Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 09, 1892, Image 8

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mm? i
eaaaieia a. aeeaiak nuNiHi(if anTt. ew.
Hotr' tht nrm tfxhiy, iniisr'
A month later and Holden has his
wounded safely housed under the roof
of the hospital at old Pawniee, many
eTerely shattercl or suffering great
pain. Many will bear to their dying
day mementos of that savage Decem
ber battle. i?ome of the twoscore re
doing very well; others perhaps have
Awe better, and are lIng under the
uas. a uuy man u nomen. na very
u"w-"" uw in ngni to oe, tor
one and all the troopers love to speak of
him as thr "fighting sawbimee,- He
was in the thick of it a!l when the rosh
or the rearward mounted troops swept
into and through these fire spitting
lodges, and the Indians warriors,
squaws and children were scattering,
fighting fiercely all the war to the
shelter of the ravines among the bluffs.
Tireless as ever he and his assistants are
constantly at the bedsides of the wound
ed. So is the chaplain, one of the church
militant, whose "soul's in arms and
eager for the fray," for his friends of the
Twelfth are under two fires.
Gallantly and well have they with-
Stood that which, with smlden
. .... , , .
Atthehandsof their savage foes, flashed
In their very faces. But thev have no
s uio 1 U.3 11,11 li'-VI
lashing at their very backs. The lr-1 most . t EIUi Rula0lh
son s sermon Sunday morning in answer tnm the of the biw jts, , '
to the dnvelmg sentimeutahty of cer- no enJ of ibes ,t RiJ.Fe'w wUo
lL r fC, Trrrfth"'h!l08t h" -, ' te mo ning
scene of conmct almost lifted old Keu- j fight and had neariv run off with
yon and his comrades out of their seats, j by the SluuI. As for Roffe n ht ..he
ine major hugged his chaplain after lo8t aU the 8kin from th,
side instead of
ernce and stopped to shake hands with of hu hemlr lau heJ 0orhaIn
him every time he met him during the It wa8 pitia,jl(J euo..h . maVt. ...
.u liiauv jnupu east or me
Missouri with tearful fervor arua tha 1
picture drawn of those helpless, plead
ing Indian mothers, those shrieking, ter
rified little Indian babes, ruthlessly
slaughtered by a brutal and infuriateil
soldiery. Xor were the clergy without
warrant for their "bottom facts," since
in some mysterious way the representa
tives of the press, hovering alwut that
uuprrwua. section or mimary anatomy
known as headouarters. were floodimr
the columns of their journals with para- i
ith para-
graphs about tne wanton killing of wo-
men and children in the fight in front of
the Twelfth.
"Holy Joe." as the par-on had been
termed, knew well the day when, in the
seclusion ami simplicity of his st-minary
life, he would luive swallowed whol
juft snch statements and turned up the
whites of his eves in sympathetic horror
at the recital. But the man of God on
the banks of the Merrimac and his
brother in the cross on the upper Mis
souri see very different sides of the vex
ing Indian question. "Holy Joe" at
Pawnee this sparkling month of Janu
ary was mad clear through at the indig
nities and aspersions cast upon his blue-
X .I" ueu wun me
' , ' """"
He even dared to establish a censorship ;
of the press and to keep from the hands
of his precious wounded those journals
arntu uau assaueu ine i weinn.
He had had his hands full, poor fel
low, long before the wounded came, for
those were dire days and nights after the
news was flashed to the post and the
widowed and fatherless in their afflic
tion were thrown upon his hands.
Poor !
3Irs. Thorpe! Ah, she was only one of i
everaL There w i... I
.-., , , , e !
wives and little ones down where once
img rne !
li. ..lilio' iii, , ,
;, " t , , !
7. '""ewereoinernousenoms
auuio. aiiAiiri. mere were wemen :
broken down with grief and sleepless I
watching. There waa one so ill she
could not even now be told sJie
would i
never look upon the face of her gallant
eoldier again. But draw the veil. It
was on such bleeding h-artn and on the j
men who bore tlie brunt of the fiercest '
fighting of the campaign that the lash
of press and pulpit fell.
But old Kcnyon was in his element. I
To the best and kindliest of men there is
in being able to say "Didn't 1 tell you
eor a joy that surpasses the sweets of i
religious consolation. It was something
to bear him declaiming among the artil
lery and infantry officers during the I
days that followed the announcement of !
official investigation at the expense of
the Pawnee battalions. "Why, gentle- j
men," said he, "1 have never ceased to !
thank God 1 didn't take the chance for '
promotion that came in the reorganiza- f
tion twenty years ago, 1 was one of the '
senior captains of infantry then. 1 could '
nave got. one oi niose cavairy vmjaiiciea
just as well as not been a yellow major
ten years before the leaves dropped on
Vij shoulders in the blue; but if by any
chance 1 were ordered into the dragoons
today I'd swap out or quit for good.
From the time those Bloods and Pieirans
lint their deserved tnniShlns at th
hands of Tim Maker's hnttalion I'v
known enough to ste r clear of iu You
know those fact as well as 1 dv You
know those. Indians had Ihvii innrilorinjt.
robbing, burning, pillaging, for two
years. Yon know how nil Montana
bojfswl and implored tJeneral Sheridan
to put a stop to it, There was no catch
ing them until winter, ami then when
he sent those Second cavalry fellows up
there with orders to thrash shool out of
j them, what was th result? Didn't th
I papers est ami west turn to and damn
! him and them! IVidu't they dun hiin
I 'Vicgm Phil' from that time forth! No,
. sir, no cavalry servieo for me. There's
' only one thing harrier than the knocks
that they have been getting for th last
: twenty years on the frontier, and that's
! the knocks they've had to liear at home."
! tint toward the etut ot January tne out
post w as beginning to pluck up heart
, asrain. and to the keen delight of Mrs.
Berrien and Winifred their particular
j major was able to driv with them,
j bundled up in his furs, and lolling hack
in the cushions of Bcrengtiria'sliarouohe,
as ne termed nis wire comrortat'le car
riage, with that rejoicing matron by his
side distributing smiles and sunshine
and joyous noilsof recognition wherever
! she went, eveiybody waving hand or hat
or handken-hief as thev Ivwletl alomr.
and WinifTvd bonnv Winifivd-lw.,.,,,.
in,r n,..n h..r ftl,Mr fr,,,,, ti,u f, ,
! Very, very sweet Miss IVrrien was look-1
ing just now, said all who saw her: vet
there was a shade of wistfulness in her
I face, a constant expression alxut those
1 deep, dark eye that seemed to tell they
! were ever on watch for one who never
came. Shattered as was his saber arm,
i Curlv Br? wster had scoffed at the idea
! of beimj sent back to Pawue.
1 -What', the nser he Mid. "I would
be utterly alone there, while here I have
all the fellows about me. What better
i r.Tt j 1 nir-
in t,e midst of all their trials and an
novances. iu tlie thi. k f t). whirl
' events that followed their sharp and
, fnaaen fight, the officers and men of the
Twofth fonj theniaelvea mor cUwlv
drawn together even than before. Very
little was said when outsiders were bv
. ... .1... .1 .L. .a ,- ."
iu me uepwi oi iieuug arousea in
their ranks by the unaccountable crit
icism of the press. Very little had to be
said in the official investigation of the
affair to clear them, one and all, of the
t array of allegations lodged at their j
doors. But that every man, from the j
j colonel down, bore away froui the field !
oi meir wtniers travail a sense or in.
jury beyond the scar of savage missile.
who could doubt, who could blame! It j
did not prevent their having some qniet 1
I Z.i 2 , ."'"'" . .
I lun uieir own. nowever. urav liainnl
Famuhar was whimsi.-al in hi. ..-,.
d .w.. .i L t
. nathv HK R.ilfa uO,. I
u ir.,.l V.r tl, ,t ' t L i
bovs forget the austeritv of his ia,f f. I
to his dying day Rolfe would carry the !
marks of his involuntary "scrap with a !
squaw. a.s Kandolph termed it. "Rolfe 's
scars nave come to tne surface, chimed
n- i. . , . .
iu arren, wuo never coum get alon I
with him. They all hoped that he would j
' go back to Pawnee with the wounded!
train, and he did. So. too. did Ellis.
wearint; on ihe arm in a sling the new '
. -hermna f a first eiw t ...,i.t
! i.. i i; u ' ..
i ,u k,.. . ..,,.,1 ....!
i.u .uo urn um, in.uiuuiruiiaiiiiti (or
' a Inn, ill if hiinnp I r,l.l b-i. a..
i I" ",1." Zt.i V 7 '0..?J4
! a 1 Ul 1 .1 .1 1 . I 1
1 luiuoj uia uunuAtfu ueaa away wneu
! Holden gave him all thestory. He knew j
not what to think, much less what to'
sav. fcjjis bad leaped throuih theuwann
of fighting; braves and with the bnttnf
his carbine dashed aside the nnsexed
' fiend whose clutching claws were in the
captain's hair, and then had fought like
a tiger over the prostrate body and saved
the life of the man who had maligned
"One half second more and vou werei
gone, Rolfe," said Holden gravely. i
"I never said he wasn't a fine soldier," '
answered Rolfe faintlv "Porh-rw i
iiin-t know him arj ht
"That isn't all there is
WM the doctor., rel)1
to it, Rolfe."
"Ho is more
tnan a soldier
i ,now it
He is a gentleman, and
Yet when Rolfe expressed a desire to
Bee and speak with Ellis Inter he calmly
begged the doctor to excuse him.
But just why Brewster would not go
home with the wounded the boys could
,,;,, ,, t ..Z" :
h - )" I
WHS there, nil
was there, all reamness, no doubt, to1
v.i. ,.. ... i... u . i .,' . i
""" " no "u uone
to save her and
her mother from the
blizzard, from the Indians, and heaven
knows what all to bless liim for his
rescue of papa to beam upon him with
those wondrous dark eyes, thought poor
Ridgeway, who felt somehow that, after
all, his cake was all dough. And yet
Curly wouldn't go. What was more, Iks
had never so much us exchanged onu
word with Winifred Berrien from the
moment of the discovery of the ambu
lance. It was "B throop." as Murphy
said, that had the honor of conveying
the ladies on to camp ami the bedside of
the astonished major. It was a blow to
Winifred to learn that within twelve
hours after their arrival the old battalion i
bad ridden away. Brewster with it. i
I.... M l
M. Ernest Guiraud, the clever French j
musician, was renowned frjr his deferen
tial courtesy. It is said of him that ho
was once overheard, on leaving his
house, apologizing to himself for going
ursi. jjouuon UtlODe,
The Philadelphia Farm Journal tells
that a good thing for a cheap paint and
one that is durable is to mix yellow
ocher with coal tar. The color is green,
and it does well for coarse woodwork or
Summary r lft I'eetl Filed Ih the
County Heemiler's (IIHoe,
The real estate transfer luvolvlnc
mow ihan 11 each tiled in the mhuiIm'.
olluv last week were s follows:
Mra lleneinon and Minnie Hoc
Ian and thei tiustiutuls to U V
Maytield their interest to the el
o( thnw4 and ttu w ?v of the
ne ot t 4 , r 4 e, contain
ing lt0 acres ,
I S to Walter I'oineroy ianiiliern
part of lot in blk 3' in Oregon
OA 0 K K to Frederick Lehman
tli of the n i of a '.'7, 1 2 s,
r ft e, SO acre
N h Maiistiery to I. A Foster lots
1 and :t andse4 of the nel and
e-i 01
- ot r ft e, l.v4 acres
John Foster and w ife to S E Mans
Iwiy lots I and 8 and the se4
of the nel4 and the ne'4 of the
se', of IS in t 2 a, r 5 e, 157 s
0 A 0 U K lo James Hodges the
liw'4 of the e4 of 23, t 4 S, f
I e, 40 acres ,
Fllen Walsh and husband lo A W
Cheney tola 7 and S blk 113, Or-
MOII t l V
j I'axul Nelson an I wife to Thos
v nu'cii lots t, 7 and Mr 113
! Oregon t UV
! ',in ti llottmaii and wtle to K O
John ti llotl'nian and
111 t,i 1 .
i w 1 i , j ....L. '
O.eo K IVdiuan and wile to M K
j Ambler a part of the Caleb
j Kn hey I I. 0 in sees 20 and 30
t 1 , r 5 e. XI acres
Antoinette l.ewi tot) 0 Cutting
' 1" :1- 5' ,! ni1 8 in w r ;1
I ,.; cn'
1 V 1 V ' T 'wl'"" 10
t ? ?' lJ?'J.Z "
I ' wi.e..W .)... .i. ..f ih. 1 .
I., t :l , r ft e, also of
me m'4 01 i,-
t 3 s. r ft e. and
tne n', oi the ne'4 of s 20 in t 3 ,
r 5 e, bill ai res
W'ni Harris to 1'eler Anderson the
set4 of the nw'4 and lot 2 in s
30 in t ft , r 3 e, ft2..'i7 aciea . . .
James W Kools to J F Kthndge I
I to 0. hlk Kools ad to
Isaac Fair to .1 II Kelloit I 4 blk
tWl, OreKon Citv
I BLeetoJ II How land 32 as of
JS How land claim ,.i 400
Maiy A Shank to Anton Malar,
and Christian M A Malar, se
of sw'4'. sw'. of se'4,e', of se1,
s 20; also lie1., of nwl4, a 2, ail
in t . s, r o e. Jim acres
; I v 1. 1 Hams to KluaMli Thomas
In as in s 20, I 3 s, r 2 e
I "Tl '".
! (. m. nik 27, Ose'o 1st add . .
A K Slm.lev to A K Sl.inl.l t:iii
I ,,. . ! , . . i .
A K Miinlev to M K Shinlev 2 71
aeres in s 21, t 2 s, r 1 e.
Win Zelke to (tustav Oldenberg
lots 7. H, blk 37, county add to
Oregon City ,
II I' McN.iry quit claim to Oregon
Land Co lots 13, 14, blk 72,
Minthorn add
Win liitrlow and wife to Ueo
Schnilker 0 12 acres in Ilarlnw
U N to Win W Davis lot 1, a 10,
t 2 s, r 2e, lf).fl! acres
J A Talliert and wife to F M Rob
ertson I 4, b 20, Tallwrt'i ad to
O A C It K c:o lo
K 'H.htihel the
t 4 s, f 2 e,
! nw l.' of see
i . . A.
40 17 acres .
A'so sw '4 of nw '4', 1, t 4 s, r 2 e,
(i A Harding, trustee, to Win II
Wlllilll lot.i
1 ami :'?, h 1, Kiltfe-
' K le liiinn ami wife to F'veline
Everest 5 acres in tract K,
j Kiverside
1 r . .. ... ...
, Alison, lots 5
v it v ,
Knil Co to J V Ken lota
21 an H, in 51inttiorn
2rx)0 1
400 j
3; !
300 J
200 j
i t-arilw in tven lotn z&
ami 24. Ink 14. Miiithorn.
J110 X Nelson to Chas I'rufer 10
acres in s 10 and 11, t 2 s. r 2 e
J Surad et al to M Shank 25 a in
s 6, t 3 e. r 3 e
OiL'K R to Mike Jordan e1,'
oi nw.-jois ii, i is, r e, m a
1 0 W Taylor and wife to F Hog I 10
t , . . . -
blk 31. I'ark Plane
('eo Ogles by' to A Mather 40 acres
'P. 11 3 b, r 4 e
r. Cora ami wile lo II Keebe the
'a ii, r u e,
1 acie
i ....ui.lu.l
exrented . K.V1
i Wm Barlow ami wife toO V Quint '
I 1. blk 1, Barlows.
500 :
V II tiamson and wile to A O
Hickman sw1 of sw!, sec 2,
t a s, r l e
04CK KuiH Coxs'i o(ui.'4
and n'a of sw'4', s 25, t 2 s, r 5 e
Same to II llollmeiMter of
se4 and Be'4' of hw'-4' of 2:i, t 2
s, r 4 e
' . 10 or,,.'1""' I'atent to
34, t 1 s, r 4 e
F H lirown to Kva Mall 2'i'i ii't
... V, . . . . . V'1
arres in in . j i.aiiin 1. V in
t 2. r :j e
CO 1 Williams et al to K Xuttall
1 .'(, b 20, Falls View
Cyrus Jones uml wife to K K Jmld
quit claiiuto s .. of sw ,'4 and
10 acres of the s!2 ol se 4 of sec
22, t 5 s, r 1
R W Alden and wife to(i Jilulim
1 4, b 14.!, Oregon City
I) W Cummins and wile to Kate
Olson pt of set: III t 3 s, r 1 w, 10
J I) Lee and wife to I'liosa Abrauis
I 1 in b 18 South Oswego
.Same to Win Simpson b (i in South
Oswego :i.V)
Aimer Porter to Klla Whipple tract
of land adjoining Canliv denot
grounds containing 13,200 feet
Ol&BCotoC DeliaumlU in b
2H, first ad to Oswego l!)8
O & C R R to John Carlson se
ol n--4 of h 21), t 5 s, r 3 e, also
'1 " 4
sw ol nw '4 of sec 20, t 5 s
Mary'' K 'rit'ranal.an ' and' ' hifHlmm
to Clara K liruc.e ,' of nc!,
ol sm'4 h 2, t 5 s, r 2 e 4,000
Henry I lushes and wife to Thos
llartweln su' of sc,1, sec 22, t
4 s, r 3 e 2K0
(.'has Turrlich to .folm Hurley, 1 3
in sec 11, t 3s, r 2 e .'JS acres. . . . 132
United Ktatus to Oeorjte Wills and
wife latent to D L C No 42, 040
K F KinK to Ueore W Oordon
undivided of ae'j, w4 of
, ; s '4 of so4 01 11 w 4 of see
lil, I l s, r 2 0 -.'0 acres
Martin McMalion and wile to I l.e
Mahieu SO acies iu the I S Ilnw
land l I. V
II Z lictmuu and wife to ,1 V
Sunt hey, lie4, sec 11, t tls, r!l
e l(Ht aeivs
iOA I' It It to Alin-d Smith
j s4 of mv SI, I It s, r 2
se 1,1
' aerea
' Ueo Lunelle ami wife to J Itental
lt i Si a. re i.t of l 1.0 No;IH iu I a a
Van 11 IVI asliimUt e nl to I
Meyer of 3 aon-s in the ne'4 of
sec 2t, I 1 , r S e
IVviouslv reported
Total .'.
Oregon (il can IngH.
The novel siht of herding w ild geese
through the streets of The Dalles was
witnessed this morning. Oapt. F, Johns
priH'iired the tiiids when very young, and
spent ivnsidemble time in training
()'thein. They are doniesticKteil and are
j perfectly docile ,;.! tractable, lie was
J en route to ll.e river, to penult them to
enjoy themselves in the water
V . .. I . . ,
i miner roiinn Aiuany are training a
! petition to U sent tu the legislature,
I askimt llmt action l taken by that body
j looking lo the improvement of county
j Oregon's horticultural exhihit for the
.world's (air at Chicago in ISM, whirl,
has lievii prepared under the supervision
of the committer appointed by the Stale
llortUultiual society, is now neariv imiii-
plete. It liH.k neariv a carload ol jars to
i hold the exhibit and it is ccrtainlv an!
attractive ctilhs tion and cannot fail to
; reeeive a great deal of attention w hen
' arranged for public inspection at Chieagn
' next vear.
Twenly-foiir west-bound freight trains,
idei with wheat, paswil thniiigh The
Dalles in one day last wet k. Fvery ef-
fort is being made to get this season's
crops lo tide water.
Instructions have leen received at Ar
linxton Irom Ilostmi wool men to the ef-
feel thai they Kill not make any more
advances on fleeces. The pruiecl of
, . ,1., , ,., ,..
ine wikii nss sntM-se i me oolioin out ot
the inarket, and those wl.o have iiiade
.advances willle happy when they
coin hkuiii.
i The Indian school on the 1'inatilla
nervation has lMen destroyed by tire.
The building a a handsome structure
and cost considerable money. Theoii -
Kin oi tne tire i unknown.
The Astoria lliidget lo reaainaible for
the sialement that abuut a wk ago a
niutilM'rof enlerprisinit individuals were
going to Its-ate Morrison street, Cortland :
as swamp land. It has Wen decided :
; wenlly lo have it ilm-Un. a navihU
, dtri'Hm autl thus (.nally mium n lm -
proviMiu'titM ly the kiuthI Koverhmm... j
j Tire latfMl rumor nyiinling the nuir-1
i ilTti luinlftte olle, n Ihut lie inntltf
his any to California. Another credits
tt i tu with lielng in hiding in the (Hue
i-lnic in hMiiiK in ilio nine
hhl, herea,h.d hy travels
east ,s (irant's. Sherman
Mminlain w
a ((Hit as dtr
countv, and there took a train. His1.,, ...
trail ,..(ll....lt., ihi.1 .,!. an. I til. I hotinfmpha IK-Iivered Promptly In the
i'lenlity Inllv eatuhlinhe'1 The Ihhihi j
he stole Irom a r.inrlirr living oiiJmii-j
iht Flat he ahamhiiied in a lillle nhile. 1
probably (earing the animal miht lead ,'i,',,,ri'" 'l'iel o Any Sue Satis
to his capture. j faction (iilnraiiteed.
Ileautir..! Milmrra... Il.in.a I ""'J " ' 0EE00M CITT, OK.
One mile ami a ouarter from town,
good hoard walk past the land. Acre
tracts to suit purchaser, term easy, the
lineal suburban property offered lor sale,
yet on the market New oroiaised
motor line from Portland. High and
sightly. See L. R, Jannjcy with W.
C'arev Johnson tf
Central Addition.
Special' attention Is called lo the
beautiful, sightly and healthy locations
for homes en reasonable terms to pur
chasers wishing to locate in Oregon
City. Splendid water and other attrac
tions in Central Addition. Fine sul-
1 urban pionertv in tracts of rive
res or more, one mile and a quar-
uable farms for sale cheap ami on easy
terms, Apply to I, H. jannky
With W. Cary Johnson.
The S. H. Headache and Liver Cure,
HACK I rnlOlO j CHKAi'
If Taken as 01 reefed . we lliinrantes Kiitln
rHCllon or Kefiind Your Money.
Don't Sicken. Don't Cripe.
00 cents per bottle, by 1). M. Anihikwh,
the Seventh street druggist.
i:Niilllhr.l IMI.1.
Transfer1 and
Freight and parcels delivered
to all parts of the city.
200 II. II. ill I III IIIIII. '
Vtf sh Xa Jk WWMMMq
w hum
no 0000 to nLMU about
3aC'V'Achc, OuaiTit, tNriftMUrioN or
Ci iiun. VrLtow Watch, and nntatT-a
i , Vicid auicsi to ii fuwta
Jul KASBMm mmmasKsm
Nelti1!) U hrpliy hIviiii thl Out unttiir!ninl
.,. 11 in,' .Inv ,i( Jiimi, a. I' lil, .Inly
t'I'.'int.'J mliiiliiltiraini nl iliKioUivnt lnlin II.
IUIUt, ,tp.fH,Mt. Iiv dip I'tuimv I'i'iirl nf CUrk
I stilai niiiiiljt, alalv ,i lli,(,in Alt r'lia h
; Inn rUltui Hirsilint Hiil r.tnts ftiv hiirrtiy twill
j rtrl in iirfiKrnl ihv .tit with i.riiM'r tumi'Iipm
In lll SI lll law I'ltiif,.! Ii V. U),I m Otr,ill
1 1 1 y. 111 alar,,aal,l rouulr slut late, Wlllilll !
ti,.f II 1, .an,.,
A,lm'riillli.i.ia.,l I t lln.., .1.,1
I'aii'ti imhi o, iii. uvi l
I liiiven full mtjuily of inoiii'v which
I w ish to loan on ti,sl
(TU k l
HI' I0 ncri! or more on tint
tnt-.t fiivorahlo teri'in.
j uu H,ll
IVlHllico bllililing,
! elsctt hero,
at my
U fore
i -.
i CotTOSpondonCO
1 II. II. b U U U II A II Li I t
j JirTij-Cotaiu Msrijite Trcsl
NONE lll'T
compctcnt PHARMACISTS ImplOyio
riiit Perfcaerles id! Toilet Arllclet
Aim a hill ilm l nl
AiiN J.'fcv
, ,, . a.fvijt. 'ill nV
A U 0KK (lALUlK I .
Finest Slvle of Art.
l ine Crayon Work a Sjntialty.
Blacksmithing and Repairing.
Having one of the heat alioera III the
tnle in my mpliiy, I mnks
Shop oppOMito corner from I'opo'n
hardware store.
Oregon City, Oregon.
Full Stoc k of(ins & Ammunition.
Ki'1'iiirn on nil kinds of amnll marhiiiea
promptly maile. luilinit keys lo
any lurk iiiHiiiifaiiuri'il. Shop on
.Main Street, next to
Nohlitt's Hliililes.
- - ,k.t
' to. . r , - ''
s Parisian Enamel for the
rcRtion of a ficrfpct Coiuulcxlon. Tho
favorite I'rrnch Coainrllc.
Appel's Complexion Cream I'rnill-
ciilra Wrlnklra. auil givca to the 8klu the
Texture ol youth.
Appel's 8 kin Bleach. Hriiicies nil
bU'iiiiahes, iiiid iliacolnrm iona of I h- ak I ti auch
Hunbttrii, Hrcckli'M, bwarlhy ami
grenwy Hppettriance ol the tat .
kppel'e Oriental Powder
Wliile, Mnk Httii Creiim IihiIi-m, f
In Pleah,
fflvea to thtt
fuce a heuutiiul clear and tinimparcut up
Appol's Natural Blush Tin only rours
true to nature, when applied lo Ihe fhre or
II pa, cannot be rirtrctrd, tint tip In two ahutlel
I.licht for Blondes, Iiuik fur Hrunettrs,
III Aptil Coimotlo Co. Bin Truolieo, CI,
A pniitili'too how to Ureal a ooiuplaxlou free,
aud gooda ii'ur Halo By
NOTK k rit I't ni ii'riiiN
Unit omen si (rr"ii I'Hy OH'toti
Kuv IV lJ I
Nullco la linreliv slu-ii. Iliai lli l..ll" In
tialiii.,1 u iiIih liaa tllixl h.illro nl ht-lnlol Oi lo
tiirtkr lliiitl ini In tf."H ut hu i'UIih ami
thai all firnet III ha mail ln'li'1 llie telaU'r
an, I iri'inn r nl Ilia fnllnl Slalm. I .ami oili.ii at
iirt'tfi'ii I'llji. i iri's mi. I'M m-cinnlmr M. I 'J, la .
lliittii.ii'ait iMiirv Ni' iajvi. lor llie S V 'n a K
, aii l s i, a n sre so. I s . II fl K M
iimiiii'm tttf l"ll"W lim w llii,'aa in . no a In i-nii
lliiu.'il fi-.l.li'Hi'r ul'iill ami I'llllli all"ll "I aalil
lall.l, U I' Hi'Sllv. J tt llnallv, II V far
ki'l. I liilli'O slianka. all nl I'lu'l 1 1 IMa I'larkS
itniB I'.iutuy, in. nu. J. 'I' ArrantoN,
II JU liasiamr
.SOlll'K KllH I'l HI. It AllON,
I nu turn it uaaui'S I'ifV oooi,
Ni. i iml i
,S"llie la hareliy khf'l llial Ilia I Unwind
liatur.t -rtlliT lt llli"l lliilll'l nl III" lntrllll',11
In Kim k linal I'l.Hil iii aiii'i'iul ,il li! rlaon. alt
thai nal.l iriK'l IH hp lna.li U'l.'iff Ilia irillalar
anil hu'vUer nl lha t'lilti"! Slataa l.al"l Oilh'a ai
urPBiiuitly.ortfaoii.ini ir,'Miiiwir .Jv. Wi
Jiim'iIi Caftt'lttl,
Motiiraltiail aittly ii.l;o. lot Ilia S W 4 Sm.
S4. T 'M, H ft K llti lianti.t Iha tnlli'Wtiif ll
lt,,a Itrnvo ht eolillnil'Mli rail'li'lu'a tl".
ail. 1 1'iillliallnll nl al-Uaii'l , li Jiia.l, l.lni'
hart, X W OrllMh 1 Intliiaa MrKalia. Ilality
K'i'h, all "I Saluly. I'la. kainaa laililily. lll. .iu,
II.IM1J.1J J I ". rrki'. I,.'tlaler.
Notice U ticrol-y Um, ihot Oi t iutilDrigitrt,
.iitinutritir tf Hit iut nl KnU Amt mh,
ttlH'K4MH, by V trill tl AU Ohlt'f iMItlt I'jf Ut"
f.iiiiHy isttirl of ( Ut ktitiiia rotiiil) , irr" "it
llti Till tty of NottMiiiVr, A H ivjj, veil tit
Sulillti m'tlt.M t It ti( ti ra lilil.lnr, nil ftliir
jr. Uipm-I Uy l lr miNr, A l IwJ. t
n rliWk 111 nl mhl iltv.nli Ihf lifr itlliftt n't' ht
lie .ilt-w ing iti'it'i Im) ttj 1 1 y ,
of Ihf N K -f .. ilm, li
H. r.itii t nl I fir tt llUituilla
I Hi l"mlili
Ih m 4fl .if Ht li.ittllot Unt rlnltti mI i nitvti
II rV.mr ltl w tlf Mtl.l Uthl IHttr Hi I Ut H
iiiiii o uiu t)rt-m
t rriHi Mi llrt - I Hit tlfllf (Mitt tit hniltl till it f
of tatto, llt Hllf hull III tat titohClll WKtl Itlivrvat
nl I lie rut.' f a di ivit. lil 11 un-m 1.1 tw
ftiris) tif ttiir tn. fits
H W H imrtv,
Atm'r nf lhi fiuis tt HhU hihiih. it ?'!.
Wimp,. K ilr4r..-ty
lrt Nt'.emlw" Ji , J I ; W
Itll'h KuK rUIIINU IttiUUit
Htiir.t iriKHl fir rtoltitt vi r t Nl I., flati In
Hip H lllhitlt ri i H'lttoritl (ti thn triftt nf
thi rtuniMur irr-t lim H.iIhjh M i.ifffUUti
fur llir i-4lruiUr rm '. IM will t rfNUvti
by Ittla roiiifaliy ti(- l.i IWnmUf i:ih VJ. mi
M U i Ii.mki Ail ! ,i ! (irit, ir. .
I'l'fllati.l (irtipr) Klr-lflt' ('iiint-ny. Ni no
ftiinl irrti, I'ohUikI, Orrajftt," i,.t 1,1 itp iu
tlMtftcx. nil MtV(... ilm ..r.U 'r.iM Ur
f lthlit H " I Ii tlglil in rrjr. t any uf mi
hitlt U brrvbv ffrrht
iHtt INtl UKIIAt 1 1 rt Tilt ('tmfv
4, Iwr; i &
Do Not Climb the Hill !
George C. Ely's
lClyvUle. - OrviroiK
I Where you mil ?rl lh liiheat
I rash prit-t' for
Butter, Egg 1 and Other Farm
Full line of new giMnU at (irii'es
lower than Ori son t'il v.
r i
M " T n"V
, tl f'.r,"H
t" l" .hi m prnv
tint Williiiuetle
vallev, on live hihI ten
years' tiino
t tlit Lowi-st Katt-s Intcifst.
Write or chU on
j. o. nozouTii,
Agt. M .in Ii ut t mi I ,nu ii Co,, Kiioiu
No. 7, 2I0J Mnrrinon St., l'lirtlaiul.
Leaders in Low Prices.
Their nlock is compli'lit in
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Jill I'll It'll t'O,
Hoots aiul Sinus,
Notions, lite.
Country 1'rtnlua' ILuuliVil.
Coiner of Front uml Morrison,
IS S'l'll.l, on i:ktii.
For ki'ihtuI ri'iiiiirinj,' lie stand
without a jH'r. For first. class, n
liilliln (ooiIh liiH Ktoro iH Heeniul h
none. Trv him !
Ariiioiy, 'I hlnl ,i ml M On. Ili.iiinr 'Irill nl'l,
Monday. Hi'vulnr bllalitii ..( I jiKh. fst
j " .'.. .' iiiiii" ii.
J. W O'tllntiu,
K. H Ki'lli.y,
i.. i.. rii'io
Klrt l.ti'iti ti nl,
Hi'Ciilnl l.li'iil'li.lll.
A pamphlet of Information ad ab.J
uracil o? the law.,il,wt,ia fw Up
t, vritaiD raioiiu, :aeaii,VailnJ
k oiaraa, ooirrialiu, Iml rit. f
-Ut llroridwar
. flaw lark.