Oregon City Enterprise. R 'IUY tWKMBKK t." WI SPRAY OF THE FALLS. flocks at Burinttisf Andtvson'n, t"virvoi)p warranted, If yon want to buy lots in Bolton ap ply to C. 0. T. Williams, agent. J. S. Courtney M, 1. physioltin and enrgiHin, room 5 nnt A, Cliarnifth block. "C 0. T. Williams, i now prepared to i make wry favorable rate or. good (arm loant. ' Kstor Parker gave the hanl of M Wsbip to twenty new members last Sunday . Carl lUnda ws made a fult ciiin of the Vnited States by the county court ttua wwk . Those contemplating bor-owing should ascertain terms offered by C. 0. T. Williams. Take your babies to !he New York gallery and get a good picture while you have the chance. Get your Christmas candies and nuts at Stevens's and make happy the little girls and big fdrts. Rudolph Seiler is now in charge of tlie weaving room in the woolen mill as suc cessor to Arthur Ilaiyh. At the earnest solicitation of the proprietors, A. T. Putrow has resumed his old place m the wxvjlen mill. Furnished and nnfurnished rooms to let Moot of the Commervial bank. St Mas. G. I. Thomas. Bay yaw naints and oils, windows ; nd doers at the Park Place Store. Tbey are cheaper than elsemhere. Frank Ford of Osweuo and Oscar Stnrps of Molalla were drawn to serve ' upon the United States sraml jury. The 1st Baptist church of Oregon City, leave Uk-hard Hargraves of Sprint; Water j a license to preach tbe Uoaei, last week. C. O. T. Williams is now doing busi ness for liimself at the old stand next door to Cautield A Hantley's drug tore. Philip Thiire and David Manarv sub jects of Britian. and Lou Johnson, of I Norwav, tiled their declaration of cit'ien-! ship this week. , On Saturday evening as John Barrett j was going out of town he lost a tire? and smashed awheel just in front of ttie ; Congregational church. I Thos. V. Scott who has been in the j employ of George Bronghton for somej time received a telegram on Sat-j unlay summoning him to LaFarette on 1 account of the death of his little girl. At Stevens's confectionery stand next I door to Livermore's lio'el can be had the finest candy and fresh nuts in town. In i packages for Christmas purposes at : special prices. j The neatest presents for Christmas,! 1S92, come from the holiday stock of Burmeister A Andtesen, leading the j trade in diamonds, watches, clocks, jewelry, silverware, musical instruments ; etc. On Friday evening F. J. Louis, chan cellor commander acting and elect, ten dered his resignation to take effect with the expiration of his time, Jan. 1, and CO. Albright jr. was elected to All the vacancy. Martha, daughter of Mr. Straight ot Park Place, was buried last Saturday, the 3d inst. Funeral wrvtces were held at her father's residence, a large audience attending. Stie lacked only a few days of being 15 years of aite. The family of Charles Gibson consist ing ot his wife and six children accom panied by two relatives, recently arrived j from Kockford, Illinois, and have moved i intoJ. G. Pilsbury's house across the; Sunday morning about three e'clock F. J, Louis was taken suddf nly ill with ! what appeared to be a severe attark of ' cholera morbus. Dr. Yeargain adminis- tered a hypodermic injection which ! brought some relief, but he did not until i Monday evening feel like himself again, j Eight now we are ready with an J immense assortment of Christmas gifts. The piesents you want at the prices yon like are all included in our splendeil line of diamonds, watches, clocks, jewelry, silverware, musical instruments, etc. Blbmhistbh a Andbkhks, When on a visit to Iowa, Mr. K Dalton, of Luray, Russel county Kansas, called at the laboratory of Chamberlain A Co., DesMoines, to show them his six year old boy, whose life had been caved by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, it having cured him of a very severe attack of croup. Mr. Dalton is certain thai it saved his boy's life and is en. thusiastic in his praise of the remedy. J-or sale by Gkoror A. Hakdi.no. ( linrcli Social. In connection with the fair to be held in the Shively hall, on Thursday and Friday the 15th ami 10th. The Y. P. S. C. E. will give a Japanese tea and social on the evening of the 15th. This promises to be the most unique enter tainment of the season. .Make of note of it. TUB CITY COUNCIL JiRW J.UI.-HOSK IIOISK, SKWF.KK AMI II V MUMS A Busy and ImpM-faut Session Much i Boutin and iw ftnit)ii- lllHtt'bett The city eouncU held an interesting and busy session Cm Wednesday evening. The action of the committee on fire and water in purchasing 20 hvdrants lor use., on the hill at a cost of f'.'l.tW each wasj approved as was al?o their report of the i erection of a be lue cart house on the hill for which $8 per month rental was to be paid, and tbe recorder was author tied to lease tbe building of U. W. Church for three years. The committee on streets and public property reported subscriptions of $rt).50 towards building Madison and Four teenth street bridge and asked further itinefor consideration which was granted. As r some of the donatora offered but small sums gi as low as a day and a haifs work, they do not seetn very an xious for a bridge. Tbe committee on health and police submitted plans for a new two-stoiy jail 2llx&! to he built of spiked timber, con crete and biick, together with bids as follows: K B Andrews k'5 W Tower A Kinney --Ttt 4:' Hargreaves A Borthwick 1ST5 00 IVeth vt ttoettiing .:MW 00 Geo tlargravea (M Upon motiou of O'Connell the com mittee was instructed to contract with the lowest responsible bidder for the completion of the building within M) day of IVc. 10th, $2000 approved Kinds to be required and a forfeit of to per day for over time. The motion carried, Kelly voting, no. M. J. Broderiek was granted renewal of liquor license for another vear, anil the license of Flanagan A Hill was transferred to M It. Flanagan. Permit granted Stevens and Jagyar to erect a 1 story paint shop on lot 5, block 3, siie SOxts). The committee on streets and public property reported a rebate on sewer assessment of 39.23 per cent, but as this has to be paid Wk by ordinance the matter was deferred to give time to pre pare the ordinance. The following delinquent assessments for the sewer were reported and the city recorder ordered to issue warrants for their collection: Reuben Smith U2 90 Jno Schratc 2iM 53 J R Aver 5 4; Luke Comer , 74 40 J Johnson 75 tH fl V Rosa 2 10 W L White ! 13 L hoval , 4ti 57 Total ITM 72 It was voted to allow 100 towards the Abernethy bridge in conjunction with the motor line and a warrant in favor of Chas. Califf was ordered drawn. An ordinance against houses of ill lame and another requiring sewer con nections were put upon their final pass age and passed. Road tax of T L Chaiman, 0 Hobcrg G H Wishart and Caleb Cross remitted on account of large amount of personal work dane on streets Chiel of police reported the city pound in bad condition. Tae committee on health and police was instructed to in spect it and report. This brought out inquiries concerning complaints about sundry stock and dogs running at large Recorder reported the total number of caws brought before him as nine of which three were for keeping houses of ill tame, one only of whom was convicted and fined $75, which was paid. Six were for disorderly conduct and were fined $5 each of which four paid. The city collector reported: The tax levied as $4H7I) 37 Tax collected 4547 28 Delinquent 274 15 Eirors and allowances 50 i4 Referred to finance committee. The city treasurer's report was rend and showed as follows: General fund collected $5274 Of) Balance on hand RS73 01 Water fund received 17,'!2 80 Balance on hand 1143 27 Cemetery, received 51 50 On hand 171 87 Washington street fund all checked out. Main street sewer fund, balance on hand $7041.19. Delinquent $785.72 Approved by finance committee to whom it was referred last month and ordered on file. The following bills were allowed : H Smyth from sewer fund t 233 00 Geo Bronghton 100 70 L A Noble 5 00 Chas Bolds 8 00 C Hobcrg 40 00 Portland G'n'l Electric Co .... 135 70 Jno Kelly 02 50 Joe Purdorn HO 25 Kntbki'kisk 21 05 K Parker 00 Total $702 10 Council adjourned to meet at 7:.'H) Tuesday night Dec. l.'ith. We offer a great variety of appropriate presents for ladies, gentlemen and children. We can supply a suitable gift for old or young at any price you desire to expend. Bukmkistkk a Anjjkkhen, personal notes. H, J. Trul linger iheNssby ol Union SJiJIs was Uut town on Momluy attend ing to Amtjne, Mrs, W. C. Johnson returned fiin Tacoma on Wednesday after an ahaetuv ot about four weeks, J tides D. J, Switser and wife and Miss Alii't IVx of (jt. lii'lena visited friends in tin's city last week, A. W. France has come up front his home in Clatsop county to visit with bit) sisters till after Christmas, Mr. and Mrs. E, Richards came tip from Portland on Friday and visited W. II. Howell and other ft tends. A. S. IHvsser left the (list of the week for Astoria and Clatskanie on a business ! trip to to 1ms absent several days. Will A. Peairs of IVsMoines Iowa, the popular traveling a;ent forChamber lain A- Co. was in town Wednesday. Win. Boring of Oamascna a in town on Monday. He reports fall work among the farmers in his locality well in hand. B. B. I'eekmaii, one of the promising and successful young attorneys of Port land was in tbe city on Tuesday on legal business. I.. Schwahathor of fie Crown paper company arrived from San Francisco the I lat of tbe week. He expects to emin j in the city about two weeks. W. I.. Conant and wife and Miss Kdna Johnson of Portland were at the Kpworth League convention an visited T. A. Pope and family and others while here. j K. I). Wilson took the evening train south Monday morning for a business trip up the valley. He intended to take in the narrow guage and Southern i Vitii' as far south as Corvalhs. and to be gone iiiohI of the week. Judge IVter II. Ward of Portland, formerly from Indiana where ho sat uon the bench tie tore which President Harrison and Attorney Genera! Miller frequently praelh-ed, was in the city looking after land office caw on Tuesday. Saturday evening Dr. W. K. Carltwas down to Portland to attend the second annual meoliug and banquet of the Northwest Harvard cluh. The cluh met at Hotel Portland and passed a uuwt en joyable evening including a grand i banquet. Sidney Smyth left (or the Fast on Saturday over the Union Pacific to join his wife at Toledo Ohio. He Intends iioing as far east as New York and Boston and may take a run to Washing ton tiefore his return w hich will be about January 3, when be will be accompanied bv Mrs. Smvth. better than a flannel bandage dainivned with I'haiuht'rlain's Pain Halm. It will nearlv effect a cure in one night's time, j This remedy is aim) a favorite for rheu- imitHm and has cured many severe ! ca.-v ou cent bottles lor sale ty li A. II AKIUNii A Bo.j Plu. Why? It is a common remark that our busi ness i showinga greatly inc reased activ ity this season. Customers speak of it. What is tbe reason for it? Can't you tell? If not try again Hundreds of new customers are coming to us, ami coming once come again. Why? It is because you are treated courteously and get your full money's worth everytims whether you spend a dollar or a nii'kel. You read our advertisement and you know that what we av is true You came for the goods advertised a bar gain, (wrhape, and so slated yon have never been misled or deceived by us, in fact you find the bargains better than you expected. We nave your confi dence and we want it. This is tbe foun dation of our business. There is no nonsense about I.ki.i.omv A Hi sit. Christmas Present. For Christmas presents either useful or ornamental, go to the Presbyterian fair Thursday Bnd Friday evenings of next week. Nothing will be on exhibi tion and for sale that will not bear the closest inspection. Presents that are beautiful in every sense of the word can be obtained there. Pliot 10 Orchard. Walling AJarrisb, the Oswego nur serymen, offer tbe tinest selection of fruit trees eversold in Clackamas coun ty at prices within tbe reach of all. Cull arid examine samples of their trees and get prices at V. T. I'.ai low's store Oreg'jn City. 8teim Laundry, The Trov Hteain laundry, of Portia nd has opened an ageney in Oregon City with F. A. Waddoek at tbe post office confectionery and cigar stand, where bundles will be received and returned at Portland prices. All work guaran teed to be first-class. SHIVELY'S - OPERA - HOUSE One nigbt only. SATURDAY EVENING, DEC. 10. THE-:- WESTERN -:- COMEDY-:-COMPANY, PreneiitlriK their farec comedy THE GREAT HINDOO SECRET, tn three nH, nud the laupliahlo curtalrt rlner iu one net, fl HOUGH DIAMOND. Dooraopen at7;30. Curtain at 8:15. AD MISSION 35c. - 50c. Ticket! for sale at the pout office I I I I HATS FITTED TO YOUR HEAD. -15y using '-The l.yom Tutout lint l-onfonnator" wo mv .rtqtrt'.l to givo you ft PERFECT FIT IN ANY OF THE Latest Many olyVot to stitTlmts Utuuso thoy uro s umuitif.utal.li' m tho lit tul wlulo mw. Ymt ilon't havo to wait now for it hat to luijo itsolf to your homl. Wt ehuM. it for vou ami nuiko it tit ns ta.v an ft soft hat. In Still Hals Wo Carry all Stylos, From 91 Up to tho Host Silk In Soft Hals WVlIuven Lario Sttrk, and Can as tho Ilcatl of Almost Anv -We olliing and Furnishing O'CONNELL St CLASS, The One Price Clothiers and Matters, OREGON CITY. OREGON, THE LEADING GROCERY HOUSEI jhe Most Complete and only first I class iGROCICRY Quality consider ed, our prices are always the lowest. Fruit Cor. 7th & Madison, Shively Building, Oregon City. J. W. A. RSDHOUSe, If you have a watch or flock that 1och not run and keep cor rect time, give mo a trial and I will do tho square tiling hy you. If honest and fair dealing will capture your trade I will have it. SATISFACTION GUARANTKKD. Watches Regulated Free of Charge. No. A, Commercial Hunk Mock, Oregon City, Oregon. : Itt F. W. MILLER, - Tprrs - finllis 1 llUUUi UUlUUl JLU1U11UU1MJ Poultry and Bee Supplies, Etc., Etc. X"7 SECOND STJECIEIiaTC, PORTLAND OREGON. SEISTD FOR OATALOGUB. .- 4yic- j-rfy.. Styles of St ff are constantly adding to our eUtck Iiiitsirtcrs and dealers in Choice Hi Gracene Selected Teas, run Coffees & Spices. Butter & Cheese from a best dairies and Vegetables in Season. Watchmaker & Jveler. Has a nice line of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry for the Holi day Trade. Souvenir Spoons a .Specialty PERFECT SHAPE AND Fit Guaranteed "FTji Hanging in Prico Hat lor . Fit tlu Purse as Well One. of- Business Conducted On Business Principles. One Trice to All. Positively no con nection with any advertising scheme s NOBLETT'S STABLES. I.ivery, Fml ami 8le Stable ORECONCITY. tOCATJUl IIKTWKKN 1 11 K HHIIKIK AND liM'UT Double mill Single KigH, ami ami die horses nlwnvH on liitnil til the lowest prices. A corrall connected with the burn for loosn stock. IiifnriiiiiUmi regarding any kind o( stock promptly itttcndcd to by person or letter horsos Bought and Sold. IIRI.IKVB rnVKIUHII HEAT, jmicvENT rimcoNvtiLHioNH, PHKHF.HVK A HRAl.TIIV HTATE Off TUB CON STITUTION puniNo j'wnoD or TtxTUisa. Bmi that th worda " JOUH BTKKDMAS, Chm. 1st, Walworth, Sunny," are engrtivnil ou tlio Qovftrnmiml Bump aniicd to aa-li ptu'ltol. jtrSold by all Loadlug Drugglrts. Beautiful Fruit Farm ! Forty acres, levol as 11 lloor, nil deuivd, well fenced i: to II vo lii'lds, HO01I hnllHC 'Jl(lx2(i feet, 8li(llli(. wiill of oimI water and forcn pump, Rood burn anil out hoimes, Nevoral liunilreil fruit trccH priintm, applo, cherries, otc, Hinall fruit in abund aii(!o, several sheep, hoH, cowh, two young horsim. ICvcrythinf? in firnt clasH condition. For partiotilarH, apply to ownor, Milton Stingby, noar CurrinHvillo, or bco L. R. Jannoy, with V. Caroy Johnson, Orogon City, Oregon. Hats, Goods. Sf2 POWDERS I