Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 09, 1892, Image 5

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    rirefjon City iintcrprise.1:;;
it e.T i'o Mi'MMm
In tsrcmtth umm s, m,
iKntrn AUtiNA A
lltvi nn TT
' in,
i in,
W i III.
J ; ii. m,
It ' I' III.
Nil tinr Ul.ln(.
i cai ruiiTi mi
.m in,
r.' ii in,
t. Ml.
'4 hum in.
I iHlvul( mi limlit ku mi Hid t mnt !, !W
M rliM'li IrlliM
,. mil a in
'"'I' "I II Hill III,
Vtalii iii, 4 ,,, ,
llin furil nlili'i'l In plimita with. ml mulin
X.'Htll (i.ii'M)
Altialiy l."Tl (way atatliiii.)
I allttmM Hktri llliriiniilil
h.Kl.m r iway ilnllniia)
nil tM KiH NH.
Ilnliiirii lir"l iwnK mil. inn
AIImhv I H-4l (way ulnlluiiiti
l alllnriil tnm illimiiali)
SI m
U til
a ft p in.
Mall i'I.i.i. ..in Ninth. in , it ii ir
Mali. cl. t'lim Himih. a m.,T Jo i.
. ) m
Ilia Ml im
(li...ii cut to r iy.l'ariii. Mitiniian. MMalla
Intra at U mi ami atrlw. al I.' In itallf
OlrfHi Clly tu riy.Mllik Clark MVaitmrHriwia.
t'lilmi MIIU. Ultimo ati't ( olli'li, )tav al 10 a
in lnlair, lliura.tay aiul rtamrilay, anil r
luiln mi lolluttlUN (lava al t .14 i, HI
huhvy, iii:i F.Mni:u . ita.
A Wot.r lli'xr. Tim eunh for Ilur
ilnllo Wolf Mill I'onlliiiiK, tlioiitili he lint
lima fur rvmlvil the (luleheu of the
ollliitt. Vmty filicrllT ('. It. Maxiii l
Itow in the vicinity ul ('hurry vllle
in tin tHiunty, looklnx nut for tlm
liiltatun. Clixiry villn i Im-Klmt Hot fur
from tlm itoiiili lmik of tlm Hmxly rivnr,
nil in on tlm roi from lit-vi'iiui'. to tliti j
tolllioiiM, on llmolil Umlnw roml. Krnn j
liit.iriii.lioii tli.t Iliiiity Slmriir Mitnon !
Iim rvcviviHl, li I. ionillv that Woll I. j
In tlm Hull Hun foiinlry. It i iwi'l 1
tlmre ro grrrtt nuny ili-Mirtio) mliina I
in that MH-tii'ii, III almiMit any mm nf i
wlili li Imtotil.l flml adulter front tlm
winmr MaU Fowl It l aai.l rouhl aliMi i
Iw olitainml in aliunilaiirn. tl l rlatumil
ami not williont gmxl roaaon, Ih, tlmt
Wolf coiiUI ammm liluiM.lf In that
aot llon of tlm roitnlry vrry vanily, ami
rai'aii lintprtion ami labium. lriiity
Slmrllf Mon lia. a man with him now,
an.) lm ia vxry corillilrnt that Wolle ia In
lililing nmwhi in that locality. Uf
la conll.lioil lm la on the rl-hl trark, ami
liotxi aoon to overhaul lua man.
Wofi.n no r'oa TktTii Tlm rortlaml
(ii.nc.l KliM-trio roinany exiwt 'to
liavo nrw inai'hiim which limy arv
itaving liuilt for imlllnit aliimpa iiim
nlrttMl hy Ilia Kith of thia month, when
It will Iki lirotight up from tlm machine
hop. an. I act to work on tlm woat aiil.
Tho pulU'r ronai.u a ai'vonty-flvo Itora
(Kiwcr vnuiim attaclmil to gian which
incmaao tlm Kicr on tlm caltltt to
Itl.tttK) homi turner. Thiarahle will I
a very alrong aleel cable .tout enough lo
atand abnoat any 'train At Intervala
there will l attached tWtureato winch
mailer branch cable, made fa.l to
atumiw may la (a.tenad. Aa the big
cable w inda up the .mailer cable w ill
be hooked on and a nuuilwr uf atiimpa
will be o. rated iton at once. If the
machine worka aucceaalnlly it ia the
intention of the company to begin at
Itollon and clear out all the at n in pa up
to the Tualatin. Thia method will with
long ca'ile permit litem to dear many
acre, without having to move the ma
chine, ('AM.mil va OtiKooN City n Satur
day evening a number of the Oregon
City boya were up at the paik enjoying
(I taelvea on roller akalea, Hurry
llnyloa being pieaelit. A party of Cane
Utah boya ciine along, took awuy
their torchea and drove them away,
The imrret terutinated In alone throw
ing and Hurry Itoylea waa .truck by a
large roi k over the led ear und a deep
gash cut. He waa helped down to town
where lr. Norrla dreaaed tbo wound,
which waa fo.iud to be iiliont two inchea
long, neurly aa wide and cpiiln deep.
On Monday M F. Hoylea. Harry 'a
father awore out a warrant for aix ol the
aaaailtiuta before Judge Fouta, Mux
Telford, jr., and (ieu, (juinn each plead
guilty and were lined fit), Iiurcnce
Muy mid Funk June, did not nppetir
till Tttoaday. Tbo llrat wua fined lift
mid the bitter who threw tho atone waa
tnxod $211. Chua. Spencer and (ieo.
Freenmi have not yet ahown up. The
bitter bua akipped out mid cannot be
found. The charge uguinat the boya wua
for uHKiiult Hiul buttery,
Ironworker contain thia account of u
new pit lobe added to the pipe worka. H
ia probably the preliniiiitity atepa in put
ting the plant in shape to make, the pipe
for thi) Hull Hun nipu line. Siiperinten
(hint I.overidge of the foundry linn com
pleted the draught ol new pit to bo
put In next to und north, of tho old one
The new pit will bo an Improvement
over tbo old one. In udditlou toother
mutters thete will be two or three Btuir
wuy aa protection to those tit, tbo bot
tom ol the pit in cuae ol accident. This
pit will be for the niniiuluotuio of 4i
inch pipe. Work will begin on it n
soon u urrungeineiits tiro fully com
pleted. Thin will muko an addition to the
forco of over fifty men. Tho mouldom
will ho iiioyd to 'a aeperute building to
be coiiHtructed, In which radiators will
aIho bo manufactured,
Million or Kuob. That id what Sup
erintendent Hubburd of theflHh hacthery
who wan In town on Monday says of tho
m efn tiiki'ii liy the butchery dnr
Id lllll I IIHt i'lOMUl, llin (i lil t
i number In 4.4 1 1, ft I, uf which nil 1ml
l,17tl,ini'l vii rn taken front the ('lucldtinii
i mnl litis latter ii inn I c r front the Hundv
j miliMujiiMiit to llin run In Ihe Clu kniim.
i All weto sufidy liiiimnil In lh" Imlrlinry
i Nt tin nmiilli n( Clear Creek t;d they
I rn now luitrliliitl nut nicrly, It requires
j the eontunt hMimiiIuii nl fun r men l
! lonk alter the young Kiilinnii mnl ivy.
In Hlimit two Ktvkn tin) oldest spawn
Mill lit) nlil enough In hift fur them
selves und ti ny will tin turned Into tli
river, Tho urtllklul htiti'li'itg of thin
number ol I'ukii fiu li wMMin should cuuso
iiimkiiil lniiniviiiiiiiil In III mImhhi
ItKimr-Cuiira Ki.hction. (In Tiifalny
tlm Woiiiuii'n Iti'lu'l Cor(a No, IH hi'l.l
ltpmiinn.il i'lici ion kihI clurw ollimii hm
follow n for tl.i- tinntiinii yrur : I'lrnidioil,
I -ti , , 1 Mm. M M, t 'lmriimn ; anilor vii'ii-prcHi-"".
mi ,i,t, M, M. , Mir Junior vii-
7 11 i IM I . , , . '
... . i nwnli'iit; Mm. Linikiiia; Hcrrntury,
I M I I.. II II 1 II.-
ii" mi iiiiiu ii, iiHriiniu: in'linilivr iviim
, I'uniiiii I.. (.'tN limno; i lmiUln, Mm. M
j K, "hU; tonilurlor, Mm. M. K, Nurrlnj
I giril, Mm, J, JC 1'lnrvti; naalatmif con
J diirtor, Mm, HiiIIh )', llunliiin; in.air.Uiit
nuril, Mm, J lori.iiii ; ri'l'if I'l'nUtivt-a
j to tllairli t eiiruiiiiiioi(, Mm. Il.'llu I'.
lUriliiiii, Mm JimiiiIh !i. HuriliiiK ftii'l
(Mm. Mry K Norrln ; ullerintli'n. Mm.
illultii' Willi.,,,.; Mm M. N. MMI.fr.
jainl Mm. Iluttie WilHoii. Tlm inu:U-
lion wlllutTilr at lh(. aitoii'liinii tlut of
Ml'. llf Mt.
( h.v(,i oc Mail Koutk. A iwtltion
lu. Im.i'Ii nuiiii.roin.lv ikiii at Oawi'tt1',
Sl.tToril mnj Wilaonvillo lo Imvn tin
routi front llawi-no to Anrur. Mill
i'IihhkhJ io m to li-ave out Anr.ir n l
truuli n.l rxinnuol firry tiitf tlm
rivrr at WtliHHivtllii, mill t.ku in t)r-on
City, timkmir tlm routf ilttily one from
0ntu to Orcnon Citv, Htaffont mnl
Wll.onvillu rfliirniiiK tlm mine ily.
A cruhil i.n.miii.Uon of tho time crl
on tlm rullmaiU at Oawcgo ami trgon
'i'y. "howa 'liat tlm io. at HtalJonl
ami Wilaonvtlln wottlil get their mail
.pinker and have Utler connei'lioiia
than tlmy now havti. The roMMil
rhaiiKD woulil alao iwrvu to initke the
relationa of the county w-.t and the weal
aide of the river more Intimate. Onwego
and Ori'tton City have long needed a
Uire.-t daily mail
lUrraa Tiiak Walkino. Mr. I", F.
Moniy ia having a panneutier elevator
placed In hia liHUilaoiiie real lence on the
Muff which w ill prove a great conven
ience T. W Sullivan Itaa charge of
the work ol placing It and la engngwd
in the conatruction of a aolid concrete
foundation upon which to place the
heavy hydraulic machinery ntn-ewawry
for the operation. The cylinder rarriee
a platon hd ahoitt one foot in diameter
and thia piece of machinery alone weighi
over two ton and made a dig load lor
j ' lo,,l ll ,'t,m ,lu, k- T1,e
, elevator ia thn feel two inchea axuaie
and will extend from the baaement to
the third floor. It will be oianated by
water from the city plant and will ho
cot. tie led to the mam by a two inch
iiK. Ila coat will be about USX).
(i. A. II. F.i.ncno,. On Monday
evening Meade nt No, 2 held lia annual
election which reunited in favor of tbo
following named olllcem: I'oat com
mander, Pavi.l Mc Arthur, senior vice
commander. W. II. iturghardt; junior
vice-comuiander ; John lHireinna; aur
genn, I.. M. Andrew; chaplain, C, A.
William; quarter maater, II. J. Hurd
lug ; ullicem of the duy, C. II. Punchy;
olliccr of the guard, John Sluulel ; rt
prcacntalivea todeuitnientencumpiiient
to meet in I'emlleton in April, 1.. M
Anerewi, J.M. Taylor, W. II. Iturgburd.
alternutea. II. J. Hurding, J. 1). Calill'
und Win. Kttaaell ; council of adininiatra
tion.M. K. Willoughhy and I.. M. An
drew. The inatullution will be on the
aecotid Mom lav in January.
Wil.t.t AMa'n Fmkk 1. inch, On Mon
thly there wua a great rush at Williuma'
popular grocery atore and a peraon ptiaa
ing invariably glanced in and waa n
toniahed at the nppeurutice of u lunch
counter act with tempting rclitdica und
(rugrunt Htenming tea und coMVo. To
complete Ihe myatery the yiaitor
on entering, found hiiuaell con
fronted with h free lunch count
er niul invited to partake. Accept
ing the invitation ha wua bunded a cup
of delicioua aromatic collco or a friigruitt
cup of to the flavor of both being great
ly enhanced by the addition of eome
pure evaporated cream ol the celebruted
St. Chnrlea brand, which hua no etiitil
in market.
What it Mkan. Under thia bend
the Oawego Ironworker quote the Ore
goniun ua authority' that the, l'ortlund
tiiinerul Klectric company will upend
,500,000 ut (he, falla the coming year,
und adds: Thia power Htution is not only
intended foi f in limbing proper light to
l'orllund, Oregon City , Oswego und other
suburb, but to operate the motor lino
to be Blurted before Bprlng on the went
side Irom Portland through Oawego to
Oregon City. When Mr, Morey returns
from hi custom trip active steps will
be taken to promulgate the motor lino
Idea. A syndicate bus been raised to
build and operate the roiul.
U. l'ltlKll'S rilOTOOHAI'lt GaM.KRV.
It you want a good photograph give him
a unit nt bis old stand opposito Farr's
the butcher. Nothing but flrstclass
work done und promptly delivered.
Unci.k Ham Kki.i.m Lanii -On Tinm
day there tva thrown open for actllo
innnt twotowmdilim on the lower Ncha-
1 Thcae were 7 mnl H wcat In town
3 north. The llmt duy'a lllinga in tlm of
lice amounted to 17 timlwr ctulina mid
II Imiiii.ftiHi.li' hut thoao placed with
the county clerk ol I'littHop w ill .loulilleaa
Increaao the iiunilier. The 1iIkK''"1
chtiinaint waa the atate which aelected
aa lieu IhipIh fully one half of the do
ai nihlii luinla in the' two towna. The
lowiiahlpa ant the onca Htirveynd hy
Henry Melilruin luat year, a hiro por
tion of the wotk being done In the tnliUt
of wiuler'a alornia.
Chi'ucii KAiMa, The ludi" of the
1'realiytmlan church of thia city vtill
open the fair for which they have been
preparing for aoinetliiie on Thuraduy
evening lleceiitber 15, at tl::)0 p. m. In
Hhively'i hull. The lulr will be con
tinued until Friday evening the 10.
Thia prouilnea to be a grand aocceaa and
a liberal patronage iaexpected. All the
work dona ia fralclaaa. The different
booth, will be haiidnoiitely arranged
and will contain many neatly made
atliclea auitable for preaeitta.
Tkavki. ia l.iour rrank (iutherie
one of the Southern I'acillc'a genial
ticket puncher, aaya of travel that it ia
lighter jital now than he haa known It
for a long time. The through buaineaa
amount to nluioat notliirg ami were it
not for the local tralliv the cam would
run altuoat empty. He knowa of no
reaaon why thia condition of aflaim
aimiild le unleaa the rate-cutting Indul
ged in by the overland roadaia militating
againal the Southern.
S W. KuavAX to Mov. S W.
Kunyan of t'lackamae, who recently
purchaaed the Haiuiltoil A Allen atock
of that place, Iim rHxtght the Cray ball
projierty wtiiclt be will improve by
adding a warehoiiae extending back to
the railroad track. He will alao add a
new front which he waa In town thia
week to order from H fl. CalilfA Co.
When coinjileted be w ill have a neat and
convenient atore
A I'aoafKKopa Sciiixit.. I'acillo L'ni
veraity ia having a moat proaperoua
year. The truatoea have recently ex-M-nd((l
aeveral thouaand in adding to
the apparatus and general equipment
of the school. The faculty ia atronger
and the number of atndenta larger than
ever before. A boly ol atuuenta
mure loyal to their college and more
anthuiiiaaticallv devoted to atudy it
would be hard to find
Ntw to Dav. Imponed awiaa, cream
llniberger and Amencan full cream
cheeae, aourkraut, milebner and Hit
herring", mackerel, aalt aalmon anil
tmoked meat. Fancy groeeriea and
table dellcaciet aniving daily at Marr A
Hobertaon't corner Seventh and Mailiaon
On Ticoaa Mi niY Hmukh Dud Ihe
artiat, can l) found at Farnaworth's
barlier .hop, aecond door from pout ollice
where he will Kliah or oil ahoea in the
ueateat manner.
Notice ia hereby iiiven, that all aaaeas
inent for street improvements mil at be
paid at once or elae property will las lev
ied upon immediately.
W. A Whitx,
Comm. on Health and l'olice.
Oregon City. Nov. 2, 1SH2.
.Money an fttny teriua o O
T. M illlnui.
About the Assortment. i
One fen turn of our S"
Kolulny stock is, that k
there is something forf
everybody something S
lor everybody's purse. K
j The variety wo show
makes the selection of?
appropriate gifts eusy.
About the Price. R
i Wo aim to undersell f
4, our comix'titors the
J Purtliind dealers. He
i cause of lower running
; expenses we urn doing
it. Let us help you to
"economize this Xmus,
I'y-ss" '0r Ty-Sji-
J About the Style. K
Having bought direct g
a troiti c.Hsiern maiimuc-
turers, we can show you
4 in till lines the lu'test
A styles, patterns mid de-
v1 signs the inurket utlbrds.
fi Many novelties are en-
a tlrely now and will not I
be shown elsewhere.
Conic in and so how satisfactory Xnias shopping can be made, how
well we can supply your wants and how far we can
make your money go,
-stNOregon City Book Stored
Three doors north of postoflice.
W. A. Huntley, Proprietor.
j Thk Hivkh Ri'ANKKti. On Monday j
jtiiiorgo A. Htecl waa In the cityl'irlhej
; purpoae of arranging the detail fori
' building the electric line (rout Utb atreet ,
'to the buaip. The propoaitlon to lm-1
! prove Main atreet front 14ih lo l'th by j
I piling and plunking tlm full width wni
under conniileruliiju, Unleaa aoiriethlng j
i of thia kind can lie dune the motor line
iwill obatruct the atreet al Califl" mill. I
Mr. Steel atuted that be cronwd the,
('liii kiiiiuia on the IhIim work, and that j
work on the permanent atrorture would :
lm puahed, aa thn bridge iron badjimt
urrivi.il ft. la Iii. iitiinfii.ii lo tnuk
trip every thirty minute, during the j
day and at intervale ol one hour at night ,
till about midnight,
HKSliKKaoN'a IIoMK. A telegram to
the Oregonian from Uoldeudale Wash
ington where llendeiaon waa reared
aaya: Anaott, aa lm waa known here,
waa not known to be a bad lad. It ia
preauiued alter be left here be got into
bad company and became wayaard.
Ilia aged mother, for Iter pant charity
and kimlnc. to the poor and nick of
(ioldendule, la loved by everyone here.
I It ia believed here by friend, that
I (iovernor 1'eniiover will exerciae clem
! ency In Heinluraiiii'a behalf, owing to
hia youth.
Hi'ki'Hihk 1'aktv On Thumday even
ing of laat week, Mia Nellie llph waa
j suddenly aurpriaed hy the Incoming of
t goodly iiuiuber of her young friend.,
! who took advaiitaueof her lHth birthday
to spend the evening at her home. They
lett a Itandiionie iliotograpli album to
: .. 1 1 . l . l t . ; i. 1
her of their vieit and good
I'amkl JACKao On Thursday of
last week lie v. (i Win. (iibony united
in marriage at the home of Ihe bride'
father, one mile south of town, Mia.
Charlotte Jackson, daughter of II. M.
Jackson and Mr. John T. Panel. The
Ceremony wua strictly private.
Throioh all Sake Ci. W Rich
writes from Toledo Ohio that himself and
wife made the trip safely and had a
very pleasant time without accident to
mar their pleasure. Headdathat "Ohio
is all right" the ofliciul count having
placed her in the republican column.
How is Tuts. Last Thursday's States
man said: Sheriff W. C. (ianong, of
Oregon City, came up with Michael
Boylea, who will serve two year, for
aaaault with a dangerous weapon upon
a hobo, who was destroying bis property.
you seen
that line
of Ricksecker's
Perfumes we
have in our
window this
Nothing could
be more
for an
Xmas pift.
C, G. Huntley, Successor to
Caufield & Huntley,
How to Buy.
, The very best kind of ,
& a Holiday gift is thst
x which has a useful us
f well us ornamental pur- j
f pose in view. We have n
k provided for all tastes; s
l but nothing will please
P your friend more than a 't
present of one of bis A
favorite authors.
When to Buy. J
, it once if you want j
p the fit st choice. Do you
remember what von sunt
lust Xmas? That next
time you wouldn't wait
till the last minute. You
will do yourself an in
justice if yon do not Bee
h, our stock before it is jj
r broken up. j
.v-i- -tj) i$j v-tjj-trTsJ-Twj
u Where to Buy. J
i Where the largest as- j
p sortment at tbo fairest
prices is otlorea. we
are perfectly willing to
leave it to your judgment
after you look through
our stock. Feel free to
come; we want everv-
U body to see the nice A
? things we have. J
OFFICE Next door to Caufield it Huntley's drug store.
To exercise your good sense and taste in making your selections for
the present seanon and get a
Christmas Present
That will, in addition to expreBing your good winhes, be ap
preciated by your friend for its
You can get just what you want at a price that will correspond
with your pocketbook at
Silk Umbrellas,
Work Boxes,
Toilet Cases,
Manicure Sets,
Nothing would please your mother, wife or daughter better than an
elegant cloak or dress pattern, In
Our stock is the finest in Oregon City and equals that of Port
land in quality and price.
Cannot be made tempting to the appetite unless the best of
materials are used in its preparation.
Are selected for their
Oregon City Iron Works for all kinds of Machine
work and Casting.
To Traction Engines, Threshing Machines, Har
vesters, Mowers, Etc., promptly attended to.
Are equal to the lowest to be had in Portland.
Shop on Fifth St. near Main, Oregon City,
J. ROAKE. Prop.
Manufacturers of and
Both rough and dressed for lawn and division fence, also
And Wire Panel Farm Fence, also Expanded Metal Fence.
Call and see Samples and get Prices.
Shop over Bestows Sash it Door factory, Oregon City, Or.
Special Bills
Mill and Yard on the River, Foot of Main Street,
HENRY BOYER, Proprietor,
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Fresh Beef, Mutton, Pork, Ham, Bacon and Lard.
lean you all ihe intmcy you
want on improved farms at
the vory lowent ratt'H. special
rates given on largo loans.
No I'uilding and Loan Asso-';
eiation but straight gxxU.
After thirty years residence
in Oregon City I feel safe in
refering to the public in general.
Collar & Cuff Boxes,
Silk Handkerchiefs,
purity and quality.
dealer in all styles of
Cut to Order;