Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 09, 1892, Image 4

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
lHtblinUeit Every Krkiny.
I nient to leml money to those that need it at
; tno eer cent., ami Hint, too, on srvurtiy that
banker Jo not always oousivief sound,,
They have failed in this, tut now in the j
! statro in whioh thev have it majority thev
not eoutrolliiut puhlii alVairs. Tills being I reform inlnht mean mi litereae of larlU'or It
granted, it limsl follow tlmt a tirrtlt or ve-, might mean retlue llim.
mil element will not ton t ho good ami un- Tin1 tluaueial iue.ltnu tlgum! largely in
riiiht to voti when to mi tloitw thev will de-, I In1 result, Wliv it should in luorii lliim t
prive themselves of -ower, l'on Ihe other ean Ml, hut lh oili had otnehnw got
ft HI IMll K ASl rKomiKTOM.
. oHvt to (ftUvl the miii triH!W bv mrt- Hand if the hotter element ikw not vole It
J Ji i eting usury laws, hiili will make it un- i will not font1 Itself to inarvli ti to
" ! I-I...1.I.. .,if.,. ... ..I........ . .1 - ....... .1... u.ll. .....I .. I...II... O..K1.
iimi'-v'livu.r ' Vlinijiv IIU'IT limit ' inv nti.i .u(...-. n kotikm. i uih-
low rate of Interest. We Jo not know ; ienl power exrmsed by nuiii against his
whether they intend to .supplement this will eonld hardly result in god. If the
law hy another one couielliug men w ho ! more eomteiit, as Mr. U'ise presumes, do
have money to lend Hi the rate of interest not vol they must he the grvalet suhYrers, i w llh e-iil lue of every oilier dollar; the
tliev have made lawful, anil deny iig capl- d so Ions they suhniit to th e lis j democrat say the same: and III people'
talists on pain of death or something like ! growing out of an Ignorant and corrupt , party Is nior euiphatio than either of th
it, the privilege of leaving the (Mimtry or of i ballot they ought not to be wmuellrd to ' other In that demand, and that there shall
sending their money out of it. j vote. In laot they could not under a seeret ! not 1 one kind of money lor the rich man
"We wonder if these people know that ballot, since It might Hll In- deposited blank, j and another lor the poor man. Is It any worn
the idea that the democracy was more Invnr-1
able to ft coinage of silver than the repiih-1
licaua. Where they got that Idea I hard
to tell, bui they had it, ami It helped elect
t'lcveland, I
The republicans say, we want every dollar
sTlifi An rtiiiir Mir Sfian
XJUU VtiUlIA wv.s,j
One year.
8ix months.
Three months, ......
!iiKseriptlon f ayahle It vlvaite
Advertising rates (iveu ou application.
13 W !
1 00
they are trying to do what government In
other am1 ami many exuutti hate !
It i said that the hot-e of Henderson's
Entered at the Post OtHoe In Oregon City. 0t j b''"!"! "! laihil most signally to aceom-; HIUir,y js , , lmllh (l, , ,,,
s second class matter. plish. tiovernmeuts in former ages have ;,,,,.( , in the gioemor, It Mug deemed
r.. ..v...,,;.r,-.. with trade in exery shape mt i ,h, executive elememy will I
KKIIUY, PKCKMI.KK t, 1S'.2. ,v- Tl"'-V hv' ",l',',1 ringenl usury ,.M,.,ue,t on acoinnl of the youth or the
, laws, they bavetri.-.! tofij the pri.tiofvvrn, i p,,m,inH nian. While Mr. Mctlinn is
Ol pre,!, ot wool, ami a HUII.Ire.1 other MiiiiiliHt to cretlit for his .1.1. defense .if hi.
Th F.NTt'.KfKISK tuaranlees a larger bona
Id eirenlattoa than thai of th ether three
papers ia the eonuljr eosiblnnt.
dor that they di-trust the honesty ul h
professions of th old parties when some ul
our money ia made a legal tenner "cept
where otherwise stipulated in the con
tract?" The Iwo old parties itiv alike In
their holy horror of anj thing like contrac
tion. The republicans have made one fatal ud.
take In aitcmptlng to lailsier up and defend
. Mllwsakie,
I'nwn Stills, -Aims,
Meadow Brook.
New Kra,
tirk Place,
Kagle t,eek,
11. V. Pnvsser
lieo. Knight
W. 8 Kttnyau
iiary d Wisstiiiier
(i ' J. Trulllnser
K S Kraiulisll
t'hss Hotnisn
rommo,inies. i ney nave oroatnea mat .in-, cti. nj , attorney should his
ferent kinds of laUr shall be paid at cer-1 ,.mVi, endeavor In I he matter vet the I "'me of the shattered blola of th party
lain rates and ha attached severe punish- tuhlHrn fact remains that Ins client has j Th chairman ol the republican commute,
litems to th violation of their laws. Ittit it ' s. :t... t.. t... . . l r. ItntwtiMll ill.l s
iffit itniveu kiiiiii ituiero inai fan lias . - - - w
! .. ... ..II :.. . ... T.-..I- ... 1. I.. 1 : 1 '. . . . f... ...j . . i ..... ., , , , i
ti.-ti in .am, i muv tptti w Lntiinu ,vt.r tveen tlisnutt. Not only is he utility ,u ' 1 1 ' llenti u ueiemt in unauciai uis-
by the frtters thai governments had made i l)U, lls .lwvions conduct in this county has I ,"r ,,,, repiilillean party. Had th re
rorit. Ihe laws were evaded in scores ot nturL.d him s an iinsali man lo ntlin,!. I'nbheans all over the country done the
ways, some of them so clumsy that those i w r:0,,. There exists a strong rva- i "'"e, and refused lo defend men simply lie-
son why the law should in this case lake Its ! l'",w ""V r re'hlicns, and shtiwn a
course. There has been growing upon the i dissitlon lo purge their ranks ul some of
oublic a feeliiut that the courts could not he rasi als, they would today have been rl-
lUings to iiiiml tlmt our rolivtivoH nn.l frit'iitl tnuct It.- r.'iiu'iul" -nl
ttitll HOI III' Hllittlllll' il''rl'llt,
ur Dry ood? and Fancy Iqood Department,
U full of iimiiy r-ltoioo Hi'lootioim Hint " tin' Hiiro will 'l'itnt' ymt, lutv
inji Hpnri'tl tio 1'itiiiH or nionoy to tnitko thin ilomitini'iit iih tiUnu'
tivo an HiHniliUt, Wti ent ry 0110 of tint bout ami lur'Hl liiu'H of
Ladies', Gents' and Children's Shoes
in (MiiokitiniiH couutv, nnl
fitn hIiow
tll'rligllH in
Homo vorv liHiulHoiitfl
1 onlv who wantml to hi hlintt fiiilmt liv u- I
that the law had hceu violatevl. The usury
W.S NewN-rry , laws were broken more tteoueutlv and more
Hamilton A Washburn
- Mrs. U. A Sheppard
I impudently than any of the other. The
I lender generally found a way to dictate his
town terms, and made the borrower a parly to
his infringement of law as well as the suf-
' fere r front his illegal actions. What has
j h.ippenol in other eounl-iea in other ages.
j will be sure to happen in this country, and
I in ixansts ami oilier states Hi wntcn in ' .i.i i... iri.i.i ... i .
j i-eople s arty obtain the direi-tion of af- ,mi ,i ,iw'.,ini( ,.,1,0 r insulmrvlinailon
J. I1. Klliolt 1 "' "o " "louey will lend 11 , ,0 , ,w wiu , ,mJ ir n,,,,!,.,,,,,,
r . tidiiM'h on His own terms, or w ill not lend at all,
Mrs. W. M. Mclntyre it ie tw allovxesl to make hiaow ti tvar-
- Mr. M. J. Hammer i '" "dendenil.v of the law
A.iolph Aschott
T. M. Cross '
J. O listte
T ilowsr.1 1
K. M cooper :
. M Mtosly I
XI Hariman I
B Jenuitigs
- F. lilesy I
L. J fervtu
H. Wiltwni
John Welsh :
depended upon to aleuately punish crime.
This sentiment gave rise to an imliguaiion
I meeting last spring, and threatened to lynch
j V ilson in May. It ia the forerunner of
t mob law and Ihe vigilance committee. The
1 findings of the lat court have had a salu
j tary intlueuce, but let them once be set
Had the populists taken as their chief hat
tie cry, the evils of foreign immigration
and insisted on restriction amounting al
most toe (elusion, instead of advocating the
absurd fallacy of two percent, government
loans as the sot u lion of all evils, their ho
of success would probably have been much
better founded than it now in, for the evils
of foreign immigration are much more in
wrought into the exi.-tit'g ills to which this
country is subject than we generally sii
poee, and it is impossible to fully under
stand just how far-reaching these are with
out entering into all the details constituting '
the fabric of society.
One of the most unpleasant features of
this question, especially if total exclusion
be considered, is ibat it means cutting asun
der of family ties, many persons having
come to America as forerunners of the fam
ily whom they intend to assist to come over
as fast as the better wages of ibis country
will permit them to earn Ihe required cost
of passage. But this phase of the question
cannot be a controlling one in determining
the question at issue from the standpoint ot
judgment There is probably not a think
ing person but will readily admit the neces
sity for restriction or exclusion, for a large
share of the poverty and crime of this coun
try, especially in large cities, is attributable
to the influx of a foreign population which
the native element has found it impossible
to assimilate. American labor ought not to
compete with foreign pauper labor either at
home or abroad. The conditions which
cause cheap and pauper labor in the old
countries will in time tlx themselves upon
America if unrestricted immigration is al
lowed to continue.
There are but three imjortant questions
presented for determination, and these in
their order are as follows: First What
shall be done? Shall we continue to boast
of our harbor of refuse" offering a wel
come to all who come? or shall we protect
our own interests and provide tor Ksterity
the best surroundings and conditions that
the pror fostering of our fertile resources
will permit ? The answer to this ought not
to be a difficult one either fur native or
adopted Americans.
8cond-H.-w shall this result be ob
tained? As is too often the ca.sewith ques
tions of public policy, this question has al
ready been pushed into the future for so
long a time that its solution will require the
application of heroic treatment. Crime and
poverty have been thrust uon us Irom ev
ery land, and largely on account of their
increasing presence the necessity for action
is imperative, thus working a hardship 011
those who have left relatives behind whom
- they desire to bring to be near them. The
foisting of these twin evils upon us has in
creased in magnitude till it has assumed the
proportions of a malignant ulcer whose
only remedy is fearless treatment, which to
be thorough and practical must be by a far
reaching exclusion act.
himself doe not sutler at the hands of a
mob, some more luckless am) irhaps iuno
cent nerson lnav answer at the tvar of luih-
,s somewnai smguiar u.ai mere are , ,ic 0,illioll rtMKl hy mob law.
many men wbe see nothing wrong or foolish , -t
A MMK'aTte exchange says: "The
democratic party of Oregon lias been sub
jected to a thorough and severe purging.
in attempting to make a law to regulate the
interest to be paid for money, who would
laugh at the notion of making laws to regit
the price of beef or Hour or tea or sugar.
Yet one law would lie just as wise or as
foolish as the other. There is nothing
mysterious about money. It is subject to
ihe same laws as other commodities which
men deal in, and the community can he no
more benefitted by attempting to Hx its
price bylaw than hy attempting to deter
mine by legislation w hat shall he paid for
the use of houses or lands, or horses or ma
chinery." n'E.VEl'EJt A'.YO II '.
The tax gatherer ought to be well known
in Oregon and he would be were he not
numerous individuals. The owner of a
small place free from debt has to entertain
the county assessor, the school and the city
assessor. After making the acquaintance
of these parties, each of whom must be
paiit lor his services, he entertains in turn
the sheriff, the school clerk, the city tax
collector and the road supervisor, to each of
whom he must contribute a small, or possi
bly large, sum to maintain the various
branches ol government, and fortheextense
of collecting. This mannerol collection in
addition to the "Indebtedness clause,"
which is used by many moneyed men as a
cover under which they escape all taxation,
make the poer man's tax much greater than
it ought to be. The man who is actually
benefitted by the indebtedness clause is not
the owner of a small home or the farmer
w ho owns a few hundreds, fur both are as
sessed at a higher rale to make up for the
tax dodging practices carried on under cover
of the law exempting indebtedness, and
which was passe-i ostensibly for the poor
The motto for the coming legislature
should be " let no property escape taxa
tion," and having this thought before them
proceed to frame such a law as will best and
most equitably regulate the burden of tax
ation, let the effect of suc h a law hit whom
it will.
II it is a good thing to have three or four
assessors ami the same number of tax col
lectors, all Jof w hom have to he paid for
time spent in the performance of their sev
eral duties, so that a man never knows
when his taxes are all paid, just for the sake
of keeping the funds separate, then why
not carry this principle a little further and
have a state tax collector, a university fund
collector, a militia fund collector, a state
school fund collector, a general county fund
collector, a county school fax collector, a
bridge tax collector, and so on ail inliini-
turn, till there are offices enough to go j
around, when everybody can be supported
by the government? I
In contradistinction to this is the Iowa 1
plan which makes the county treasurer the '
sole collector, and he works for a salary so
that the total cost for a. county like this '
I While it made the party mighty sick for ,
! awhile, thank Hod, it got all the I'eiinover !
bile off of its stomach and returning hraltli I
and strength Is assured. The party in Ore- j
gon will now proceed to build up an organ-1
itaiion iiain principles ami not on the per-:
sonal popularity of a single man. It has!
lie o demonstrated too often that such an !
organisation as the latter is mighty liable to !
slip a cog In a close place." I
Who administered this purgative? Wbo
ever beard a democratic paper rail against j
our governor before he went off after not
strange gods but the same gods under a
different name? The party thai the de
nncracy of Oregon will build up without
(iovernor i'ennoyer in it will be mighty
small, if the Coventor isn't holding the
lines now he will be before June, 'W, and he
w ill tie astride of the heap.
umphaiit instead of a badly whipped parly.
Can th republican party ever regain its
lost ground or is It dead? many are asking
themselves. I bollev it can regain lost
ground. Hill Its leaden must reiitemlter
that this I an g of progresa, and the sci
ence of political economy is going through
a course of evolution which no party can
slop or turn any more than they can a Mis
souri cyclone.
tl is not necessary to advocate anarchism,
communism, or socialism : nut liter are
some ahurs which Ihe xstple have set out
Ut remedy, and they are not going to rest
ensv uiilil they hav accomplished their
ends. Among thrseare Ihe tyranny of rail
Mail corp ''-Minns, trusts ami coiuhlitalions
lot' all kinds. They prose to remedy Ihr
! irregularities of our present system of tana
'tbiliito stop adulteration ol food ; to stop
dealing in option, thus controlling the
price of products. When the republican
party will show a disposition to deal with
all these questions in earnest instead ol
merely as an electioneering diale then the
eople will regain conlideuce in the party
and not until then. K. I'. t'larra,
Anyone who wants to purchase a
Christmas present can make the la-al
election by looking through our com
plete tovk ot holiday goods, lb tuns-
tkr A Anhrkskx.
Uancitig Academy,
I'rof. At Keaer, instructer at Tort
land (select liam-ing academy, at Hi
bernian hall, lVrtland, will iqieii a
Thi opinion of the citicens
county who, living north of the Clackamas,
are petitioning to be attached to Multno
mah county, Is entitled to consideration at
the bauds of the legislature and all cltuens
ot this county, but the eople of Multno
mah county have no good excuse lor sign
ing any )ietilion to detach our territory for
their own aggrandisement. It seems to lie
a case where, being powerful, the ople of
Portland purse exercising their siwer to
rob their neighbor ami they begin 011
branch academy at Armory hall, in this
of this 'city to assenille on Monday evening.
Tlioeo wishing lo Join the claaa can ap
ply to Mr Kveretl Hickman at Walling'
cigar atore, who ia receiving applica
tion ami will explain term. Joins!
once. ll-i')
For hotiHo woiir jtint tlu nHi'ttt for futlicr, mother or your Ik'kI
frioml. We'uUt invito your oxitniiinition of utirflo.itnt ttHHoitiiii'iitof
Tlntt nw n plottHittK ninht in tlu'insolvoH, loniloH X37Ir'S3
for tho eliiulroii anl nn tnilloH vitrioty of lUlU'-A-HKAC for
tho urown folk.
Come Early While the Selections are Best.
Parle Place Cash Store.
.Now Try I hl.
It will cont vmi nothing ami will surely
do you good, if you have a ('niinh. or
wilh any trouble with Throat, Chest or
I. nngs Ir. King a New discovery lor
Clackamas. The fertile hills of Columbia , ('onsuiiiptinn, Coughs and Cold I
guaranteed to give relief or money w ill
tie paitl uck Snll'eterer from l.a
Uripw found it lust the thing ami under
and Washington counties will next amuse
their greed.
, ... . f , , iltHUsehad astteedv anil perfect reeov
inueiiennence n esi isioe is aisrmen rv Trv . .,,., , , .,,.
over the democratic ascendency and says:
"Now that the democratic party has com
plete control of this country one of the first
act of legislation will be to elect the presi
dent by a direct vote of the eople. The
lfi,0) majority of Texas, instead of simply
serving to elect fifteen mem Iters of an elect
oral college and no more, would overbalance
the votes of a (hue 11 small slates. The
South has 110 tear of a tariff lor revenue tie
cause it already has the cheap labor of the
Til a president's message is an able and
comprehensive document, reviewing the
and learn for yourself just how gnod
thing it la Trial laittle fr.-e at ti A
Harding' Ilrug Store. Large nir.u 50e.
and 1.00.
Specula. bui It tuvf crm
Scarcely a day passea without the
the new ot Horn Urrgo failure flashing
over the wire the usual result of c
uiulioii in si-.- k or some equally (lunger
01m venture. The Hume electric riinenl
Carrie In dour distant friend the Had tid
ing ol death of loved one too often
the result ot speculation ill pulent noa
truijiia. .Mooro'a Kevcalod Uemedy ia
no Hpwt'tilutinii hut ia sold on positive
LMlaranlpt. l)o twtt fnil til un tit vmir
work of the year and showing the present JnlL,jH aIll ai, (, yullr lll(lllly i( ,,,
auto-lieu. vie know you will go and
buy another bottle. J-'or salt) by all
Ladiea'and limit', robe at lloliran A
Warnor's Undertaking parlor. It
condition of an administration which will
compare favorably with any preceding it.
Htiggeatlnni for both Parties-What is the Dem
ocratic roslllnn?
I would not exceed including clerk hire
i Otieassesinent is made bv a iirecinctasse-
Third-When shall this be? The makers , or umer instruction from the county siq er
of the constitution in their far reaching j ,,., l p0n this assessment the su-rv is
wisdom foresaw the evil and provided for j or, ,ake ,eir )evy fr state w,nty,srh.H)l,
its remedy to be applied in prohibition of , citVi rfiail ,, 8.(,iaI r,,. tlnln om.e a
immigration not prior to but permit-; cjtiz,.ii has his tax receipt in his pocket he
ting restrictions at any time congress should know, ,llat is ()oliei alKj ,,c cail Uve wt,.
see tit. The immense area and great re- j out ti.ar and je ial,,,y ie rel)t of the vear
sources which have been made available by tl)P taxpaver insist upon having
recent inventions, have combined to defer ; js,j(.e rom ie i(.Kisut,ire that convenes
that time, but that Ihe axe should now be : next month. It is time something was
laid at the mot of the matter seems conclu-1 dune
give. There should be no delay in meeting
me issue squarely, )
The Victoria Colonist, the best pajier in
Western Canada, keeps a close watch of
American aflairs and is well informed con
cerning matters in the United States. Its
opinion, therefore, is entitled to much
weight. The populists charge that all w ho
oppose their visionary schemes are preju
diced by party affiliations. They cannot I from him.
charge this against the Colonist which un
der the head of "A Futile Attempt" says:
, " One of the objects ol the People's party
fn the United States fs to get cheapmoney,
If member hoped to be able to electares-p
ident and legislature that would make the
(lovernnient the people'i banker. Law
ere lo tie enacted compelling the govern-
Thk use and protection ol the ballot has
received much attention during late years.
One of the latest plans emanates from
Morris 8. Wise in the Social Kcoriornist,
who proposes making voting compuls-jry
upon every citizen by means of a credit
check with which every voter must be sup
plied immediately alter election or be sub
ject to a fine which upon repetition would
be increased, and if the citizen persisted in
abstaining his franchise should tie taken
The merit of thi plan, if In
deed it tut any, lies in the assumption that
the best elements of society do not vote, and
that this policy would force them to make
use of this privilege for the good of society
at large. If this be true, and Mr. Wise has
hit upon a correct solution of existing evil
the fact remains that it is Impracticable. It
assume that the best element of society is
WiuiniT, Nov. 2.1 Tn TH KtilTOR:--Election
is over and every one is surprised.
It is hard to tell who is most surprised, the
republicans at their ileli-ul, or the democrats
at their victory. A surprise awaited Ihe
people's parly also. When they saw those
southern states that were going to roll up
such a majority for Weaver, all going dem
ocratic as usual, a "solid Houth" still, In
spite of third party enthusiasm. Audwor
and most bitlersurpri.se of all must have
been the sight of Gov, I'ennoyer in the dem
ocratic ranks at Ihe Portland ratillcallon
cheering for Cleveland.
And now after the smoke of battle has
rolled away every one Is asking hlmscll'and
1 every one else, what does It mean? What is
j the cause of the great change in public sen
I timent? And nearly nil seem inclined to
I attribute it to the tarilf. " The people have
decided that they want to try free trade,"
they say.
No man living can account for the whims
that sometime seize upon a whole nation,
but I do not believe that the republican de
feat is to be attributed altogether to the tar
iff, or to a desire among the people for free
trade, but to a combination of causes, some
of which were far more potent than the
The people wore dissatisfied, restless, and
desired a change, and knowing that the con
test lay between the two old parties they vo
ted for Cleveland. And why did thev do It?
is the question. If it was on the tariff
they must have voted by Instinct rather
than by reason, for no man can tell what
the position of the democratic party Is on
the tariff except that it advocates " tarift re
form," And o doe every one; but tariff
Can bt rounovt
on to cum Ca
tJirrh Iir. Magna
I'ntiirrh itemedy.
It's nothing new.
For 14') year It
hn Imcn doing
thut very thing.
It gives prompt
and comiilete re
lief hut you wimt moro than that. And
you get It, with this ltcmcdy there's a cure
that is perfect and pcnnmicnt. The worst
chronic casm, no matter of how long stand
ing, yield to (Is mild, us'thlug, cleansing and
h'wllng proimrtli!. " Cold in the Head "
netxlx but a few applications. Catarrhal
Headache, and all tint troubles that coinn
from Caturrh, are at ouco relieved and
You can count ou something else, too
I'H) in cash.
You ran count on It, but it's mora than
doubtful whether you earn it
The proprietors of Ur. Knge'a Ilamody, In
good faith, olfer that amount for an Incur
able cose of Catarrh Iion't think that you
have one, though. They'll pay you, if tlioy
can't cure you. That' certain.
Hut they can cure you. That' Just about
as certain, too. Can you aak more I
eEtCa, EtC,
At jirici'tt never iH-foro
dreamed of in Ort-jjuti City.
Holman& Warner
riiilorttiki-r A
Paipterapd jou5eDeeorator
I carry tho liirRcut and lu-nt itKHortod HtiK-k of will! jiiiht pver brought
to Oroguii City, mid will noil at 1'ortliind irirrit. Let inn give you
figure on your work.
Shop on Seventh ntreet, neitr Center.
Three Ddhch of
Moore's Revealed Remedy
I Will Make You Ixvl Ik'ttcr.
OvorCaiilleld'i iJrug Store,
Office dnv from the 1st to 1.1th of each mouth.
Artificial teeth on rubber, flrst-clnss, lit.
Gold tlllliii from f'2 up. All
work guaranteed.
Dotm your bark itelie?
every utop neeni a burden?
1100 billioiiH.
Moore's Revealed Remedy
Will give you relief. Try it. For
Hale by all drugging.
A new and complete, treatment, enuslstliiK n(
Hiiiioltorlea, ointment In Capsule also In
llox ami 1'llls; a poslllvo cure for Kxlernal,
futeriial, Wind or bleed lug, Indilnn. I'hriinle,
Recent or Hereditary riles, and many dlamses
atid female weaknesses; It I always a ureal
benefit to the idiucriil health. Tim flr-t ,lt..
eovoryof a medical curu rendering an nioiatliui
wtiii win mum iniiiiiitussary iiei-eauer. This
nniedy ha never Imuii known to fall, l per
box, 0 for III: sent bv mall. Win siifl'i.i- Ir,,..,
thl terrible disease when a written guarantee
lKiven with six boxes to refund the money If
..mux. nuii.i i.,nini iur irite sitmpin, iillar
anlee Issued by WiHiiuanCktaXR A Co, whole
sale ami retail driiioilata, loio aKuuta, Portland,
Cooke's Stables,
W.H.COOKE, Manager,
Hueeeaaiir In t?. II T A I.. Co.
Corner Fourth and Mnin Strectn,
of tlio City. IUkh ol any iU-rh-i Iption
(iirnialuiil on abort notice,
All kind of Truck and L'olivnry l!im.
ntiHH protiiitly attitnilnil to.
llorea lloiiriliul ami Kinl on reaaon
abln term.
' -A. 1ST 3D ,
I'urtiiiB lHirln Wood Turnlnu,
lurna, jiruckulH, ur
Shop Carpenter's Work
Will bo Hultod by Culllnu on Mo.
Doors, Windows and Blinds
vi.p. tuo onirreKBtioHtt! Cliuro