Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 09, 1892, Image 2

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An Old Time WedilliiK ni Tin (
Serenade at Mulls Other Inter
est In (r Solos,
Moi.mva. IVc. 2. Tli Herman .?r.v.
now grind grain ai d plowshares on Satur-;
daya. The hoy are preparing to put up a!
hi mill to flit out fern lumber from young !
Yet a coming- the railroad-lot tt come!
Anything possessing moving natalities will
surely benehl some one. As it is the mud
takes us all in. j
Quite a lot of "lot 'surveying has been
done about town recently --laying out the
depot grounds, eh?
Not every one that has cried " taritT tar
iff," shall niter into tie jus of fat others,
lut l.e that "gets there'' may know the
a isc thereof.
thi customs are still practiced. At a tv
cent wedding in the evening of tne dav
when she owls Ugin to sing, there came the
racket of tin cans, bells amI -hot guns, when
cut can the old gentleman and gave ti e
bovs a sound l.ciurc on ' gonlie'na: ly ovn
dct." Whereupon the crowd ex. ue-l him
and called for the newly made promo,
whom they knew as "one of the hoys,
lie was only too glad to silence Ihetn with
todollar and fitly cents, lint then there
is nothing like keeping a wedding in the
Scervev ot the family at large.
Born, to the wife of John Yick a fine son.
John Shaver, F.so,., recently returned
ftni Bunch t.rass. The other hoys went
on to Montana with the head of ralvcs.
Dart Jmld. At Die resi.lene of the
bride's parents, November.'), Miss Ida K.
Tart and Mr. Kvemtt Jn.1,1 m n..rrii
i e bride', father officiating. We hereby
en'cnd to the happv couple our tW anil
b. st wishes through 'storms and bliss, hop -
. r
I' g (npid may tverfet) watch over his
Part-ed heart.
Sociable Beeomlng Popular-A New Orgwa
SeighborhisKl .Notes.
M.tn.t Lav, IVc SThe Indies' Aid
Rvtety gave a verv enjoyable social and mu
Mia! entertainment la-t Wednesday evening
at which tried tor receipts a moil ntet tothr-
diiilars ani twentv-flve iTnts. They will
give another social nest week on Wednes
day evening. Admission ten cents for gen
tlemen and live rents for hoys under fifteen
years. Refreshments will be served free.
lira. W. T. Brayvvn and A. Mauti went
to Portland the first of the week to pur
chase an organ for tne district.
The " Who Is It" arty to be given by
the young ladies at the school house on
Wednesday evening is attracting inU' h at
tention. L. P. Williams is moving awav from the
Myers farm and going out into the country
about fifteen miles. Mr. Bradley, reintly
from Walla Walla. Washington, has rented
the place and takes possession. He and a
Mr. Hilton who lives with him are quite an
assistance in our literary society.
School under the management of Neal
Btupp is progressingOjiiite satisfactorily.
J. Hecksirt, snrintendent of the Sunday
school, has brought it into a rluuri-liini; con
dition. Maple Ijne is in all rescts an agreeable
ard harmonious neighborhood to live in
and offers many attractions for settlers.
0. I. See.
Honey Order Office Established-Annual Meet
ing of the Butte Creek Fair Association.
MaaqnkM, Dec. 6. Miss Lizzie Howell,
who has been stopping at Mariptam for the
past year, departed Monday for Eastern Ore
gon where she w ill permanently reside.
The Marqtiam post office has been made
money orderoffice, totakeeffect some time
in Janaary. This will till a want long felt
by our citizens.
The regular annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Butte Creek Agricultural As
sociation w ill be held at this place on Satur
day, January 7, 10, at 10 o'clock a. m. for
the purpose of electing a board of five di
rectors. A full attendance of shareholders
is requested.
P. J. Ridings and J. E. Jack of the
grange store gave Portland a business call
this week.
John Hartniati, father of E. M. Hartrnan,
is dangeroimly ill. I
Bishop H. J. Becker lectured at the V. h
cb irch last Friday night to a large and ap
preciative audience.
1. 1). Larkins is preparing to build a '
new residence on his property adjoining
Several tiew hop yards will be started in
this part of the county in the spring.
HcbbaiiI), Oregon, Dec. 5. Hubbard is
still on the move. George I). Wolfer is go
ing to start up a store again and is having
the inside of his building painter! in good
We are also going to have a new harness
ahop on the east side of the business portion
of the tow n.
Mrs. Hannah E. Devoren sold a small
tract of laud to George W. Speight, Decem
ber 3d.
J. B. Thompson. of Tacoma, Washington,
who has bden looking after his farm inter
ests at Needy, returned home last Friday.
John Gahlor and J. C. Miller, of Clacka-
rfnillifv Mrll haul! a Innd rf ruit atrina
to this place for Mr. Oahlor and shipped I
Newell Gleason, now farming in Clacka
mas county, was in town last Sunday.
Cvubihsvillc, Dec. 5. Lillie Wilcox, who
at present making her home in Clacka
mas spent several days in the neighbor
hood visiting parents and friends.
The farmers in this section who have cat
in the mountains are having a pretty
time getting them home on account
storms and snow.
Agnes Currin has gone to Eagle Creek to
'stav with Mrs.t.tllte Onrrin who has been III
for some time.
Krankie Currtti has tiui.shed her term of
school at Viola mil is now a I horn.
The first devotional meeting of the Chris-1
linn society, which has Iwn organised here,
was held last Sunday. It is proposed that
the society give an entertainment sometime
in th near ftiliir.
Several Oltl Settlers Sick-lnnro Sheldon 'i
House Warnilnc
Mvrmot. IVc. T.-Vhillip Moore, one of
the ol.let settler in this neighborhood, was
taken quite sick one day thi week, and was
found by simr neighbors lying on the rloor
chilled through and almost helpless. A lire
aa built and he was wanned tip, which
revived him, and he soon felt much better.
He i
"Hilly" Johnson was found by Isoin
Sheldon near the post otltce in a helpless
condition. He was helped home ami the
next day appeared itiite spry again. '
frank Mctiugin came home from IVrt
land recently i. k with malaria. Hut the
pure mountain air of this locality "ou
knocked his fever and he is rapidly mwi r
ing Ins u-ual health.
(hi Krnl.iv last the hole neighhnrnood :
turned out to give Isom Sheldon's new
hntiseau ol.t-htsbi.incd warming, and such
a juily tune h i not been had in then" parts
in along while. Music was tururdiod by j
Fred Sievers, John Kylerand John Ktubrv, '
and the dance was kept up till near morn
ing. The supper was a genuine picnic, the
best the neighborhood aflorded, and was'
tit tor a king.
Serums Arrhleut at Stafford.
Srarrntp. Dec. . Ons Schnedler was
seriously if i ot fatally injured on the Wh
! '" "J- ,n PreaMng ot all eniory wneet.
I mt f" Mf- Bkan
! '"rl Av" to ,i,,CM' on
' " l,,m " ,0'' of ,"d
!...!.!.. h..l..ll -.. 1....I. d, I...... ....1
hole in i he skull about two inches long and
one wide. I'r. White, of Tualatin, and Irs.
N'orris and Tayne, of Oregon 1'ity, dressed
the wound.
Fire in a Mill at Mink.
Mink. Pec. 7. I-ast Saturday evening'
atHiut halt past tt o'clock Martin it Sou's :
saw mill got on lire while the hands were at .
eupl-er. t'harlie Martin I a I ju-t reiurin d
from Oregon 1'ity when he saw the tire. He
b.e the whistle, and the mill hands and a
t.umher of the i.eightiors sttn had the tire
extinguished. Hut little damage was dm e.
lUi. I1AKEU,
The Cuncer Specloliat,
Will be in Oregon City on 15th and Kith
of December, W2, where he can be con
sulted at Ida room at the I.ivennore
house. AH cases treated successfully
w ithout the use of the kniie. Ho will
come well recommended by the beat
citizens of Whitman and Spokane
counties, It
Notice is hereby given that on Satur
day, IVc. 3rd, 18!2, the following ani
mals were put in the city pound. One
red 2-yer-old heifer, crop off U-f. ear,
underhit and swallow fork on right ear.
One blue-roan horse, tdar in forehead,
saddle marks, aliout 10-yeara-oM, One
bay niare (no marks) about Tor 8 years
Old. J. S. Pl'BDOM,
Chief of Police.
Oregon City, Pec. 5, 'Sr.'.
To Ezchtaga.
For city or suburban protierty, a
ranch of f 5 acres near Salem, 250 acre
in cultivation, new buildings of all kinds
and fine improvements, new agricultural
machinery of every description, also
stock, hay, grain, etc. Everything nec
essary for farming. The best fruit land
in the valley. Inquire of A. S. Dhksser,
4t Otegon City, Or.
llucklen's A nil. -a Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for Cats,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale by U
A. Harding.
For Kent.
A desirable furnished room, close to
business center. Inquire at
Orkoo.n City Shoe Stobb.
Below is given the Oregon City Market
Report, corrected Dec. 8, from quotations
furnished the Enterprise by local mer
chants: 0 RAIN.
Wheat, vallev, per bushel $ tlH
Oats, per bushel
Oregon City Mills, Portland brand. . . 3 85
Shorts, per Urn If Oi
Bran 17 00
Clover hsy, baled 10 Of)
Timothy hay, baled 14 00
Potatoes, per 100 lbs 70
Onions, " 1 00
Apples.jjreen, per box $1$1.50
l'I'les drie'1 t,er lb
Butter, per lb 27
Eggs, per doz 32
Honey, per lb 17
Prunes, dried VHgA'1
Plums, " 08
Beef, live, per lb ... 2
Beef, dressed 06
Mutton, live, per head 2 002 50
Pork, live per lb 04
Pork, dressed, per lb 00
Veal, live, perlb 3'A
Veal, dressed, per lb 50
Hams, per lb 12
Bacon 10
I'resldenl Harrison Nututiil an Ex
hausthe Kotlew of the A (lulls f
the (internment.
WvsitiNoToS, IVc, tt. - t'ongreis convened
at the usual hour on Monday and apnintisl
eoiuniiilcea to wail upon President Harri
son and inform him that they were ready to
receive anv coiuiiitinicnttnu which he had
! to make. Owing to recent deaths In the fam
i ily he wasunaldeto present the message
: until Tuesday, when it was read In Ihe
i presence of IhhIi house.
I In the senate, so soon as the secretary llm
ished reading the journal, a messenger
I handed him the president's message, which
; he proceeded to read. The commercial and
business statistics giv en in Ihe first part of
the message and the sarvat!r paragraphs as
, to the "imposed etlocl of a land lor revenue
scs'ined to meet general approval on Ihe re
publican side of the chandsfr. They at
tracted but little attention on the other side.
Poring the reading Ihe democratic senators
for Ihe most part were chatting listlessly
, with eu. h other or attending to their cor
ressMiih'i,ce, while the republican enttlors
- paid the president the compliment of gu
ing In in undivided attention,
IX ttIK Hi'l sK.
The reading of the message in the house
; met wild hill little attention. Many n ein-U-rs
h it the hall, preferring to studv the
. recxonmendaliou of the president at leis
ure, at home. Those who remained entered
into conversation or devoted themselves to
a jserusal of the newspaisrra. At the con
clusion of the reading, the message was re
ferred to the committee of the whole.
The president says: In submitting my an
nual message to congress I have great satis
faction in being able to sav that the general
conditions affecting the commercial and in
dustrial interests of the I'nlted Slates aretn
the highest degree favorable. A comparison
of the eisting conditions with those of Ihe
most favored period In the history of the
country will itself show that such a degree of
prosperity and so general a diffusion of the
comforts of life were never before enjoyed
by our people. The total wealth of the
country in laafin,l.'VM',KiM. J ism
it amounted to lif-VHtUti i.toi, an increase of
2s? per cut.
j If any are discontented with their state
here, if any believe that the wage or prices,
the return for honest toil, are inadequate,
i they should not fail to remember that there
I is no other country in lbs world where the
conditions, that seem to them hard, would)
; not he accepted as highly pruasrous. The
English agriculturist would be glad to ex
change the returns of his labor for those of
the American farmer, and the Manchester
workmen their wages for those of their fel
lows at Fall River. I believe that Ihe pro
tective system which How for something
like thirty years has prevailed in our leg's
lation has been a mighty instrument for Ihe
development of our national wealth, and a
most powerful agency in protecting (be
homes of our workingnien Irom the Inva
sion of want. I have felt a most solicitous
interest to preserve to our working people
rates of wages that would give not only
dailv bread, but supplv a comfortable mar-
gin for those home attractions and family
I comforts and enjoyments without which
I life is neither hopeful nor sweet. 'They are
' American citizens, a part of the great -oplc
for whom our constitution nud government
! were framed and instituted, and it cannot
lie a perversion of that constitution to leg
islate so as to preserve in their homes the
comfort, independence, loyalty and sense of
interest in the government which are essen
tial to good citizenship, in H-ai-e which
will bring them, as in lsnl, to the defense of
the flag w hen it is assailed,
Til K RUt'LT or Till 11.HTIOS.
It is not my pnriwse to renew here the ar
gument in favor of a protective tariff. The
result ol Ihe recent election must be accepted
as having introduced a new ollcy. Vie
must assume that the present tariff, con
structed us)ti the lines of protection, Is to
be repealed, and that there is to lie substi
tuted for it a tarilllaw constructed solely for
revenue: that no duty is to he higher because
the increase will keep oien an American
mill or keep up the wages of an American
workingtnan, but that in every case such a
rate of duty is to lie imposed as will bring
to the treasury the largest revenue. The
contention has not been between schedules,
hut between principles, and it would he of
fensive to suggest that the prevailing party
will not carry into legislation the principles
advocated by it, and the pledges given the
people. The tariff bills passed by the house
of representatives at the last session were,
as I supposed, even in the opinion of their
promoters, inadequate sun justified only by
the fact that the senate and house of repre
sentatives were not in accord, and that a
general rev ision could not then-lore lie un
dertaken. 1 recommend that the whole
subject ol tariff lie left to the Incoming con
gress. His a matter of regret that this work
must be delayed for at least three months,
for the threat of great tarilt changes intro
duces so much uncertainty that an amount,
not easily estimated, of business inaction
and of diminished production will necessa
rily result. It is possible, also, that this
uncertainty may result in decreased reve
nues from customs duties, for our iner.
chants w ill make cautious ortlers for foreign
goods in view of the prospect of tarlir reduc
tions ami the uncertainty as to when it will
take effect.
Those who have advocated a protective
tariff can well afford to have their disastrous
forecasts of a change of policy disappointed.
If a system of customs rules can be framed
that will set the Idle wheels and looms of
Europe in motion, and crowd our ware
bouses with foreign made goods, and at the
same time keep our own mills busy; that
will give us an increased participation In
the " markets of the world" of a greater
value than Ihe borne market that we sur
render; that will give increased work to for
eign workmen upon products to lie con
sumed by our people without diminishing
the amount of work to be done here; that
will enable the American manfacttirer to
pay to his workmen from 60 to 100 per cent,
more in w ages than is paid the foreign mill,
Aro still soiling goods as low as any houso in tho
State. Wo havo not tho spaco to montion prices,
ibut wo would bo
amine our Stock. Wo aro confidont that our
gives us tho advantage in buying as woll as in selling
and we givo our customers tho boneflt.
We have just received a largo bill of Shoos
bought at 3i' their value and aro selling them accord
ingly. All Sugars 50c. per 100
Highest Price Paid For Country Produce.
Carlton & Rosenkrans,
- Pl.tti'iud,
- - hane
Crescent Wedges (warranted.) It S Proof Chains. Arcade Files.
Loggers and Wood CliopjH'rs SjK'cinlties.
Oregon City Agent, ......
and yet to comitte In our market ami In! tallied for their irulrclwni anil comfort while we w!l to see briber lives rnll
fnrelirn markets mill Ihe loreitfn nr.xlu.-er: Tna an ir,rn:sT i ruins lll lake the form of le(t.ltloit.
that will further reiln.elhe cxl ol artielesnfi The rrirt of Ihe secretary of Ihe nsvy j aatsst a. iti lirssPiTiau.
ear ami IihhI without nluciiiH the mace.' eihthils great nroure.. In ihsiHin.iriutli.il The revenue, ami e.nliltirw for the
of than who friHliii-e ihrm; lhat ran tie, of our new navy. When Ihe reeiil
celebrate.! after Its elteit. have Ik.ii real-jlary tiiterv.1 upon his tlultea, only three
iie.1. as It eisn.-Ution hu two in Kurof nnxlern strel vrW were In Coinnilloii.
as well as in American cities, Ihe authors j Th vessel, .inee mt In roinmUai.n, and to
and promoters of it will I entitled to the ,
highest ('raise.
Tita tw.i Tairr ri.srH stii.
We hove hsd in our history seeral ee-(
rieni e of the mntratel etle. t of a revenue
and a i rntei live larllf, but this irenerntim. !
hits li. 'I fell them and the esrrieti. nf
one generation " l'"' highly in.triirti. e bi
the next. The friends of Ihe protective)'-j
trni, with liuiliiului.hed coiitidenre in tlie
principles they liaee advocated, wiU wait the!
results ol the new eissrunent. Thestraine.il
and tHl ottell llistlirUd relatlotisrli.tlliel
between the employe and employer in our
great manufacturing establishments have
not been favorable to a calm conslderaliim
by the wage-earners of the effect Ummi wages
of the protective system. The fact ihat his
wuges were the highest paid in like culling
in any part of the wnrh!, and that a main
tenance of this rate of wages In tlie absence
ol protective duties upon the product of his
Inlor was lniKuialhle, were obscured by tlie
passion evoked by these contests. He msy
now lie able t.i review the .nestion in the
llglit of his H-rsi,nal eicriciicc, muter the
operation of a turill for revenue only.
CAt'SIS ION KUnlClllll,
If that experience shall demonstrate that
the present rates ol wam are thereby main
tained, or Increased, either absolutely or in
their purchasing nvcr; that the aggregate
volume of work to be dune in this country
is increased, or even iiiaiutiiiue.1 ; that there
are more, or as many, days' work in a year,
at as good or better wuges, received by the
American workman as has been the ruse
under the protective system, every one will
rejoice. A general prnresa of wage reduc
tion cannot be contemplated by any patri
otic citizen without the gravest apprehen
sion. It may lie indeed, I believe Is- pos
sible for the American maiitifiicturer to
rouicte suci eisfully with his foreign rival
III many branches nf production without the
defense of protective duties, if the pay mils
are eitiulicd ; hut the cunllict that stands
between the producer and that result and
the distress of our workingnien w hen It Is
attained, are not pleasant to contempliite,
the society of the unemployed, now hold
ing Its frequent and threatening parades In
the streets of foreign cities, should not be
allowed to acquire an American domicile.
The reiorts of the heads of the several
executive departments, which are herewith
submitted, have very naturally included a
resume of the whole work of the adminis
tration and the transactions of the last fiscal
year. The attention not only of congress,
but of the country, Is again Invited to the
methods of the administration which have
been pursued, ami to the results which have
been attained. Public revenues, amount
ing to rl,414,070,2!l2, hare been collected and
disbursed without loss from misappropria
tion, without a single defalcation of such im
portance as to attract the public attontien,
and at a diminished per cent, of cost for col
lection. The public business has been trans
acted not only with fidelity, hut with pro
gression, and with a view to giving the peo
ple, in the fullest possible degree, the bene
fits of the service established and main-
pleased to havo
1M Kro.it Strwt. HARDWARE I I'fMUmJ, Urn..
NorthwtMtrtt AtfviiM (or
-lwM.nl Tunletoottt
be put in roinlnii.si.in dufliiK Ihe Inter,
will make a tola! of nineteen during hi. ed-
ministration id the department. I'lirinK
Ihe current year ten ur e.nrl and three
navy luu have been hiuni hed. Tin oilier
Urne .hips and a tnrehi boat are under j
miilra. I, and Ihe work upon tlirin will Iw
rapidly a.hani-e.l.
tms tsm.rsr.
The rert of the secretary id Ihe treasury
will attract special iitcret, in view of the
many mlnleadlng.talriiieiits lhat have hern I
mad. as to the alnte of the public revenue. '
Thrwi nndlmlnarv faela .liiiuld mil mi! v tut I
stated, but emphasised, before looking Into
details. They are:
Hrl-That th. public debt has been re-
, dined since March t, fc, J.V),nTt.'.ii, am!
the annual interest ehsrgc. fll.ixt.lifl. i
Second That there ha. been paid out for
pension, .luring this a.liiilnl.trailon. up to
Tl.,,,'", 'I "Tl ,V SI,.,. f7H-.1,n, ,,,,llia
the ieriod from March 1, Ihx.',, to March 1,
Third-That under the existing tariff, tin
to liecemlier I, alxmt I'd.iist.nsiof revenue,
which would have been collected upon Im
ported sugars If Ihe duty had lieeu main
tained, has gone Intn the k kets of the o
pie, and not Into the public treasury as he
fore. If there are any who still think thai the
surplus should have Wen kept out of clrcu-
hition by hoarding It in the treasury, or de
positing it in tlie hanks without Interest,
while the government continued to pay the
very hanks interest Usin the bonds deMis
lied as security for the deHslts, or who
think the extended pension legislation was
a public robbery, orthal the duties on stigsr
should have been maintained, I am content
to leave the argument where II now rests
One Pure Baking Powder.
Like Telling a Secret.
A Rtory in told and it is a true story that over seventy
per cent, of all the baking powders Bold contain either alum
or ammonia, and many of these powders contain both. Tho
ill effects upon the system of food raised by alum or ammo
nia powders are the more dangerous because of their insidious
character. It would be less dangerous for the people were it
fatal at once, for then such food would bo avoided, but their
baneful action because imperceptible at first and slow in its
' advances, is no less certain.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is declared by all
authorities as free from alum, ammonia or any other adul
terant. Its purity has never been questioned, and while it
docs finer and better work, it costs no more at retail than
many of the adulterated powders.
you call and ex
lbs cheaper than
-better l-ancw-
'Kilter Steels .
1i)jm. Crtwont Moul
!Wl year eiutr.l June .V, from til
Mine, were :
Hrrrnties , t,IKM,0
K.penilltiirva 4l.Vlfvl.aM
j balance f U,tlH,tf.i
Thera.h b' I the trea.ury at Ihe
j ' of Ihe I . , il I. v.lliiialnl will
; '"' I-".'"-'. I"".
llulmmi Warner, I'inlertukers and
Kmbalniers, Oregon City Hank ttuiKlnitf.
Kweipt, note and order
Kmtxhhmisk olllre.
Inaika at the
bti-e.linsn's ssitliing N)Wilira fur
teething babies and feverish children,
now only lifty rents a packet. Accept
none hut St.-e.luinn's, tf
Central addition loOirgun City in lota
tlul ,lH.u , m,t p,ln.iar. rroporty
He !.. It. Ussur,
with W, Carey Johnson.
llrinir your prisluiw to thn I'ark l'laee
Store whore you can always irol the U-st
i market prim and your goods at tl
same figures as though you mi.l trash
Itnforw Inlying vour winter sunnlies.
;rall at thn I'ark I'laco Store They
have one of the heat assortment ol dry
g'sxla, clothing, tsfcits and shoes, mil.
Iinery and choice family grta-ntiea in
Clackaniaa county at prices that tall
If you want to borrow inoaey
apply la 4'. O. T. VIIIUm.
buinges, chairs, etc., ii.holstire.l at
lloliiiun A Warner'a. All work (ftiar
antiHul, IChi air all your old lounges for
littlu money and tlmy will lie goo.1 as