse la lit City. Paid up Capital, M),(XK). rnMiiiRNT, vii R rnxaniRNT, CAalllRR. MANAUia. THOfl. CHARMAN. aRII. A. NAHIIINII. R. O I Al'flKI II t'HAil.Ra II. CACUKi.o. A ftmnralliaiikliii bualnem trBinactoit. l)Hiatta rtKivlvcif aiitijoct to olivrk. ' Approved bllla and uotva itlaoouuted. CoutiK and (illy warranta boiiRlit. xin mfln on avalUblo waurlty. Kioh.inf IkiiikIU and aold. Collttotloiir mail, promptly. lir.lli .old tv.Uaiil. In any part of the world, i T.l.Rraplile iohaiiKii aolif on Portland, 80 Franctarn, llhloa.i and New York, Interval pal J on time ilnnnalta. Hub Aroma nl TIIK LONDON GIlKUUK BANK. 9.9. WIIITK. W. A. WHITE. WHITE BROTHERS, Practical Architects f Builders- Will prepare plana, Itivatlona, working de tail, and apeolllimtlnn lor all kind, ol build Iiikb. Hpoolal attention Riven to mmlern out tuiea. Katlmatei liirnlilied on applloallon Call on or addrei WHITtt RKOH., .. ; i Urea-oil Olty, Ogn THE Oregon City Sash and Door Co. Carry the I.argrttt Stock of Sash, I Mors, Blinds, Mouldings, Etc. In Oregon City. Fjiccial itizf. of DtMir and inclown tutulu to order. Tuniiiifr of all kinds Estimates for Stair Work and Store Fronts FurniHiiPtl on application. Ruildi-rs, give w a call, and fee if our work in not of tin bent, and our price as low an the loweat. Trice Lift Henl tin application. Factory, Cor. Main and 11th Sta., Oregon City. A. SCHWA1V, IIRAl.Ra I STOVES, TIN & HOLLOW WARE. All Kinds of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Work Promptly Done. PLUMBING AND GENERAL JOBBING TO ORDER. Mhop Krreolh HI., nrar Depot, Orrffoa VUj. KraBela ail Oawea. M. HOSFORD, The CANBY MERCHANT, Soils all good at a living jirice. Flour and kerosene not given away in order to catch your trade and then even up on higher prices on other goods. None But First Class Goods Carried. Price UK low a can bo had in the county. Time given to resiKinsiblo partiu. LUMBER. Order filled for rough or dressed lumber, all first class, at bed rock price, retail or carload lots. J. JONES & SON, DEALER IN Doors. Windows, Mouldings, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES. Cabinet Work, Kitt ing up Stores and Repairing of all kinds. Jobbing Orders Promptly Executed. lMIICI'.N TIIK I.OWIiNT. JpsT"Hhop corner Fourth anil Water street, hack of Pope A Co'a, Oieson City CANBY NURSERIES, MILLARD J. LEE. - - - Proprietor. A COMPLKTK LINE OF Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubbery, Etc., WHOLESALE .A. IT 3D RETAIL. CANBY, - - - - .- OREGON wan uthoriiseil to draw a warrant in hi faor M HO. John C. Oi'tina el al petitioned for tha Improvement o( the Ifp creek hill mail, nd tht) clerk waa ordered to notify the road tupervlaur of the had condition of aaid load and Instruct hlni to repair it llli the lahor of the diatrict. Tin tender ol M H3 by the Oroiron J run A Meel cotniwiiy for delinquent taitv4 and roata on property conveyed to ii'j ctimpany by aherifTa ded waa att-iUtd the lottl beiiiK $17.70 and the couuly jnd waa aulhorired to execute a ilenl. Cliarlea Moehnke'a report relative to the repair of the Eaitle Creek bridge bowed the atruetura In very bad con- ditiopimany of the timbers bein rotten . He Hied It in ijood shape. Klort relative to the itork Creek ' bridge en the Ityland road approved. Clerk authorlMMi to draw a warrant in favor of Herman Anthony or (5 88 with inlet eat from July 1, 1W2 at 10 per rent being the redemption price of property sold for taxea. I)vid Cot waa appointeu to a free K'boUnthip in thai rtale AgriciiltU'al colleira. Kert ot Jndnon Howell on the prewtol turner tiooks approved and clerk aathoriaed to draw a warrant In favor of .Marl' ley A Hayes for $1000 In full payment for raid books. The clerk waa authorised to draw a warrant in favor of Mrs. J. 8. Flemmini as additional aiJ to procure shoes for herself and children. Win, C. Kent applied for aid from the county and the clerk was authorized to issue a warrant monthly in favor of Hamilton A Allen to date from Jan. lat for $3 per month . Kohert A. Clarks reports on the improvement of the Harmony road a approved and the clerk authorised to draw a warrant lor $008 in full ol the contract, and a further warrant in favor of $72 in (aver of R. A. Clark in full of his amount for services rendered. J. W. Potts asked for an extension of time in which to complete IiIb contract to make a county map, also for a partial payment on the same. He was granted till the 2ml day of February to complete the maps, and upon hia executing a good and sufficient bond for $3300 to be approved by the connty judge, that the map will be completed and turned over to the court free from all claims or in cumbrance on the first day of Febriary, that the clerk Ustte a warrant in favor of M. II. Flanavan for $400 and in favor of J. W. l'olta for $000. Petition of Henry Sharp et al for a county road beginning on Molalla and Kttsselville road on south line of 1 5 s, r 2 e running thence in a westerly direction and connecting with the Scott's Mill and Molalla road. Granted and Sidney Smyth appointed surveyor and James Todd, I. M. Itoylea and W Groshoney to act aa viewers to meet Pec. 20th at 10 o'clock at Scott Carter's hornm. Petition of Henry Sherrs of Milwaukee precinct for license to sell liquor together with remonstrance against the same tiled. A. Levelling appeared for the remotiRtrators. Motion to dismiss re monstrance allowed and petiton granted upon the petitioner's complying with the requirements of the law. C K. Kinearson et al applied for aid to Improve the Kinearson and Milwaukee road and it was ordered that when the tjidnev Hniyth. county anrvevor ... . IJ; Ely. islreliuiiexp W 11 t:mik, " J M Tracy I' Huntley, court houw support. M aver A A krruian, paiirexp . II H tiibton, teachers' ex Win Woixlwortli, aitnei.. Mt-nlon k Dygert, record txioks . . . lieu I' lrin" " " 'h NWImke, ro.id aeel H Wilticni. " Wm l;e', hiiih:. exp Ilontfla llitn. bi ids exp Ilav.s L Ambler, biuleeip (ieo K Hortmi. clerk Ires C W (iaiionjr, hiitl fee Holmaii A Warner, uprr ex Ken C Irwin, supptiea C DADO Uiourelir, att'y' lees . J 11 Day, pauper exp Wine.fi A Scnptur. iniir exp. . . i II Calitr, court bouse rxp J W Noble, assessor W S Uuiivan, roail exp J 11 Viewer, " H J l.iverino', jury exp Soblilt'a stable, roailexp 11. H. oU, " II V I. Mill. " v H.i, in Pvprt. books td.te va Ja. ob Miiittti Hepaiiina bridic. on Rock creek llraaiuK orv h.t No, 4 tatirauiitir.rlei'liiiii return Kii vs CriKikhank. v" Xor)TOr.n MDavoreu 2 bO Witness fees, V court 7 bO Kxi. KuKlecieek brnlKB. . . . . 272 00 Mileage ami er diem granu jury wu. nesjes Mileage and )T diem Sl:e va I.Biiders It nice ' Henderson 14 Maliiea " ltoyle " (ranliier and Dacon " ' Williams HOI HE. When Speaker Crip entered the house Monday evening and took his chair there waa a spontaneous outburst of applause from all parts of the floor and galleries It was a tribute of sympathy for the speaker in hia unpleas ant connection with the reform club dinner. The committee on labor reported the bill lo prohibit the employment of con vict labor on public works. Several members of congress have jnat found out that no new projects for river and harbor improvement can be commenced for at least four Tears, so far ss the Pacific coast is concerned. The project at the Dalles will be accepted as it dues not come within the terra of new projects. Where surveys were made this year and found worthy of improvement, it will be found necewary to provide for a plan of improvement, under the next river and barbor bill, and an appropriation two years later. The committee on ways and mains will inquire into and report npon the present condition of the treasury and future probable revenues under the existing law. &KKATC Stewart in'roduced bill amending the Sherman act so as to provide for free silver coinage and the coinage of bullion now held in the treasury and in addition for the iseue of treasury notes to be redeemable in gold or silver coin at the option of the government and are in ado legal tender. Vest, by request, introduced a bill to encourage the construction of an electric railroad, promote the interests of com merce and travel, facilitate the rapid 7 w) transportation of mails, aid in tlemon- $18 10 17 00 1 '2." 11 00 ti Ol 2 2 30 ft hi 17 M 11 jil .- 00 12 UU 42 W) 3 i 4 UU U no 4 SH 15 UU 4 32 3B 20 jtt 87 10 01 13 SO 1U J 10 on 10 00 a 75 172 on 4 .TO 4 UU 14 Ol 10 i 22 00 41 48 170 UU 55 5 33 75 9 on 2 IU 2 KK SO juror"."'.'" 872 40 j proposing 11 si 79 40 110 00 t)0 4 177 On 45 80 v so strating the feasibility of a distribution of electrical power for agricultural and other purposes along the line of electric roads . Senator Collom introduced a bill to amend the tnteistale commerce law in several important particulars, and tomorrow, Ik-lore bis committee on .interstate commerce. many prominent railroad men from different part of the country wi!L hn heard In advocacy of these proposed changes. Senator Mitchell's bill, toestablhih a temporary camp ol military instruction of the army and volunteer forces at Chicago during next August, authorixes the precedent lo accept as volunteers in the United Stales service for instruction, not exceeding 50,000 state militia for fifteen days. The president is further autborixed to notify the governors of the states and to request them to intorui him, before May 1, ol the number of organizations and men who w ill volunteer for service. The bill appropriates $1, 500,000 for the camp. Senator Dolph baa introduced a bill, extending the time for payments by persons entitled to make cash purchases of forfeited railroad lands two years. He thinks it may pass the senate,' . but fears its consideration cannot be secured in the bouse at this session. ! . j Making th Booth Coast. Washington, Dec. 10 The proposition i to choose the president by direct vcte of the people promises to meet with more than the nsual consideration by the com mittee on election of president and vice What la Ammoula. Newspapers arc all talking about the use of this drug in biking powders? But what is it? And why so injurious? Ammonia is the most common and the mostly easily produced poison there is. It produces itself. It is a produc of decay, and is thrown off by the de compcxtition of all organic matter. Water which contains a large amount of sewerage contains a proportionate amount of ammonia. Every cesspool is an ammonia factory. Ammonia was originally obtained from camel's dung, and for ages this was the only source. It may also be product! from putrefied urine. Patents have been applied for with the view of utilis ing the stables for its production, Am monia of commerce is new made from gas liquor. The recent discussion of the dangerous qualities of ammonia comes from the alarming increase of its usa as an adul terant in certain food preparations. Peo ple who absorb it in small quantities from day to day Buffer from slow am monia poisoning, taken internally in 8ullicieut quantities it eats away the coatings ot tue siomacn ana intestines pre8Uient and representatives in congress, and causes death. Slow ammonia poi- ' , ... r. , . . soning produces various forms of atom-." committee bad a meeting today, ach trouble, and causes the complexion At the last session of congress, Springer to lose its freshness. introduced a joint resolution providing It's sometimes said patent medicines ! for 8 presidential and vice presidential are for the ignorant. The doctors foster ' term of six years with eligibility of the this idea. "The people," we're told, j incumbents to re-electiou, and alsopro "are mostly ignorant when it cornea to vHa8 a BcmMm, or electing thein U a medical science." Suppose tbev are!! .... ... , ,, . . What a sick man needs is not knowledge , d,rect Tot of the VeoPle- , Springer ad but a cure, and the medicine that cures dressed the committee today and was is the medicine for the sick. Di. Pierre's followed by Oi. McLlure, who en Golden Medical Discovery cures the "do 1 orsd Springer s sentiments. believes and the uoti t believe There's no liesitance aoout it, no "if" nor "possibly It says 1 can cure you, only do as I direct." l'eibaps it fails occasionally. The mnkera he ir oi it when it does, becsiise they never keei' the money when the medicine fails to do good. Suppose the doctois went on th:it principle. We'beg the doctors' pardon. It wouldn't do!) Choking, snee.ing and every oilier form ot catiinh in the head, is railicullv cured bv Dr. Sunn's Catarrh Itemed v sum of $125 is subscribed and paid into ! y cen,- s',l't ''' druggist every the comity treasury to be used in im proving said road, that there be ap propriated the further sunt of $125 to be expended under the direction of C. R. liiueaison. H. Scott's report relative to the im provement ot the upper Clackamas bridge approved and clerk authorize 1 to draw a warrant in favor of the Pacitlc Bridge company in full payment for all claims for building new bridge, tearing down old and placing good material of i Arthur, Edgi old bridge on bank. . Arthur, Georgt The Portland General Electric com- chard, Krunk E pany having made a proposition to light j the court house free of charge providing where. Me' .-ul Acp n'i.. Following is h repoit ot school tiiUL'ht In district No. 63. for vhe month i-ndiug December 2, 1SH2. NtMiber of days tutigbt ninteet "innhir oi pupils en rolled thirly-liv , average attendance twentynine; ii',ui T of cases of taidi nesa seven; n wr of visitors two. those not alM-.'iii nor tardy: Clyd' Wsldron. Elln I d erlet. Elmer Mc- 'Vibon, t?oloe Mi lt mi 'II, Arthur Itltiu Ike "8tearing" Committee. Nmv Yokk, Dec. 0. Senators Gorman, Erice and Carlisle, known as the sonsa torial steering committee, arrived lure this morning and are now in conference with Cleveland at ex-Secretary Whit ney's house. It is understood the sub ject ninior consideration is the sena torial situation in Montana, Wyoming and Kioisas. A V, I'siaa1., b..d Endiug. Portland, Dec 10. A Mrs. Bn y, who v:is aihfsted yvtclay uttem in :ai intoxicated .omii,on and pin. in the city jail, was found dead in la-r ell this morning. Her death is supposed to be due to chronic alcholism. The wo man was about 45 vears old. Fir i at Jo fei'son.IOregoii Salkm, Dec. 10. A fii'. at Jeff Oregon, "itr!y th's, morj .11 tie Mui.keiV fnrcUat'e no e, Geurni ce:y stoic, 1; hno' :il.,l shoe s!u JeflV-r-n "Ueview?' oflice and limiili'' om'.i stoi. shed ' The r ... .,.-. v.as saved, al " .1 ' V.11K 1, . on . d 5. . U !i